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Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Course Code:
Scheme (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Total Contact Hours: 52
Type of Course: Credit :04 Core/ Elective: core
Lectures, Self Core
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 100 Marks

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Mathematics, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials,

Theory of Machines, Machine drawing and Workshop Processes.

Course Objectives:
This course curriculum provides the knowledge of design process, as well as enables the student
to design simple machine components used in small and medium scale industries.

Course Outcomes;
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Course Outcome CL Linked Teaching

PO Hrs
Explain the concept and process of Machine
CO1 R/U 2,5,6 02
Understand the constructional features and Design
bolts, nuts, and riveted joints subjected to R/U/
CO2 direct stresses and analyze the type of stresses 1,2,6 12
induced under different load conditions. A
Understand the constructional features and Design
Shafts and keys subjected to different moments
CO3 and analyze the type of stresses induced under U/A 1,2,6 10
different load conditions.
Understand the constructional features and Design
CO4 Shaft couplings and joints subjected to twisting
moments and analyze the various modes of U/A 1,2,6 14
Design of Engine components Subjected to
CO5 combustion pressure and analyze the type of U/A 1,2,6 08
stresses induced in them.
Understand the constructional features and Design
CO6 coil and leaf spring subjected to different vehicle U/A 1,2,6 06
Total sessions 52
Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

[Type text]
Course PO-attainment chart:
Programme Outcomes
Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Design of Machine Elements 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the
given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Course Content and Blue Print of Marks for SEE

Questions to be
Unit Unit set for Marks weightage
No Hour SEE/MARKS weightage (%)
R U A/An
1 Introduction To Design 02 05 -- 5 3.4

2 Design Of Fasteners 12 10 05 25 40 27.58

3 Design Of Shafts, Keys 10 -- 05 20 25 17.24

Design Of Simple Machine
4 14 --- ---- 40 40 27.58
5 Design Of Engine Parts 08 -- --- 20 20 13.79
6 Design Of Springs 06 05 --- 10 15 10.3
Total 52 15 15 115 145 100

Note : Refer Design data hand book to solve the problems.

Design data hand book is to be permitted in CIE and SEE


Machine Design-Definition, Classification, General procedure and considerations.


Screw thread terminology, Common types of screw fastenings-Through bolts-Tap bolts-Studs-
Cap screws-Set screws, forms of screw threads-V Threads-square threads- whitworth thread-
sellers thread-unified standard thread-square thread-acme thread-knuckle thread-buttress
thread, locking devices-Lock nut-Slotted nut-Castle nut-grooved nut-Locking by a lock plate-
tab washer-spring washer, Designation of screw thread, stresses in screw fastening due to
external loading- Tensile-compressive-combined tensile & shear stress, bolts of Uniform
Strength, simple problems on design of bolts subjected to external force -Design of Riveted
joints -classification- Important terms used in riveted joints-materials for rivets- Failures of
riveted joints-Strength and efficiency of riveted joints-Simple problems on Single and Double
riveted lap joint -Single and Double riveted Butt joint (with single and double strap)

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15AT53T Page 5

Types of Shafts, Shaft materials, Standard Sizes, Design of Shafts subjected to twisting &
bending moment (Hollow and Solid) using strength and rigidity criteria, Design of propeller
shaft & rear axle shaft-simple problems
Keys-Purpose, Types-Taper key-parallel key-sunk key-saddle key-Gib head key-woodruff key-
feather key-splines, Forces acting on sunk key-Design of Sunk Keys based on shear & crushing-
Simple problems


Couplings-purpose-requirements-Types ,Design of Couplings – Solid Muff Coupling- Flange
coupling (Protected and Unprotected type) –simple problems, Design of socket and spigot cotter
joint-simple problem, Knuckle Joint-purpose-methods of failure-simple problems.


Design of Engine cylinder (Thickness of cylinder wall, head thickness, bore & length of cylinder,
size of studs)-simple problems, Design of piston, piston pin & piston rings-simple problems.
Coil springs-Terms used in helical compression spring, stresses & deflection of helical spring,
simple problems
Leaf springs- Effective & ineffective length, camber, stresses & deflection of semi elliptic leaf
spring, simple problems.
Sl.No. Title of Books Author Publication
A Text book of Machine S. Chand
1. R.S. Khurmi & J.K.Gupta
Design publication
McGraw Hill
2. Machine design S G Kulkarni
McGraw Hill
3 Introduction to Machine design V B Bhandari Education
4 Automotive Mechanics Dr N K Giri Khanna Publishers
Design Of Machine Elements J.B.K. Das , P.L. Srinivas
4. Sapna Publication
Vol I, Vol II Murthy
5 Auto Design R B Gupta Satya Prakashan
Design Data Hand Book for K Mahadevan & K Balaveera
6 CBS publications
Mechanical Engineers Reddy


contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Machine%20design1/left_mod7.html .

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15AT53T Page 6



Note: the following activities or similar activities for assessing CIE (IA) for 5 marks (Any one)
Each student should do any one of the following type activity or similar activity related to the
course and before take up, get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
Each student should conduct different activity and no repeating should occur.

The students should identify at least five machine components .He should select the
1 materials for identified machine components b y using design data hand book. List the
mechanical properties of material selected.
Observe the mechanisms where transmission of power takes place through shaft,
2 Keys, coupling, pulley and belt drive. Get the required information regarding power
transmitted (power output by motor engine etc.).
The students can visit nearby workshops/garages and collect information like material,
3 design features etc on different fasteners and machine components.
Assignments on design of Screwed joints, Riveted joints [one each] With free hand
The student should Download and present various presentations related to design
5 of machine elements.
The student should Download and present various presentations related to stresses in
6 Machine elements.
The student should Download and present various presentations related to failure of
7 Machine elements.

Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:

To Max Evidence Course
What (Frequency in the
whom Marks collected outcomes
Three IA tests
(Average of 3 tests 20
Blue books

CIE IA will be computed)



Activities 05 Activity sheets
End Answer scripts
SEE End of the course 100 1,2,3,4,5,6
Exam at BTE
Middle of the Feedback 1 & 2, 3 Delivery
Feedback course of course
on course forms



Effectiveness of
End of
Delivery of
Course End of the course Questionnaires instructions &
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to the next higher

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15AT53T Page 7

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of semester
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks evaluated through appropriate rubrics.
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions & Assessment Methods



Student Name : Reg No:


Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactor Good Exemplary Student
Dimension y Score
1Mark 2 Mark 3 Mark 4 Mark 5 Mark
Collectio Does not collect Collects very Collect Collects Collects a Ex:
n of data any information limited much some basic great deal of
relating to the information; information; informatio information; 4
topic some relate to but very n; most all refer to
the topic limited refer to the the topic
Fulfill Does not Performs very Performs Performs Performs all
team’s perform any little duties very little nearly all duties of
roles duties assigned but unreliable duties duties assigned
& duties to the team role team roles
Always relies Rarely does Usually Normally Always does
Shares on others to do the assigned does the does the the assigned
work the work work; often assigned assigned work 3
equally needs work; rarely work without
reminding needs having to be
reminding reminded.
Listen to Is always Usually does Talks good; Listens, but Listens and
other talking; never most of the but never sometimes speaks a fair
Team allows anyone talking; rarely show talk too amount 2
mates else to speak allows others interest in much
to speak listening
Average / Total =marks=(4+5+3+2)/4=14/4=3.5=4 others
Note: This is only an example. Appropriate rubrics/criteria may be devised by the concerned
faculty (Course Coordinator) for assessing the given activity.

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of semester
1. Blue books (20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions & Assessment

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15AT53T Page 8


Test/Date and Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks


Ex: I test/6 th week V SEM

of sem 10-11 Am
Year: 2016-17 Course code: 15AT53T
Name of Course coordinator : Units:1,2 Co: 1,2
Note: Design data hand book is permitted
Answer all questions
Q. No Mark
Questions CL CO PO
a. Explain any five considerations in Machine Design 5
b. Explain Whitworth thread with its profile 5
OR R/U 1,2 1,2,5,6
1 a. Define Machine Design. 5
b. Define efficiency of riveted joint 5
An engine cylinder is 300 mm in diameter and the
steam pressure is 0.7 N/mm2. If the cylinder head is 10
held by 12 studs, find the size. Assume safe tensile
stress as 28 MPa.
OR A 2 1,2,6
2 An eye bolt is to be used for lifting a load of 60 kN. 10
Find the nominal diameter of the bolt, if the tensile
stress is not to exceed 100 MPa. Assume coarse

V Semester Diploma Examination


Time: 3 Hours] [Max Marks: 100

1. Use of Design data hand book is permitted
2. Answer any six questions from PART-A and each question carry five marks.
3. Answer any seven questions from PART-B and each question carry ten marks.


1. List out the classification of Machine Design.

2. Explain woodruff key with sketch
3. Explain Whitworth thread with its profile.
4. An eye bolt is to be used for lifting a load of 60 kN. Find the nominal diameter of
the bolt, if the tensile stress is not to exceed 100 MPa. Assume coarse threads.
5. Explain sunk key with sketch.
6. Design the rectangular key for a shaft of 50 mm diameter. The shearing and crushing
stresses for the key material are 42 MPa and 70 MPa.
7. Classify the fasteners.
8. Define the following terms used in coil spring.
a. solid length b. Free length c. Spring index
9. Explain castle nut with a sketch


1. An electric motor weighing 10KN is lifted by means of an eye bolt. The eye bolt is
screwed into the frame of the motor. The eye bolt has coarse threads. It is made of plain
carbon steel having ultimate tensile stress of 400N/mm2 and factor of safety is 6.
Determine the size of the bolt.

2. A double riveted double cover butt joint is made in 12 mm thick plates with 18 mm
diameter rivets. Find the efficiency of the joint for a pitch of 80 mm, if allowable tensile
stress in the plate 115 MPa ; compressive stress 160 MPa; and shear stress in the rivet 80

3. A solid shaft is transmitting 1 MW at 240rpm determine the diameter of the shaft if the
maximum torque transmitted exceeds the mean torque by 20%. Take the maximum
allowable shear stress as 60MPa.

4. Design a cast iron flange coupling for a mild steel shaft transmitting 90 kW at 250
rpm. The allowable shear stress in the shaft is 40 MPa and the angle of twist is not to
exceed 1° in a length of 20 diameters. The allowable shear stress in the coupling bolts is
30 MPa.
5. Design a muff coupling to connect two shafts transmitting 40 kW at 120 r.p.m. The
permissible shear and crushing stress for the shaft and key material (mild steel) are 30
MPa and 80 MPa respectively. The material of muff is cast iron with permissible shear
stress of 15MPa. Assume that the maximum torque transmitted is 25 per cent greater than
the mean torque.

6. Design a knuckle joint to transmit 150 kN. The design stresses may be taken as 75 MPa
in tension, 60 MPa in shear and 150 MPa in compression.

7. Design a cotter joint to connect two mild steel rods for a pull of 30 kN. The maximum
permissible stresses are 55 MPa in tension; 40 MPa in shear and 70 MPa in crushing.
Draw a neat sketch of the joint designed.

8. Design an aluminum alloy piston with a flat head for an I C engine having 100mm
bore. The maximum explosion pressure is 4.5 N/mm2. Given that
Permissible stress for aluminum alloy piston= 70 N/mm2
Permissible stress for piston ring= 100 N/mm2
Cylinder wall pressure = 0.04 N/mm2
Permissible bearing pressure on piston barrel= 0.45 N/mm2
Permissible bearing pressure for piston pin= 70 N/mm2

9. A four stroke internal combustion engine has the following specifications.

Brake power=5KW, Speed=1200 rpm, Mean effective pressure=0.35N/mm2
Mechanical efficiency=80%, Maximum gas pressure=3.15 N/mm2, Determine
Bore and length of the cylinder, if stroke length is 1.5 times cylinder bore.
Thickness of the cylinder head if permissible stress for head material is 42N/mm 2
Size of studs for the cylinder head, if permissible stress for stud material is 65N/mm 2.

10. Design a helical compression spring for a maximum load of 1000 N for a deflection
of 25 mm using the value of spring index as 5. The maximum permissible shear stress
for spring wire is 420 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 kN/mm2,with considering
whal’s factor.

Note: The paper setter is of liberty to set the questions on his/her desecration based on cognitive
levels notified for that unit. They have to follow only blue print of SEE question paper format.
The model question bank is only
for reference to students/course coordinator to initiate the process of teaching-learning only.

CO-1: Explain the concept and process of Machine Design.

05 Marks
1) Define Machine Design.(R)
2) List out the classification of Machine Design.(R)
3) State general considerations in Machine Design.(R)

10 Marks

1. Explain general procedure in Machine Design (U).

2. Explain general considerations in Machine Design.(U)

CO-2: Understand the constructional features and Design bolts, nuts, and riveted joints
subjected to direct stresses and analyze the type of stresses induced under different
load conditions.

05 Marks
1. Define a fastener.(R)
2. Define a screwed joint.(R)
3. Explain Whitworth thread with its profile. .(U)
4. Explain Sellers thread with its profile.(U)
5. Explain Unified standard thread with its profile.(U)
6. Explain square thread with its profile.(U)
7. Explain acme thread with its profile.(U)
8. Explain Knuckle thread with its profile.(U)
9. Explain Buttress thread with its profile.(U)
10. Explain Through bolt with a sketch.(U)
11. Explain Tap bolt with a sketch.(U)
12. Explain Studs with a sketch (U).
13. Explain Cap screws with sketch.(U)
14. Explain set screws with sketch.(U)
15. State the necessity of locking a bolt.(R)
16. Explain Lock nut with a sketch.(U)
17. Explain slotted nut with a sketch.(U)
18. Explain castle nut with a sketch.(U)
19. Explain grooved nut with a sketch.(U)
20. Define a Riveted joint.(R)
21. Enumerate the different types of riveted joints.(R)
22. Define efficiency of riveted joint.(R)
23. Define the following terms used in riveted joints. (R)
a. Pitch b. Back pitch c. Diagonal pitch d. Margin
24. Define the following terms used in riveted joints. (R)
a. Major diameter b. Minor diameter c. Pitch diameter d. Lead e. Crest
25. List the different forms of screw thread. (R)
26. List the common types of screw fastenings. (R)
27. List the different types of locking devices. (R)
28. Describe how a screw thread is specified. (U)
29. Classify the fasteners. (A)
30. Differentiate between Bolt & stud. (A)
31. Discuss bolt of uniform strength. Where it is preferably used. (A)
32. Discuss the stresses induced in the Screw fasteners when it is subjected to external loading.
33. Explain the necessity of riveted joint. (U)
34. Discuss applications of riveted joint in modern equipments. (A)
35. Explain the types of failures in riveted joint with sketch. (U)

10 Marks


1. Two shafts are connected by means of a flange coupling to transmit torque of 25 N-m. The
flanges of the coupling are fastened by four bolts of the same material at a radius of 30mm. Find
the size of the bolts if the allowable shear stress for the bolt material is 30 MPa.(A)
2. Two plates are fastened by means of two bolts. The bolts are made of plain carbon steel 30C8
of ultimate shear stress 200N/mm2 and factor of safety is 5. Determine the size of bolts if shear
load is 5KN. (A)
3. An eye bolt is to be used for lifting a load of 60 kN. Find the nominal diameter of the bolt, if
the tensile stress is not to exceed 100 MPa. Assume coarse threads (A)
4. An engine cylinder is 300 mm in diameter and the steam pressure is 0.7 N/mm2. If the
cylinder head is held by 12 studs, find the size. Assume safe tensile stress as 28 MPa. (A)
5. A lever loaded safety valve has a diameter of 100mm and the blow off pressure is 1.6N/mm2.
The fulcrum of the lever is screwed into the cast-iron body of the cover. Find the diameter of the
threaded part of the fulcrum if the permissible tensile stress is limited to 50 MPa and the leverage
ratio is 8.(A)
6. An electric motor weighing 10KN is lifted by means of an eye bolt. The eye bolt is screwed
into the frame of the motor. The eye bolt has coarse threads. It is made of plain carbon steel
having ultimate tensile stress of 400N/mm2 and factor of safety is 6. Determine the size of the


1. A double riveted lap joint with zigzag riveting is to be designed for 13 mm thick plates.
Assume allowable tensile stress in the plate 80 MPa; compressive stress 120 MPa; and shear
stress in the rivet 60 MPa. State how the joint will fail and find the efficiency of the joint. (A)

2. Two plates of 10 mm thickness each are to be joined by means of a single riveted double strap
butt joint. Determine the rivet diameter; rivet pitch, strap thickness and efficiency of the joint.
Take the working stresses in tension and shearing as 80 MPa and 60 MPa respectively (A).
3. Design a double riveted butt joint with two cover plates for the longitudinal seam of a boiler
shell 1.5 m in diameter subjected to a steam pressure of 0.95 N/mm2. Assume joint efficiency as
75%, allowable tensile stress in the plate 90 MPa; compressive stress 140 MPa; and shear stress
in the rivet 56 MPa (A).

4. A single riveted lap joint is made in 15 mm thick plates with 20 mm diameter rivets.
Determine the strength of the joint, if the pitch of rivets is 60 mm. Take allowable tensile stress
in the plate 120 MPa; compressive stress 160 MPa; and shear stress in the rivet 90 MPa (A)

5. Two plates 16 mm thick are joined by a double riveted lap joint. The pitch of each row of
rivets is 90mm. The rivets are 25 mm in diameter. Take allowable tensile stress in the plate 140
MPa; compressive stress 240 MPa and shear stress in the rivet 110 MPa. Find the efficiency of
the joint.(A)

6. A single riveted double cover butt joint is made in 10 mm thick plates with 20 mm
diameter rivets with a pitch of 60 mm. Calculate the efficiency of the joint, if allowable tensile
stress in the plate 100 MPa ; compressive stress 160 MPa; and shear stress in the rivet 80 MPa

7. A double riveted double cover butt joint is made in 12 mm thick plates with 18 mm diameter
rivets. Find the efficiency of the joint for a pitch of 80 mm, if allowable tensile stress in the plate
115 MPa; compressive stress 160 MPa; and shear stress in the rivet 80 MPa.(A)

CO-3: Understand the constructional features and Design Shafts and keys subjected to
different moments and analyze the type of stresses induced under different load conditions.

05 Marks

1) Classify shafts. (U/A)

2) Discuss the reasons for rectangular keys are preferred over square keys. (U)
3) Explain how the shafts are designed when it is subjected to twisting moment only on
stiffness/strength basis. (U)
4) Explain how the shafts are designed when it is subjected to Bending moment only on
stiffness/strength basis. (U)
6) State the properties of materials used for shafts. (R/U)
7) Classify Sunk keys.(U/A)
8) Explain sunk-key with sketch. (U/A)
9) Explain saddle key with sketch. (U/A)
10) Explain Gib head key with sketch. (U/A)
11) Explain woodruff key with sketch. (U/A)
12) Discus the forces acting on sunk key. (U)
13) Discuss the standard sizes of Transmission shafts. (U)
14) Explain how the shafts are designed on Rigidity basis. (U)

10 Marks

1) A line shaft rotating at 200 rpm is to transmit 20kW. The shaft may be assumed to be made of
mild steel with an allowable shear stress of 42MPa. Determine the diameter of the shaft,
neglecting bending moment on the shaft.(A)

2) A solid shaft is transmitting 1 MW at 240rpm determine the diameter of the shaft if the
maximum torque transmitted exceeds the mean torque by 20%. Take the maximum allowable
shear stress as 60MPa (A)

3) Find the diameter of a solid steel shaft to transmit 20kw at 200 rpm. The ultimate shear stress
for the steel may be taken as 360mpa and factor of safety as 8. If a hallow shaft is to be used in
place of solid shaft, finds the inside and outside diameter when the ratio of inside to outside is
0.5. (A)

4) A pair of wheels of a railway wagon carries a load of 50KN on each axle box acting at a
distance of 100mm outside the wheel base. The gauge of the rails is 1.4 m find the diameter of
the axle between the wheels, if the stress is not to exceed 100Mpa. (A)

5) A hollow shaft of diameter ratio 3/5 is to transmit 600 KW at 110 rpm. The maximum torque
is 12% greater than the mean torque. If the shear stress is not to exceed 60 N/mm2, determine the
minimum external diameter. (A)

6) A solid circular shaft is used to transmit a torque of 9.6 N-m, the angle of twist over a length
of a 2m is 2o. Estimate the required diameter of shaft. Take C= 0.8x105 N/mm2.(A)

7) A shaft is required to transmit 1 MW at 240 rpm. The shaft must not twist more than 1o on a
length of 15 diameters. If the modulus of rigidity for the shaft material is 80 KN/mm2, find the
diameter of the shaft. (A)

8) A mild steel shaft has to transmit 75 KW at 210 rpm. The allowable shear stress in the shaft is
limited to 42 N/mm2. The angle of twist is not to exceed 1o for a length of 20 diameters. Calculate
the suitable diameter of the shaft. (A)

9) A hollow steel shaft transmits 600 kW at 500 r.p.m. The maximum shear stress is 62.4 MPa.
Find the outside and inside diameter of the shaft, if the outer diameter is twice of inside diameter,
assuming that the maximum torque is 20% greater than the mean torque. (A)


1) Design the rectangular key for a shaft of 50 mm diameter. The shearing and crushing stresses
for the key material are 42 MPa and 70 MPa. (A)

2) A 45 mm diameter shaft is made of steel with yield strength of 400 MPa. A parallel key of size
14 mm wide and 9 mm thick made of steel with yield strength of 340 MPa is to be used. Find
the required length of key, if the shaft is loaded to transmit the maximum permissible
torque. Use maximum shear stress theory and assume a factor of safety of 2. (A)

3) Design a square key for a gear shaft of diameter 25mm, 20KW power at 1000 rpm is
transmitted from the shaft to gear. The yield strength of key material in tension is 450 MPa and
factor of safety is 3. The yield strength in compression can be assumed to be equal to the yield
strength in tension. (A)

4) A rectangular sunk key 14mmX10mm thick,75mm long is required to transmit 1200 N-m
torque from 50mm diameter solid shaft. Determine whether the length is sufficient or not if
permissible shear stress and crushing stresses are limited to 56MPa and 168 MPa respectively.

5) A square key is to be used to key a gear to a 35mm diameter shaft. The hub length of gear is
60mm. Both shaft and key are to be made of the same material having an allowable shear stress
of 55MPa. What are the minimum dimensions for the sides of the square key if 395 N-m of
torque is to be transmitted? (A)

CO-4: Understand the constructional features and Design Shaft couplings and joints
subjected to twisting moments and analyze the various modes of failure.

05 Marks
1. List the purposes of couplings.(R)
2. List the requirements of a good coupling.(R)
3. Classify couplings.(A)
4. Discus the various methods of failure of knuckle joint.(U/A)

10 Marks

Muff coupling

1) Design a muff coupling which is used to connect two steel shafts transmitting 40 kW at 350
rpm. The material for the shafts and key is plain carbon steel for which allowable shear and
crushing stresses may be taken as 40 MPa and 80 MPa respectively. The material for the muff is
cast iron for which the allowable shear stress may be assumed as 15 MPa. (A)
2) Design a muff coupling to connect two shafts transmitting 40 kW at 120 rpm. The permissible
shear and crushing stress for the shaft and key material (mild steel) are 30 MPa and 80 MPa
respectively. The material of muff is cast iron with permissible shear stress of 15 MPa. Assume
that the maximum torque transmitted is 25 per cent greater than the mean torque. (A)

Flange coupling
1) Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling to transmit 15 kW at 900 rpm from an
electric motor to a compressor. The service factor may be assumed as 1.35. The
Following permissible stresses may be used:
Shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material = 40 MPa
Crushing stress for bolt and key = 80 MPa
Shear stress for cast iron = 8 MPa
2) Design a protective type of cast iron flange coupling for a steel shaft transmitting 15 kW at
200 rpm and having an allowable shear stress of 40 MPa. The working stress in the bolts
should not exceed 30 MPa. Assume that the same material is used for shaft and key and that the
crushing stress is twice the value of its shear stress. The maximum torque is 25% greater than
the full load torque. The shear stress for cast iron is 14 MPa. (A)

3) Design a cast iron flange coupling for a mild steel shaft transmitting 90 kW at 250 rpm. The
allowable shear stress in the shaft is 40 MPa and the angle of twist is not to exceed 1° in a length
of 20 diameters. The allowable shear stress in the coupling bolts is 30 MPa. (A)
4) Design a rigid flange coupling to transmit a torque of 250 N-m between two coaxial shafts.
The shaft is made of alloy steel, flanges out of cast iron and bolts out of steel. Four bolts are used
to couple the flanges. The shafts are keyed to the flange hub. The permissible stresses are given

Shear stress on shaft =100 MPa, Bearing or crushing stress on shaft =250 MPa
Shear stress on keys =100 MPa Bearing stress on keys =250 MPa
Shearing stress on cast iron =200 MPa Shear stress on bolts =100 MPa (A)

5) Two 35 mm shafts are connected by a flanged coupling. The flanges are fitted with 6 bolts on
125 mm bolt circle. The shafts transmit a torque of 800 N-m at 350 r.p.m. For the safe stresses
mentioned below, calculate
1. Diameter of bolts; 2. Thickness of flange, 3. Key dimensions, 4. Hub length; and 5. Power
Safe shear stress for shaft material = 63 MPa, Safe stress for bolt material = 56 MPa
Safe stress for cast iron coupling = 10 MPa, Safe stress for key material = 46 MPa (A)

Cotter joint

1. Design a cotter joint to connect two mild steel rods for a pull of 30 kN. The maximum
permissible stresses are 55 MPa in tension; 40 MPa in shear and 70 MPa in crushing. Draw a
neat sketch of the joint designed. (A)

2. Two rod ends of a pump are joined by means of a cotter and spigot and socket at the ends.
Design the joint for an axial load of 100 kN. which alternately changes from tensile to
compressive. The allowable stresses for the material used are 50 MPa in tension, 40 MPa in shear
and 100 MPa in crushing. (A)

3. Two mild steel rods 40 mm diameter are to be connected by a cotter joint. The thickness of the
cotter is 12 mm. Calculate the dimensions of the joint, if the maximum permissible stresses
are: 46 MPa in tension ; 35 MPa in shear and 70 MPa in crushing.(A)

4. Design a cotter joint to support a load varying from 30 kN. in compression to 30 kN. in
tension. The material used is carbon steel for which the following allowable stresses may be
used. The load is applied statically. Tensile stress = compressive stress 50 MPa; shear stress
35 MPa and crushing stress= 90MPa. (A)

Knuckle Joint

1. Design a knuckle joint to transmit 150 kN. The design stresses may be taken as 75 MPa in
tension, 60 MPa in shear and 150 MPa in compression.(A)

2. Design a knuckle joint for a tie rod of a circular section to sustain a maximum pull of 70 kN.
The ultimate strength of the material of the rod against tearing is 420 MPa. The ultimate tensile
and shearing strength of the pin material are 510 MPa and 396 MPa respectively. Determine the
tie rod section and pin section. Take factor of safety = 6.(A)

3. Design a knuckle joint to connect two mild steel bars under a tensile load of 25 kN. The
allowable stresses are 65 MPa in tension, 50 MPa in shear and 83 MPa in crushing.(A)

4. A knuckle joint is required to withstand a tensile load of 25 kN. Design the joint if the
permissible stresses are 56 MPa in tension ; 40 MPa in shear and 70 MPa in crushing(A).
CO-5: Design of Engine components Subjected to combustion pressure and analyze the
type of stresses induced in them.

10 Marks
Piston, Piston rings and piston pin.
1. Design an aluminum alloy piston with a flat head for an I C engine having 100mm bore. The
maximum explosion pressure is 4.5 N/mm2. Given that
Permissible stress for aluminum alloy piston= 70 N/mm2
Permissible stress for piston ring= 100 N/mm2
Cylinder wall pressure = 0.04 N/mm2
Permissible bearing pressure on piston barrel= 0.45 N/mm2
Permissible bearing pressure for piston pin= 70 N/mm2

2. Design a cast iron piston for a single acting four stroke engine for the following data:
Cylinder bore=100mm, Stroke=125mm. Maximum gas pressure= 5N/mm2,, Indicated mean
effective pressure=0.75N/mm2, Mechanical efficiency=80%, Fuel consumption=0.15 kg per
brake power per hour, Higher calorific value of fuel= 42x103 Kj/Kg, speed=2000 rpm, Assume
Permissible stress for cast iron piston= 38 N/mm2
Permissible stress for piston ring= 100 N/mm2
Cylinder wall pressure = 0.035 N/mm2
Permissible bearing pressure on piston barrel= 0.45 N/mm2
Permissible bearing pressure for piston pin= 25 N/mm2

Engine Cylinder

1. A four stroke internal combustion engine has the following specifications.

Brake power=7.5KW, Speed=1000 rpm, Mean effective pressure=0.35N/mm2
Maximum gas pressure=3.5 N/mm2,, Mechanical efficiency=80%, Determine
a. The dimensions of cylinder, if the length of stroke is 1.4 times the cylinder bore.
b. Cylinder wall thickness, if the hoop stress is 35MPa
c. Thickness of the cylinder head and the size of studs when the permissible stresses for the
cylinder head and stud materials are 45MPa and 65MPa respectively.

2. A four stroke internal combustion engine has the following specifications.

Brake power=5KW, Speed=1200 rpm, Mean effective pressure=0.35N/mm2
Mechanical efficiency=80%, Maximum gas pressure=3.15 N/mm2, Determine
a. Bore and length of the cylinder, if stroke length is 1.5 times cylinder bore.
b. Thickness of the cylinder head if permissible stress for head material is 42N/mm 2
c. Size of studs for the cylinder head, if permissible stress for stud material is 65N/mm2.

CO-6: Understand the constructional features and Design coil and leaf spring subjected to
different vehicle loads.

05 Marks

1. Define the following terms used in coil spring. (R)

a. solid length b. Free length c. Spring index d. Spring rate e. Pitch
2. Define the following terms used in leaf spring.(R)
a. Effective length b. Ineffective length c. camber

10 Marks
1) A helical spring is made from a wire of 6mm diameter and has outside diameter of 75mm. If
the permissible shear stress is 350MPa and modulus of rigidity 84 KN/mm2, find the axial load
which the spring can carry and the deflection per active turns.

2) Design a helical compression spring for a maximum load of 1000 N for a deflection of 25
mm using the value of spring index as 5. The maximum permissible shear stress for spring wire
is 420 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 kN/mm2,with considering whal’s factor.

3) A typical coil suspension spring has 10 effective coils of a mean diameter 125mm and made
out of wires of diameter 15mm. The spring is designed to carry a maximum static load of 3531.6
N. Calculate the shear stress and the deflection under the above loading.
If a maximum shear stress of 637650 kPa is allowable in the material, then what is the possible
clearance in the spring? Take the value of G=73575x103 kPa.

4) A vehicle spring of semi-elliptic type has leaves of 75mm width and 10mm thickness and
effective length 900mm. If the stress is not to exceed 220725kPa when the spring is loaded to
4905 N, estimate the required number of leaves and the deflection undr this condition. If the
spring is just flat under load, what is the initial radius. Take E=196.2x106kPa.

5) Design a leaf spring for the following specifications:

Total load=140KN: Number of springs supporting the load=4: Maximum number of leaves=10:
Span of the spring=1000mm:Permissible deflection=80mm.
Take Young’s modulus, E=200KN/mm2 and allowable stress in spring material as 600MPa.

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