Noaa 52721 DS1
Noaa 52721 DS1
Noaa 52721 DS1
ABSTRACT: Our world is rapidly changing. Societies are facing an increase in the frequency and
intensity of high-impact and extreme weather and climate events. These extremes together with
exponential population growth and demographic shifts (e.g., urbanization, increase in coastal
populations) are increasing the detrimental societal and economic impact of hazardous weather
and climate events. Urbanization and our changing global economy have also increased the need
for accurate projections of climate change and improved predictions of disruptive and potentially
beneficial weather events on kilometer scales. Technological innovations are also leading to an
evolving and growing role of the private sector in the weather and climate enterprise. This article
discusses the challenges faced in accelerating advances in weather and climate forecasting and
proposes a vision for key actions needed across the private, public, and academic sectors. Actions
span (i) utilizing the new observational and computing ecosystems; (ii) strategies to advance Earth
system models; (iii) ways to benefit from the growing role of artificial intelligence; (iv) practices
to improve the communication of forecast information and decision support in our age of internet
and social media; and (v) addressing the need to reduce the relatively large, detrimental impacts of
weather and climate on all nations and especially on low-income nations. These actions will be based
on a model of improved cooperation between the public, private, and academic sectors. This article
represents a concise summary of the white paper on the Future of Weather and Climate Forecasting
(2021) put together by the World Meteorological Organizations’ Open Consultative Platform.
Corresponding author: David B. Parsons, [email protected]
In final form 28 June 2022
©2023 American Meteorological Society
For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy.
ur changing world dictates the need for substantial forecast improvements in numerical
Earth system and weather-to-climate prediction (NEWP). One challenge facing society
as evidenced in daily news headlines is the increase in extreme weather events with, for
example, in 2021, record-breaking cold in the U.S. Southern Great Plains, heat in the Pacific
Northwest followed by wildfires, devastating flooding in Europe, Canada, Australia, and China,
and rain-induced landslides in India. A statistical analysis from Munich Re’s NatCatService
2019 database reveals that 1,383 weather-related natural disasters took place across the globe
from 1980 to 1985 and the number grew to 4,020 registered events from 2013 to 2018
(Fig. 1). Human influence in extreme events was already shown in the Fifth Assessment
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR5; IPCC 2013). Subsequently,
the AR6 report concludes that a warming climate plays a role in increasing extremes in heat,
drought, rainfall, wildfire, tropical cyclone intensity, and flooding (IPCC 2021). The need for
improved weather and climate forecasts is also driven by this increase in extremes occurring
against a backdrop of nonclimatic global trends that include biodiversity loss, unsustainable
consumption of natural resources, degradation of ecosystems, human demographic shifts
including rapid urbanization, social and economic inequalities, and a pandemic (IPCC 2022).
For example, the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice associated with a warming climate has also
led to damaging shoreline erosion, changes in shipping routes, threats to national security,
and damage to the Arctic ecosystem.
Currently, 19% of the world’s population (1.47 billion people) face substantial risk of a
1-in-100-yr flooding event (Rentschler and Salhab 2020). While extremes in the climate
system have a devastating effect on populations across the
world, the impacts often fall disproportionately on low-income 1
The dollar amounts are defined in the cited
nations and marginalized populations as ~587 million people publications, which span from 2017 to 2020.
who face substantial risks from flooding are living on less Given this relatively short time period, we did not
attempt to standardize the amounts.
than $5.51 (U.S. dollars) per day (Rentschler and Salhab 2020).
Fig. 2. The innovation cycle: the public–private–academic engagement challenge taken from Brunet
et al. (2021). The operations component is the creation of forecast and other products, while service
is the delivery of these products to stakeholders and customers. Note that each sector can make
contributions to the various components (i.e., research and development, operations, and service).
now extend from minutes and hours to seasons, years, and even decades on spatial scales rang-
ing from urban to planetary for different components of the Earth system. The achievements
are remarkable; for instance, the ability of NEWP models to predict variations in the 500 hPa
height field generally improves at a rate of a day per decade (e.g., Bauer et al. 2015) so that the
midlatitude 5-day weather forecasts today are as accurate as 1-day forecasts 40 years ago. The
advances in Earth system modeling are another outstanding achievement that encompasses
understanding and predicting the atmosphere and its chemical composition, the oceans, land/
sea ice, and other cryosphere components as well as the land surface, including surface hydrol-
ogy and wetlands, lakes, and human activities. On short time scales, Earth system forecasting
needs to include phenomena that result from the interaction between one or more components
(e.g., ocean waves, tides, sea ice, and storm surges). On longer time scales, the Earth system also
includes terrestrial and ocean ecosystems, the carbon and nitrogen cycles and slowly varying
solar and cryosphere components (e.g., large continental ice sheets and permafrost).
These advances in operational weather forecasting and climate predictions began well
before computers were utilized to produce forecasts (see “Major milestones in operational
weather and climate forecasting” sidebar). Subsequently the success of the first numerical
prediction by Charney et al. (1950) launched a spectacular trend of innovations in NEWP
over the following seven decades. Routine, real-time forecasting with NEWP started in the
mid-1950s and was introduced in operation in the 1960s. Improved observational coverage,
the advent of satellite observations, the steady growth of computer power, and breakthroughs
in the theory of Earth system coupled processes all underpinned a successful story of weather
forecasting in the NEWP era.
The high cost of NEWP, including the capital investment for computers and their running
and maintenance costs, as well as resources needed in R&D, meant that the most developed
nations had the highest concentration of major developments. Nonetheless, exemplary coop-
eration and knowledge sharing with scientists from many countries and institutes has nur-
tured advancement of NEWP. European countries undertook a strong collaborative move with
the establishment of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
WMO role. Obtaining the observations to initialize NEWP models requires data sharing
across national boundaries. The WMO has played a critical role in fostering data sharing
and furthering the progress of weather and climate forecasting. In cooperation with partners
in the 1960s, the WMO established the World Weather Watch (WWW) program composed
of the Global Observing System, the Global Telecommunication System, and the Global
Data-Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS), coupled with the Meteorological Applica-
tions Programme. The result was a global set of observational and forecast data that were
shared among WMO member states and territories serving as the foundation for develop-
ment of the spectrum of user-oriented applications and services.
The global observing system is changing, however, to include observations from CubeSat
satellite systems, drones, vehicle-borne systems, microwave links, airborne Mode-S systems,
social media hazard data, low-cost 3D printed weather stations, urban in situ and enhanced
air quality systems, and other systems (e.g., Majumdar et al. 2021). To meet the growing
demand and need for observations useful to NEWP within this changing observing sys-
tem, the WMO has launched a new Unified Data Policy (
what-we-do/observations/Unified-WMO-Data-Policy-Resolution). This new policy encompasses
WMO-relevant Earth system observations (e.g., weather, climate, hydrology, atmospheric
composition, cryosphere, and space weather) with urging for a clear commitment to free
and unrestricted exchange of relevant data. Despite the movement toward data sharing,
open access to regional measurements (e.g., mesonets, radar data), research datasets, and
archives of observations taken by the private sector often remains a challenge. Such limita-
tions can hamper both scientific research and efforts to improve NEWP forecasts.
Today, the WMO GDPFS includes an elaborate system of global and regional cen-
ters, including nine World Meteorological Centres (WMCs) and 11 Regional Specialized
Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) with geographical specialization (Fig. 3). Various centers are
tasked with production of analyses and other data assimilation products, global determinis-
tic and ensemble NWP; limited-area deterministic and ensemble NWP; nowcasting; various
specialized forecasting activities (e.g., tropical cyclones); atmospheric transport and disper-
sion modeling (nuclear and nonnuclear); atmospheric sandstorm and dust storm forecasting;
numerical ocean wave prediction; aviation forecasting; and so forth. In addition, 13 centers are
designated as Global Producing Centres for Long-Range Prediction (monthly to seasonal),and
four centers as Global Producing Centres for Annual to Decadal Climate Prediction.
The WMO technical commissions were instrumental in facilitating international collabo-
ration and knowledge sharing. The World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and the
Policy changes. In our changing world, the ever-growing need for weather and climate services
has meant the value of information is becoming better understood and appreciated (e.g., Orrell
et al. 2018). The market growth for NEWP is stimulating a variety of new business m odels
that may fit diverse national and transnational frameworks, improve the quality and access
to information, and contribute to the robustness and efficiency of the requisite underpinning
activities like environmental monitoring and research. Improved coordination and collabora-
tion among the public and private sectors of the weather and climate enterprise, with strong
engagement of academia, will accelerate the achievement of the vision for improving skill over
the coming decade. While technological advances and open data policies have enhanced col-
laboration between these sectors, improved coordination and collaboration remains a funda-
mental need with the degree of cooperation varying substantially across different countries
(World Bank 2020). The expectation is that each sector will continue in its most relevant roles;
at the same time, new potential synergies need to be effectively promoted and implemented.
On the policy side, prevailing free and open data sharing among countries and institu-
tions led by the WMO has facilitated progress including the establishment of the Global
Basic Observing Network (GBON) in which the basic surface-based observing network is
designed, defined, and monitored at the global level for international exchange. The in-
creased availability and adoption of forecast-driven tools for weather- and climate-informed
decision-making, especially by the commercial sector, has facilitated major progress. The need
and demand for decision-support tools in our “just in time economy” is growing rapidly. These
needed decision-support tools are a challenge as the transport of materials for manufacturing
often requires both accurate high-resolution, short-range forecast for components arriving by
trucks and rail to long-range forecasts for overseas shipping. However, in some areas, policies
implying commercial or other barriers to accessing important datasets need to be removed to
accelerate progress for detailed forecasts across these time scales. In addition to commercial
Research and development. The general framework for R&D in NEWP has long been to
better utilize NEWP forecast data to meet society’s needs while striving to reach the theo-
retical limits of predictability (i.e., Lorenz 1963). Defining this theoretical limit remains a
challenge since the Earth system contains both slowly varying components (i.e., sea surface
temperature, soil moisture, snow cover, sea ice) that can aid predictive skill (Krishnamurthy
2019) and highly nonlinear, rapidly changing phenomena such as convection that can pro-
duce both large local errors and significant errors downstream on the jet stream due to the
modification of Rossby wave packets (e.g., Rodwell et al. 2018). Efforts to advance predictive
skill include increasing high-performance computing (HPC) capacity; improving observa-
tional instrumentation providing more accurate data with higher temporal and spatial reso-
lutions; advanced dynamical cores and better representation of complex physical processes;
better model initialization through the utilization of expanding satellite observations (e.g.,
both from government agencies and occultation and other observations from commercial
vendors), taking advantage of novel new measurement strategies such as crowd-sourced
data (e.g., Hintz et al. 2019), rainfall from cell phone tower attenuation (e.g., Overeem et al.
2013), and the improved utilization of polarimetric radar measurements as models move to
kilometer scale (Zhang et al. 2019), and more effective data assimilation methods; and use
of ensembles to represent uncertainty in the initial state and model processes.
The Brunet et al. (2021) report describes the R&D challenges that need to be met to ac-
celerate weather and climate forecasting in response to the needs of our changing world.
These challenges include the need to advance predictability, dynamical and physical model-
ing (see “Some predictability, dynamical, and physical modeling challenges” sidebar) and
Changing roles. There will be some notable shifts in roles, functions, and performance
requirements for the NEWP enterprise stemming from the expected breakthroughs in tech-
nology and research developments. The development/improvement of climate models would
benefit from coordination with efforts to advance weather prediction with global weather
models evolving in the years to come to explicitly represent convection. R&D efforts to over-
come fundamental limitations in physics parameterization are accelerating and would benefit
from collaboration between the weather and climate communities. Efforts to develop a unified
single model system (e.g., Côté et al. 1998a,b) across a range of time scales (nowcasting to
centennial) and spatial scales (convective-scale to climate system Earth modeling) should be
accelerated since such systems are possible (i.e., Met Office strategy since 1990), desirable,
and perhaps even necessary for accelerating forecast advancements.
The ECMWF model of international cooperation may need to be expanded and replicated
to a certain extent to other regions, which will allow consolidation of human resources and
expertise, and optimization of running costs. Such a regional approach could be successful
only with strong political support for national-based regional institutions and scientists to
build capacity and consideration of existing regional climate centers. This approach is a
task and challenge for WMO in cooperation with other relevant international organizations,
including development agencies. Private–public engagement could be a guiding principle to
ensure partnerships, availability, and usability of skilled regional/local products.
The decade 2021–30 will be the decisive period for realization of the 17 United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals and targets outlined in the Sandei Framework. Most of these
goals have links with the changing environment—climate change, water resources, and
high-impact weather and environmental events. The desired outcomes in all areas require
enhanced resilience, which is also the main call of the WMO Vision 2030 (WMO 2019b). The
advances expected in weather forecasting and climate prediction during this decade will
support those ambitious goals by enabling a next generation of weather and climate services
that help people, businesses, and governments to better mitigate risks, reduce losses, and
materialize opportunities from the new intelligence of highly accurate and reliable forecasts.
These advances will also help assess systemic risks arising from the long-term evolution of
weather and climate high-impact events, variability, and change across time and space.
This paper has shown the major challenges of and opportunities in each of the first three
components of the innovation cycle (see Fig. 2): infrastructure, R&D, and operation. Several
key factors will determine the success and effectiveness of future progress in NEWP, includ-
ing open data access, ability for near-real-time data processing and transmission, monitoring
data and forecast quality, quick and focused dissemination to users, and advances in societal
decision-making. Some of these factors are common to the three components of the innovation
cycle (infrastructure, R&D, and operation), but their implication and logic can be different, such
as sharing data policies or HPC requirements for R&D and operation. It has been emphasized
that the only way to address these challenges and enable the uptake of the technological and
scientific achievements is through inclusive public, private, and academic partnerships.
Acknowledgments. The contributors to this white paper express their great sadness on the tragic
demise of two of contributors to this article with major input to the “Challenges and opportunities
in the coming decade: Recommendations” section. Prof. Laban A. Ogallo passed away in November
2020. Prof. Ogallo was one of the pioneers of climate science in Africa whose research contributions
include playing a lead role in the identification of leading modes of climate variability, such as the
decadal variability mode. He was a recipient of the WMO Award for the Encouragement of Young
Scientists. The second colleague was Netatua Pelesikoti, the first Pacific Islands woman to become a
lead author of an IPCC report. She was the director of the Climate Change Division at the Secretariat
Data availability statement. This paper is based on a WMO report, and thus, any information utilized
in this manuscript will be made readily available upon request due to the WMO’s open data policy.