Physio 2019
Physio 2019
Physio 2019
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2019): 7.583
Abstract: Background: Gait dysfunction is one of the most serious consequences of stroke due to lower limb impairments. Which
results into increased falls, sit to stand disability and restricted mobility leading to individual’s poor quality of life and functional
dependency. Thus, the significant predictor of mobility after the stroke is the knee and ankle muscle strength. Aim: To find out the
effect of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation [PNF] technique for knee and ankle muscles on lower limb performance in subacute
stroke – an experimental study. Objectives: To study the effect of PNF technique on knee and ankle muscles. To improve the balance
and functional training in subacute stroke patients. Methodology: Using a Convenience sampling method, a sample of 20 subacute
stroke patients were recruited. An Experimental study was carried out at two tertiary care hospitals and the statistical data was analyzed
at Dr. Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgaon. A protocol of 10 days treatment sessions was given to all the patients. Protocol
unified PNF Rhythmic stabilization technique utilizing alternating isometric contractions of both agonist and antagonist against
resistance. Five Times Sit to Stand Performance Test [5 STS], Modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile [mEFAP], Postural
Assessment Scale for Stroke [PASS] were used to measure the lower limb performances. Results: The paired t test value was 8.61, 8.51
and 5.06 in 5 STS test, PASS and mEFAP(s) with the p value less than 0.05 in each test showed the significant difference in average pre
and posttests scores respectively. Conclusion: Hence, we emphasized a potential role of Rhythmic Stabilization showing an effective
method for improving balance and walking ability in subacute stroke patients.
Table 3
Groups Total
Male Female
Side Right 5 2 7
Left 9 4 13
4. Statistical Analysis & Results Total 14 6 20
Table 1
Variable Groups Frequency Percentage
31-40 3 15.00
41-50 3 15.00
Age 51-60 4 20.00
61-70 4 20.00
71-80 6 30.00
Table 4
Outcome Time Mean SD Mean Diff. t value p Value
Interpretation: The above table & graph shows the age Pre-Test 38.46 14.24
distribution of the study samples. The 15% of the samples 5STS (s) 15.27 8.61 0.000
Post Test 23.19 8.80
have the age between 31-40 years of age, 15% in the 41-50
years, 20% in the 51-60 years, 20% in the 61-70 years and
30% of them in the age group 71-80 years of age.
Table 2
Variable Groups Frequency Percentage
Male 14 70.00
Gender Female 6 30.00
Total 20 100.00