Ad Com Lab Manual 21ec604
Ad Com Lab Manual 21ec604
Ad Com Lab Manual 21ec604
Advanced Communication Lab
1) Verification of Sampling theorem
2) Binary ASK generation and detection
3) Binary FSK generation and detection
4) Binary PSK generation and detection
5) Measurement of guide wavelength (λg), frequency and VSWR with using microwave test
bench Reflex Klystron as source
6) Determination of coupling coefficient and isolation characteristics of microstrip line
Directional coupler.
7) DPSK modulation and demodulation
8) QPSK modulation and demodulation
9) Study of optical fibers: measure losses in the analog link and numerical aperture
10) Measurement of antenna parameters for Dipole and Yagi antenna
11) Measurement of resonant characteristics of microstrip ring resonator
12) Measurement power division & Isolation characteristics of microstrip 3dB power divider
Course Outcomes:
1. Set up experiments to demonstrate the concepts of Digital Communication and Microwave
Communication schemes using suitable circuits.
2. Simulate the concepts of digital communication and microwave communication schemes
using appropriate Simulation tools.
CO1 3 - - 2 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 - -
CO2 2 - - - 3 - - - 1 1 - - 3 - -
Components and Equipments required: ASK modulator and Demodulator kit, Oscilloscope
2. Select sampling frequency of 8 KHz by Sampling Frequency Selector Switch pressed till 80 KHz
signal LED glows.
3. Observe 1 KHz sine wave and its „sample and sample and hold output‟ on oscilloscope as shown
in Figure 2. The display shows 1 KHz sine wave being sampled at 8 KHz, so there are 8 samples
for every cycle of the sine wave.
4. Connect sample output to second and fourth order low pass filter input and observe the filtered
output on oscilloscope. Figure 3. shows the reconstructed 1 KHz sine wave.
5. Connect sample and hold output to second and fourth order low pass filter input and observe the
filtered output on oscilloscope. Figure 4 shows the reconstructed 1 KHz sine wave.
Figure 2. Sample output to second and fourth order low pass filter
Signal 1: Original signal Signal 2: Sample output
Signal 3: Sample & hold output Signal 4: Sampling signal
Figure 3. Filter outputs for Sample input
Signal 1: Original signal Signal 2: II order filter output Signal 3: IV order filter output
Inference: Generation of samples from an analog signal and reconstruction of the signal from the
samples are studied using the kit.
Experiment No.2
Components and Equipments required: Scientech 2156 and Scientech 2157 Tech Books, 2. 2 mm
Banana cable, Oscilloscope Scientech 803/831, 30 MHz or equivalent
1. Make the connections as shown in the Figure 3.
2. Switch 'ON' the power.
3. Observe and note down the different waveforms, „Clock In‟, ‟Data In‟, „Output‟ of modulator
circuit ,„Output‟ of the detector, LPF and comparator circuits.
Expected Waveforms:
Generation and demodulation of Amplitude Shift Keying were studied using the kit.
Experiment No.3
Components and Equipments required: Scientech 2156 and Scientech 2157 TechBooks, 2. 2 mm
Banana cable, Oscilloscope Scientech 803/831, 30 MHz or equivalent
1. Make the connections as shown in the Figure 3.
2. Switch 'ON' the power.
3. Observe and note down the different waveforms ,„Clock In‟, ‟Data In‟, „Output‟ of modulator
circuit ,„Output‟ of the PLL detector, LPF and comparator circuits.
Expected Waveforms:
Generation and demodulation of FSK signal were studied using the kit.
Experiment No.4
1. Make the connections as shown in the Figure 4.
2. Switch 'ON' the power.
3. Observe and note down the different waveforms, „Clock In‟, ‟Data In‟, „Output‟ of modulator
circuit ,„Output‟ of the PSK Demodulator, LPF , comparator and Differential Bit Decoder
4. The variation in reference voltage potentiometer may affect the Data, to recover the original
data adjust the potentiometer (if necessary).
Expected Waveforms:
Generation and demodulation of PSK signal was studied using the kit.
Experiment No.5
Aim: To measure the frequency, free space wave length (λo), Guide wave length(λg), and VSWR
using microwave bench.
Components & Equipments Required : Klystron power supply, CRO, Variable Attenuator, Movable
short (load), Klystron mount, VSWR Meter, Frequency meter, Slotted section with probe.
Block diagram:
Klystron CRO
Power or VSWR
Supply Meter
The initial adjustments of the klystron power supply before starting the experiment as follows:
1. Switch on the toggle switch after ensuring that all the knobs are at Zero position.
2. Keep the modulator switch in the “CW” position.
3. Turn on the beam selector switch to voltage position and verify that the beam voltage is between
250 to 300Volts.
4. Now keep the selector switch to current position and adjust the current to 20/22 mA.
5. Keep the switch in the Repeller voltage position and vary the voltage from10V to 210 Volts.
6. Keep the modulator switch to AM position and adjust the amplitude.
Measurement of frequency (f):
1. After initial adjustment, tune the probe so that CRO shows a maximum output.
2. Slowly detune the frequency meter until a sudden dip is observed.
3. Note down the corresponding reading in the frequency meter which gives the frequency
4. Calculate the free space wave length (λo) = C/f.
Measurement of Guide wave length (λg):
1. Move the carriage scale or traveling wave detector until CRO reads a minimum (maximum)
value and note the main scale reading and the Vernier scale reading of the carriage scale and
denote it as d1 .
2. Move the carriage scale in the same direction until a second minimum (maximum) is obtained.
Note down the carriage scale reading corresponding to the position and denote it as d2 .
3. d1 ~ d2 = λg /2.
∴ λg = 2(d1~ d2).
4. Compute theoretical λg:
(1/ λg) 2 = (1/ λo ) 2 – ( 1/2a ) 2
a = broad side dimension of the wave guide.
a = 0.9″ = 2.286 cm.
Measurement of VSWR:
Frequency, f= GHz
Block diagram:
Signal source
2.2 – 3GHz
1 kHz AM
Attenuator P Q Detector
Matched load
Parallel line 1 2
Measurement of Coupling and Isolation:
1. Assemble the set up as shown in Figure. 1. Do not switch „ON‟ the microwave signal source orthe
VSWR meter until you read the instructions given at Sl. Nos. 2 and 3 blow.
2. Procedure for switching „ON‟ the microwave signal source.
Before switching on the signal source, rotate the RF power level knob on the front panel anti-
clockwise to minimum position (lowest power output). Remember to connect a 6dB (or 10dB)
attenuator pad at the RF output port of the source as shown in the diagram.
Switch on the signal source in the following sequence:
First power switch to „ON‟ position, then RF power stitch to „ON‟ position. Set modulation switch to
AM and modulation frequency to the 1kHz preset position(click at extreme left).
3.Procedure for switching „ON‟ the VSWR meter:
Keep the range switch in the 40dB range position and the variable gain knob to maximum. (Choice
of 40 dB range initially is to avoid the meter needle from kicking in case the input power is
high).Switch „ON‟ the VSWR meter.
4.To measure the coupling:
(a) First measure reference power level by connecting the cable end at P to Q directly (refer Figure
1). Set the frequency of the source to 2.3 GHz. Increase the RF power output of the source till the
VSWR meter shows a reading in the 50dB range (say 55dB). Record the frequency (in GHz) in
column 1 and the VSWR meter readings as P li dB (minus value) in column 2 of Table – a. Increase
the frequency of the source in steps of 0.1 GHz up to 2.8 GHz and note the corresponding readings
of the VSWR meter. Column 2 now gives the reference input power at different frequencies.
(b) Next insert the coupler (branch line or parallel coupled) between P and Q with input port (Say
port 1) connected to P and the coupledport (port 3) to Q. Terminate ports 2 and 4 of the coupler in
50Ωmatched loads. Record the readings of the VSWR meter at the above frequencies as P 3s dB minus
value) in column 3 of Table –a.
c) Determination of coupling in decibels:
Using the calibration graph, get the corrected values of Pli (column 2) of Table – a and record them
as P`li(dB) in column 4 of the same Table. Similarly, get the corrected values of P3 s (column 3) and
record them as P`3 s (dB) in column 5 of Table – a.
Coupling C (dB) = P`li (dB) – P`3 s (dB). Enter this value at column 6 of Table – a.
d) Parallel coupled Directional coupler:
Plot of coupling versus frequency: The coupling value of this coupler is provided on the component.
Observe the variation in coupling as function of frequency. Explain the variation.
1.To measure the Isolation
The value of isolation is generally much greater than coupling. Therefore, choose a higher reference
values so that with the device connected, the meter needle does not go below 70dB
(a) Connect the cable end at P and Q directly (refer Figure 1). Set the frequency of the source to 2.3
GHz. Increase the RF power output of thesource till the VSWR meter shows reading in the 40dB
range (say 48dB).Record the frequency (in GHz ) in column 1 and the VSWR meter readings as P li dB
(minus value) in column 2 of Table – b. Increase the frequency of the source in steps of 0.1GHz up to
2.8GHz and note the corresponding readings of the VSWR meter. Column 2 now gives the reference
input power at different frequencies.
b) Connect the isolated port (port 4) to Q. Terminate ports 2 and 3 in matched loads. Record the
readings of the VSWR meter at the same frequencies as P4 s dB (minus value) in column 3 of the
same table.
c) Determination of Isolation in decibels:
Using the calibration graph, get the corrected values of P li (column 2) of Table – b and record them as
P`li(dB) in column 4 of the same Table. Similarly, get the corrected values of P 4s (column 3) and record
them asP`4 s (dB) in column 5 of Table – b. Isolation (dB) = P`li (dB) – P`4 s (dB). Enter this value at
column 6 of Table – b.
d) Parallel coupled Directional coupler:
Plot of Isolation versus frequency: In the ideal case, the Isolation is Infinite dB at the center frequency
and then it deteriorates as the frequency is either increased or decreased. Observe the variation in
Isolation as a function of frequency. Explain the variation.
e) Determine the % bandwidth of the Parallel coupled directional coupler corresponding to (a) coupling
variation of 1.5dB with respect to the mean value and (b) 12dB Isolation. Compare the bandwidths in
the two cases. Which of the two parameters of the coupler limits the bandwidth?
f) Plot C (dB) and Isolation (dB) as a function of frequency.
Note that C (dB) =|𝑆31|(dB) and Isolation (dB) = |𝑆41| (dB).
Result: Coupling and Isolation characteristics of branch line directional and parallel line directional
couplers are studied.
Experiment No. 7
To study the modulation and de-modulation of Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK).
Block Diagram:
NRZ(L) Differential
Data Unipolar Carrier
Data Source DPSK
Format Encoder to Bipolar Modulator
Clock input CLK
CLK Reconstructed
1. Make the connections as shown in the Figure 3.
2. Switch 'ON' the power.
3. Observe and note down the following waveforms: „Clock In‟, ‟Data In‟, „ differential data‟
,„Output of modulator circuit‟ ,„Output of the Demodulator, LPF , comparator and Differential
4. The variation in reference voltage potentiometer may affect the Data, hence to recover the
original Data adjust the potentiometer knob (if necessary).
Expected Waveforms:
DPSK wave
LPF output
Comparator output
decoder output
Expected Waveforms:
In Phase Carrier
Quadrature Carrier
Bi-polar -I
Mod O/P-1
Mod O/P-2
Expected Wave form at Demodulator:
I- QPSK De mod
Q-QPSK De mod
I- Data
Low pass filter O/P- 1
Generation and demodulation of QPSK signal was studied using the kit
Experiment No. 9
Block diagram:
Transmitter Receiver
Function Comparator
Fiber Optic Link
1kHZ OFC Low pass
Frequency Filter
Modulator Emitter Detector
Phase locked
Pulse width Loop
A.C Amplifier
Circuit diagram:
1. Connect the power supply to board.
2. Ensure that all switched faults are off.
a. Connect F.G. 1 kHz sine wave output to the emitter circuits input.
b. Connect the F.O. cable between emitter output and detectors input.
6. Observe the input to emitter (t.p.5) with the output from AC Amplifier and note that the two
signals are same.
7. Observe input and output on the CRO and note down waveforms.
Circuit diagram:
a. Connect F.G. 1 kHz square wave output to the emitter circuits input.
b. Connect the F.O. cable between emitter output and detectors input.
6. Monitor both the inputs to comparator, slowly adjust the comparators bias preset, until DC
Level on the input lies midway between the high and low level of the signal on the positive input.
7. Observe the input to emitter with the output from AC Amplifier and note that the two signals
are same.
(b) To measure the Propagation loss or attenuation loss, Bending loss and
coupling loss in Optical Fiber.
I. Propagation Loss:
Input voltage = 2Vp-p
1 2
Tabular column:
Input voltage = V = 2Vp - p
. 5
α' – is the attenuation constant in dB/m
η - is the coupling loss in dB.
V4 = 0.8V L3 = 1.5m
V1 = 2V L1 = 0.5
Circuit diagram of Propagation Loss in Optical Fiber:
I. Propagation Loss in Optical Fiber:
4. Set the oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5v / div and adjust 4 – 6 div amplitude by using X 1
probe with the help of variable pot in function generator Block at input of Emitter.
7. Now replaced the previous F.O cable with 1m cable without disturbing any previous
8. Measure the amplitude at the receiver side again at output of amplifier socket. Note this
value end name it V2 .
Calculate the propagation (Attenuation) Loss with the help of following formula.
4. Set the oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5v / div and adjust 4 – 6 div amplitude by using X 1
probe with the help of variable pot in function generator block at input of Emitter.
6. Adjust the amplitude of the received signal as that of transmitted one with the help of gain
adjusts pot in AC Amplifier block. Note this amplitude and name it V1 .
7. Wind the F. O cable on the Mandrel and observe the corresponding AC Amplifier output
on CRO. It will be gradually reducing showing Loss due to bends.
3. Note down the peak value of the received signal at Analog out terminal and note it as
V1 .
4. Now remove the one end of 0.5 m fiber from detector, connect one end of 1 m fiber there.
5. Join or couple the other ends of 1 m and 0.5 m fiber and note down the peak to peak value
of the received signal and note it as V4 .
where θ max is the maximum angle at which the light incident is properly
transmitted through the fiber.
Tabular column:
W L NA θ max
( mm ) ( cm )
10 1.25
15 1.8
20 3.6
25 4.1
Circular patch OA = d
Screen M
F.O. cable
(𝑀𝑅 + 𝑃𝑁)
2. Connect the frequency generator‟s 1kHz sine wave output to input of emitter circuit. Adjust
its amplitude at 5Vp-p.
3. Connect one end of fiber cable to the output socket of emitter circuit and the other end to the
Numerical aperture measurement jig. Hold the white screen facing the fiber such that its cut
face is perpendicular to the axis of the fiber.
4. Hold the white screen with 4 concentric circles (10, 15, 20, 25 mm diameter) vertically at a
suitable distance to make the red spot from the fiber coincide with 10mm circle (as shown in
Figure 6.)
5. Record the distance of screen from the fiber end L and note the diameter W of the spot.
𝑁. 𝐴. = 𝑟 =
√𝑑2+𝑟 2 √4𝐿2+W2
7. Vary the distance between in screen and fiber optic cable and make it coincide with one of
the concentric circles. Note its distance.
8. Tabulate the various distances and diameter of the circles made on the white screen and
computes the numerical aperture from the formula given above.
1. Propagation Loss =
2. Bending Loss =
3. Coupling Loss =
Experiment No. 10
Aim: (a) To measure the E- and H- plane radiation patterns of an antenna Using Microstip.
(b) To determine the half-power beam widths in the principal planes and calculate the
directivity of the antenna.
Block diagram:
1 KHz AM
Attenuator VSWR
Pad Meter
Figure 1: Antenna test set up for measurement of radiation pattern and gain
Table 1: Measured data for Yagi – Uda antenna H – plane pattern
Frequency =
: : : :
Frequency =
: : : :
Table 3: Measured data for Dipole antenna H – plane pattern
Frequency =
: : : :
: : : :
1. Assemble the set up as shown in Figure 1. Mount the two (identical) Yagi antennas on the stands.
2. Do not switch „ON‟ the signal source, or the VSWR meter until instructions given at procedure
nos. 2 and 3 are below.
6. Keep the receiving antenna in the far zone of the transmitting antenna. That is, the distance R
between the two antennas must satisfy the relation R > 2D2 / λ0, where D is the maximum size of
the antenna(s), and λ 0 is the free space wavelength. Calculate this value for the given antennas and
make sure that the distance between the antennas is greater than this R.
7. For E-plane pattern: Align the two Yagi antennas along their main beam peaks (bore sight
direction) and for horizontal polarization. Set the pointer on the receiving antenna stand to read
8. Set the frequency of the source near 2.4 GHz and vary frequency around this value to get
maximum reading on the VSWR meter. (When the frequency of the source is set to the center
frequency of the antennas, the VSWR meter will show maximum reading.)
9. With the antennas properly aligned and the pointer on the rotating stand set at 0˚, adjust the
power output of the source to indicate high power in dB on the VSWR meter (say, - 46dB).This
is the reference value at the peak of the beam.
10. Next, rotate the antenna clockwise in steps of 5˚ at a time till 90˚ (or till the meter reading falls to
– 70dB). Record the angles in column 1 and VSWR meter readings as „minus‟ dB in column 2 of
Table 2.
11. Return to 0˚ position. The VSWR meter needle should return to the reference level (- 46dB). In
case of any minor deviation (which can occur due to power fluctuation), adjust the gain on the
VSWR meter slightly to read the same reference value. Repeat measurements by rotating the
antenna anticlockwise in steps of 5˚ till - 90˚(or till the meter reading falls to -70dB).
Record the angle and VSWR meter readings at every step in columns 5 and 6, respectively.
12. For H – plane pattern: Now turn both the antennas by 90˚ and mount them for vertical
polarization. Align the antennas for maximum reading on the VSWR meter.
12. Refer to the calibration Graph that is provided with the detector and VSWR Meter. Locate the
VSWR meter readings of columns 2 and 6 on the x-axis of the graph. Read the corrected values
on the y-axis and record them in columns 3 and 7, respectively.
13. Normalize all the readings by taking the reference value as 0dB. ( For example, if the corrected
reference value is y = - 49.5dB, then add 49.5dB to all the readings of column 3 and 7 and enter
the normalized values in the respective adjacent columns). Plot the E-and H- plane patterns on a
polar plot showing normalized values in dB verses the angle.
14. For both the patterns, locate the -3db points on either side of the peak (0dB) and note the angle
between them. This gives the -3dB beam widths (ΔθEº and ΔθHº ), in the E- and H- planes,
15. The pattern directivity D can be calculated using the approximate formula
Given below:
Directivity, 𝐷 = 32,4000 0
∆𝜃𝐸 ∆𝜃𝐻
𝐷(dBi) = 10 log 10
∆𝜃𝐸 0∆𝜃𝐻0
16. Repeat the steps with Yagi – uda antenna and Dipole antenna.
Block diagram:
Signal source
2.2 – 3GHz VSWR
1KHz AM Mod.
Attenuator P Q Detector
Pad (3dB)
1 2
Figure 1: Test set up for measuring the resonant response of ring resonator
Observations :
Reference power = - 27dB at 2.3 GHz
You may notice that the power output suddenly drops. The VSWR meter may not even
show any indication. That is because the ring resonator offers large attenuation away from
Vary the frequency of the source slowly from 2.3GHz to 2.8GHz and observe the frequency
at which the VSWR meter reading shows a sharp peak. If no peak is observed, increase the
power output of the source and vary the frequency again. Note the frequency at which the
VSWR meter shows a peak. This is the (first order) resonant frequency fr of the resonator.
Resonant frequency of ring resonator is verified.
Experiment No. 12
Aim: To measure the Power division and Isolation characteristics of a microstrip 3 dB power divider.
Block diagram:
Signal source
2.2 – 3GHz VSWR
Attenuator P Q Detector
divider 1
2 Matched load
Power Power
Frequency VSWR meter readings division division
F ( GHz ) Pli P2 s P3 s P`li P`2 s P`3 s Port1 to 2 Port1 to 3
(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) S21 (dB) S31 (dB)
1. Assemble the set up as shown in Figure 1 . Do not switch on the microwave signal source
or the VSWR meter until you read the instructions given at Sl. Nos. 2 and 3 below.
a) Set the frequency of the source to 2.3 GHz. Increase the RF power output of the source till
the VSWR meter shows reading in the 40 dB range (say 48 dB). Record the frequency (in GHz)
in column 1 and the VSWR meter readings as P2i dB in column 2 of Table b. Increase the
frequency of the source in steps of 0.1 GHz up to 2.8 GHz and note the corresponding readings
of the VSWR meter in column 2. Insert the power divider between P and Q with port 2 as the
input port connected to P and port 3 to Q. Terminate port 1 in a matched load. Record the
readings of the VSWR meter at the same frequencies as P3 s dB in column 3 of Table b.
8. Determination of Isolation
Using the calibration graph, get the corrected values of P 2i (column 2) and P3 s (column
3) of Table b and record them as P`2i (dB) and P`3s (dB) in column 4 and 5, respectively, of the
same Table.
5. Conduct an experiment to measure the following parameters for a microwave signal generated by the
Klystron: fo, λo, λg, VSWR
7. Conduct an experiment to demonstrate the generation of samples of analog signal and reconstruction
of the signal from the samples.
10. With a suitable experimental setup measure resonant frequency of a ring resonator.
11. Demonstrate the generation and detection of DPSK scheme of modulation to modulate the given
binary sequence.
12. Experimentally show the generation and detection of Quadri phase shift keying scheme.
5. Samuel Liao, “Microwave devices and Circuits”, Third edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
6. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Second Edition, TMH Publication, 2010.
7. D. M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc,2004
8. John D. Krauss, “Antennas and Wave Propagation”, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill International
edition, 2010.
9. C. A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, Third Edition, John Wiley India Pvt. Ltd,