Paper 08
Paper 08
Paper 08
The paper reveals the problematic features of developing an automated system for teaching students.
The authors emphasize the need to study the specialized needs of the system before the development
process and conduct an in-depth analysis of the needs of the modern educational process in order to
identify the needs of the future product. In this paper authors develop a model of knowledge representa-
tion in the system and reveal the features of the mathematical apparatus for calculating and automating
the processes of obtaining and evaluating students knowledge.
development, educational, control complex, automated educational system
1. Introduction
Innovations in higher education are determined by state policy, one of the important priori-
ties of which is informatization of all spheres of activity. The practice of modernizing higher
education shows that with the help of traditional means of training and control, it is increas-
ingly difficult to solve the problems of training modern personnel. In accordance with it, as
well as with the requirements of the state standard of higher professional education in higher
educational institutions, the role of training using ICT has significantly increased.
Many scientists have made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of using ICT
as learning tools: Oleksandr Yu. Burov [1], Valerii Yu. Bykov [2, 3, 4], Svitlana M. Hryshchenko
[5, 6], Arnold E. Kiv [7, 8, 9, 10, 11], Vladyslav S. Kruglyk [12, 13], Oksana M. Markova [14, 15],
Mykhailo M. Mintii [16], Yevhenii O. Modlo [17, 18, 19, 20, 21], Pavlo P. Nechypurenko [22],
Natalya V. Rashevska [23], Kateryna P. Osadcha [24], Viacheslav V. Osadchyi [25, 26, 27, 28, 29],
Serhiy O. Semerikov [30, 31, 32, 33], Kateryna I. Slovak [34], Andrii M. Striuk [35], Svitlana V.
Symonenko [36, 37], Viktoriia V. Tkachuk [38, 39], Tetiana A. Vakaliuk [40], Nataliia V. Valko
[41, 42], Yuliia V. Yechkalo [43] and others. Methods of using the distance learning tools and
the problems of blended learning were analyzed by Olga V. Bondarenko [44], Pavlo I. Fedoruk
CS&SE@SW 2020: 3rd Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software Engineering, November 27,
2020, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
" [email protected] (D. Bukreiev); [email protected] (P. Chornyi); [email protected] (E.
Kupchak); [email protected] (A. Sender)
0000-0002-5150-153X (D. Bukreiev); 0000-0002-8239-0211 (P. Chornyi); 0000-0003-1659-1450 (E. Kupchak);
0000-0002-8741-5625 (A. Sender)
© 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
ISSN 1613-0073 CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
[45], Nadiia O. Holiver [46], Volodymyr M. Kukharenko [47], Larysa M. Petrenko [48], Svitlana
V. Shokaliuk [49], Mariya P. Shyshkina [50], Oleg M. Spirin [51], Myroslav J. Syvyi [52] and
others. In their researches ways and ways of increase of efficiency of training with use of
modern computer engineering, problems of computerization of natural sciences are considered,
classifications of pedagogical software are offered. In the works [53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 63, 64, 65] addressed the use of computer technology in teaching general professional
discipline, the use of this technique for modeling processes and phenomena, compiling tests,
solving problems and conducting quantitative calculations, developing software for self-control
and standardized control of knowledge, computerization of pedagogical experiment.
Our theoretical analysis of the literature has shown that the use of new information tech-
nologies allows the student to better understand the nature of the course being studied, actively
participate in the process of mastering its content, and independently monitor the acquired
knowledge, skills and abilities. For their part, the teacher can adapt software tools in accor-
dance with specific learning goals, quickly and objectively identify the level of development of
educational material by students.
However, as for the use of new information technologies in courses of general professional
disciplines, not all theoretical and scientific-methodological issues have been solved here. It
can be stated that there is a mismatch between the needs of higher education institutions in
the use of computer-based information learning technologies and insufficient development of
the corresponding software packages.
As noted in the work of Viacheslav V. Osadchyi and Iryna V. Krasheninnik, nowadays one
of the main deterrents to the improvement of professional training in such conditions is lower,
compared to the standard term of study for a bachelor’s degree (4 years) to 2-3 years of study
with subsequent transition to professional training. However, during the two years of study it
is impossible to provide the necessary time for full practical training [66], so the creation of an
individual trajectory of the student allows to intensify the workload and reduces the time to
obtain general competencies.
The question arises as to which of the modern approaches should be relied on to eliminate
this inconsistency and thus improve the quality of teaching of general professional disciplines.
One of the most relevant and promising in this regard is the competency approach, aimed at
forming in future professionals key and a number of actual professional competencies during
the shortened period of study.
in particular, cognitive and professional are formed. The most important factor in intensifying
this process was the possibility of independent setting of educational goals. Classifications of
goals act as a special measure of their commonality:
• attitude to educational structures that are responsible for their formulation and achieve-
extremely important in the military education system. The concept of pedagogical technolo-
gies, aimed at identifying their definition, structure, classification and justification of choice, is
based on the analysis of theories of various sciences and related concepts.
In the process of professional training and scientific search, knowledge, skills and abilities are
formed, there is a comprehensive intellectual development of students’ personality and world-
view, mastering the chosen specialty. All this happens through the main sphere – the mental
activity of students: sensation, perception, representation, comprehension, memorization and
other mental processes. As a result of mental functioning, all this is analyzed, synthesized
through the harmonious action of higher nervous activity of a person. On the basis of this ac-
tivity, a learning system is created that combines the content and form of scientific knowledge,
establishing connections and relationships between the subjects studied and the phenomena
of the objective world.
Trying to classify educational tasks by their "cognitive composition", we can observe
that all types of tasks are grouped into five groups:
• tasks for productive thinking with the generation on its basis of written or oral expres-
• transition to the planning of the educational process in accordance with the level of
knowledge acquisition in general discipline,
• introduction into the educational process of a quantitative measure of the degree of com-
pletion of the learning process in the form of the coefficient of assimilation,
• changing the role and function of the teacher, turning him into a specialist “consultant”,
which adds a new responsibility in his teaching activities,
• abandonment of the current method of training and the transition to individual training,
especially important for self-training,
• transfer of the center of gravity of the educational process to the independent work of
• preparation of educational and methodical complex on the basis of taking into account
features of computer technology of training. Each student is provided with full textbooks
and various tasks in the discipline,
If the above principles are strictly followed, we can talk about the possibility of developing
and using in the educational process of expert training systems and systems of expert assess-
ment of knowledge, skills and abilities, their content of textbooks and manuals.
This indicates the need to increase the practical orientation of student learning. To imple-
ment professional training of students in educational standards and objectives requires the de-
velopment and implementation of scientifically sound methods that reduce the time of students
to master the actions and operations of professional activities without reducing the required
quality of education.
The analysis of works of Pavlo I. Fedoruk showed that a significant amount of work is focused
on forecasting trends in the development of educational space according to modern needs and,
in particular, the development of adaptive testing tools for students. In his works, the scientist
emphasizes the need to solve a number of problems of test control of knowledge in modern
educational systems. In his works, the author notes that the methods and tools of classical
test theory, despite the great potential of this technology do not solve many problems posed
by the current level of education. He emphasizes that adaptive tests, in this case, can solve
this problem and can be effectively used to solve any problem of optimizing the educational
process - assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical innovations and technologies, monitoring
[70]. Summing up the analysis, we can say that we can identify a number of positive features
of the use of adaptive tests, namely:
• adjustment to individual possibilities of the student,
• ensuring confidentiality by providing each student with an individual set of test tasks
that correspond to his level of knowledge,
In the works of Valerii Yu. Bykov emphasized that the further informatization of the educa-
tional environment is based on computerized means of labor and requires a fundamentally new
information environment [2, 3, 4]. Such systems are a further development of expert systems.
They provide a quantitative assessment of system performance on the basis of selected criteria
and models of alternative situations.
The development of methods of teaching general discipline of students with the help of
information technology should be based on the integration of the provisions of the theory of
the gradual formation of mental actions and block-module learning.
of theoretical knowledge. It is clear that creating an information flow is impossible without
using an automated training complex. Information technologies open up an opportunity to
better understand the nature of the object itself, actively engage in the process of its cogni-
tion, independently changing both its parameters and operating conditions. In this regard,
information technologies can not only have a positive impact on the study of the general disci-
pline by students, but, more importantly, on their mental development. The use of information
technologies allows you to quickly and objectively identify the level of mastering the material,
which is of great importance in the process of teaching a general professional discipline.
The main criterion for assessing the degree of information content of the educational pro-
cess is the possibility of using training and testing programs in the educational process, which
organize active work of students in a dialogue with the teacher. The advantages of using in-
formation technologies in the study of general disciplines include:
Thus, the use of information technology for classes in general discipline in the system of
automated student training does not impose any restrictions on the didactic structure of ed-
ucational material and the choice of a pedagogical approach, but, on the contrary, contains
a stage of creative approach by both teacher and student, organizing a closed interconnected
Summing up, we can say that, when creating an educational and methodological profes-
sionally oriented environment in the teaching of general professional discipline, different ap-
proaches are taken into account in developing a didactic model of teaching general professional
discipline and include the following components: motivational, meaningful, personal-activity,
managerial, evaluative. The selected didactic model reflects the conditions, stages and methods
of teaching general professional discipline in the framework of professional training. The de-
velopment of the model was based on the principles of systematization, scientificity, modeling,
Figure 1: Virtual learning environment of the automated training complex
Figure 2: Homeostasis structure of knowledge transfer
Figure 3: The functional structure of the training function of the automated training complex
The program is prepared in the Visual Studio environment with an integrated Shell and spe-
cial navigation tools for viewing. In the Visual Studio System, there is a special form designer
that allows you to prepare windows of the future program in the form of forms. The program
is focused on internet technologies that allow you to deploy databases and build multi-level
modular software packages with built-in application servers. The program is implemented in
the client/server architecture and consists of several modules, each of which is significant and
has its own algorithm. Software modules start working from the moment they are launched
and do not require any additional configuration.
After registering the user, you need to determine the operating mode on the monitor screen.
To conduct self-training or the next lesson, you need to use the menu view of the automated
training complex. It contains: training, lecture, testing unit of self-training, monitoring of rat-
ing control of knowledge. Depending on the pedagogical task, the appropriate level is selected,
and the program works according to the selected branch and a certain algorithm (figure 3).
Automated training complex provides for the presence of three components:
• simulation-modeling, which allows the user to control the dynamics of the learning pro-
• controls the component that analyzes the user’s work.
From a methodological point of view, all parts are in demand. If the educational part of the
program is selected, the algorithm of the structure of the educational function of the automated
educational complex has the following form (figure 3).
Working with the lecture course, the user works with the electronic textbook, gradually
pressing the preview button and first selecting a topic from the list of menu sections on the
screen, the thematic plan of the discipline is constantly consistent with the selected learning
elements. The student on request can print out any lecture and view the physical properties of
the materials from the reference database, learn the goals and objectives of the study, as well
as read the list of references.
Simultaneously with the study of theoretical material, you can test your knowledge by
choosing the option of testing knowledge. The testing unit for checking the quality of knowl-
edge, skills and abilities reflects the systematic content of the general discipline and provides
an objective check of the level of academic achievement. Tests are divided into classes by level:
In its form, the test is a system of tasks. Test tasks in the general discipline have a short form,
so that each one does not take much time to complete. Work in each test block is individual.
The block of tests based on current material works according to the principle: question –
answer based on time characteristics and contains approximate answers, of which you need
to choose the correct one. Text appears on the screen, and questions and several possible
answers to them are displayed in turn. After answering the questions, a rating is given. The
accumulation of individual grades obtained on tests allows monitoring the assimilation of each
topic of the general professional discipline both separately for each cadet and for the group as
a whole.
When performing tasks on self-preparation for classes, it is sometimes very convenient to
use testing on lecture topics of the general professional discipline. Simple tests contain material
from practical and laboratory work. In a complex test, a mixed test consists of thirty tests
and contains questions on the topic of a general professional discipline, while a control test
consists of sixty tests and contains questions to determine in-depth knowledge in a general
discipline. It can be used for self-certification and verification of residual knowledge in the
general discipline.
The ambiguity of tests developed for teaching a general professional discipline is obvious.
Each of them complements each other. The test curve determines the dependence of the test
subject’s actual rating. Training typical situations are selected by difficulty level only taking
into account previous test checks. The curve is the average straight line between the charac-
teristic curve of a light and heavy test (figure 4).
The result of the experimental study is expressed in a test score. Test scores are located on
special scales, the score obtained with the help of tests is more accurate and differentiated than
Figure 4: Dependences of the actual rating of the tested person on the characteristic curve of the test
traditional. If you look at the distribution of frequencies of actual scores depending on the
characteristics of the test after a pedagogical experiment, the abilities of the tested were dis-
tributed according to the normal law. Performing tests independently allows cadets to conduct
self-preparation for classes and eliminate gaps in the assimilation of lecture material, thereby
increasing their professional level.
After studying the general discipline, the total coefficient of mastering of each student is
calculated according to the formula:
𝐾𝑎 = 𝐾𝑙 /𝑖 ∗ 𝑛,
where: 𝐾𝑎 is the total coefficient of assimilation after studying the topic; 𝐾𝑙 - a separate
coefficient of assimilation on the 𝑖-th test; 𝑛 - the number of topics in the general professional
At final control of knowledge the received general factor is considered as follows. At 𝐾𝑎 − =
1.0 − 0.9 the grade "5" is set, at 𝐾𝑎 − = 0.9 − 0.8 – a mark "4", at 𝐾𝑎 − = 0.8 − 0.7 – a mark "3" and
at 𝐾𝑎 < 0.7 – a mark "5".
5. Conclusions
The problem features of development of the automated system for training of students were
opened in the work. Thus, it was emphasized the need to use a competency-based approach,
which in its work is aimed at forming in future professionals key and a number of actual profes-
sional competencies during the shortened training period. The pedagogical process is always
two-way and two-way and the analysis of educational and pedagogical goals, which sets the
"object" of pedagogical influence, is a more important factor than the analysis of the goals
of the teacher and the development of his pedagogical creativity. It was emphasized the need
to study the specialized needs of the system before the development process and conducted an
in-depth analysis of the needs of the modern educational process in order to identify the needs
of the future product. During the analysis it was determined that information learning tech-
nologies allow the development of expert-educational systems for assessing knowledge, skills
and abilities, such expert systems should be based on the principles of the theory of gradual
formation of mental actions and skills. Among these principles were the following: the tran-
sition to planning the learning process in accordance with the level of knowledge acquisition
in general discipline; introduction into the educational process of a quantitative measure of
the degree of completion of the learning process in the form of the coefficient of assimilation;
expert-educational system of assessment of knowledge, skills, abilities should be created tak-
ing into account the two above-mentioned principles. It was emphasized that the development
of methods of teaching general discipline of students with the help of information technology
should be based on the integration of the provisions of the theory of the gradual formation
of mental actions and block-module learning. The developed model of knowledge representa-
tion in the system and reveals the features of the mathematical apparatus of calculation and
automation of processes of obtaining and evaluating students’ knowledge, so the automated
educational complex provides for three components: demonstration, which displays informa-
tion in accordance with pre-developed scenario; simulation-modeling, which allows the user
to control the dynamics of the learning process; controls the component, which makes an anal-
ysis of the user. The block of tests on the current material works on the principle: the question
– the answer taking into account time characteristics and contains approximate answers from
which it is necessary to choose the correct one. When performing self-preparation tasks, it is
sometimes very convenient to use testing with lecture topics of general professional discipline.
Simple tests contain material from practical and laboratory work. In the complex test - a mixed
test consists of thirty tests and contains questions on the topic of general professional disci-
pline, and the control test consists of sixty tests and contains questions to determine in-depth
knowledge of general discipline. The result of the experimental study is expressed in a test
score. Test scores are located on special scales, the score obtained by the tests is more accurate
and differentiated than traditional
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