CH 2 Control
CH 2 Control
CH 2 Control
0 = wC (Ti − T ) + Q (2.2)
d (Vρx )
= w1x1 + w2 x2 − wx (2-3)
= w1 + w2 − w (2-12)
d (Vx )
= w1x1 + w2 x2 − wx (2-13)
Equation 2-13 can be simplified by expanding the accumulation
term using the “chain rule” for differentiation of a product:
d (Vx ) dx dV
= V + x (2-14)
dt dt dt
Substitution of (2-14) into (2-13) gives:
dx dV
V + x = w1x1 + w2 x2 − wx (2-15)
dt dt
Substitution of the mass balance in (2-12) for dV/dt in (2-15)
a) Assume that the process has been operating for a long period of time
with flow rates of w1=500 kg/min and w2=200 kg/min, and the feed com
position (mass fraction) of x1 = 0.4 and x2 = 0.75. What is the steady state
value of x and w?
• Constant liquid holdup means:
Two very important special cases are for N=1 and N=2
First-order: a1 + a0 x = f (t )
d 2x dx
Second-order: a 2 2 + a1 + a0 x = f (t )
dt dt
1. State the modeling objectives and the end use of the model. They
determine the required levels of model detail and model accuracy.
2. Draw a schematic diagram of the process and label all process
3. List all of the assumptions that are involved in developing the model.
Try for parsimony; the model should be no more complicated than
necessary to meet the modeling objectives.
4. Determine whether spatial variations of process variables are
important. If so, a partial differential equation model will be required.
5. Write appropriate conservation equations (mass, component, energy,
and so forth).
6. Introduce equilibrium relations and other algebraic equations (from
thermodynamics, transport phenomena, chemical kinetics, equipment
geometry, etc.).
Table 2.1. (continued)
1. List all quantities in the model that are known constants (or
parameters that can be specified) on the basis of equipment
dimensions, known physical properties, etc.
2. Determine the number of equations NE and the number of process
variables, NV. Note that time t is not considered to be a process
variable because it is neither a process input nor a process output.
3. Calculate the number of degrees of freedom, NF = NV - NE.
4. Identify the NE output variables that will be obtained by solving the
process model.
5. Identify the NF input variables that must be specified as either
disturbance variables or manipulated variables, in order to utilize the
NF degrees of freedom.
Example : Liquid storage tank
Assumptions :
Adiabatic and isothermal proces
Incompressible (fluid Liquid)
Friction in the outlet pipe segments is negligible (short segment
Steady-state Mechanical Energy Balance (MEB) is applicable for this
unsteady flow .
The valve loss coefficient , Cv, does not vary with flow rate .
Example : CSTR
Energy Balance CSTR
d (VCP (T − TR )}
= qCP (Ti − TR ) − qCP (T − TR )
Accumulation In − Out
+ ( − H )VkC A + UAC (TC − T ) (2.9)
Net rate of heat addition
Responses of simple linear systems
(Solution of different equation)
• First Order Linear ODE dC A + F + k C = F C
A A0
Consider the general first order ODE dt V V
+ p(t ) x = Q(t ) Eq. 1
F C A0 1 V + k t
F + k t
Q(t ) e dt = C A0 e e
dt = + c1
V V F + k
The solution to eq. 3 is according to eq.2
− + k t F C A0 1 V + k t F C A0 F
− + k t
C A (t ) = e V
e + c1 = + c1e V
V F + k F + kV
If = residence time of the vessel
C A0 − + k t
C A (t ) = + c1e
1 + k
The initial condition is now used to find the value of C1
C A0
C A (0) = 0 = + c1 1
1 + k
− C A0
c1 =
1 + k
Therefore the time-dependent response to the step disturbance in
feed concentration is:
C A0 C A0
− + k t C A0 − + k t
C A (t ) = − e
= 1 − e
1 + k 1 + k 1 + k
Eq. 4
The response is sketched in the following figure and is the classical
first order exponential rise to the new steady-state.
C A (t = 0) =
C A0
1 − 1 = 0
1 + k
So the initial condition is satisfied.
Does the solution make sense from a steady-state point of view?
The new steady-state value of CA can be found from the solution (eq. 4),
letting time (t) go to infinity, or from the original ODE (eq. 1), setting the
time derivative equal to zero.
C A0 dC A
C A (t → ) = C A = or = 0 in the original ODE
1 + k dt
C A0 − + k t
C A (t ) = 1 − e
1 + k
The ratio of the change in the steady-state value of the output divided
by the magnitude of the step change made in the input is called the
steady- state gain of the process Kp.
CA 1
Kp = =
C A0 1 + k
These steady-state gains will be extremely important in our dynamic
studies and in controller design.
If k is zero (no reaction) the final steady-state value of CA will be e
qual to the feed concentration CA0 as it should be.
Good Chemical Engineering Sense
C A0 − + k t
C A (t ) = 1 − e
1 + k
Does the solution make sense dynamically?
The rate of rise will be determined by the magnitude of the 1 +k term
The bigger this term, the faster the exponential term will decay to zero
as time increases. The smaller this term, the slower the decay will be.
Therefore, The dynamics are set by 1 +k
The reciprocal of this term is called the process time constant
1 +k
p = The Time Constant
The bigger the time constant, the slower the dynamic response will be.
Small k or big τ will give a large process time constant
If there is no reaction, the time constant is just equal to the residence time τ