Chapitre 6 - VRP
Chapitre 6 - VRP
Chapitre 6 - VRP
Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
DOI: 10.1016/S0927-0507(06)14006-2
Chapter 6
Vehicle Routing
Jean-François Cordeau
Canada Research Chair in Logistics and Transportation, HEC Montréal,
3000 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, H3T 2A7, Canada
E-mail: [email protected]
Gilbert Laporte
Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management, HEC Montréal,
3000 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, H3T 2A7, Canada
E-mail: [email protected]
Daniele Vigo
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, University of Bologna,
Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
1 Introduction
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book chapters (see, e.g., Toth and Vigo, 2002a). The pickup and delivery vehi-
cle routing problem, which has also been extensively studied, is covered in the
“Transportation on Demand” chapter.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 is devoted to
the classical vehicle routing problem (simply referred to as VRP), defined with
a single depot and only capacity and route length constraints. Problems with
time windows are surveyed in Section 3. Section 4 is devoted to inventory rout-
ing problems which combine routing and customer replenishment decisions.
Finally, Section 5 covers the field of stochastic vehicle routing in which some
of the problem data are random variables.
The Classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is one of the most popular
problems in combinatorial optimization, and its study has given rise to several
exact and heuristic solution techniques of general applicability. It generalizes
the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and is therefore NP-hard. A recent sur-
vey of the VRP can be found in the first six chapters of the book edited by
Toth and Vigo (2002a). The aim of this section is to provide a comprehensive
overview of the available exact and heuristic algorithms for the VRP, most of
which have also been adapted to solve other variants, as will be shown in the
remaining sections.
The VRP is often defined under capacity and route length restrictions.
When only capacity constraints are present the problem is denoted as CVRP.
Most exact algorithms have been developed with capacity constraints in mind
but several apply mutatis mutandis to distance constrained problems. In con-
trast, most heuristics explicitly consider both types of constraint.
2.1 Formulations
xe ∈ {0 1} e∈
/ δ(0) (5)
xe ∈ {0 1 2} e ∈ δ(0) (6)
The degree constraints (2) state that each customer is visited exactly once,
whereas the depot degree constraint (3) means that m routes are created.
Capacity constraints (4) impose both the connectivity of the solution and the
vehicle capacity requirements by forcing a sufficient number of edges to enter
each subset of vertices. We note that since the BPP is NP-hard in the strong
r(S) may be approximated from below by any BPP lower bound, such as
i∈S qi /Q. Finally, constraints (5) and (6) impose that each edge between
two customers is traversed at most once and each edge incident to the depot is
traversed at most twice. In this latter case, the vehicle performs a route visiting
a single customer.
A widely used alternative formulation is based on the set partitioning or
set covering models. The formulation was originally proposed by Balinski and
Quandt (1964) and contains a potentially exponential number of binary vari-
ables. Let R = {R1 Rs } denote the collection of all feasible routes, with
s = |R|. Each route Rj has an associated cost γj , and aij is a binary coefficient
equal to 1 if and only if vertex i is visited (i.e., covered) by route Rj . The binary
variable xj , j = 1 s, is equal to 1 if and only if route Rj is selected in the
370 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
We now review the main exact approaches presented in the last two decades
for the solution of the CVRP. For a thorough review of previous exact meth-
ods, see Laporte and Nobert (1987). We first describe the algorithms based on
Ch. 6. Vehicle Routing 371
branch-and-bound, including those that make use of the set partitioning for-
mulation and column generation schemes, and we then examine the algorithms
based on branch-and-cut. In practice, the CVRP turns out to be significantly
harder to solve than the TSP. The best CVRP algorithms can rarely tackle in-
stances involving more than 100 vertices, while TSP instances with hundreds
and even thousands of vertices are now routinely solved to optimality.
stances. The situation is slightly better for the AP relaxation of the asymmetric
CVRP that yields average gaps of about 10% or less. Laporte et al. (1986) have
proposed a branch-and-bound algorithm for asymmetric CVRP, based on the
AP relaxation and capable of solving randomly generated problems involving
tens of customers and between two and four vehicles.
The second family of elementary relaxations used in recent branch-and-
bound algorithms is based on degree-constrained spanning trees. These re-
laxations extend the well-known 1-tree relaxation proposed by Held and Karp
(1971) for the TSP. The earliest branch-and-bound algorithm based on this
relaxation, proposed by Christofides et al. (1981a), could only solve relatively
small instances. More recently, Fisher (1994) has presented another tree based
relaxation requiring the determination of a so-called m-tree, defined as a mini-
mum cost set of n + m edges spanning the graph. The approach used by Fisher
is based on CVRP1 with the additional assumption that single-customer routes
are not allowed. Fisher modeled the CVRP as the problem of determining an
m-tree with degree equal to 2m at the depot vertex, with additional constraints
on vehicle capacity and a degree of 2 for each customer vertex. The determi-
nation of an m-tree with degree 2m at the depot requires O(n3 ) time. The
degree-constrained m-tree relaxation is easily obtained from CVRP1 by re-
moving the degree constraints (2) for customer vertices and weakening the
capacity constraints (4) into connectivity constraints, i.e., by replacing their
right-hand side with 1. The m-tree solution is not always feasible for the CVRP
since some vertices may have a degree different from 2 and the demand asso-
ciated with the subtrees incident to the depot may exceed the vehicle capacity.
For the asymmetric CVRP, similar relaxations may be derived from directed
trees, also called arborescences, spanning the graph and having an outdegree
equal to m at the depot vertex. To obtain the final bound a minimum cost set of
m vertex-disjoint arcs entering the depot are added to the constrained arbores-
cence. In this case, the relaxed subproblem may be solved in polynomial time,
but again the quality of the resulting lower bound is very poor. Toth and Vigo
(2002c) report that on benchmark asymmetric instances, the average gap of
these relaxations with respect to the optimal solution value is larger than 25%.
Different improved bounding techniques were later developed to narrow
the gap between the lower bound and the optimal solution value of the
CVRP. These include two bounding procedures based on Lagrangian relax-
ation proposed by Fisher (1994) and Miller (1995). These are strengthenings
of the basic CVRP relaxations obtained by dualizing some of the relaxed
constraints in a Lagrangian fashion. In particular, they both include in the
objective function a suitable subset of the capacity constraints (4), whereas
the Fisher relaxation also incorporates degree constraints (2) which were re-
laxed in the m-tree relaxation. As in related problems, good values for the
Lagrangian multipliers associated with the relaxed constraints are determined
by using a subgradient optimization procedure (see, e.g., Held and Karp, 1971;
Held et al., 1974). The main difficulty associated with these relaxations lies in
the exponential cardinality of the set of relaxed constraints which does not
Ch. 6. Vehicle Routing 373
allow for their complete inclusion in the objective function. These authors
include a limited family F of capacity constraints and iteratively generate
the constraints violated by the current solution of the Lagrangian problem.
The process terminates when no violated constraint is detected (hence the
Lagrangian solution is feasible) or a preset number of subgradient itera-
tions have been executed. Redundant constraints are periodically removed
from F . The relax-and-cut algorithm of Martinhon et al. (2000) generalizes
these Lagrangian-based approaches by also considering comb and multistar
inequalities, and moderately improves the quality of the Lagrangian bound.
Some exact algorithms for the CVRP are based on the set partitioning
formulation CVRP2. The first of these is due to Agarwal et al. (1989) who con-
sidered a relaxation of model CVRP2 not including constraints (9) and solved
the resulting model through column generation. Agarwal, Mathur, and Salkin
used their algorithm to solve seven Euclidean CVRP instances with up to 25
customers. Hadjiconstantinou et al. (1995) proposed a branch-and-bound al-
gorithm in which the lower bound was obtained by considering the dual of
the linear relaxation of model CVRP2, following the approach introduced
by Mingozzi et al. (1994). By linear programming duality, any feasible solu-
tion to this dual problem yields a valid lower bound. Hadjiconstantinou et al.
(1995) determined the heuristic dual solutions by combining two relaxations of
the original problem: the q-path relaxation of Christofides et al. (1981a) and
the m-shortest path relaxation of Christofides and Mingozzi (1989). The al-
gorithm was able to solve randomly generated Euclidean instances with up to
30 vertices and benchmark instances with up to 50 vertices. Further details on
set partitioning-based algorithms for the CVRP are provided in Bramel and
Simchi-Levi (2002).
Fischetti et al. (1994) have improved the AP relaxation of the asymmet-
ric CVRP by combining into an additive bounding procedure two new lower
bounds based on disjunctions on infeasible arc subsets and on minimum cost
flows. The additive approach was proposed by Fischetti and Toth (1989) and al-
lows for the combination of different lower bounding procedures, each exploit-
ing a different substructure of the problem under consideration. The resulting
branch-and-bound approach was able to solve randomly generated instances
containing up to 300 vertices and four vehicles. Other bounds for the asym-
metric CVRP may be derived by generalizing the methods proposed for the
symmetric case. For example, Fisher (1994) proposed a way of extending to the
asymmetric CVRP the Lagrangian bound based on m-trees. In this extension
the Lagrangian problem calls for the determination of an undirected m-tree
on the undirected graph obtained by replacing each pair of arcs (i j) and (j i)
with a single edge (i j) of cost cij = min{cij cji }. No computational testing for
this bound was presented by Fisher (1994). Potentially better bounds may be
obtained by explicitly considering the asymmetry of the problem, i.e., by using
m-arborescences rather than m-trees and by strengthening the bound in a La-
grangian fashion as proposed by Toth and Vigo (1995, 1997) for the capacitated
shortest spanning arborescence problem and for the VRP with backhauls.
374 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
An impressive number of heuristics have been proposed for the VRP. Ini-
tially these were mainly standard route construction algorithms, whereas more
recently powerful metaheuristic approaches have been developed. In the fol-
lowing we separately review these two families of algorithms. Almost all of
these methods were developed, described and tested for the symmetric VRP.
In addition, since finding a feasible solution with exactly m vehicles is itself
an NP-complete problem, almost all methods assume an unlimited number
376 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
Route improvement heuristics. Local search algorithms are often used to im-
prove initial solutions generated by other heuristics. Starting from a given solu-
tion, a local search method applies simple modifications, such as arc exchanges
or customer movements, to obtain neighbor solutions of possibly better cost.
If an improving solution is found, it then becomes the current solution and the
process iterates; otherwise a local minimum has been identified.
A large variety of neighborhoods are available. These may be subdivided
into intra-route neighborhoods, if they operate on a single route at a time, or
inter-route neighborhoods if they consider more than one route simultaneously.
The most common neighborhood type is the λ-opt heuristic of Lin (1965) for
the TSP, where λ edges are removed from the current solution and replaced by
λ others. The computing time required to examine all neighbors of a solution
is proportional to nλ . Thus, only λ = 2 or 3 are used in practice. As an alterna-
tive, one can use restricted neighborhoods characterized by subsets of moves
associated with larger λ values, such as Or-exchanges (Or, 1976) or the 4-opt*
neighborhood of Renaud et al. (1996a) which considers only a subset of all
potential 4-opt exchanges. Laporte and Semet (2002) have conducted a com-
putational comparison of some basic route improvement procedures. More
complex inter-route neighborhoods are analyzed by Thompson and Psaraftis
(1993), Van Breedam (1994), and Kindervater and Savelsbergh (1997).
2.3.2 Metaheuristics
Several metaheuristics have been applied to the VRP. With respect to clas-
sical heuristics, they perform a more thorough search of the solution space and
are less likely to end with a local optimum. These can be broadly divided into
three classes:
(1) local search, including simulated annealing, deterministic annealing,
and tabu search;
(2) population search, including genetic search and adaptive memory pro-
(3) learning mechanisms, including neural networks and ant colony opti-
The best heuristics often combine ideas borrowed from different meta-
heuristic principles. Recent surveys of VRP metaheuristics can be found in
Gendreau et al. (2002), Cordeau and Laporte (2004), and Cordeau et al.
Local search algorithms explore the solution space by iteratively moving
from a solution xt at iteration t to a solution xt+1 in the neighborhood N(xt )
of xt until a stopping criterion is satisfied. If f (x) denotes the cost of solution x,
then f (xt+1 ) is not necessarily smaller than f (xt ). As a result, mechanisms
must be implemented to avoid cycling. In simulated annealing, a solution x is
drawn randomly from N(xt ). If f (x) f (xt ), then xt+1 := x. Otherwise,
x with probability pt
xt+1 :=
xt with probability 1 − pt
380 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
is determined. Then only two families of edges are retained: those incident
to the depot, and those whose cost does not exceed βc̄, where β is a user-
defined sparsification parameter. The authors show that on benchmark in-
stances, choosing β in [10 20] yields the elimination of between 80–90% of
all edges. Granular tabu search was implemented in conjunction with some of
the features of Taillard’s algorithm (Taillard, 1993) and Taburoute (Gendreau
et al., 1994), and neighbor solutions were obtained by performing intra-route
and inter-route exchanges.
Deterministic annealing was first applied to the VRP by Golden et al. (1998)
and more recently by Li et al. (2005). The latter algorithm combines the record-
to-record principle of Dueck (1993) with GTS. It works on a sparsified graph
containing only a proportion α of the 40 shortest edges incident to each ver-
tex, where α varies throughout the algorithm. The algorithm is applied several
times from three initial solutions generated by the Clarke and Wright (1964)
algorithm, with savings sij defined as ci0 + c0j − λcij , and λ = 06 14 and 16.
Neighbors are defined by means of intra- and inter-route 2-opt moves, and
nonimproving solutions are accepted as long as their cost does not exceed that
of the incumbent by more than 1%. Whenever the solution has not improved
for a number of iterations, a perturbation is applied to the best known solution
to restart the search. This is achieved by temporarily moving some vertices to
different positions.
creating offspring solutions from parents, while mutations are obtained here
by applying a local search algorithm to an offspring. This combination of so-
lution recombination and local search is sometimes referred to as a memetic
algorithm (Moscato and Cotta, 2003). In this algorithm, solutions are repre-
sented as a giant tour without trip delimiters. To create an offspring from two
parents, a chain (i j) is first selected from the first parent and the vertices
of the second parent are scanned from position j + 1 by skipping those of the
chain (i j). A second offspring is generated in a similar way by reversing
the roles of the two parents. Offspring are improved by applying a combination
of vertex and edge reinsertions, vertex swaps, combined vertex and edge swaps.
Two other memetic algorithms have recently been proposed by Berger and
Barkaoui (2004) and by Mester and Bräysy (2005). The first works on two pop-
ulations whose sizes are kept constant through the replacement of parents by
newly created offspring, and migrations take place between the two popula-
tions. Offspring are obtained by combining routes from two parents as long as
this can be done without overlapping, and by inserting the unrouted customers
according to a proximity criterion. A VLNS heuristic (Shaw, 1998) combin-
ing three insertion mechanisms is then applied to the offspring, followed by
an improvement scheme consisting of removing vertices from the solution and
reinserting them by means of the I1 procedure of Solomon (1987).
The Active Guided Evolution Strategies (AGES) of Mester and Bräysy was
initially developed to solve the VRP with time windows and was later applied to
the classical VRP. It combines local search (Voudouris, 1997) with an evolution
strategy (Rechenberg, 1973) to produce an iterative two-stage procedure. The
evolutionary strategy uses a deterministic rule to select a parent solution and
create a single offspring from a single parent. The offspring replaces the parent
if it improves upon it. Offspring are improved by means of an elaborate search
procedure combining granular tabu search, continuous diversification, vertex
swaps and moves, 2-opt* moves (Potvin and Rousseau, 1995), VLNS (Shaw,
1998), and restarts.
worth pointing out that while exact methods usually minimize distance, most
heuristics consider a hierarchical objective which first minimizes the number
of vehicles used and then distance.
dual. The dual of the LP relaxation of formulation (25)–(28) is, in fact, equiv-
alent to the Lagrangian dual defined in the previous section. This formulation
can also be obtained by applying the Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition principle
(Dantzig and Wolfe, 1960) to the original formulation (11)–(19).
Branching must be performed at each node of the branch-and-bound tree,
where the optimal solution to the linear relaxation includes fractional path
variables. While it is in principle possible to branch directly on fractional θω
variables, this approach is difficult to implement in practice. Indeed, it is easy
to set such variables equal to 1 but it is much more difficult to impose the op-
posite decision. In the latter case, care must be taken to ensure that the same
path will not be generated more than once by the subproblem. To this purpose,
one could use a modified dynamic programming algorithm to implicitly handle
forbidden paths, or a p-shortest path algorithm where p is equal to the num-
ber of forbidden paths plus one. This would ensure the generation of at least
one valid path of negative reduced cost whenever one exists. A more conve-
nient branching scheme consists of making decisions on the original arc flow
variables xkij or on sums of these variables. For example, binary decisions can
be made on the following sum of variables:
j∈N k∈K
denote the flow into set S ⊆ N and denote by κ(S) the minimum number of
vehicles needed to serve all customers in S. Then the constraint
x(S) κ(S) (29)
is a valid inequality for the VRPTW and is called a κ-path inequality. Com-
puting κ(S) is a difficult problem which is equivalent to solving the VRPTW
on a subset of vertices with the objective of minimizing the number of vehi-
cles used. Kohl et al. (1999) have, in fact, restricted their attention to the case
Ch. 6. Vehicle Routing 391
Because of the difficulty of the VRPTW and its high practical relevance,
there is a genuine need to develop fast algorithms capable of producing good
quality solutions in short computing times. Heuristics can also be used to pro-
vide upper bounds for the exact algorithms described in the previous section.
This section describes the three main classes of heuristics for the VRPTW:
construction heuristics, improvement heuristics, and metaheuristics.
3.3.3 Metaheuristics
Most of the recent research on approximate algorithms for the VRPTW has
concentrated on the development of metaheuristics. Unlike classical improve-
ment methods, metaheuristics usually incorporate mechanisms to continue the
exploration of the search space after a local minimum is encountered.
Tabu search heuristics. Some of the first applications of tabu search to the
VRPTW can be attributed to Semet and Taillard (1993) and to Potvin et
al. (1996) who combined Solomon’s insertion heuristics with improvement
schemes based on vertex and chain exchange procedures.
A more sophisticated algorithm was later developed by Taillard et al. (1997)
for the VRP with soft time windows in which vehicles are allowed to arrive late
at customer locations but time window violations are penalized in the objective
function. This heuristic relies on the concept of adaptive memory introduced
by Rochat and Taillard (1995) and on the decomposition and reconstruction
procedure developed by Taillard (1993) for the classical VRP. An adaptive
memory is a pool of routes extracted from the best solutions found during the
search. This memory is first initialized with routes produced by a randomized
insertion heuristic. At each iteration of the metaheuristic, a solution is con-
structed from the routes belonging to the adaptive memory and is improved
through tabu search. The routes of the resulting solution are then stored in
Ch. 6. Vehicle Routing 395
the adaptive memory if this solution improves upon the worst solution already
stored. The tabu search heuristic uses an exchange operator, called CROSS ex-
change, which swaps sequences of consecutive customers between two routes.
Individual routes are also optimized by removing two edges from a route and
moving the segment between these two edges to another location within the
route. A parallel computing implementation of this approach is described in
Badeau et al. (1997).
A metaheuristic embedding reactive tabu search (see, e.g., Battiti and
Tecchiolli, 1994) within the parallel construction heuristic of Russell (1995) was
developed by Chiang and Russell (1997). In this implementation, the tabu list
length is increased if identical solutions occur too frequently and is decreased
if no feasible solution can be found. Using a variety of customer ordering
rules and criteria for measuring the best insertion points, the metaheuristic
first constructs six different initial solutions by gradually inserting customers
and repeatedly applying tabu search to the partial solutions. The best solution
obtained after this step is further improved through tabu search. Exchanges
are performed by using some of the λ-interchanges of Osman (1993): switch
a customer from one route to another and swap two customers belonging to
different routes.
More recently, a tabu search heuristic was developed by Cordeau et al.
(2001) for the VRPTW and two of its generalizations: the periodic VRPTW
and the multidepot VRPTW (see also Cordeau et al., 1997). In this heuris-
tic, an initial solution is obtained by means of a modified sweep heuristic.
Infeasible solutions are allowed during the search and violations of capacity,
duration or time window constraints are penalized in the objective function
through dynamically updated penalty factors. At each iteration of the tabu
search, a customer is removed from its current route and inserted into a dif-
ferent route by using a least cost insertion criterion. A continuous diversifica-
tion mechanism that penalizes frequently made exchanges is used to drive the
search process away from local optima. Finally, a post-optimizer based on a
specialized TSPTW heuristic (Gendreau et al., 1998) is applied to individual
routes. An improvement to this heuristic for the handling of route duration
constraints was recently described by Cordeau et al. (2004). The heuristic was
also extended by Cordeau and Laporte (2001) to handle heterogeneous vehi-
cles. Other tabu search algorithms for the VRPTW were proposed by Brandão
(1998), Schulze and Fahle (1999), and Lau et al. (2003).
Genetic algorithms. Homberger and Gehring (1999) have described two evo-
lution strategies for the VRPTW. Both are based on the (μ λ) strategy: start-
ing from a population with μ individuals, subsets of individuals are randomly
selected and recombined to yield a total of λ > μ offspring. Each offspring
is then subjected to a mutation operator, and the μ fittest are selected to
form the new population. In the first method, new individuals are generated
directly through mutations and no recombination takes place. Mutations are
obtained by performing one or several moves from the 2-opt, Or-opt, and
396 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
the required number of routes, the authors have proposed three lower bounds
for fleet size. Two are based on bin packing structures generated by the capac-
ity or time window constraints. The other is derived from the associated graph
created by pairs of customers having incompatible demands or time windows.
A guided local search algorithm for the VRPTW was introduced by Kilby
et al. (1998). In guided local search, the objective function is augmented with
a penalty term reflecting the proximity of the current solution value to that
of previously encountered local minima. The method is used to drive a local
search heuristic that modifies the current solution by performing one of four
moves: 2-opt exchanges within a route, switching a customer from one route
to another, exchanging customers belonging to two different routes, and swap-
ping the ends of two routes. All customers are first assigned to a virtual vehicle
and the routes for the actual vehicles are left empty. Because a penalty is as-
sociated with not visiting a customer, a feasible solution will be constructed
in the process of minimizing cost. The local search algorithm starts from this
solution and performs a series of exchanges until a local minimum is reached.
The objective function is then modified by adding a term penalizing the pres-
ence of the arcs used in this solution. The search iterates by finding new local
minima and accumulating penalties until a stopping criterion is met. This ap-
proach was later coupled with tabu search and embedded within a constraint
programming framework by De Backer et al. (2000).
Gambardella et al. (1999) have developed an ant colony optimization algo-
rithm for the VRPTW which associates an attractiveness measure to the arcs.
Artificial ants represent parallel processes whole role is to construct feasible
solutions. To deal with the hierarchical objective of first minimizing the num-
ber of vehicles and then minimizing distance, two ant colonies are used, each
dedicated to the optimization of a different objective. These colonies coop-
erate by exchanging information through pheromone updating. Whenever a
feasible solution with a smaller number of vehicles is found, both colonies are
reactivated with the reduced number of vehicles.
Bent and Van Hentenryck (2004) have described a two-stage hybrid algo-
rithm that first minimizes the number of routes by simulated annealing and
then minimizes total distance traveled by using a large neighborhood search
(Shaw, 1998) which may relocate a large number of customers. The first stage
uses a lexicographic evaluation function to minimize the number of routes,
maximize the sum of the squares of the route sizes, and minimize the minimal
delay (a measure of time window tightness) of the solution. The neighborhood
used in this stage consists of 2-opt, Or-opt, relocating, exchange, and crossover
moves. In the second stage, subsets of customers are removed from their cur-
rent route and reinserted in possibly different routes. Customers selected for
removal are randomly chosen but the algorithm favors customers that are
geographically close to each other and belong to different routes. A branch-
and-bound algorithm is then used to reinsert these customers.
A four-phase metaheuristic based on a modification of the variable neigh-
borhood search was described by Bräysy (2003). In the first phase, an initial
398 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
assigns the orders for that day to routes for vehicles. In IRPs, the delivery com-
pany, not the customer, decides how much to deliver to which customers each
day. There are no customer orders. Instead, the delivery company operates
under the restriction that its customers are not allowed to run out of product.
Another key difference is the planning horizon. Vehicle routing problems typ-
ically deal with a single day, the only requirement being that all orders have to
be delivered by the end of the day. Inventory routing problems are defined on
a longer horizon. Each day the delivery company makes decisions about which
customers to visit and how much to deliver to each of them, while keeping in
mind that decisions made today have an impact on what has to be done in the
future. The objective is to minimize the total cost over the planning horizon
while ensuring that no customer runs out of product.
Customer i di ui
1 5000 1000
2 3000 3000
3 2000 2000
4 4000 1500
customer 3 and 3000 gallons to customer 4. Each trip costs 210 miles. The av-
erage cost of this schedule is 380 miles per day, which is nearly 10% lower than
the first schedule.
and for d T
vT (d) = pj vT −j (d) + S + (1 − p) vT −d (d) + c
When more than one customer is served, the problem becomes significantly
harder. Not only is it necessary to decide which customers to visit next, but one
must also determine how to combine them into vehicle tours, and how much to
deliver to each of them. Even if there are only two customers, these decisions
may not be easy. The material in the remainder of this section is primarily
based on Campbell et al. (1998).
If the two customers are visited together, it is intuitively clear that given
the amount delivered at the first customer, it is optimal to deliver as much
as possible at the second one (determined by the remaining amount in the
vehicle, and the remaining capacity at the second customer). Thus the problem
of deciding how much to deliver to each customer involves a single decision.
However, making that decision may not be easy, as the following two-customer
stochastic IRP example shows.
Assume the product is delivered and consumed in discrete units and that
each customer has a storage capacity of 20 units. The daily demands of the cus-
tomers are independent and identically distributed (across customers as well as
across time), with P(U = 0) = 04 and P(U = 10) = 06. The shortage penalty
is s1 = 1000 per unit at customer 1 and s2 = 1005 per unit at customer 2. The
vehicle capacity is 10 units. At the beginning of each day the inventory at the
two customers is measured, and the decision maker determines how much to
deliver to each customer. There are three possible vehicle tours, namely tours
exclusively to customers 1 and 2, of cost 120 each, and a tour to both cus-
tomers 1 and 2, of cost 180. Only one vehicle tour can be completed per day.
This situation can be modeled as an infinite horizon Markov decision process,
with the objective of minimizing the expected total discounted cost. Because of
the small size of the state space, it is possible to compute the optimal expected
value and an optimal policy.
Figure 2 shows the expected value (total discounted cost) as a function of
the amount delivered at customer 1 (and therefore also at customer 2), when
the inventory at each customer is 7, and both customers are to be visited in the
next vehicle tour (which is the optimal decision in the given state). The figure
shows that the objective function is not unimodal, with a local minimum at 3,
and a global minimum at 7. Consequently, deciding just how much to deliver
to each customer may require solving a nonlinear optimization problem with
404 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
Fig. 2. Nonunimodal objective function for determining the optimal delivery quantity.
into a solution to the IRP, and heuristically improve it. The CCLP solution will
partition the customers into disjoint sets, which in the IRP will become the
fixed partitions. Chan et al. (1998) analyze zero-inventory ordering policies, in
which a customer’s inventory is replenished only when it has been depleted,
in combination with fixed partitioning routing policies and derive asymptotic
worst-case bounds on their performance. Gaur and Fisher (2004) consider an
IRP with time varying demand. They propose a randomized heuristic to find a
fixed partition policy with periodic deliveries. Their method was implemented
for a supermarket chain.
The fourth stream of research is based on formulating the stochastic IRP
as a Markov decision process and thus explicitly incorporating demand un-
certainty. This approach was pioneered by Minkoff (1993) who proposed a
decomposition heuristic to overcome the computational difficulties caused by
large state spaces. The heuristic solves a linear program to allocate joint trans-
portation costs to individual customers and then solves individual customer
subproblems. The value functions of the subproblems are added to approxi-
mate the value function of the original problem. The main limitation of the
proposed approach is that it assumes the availability of a set of delivery routes
with fixed delivery quantities for the customers on a route and the dispatcher
only has to decide which of the delivery routes to use at each decision point.
This limitation is removed in the work of Kleywegt et al. (2002, 2004) on ap-
proximate dynamic programming approaches and in that of Adelman (2003a,
2004) on price-directed approaches. Let state x = (x1 x2 xn ) represent
the current inventory at each customer, and let A(x) denote the set of all feasi-
ble decisions when the process is in state x. A decision a ∈ A(x) specifies which
customer inventories to replenish, how much to deliver at each customer loca-
tion, and how to combine customers into vehicle routes. Let Q be the Markov
transition function according to which transitions occur. Let g(x a) denote
the expected single stage net reward if the process is in state x at time t and
decision a ∈ A(x) is implemented. The objective is to maximize the expected
total discounted value over an infinite horizon. Let V ∗ (x) denote the optimal
expected value given that the initial state is x. Then, for any state x,
V (x) = sup g(x a) + α V ∗ (y)Q[dy|x a]
A policy π∗ is called optimal if V π = V ∗ , where V π represents the value
function of policy π. Solving a Markov decision process involves computing the
optimal value function V ∗ and an optimal policy π ∗ by solving the optimality
equation (32). This requires performing the following major computational
(1) The computation of the optimal value function V ∗ . Most algorithms for
computing V ∗ involve the computation of successive approximations to
V ∗ (x) for every state x. These algorithms are practical only if the state
space is small.
408 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
(2) The estimation of the expected value (the integral in (32)). For the sto-
chastic IRP, this is a high dimensional integral. Conventional numerical
integration methods are not practical for the computation of such high-
dimensional integrals.
(3) The maximization problem on the right-hand side of (32) has to be
solved to determine the optimal decision for each state. For the sto-
chastic IRP, this means solving a complex variant of the VRP.
Kleywegt, Nori, and Savelsbergh develop approximation methods to effi-
ciently perform these computational tasks. Furthermore, their approach has
the ability to handle a finite fleet of vehicles, whereas in other Markov decision
process based approaches it is assumed that there exists an infinite fleet of ve-
hicles. The optimal value function V ∗ is approximated by V as follows. First,
the stochastic IRP is decomposed into subproblems defined for specific subsets
of customers. Each subproblem is also a Markov decision process. The subsets
of customers do not necessarily partition the set of customers, but must cover
it. The idea is to define each subproblem so that it provides an accurate rep-
resentation of the overall process as experienced by the subset of customers.
To do so, the parameters of each subproblem are determined by simulating
the overall stochastic IRP process, and by constructing simulation estimates
of subproblem parameters. Next, each subproblem is solved optimally. Finally,
for any given state x, the approximate value V (x) is determined by choosing a
partition of the customers and by setting V (x) equal to the sum of the optimal
value functions of the subproblems corresponding to the partition at states
corresponding to x. The partition is chosen to maximize V (x). Randomized
methods, incorporating variance reduction techniques to limit the required
sample size, are used to estimate the expected value on the right-hand side
of (32). Action determination involves deciding which customers to visit on a
route and how much to deliver to them. This is achieved through a heuristic.
An initial solution consisting of only direct delivery routes is constructed. This
is followed by a local search procedure that examines the benefit of adding
a customer to an existing route and modifying the delivery quantities. Using
their approach Kleywegt, Nori, and Savelsbergh can solve problems involving
up to 50 customers.
More recently, Adelman (2003a, 2004) proposed a price-directed operating
policy based on a simple economic mechanism to determine routing and de-
livery decisions for a given inventory state. Suppose management specifies a
value Vi for replenishing one unit of product at customer i. A dispatcher can
now evaluate a feasible delivery route as follows. If a set S = {s1 sn } of cus-
tomers is visited, quantities d1 dn are
delivered, and a cost cS is incurred.
Then the net value of the route equals i∈S Vi di − cS . The dispatcher has to
choose delivery routes so as to maximize his total net value without stockouts at
customers. This mechanism motivates the dispatcher to replenish a customer i
whose current inventory level is low, because then di can be set large. When
faced with the option of expanding the set S of customers to visit on a route
Ch. 6. Vehicle Routing 409
which does not yet use the full vehicle capacity, the dispatcher will consider
the incremental cost cS∪{k} − cS and determine if a quantity dk can be replen-
ished that is large enough to justify it, i.e., whether dk Vk − (cS∪{k} − cS ) > 0 or
dk (cS∪{k} − CS )/Vk .
The key to success in solving management’s problem is to set the Vi ’s in
such a way that the dispatcher is motivated to (ideally) minimize the long-run
time average replenishment costs. If the dispatcher’s total net value is regularly
positive, then his performance exceeds management’s long range expectations.
Management should decrease the Vi ’s to make them consistent with actual per-
formance. On the other hand, if the dispatcher’s total net value is regularly
negative, then the Vi ’s impose unrealistic expectations on the dispatcher and
management should increase them. Ideally, management should set the Vi ’s
equal to the lowest achievable marginal costs.
Starting from a dynamic control model of the inventory routing problem,
Adelman (2003b) derives the following nonlinear programming relaxation,
which computes a long run “average” solution to the inventory routing prob-
lem. Let zR be a decision variable representing the rate at which a subset R
of customers is visited together. Furthermore, let diR for all i ∈ R be a de-
cision variable representing the average quantity delivered to customer i on a
delivery route visiting subset R. This yields the following formulation:
(NLP) minimize CR zR (33)
subject to
diR zR = ui i ∈ N (34)
diR Q R ⊆ N (35)
diR Ci R ⊆ N i ∈ R (36)
zR diR 0 R ⊆ N i ∈ R (37)
The objective (33) minimizes the long run average replenishment cost. Con-
straints (34) state that for each customer i the rate at which quantities are
replenished must equal the rate at which they are consumed. Constraints (35)
state that on average vehicle capacity is satisfied, and constraints (36) state
that on average the quantity delivered at customer i is less than the storage
capacity. Consider the following linear program
(D) maximize ui Vi (38)
subject to
diR Vi CR R ⊆ N (39)
410 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
with decision variables Vi . Adelman shows that this semi-infinite linear pro-
gram is dual to the nonlinear program in that there is no duality gap between
them and a version of complementary slackness holds. In (NLP) diR is a de-
cision variable while in (D) it is part of the input. The decision variables Vi at
optimality are the marginal costs associated with satisfying constraints (34) of
(NLP). This means that at optimality ui Vi is the total allocated cost rate for
replenishing customer i in an optimal solution to (NLP). Each Vi can be inter-
preted as the payment management transfers to the dispatcher for replenishing
one unit of product of customer i. Hence, the objective (38) maximizes the to-
tal transfer rate, subject to the constraint (39) that the payments can be no
larger than the cost of any replenishment. NLP can be solved effectively by
means of column generation techniques.
We have opted to focus on only a few research streams with an emphasis on
more recent efforts. However, many other researchers have contributed to the
inventory routing literature, including Federgruen and Zipkin (1984), Golden
et al. (1984), Burns et al. (1985), Larson (1988), Chien et al. (1989), Webb and
Larson (1995), Barnes-Schuster and Bassok (1997), Herer and Roundy (1997),
Viswanathan and Mathur (1997), Christiansen and Nygreen (1998a, 1998b),
Christiansen (1999), Reimann et al. (1999), Waller et al. (1999), Çetinkaya and
Lee (2000), Lau et al. (2002), Bertazzi et al. (2002), Savelsbergh and Song
(2005), and Song and Savelsbergh (2005).
Stochastic VRPs are usually modeled and solved with the framework of a
priori optimization (Bertsimas et al., 1990) or as Markov decision processes
(Dror et al., 1989). A priori optimization computes a first-stage solution of
least expected cost under a given recourse policy. The most favored a priori
optimization methodology is the integer L-shaped method (Laporte and Lou-
veaux 1993, 1998) which belongs to the same class as Benders decomposition
(Benders, 1962) and the L-shaped method for continuous stochastic program-
ming (Van Slyke and Wets, 1969). While route reoptimization is preferable to
a priori optimization from a solution cost point of view, it is computationally
more cumbersome. In contrast, a priori optimization entails solving only one
instance of an NP-hard problem and produces a more stable and predictable
solution (Bertsimas et al., 1990). It is also superior to solving a deterministic
VRP instance with expected demands (Louveaux, 1998).
The integer L-shaped method is essentially a variant of branch-and-cut. It
operates on a current problem obtained by relaxing integrality requirements
and subtour elimination constraints, and by replacing the cost of recourse Q(x)
of first-stage solution x by a lower bound θ on its value. Integrality and subtour
elimination constraints are gradually satisfied as is commonly done in branch-
and-cut algorithms for the deterministic VRP (see, e.g., Naddef and Rinaldi,
2002) while lower bounding functionals on θ, called optimality cuts, are intro-
duced into the problem at integer or fractional solutions. The method assumes
that a lower bound L on θ is available. In the following description xij is a
binary variable equal to 1 if and only if edge (i j) is used in the first stage
Step 0. Set the iteration count ν := 0 and introduce the bounding constraint
θ L into the current problem. Set the value z̄ of the best known solution
equal to ∞. At this stage, the only active node corresponds to the initial
current problem.
Step 1. Select a pendent node from the list. If none exists stop.
Step 2. Set ν := ν+1 and solve the current problem. Let (xν θν ) be an optimal
Step 3. Check for any subtour elimination constraint violation. If at least one
violation can be identified, introduce a suitable number of subtour elimina-
tion constraints into the current problem, and return to Step 2. Otherwise,
if cxν + θν z̄, fathom the current node and return to Step 1.
Step 4. If the solution is not integer, branch on a fractional variable. Append
the corresponding subproblems to the list of pendent nodes and return to
Step 1.
Step 5. Compute Q(xν ) and set z ν := cxν + Q(xν ). If z ν < z̄, set z̄ := z ν .
Step 6. If θν Q(xν ), then fathom the current node and return to Step 1.
Otherwise, impose the optimality cut
ν ν
θL+ Q x −L xij − xij + 1 (40)
1<i<jxνij =1 1<i<j
Ch. 6. Vehicle Routing 413
consisting of a pickup location and of a delivery location, but request i only ma-
terializes with probability pi . The authors show how to efficiently implement a
low complexity interchange heuristic for this problem.
The Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Customers (VRPSC) has
been mostly studied in the context of unit demand customers. As in the TSPSC,
vehicles follow the first-stage routes while skipping the absent customers and
return to the depot to unload when their capacity is reached. This problem was
first studied by Jézéquel (1985), Jaillet (1987), and Jaillet and Odoni (1988).
The latter reference states two interesting properties of the VRPSC:
(1) even if travel costs are symmetric the overall solution cost is dependent
on the direction of travel;
(2) larger vehicle capacities may yield larger solution costs.
Bertsimas’ PhD thesis (Bertsimas, 1988) is an excellent source of informa-
tion on this problem. It describes several properties, bounds and heuristics.
Waters (1989) has studied the case of general integer demands and has com-
pared three simple heuristics for this problem.
The Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands (VRPSD) has been
the most studied stochastic VRP. In this problem customer demands are ran-
dom and usually (but not always) independent. Tillman (1969) was probably
the first to study this problem in a multidepot context. He proposed a savings
based heuristic for its solution. The first, major study of the VRPSD can be
attributed to Golden and Stewart (1978) who presented a chance constrained
model and two recourse models. In the first of these a penalty proportional
to vehicle overcapacity is imposed; in the second, the penalty is proportional
to the expected demand in excess of the vehicle capacity. Several basic heuris-
tics were implemented and tested. Dror and Trudeau (1986) developed further
heuristics and showed that for this problem expected travel cost depends on the
direction of travel even in the symmetric case. Again, Bertsimas’ thesis (1988)
constitutes a major contribution to the study of the VRPSD. It proposes several
bounds, asymptotic results and properties for the case where ξi is equal to 1
with probability pi , and equal to 0 otherwise. In their survey paper, Dror et al.
(1989) have shown that some properties established by Jaillet (1985, 1988) and
Jaillet and Odoni (1988) extend to the VRPSC, namely (1) in an optimal solu-
tion a vehicle route may intersect itself; (2) in a Euclidean problem customers
are not necessarily visited in the order in which they appear on the convex
hull of vertices; (3) segments of an optimal route are not necessarily optimal
when considered separately. The latter property can have a major impact on
the design of a dynamic algorithm for the VRPSD.
Laporte et al. (1989) proposed a two-index chance constrained model for
the VRPSC as well as an associated branch-and-cut algorithm capable of solv-
ing instances with n 30. They also introduced a bounded penalty model in
Ch. 6. Vehicle Routing 415
which the cost of recourse associated with a given route cannot exceed a pre-
set proportion of the first-stage route cost. The best exact solution approach
for the VRPSD is again the integer L-shaped algorithm. Séguin (1994) and
Gendreau et al. (1995) proposed the first implementation of this method for
the solution of the VRPSD and were able to solve instances of up to 70 vertices.
The most difficult case arises when the expected filling rate f of the vehicles
is large. For example, when f = 03 instances with n = 70 can be solved
optimally, but when f = 10 instances with n = 10 can rarely be solved. Us-
ing a similar approach, Hjorring and Holt (1999) solved one-vehicle instances
(m = 1) with 095 f 105 and n = 90. Laporte et al. (2002) imposed an
additional restriction, namely that the expected demand of a route does not
exceed the vehicle capacity, and they also exploited properties of the demand
under known distributions (Poisson and normal) in the generation of lower
bounding functionals on the cost of recourse. This enabled them to solve larger
instances: for Poisson demands they solved instances with f = 09, m = 4, and
n = 25, or with m = 2 and n = 100; for normal demands they solved instances
with f = 09, m = 3, and n = 50.
Dynamic programming was applied by Secomandi (1998) to the VRP with
stochastic demands. The largest instance solved to optimality with this method
contained only 10 customers. The author also developed Neuro-Dynamic Pro-
gramming (NDP) algorithms (Secomandi, 1998, 2000, 2003) for the same prob-
lem. Neuro-dynamic programming (see, e.g., Bertsekas, 1995) is a heuristic
approach used to solve large-scale dynamic programs. It replaces the “cost-
to-go” computations by proxies based on simulation and parametric function
approximations. Secomandi (2000) compared two NDP implementations for
the VRP with stochastic demands: an optimistic approximate iteration policy
in which a neural network methodology is used to compute the approxima-
tions, and a rollout policy in which the cost-to-go is approximated by means of
a heuristic. Computational results show that the second of these two policies is
consistently and substantially superior to the first.
5.3 The vehicle routing problem with stochastic customers and demands
The VRP with stochastic customers and demands combines two difficult
cases. This problem was first mentioned by Jézéquel (1985), Jaillet (1987),
Jaillet and Odoni (1988), and was later formally defined by Bertsimas (1992).
A first-stage solution visiting all customers is first constructed, the set of
present customers is then revealed and their demand becomes known upon
the arrival of the vehicle at the customer’s location, routes are followed as
planned but absent customers are skipped and the vehicle returns to the de-
pot to unload whenever its capacity becomes attained. Benton and Rossetti
(1992) proposed an algorithm which performs route reoptimizations whenever
demands are revealed. One major difficulty in solving this problem lies in the
computation of the objective function value. Recursions, bounds, asymptotic
results, and a comparison of various reoptimization policies are provided by
416 J.-F. Cordeau et al.
Bertsimas (1992). Séguin (1994) and Gendreau et al. (1995) developed the
first exact algorithm for this problem, based again on the integer L-shaped ap-
proach. They solved instances involving up to 46 customers and concluded that
stochastic customers are a far more complicating factor than are stochastic de-
mands. In a different study, Gendreau et al. (1996) developed a tabu search
algorithm which uses an approximation of the objective function cost in order
to ease computations. On a set of 825 instances with 6 n 46 for which the
optimum was known, an optimal solution was identified in 89.45% of the cases
and the average optimality gap was 0.38%.
and two to five travel time scenarios (each scenario corresponds to a differ-
ent travel speed for the entire network). In a more recent study, Kenyon and
Morton (2003) have investigated properties of VRPSTT solutions and have
developed bounds on the objective function value. They have developed a
heuristic that combines branch-and-cut and Monte Carlo simulation which, if
run to completion, terminates with a solution value within a preset percentage
of the optimum.
Finally, vehicle routing with stochastic travel time is frequently encountered
in pickup and delivery problems such as those arising in truckload operations.
Wang and Regan (2001) have proposed models for this class of problems under
the presence of time windows.
This work has been supported by the Canadian Natural Sciences and En-
gineering Research Council under Grants 227837-00 and OGP0039682, by
the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), and by the Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy. This support is gratefully acknowl-
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