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Subject: chemistry DATE 18 /9/2024


1. List type of chemical bond ?

Ans : are organic compound and in organic compound .

2 . what is organic compounds ?

Ans : are compound that contain element carbon .

3 . what is in organic compound ?

Ans : are compound that do not contain element carbon .

4 . list types of organic compound ?

Ans : are hydro carbon and functional group .

5 . list type of in organic compound ?

Ans : are acid ,base,and salts .

6 . where is the come from the word acid ?

Ans : from latin word .

7 . what is acid ?

Ans : acid is asubstance that dissolved water and produce hydrogen ion .

8 . tell the properties of acid ?

Ans : are
 acid have soure taste
 Contains an excess of hydrogen ion { H+}
 Turn lit mus paper in to red

 Has aph lower than 7 .

 Neutralize base with produce salts and water .
 Read with metals to produce hydrogen gas .
 Acid conduct electricity in aqous solution .

9 . what are the two kind of acid ?

Ans : are binary acid and oxy acid .

10 . what is binary acid ?

Ans : are acid that contain only two element which are hydrogen and Non metal .

11 . Name the following acid ?

a) HC
b) HO
c) HN
Ans : are:
a) HC = Hydro chloride
b) HO = Hydro oxide
c) HN = Hydro nitride

12 . what is oxy acid ?

Ans : are acid that contain three elment which are hydrogen, Non metal ,and oxygen .

13. what are the types of acid according to on the basis of sterength of acid ?

Ans : are strong acid , and weak acid .

14 . what is diprotonic acid ?

Ans : are acid that donate two proton when dissolve in water .

15. what is triprotonic acids ?

Ans : are acid that can donate three proton dissolves in water .

16 . Give and example


a) Mono protonic acid

b) Dipro tonic acid
Ans : mono protonic such as hydro cloric acid {HCL} and hydrobromic acid
Dibro tonic such as sulfuric acid {H2SO4}
and hydrogen carbonate {HCO3-}

17. what is strong acid ?

Ans : are acid that dissociate completely into ion in aqoaus solution .
18. list the seven common storong acid ?
Ans: Hydro choloric acid {HCL}
Hydro bromic acid { HBR}
Hydro iodic acid { HI}
Nitric acid {HNO₃}
Chloric acids {HClO3}
Percholorate acid {HClO4}
Sulfuric acid {H2SO4}
19. Name the following acid
b) HI
c) HCO3-
d) HCO

Ans: a} HBRO = Hydro bromate

b} HI = Hydro iodic acid

c} HCO3- = Hydro carbonate

d} HCO = Hydrogen carbonate

20. classify the following acid are diprotonic Triprotonic and monoprotonic

a} HSO4 b} HNO3 c} HPO4

Ans: are

a) HSO4 = diprotonic acid

b) HNO3 = monoprotonic acid
c) HPO4 = Triprotonic acid

21. classify the following acid are storong acid or weak

a) HCLO4
b) H2SO4
c) HF
d) HNO3

Ans: are

a) HCLO4 = storong acid

b) H2SO4 = weak acid
c) HF = storong acid
d) HNO3 - = storong acid

22. write the dissociation equation for each of the following acid

a) H2SO4
b) HBR
c) H3PO4
d) H2CO3

Ans: are

a) H2SO4 = H + SO4-2
b) HBR = H2 + Br
c) H3PO4 = H+PO4
d) H2CO3 = H2 CO-2

23. complete the following reaction

a) Zn + Hcl
b) Mg + HNO3
c) K + HBR +H2
Ans : are

a) Zn + HCL ________ ZN CL +H2

b) Mg + HNO3 ____________ Mg NO3 +H2
c) K +HBR +H2 ___________ K H BR2 + H2

24 . what is base ?

Ans : is asubstance that dissolve in water to give hydroxide ion {OH}

25. list the properties of base ?

Ans: are

 Base has abitter tastes

 Contain an excess of hydroxide ion {OH}
 Turn list mus paper in to blue
 Has aph higher than 7
 Slippery or scopy to touch
 Abase conduct electricity in aqous solution

26. Give an Example of base ?

Ans: such as

a) LIOH _________lithium Hydroxide

b) CA{OH}2 _________ Calcium Hydroxide
c) NHO4H ________ Amonium Hydroxide

27. Name the following base ?

a) Zn {OH}2
b) CS OH-
c) Sr OH{OH}2
d) Mg OH2


a) ZN {OH}2 ________ Zinc hydroxide

b) SCOH- _________ Cesium hydroxide
c) SR{OH2 ______________ Strontium hydroxide
d) Mg OH2 ____________ Magnizium hydroxide

28. list type of base ?

Ans: are storong base , weak base and super base

29. what is storong base ?

Ans: are base that dissociate completely ion when aquous solution .
30. what is weak base ?

Ans: are base that dissociate partiallying to when aquous solution

31. Give an example of storong base ?

Ans: are - potasium hydroxide ________ KOH-

- Sodium hydroxide _________ NaOH-

32. Give an example of weak base ?

Ans: are - Amonium hydroxide ________ NHOH

- Amonia hydroxide ________ NH3OH

33. Name the following bases ?

a) Mg {HO}2
b) Al {OH}3
d) Ba {OH}2
e) NH4OH
f) KOH
g) NaOH
h) AgOH-

Ans: are

a) Mg {HO}2 = magnizium hydroxide

b) Al {OH}3 = Alumunium hydroxide
c) LIOH = lithium hydroxide
d) Ba {OH}2 = Barium hydroxide
e) NH4OH = ammonium hydroxide
f) KOH = potassium hydroxide
g) NaOH = sodium hydroxide
h) AgOH- = Silver hydroxide

34. classify the following as strong or weak base ?

a) NH3
b) KOH
c) NaOH
d) H2O

Ans: are

a) NH3 = weak base

b) KOH = strong base
c) NaOH = strong base
d) H2O = weak base

35. complete each of the following reaction ?

a) HNO3 + KOH
b) NH4 + OH

Ans: are:

a) HNO3 + KOH _________ KCL + HO2-

b) NH4 + OH _________ NOH + HO2

36. write the formula for each of the following base ?

a) Robidium hydroxide
b) Lithium hydroxide
c) Amonium hydroxide
d) Mercury hydroxide
e) Silver hydroxide

Ans: are:

a) Robidium hydroxide ______________ RbHO

b) Lithium hydroxide _____________ LIOH
c) Amonium hydroxide ________________ NH2OH
d) Mercury hydroxide ________________ HgOH
e) Silver hydroxide ________________ AgOH

37. what is neutralization reaction ?

Ans: is the reaction between acid and base.

38: Name the other name of neutralization reaction ?

Ans: acid base reaction .

39. what is salt ?

Ans: is defined as the ionic compound that result from aneutralization

Reaction between acid and base

40. cation means what ?

Ans: cation means is posative charge

41. Anion means what ?

Ans: Anion means is Negative charge

42. list types of salt ?

Ans: are – Neutral - acidic and base .

43. Define the following terms

a) Neutral salt
b) Acidic salt
c) Basic salt

Ans: Neutral salt . is asalt that is formed from neutralization reaction

B\w strong acid and strong base or weak acid and weak base

- Acidic salt : is asalt that is formed from neutralization


b\w strong acid and weak base

- basic salt : is asalt that is formed from aneutralization

reaction b\w weak acid and strong base

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