Eng Plus GR 8 Term 4 LP Salikha

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Short term plan: term 4

Unit 8 Food and drink

Teacher name:

Grade: 8 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Action and protest
Learning objectives use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings understand with little or no support most specific information in
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
a range of general topics, and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn vocabulary to do with action and protest.
• Do a questionnaire on attitudes to taking action.
• Learn the use of will and might.
• Practise using will, won’t, might and might not to make predictions.
Value links Hospitality: Traditionally a nomadic culture, hospitality has always been an
important part of Kazakh culture.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Beginning Organization moment

of the 1.Greeting. Students' attention is Formative
lesson Ask about the weather. drawn to the lesson. Assessment
5 min The teacher sets the lesson Pictures
objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson. Students discuss the
Warm-up pictures in pairs.

Determines the topic Student’s

and aim of the lesson Good job! book

Students say different

Fasten your seat belts and get words from the picture Assessment
ready for the all-round race criteria
Lead – In -Identify detailed
• With books closed, ask students if information in
they watch the news or read extended
newspapers. Ask them what issues conversation
in the world they care about. Elicit with support
some examples, such as climate
change, animal experiments, etc.
• Ask students what they can do to
change situations. Elicit some
ideas. Encourage students to join
in and express their opinions; there
are no right or wrong answers.
Middle of Ex: 1 P:92 Students complete the
the lesson • If necessary, allow students to table with the words in Descriptor:
Presentati use their dictionaries to check the blue in the Plan of - model and drill
on part. meaning of the new words. pronunciation of
action questionnaire.
35 min • When checking answers, model the words
and drill pronunciation of the Answers:
1 meeting - complete the
words, paying attention to the
2 organize table with the Cards
change of stress between some
nouns and verbs such as 3 march words in blue
organize / organization. 4 donate Total: 1 point
• Ask students to do the 5 collection
questionnaire individually, then 6 protest
compare their answers with a 7 volunteer
8 supporter Worksheets
partner and discuss which is the
best plan of action in each case. 9 sponsor
• Ask some students to report back 10 petition
to the class on their discussions. 11 ban
Encourage other students to agree 12 boycott
or disagree with them. 13 campaign
Ex: 2 P:92
• In a weaker class, help students Differentiation:
understand the meaning of each «Verbal support» Descriptor:
sentence by reading through them method is used to help - listen to two
all with the class and answering the Students use new people
question in the instructions before words in the text. discussing
students listen.
• In a stronger class, allow students questionnaire
time to read through the options Students listen to two - Match
before listening. Follow up by people discussing opinions with
answering the question in the questionnaire. Match dialogues
instructions. opinions with dialogues Total: 1 point
Ex: 3 P:92 1e
• After students have completed 2a
the key phrases, read through 3c
them with the class. 4d
• After saying each phrase, elicit 5b
whether it is used to make a
suggestion, or comment on a Sentences which
suggestion. express certainty: b, d
and e
Make suggestions: Let’s Students complete the
(organize a meeting). How about key phrases with the
(starting an email campaign)? I Descriptor:
words in the box.
think we should try … Why don’t - complete the
we (boycott the shops)? I think the
key phrases
best thing to do is … We could - complete the key
Total: 1 point
write to the council phrases
Conclusion during the lesson 1 idea
some tasks differentiated by 2 help
outcomes of the students and by 3 about .
their abilities. 4 think
5 don’t
6 work
7 thing
8 could
End of FEEDBACK Students evaluate Poster
each other and
the lesson Learners provide feedback on what encourage classmate
5 min they have learned at the lesson. with phrases like:
Well done! Brilliant!
Good job! I like it! .
Short term plan: term 4

Unit 8 Food and drink

Teacher name:

Grade: 8 Number present: absent:
Lesson title The food waste scandal
Learning objectives develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of general topics, and some curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing
range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Read a text about freegans and food waste.
• Read for general meaning and specific details.
• Learn about negative prefixes un-, in- and im-.
• Express opinions about a campaign against food waste.
Value links Tradition: Kazakh traditions and culture have been passed on from one
generation to another through oral histories told by traditional Kazakh tribal
leaders and elders.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Beginning Organization moment

of the 1.Greeting. Students' attention is Formative
lesson Ask about the weather. drawn to the lesson. Assessment
5 min The teacher sets the lesson Pictures
objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson. Students discuss the
Warm-up pictures in pairs.

Determines the topic Student’s

and aim of the lesson Good job! book
Fasten your seat belts and get
ready for the all-round race
Lead – In Students say different
words from the picture Assessment
• With books closed, write the word
food waste on the board. Ask
students what they understand by -Identify detailed
the expression. information in
• Elicit ideas about food waste extended
issues, for example, food conversation
mountains, sell-by dates on food. with support
Ask students to express their
opinions on these issues, using L1
if necessary.
Middle of Ex: 1 P:94 Students look at the
the lesson • Refer students to the title and title of the text and Descriptor:
Presentati photos and discuss what the photos and answer the - discuss the
on part. photos show. questions in
questions. Then read
35 min • Ask students to discuss the pairs.
questions in pairs. You can discuss and listen to the text.
Answers: - read and
ideas with the class before playing
1 The photos show: a person answer the Cards
the CD.
• Students read and listen, and
with a bag of food that has question
been thrown away, to show
check whether their guesses were the quantity of food that is
Total: 1 point
correct wasted. people who work on
a food-sharing campaign.
volunteers organizing food
Ex: 2 P:94 boxes so food can be Worksheets
• Encourage students to prepare by redistributed.
reading through the questions 2 Supermarkets throw food
away if it is imperfect, for
before they read the text again.
example, not all the same
• Ask students to compare their size, or if it doesn’t look nice.
answers in pairs and correct any 3 Freegans are people who
mistakes before you check with the believe it is wrong to throw
class food away and who get most
of their food from
supermarket waste.
Ex: 3 P:94 Differentiation: - read the text
• Read through the words with the «Verbal support» again
class and explain that the opposite
method is used to help - choose the
of each word is in the text.
Students should read the text again Students use new correct answers
quickly to find the correct words. words in the text. Total: 1 point
• Check answers with the class, Students read the text
and check that students again and choose the
understand the meaning of the correct answers.
adjectives. In a weaker class, ask Answers:
for translations, then encourage 1c
students to put the new adjectives 2a
into sentences for context. In a 3c
stronger class, ask students to put 4c
the words into new sentences to 5c
show understanding. 6a
Students build their
Conclusion during the lesson
some tasks differentiated by vocabulary
outcomes of the students and by Answers:
their abilities. 1 imperfect
2 unacceptable
3 insensitive
4 unnecessary
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the lesson Learners provide feedback on what
5 min they have learned at the lesson.
Short term plan: term 4

Unit 8 Food and drink

Teacher name:

Grade: 8 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language focus: First conditional review
Learning objectives use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and wish [that]
clauses [present reference]; use a growing variety of relative clauses
including why clauses on a range of familiar general and curricular topics write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn the form and use of the first conditional.
• Practise using the first conditional.
Value links Freedom: Freedom is the major value of the civil society being formed in
Kazakhstan. This must provide everyone with the possibility of creative self-

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Beginning Organization moment

of the 1.Greeting. Students' attention is Formative
lesson Ask about the weather. drawn to the lesson. Assessment
5 min The teacher sets the lesson Pictures
objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson. Students discuss the
Warm-up pictures in pairs.

Determines the topic Student’s

and aim of the lesson Good job! book
Fasten your seat belts and get
ready for the all-round race
Lead – In Students say different
words from the picture Assessment
• Refer students back to the text,
and ask: Does the writer want
supermarkets to change? (Yes.) -Identify detailed
Ask students to look at the last information in
paragraph of the text and find a extended
sentence which says what people conversation
can do to make supermarkets with support
change. (If we all boycott the
supermarkets, they’ll listen to us.)
• Ask students to translate this
sentence into their L1. Elicit that
the sentence is referring to a future
Middle of Ex: 1 P:95 Students complete the
the lesson • Students complete the tables in first conditional
Presentati pairs. sentences from the Descriptor:
on part. • After checking answers, draw - complete the
35 min attention to the question in the tables in pairs.
instructions and ensure students Answers:
1 boycott Total: 1 point
understand that the comma is used
when the if-clause is written first 2 ’ll listen Cards
3 won’t change
4 protest
Ex: 2 P:95
• In a weaker class, allow students
to work in pairs. Then, after Differentiation:
checking answers, return to the «Verbal support»
table in exercise 1. Highlight which method is used to help
parts of the conditional sentences Students use new
describe the action (using the words in the text.
present simple) and which parts
describe the result (using will /
Students study the Descriptor:
• In a stronger class, ask students sentences and - identify the
to find another example of the first complete the rules. Use action and result
conditional in the text (You’ll find will, won’t and the clause
more information and an online present simple. - Use will, won’t
petition if you look on our website.). Answers: and the present
Ask students to identify the action 2 the present simple simple.
and result clause, and the tenses 3 will, won’t Total: 1 point
used. Repeat this with the
sentences in the table in exercise
Students complete the
sentences with the first
Ex: 3 P:95 conditional form of the
• Do the first sentence as an verbs in brackets
example if necessary. Answers:
1 supports, will win Descriptor:
• Remind students to read the
2 ask, will volunteer - read the
sentences carefully to check they
3 will boycott, sells sentences
understand the context before
won’t know, don’t carefully
completing each one
Conclusion during the lesson organize Total: 1 point
some tasks differentiated by 5 ban, won’t be
outcomes of the students and by 6 won’t sponsor, don’t
their abilities. finish
End of FEEDBACK Students evaluate Poster
each other and
the lesson Learners provide feedback on what encourage classmate
5 min they have learned at the lesson. with phrases like:
Well done! Brilliant!
Good job! I like it! .

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