RiazCV Dec 30 2023
RiazCV Dec 30 2023
RiazCV Dec 30 2023
July 2008 – July 2012 Department of Politics & Government, Illinois State
University, Normal, Illinois, USA
August 1, 2007 – June 30, 2017 Department of Politics & Government, Illinois State
University, Normal, Illinois, USA
Associate Professor
August 2005 – June 2008 Department of Politics & Government, Illinois State
University, Normal, Illinois, USA
Concurrently held the positions of Director of Minor in Middle Eastern and South Asian
Studies (August 2005-2007); and Associate Director of the Unit for International
Linkages at the Office of International Studies and Program (August 2005-May 2007).
Assistant Professor
August 2002 – July 2005 Department of Politics & Government, Illinois State
University, Normal, Illinois, USA
Concurrently held the position of Associate Director (2003-2005), Unit of Middle Eastern
and South Asian Studies, Office of International Studies, Illinois State University
Associate Professor
August 2001 - May 2002 Department of Mass Communications, Claflin University,
Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA
Senior Lecturer
August 2000 - July 2001 Department of Journalism and Humanities, University of
Lincoln, Lincoln, England
Assistant Professor
Sept 1993 - June 1995 Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism, Dhaka
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
July 1993 - August 1993 Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism, Dhaka
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
May 1984 - June 1987 Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism, Dhaka
University, Dhaka Bangladesh
Sub-editor/ Reporter
July 1982 - August 1983 Daily Sangbad, a national daily, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
MA in Mass Communication and Journalism, 1982, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Thesis title: Communication Network in Bangladesh: Television.
Current Projects
Digital Security Act 2018 in Bangladesh, Centre for Governance Studies (Bangladesh)
funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED, Washington D.C.).
Recent Projects
Who Defends the Defenders. Examination of the plights of human rights activists in
Bangladesh based on a survey. Centre for Governance Studies (CGS), Dhaka,
Bangladesh. July 2023.
Who Owns the Media in Bangladesh? The political economy of media ownership in
Bangladesh. Co-PI (with Mohammad Sajjadur Rahman), Centre for Governance Studies
(Bangladesh), funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED, Washington
D.C.), October 2019-December 2020. https://bdmediaowners.com/
Forthcoming publications
How Autocrats Rise: Sequences of Democratic Backsliding. (Co-authored with Md.
Sohel Rana) (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)
Book Chapters
“Islamist politics in Bangladesh: The nature, scope and the pathway”. Fifty Years of
Bangladesh: Economy, Politics, Society and Culture eds. Rounaq Jahan and Rehman
Sobhan. (London: Routledge, 2024).
‘Bangladesh’, Introduction to South Asian Politics (2nd edition). ed. Neil DeVotta.
(London: Routledge, 2024).
2023 Trials and Tribulations: Politics, Economy and Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh.
Thirteen essays on political economy and foreign affairs of Bangladesh. (Dhaka:
Prothoma, 2023)
2021 Religion and Politics in South Asia, Second edition, edited volume. London:
Routledge, 2021. (First edition published in 2010, completely updated version with new
introduction and two additional chapters).
2017 Lived Islam and Islamism in Bangladesh
Discussions on various dimensions of local and transnational Islamic practices and
political Islam in Bangladesh. (Dhaka: Prothoma).
An examination of the domestic, regional and international dynamics of the growing
militancy in Bangladesh. (London/New York: Routledge). Paperback edition published
in 2010.
1994 State, Class and Military Rule: Political Economy of Martial Law in Bangladesh,
A structural-historical interpretation of the causes of and conditions for military rule in
Bangladesh. (Dhaka: Nadi New Press).
‘Bangladesh’s International Relations with South Asia and Beyond’, Routledge
Handbook of the International Relations of South Asia, eds. Sumit Ganguly, Frank
O'Donnell (London: Routledge,)
2022 ‘Bangladesh’s International Relations with South Asia and Beyond’, Routledge
Handbook of the International Relations of South Asia, eds. Šumit Ganguly, Frank
O'Donnell (London: Routledge, 2023)
‘Bangladesh in the Midst of Vaccine Diplomacy’ The Covid-19 Crisis in South Asia:
Coping with the Pandemic eds. Sumit Ganguly, Dinsha Mistree (London: Routledge)
‘The culture of fear in global politics’, Culture of Fear on World Politics: Origin and
Ramifications, ed. Bikash Ranjan Deb (Kolkata, India: Levant Books, 2022)
‘Bangladesh: the return of religion to the political center stage’, Religion and Politics in
South Asia. ed. Ali Riaz. (London: Routledge, 2021)
‘Introduction: the tangled web of religion and politics in South Asia’, Religion and
Politics in South Asia. ed. Ali Riaz. (London: Routledge, 2021)
2020 ‘The Legislature as a Tool, Executives’ Power Grab, and Civilian Authoritarianism:
The Bangladesh Case’, Legislative Decline in the 21st Century: A Comparative
Perspective, eds, Irina Khmelko, Frederick Stapenhurst, Michael Mezey, London:
Routledge, 2020.
2019 “The Nature and Quality of Democracy in Bangladesh (1991-2013): An Assessment, ” in
Ahrar Ahmad, Navine Murshid, Akhlaque Haque and Rahim Quazi (Eds.) Governance
and The Governed: Democracy and Development in Bangladesh, Dhaka: UPL.
2018 “A Taxonomy of Political Violence in South Asia,” in Ali Riaz, Zobaida Nasreen and
Fahmida Zaman (eds), Political Violence in South Asia (London: Routledge, 2018)
“Bangladesh”, Europa Regional Surveys of the World: South Asia 2019. 16th Edition.
(London: Taylor and Francis, 2018).
2017 “Bangladesh”, Europa Regional Surveys of the World: South Asia 2018. 15th Edition.
(London: Taylor and Francis, 2017).
2016 “Modi’s South Asia Reset”, in Yamini Chowdhury and Anusua Diya Chowdhury (eds),
Modi’s Men & the World: The Ring view Inside Out, (New Delhi: Bloomsbury India,
“Bangladesh”, Europa Regional Surveys of the World: South Asia 2017. 14th Edition.
(London: Taylor and Francis, 2016).
“Political Parties, Elections and Party Systems” in Ali Riaz and Muhammad Sajjadur
Rahman (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Bangladesh, (London and NY:
2015 “Bangladesh” in Neil DeVotta (ed.), Introduction to South Asian Politics, (London:
2014 “Electoral Democracy and Human Rights” in Imtiaz Ahmed (ed.), Human Rights in
Bangladesh: Past, Present and Futures, Dhaka: University Press Limited.)
“Islamist Parties, Elections and Democracy in Bangladesh” in Julie Chernov Hwang and
R. Quinn Mecham (eds.), Playing by the Rules: Islamist Parties in Asia and the Middle
East. (Philadelphia: UPenn Press).
“Being Bengali Abroad: Identity Politics among the Bengali Community in Britain”, in
Mridula Nath Chakraborty (ed.), Being Bengali: At Home and in the World, (London and
New York: Taylor and Francis).
“Bangladesh”, Europa Regional Surveys of the World: South Asia 2015. 12th Edition.
(London: Taylor and Francis).
2013 “Water, Security and Challenges Ahead” in M Froze Ahmed, Md. Khalequzzaman and
Tanvir Ahmed, Water Resources in South Asia: Conflict and Cooperation. (Dhaka:
Bangladesh Environment Network).
“Scholarship in and on South Asia 2060”, in Moeed Yusuf and Adil Najam (eds),
South Asia 2060: Envisioning Regional Futures (London: Anthem Press).
“Bangladesh”, Europa Regional Surveys of the World: South Asia 2014. 11th Edition.
(London: Taylor and Francis).
2012 “Islam, Islamization and Politics in Bangladesh”, in Christophe Jaffrelot and Aminah
Mohammad-Arif, Politics and Religion in South Asia: Whither Secularism (Politque Et
Religions en Asie du Sud), Collection 30 Purusartha, (Paris: Editions de L’Ecole and des
Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.)
“Bangladesh”, Europa Regional Surveys of the World: South Asia 2013. 10th Edition.
London: Taylor and Francis).
2011 “Parental Choice of Qwami Madrassahs in Bangladesh” in Syed Saad Andaleeb, Halimur
Rahman Khan and Manzoor Ahmed (eds.), Education and National Development:
Selected Papers from the 2008 and 2009 Conferences on Bangladesh at Harvard
University. (Dhaka: University Press Limited).
“Religion as a Political Ideology in South Asia” in Ishtiaq Ahmed (ed.) The Politics of
Religion in South and Southeast Asia, (London and New York: Routledge.)
“Bangladesh” in Daniel Moran (ed), Climate Change and National Security: A Country-
level Analysis, (Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press).
“Bangladesh”, Europa Regional Surveys of the World: South Asia 2012, 9th Edition.
(London: Taylor and Francis).
2010 “Bangladesh: ‘A Weak State’ with Multiple Security Challenges” in T. V. Paul (ed.)
South Asia’s Weak States: Understanding the Regional Insecurity Predicament,
(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.)
“Islamist Politics and Education” in Ali Riaz and C. Christine Fair (eds), Political Islam
and Governance in Bangladesh, (London/New York: Routledge).
“Who are The Islamists?” (with Kh. Ali Ar Raji) in Ali Riaz and C. Christine Fair (eds),
Political Islam and Governance in Bangladesh, (London/New York: Routledge).
“Islamist Politics and Popular Culture” (with Md. Abu Naser) in Ali Riaz and C.
Christine Fair (eds), Political Islam and Governance in Bangladesh, (London/New York:
“Three Arguments about Religion-Politics Nexus” in Ali Riaz (ed.), Religion and Politics
in South Asia, (London/New York: Routledge).
“The Politics of Islamization in Bangladesh” in Ali Riaz (ed.), Religion and Politics in
South Asia, (London/New York: Routledge).
2009 “NGOs, Empowerment and Social Capital: Lessons from the BRAC and the Grameen
Bank” in Farida Khan, et.al (eds). Recreating the Commons? NGOs in Bangladesh.
(Dhaka: University Press Limited).
“Constructing Outraged Communities and State Responses: The Taslima Nasreen Saga in
1994 and 2007”, in Ali Riaz, ed. (Re) Reading Taslima Nasrin: Context, Contents and
Constructions, (Dhaka, Bangladesh: Shrabon Prokashani)
2008 “The Nation-State, Global Media and the Regime of Supervision,” (co-author: Anthony
DiMaggio), in Janie Leatherman, ed. Discipline and Punishment in Global Politics:
Illusions of Control. (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan).
2007 ‘Bangladesh,’ in Toby Archer and Heidi Huuhtanen, (Eds.). Islamist Opposition parties
around the world and the potential for EU engagement. (Helsinki, The Finnish Institute
of International Affairs, May).
Books in Bengali
2021 Voyer Sangskiti (The Culture of Fear, in Bengali) (Revised, updated version of the book
published in 2014), exploration of various dimensions of state sponsored violence
(Dhaka: Prothoma).
2014 Bhoyer Sangskriti: Bangladeshe Atonko O Sontrasher Rajnoitik Orthoniti (The Culture of
Fear: Political Economy of Terror and Violence in Bangladesh), Exploration of causes
and conditions for political and social violence in Bangladesh. (Revised, updated and
rewritten version of the 1994 book with new chapters). (Dhaka: Prothoma).
2001 Sheikh Mujib O Onanno Proshongo (Sheikh Mujib & Other Issues). A collection of
essays on the political issues of Bangladesh during its first decade. (Dhaka: Parijat
Prakashani. Second Expanded Edition, February 2001. First Published 1987).
2000 BBC London Theke Ali Riaz Bolchi (Ali Riaz calling from BBC London), A collection of
scripts of various special documentary programmes broadcast from BBC World Service,
Bengali Section. Parijat Prakashani: Dhaka, Bangladesh. February.
1994 Bhoyer Sangskriti (The Culture of Fear), An analysis of the scope and nature of terror and
violence in Bangladesh society with special reference to the position of minorities such as
Women, Religious minorities and Tribal population. (Dhaka: Shahitya Prakash).
1994 Sundorer Dikye (Towards Beauty), a collection of essays on literature. (Dhaka: Dibbya
1993 Door Desh (The Distant Land), a collection of essays on international politics and
economy, previously published as columns in a national weekly. (Dhaka: Dhrupod).
1987 Sheikh Mujib O Onanno Proshongo (Sheikh Mujib & Other Issues). A collection of
essays on the political issues of Bangladesh during its first decade. (Dhaka:
1984 Lekhkar Deshkal (The Time and Space of Writers), a collection of essays on literature of
Bangladesh. (Dhaka: Titas Prokashani)..
1978 Bangali Jatiyatabad (Bengali Nationalism), an enquiry into the genesis of nationalism in
Bangladesh. (Dhaka: Titas Prokashani).
1995 Proshongo: Blasphemy Ain (Issue: The Blasphemy Law), a collection of articles on then-
proposed Blasphemy law. (Dhaka: Ankur Prokashani).
2022 “Democratic Erosion in Comparative Contexts: Evidence from Egypt, Indonesia, Iran,
and Pakistan,” (Co-author: Md. Sohel Rana), Journal of Governance, Security &
Development. Vol.3, No.1. July 2022.
2020 “Three Decades of Bangladeshi Politics (1990-2019): The Emergence and Collapse of
the Political Settlements”, Journal of Governance, Security & Development, ISSN: 2708-
2490, Vol 1 No. 1 2020: 109-139
2019 “Legislature as a Tool of the Hybrid Regime: Bangladesh Experience”, PS: Political
Science and Society, Vol 52, No. 2, April 2019
“Making Walls, Fencing Borders and Living on the Margin: Understanding the India-
Bangladesh Border”, Journal of Bangladesh Studies, Vol 20, No 1, 2018 (published in
November 2019).
2018 “Bangladesh: Mutation and Resilience of a Hybrid Regime,” South Asia Journal,
October 2018
“More Than Meets the Eye: The Narratives of Secularism and Islam In Bangladesh”
Asian Affairs, Vol 49, Issue 3, June 2018
2016 “Challenges to Islamic Education”, South Asia Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 1, No 2.
July-December 2016.
“Who are the Bangladeshi ‘Islamist Militants’”, Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. 10, No.1
February 2016.
2014 “Bangladesh’s Failed Election”, Journal of Democracy, Volume 25, Number 2, April
“A Crisis of Democracy in Bangladesh”, Current History, Vol. 113, Issue: 760. April
2013 “The new Islamist public sphere in Bangladesh”, Global Change, Peace & Security, 25
(3), June 2013.
“Democracy in Bangladesh: A Report Card,” South Asia Journal, Issue 7, January 2013.
2012 “Islamist Politics and US Policies: Charting a New Course.” Foreign Affairs Insights and
Reviews. Vol. 1, no 2, July-September 2012.
2011 Reader's Comments on “‘Minority Islam’ in Muslim Majority Bangladesh: The Violent
Road to a New Brand of Secularism”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Volume 31,
Issue 4, December 2011.
‘Madrassah Education in Pre-Colonial and Colonial South Asia’, Journal of Asian and
African Studies, Volume 46 Issue 1, February 2011
2010 “Dynastic Politics” and the Political Culture of Bangladesh, Journal of International
Relations, Vol 8, no 2, December 2010.
2009 ‘Bangladesh: 2008 Elections and Democracy,’ South Asia Journal, No. 25, July-
September 2009.
2008 “Constructing Outraged Communities and State Responses: The Taslima Nasreen Saga in
1994 and 2007” South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ), Special Issue
– No. 2, 'Outraged Communities': Comparative Perspectives on the Politicization of
Emotions in South Asia. URL : http://samaj.revues.org/document1262.html.
2005 ‘Beyond the Tilt: US Initiatives to Dissipate Bangladesh Movement in 1971’, History
Compass, 3 (2005), December 2005.
‘Global Jihad, Sectarianism and The Madrassahs in Pakistan’, Institute of Defense and
Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Working paper No. 85.
August 2005
‘Minorities in Bangladesh: The Enemy Within? An enquiry into the causes of violence
against religious minorities in Bangladesh’, Asian Profile, Vol. 33, No. 3 June 2005.
‘Bangladesh in 2004: The Politics of Vengeance and the Erosion of Democracy’. Asian
Survey, Vol 45. No. 1, January/February 2005.
2003 ‘God Willing’: The Politics and Ideology of Islamism in Bangladesh,’ Comparative
Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 23, Nos.1, 2003 (Bengali
translation of the article is published in Bangla Journal, Vol 3, no 1, 2005)
2002 ‘Nations, Nation-State and Politics of Muslim Identity in South Asia’, Comparative
Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-2, 2002
1998 ‘Bangladesh Press: Contours and Contents’. Asian Profile, Vol.26. No 4. December
‘Two Trends in Analyzing the Military Rule in Bangladesh’. Bulletin of Concerned Asian
Scholars. Vol. 30, No.1, January-March 1998.
‘Taslima Nasrin: Breaking the Structured Silence’. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars.
Vol 25, No. 1; Jan-Mar 1995.
1994 “The 'New Cold War’(?) and The Role of the US in the 1990s’. Proceedings of the 1993
BAAS-USIS Regional American Studies Conference. Edited by Fakrul Islam, Shamsul I
Khan and Niaz Zaman. December 1994. Dhaka: Bangladesh Association of American
Studies and USIS.
‘The Political Economy of the Child Labour Deterrence Act, 1993’. Human Rights
Journal. Vol.2, No. 1 & 2, 1994. Coordinating Council for Human Rights in Bangladesh.
1991 ‘A Critical Analysis of International News Flow Studies’. Dhaka University Studies. Part
A, Vol 48 No. 1, June 1991.
1990 ‘Why Media Product Assumes a Given Shape: A Theoretical Inquiry.’Dhaka University
Studies. Part A, Vol 47 No 2, December 1990.
2023 Who Defends the Defenders. Examination of the plights of human rights activists in
Bangladesh based on a survey. Centre for Governance Studies (CGS), Dhaka,
Bangladesh. July 2023.
What’s Happening: The Trends and Patterns of the Digital Security Act 2018 in
Bangladesh. Centre for Governance Studies, Dhaka, January 2023.
2022 Unending Nightmare: The impacts of the Digital Security Act 2018 in Bangladesh,
Centre for Governance Studies, Dhaka, April 2022
Digital Security Act, 2018: How is it being enforced, Centre for Governance Studies,
Dhaka, April 2021.
2020 Bangladesh’s Economic ‘Recovery’ in the Covid Era: A paradox, A puzzle or Mirage?
Center for International Private Enterprises (CIPE), Washington D.C., October 2020.
2020 Dokkhsin asiar shason bybosthar char challenge (Four challenges to the Governance in
South Asia), Protichinta, Vol. 10. No. 3, July-September 2020.
2018 Gonotontrer Boishiyik Songkot: Potobhumi, Prokriti, O Pothorkha (The Global Crisis of
Democracy: Background, Nature and the Trajectory), Protichinta, Vol. 8, No. 28, July-
September 2018.
Dakshin Asiaai Madrasa Shikha: Prak Uponibashik O Uponibashik Amal (Madrassah
Education in South Asia: Pre-Colonial and Colonial Eras), Protichinta, Vol 6, Issue 1
January-March 2016.
2023 ‘Many Decembers: Where is Bangladesh heading?’, New Age. 16 December 2023.
‘Elections without choice: A leaf out of autocrats’ playbook,’ The Daily Star, 11
December 2023.
‘Bangladesh is poised for an election to seal autocratic rule’, Benar News, 22 Nov 2023.
‘Bangladesh is at a tipping point. Here are the scenarios for a contentious election
season.’ New Atlanticist, Atlantic Council. 17 November 2023
‘Reading Donald Lu’s letter, Intently’, The Daily Star, 15 Nov, 2023
‘What should and shouldn’t happen in Oct 28 rallies’, The Daily Star. 27 October 2023.
Bangladesh Election 2024: What role will India play? SouthAsiaSource, Atlantic
Council, 15 June 2023.
What the new US visa policy for Bangladesh means, SouthAsiaSource, Atlantic Council,
6 June 2023.
What the law minister's DSA statement reveals, The Daily Star, 7 June 2023
Government’s stubborn attitude on DSA sends ominous signal, The Daily Star, 9 April
Persecution of journalists: Condemnation isn’t enough, The Daily Star, 30 March 2023.
What is in Store for the New Year, The Daily Star, 1 Jan 2023
2022 Fifty Years of Bangladesh-US Relations: Pathways and Trajectories, AmCham Journal,
(Journal of American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh), Vol.16. No. 4, October-
December 2022.
One Year of US Sanctions: Denial and Defiance. The Daily Star, December 10, 2022.
What is next for Bangladeshi politics? South Asian Voices. Oct. 27. 2022
What role for intellectuals in autocratic era?, New Age, Sept. 15, 2022.
Citizens’ fundamental rights are not the executive’s choice, The Daily Star. Sept 2, 2022.
Bangladesh’s economic crisis: How did we get here? SouthAsiaSource, Atlantic Council,
Aug. 5, 2022.
Why is Bangladesh seeking IMF support in the first place?, The Daily Star, Aug. 4, 2022.
Sri Lanka crisis: What role would the military play? The Daily Star, July 13, 2022.
Bangladesh’s Quite Slide into Autocracy, Foreign Affairs, April 29, 2022
Imran Khan’s downfall and the judiciary’s role in it, The Daily Star, April 13, 2022.
Dhaka’s abstention in Ukraine vote is an anomaly, The Daily Star, March 16, 2022
What are the global challenges to democracy?, The Daily Star, February 19, 2022.
Three legacies of the Election Commission, The Daily Star, February 16, 2022.
Bangladesh’s democracy erodes amid tilt to China, East Asia Forum, January 25, 2022
2021 Five questions about the president’s dialogues, The Daily Star, December 28, 2021
Sanctions against Rab and the shifts in US policies, The Daily Star, December 22, 2021.
Three Issues at the Center of Bangladesh politics, New Age, December 16, 2021.
A day of remembrance, a day of reckoning, The Daily Star, September 11, 2021.
Schools are finally reopening, but what’s next?, The Daily Star, September 6, 2021
Four Scenarios of Afghanistan under the Taliban, Atlantic Council, August 20, 2021.
Three concerns about Taliban 2.0, The Daily Star, August 18, 2021.
100 years of Dhaka University: The illusive autonomy and partisanship, The Daily Star,
June 30, 2021.
A Press release that bares it all, The Daily Star, June 19, 2021.
India’s Covid-19 catastrophe: The cost of complacency, The Daily Star, May 4, 2021.
Media Ownership In Bangladesh: Why More Media Outlets Does Not Mean More Media
Freedom, (Co-authored with Mohammad Sajjadur Rahman), Center for International
Media Assistance, April 15, 2021.
A Cancelled Conference in Pakistan Sends a Message, The Daily Star, March 23, 2021
An Ideal Vision of Democracy in Bangladesh, The Daily Star, February 19, 2021
An Assault on Democracy: What’s Next in the US?, The Daily Star, January 9, 2021.
Covid-19 ails Bangladesh’s health, politics and economy, East Asia Forum, January 5,
2020 Democracy: The journey that has taken a wrong turn, The Daily Star, December 16,
“US Election 2020: What Biden Must Do”, The Daily Star, September 5, 2020
‘Will the state take responsibility?’ The Daily Star, August 30, 2020.
“Three challenges to the 2020 US election”, The Daily Star, August 9, 2020
“As the Sino-Indian rivalry heats up, watch Bangladesh carefully”, New Atlanticist, July
2, 2020
“Kajol might not be able to speak out, BUT WE MUST”, The Daily Star, May 12, 2020.
“Defunding WHO: Trump’s reckless decision”, The Daily Star, 21 April 2020.
South Asia’s economic outlook in the era of COVID-19, expert opinion brief, New
Atlanlticist, Atlantic Council, 31 March 2020.
“Covid-19: The era of perpetual emergency and the emerging new normal?”
The Daily Star, 25 March 2020.
“Democratic backsliding and the information battle”, The Daily Star, 12 February 2020,
“ICJ Ruling on Rohingya: Where do we go from here?”, The Daily Star, 26 January 2020
“Two contexts of influx from India”, The Daily Star, 1 December 2019.
“How new autocrats curb press freedom,’ Star Weakened Magazine, 29 November 2019.
“Is banning student politics the solution?” The Daily Star, 10 October 2019.
“NRC in Assam: What Happened? What’s Next?” The Daily Star, 8 September 2019.
“Revoking Article 370: Why now?” The Daily Star, 16 August 2019.
“Four Challenges to Governance in South Asia”, The Daily Star, 26 July 2019.
“Rahul Gandhi’s resignation: Three inconvenient issues.” The Daily Star, 7 July 2019,
“Impeaching Trump: ‘To be or not to be?’”, The Daily Star, 2 June 2019,
“Looking beyond the good economic news in Bangladesh”. East Asia Forum, 24 April
“Terrorist Attacks in Sri Lanka: New wave of radicalisation or taking advantage of the
trust deficit?” The Daily Star, 23 April 2019
“It is not the system but its misuse that is at fault”, The Daily Star, 24 March 2019,
“DUCSU Election - Let us not become the ostrich.” The Daily Star, 13 March 2019.
“DNCC Election: The alternative facts and life imitating art,” The Daily Star, 2 March
“Hefazat leader's plea: More than just a statement”, The Daily Star, 16 January 2019,
2018 “What Kind of an Election will it be?’ The Daily Star, 29 December 2018,
‘Why are Islamists in the limelight?’ The Star Weekend, 28 December 2018
“Bangladesh election at risk of low turnout in climate of fear as voters search for party
more likely to fulfil promises”, FirstPost, 26 December 2018
“Foreign observers shunning Bangladesh polls: A sign not all is okay with Dec 30
elections,” South Asian Monitor. 24 December 2018,
“Trivialisation of the dialogue is not the way to go”, The Daily Star, 6 November 2018,
“Democracy In Crisis: What we know and what we don't”, The Daily Star, 15 September
“Seeking Justice in Dhaka”, The Indian Express, 14 August 2018,
“Will Myanmar fool the international community?” The Daily Star, 6 August 2018
“Rohingya Crisis: Is Myanmar Changing Its Tune?”, The Daily Star, 11 June 2018
“Extrajudicial Killings: Time To Break The Silence” The Daily Star, 6 June 2018
“Cancellation of Trump-Kim summit: who benefits?” The Daily Star 27 May 2018
“The emphatic message from Malaysia”, The Daily Star, 13 May 2018
“Rohingya Crisis: A lot riding on the UNSC visit.” The Daily Star, 29 April 2018
“Quota reform: Beyond the demands”, The Daily Star, 25 April 2018
“2017 and what it means for 2018”, Daily Star 1 January 2018,
2017 “Sinha Saga: More questions than answers”, Daily Star, 23 October 2017,
“International community has two things on their hands”, Daily Star, 17 September 2017,
“Diplomatic Push On Rohingya Crisis: What Bangladesh needs to do now”, Daily Star,
10 September 2017
“The 1947 Phenomenon: In search of new voices” (with Fahmida Zaman), Daily Star
Weekend, 25 August 2017.
2016 “Militancy and (un)freedom in times of hollowed politics,” Beyond the Boundary,
Diplomatic Correspondents Association of Bangladesh. Dhaka: DCAB. December.
“What the 'Do Not Want to Reveal' response actually revealed” Daily Star, 18 December
“Terrorist Mastermind: Dead or Alive,” Daily Star, 29 August 2016,
“Bangladesh’s Homegrown Problem: Dhaka and the Terrorist Threat,” (with Sumit
Ganguly), Foreign Affairs, 6 July 2016,
“Debate over Bangladeshi militants' external connections,” Daily Star, 24 May 2016,
2014 “Elections in South Asia: What Are the Voters Telling Us?” Foreign Affairs Insights and
Reviews (FAIR), Vol. 2, No. 4 & 5, September- December 2014
“The Taliban attack: Message Pakistan and the world can't ignore”, Daily Star, 19
December 2014
“Unpacking the Islamist Agenda” Forum (monthly magazine), April 2013
2012 “How Did We Arrive Here?” Forum (monthly magazine), November 2012,
“War in Libya: How will it end?,” Forum (monthly magazine), April 2011
2008 “Nepal’s Future Foreign Policy,” International Affairs Forum, Center for International
Relations, Washington D.C., 25 May 2008,
I regularly contribute political commentaries to the leading Bengali national newspaper Prothom
Alo published from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2023 ‘The World We Live In: Democracy Retreats, Authoritarianism Surges’ Mornings with
Professors, Illinois State University, 3 Nov 2023.
Who Defends the Defenders: The Predicament of Human Rights Activists in Bangladesh.
Keynote lecture. Centre for Governance Studies (CGS), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 22 July
2022 ‘Bangladesh-India Relations: Too Close for Comfort?’ , Lecture at the Bay of Bengal
Conversation, Centre for Governance Studies (CGS), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 21 Nov. 2022.
Panelist, “The South Asian States, China and USA”, Bay of Bengal Conversation, Centre
for Governance Studies (CGS), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Nov. 22, 2022.
Bangladesh Politics, “Marginalization & Inclusion in South Asia: Economics, Politics,
and Culture”, Lecture at the Inauguration Conference of the Saxena Center for South
Asian Studies, Brown University, USA. Sept. 10, 2022.
Book Launching, “More Than Meets the Eye”, University Press Limited, Dhaka, 23 July,
‘Sovereign Apology and Justice for the Victims: A Case for Pakistan’s Apology for 1971
Genocide,’ Keynote speech, The Politics of Truth and Justice in South Asia: Reflections
on the Work of Jalal Alamgir, University of Massachusetts Boston, April 5, 2022
2021 Panelist, ‘State of Democracy in South Asia,’ CIPE/ Tritiyo Matra, TV Show, November
30, 2021.
Panelist, “Elections in Eastern India and their regional resonance,” Chatham House,
University of York, May 14, 2021. (Virtual).
Panelist, ‘Post-pandemic South Asia: How the Covid-pandemic will affect Bangladesh’s
politics, economy and healthcare’, Atlantic Council, May 11, 2021, (Virtual).
“Geopolitics of the pandemic: The Bangladesh Scene”, Frederic-Ebert Stiftung and CGS,
May 1, 2021, (Virtual)
“COVID-19 in the Muslim World,” California State University at San Bernardino, Center
for the Study of Muslim and the Arab Worlds, April 15, 2021. (Virtual)
“50 Years of Bangladeshi Politics: Nature and Trends”, Nazmul Karim Memorial Lecture
2021, Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka, April 12, 2021. (Virtual)
“The Biden Administration in the United States: Prognosis for Future of Bangladesh-US
Relations”, Webinar, United News Bangladesh, April 3, 2021. (Virtual)
Keynote Lecture, ‘Culture of Fear in World Politics: Origin and Ramifications’, Dept of
Political Science, Surya Sen College, India, February 22, 2021.(Virtual)
“Searching the Ways Forward for Bangladesh in the Time of Pandemic”, Centre for
Governance Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 4, 2021, (Virtual).
2020 “Where Does America Go from Here?” 2020 US Election; Post-Ballot Blues, Webinar,
Independent University Bangladesh, November 5, 2020. (Virtual)
“Three Possible Scenarios to Ponder,” 2020 US Election: Last Minute Gasps, Webinar,
Independent University, Bangladesh, October 28, 2020. (Virtual)
“Secular-Islamic Bangladesh and South Asia,” September 25, Interview, Adda. (Virtual)
“Geopolitics of the Rohingya crisis and its Possible Solutions”, Webinar, Conflict and
Resilience Research Institute, Canada, July 24, 2020. (Virtual).
“COVID-19 and Corruption: The View from South Asia,” Webinar, Center for
International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Washington D.C. April 29, 2020. (Virtual)
"Post Pandemic World and Future of the Global Economy", Webinar, EiFAC -
Exchanging ideas For A Change”. Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka. 23
April 2020. (Virtual)
“South Asia’s economic outlook in the era of COVID-19,” Webinar, Atlantic Council,
Washington D.C. April 1, 2020. (Virtual)
‘Bangladesh’s Metamorphosis into a Hybrid Regime’, presentation at Fletcher School,
Tufts University, Boston, February 12, 2020.
Panelist, “Beyond the Crisis Narrative: Rohingya Statelessness and its Implications for
Bangladesh” conference, The Council of American Overseas Research Centers
(CAORC), American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS), the Institute for South Asia
Studies, and the Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies, for
congressional staff members, Rayburn House Office Building. Washington D.C.
February 10. 2020.
Panelist, “Beyond the Crisis Narrative: Rohingya Statelessness and its Implications for
Bangladesh” conference, The Council of American Overseas Research Centers
(CAORC), American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS), the Institute for South Asia
Studies, and the Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies, University
of California Berkeley, February 7, 2020.
“How a Hybrid Regime Emerges: Bangladesh as a Case Study” paper presented at the
symposium – “Economic Integration and Global Governance in Emerging Muslim
Economies: Prospects and Challenges for D-8 Muslim Countries”. School of Business
and Economics, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, January 30, 2020,
Book Talk, Voting in a Hybrid Regime: Explaining the 2018 Bangladeshi Election,
Faculty of Economics and Administration, the University of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur,
January 28, 2020.
2019 Voting in a Hybrid Regime: Explaining the 2018 Bangladeshi Election, Lecture Series on
Governance and Politics in South Asia, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University,
Germany, 7 December 2019
Islam in South Asia: Diversity and Unity, International Studies Seminar, Illinois State
University, 6 February 2019.
2018 What is at Stake in the Bangladeshi Election 2018?, Woodrow Wilson Center for
International Scholars, Washington D.C, 6 December 2018
Political Islam And Violent Extremism in South Asia, The South Asia Study Group,
University of Sydney, Australia, 26 July 2018.
Future Trends of Politics in Bangladesh, Reading Club Trust and Gyantapas Abdur
Razzaq Foundation, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6 July 2018.
2017 Pathways of Militants: Evidence from Bangladesh. Center for Enterprise and Society of
the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20 November
Religion in Public Life in Bangladesh. Keynote address at the ‘Drivers of Violence and
Conflict in Bangladesh: Evidence-Based Research and Understanding’, Organized by
RESOLVE Network (Washington D.C.) and Brac Institute of Governance and
Development (BIGD, Bangladesh), Dhaka, 4 April 2017.
The Challenges for Writing Political History of Bangladesh, Presentation at the Institute
of Bangladesh Studies, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 29 January 2017.
Media and Democracy, Lecture at the Department of Mass Communication and
Journalism, University of Rajshahi, 27 January 2017.
2016 Bangladesh: Beyond the Binaries, Presentation at the South Asian Institute, Columbia
University, New York, 14 November 2016.
Bangladesh: A Political History since Independence, a book talk, Chowdhury Center for
Bangladesh Studies, University of California Berkeley, 18 October 2016.
Foreign Policies: What Challenges will the New President Face? International Studies
Seminar Series: The US Presidential Election, Illinois State University, 28 September
Constructing Other: Muslim Sects in the Eyes of Deobandi Ulema. Presentation at Brac
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 9 June 2016.
How can Bangladesh Stop the Escalating Extremist Violence? Panelist, Heritage
Foundation, Washington D.C. 5 May 2016
Bangladesh: Moving Forward or Walking Back? Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS),
National University of Singapore, 26 May 2015
2014 US-India Relations: Reset or Rehash? Mornings with Professors, Academy of Seniors,
Illinois State University, 7 November 2014
The Curse of the Two-Thirds, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. 9 December
Political Islam and Militancy in Bangladesh, Pen and Sword: Religious Identity, Political
Islam, & Militancy in South Asia, South Asia Geostrategic Intelligence Seminar, Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA), Washington D.C., 20-21 November 2013.
Insurgencies and Homegrown Terrorism after 2014, Counterterrorism in South Asia
Beyond 2014, Eurasia Group, Washington D.C. 14 June 2013.
Security Challenges of South Asia and US Policies, 4th Annual National Security Scholars
Conference, United States Air Force, Chicago, IL, 2 May 2012
2011 A Conversation about the Future of Bangladeshi Politics, North South University, Dhaka
Bangladesh, jointly organized by the University Press Limited and the Master in Public
Policy and Governance Program, NSU. 30 December.
Strengthening Regional Security Cooperation and Capacity in South Asia: What Role for
Civil Society Workshop organized by the International Peace Institute/Center on Global
Counterterrorism Cooperation, 17-18 October, New York.
Climate Change and National Security at Perfect Storm? Population Pressures, Natural
Resource Constraints, and Climate Change in Bangladesh, a conference organized by
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., 19 September
2010 The New Islamist Public Sphere in Bangladesh at Transcending Binaries: Islam and
Politics in South Asia, BRAC Development Institute (BDI), BRAC University, Dhaka,
18-19 December 2010.
Being Bengali Abroad: Identity Politics Among the Bengali Community in Britain,
Australian Academy of the Humanities – International Collaborative Workshop,
University of Western Sydney, Sydney, 30 August.
Changing the mindset: the state, education, and religion, Competing Religious
Narratives in Pakistan: Can Islam be an Agency for Peace, South Asia Studies, School of
Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University Washington D.C., 10 May
Religion and Politics in South Asia, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism,
Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6 January 2010.
Little Known, Much Discussed: Madrassahs in South Asia, South Asia Center, Moynihan
Institute of Global Affairs, Syracuse University, New York, 18 November 2008.
Does South Asia Matter? Academy of Seniors, Illinois State University Alumni Services;
(a series of four lectures); Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, 21 Oct, 23 Oct, 28
Oct, 30 Oct 2008.
Bangladesh in 2008: A New Beginning or the Return of the Ancien Régime? Resource
paper presentation at the Informal Consultation on Bangladesh, Conflict Prevention and
Peace forum (CPPF) of the Social Science Research Council, New York, 12 July 2008.
Why Study Madrassahs? Islamic Seminaries in South Asia, India Studies Lecture, Indian
Studies Program, Indiana University, 11 April 2008.
Democracy in Bangladesh: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. Center for South Asian
Studies Scholarly Lecture Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 14
March 2008
2007 Impact of Climate Change on Bangladesh. Climate Change and Regional Security
Workshop, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, 11-13 December 2007.
Rise of Religious Extremism in South Asia, South Asia Conference, North Carolina
Central University, 16 November 2007
Bangladesh: Crises Unending? Case Study - Bangladesh, The Project on Leadership and
Building State Capacity, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 5 April
Media and Politics: Old Habits and New Realities, Department of Journalism and Media
Studies, Stamford University Dhaka, Bangladesh. 10 January 2007
2006 Deobandi and Tablighi Groups in South Asia, Conference on Understanding Differences
in Islamic Movement, Virginia, 13-14 November 2006.
Bangladesh Barometer: Impending national elections amidst political conflict and rising
Islamism. Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington D.C. 24
October 2006.
New Politics in the Muslim World: Islamic Fundamentalism or Islamism? Talk at the
Politics Forum, Northern Arizona University, 15 March 2006
Roots and Prospects for Religious Extremism, paper presented at the Bangladesh; Issues
of Political Stability and Islamic Radicalization The Royal Institute of International
Affairs (RIIA), London 23 February 2006.
Bangladesh in 2006: Quo Vadis? Paper presented as the backgrounder for Informal
meeting on Bangladesh organized by the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum, Social
Science Research Council, New York, 3 February 2006
2005 The Crisis of Hegemony and Political Islam in Bangladesh. Paper presented at
Symposium on the Politics of Religion: Nation, Identity and Difference, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 3 November 2005
2004 The Future of Political Islam in Bangladesh, keynote speaker, organized as book talk,
Organized by Muktoforum, New York, 25 September 2004
2002 Islam and Crisis of Identity in South Asia, International and Global Studies Seminar,
Illinois State University, Normal, IL, 16 October 2002
Afghanistan: from Marx, Mujaheeden, Mullah and Mayhem to Money and Market?
Mornings with the professors, Senior Professionals of Illinois State University, Normal,
Illinois, 4 October 2002
1994 Social Myth and (Re)presentation of Gender in Media. Seminar Presentation, Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore, 19 September 1994.
Taslima Nasrin: Breaking the Silence and Arguing With the Crocodile. Seminar
Presentation. National University of Singapore, Sociology Department. 15 September
Telecommunication Infrastructure and economic growth in Singapore and Malaysia: In
search of an alternative framework of analysis. Seminar Presentation, ISEAS. 5 August
Conference/Workshop Presentations:
2023 Panelist, The Dragon’s Domain: BRI after a decade, Bay of Bengal Conversation: The
Rising Tide, Dhaka, Centre for Governance Studies, October 9, 2023.
Panelist, Culture Wars Beyond Borders, Bay of Bengal Conversation: The Rising Tide,
Dhaka, Centre for Governance Studies, October 7, 2023.
Panelist. Book Launch: Hurt Sentiment. Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C.
(Virtual). March 13, 2023.
2022 The Twists and Turns of Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh, Paper presented at the
International Studies Association Convention, (Virtual), March 29, 2022.
2021 Islamist Politics in Bangladesh: the nature, scope, and the pathway, Fifty Years of
Bangladesh: Retrospect and Prospect Conference, Centre for Policy Dialogue,
Bangladesh & the South Asia Program, Cornell University, December 6, 2021 (Virtual)
Civilian Authoritarianism and the Role of the Legislature: The Case of Bangladesh,
International Political Science Association World Congress, July 11, 2021. (Virtual)
Covid-19 and the International Politics of South Asia, Roundtable, International Studies
Association Conference Annual Convention, Virtual, April 8, 2021
2020 How Democracy Backslides: Tracing the Pathway in Six Countries, iposter session,
Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), San
Francisco, California, USA, September 10-13, 2020. (Coauthored with MD. Sohel Rana).
Three Decades of Bangladesh Politics: The Emergence and Collapse of the Political
Settlement, Bangladesh’s Recent Pasts, and Imminent Futures. Organized by American
Institute of Bangladesh Studies, concurrently with the 48th Annual Conference on South
Asia, Madison, WI, 17 October 2019.
2018 Bangladesh: Holding Society Together in a Low Cohesion Society, paper presented at the
Social Cohesion in Asia Workshop, Organized by Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany, at
Singapore, 16-17 November 2018.
Making Walls, Fencing Borders and Living on the Margin, Paper presented at the 25th
World Congress of Political Science, International Political Science Association (IPSA),
Brisbane, Australia, 22 July 2018.
2017 Bangladesh: From a Hybrid Regime to an Authoritarian State? Paper presented at the
Annual Convention, International Studies Association, Baltimore, 25 February 2017.
2016 Religion in Public Life in Bangladesh: Elite-Mass Disconnect?, Paper presented at the
45th South Asia Conference, University of Wisconsin Madison, 23 October 2016.
The Collapse and the Restoration of Political Settlement, 24th World Congress of
Political Science, International Political Science Association (IPSA), Poznan, Poland, 26
July 2016.
2014 Bangladesh: A Delegative Democracy in Making? Paper presented at the 23rd European
Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS), 23- 26 July 2014, University of Zurich
2013 Water, Security, and the Challenges Ahead, paper presented at the International
Conference on Water Resources of South Asia: Conflict to Cooperation, 4-5 January,
organized by the Bangladesh Environment Network and Dhaka University, Dhaka,
2012 Democracy in Bangladesh: A Report Card of 2009-2012, Paper presented at the 41st
Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. 11-14
October 2012.
2010 Security Challenges to a ‘Weak State’: Bangladesh as a Case Study, Paper presented at
the Workshop on Rethinking Security, Sovereignty and Justice, International Political
Science Association Research Committee (37), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 5 January 2010.
2009 Bangladesh Election 2008: The Results and the Implications, Paper presented at the 38th
Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, 23-25 October 2009
2008 Constructing Outraged Communities and State Responses: The Taslima Nasreen Saga in
1994 and 2007, paper presented at the conference on “Outraged Communities:
Investigating the Politicisation of Emotions in South Asia”, organized by South Asia
Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, the Musée du Quai Branly, the Centre d'Etudes de
l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud, and the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Paris,
25-26 September 2008.
2007 Bangladesh: Democracy in Peril or the Emergence of a New Order? Paper presented at
the 36th Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, 11-14 October.
Islamic Parties and Democracy in Bangladesh, Paper presented at the 103rd Annual
Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago, IL, 30 August
– 2 September.
The Dynamics of Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh, Paper presented at the 59th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS). Boston. 22-15 March.
2006 Portrayal of Pakistani Madrassahs in Western Press, Paper presented at the International
Studies Conference- Midwest, St; Louis,, MO, 3-5 November.
Understanding Madrassahs: Beyond Security Concerns, Paper presented at the at the 35th
Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 20-22 October
Madaris Education in Bangladesh: Continuity and Change Paper presented at the 58th
Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, 4 April – 9 April
2005 The State-Society Relationships and Political Conflicts in Nepal, [co-authored with
Subho Basu] Paper presented at the Conference on ‘Religious and Social Fragmentation
and Economic Development in South Asia’, Cornell University, 15-16 October 2005.
The Dangerous Liaison: Madrassahs and the Militant Islamism in Bangladesh, Paper
presented at the at the 34th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, 6-9 October 2005
‘We do not see any sign or hope:’ U.S.-Bangladesh Contacts in 1971, Paper presented at
the Conference on South Asia in Crisis: United States Policy, 1961-1972 organized by
the U.S. Department of State, Office of Historian. 28-29 June 2005.
Pakistan’s Madrassahs: Teaching the Alphabets of Jihad?” Paper presented at the 57th
Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, 31 March - 3 April 2005.
2004 Micro-Finance, Empowerment and Social Capital: Experience from Bangladesh. Paper
presented at the at the 33rd Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, 15-17 October 2004
Promoting Political Science Student Research with an Annual Conference and an On-
line Student Journal’. [co-authored with Professor Gary Klass], Poster presentation at
100th Annual APSA Meeting, Chicago. 2-5 September 2004.
2003 Bengali Muslim Identity and Bangladesh Politics: Re-inventing Muslimness? Paper
presented at the 32nd Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, 24-26 October 2003
1995 – 1990
Crucifixion and Resurrection of Islam in Bangladesh: A Power Game. Paper presented at
the international conference on Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future. Organized by the
Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Oriental Studies, and North London
University. London, 13-15 December, 1995.
The New Cold War(?) and the Role of the US in the 1990s. Paper presented at the First
American Studies Regional Conference, Bangladesh Association for American Studies &
USIS, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 16-18 November 1993.
Future of Democracy in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian
Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), California Polytechnic State University at San
Luis Obispo. 19-21 June 1992.
2017 Panelist, ‘A Past Divided: Shared Memories and Transformations’, Dhaka Lit Festival,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 16 November 2017
Panelist, ‘Chinese Influence in Central and South Asia’ Conference organized by the
Centra Technology Inc, for the United States Government, Arlington, VA. 25-26 April.
(Panelist in four panels).
2016 Discussant, ‘Conflict, Patronage and Strategies for Inclusive Political Development,’ 24th
World Congress of Political Science, International Political Science Association (IPSA),
Poznan, Poland, 26 July 2016.
2008 Panelist, Roundtable on Election and the Future of Bangladesh, organized by Daily
Prothom Alo, the leading Bengali daily newspaper, 20 December 2008, Dhaka,
2007 Chair, “Emerging Issues in Bangladesh”, 36th Annual Conference on South Asia,
Madison, WI, 11 -14 October, 2007
Panelist, “Target: Iran? Is Another War Imminent?” Global Review. Illinois State
University, 1 March 2007
2005 Panelist, “What is Terrorism? Why Terrorism?” Panel discussion organized by the
Muktoforum (Open Forum), New York. 16 April 2005
Panelist, “The United Nations and Global Security.” Hosted by Americans for Informed
Democracy (AID) and the Stanley Foundation. University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign. 5 April 2005
Panelist, “Countering Arab/Muslim Stereotypes”. Global Review. Illinois State
University. 3 February 2005
2003 Moderator, ‘Prospects of Peace in the Middle East: Breaking the cycle of violence’, A
panel discussion, International and Global Studies Seminar, Illinois State University, 19
November, 2003
Discussant, panel on ‘Particularistic Political Culture: The Case of Indonesia and the
Philippines’, 52nd Midwestern Conference on Asian Affairs, Illinois State University, 10-
12 October 2003
Panelist, ‘Shaping Post-War Iraq: Options and Concerns’, Global Review, Illinois State
3333University, 1 May 2003
Panelist, ‘Shaping Post-War Iraq: Options and Concerns’, International and Global
Studies Seminar Series, Illinois State University, 30 April 2003
Panelist, Representing the War: The Media and the War in Iraq’, International Studies,
Unit for Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies, Illinois State University, 8 April 2003
Honor Award. Weekly Ajkal, a New York-based newspaper, for outstanding political analysis on
Bangladeshi politics. New York, 11 October 2019
Summer Faculty Fellowship, Illinois State University, Summer 2007, Project: Living on the
Margin: A study of the Borderlands.
Outstanding College Researcher Award 2005, College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship 2004. College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State
PFIG Grant, Illinois State University, Summer 2004, Project: Pakistan’s Madrassahs: Teaching
NFIG Grant, Illinois State University, Summer 2003, Project: ‘Trade and Commerce in Pre-
Colonial Bengal: Catalyst and Conduit of Transformation?
Werner Levi Award, Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii. Spring, 1993.
Bangladesh Doctoral Research Fellowship, Social Science Research Council (SSRC), New York,
East West Center Degree Student Fellowship, July 1987 - December 1991.
Member, Dissertation Committee, Abi Narayan Chamlagi, Department of Political Science,
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.
Title: Breakdowns of Democracy in Nepal: A Comparative Study Between1960 and 2002/2005.
Graduated: Fall 2022.
Member, Dissertation Committee, Priyanka Kabir, Department of Public Policy and Public
Affairs, John W McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies, University of
Massachusetts Boston.
Title: Views on Democracy in Bangladesh: A study of the middle class’s perceptions of
democratic ideals in an illiberal state. (Graduated: Spring 2020).
Thesis Supervision:
Title: ‘Political Violence in Bangladesh: Explaining the Role of the State’
Title: “Political Spirituality or Rethinking the Enlightenment: A Reflection on Michel Foucault’s
Writings on the Iranian Revolution,” (Departmental Distinction, Thesis won the James L. Fisher
Outstanding Thesis Award, highest University Thesis Award).
Title: “Restructuring and ‘Incentivizing’ Public Housing: Case Study of Milwaukee, WI.”
Quoted in Nikkei Asia, From India and Pakistan to Indonesia, Asia set for election-
packed 2024. 26 Dec, 2023.
Quoted in Banner News, Journalists in Bangladeshi diaspora say govt targets them
through transnational repression, 21 Dec, 2023
Quoted in VOA, ‘Bangladesh Prepping for ‘Unfair’ Election, Say Analysts, Opposition’,
24 Nov, 2023.
Quoted in Nikkei Asia, ‘Bangladesh sets election for Jan. 7, ignoring opposition pleas’,
15 Nov 2023.
Quoted in Aljazeera. ‘Bangladesh’s ongoing political crisis is ‘high risk’ for fragile
economy’. 15 Nov 2023.
Quoted in the Guardian. ‘Full prisons and false charges: Bangladesh opposition faces pre-
election crackdown’. 9 Nov 2023.
Interviewed by WGLT (NPR affiliate). ‘'They have been suffering so long': ISU
professor calls for 2-state solution in Israel-Palestinian conflict’. 6 Nov 2023.
Quoted in DW. ‘Bangladesh unrest casts dark shadow over upcoming elections’. 1 Nov
Quoted in Nikkei Asia. ‘Bangladesh opposition attempts transport blockade in bid to oust
Hasina”. 31 Oct 2023.
Interviewed by the Daily Star. We need writers to know what society will look like in the
future. 6 October. 2023.
Quoted in Nikkei Asia. Bangladesh-U.S. election rift widens over visas, envoy safety. 3
October 2023.
Interviewed by the Daily Star. US visa policy alone cannot ensure fair election. 27
September 2023.
Quoted in BBC News Bangla. Will Selfie reduce the pressure from the US? (In
Bengali).15 September 2023.
Quoted in BBC News Bangla. The reasons Obama Clinton got involved in Yunus issue.
(in Bengali). 1 September 2023.
Quoted in BBC News. Muhammad Yunus: Leaders urge Bangladesh to end attacks on
Nobel laureate. 1 September 2023.
Quoted in NBC News. Mother is arrested in Bangladesh after son in the U.S. criticizes
government online. 25 August 2023.
Quoted in Nikkei Asia. Bangladesh election tensions rise as protests erupt, economy
dims. 31 July 2023.
Quoted in DW. Bangladesh: Can EU pressure ensure fair elections? 24 July 2023.
Quoted in Nikkei Asia. U.S. team seeks to break heated election standoff in Bangladesh. .
10 July 2023.
Quoted in Nikkei Asia. Bangladesh faces election test as U.S. draws line on
manipulation. 30 May 2023.
Quoted in DW. Bangladesh: Can US visa threat ensure fair elections? 29 May 2023.
Quoted in BBC News Bangla. What is behind the new US Visa policy about Bangladesh,
In Bengali). 26 May 2023.
Quoted in the Daily Star. US visa curbs on those who will bar fair polls. 25 May 2023.
Quoted in BBC News Bangla. Imran Khan: Will the role of the military be resolved
forever? (In Bengali). 23 May 2023.
BBC News Bangla. Why America Wants to Stop China? (In Bengali). May 5, 2023.
Quoted in Benar News. Analysts: Bangladesh PM visits World Bank to gain support for
distressed economy. 1 May 2023.
Quoted in the Guardian. Bangladesh media in fear after PM’s ‘people’s enemy’
attack. 1 May 2023.
BBC News Bangla. Is Saudia Arabia aligning with China leaving USA? (In Bengali). 13
April 2023.
BBC News Bangla. Was Iran benefited from the US aggression in Iraq? (In Bengali) 17
March 2023.
BBC News Bangla. Iraq war: Where are those who were behind the aggression against
Saddam? (In Bengali). 16 March 2023.
BBC News Bangla. How Much Challenge Erdogan would face in the election? (In
Bengali). 14 March 2023.
Quoted in the Guardian. ‘They beat me with sticks’: Bangladesh opposition reels under
crackdown as thousands arrested. 22 January 2023.
BBC News Bangla. Why America is interested about Bangladesh?’.20 Jan. 2023
Quoted in Nikkei Asia, Bangladesh human rights controversy sparks U.S.-Russia spat, 28
December 2022.
Quoted in South China Morning Post, Bangladesh protests, power cuts, and price hikes
challenging rule of PM Sheikh Hasina, 23 December 2022.
Quoted in DW, “Bangladesh ruling party dominance prompts democracy concerns”, 3
Dec. 2022.
Interviewed by the Daily Star, “‘Dhaka should focus more on Indo-Pacific’”. 23 Nov.
Quoted in Nikkei Asia, “Bangladesh anger over fuel prices echoes Sri Lanka, Pakistan”,
17 August 2022.
Interviewed by the Daily Star. “Dhaka Too may Feel the Heat”, 4 Aug. 2022.
Quoted in the Daily Star, “Hints at all-EVM polls: BNP’s distrust of the govt to deepen”.
18 May 2022.
Quoted in DW, “Russia accuses Bangladesh media of ‘bias’ on Ukraine media coverage‘,
16 March 2022.
Quoted in the Daily Star, ‘Leahy law poses new challenge to Dhaka‘, 16 January 2022
Quoted in DW, ‘Bangladesh's BNP opposition party in dire straits as leader's health
deteriorates’, November 26, 2021.
Interviewed by WGLT, local affiliate of the Public Radio, ‘ISU professor Ali Riaz tracks
the rise of autocrats and democratic backsliding,; November 2, 2021
Quoted in Aljazeera, ‘Bangladesh to open 500 new ‘moderate’ mosques in $1bn project’,
June 27, 2021.
Quoted in DW, ‘New Bangladeshi passport fuels speculation over Israel ties’, May 31,
Quoted in Aljazeera, ‘Bangladesh removes passport clause that barred travel to Israel’,
May 27, 2021.
Quoted in South China Morning Post (SCMP), ‘Why was Bangladesh ‘warned’ by China
against joining the Quad?’, May 13, 2021.
Quoted in DW, ‘Should Pakistan apologize to Bangladesh for the 1971 war?’ March 30,
Quoted in Aljazeera report, ‘Four killed in Bangladesh during protests against Modi
visit’, March 26, 2021.
Quoted in Associated Press (AP) report, ‘Born in war, Bangladesh marks 50 years of
independence’, March 24, 2021.
Quoted in DW, ‘How is Bangladesh's Digital Security Act muzzling free speech?’,
March 3, 2021.
Quoted in Aljazeera, “Don’t feel sorry for Suu Kyi’: Rohingya refugees on Myanmar
coup’, February 2, 2021,
Quoted in CBS News, ‘LGBTQ advocates call 1st Islamic school for transgender
students in Bangladesh a "positive step," but not enough’, November 17, 2020
Quoted in a UNB Report, “Rohingya Repatriation: Why Suu Kyi unlikely to change her
position”, November 10, 2020
Interviewed by the UNB, “US approach to Bangladesh to be shaped within broad Asia-
Pacific policy: Ali Riaz”, November 6, 2020
Interview by The Daily Star, “Will Trump’s USD 400m debt be a threat to US national
security?’, October 2, 2020
Interviewed by The Daily Star, ‘Democracy in Decline?’ September 23, 2020. (Video)
Quoted in Nikkei Asian Review, ‘US uses defense diplomacy to woo Bangladesh away
from China”, September 22, 2020.
Quoted in the Economist, ‘As Bangladesh’s relations with India weaken, ties with China
strengthen’, September 19, 2020
Quoted in Nikkei Asia Review, ‘China and India vie for clout in Bangladesh with
COVID vaccines,’ September 5, 2020
Quoted in VICE News, “For the Last Three Years, More Than a Million Rohingya
Muslims Have Been Stuck in Bangladesh”, September 1, 2020
Quoted in Diplomat, ‘Can Pakistan and Bangladesh Be Friends?’, August 26, 2020
Quoted in TRT World, ‘For India, the diplomatic battle for Bangladesh has just begun’,
August 20, 2020.
Quoted in Deutsche Welle (DW), “Can China and Pakistan profit as Bangladesh
turns from India?”, July 30, 2020
Quoted in Scroll.india. “Bangladesh decision to free ex-PM Khaleda Zia amidst Covid-
19 outbreak is ‘shrewd’, observers say”, Scroll.in. 26 March 2020..
Quoted in Aljazeera, ‘'Justice served': Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh hail ICJ ruling’,
20 January 2020,
Quoted in Asia Times, ‘Bangladeshi lawmakers want extrajudicial killings”, 20 January
Quoted in WMBD Report, ‘Future between U.S., Iran remains unpredictable as both
countries claim to de-escalate tensions’, 8 January 2020,
Interviewed by Foreign Policy Research Journal, Vol 39, No. 3. December.2019, ‘India-
Bangladesh Relations post 2014’; reprinted by the CGS,
Quoted in the World University News, ‘Dormitory killing highlights campus political
rivalries’, World University News, 15 October 2019.
Quoted in L A Times, ‘US is using unreliable dental exams to hold teen migrants in adult
detention’, Los Angeles Times, 2 June 2019
Quoted in the Wall Street Journal, 31 December 2018, ‘Bangladesh Leader Wins Third
Term Amid Reports of Violence,’
Quoted in the Daily Telegraph, ‘Bangladesh voter's choice: Secular ruling party
canoodling with Islamists or hardliners now in secular alliance’, 30 December 2018,
Quoted in Les Echos (France), ‘Bangladesh : vers la fin de la guerre des Bégums,’ 28
December 2018,
Quoted in Time, ‘Bangladesh's Iron Lady Faces a Hobbled Opposition as She Seeks Her
Fourth Term’ 28 December 2018, ; Quoted in the Washington Post, 28 December 2018.;
New York Times, ‘Bangladesh’s growth-minded iron lady vies for re-election’, 28
December 2018
Quoted in AFP, “PM Sheikh Hasina on top in battle of the Bangladesh Begums”, 24
December 2018.
Quoted in Deutsche Welle (DW), ‘Why Bangladesh needs foreign observers during
election.’ 26 November 2018.
Quoted in Scroll.India, “In Bangladesh, TV talk shows are the latest scene of the ruling
Awami League’s war on dissent”, 30 October 2018.
Quoted in Asia Times, ‘Curious political tie-up emerges before Bangladeshi election’, 22
October 2018,
Quoted in Aljazeera Online, ‘Are Bangladesh activists being killed amid the war on
drugs?’ 16 August 2018
Quoted in DW, ‘Why Bangladesh student protests are not just about road safety’ 6
August 2018,
Quoted in an AFP report, published in the Strait Times (Singapore), ‘Bangladesh protests
fizzle after days of violence,’ 7 August 2018,.
Quoted in DW, the German International Broadcaster, “Declining terror attacks: Why
Bangladesh can't afford to be complacent”, 9 July 2018,
Quoted by UCA News, ‘ICC considers prosecuting Myanmar officials over Rohingya
crisis’. 22 June 2018,
Interviewed by WMBD, ISU professor talks North Korea summit, 17 June 2018.
Quoted in Metro News, “The big sit-down: What to expect from Trump’s historic
meeting with Kim Jong-un,” 12 June 2018, US Edition other editions
in Chile, Guatemala, México, Puerto Rico, Russia, and the global Spanish Web version.
Interviewed by UNB, Bangladesh News Wire service “New evidence points to massacre
of Hindus in Rakhine: AI”, 23 May 2018,
Interviewed by UNB, Bangladesh News Wire service, ‘Repatriation deal rushed into’,
Published in the Daily Star, 7 April 2018, and in Dhaka Tribune, ‘Prof Riaz: Mistake to
sign Rohingya repatriation deal’. 6 April 2018,
Quoted by Aljazeera, ‘Is Bangladesh moving towards one-party state?’ 4 April 2018,
Featured as a cover story, Redbird Scholar, Spring 2018, published in March 2018.
‘Unraveling the tapestry of religion and politics: Distinguished Professor Ali Riaz sheds
lights on rise of extremism’
Quoted in the Financial Express (Bangladesh), ‘Diplomacy shines on bilateral front, not
on geostrategic point’ 28 December 2017;
Quoted in Media part (French newssite), ‘Au Bangladesh, l’arrivée massive des
Rohingyas bouleverse le jeu politique’ 25 November 2017
Quoted in National Catholic Reporter, ‘Trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh may test
Francis' diplomatic skills’, 20 November 2017,
Quoted in the New York Times, ‘Rohingya Militants Vow to Fight Myanmar Despite
Disastrous Cost,’ New York Times, 17 September 2017.
Quoted in AFP Report, ‘Bangladesh faces long haul Rohingya crises’ 24 September
Interviewed by the Dhaka Tribune, ‘Dhaka can’t wait until India and China change their
stance on Rohingya issue’, 15 September 2017,
Quoted in UNB Report, ‘Stronger Dhaka efforts needed over Rohingyas to avert security
risks,’ 8 September 2017
Quoted in the Diplomat, ‘A Year of Bangladesh's War on Terror’ The Diplomat, 6 July
Quoted in the Daily Star, ‘Combating Extremism: Still relying mostly on force’ The
Daily Star, 30 June 2017
Interviewed by UNB published in the Daily Star, ‘Bangladesh needs to make careful
choices’, Daily Star, 29 May 2017.
Interviewed by the Daily Star, ‘Recognition of Qwami Degree: Will this lead to
integration?” The Daily Star, 27 April 2017.
Interviewed by the UNB, published in Daily Sun ‘Bangladesh also needs to worry about
certain issues of Trump speech: Prof Ali Riaz’, 22 January and in NTV website.
Quoted in CNN, “Michael Flynn once said most education in the Middle East is done in
madrasas that are 'hate factories'”, CNN politics, 16 December 2016
Quoted in the Daily Star, Beijing ties no threat to Delhi's interests’, 16 October 2016,
Quoted in AFP report, ‘China woos key India ally Bangladesh with investment’ 14
October 2016,
Quoted in VOA, ‘Bangladesh Offers Cash to Lure Militants Away from Terrorism’, 11
October 2016
Quoted in The New York Times, ‘Bangladesh, Blaming Local Groups for Attack, Seeks
Ties to ISIS’, July 19 2016,
Quoted in The Atlantic, ‘Bangladesh’s Long Road to Islamic Violence’, 9 July 2016
Quoted in Wall Street Journal, ‘Diverging Paths of Victim Gunman in Terror Attack
Show Bangladesh’s Split’, 8 July 2016,
Quoted in Vice News, ‘Bangladesh is Being Urged to Confront its Islamic State Problem’,
6 July 2016,
Quoted in Los Angeles Times, ‘Here’s is Who Carried Out the Bangladesh Attack: Mostly
Students from Middle-class Families’, 5 July 2016,
Quoted in Time, ‘Why the Revelations About the Dhaka Attackers Are Not Surprising’ 5
July 2016,
Quoted in Wall Street Journal, ‘Bangladesh Squabbles Hinder Bangladesh Terror Fight’,
5 July 2016
Quoted in The New York Times, ‘Bangladeshi Troops Move to End Hostage Standoff’, 1
July 2016,
Quoted in Time, ‘Bangladesh Was Founded on the Principle of Cultural Freedom. What
Happened?’, 15 June 2016,
Interview with WGLT Radio, ‘ISU Political Scientist: Curb Terrorism By Curbing Gun
Access’, 14 June 2016,
Interview with Aljazeera English Online, ‘Bangladesh: Extremism and shrinking space
for dissent’, 15 May 2016,
Quoted in Le Monde, ‘Au Bangladesh, une exécution sous tension’, 11 May 2016
Quoted in Time “Here’s What You Need to Know About Growing Extremist Violence in
Bangladesh” 29 April 2016,
Interviewed by CNN International, Blogger Murdered in Bangladesh, 12 April 2016.
Quoted in Vice News, ‘Trapped Between Murder and Repression: Life as an Atheist
Blogger in Bangladesh’ 9 December 2015,
Quoted in TIME, ‘The Rise of Islamist terror in Bangladesh’, TIME, 2 November 2015.
Quoted in New York Times, ‘Bangladesh Pushes Back as Warnings of ISIS Expansion
Gather Steam’, 30 October 2015,
Quoted in Arab Times (an AFP Interview), ‘Murders underline rise of Islamist militants’
6 October 2015,
Quoted in Liberation (Paris), “Le Bangladesh sous pression jihadiste”, 7 October 2015,
Quoted in AFP report, ‘Murders underline rise of Bangladesh extremists', 5 October 2015
Quoted in Vice News, ‘Why Do Bangladeshi Writers Keep Getting Murdered?’ Vice
News, 1 April 2015,
‘Bangladesh: Mutinous Troops Handed Death Sentences, Link TV, 8 November 2013.
‘Power rivalry paralyses Bangladesh amid riots’, Al Jazeera.com, 26 October 2013,
Quoted in DW, “Tensions rise in Bangladesh after ban on Jamaat”, Deutsche Welle, 9
August 2013
International Relations and Security Network, ‘Religions, Politics and Culture in South
Asia,’ ISN podcast, 18 June 2012
Interviewed by WJBC, “Former CIA agent on bin Laden: ‘A page has been turned’” , 3
May 2011,
The Star, weekly publication of the Daily Star (Bangladesh), ‘Emergence of Islam in
South Asian Politics /Interview, 14 January 2011.
The Star, weekly publication of the Daily Star (Bangladesh), The Religion-Politics
Nexus/Interview, 22 January 2010.
Quoted in The Daily Star, “Crime in the Name of Belief,” 26 February 2010,
Quoted in USA Today, “US is low key about alleged Bangladeshi crackdown”, 14 June
Quoted in Village Voice, New York, “Freedom Fighter or Terrorist? The US Can't Decide
about Bangladeshi Immigrant Sachin Karmakar”, 11 November 2008,
Quoted in the New York Times, “Bangladesh Blast Kills One and Hurts 30”, 2 December
2020 Consultant, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Washington D.C.
Asia’s Path Forward (APF) program, Writing analysis on the political and
economic impacts of COVID-19 in Asia, 15 May 2020-15 August 2020
2008 Consultant, Social Science Research Council, Conflict Prevention and Peace
Forum. New York, USA, Feb - March 2008, Briefing paper analyzing the
prospects and problems of Bangladesh politics with special reference to the
preparation for the general elections to be held in 2008.
2005-2006 Consultant, Social Science Research Council, Conflict Prevention and Peace
Forum. New York, USA. 11 November 2005 – 31 January 2006. Advising the
CPPF on preparation and implementation of a meeting on Bangladesh and
writing a brief concept paper outlining the key challenges facing Bangladesh in
the year ahead.
2005 External Consultant, DFID. For Political and Risk Analysis for Department for
International Development (DFID, UK), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Japan
and the World Bank Common Support for Bangladesh Poverty Reduction
Strategy Plan (PRSP), April 29- May 15, 2005
2005- 2006 Consultant, Religious Extremism and Minorities, South Asian Policy Analysis
Group, the South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA). July 1, 2005 – June
1, 2006.
Services to ISU
Member, Task Force on Open Access, (Appointed by the Board of Trustees, Illinois State
University). 2014.
Board Member, The Adlai Stevenson Center for Community and Economic Development,
Illinois State University, 2002 – 2010
Member (Social Sciences Chair Representative), College of Arts and Sciences Strategic Planning
Steering Committee, 2010.
Member and Chair, Council on General Education, Illinois State University, 2004-2007
Reviewer, South Asia Conference, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, 2006
Professional Services
President, American Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Oct 2020 – [to date]
Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Governance Studies (CGS), Bangladesh, 2019 -
Member, Executive Board, South Asian Muslim Studies Association, 2017- to date
Officer-at-large, South Asia in World Politics (SAWP) section, International Studies Association
(ISA). 2016- 2022.
Resource Affiliate, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University,
Washington D.C. 2014 – 2018.
Reviewer, National Endowment for Humanities (NEH) Fellowships, South and Southeast Panel.,
Served as external reviewer of tenure, and promotion applications for the following
universities/institutes: Punjab University, Pakistan; International Security Danish Institute for
International Studies (DIIS), Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Massachusetts at Boston;
Miami University of Ohio; Texas A&M University Commerce, TX;: International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia; University of Alaska Anchorage, and RMIT University,
Served as external reviewer of PhD dissertations for the following universities: University of
Bergen, Norway; University of Western Australia, Australia; Pondicherry University, India.
Editor, Studies on Asia, a biannual journal of Asian studies sponsored by the Midwestern
Conference on South Asian Affairs. August 2010- March 2015.
Book Review editor, Asia, Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS) (Sage Publications),
2005 – August 2010.
Book Review Editor, South Asia, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East
(Duke University Press), 2003-2006.
Member, Advisory Committee, Midwestern Conference on South Asian Affairs (MCAA); 2008-
Editor, Critique, student journal of politics, hosted by the Department of Politics and
Government, Illinois State University. August 2003 – July 2007
2023 – Democratization, East Asia Forum, International Affairs, Political Studies.
2022 – Democratization, Melbourne Asia Review, India Review, United States Institute of Peace
(USIP), Contemporary South Asia, Perspectives on Politics, East Asia Forum.
2021 – Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Contemporary South Asia, Journal of Asian
and African Studies, Poverty and Public Policy, Commonwealth and Comparative politics,
2020 – APSR, Modern South Asia, Journal of Bangladesh Studies; Journal of Asian and African
Studies, Democratization, Asian Journal of Comparative Politics: Asian Politics and Policy.
2019 – Democratization, Terrorism and Political Violence, Asian Survey, Asian Journal of
Peacebuilding, Contemporary Islam, Asian Survey, Journal of Bangladesh Studies. 2018 –
Modern Asian Studies, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Journal of Contemporary Asia,
Journal of Asian and African Studies, Political Science and Politics, Journal of Asian Studies.
2017: Journal of Asian and African Studies; 2016 – Journal of Asian and African Studies; Asian
Journal of Comparative Politics. 2015 – Asian Perspective; Conflict, Security and Development.
2014 - Asian Security; Asian Survey; Central Asian Journal.
2013 - Comparative Politics, Intelligence and National Review; Modern Asian Studies; Asian
Journal of Political Science: Anthropology Quarterly; South Asian History and Culture: Journal
of Bangladesh Studies.2012- South Asia; Asian Security; Institute of Defense and Strategic
Studies (India): Journal of Islamic Studies. 2011 - Journal of Contemporary Asia. 2010 - Critical
Studies on Terrorism; Contemporary South Asia; Contemporary Islam, Journal of Islamic
Studies: South Asia Review; Pakistan Journal of History and Culture. 2009 – Asian Security;
2008 - Political Studies (Journal of UK Political Studies Association. 2007 - Comparative
Politics; Journal of South Asian Development; Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS),
2006 – Special Report, Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention, United States Institute of
Peace. 2004-2006 – Asian Survey. 2002- Critical Asian Studies.
Routledge, 2020, 2022; 2023: Cambridge University Press 2023; Peter Lang 2023; Palgrave
Macmillan, 2020; Columbia University Press, 2019; Plagrave-MacMillan, 2019, 2017; Oxford
University Press, 2017, 2016, 2015: Routledge, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2009: Georgetown
University Press, 2010; C. Hurst & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. London, England, 2006.