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Tfr qrtrq-Sr er+qi?rn {TQrH
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
orEilS q$ ftd-,,ao,z
Library Avcnuc. Pusa. New Delhi-1 100l2
E-Mairrd-'td-,il.9?:i{:f(@*i-9.1l:-e_9*v:,-lt._._-.-t-ql, No, 9.1..!:"?l$"-a_7.1?"1.""?1*Elq!.-N.9,"3"1"?!
F.No. : 20(03)1 2020-Admin-l I(e -6447 0) Date : 07.102024


l. Directors/Project Directors of ICAR Research Institutes/Project Directorates/NRCs/ZPDs

2. The Deputy Secretary(TS.), ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi -110001
3. The Deputy Secretary(Edn.), ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-ll, Pusa, New Delhi- l2
4. Institute's website
Subject: Filling up various vacant posts of Adrninistrative/'l'echnical Post through inter-institutional
transfer basis at ICAR-IASRI, Pusa, New Delhi-reg.

Sir/ Madarn

It is proposed to fill up the vacan[ posts of Administrative/Technical Post through inter-

institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-IASRl, Pusa, New Delhi. The details of
posts and their qualifications are given as und6r;

S. Name F-uncti No of Pay I-.evel Educational Qualification

No of the onal Posts
(Pay Bands
& Grade
Post Group Pay)
I 'Iechn Field tJR-09 Pay Level-5 Statistics related Subject
ical Fann oBC-07 (PB-r
Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture or B.Sc. in Statistics /
Assist Techni SC-04
20200 r GP
Mathen-ratical Statistics/ Bio-Statistics or B.A. in
ant (T- cian s'r-02
Rs.28001) Statistics or []achelor's degree in Statistics or equivalent
3) uws-02
qualification tror.n recognized university.
UR-03 Pay Level- Computer related subject
s (PB-r
oBC-02 llachelor's Degree in Agriculture or B.Sc. in Computer
SC-OI 20200-l Applications or Bachelor of Computer Applications/
Co;nputer Science or B.Tech in Computer Science/
Cornputer Application/ Infonnation Technology or
equivalent qual i fi cation frorr recognized r,rniversi ty.
2 Techn Press UR-OI Pay Level- Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in Hindi
s (PB- |
ical and with English as a cornpulsory or elective subject.
Assist Editori 20200 + OR
ant al GP Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in English
(Hindi Hindi Rs.2800/-) with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject.
'lransl Transl OR
ator) ator Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in any
(r'-3) subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi rnediutn
and English as a compulsory or elective subject.
Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in any
subject other than Hindi or English, with English mediur.r-r
and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject
Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in any
subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and
English as a compulsory or elective subject
Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation
frorn Hindi to English & vice versa or two years'
experience of translation work frorn Hindi to English and
vice versa in Central or State Government Office,
including Government of India Undertaking.
J Techn Librar oBC-01 Pay [-evel- Bachelor's Degree in Library Science/ Library &
ical yl s (PB-r lnformation Science or
Assist lnfbrm equivalent qualification from a recognized
ant atior.r GP
(Libra /Docu Rs.28001) Desirable Qualification: (i) Experience of working
in the relevant field in a University/ lnstitute/
rv) (T- lrentat
Council or any other organization of repute, (ii)
3) ion
Knowledge of one foreign language.
4 Upper 04 UR Pay l.evel-4 By deputation of regular Upper Division Clerks of ICAR
Divisi or ST (PB-r Institutes/Hqrs. The deputation shall be for a period not
on Rs.5200- exceeding 1'hree years.
Clerk 20200 GP+ OR
Failing (a) above by deputation of regular Lower Division
Clerks, L,evel-02(Pre-revised PB- l, 5200-202001- + Cp
pre-revi sed)
in the pay 1900/-) of ICAR Hqus/lnstitutes having 5 years regular
matrix service. The deputation shall be for a period not exceeding
Three years.
Failing (a) & (b) above by transfer on permanent absorption of
regular LJDC of ICAR Hqrs/institutes.
5 Lower OI UR Pay Level-4 By deputation of regular Lower Division Clerks of ICAR
Divisi (PB- r lnstitutes/Hqrs. The deputation shall be for a period not
onal Rs.5200- exceeding Three years.
Clerk 20200 + GP OR
Irq,iling (a) above by deputation of regular SSS, Level-0 l(Pre-
Rs. 1900i-
revised PII- f , 5200-202001- + CP 1900/-) of ICAR
Hqus/lnstitutes having 3 years regular service. The deputation
in the pay shall be for a period not exceeding 1'hree years.
matrix OR
F'ailing (a) & (b) above by transfer on permanent absorption of
regular LDC of ICAR Hqrs/institutes.

The above Inter-lnstitutional transfer will be regulated as per Council's instruction vide letter
No. TS-19(01)/2002-Estt.IV dated 19.03.2020 & F.No. TS-19(06)/2020-Estt.lV .dated 19.03.2021,
23.02.2022 and F.No. Adrnin.ll-212022-R&P. dated 07.06.2023 and other Rules & Guidelines issued
by ICAR frorn tirne to tirne.

It is requested that the abovc vacancics r.nay please be circulated amongst the eligible ernployees of
your Institutes and regional stations and necessary particulars of such candidates who are willing to apply
for the post and can be immediately relieved may be forwarded in the profonna given overleaf along with
the lollowing records :-

(i) Attested copies of the APAR dossiers for the last two/threeifive years
(ii) Vigilance Clearance & Integrity Certificate.
(iii) A Statement of rnajor/ rninor penalty, if any, irnposed on the applicant during the last
two/three/five years

Applications should be sent through proper channel in the enclosed proforma (Annexure-l) to
the Director, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Statistics Research lnstitute, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-
ll00l2. The last date for receipts of application is 3l-10-2024. Applications received after the last date
or incornplete are not likely to be considered. Flowever, the Selection Committee/ Director, ICAR-
IASRI, New Delhi will reserve the right to accept/ reject the applications without assign any reasons

This issue with the approval of the Director, ICAR-lASRI.


Assistant Adrninistrative Offi cer
Encl: As above
TR qrtq-ft ef,fii?rl-{ €FerH
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research IDStitute
dr$t qtt fsr,
q$ ftd-,,ao,z
.{tlFJflr Library Avenuc. Pusa. Ncw Dclhi-1100 l2

E-Mair Id = a-drn-i.lz_,.9":.ti"@*i"9.11:"99-y*L["_.. |-_*.-Np, .-o-1..1.:?{!{].1].1.:"?1_ E$L"N*o-,.L]-zQ

frfrm qreqr : 20 (03) I 2020-s{n- r r(e-644 70) frcis : 07.t0.2024


l. urfrvr+n+v${rrni + fihmmfi*d{r fra{rsnftds-{ frefl-dq@i/tr$q s{hr-{;f<

2. sc-qfuq6s), qrTsr.{c,1fr u-ea, r$ftd-r rooor
3. er+r-qfoqffrrqD, qtT3r-.fl, Tfr 3r-"{€rrn rrfi-n, r$ r t oo t z ffi-
4. ii€erT{fr*dsE"

frvu , 3r"ddiq3rn-er-iqw3ilr:ili, fsr, T$ ftd ii .,ir{-{€emr-d rerniil"r t srrqr q{ yfllsfrfr/ d-f,fi-fr

eri + BF1q ft-m c-dt *1 rni * {atu ii r

r&-cqr q+dqr

qr.T.3{.q. -rrrrfi-q
Tft srtq-fr er+sqrq €Fsrr+, fsr, q-$ ffi it Frrrm 3a-qytquT + 3{Ts[R rrr
,q61-qeenrra t qpqq t vrrqh-ry n-*-Sfr q{ + ko. c-di 6} rn} q.r v*arq t
remir{ur t qsi q.T E-flq 3fr{
srfi qlTdr +i fr,r$ t'
s. Name of Function No of id-d M Educational Qualifi cation
No. the Post al Group Posts
I Technical Fi.eld UR_09 Pay t-evel-5 (PB-l Statistics related Subject
Assistant Fann oBC-07 Rs.5200-20200 +
Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture or B.Sc. in Statistics /
(r-3) Tcchnici SC-04 CP Rs.2800/-)
Mathernatical Statistics/ Bio-Statistics or B.A. in Statrstics
an s'r-02
or Bachelor's degree in Statistics or equivalent qualification
fronr recognized university.

UR-03 Pay I-evel-5 (PB-l Computer related subjcct

oBC-02 Rs.5200-20200-l Bachclor's Dcgrcc in Agricultr-rrc or B.Sc. in Cornputcr
GP Rs.2800/-)
Applications or Bachelor of Cornputer Applications/
Colnputcr Scicncc or B.Tech in Courputcr Scicncc/
Corrputer Application/ Information Technology or
equivalent qualification frorr recognized university.
2 Techn ical Prcss and Pay Level-S (PB-l Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in
Assistant- I'djtorial UR.O Rs.5200-20200 +
Hindi with English as a corxpulsory or elective
(l Iindi Hindi GP Rs.2800/-)
Translator Translat
) (r-3) or
Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in
English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective
Bachelor's Degree ol a recognised University in
any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi
rnediurn and English as a compulsory or elective
Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in
any subject other than Hindi or English, with
English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or
elective subject
Bachelor's Degree of a recognised University in
any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi
and English as a cor-npulsory or elective subject
Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in
translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or
two years' experience of translation work from
Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State
Governrnent Office, including Goverrunent of
India Undertaking.
3 Tcchnical Library/ oBC-01 Pay Level-5 (PB-l Bachelor's Degree in Library Science/ Library
Assistant lnforn-rat Rs.5200-20200 + & lnformation Science or
(Library) ion CP Rs.28001) equivalent qualification from a recognized
(r-3) /Documc university.
ntation Desirable Qualification: (i) Experience of
Staff working in the relevant field in a University/
I nstitute/
Council or any other organization of repute,
(ii) Knowledge of one foreign language'

4 Upper 04 UR I'ay Level-4 (PIl- | By cleputation ol regular t'pper Division (llerks ol I(IAR
Division Rs.5200_20200 + Gp lnstitutes/llqrs. The deputation shall be tbr a period not
or ST
CIerk Rs.2400/- prc-revised) excceding Three years.
in the pay nratrix OR
Failing (a) above by deputation of regular Lorver Divisinn
(llerks. t-cvel-02(Pre-revisecl I)B-1. 5200-20200/- + Gl'
1900/-) ol ICAR Hqus/lnstitutes having 5 Y'ears regular
service. T'he deputation shall be tbr a period nol e\ceeding
1'hree years.
Failing (a) & (b) above b)'lransftr on pcrmancnt absorption ol'
rcgular UDC ol ICAR Hqrs/institutes.
Lower OI UR Pay Level-4 (PB- l By deputation of regular Lower Division Clerks of
5 'l-he deputation shall be for a
Division Rs.5200-2020P + ICAR lnstitutes/l{qrs.
alClerk GP Rs.l900/- pre- period not exceeding ThreeORYears.
revised) in the pay
Failing (a) above by deputation of regular SSS, l.evel-
0l(Pre-revised PB-l , 5200-20200/- + GP 1900/-) of
ICAR Hqus/lnstitutes having 3 years regular service.
The deputation shall be fbr a period not exceeding Three
Failing (a) & (b) above by transfer on permanent
absorption of regular LDC of ICAR Hqrs/institutes.

3cft6sid{-{iq?drrrd€erniiruqftq-ddrrerft qeriwtrs-t9(01)/2002-Estt.lvfrqis 19.03.2020

TS-19(06)t2o2o-Est.rv fr{is t9.03.202t,23.02.2022 q{
3fl1 F.No. p.No. Adrnin.ll-212022-R&P,

dared 0 7. 0 6. 2 02 3 gq qqq-s{q qr erfr ffiffi t e+-qsR rsqT qrqrn I

4-d er3nq t fr scn-s ko, q-dt*1 3nq+ scerilsftsm itmrq sG il-A vn efir a,o-*
ftqr ern
sciEqdt + dq cfr-sTfrd tdqr wi r cH
"qHi + 3Tfffi fr 3rtRrd qrrm vrd *) X, *t t +rt{ ffi E{+
$d sTf"c-s t*-qr qr u+-m t t srrr 6r ffi g 3qsoq 6uii :-
qqq fr frQrfr {

(i) ffi A.frqni-sqfr *qfrqe{R d&qr fr q-.{rfud qfrqi

(ii) sd*&dT 3ftssftyyqpse 1

(iii) ftr6a *rd-{/qiq esT + <trc srft{fi c{ E Trg d e-s,6}"4 es sT fr+rur, qR +t$ d r

eil-ifi sfod qnaq t {-f,Iq M (3+rer-{m- r ) ii fraxm, rn*fifiq-r+rd-q TR srM }r+{iqm {iT?rH,
$n-sToq (i-* W, ri ftd- r t oo t z q) t$ r gil-a<q yrs qid ffi
fi 3ifrq : r-ro-zoz+ t r 3ifdq ftRr * il(
w et$ gil-+<ii c{ ft-qn r$ aq1** r mffi, q+q qfrfr,frhrs, rrr*erqq-rransi3r{i, {i ftid fq-+ *t$ mnur
e-orq enHi +1 +fonzsrdq;n mr) oT wFron glwo Idt r

q5 q-1 frfo'6, qrTtq-T.g.vi.ei.+i. fr ffi sq{rd erft i*qr er w t r


dftaftilrft I
{6rzr+. v{ruk*.3TRrfl-ft
sHETT+F :- STfriFIq-{M



I Name of the applicant

Father's/Husband' s narne

2. Gender: Male/Female
3. Date of Birth & age
4. Narne of the ICAR Institute where applicant is
working at present.
5. Narne of the post, category & functional group
to which initially appointed with date

Present post held on regular basis with date of

assessn'lent promotion
6. Date of confinnation/post held substantively
7. Nature of duties performed (in briefl)
8. Educational Qualifi cation Graduation Degree/ Diploma & Subject
(Subjects studied at graduation/ difloma level Studied
should be clearly mentioned) Post-Graduation-
Others, if any-
9. Whether belongs to UR/SC/S'|/ OBC/
Physically handicapped selected under which
category (UR/SC/SITORC/PH )
10. Ernail address (preferably ICAR email ID
[email protected]) and Mobile No.
ll Reason for transfer:
(Pl.specify-Max 100 words and attach
necessary docurnents, if any)
I do hereby declare that the particulars furnished by me are correct to the best of knowledge & belief.

Date: (Signature o1- the applicant)

It is certified that particulars furnished above have been verified from the Service Book/record and
found correJt di-d?he following papers/documents(s) are being supplied:-

(i) Attested copies of the APAR dossiers for the last two/three/five years
(ii) Vigilance Clearance & Integrity Certificate.
(iii) A Staternent of major/ rninor penalty, if any, imposed on the applicant during the last two/
three/ five years

Further, he/she will be relieved irnmediately on the event of his/her selection.

Signature of the Head of Office

(With Stamp)

3iil{-€{pdrlrd TenTtilur sTTerR q{ ffi-il fr ild-fi-ft {r6rq-fi Cfr-ll * qE * ftq 3Tra-dr

I q-tq+'sTTrq
2 fttrrds/qkin
3 s-{ frfu Sr errq
4 3r-ifiq3rr €FerH qr crc q6i qrtron q-tqT{ ii
mrt'mt r

5 fiqfu fr frFr, q-q, ffi 3{tr sTqkq+ s{6.Fr qlrr

tus fdFr t ftqtu Si S
e-dqrr q< qrilcqi q-sio-qqffi fr tdFr
6 cEfrfdF{
I qrkd{f, q{
7 t+}qq{trifrlFfr Csfrqitl
8 *fks fr,{dr rqrd*. M ffiqr efo frsq sT 3{rq{FT

Csro-*,fficr kR rR u't+++ f*.q {q Mi *.r srd-{ttr{-

{qE sq + satq frqr qr+ qrRql erq, qfrst$d
9 iFr qsrR I rrs$ z qrsE I srtdm I vnftk+ sq t
fr*-siq q.r qqq fus M CqsTR / \rsfr r rrr8 z

oi-fiS lfrga; *nEaf*qrlwt

l0 ttro qm leriirrrrr, eftmqem fno eni$
qrfr@icar. gov. n) Sr frqr1s iql

ll etrnirrqflmnur.
fqqqrfrffiEqi-3{Rmf,q 100 yr6iE efir ern{zrfr

t gs ero fr frsq r om {t* ft era v*gn fu+rur ft w srtr frsrq * er++rn vfr t t

$ frqiq' len}r*trsmug
t*qrqrort fusc{ fEq rrq fq-d{"r s1'{trqqq-/frg=r-d ts-.qrfr-df6qr -rqrt 3rt{{rfi qqr
.rqr t eft{ frqfrfu-o mr.rqroagorisit }ko frfr er G t' -

1i; trod d,tft+mia afr * qfrq3{R dfrq{ fr €-sIftd vftrsi

grt{ rflfrsr v{rurqrt
f itl sa-#m {qS

liiiy ffi *rfrrlqiq sfr + *{H er-}<-s c{ dr-r$.r$ q$,refrB rs sT fuflq, qR ot$ d t

w+ 3l_f,rqr, r+t qqq fr ftrrfr ii {"t oin mr{q-m mr ftqr qrqrrt



1- Name of the Candidate

2- Narne of the Institute

3- Postal Address

4- Date of Appointment as LDC

at ICAR Hqrs/lnstt.

5- Date of Bifth

6- Educational Qualification
7- Details of Technical/Other qualifications,
if any, also details of the departrnental
exanrination, il'any, passed :

8- Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC

9- Service
lce particula rS

Name of the Post held Scale of pay Period Nature of Whether Ad-
Institute duties hoc or on
From to
regular basis

10- Any other information/particulars

relevant to the service ofthe applicant:

I do hereby declare that the particulars firrnislred by rnc are correct to the best of my knorvledge
and belief.



Certiflcate that the information furnished by the afbresaid applicant has been verified frorn the
offlce/service records and found correct.



Efu Hifrq-fir 3I{strrfl d-€rrra drgm (,a;q, EsI. +$ ftFfr-rloorz di .r-d{ 4ufr
ftfuotq-+r M Rffi q-d w qfrkgfui eErS q-flriqr fr 3nER q{ Ferarf,{ul fr ilqrR q{ ryi
f+ $r}ra qq-{

1. 3{Sqr?ff 6T arfr

2. g*zrra 6-l al,{

3. Wr aqq-6R 61 AEI

4. slp3r{q ryc+ra-+z+irerrdt ii FF
s. a-;a frfS

6. q)f,fr+. azn 3r;q qlrq?rrcr

7. ro.ftffrz:r;q ffi q;r fr-{{ur qft qtr$ H,

Elrrdlq 5-tr qftsrK, 6r E-d{unrE 6i$ t

8. 3I{qE-d arFza-a qrFz:t;q ft-s5r a-rt :

e. d-{r fuqlq

TTF?IET 6 AI ErlIa q-s iilflflra 3rdlq fqr Frsq rrsgim qr

ffia :ntr
t a?F

10. 3Trld-an frr e-Er t s#aifq-d :l;q ol€ Stzlaqzr arrorfrzfr-+rur ,

d Is qrd fir dqun orar ( t6 frt 6rlr r5d fu+lur dt qra :ilr fuarrs fi a-gon trfr t t

3Trn{6 il rcarai-{

+-rstcq 31-T8r il-{r arfr l+-qr rrqr [HruIq;I

qo scqrfua arar t
P+-qr f* ,*rt- 3nff+. arr kqr urqr fu+rur orqi-oqzd-qr gtr'doT t trcqrfu-a foqr
urqr t asn Hfr qrqr rrqr t t

enrst-d-q 3rc.qar fi cearar aI6{ strd

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