research • When should I start my research? – NOW! – If you don’t start now, you will never start, and forever gonna ask the same quesAon
• Why should I do research? I just want to teach…
– Great, you don’t have to do research. It’s enArely fine to just teach. – Be the best teacher, strive for the Best Teacher Award! ... – By the way.... the best teacher does not teach the same old slides for the next 30 years! You need updates of knowledge and technologies • When should I start my research? – NOW! – If you don’t start now, you will never start, and forever gonna ask the same quesAon
• Why should I do research? I just want to teach…
– Great, you don’t have to do research. It’s enArely fine to just teach. – Be the best teacher, strive for the Best Teacher Award! ... – By the way.... the best teacher does not teach the same old slides for the next 30 years! You need updates of knowledge and technologies • When should I start my research? – NOW! – If you don’t start now, you will never start, and forever gonna ask the same quesAon
• Why should I do research? I just want to teach…
– Great, you don’t have to do research. It’s enArely fine to just teach. – Be the best teacher, strive for the Best Teacher Award! ... – By the way.... the best teacher does not teach the same old slides for the next 30 years! You need updates of knowledge and technologies • When should I start my research? – NOW! – If you don’t start now, you will never start, and forever gonna ask the same quesAon
• Why should I do research? I just want to teach…
– Great, you don’t have to do research. It’s enArely fine to just teach. – Be the best teacher, strive for the Best Teacher Award! ... – By the way.... the best teacher does not teach the same old slides for the next 30 years! You need updates of knowledge and technologies • When should I start my research? – NOW! – If you don’t start now, you will never start, and forever gonna ask the same quesAon
• Why should I do research? I just want to teach…
– Great, you don’t have to do research. It’s enArely fine to just teach. – Be the best teacher, strive for the Best Teacher Award! ... – By the way.... the best teacher does not teach the same old slides for the next 30 years! You need updates of knowledge and technologies • I have not Ame to do research! – Really? That’s an excuse – Spend 30 minutes less from Facebooking, Instagramming and TwiRering; Spend 30 minutes less from watching drama between PH and BN; spend 30 minutes less from gossiping who is joining the fac and why is he/she resigning – you get extra 1 ½ hours to sit on your proposal write up. • I have not Ame to do research! – Really? That’s an excuse – Spend 30 minutes less from Facebooking, Instagramming and TwiRering; Spend 30 minutes less from watching drama between PH and BN; spend 30 minutes less from gossiping who is joining the fac and why is he/she resigning – you get extra 1 ½ hours to sit on your proposal write up. • There is no support to do my research! – Really? That’s an excuse – Ride on it – Collaborate; outsource, etc • There is no support to do my research! – Really? That’s an excuse – Ride on it – Collaborate; outsource, etc Great scienAsts transform an apparent defect into an asset: It’s a poor workman who blames his tools – the good man gets on with the job, given what he’s got, and gets the best answer he can • What do I need to prepare before I start my research? You need – Courage & interest • No interest? Or was it because you never tried therefore no interest? – Respect and proud on your profession: • You are Academician; you are not academic staff! – Confidence – Curiosity; always ask yourself a quesAon on the phenomenon that surrounds you – Humble; learn from senior people; talk to the senior people; open to suggesAons and criAcisms – Honest & sincerity; to your peers; to Science; to Life – Time management; self management – Commitment • What do I need to prepare before I start my research? You need – Courage & interest • No interest? Or was it because you never tried therefore no interest? – Respect and proud on your profession: • You are Academician; you are not academic staff! – Confidence – Curiosity; always ask yourself a quesAon on the phenomenon that surrounds you – Humble; learn from senior people; talk to the senior people; open to suggesAons and criAcisms – Honest & sincerity; to your peers; to Science; to Life – Time management; self management – Commitment • Work hard! – The moment you are in academia: • Don’t dream to be millionaire • There is no short cut in science • Your Quality of Life is your work Have discussions over the lunch, teleconferences over the midnight, preparing manuscripts over the weekends, catch your proposal deadline by tomorrow! • Don’t be too calculaAve – Instead of spending Ame to be calculaAve… spending 10 minutes Ame to fill up the milage claim form to aRend a reseach meeAng in UKM; spending 10 minutes to apply replacement leave; spending 30 minutes Ame to argue with HR why do I deserve a day off - why don’t you spend this 50 minutes to read a page journal? Well, I may have exaggerated this... But There’s how you are get your Ame to do research... • Get a mentor to coach you – The experience from seniors are invaluable – it safes you lots of Ame from “trial-error” – Keep in touch with your supervisor, he/she knows you best
• But, find the ‘correct’ person to coach you!
– Someone that has track record, sincere, professional, strong ethics and integrity – Of course, someone that you could get along with • Learn to deal with rejecAons and criAcisms – Respect the seniors, respect the professors – Accept their criAcism – They have gone through what you are going through now, probably more than you are experiencing • Form your own research niche – The most difficult part – Experience does maRer! – Explore
• Should be your experAse/specialist; but not to
overlap with your supervisor(s) / mentor(s) • Have a back up plan – what if this project doesn’t work? • You can’t work solo • Get a research team; collaborate with people • Be confident yet doubmul to your hypothesis and findings Don’t behave like a Professor when you are not a professor – Get to your bench and work!
Quote from a senior professor (outside UCSI) to me
• How should I start preparing a research proposal? • Ask yourself a simple but most relevant quesAon, a quesAon that most laymen concerns but likely to have no answer… – Where do I come from? – How can I make you see beRer? – Why do they look different…. yet similar... • Ask yourself a simple but most relevant quesAon, a quesAon that most laymen concerns but likely to have no answer… – Where do I come from? – How can I make you see beRer? – Why do they look different…. yet similar... • Get ideas – Avoid being modest – do something (and publish something) that maRers – Novel; but not too novel – Again, the simple quesAon that you asked… • Do background study • Read, read, read & read! – But read the best & reputable journals, not the Journal of Ulu Kelang, please – Get the most recent updates of knowledge in your field – Learn from the best research project in your field, and ask how can you implement it in your research • IdenAfy the gap of knowledge • Those who has already got funding before – good to show some preliminary findings to convince your funder (But don’t reveal all your findings!) • Form a scienAfic quesAon • Hypothesis • ObjecAves to address the hypothesis • Form your study design, experimental method(s) • Samples • StaAsAcs • You can’t work solo • Get a research team; collaborate with people, but make sure they contribute • IdenAfy source of funding • Study the nature of the funders – match the interest of the funder(s) to the nature of your study • Follow VERY STRICTLY the guideline. • Do not double submit your proposal!! The most important component in research! • Ethics & Integrity – Malaysian Codes for Responsible in ConducAng Research (MCRCR) – Be RESPONSIBLE to your work – Be HONEST & SINCERE to your work – RESPECT your subjects – RESPECT & ACKNOWLEDGE your co-workers (including students!) Are you ready now?
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