Pol Sci I Jan 2022
Pol Sci I Jan 2022
Pol Sci I Jan 2022
Q. 2. Jeremy Bentham was founder of Utilitarianism. Explain Utilitarianism in detail. Also highlight
contributions of JS Mill in philosophy of Utilitarianism. (20)
Q. 3. Explain the essence and nature of statecraft as enunciated by Machiavelli. Justify how it is scientific
theory of statecraft. (20)
Q. 4. Explain Ibn e Khaldun's conception of 'Ideal State' in the context of evolution of nature of political
rule in Islam. (20)
Q. 6. Liberty is the fundamental pillar of democracy. Explain the ideal of Liberty in detail and its
safeguards. (20)
Q. 7. Capitalism and Liberal Democracy is the apogee of political development in modern period.
Explain. (20)
Best of Luck for CSS-2022