Aip Old
Aip Old
Aip Old
of pupils who have normal and nutrition program, Module/ SIM/ Head, December 2023 MOOE School
3. Kalusugan ay
health status from 96% to health status of pupils Action Research Teaching Staff, fund
Kayamanan, Dapat
98% by the end of from 96% to 98% for validation Volunteer
December 2022 Parents
Project FIRM To provide learners a Improved school Replacement of School Head, March 2022 3,500,000. 00 LGU
(Facilities are learner-friendly facilities from 66% to structurally PTA, Brgy. onwards
Improved or environment by improving 85% unsafe school Officials, LGUs
Repaired & the school facilities from building
Maintained) 66% to 85%
Repair and PTA, Brgy. April-December 50,000.00 MOOE Donation
repainting of Officials, 2023 Fund
classrooms Teachers, LGU, raising,Bayaniha
Project Team
ul To improve the level of Improved level of Reorganize SH & Teaching MOOE Donation
January 2023 1,000.00
disaster awareness and disaster awareness SDRRM Team a. Staff, Brgy. Alumni
preparedness of teachers and preparedness of Chairman,
Request the
and pupils from 50% to 60% teachers and pupils Brgy. Tanod.
presence of the
by the end of December Org. Pres.,
PTA officers, SPG
2022 SPG, PTA
Officers, BDRRM
Focal Person
of Electrical
Wirings SDRRM Team,
Replacement of SH & Teaching MOOE Donation
Year Round 5,000.00
damaged Staff, PTA fund
fluorescent/ Electrician
6. Tune Up To increase the number of Oriented learners and Home sports School Head February - 10,000.00 MOOE School
athletes qualified for higher parents about the orientation to MAPEH December Fund Donations
level of sports competition benefits of sports learners and Teachers
from 1 athlete to 5 athletes Solicited stakeholders/ parents Parents
alumni for the sports Learners
facilities Project Team
alumni for the
improvement of
Sports Club was
sports facilities
organized Learners
enjoyed lessons on
Physical activities
through online/ face
Organize sports
club Promote
physical activities
by giving them
to face
engaging and fun
activities through
online/ face to
7. I Belong, You To improve the participation Improved participation Organization of Learners June 2022 Year round Donations Local
Belong, We Belong rate of pupils from 60% to rate of pupils from SPG and different Teachers fund
75% in the different 60% to 75% clubs such as ESP, School Head
contested activities by the English, AP, EPP,
end of December 2021 Filipino, Science,
YES-O, and Math
a. Election of
officers b.
Preparation of
Clubs’ Action
Plans c.
of Action Plans d.
Monitoring and
assessment of
Action Plans
Participation in
different school
programs a. Call
meeting for the
awareness of
learners’ parents
b. Parents’
registration of
learners in
Learners School Fund
Teachers Year round 2,000.00
School Head Solicitations
Journalism and
other subject
9. It is so Nice to To contextualize IMS from 3 Devised Submit training DepEd, School May-December 5,000.00 MOOE School
Contextualize! to 6 LRs in every learning contextualized K12 proposals to the Head, 2022 fund
area by the end of instructional materials Division Office a. Teaching Staf
December 2022 Request approval
of training
proposal Devising
contextualized K-
6 instructional
materials a. Make
grade level-
aligned and
contextualized K-
6 learning
materials b.
Printing of
contextualized K6
learning materials
10. Kakayahan . To reduce the number of Reduced number of Teachers Quaterly 5,000.00 MOOE/ Schoo
Linangin, identified frustration identified nonreaders Conduct of Pupils Parents Funds/ Local
Pagbabasa’y readers from 8 to 2 pupils in from 8 to 2 pupils in Reading School Head Funds
Mother Tongue, from 7 to 1 Mother Tongue, from Assessment
in Filipino, from 10 to 2 in 7 to 1 in Filipino, from
English by the end of school 10 to 2 in English by Intensified Teachers January – 5,000.00 MOOE/ Schoo
year 2021-2022 the end of school year reading Pupils Parents December 2023 Funds/ Local
2022- 2023 instruction/ School Head Funds
remedial reading
-Sending of video
clips such as
letter sounds,
phonic song, etc.
Functional DEAR Teachers, January – 5,000.00 MOOE/ Schoo
Corners (indoor& Pupils School December 2023 Funds/ Local
outdoor/ Family Head Funds
Reading Nook)
Brigada sa
Teachers, January – 5,000.00 MOOE/ Schoo
LAC Session on
teaching reading Pupils School December 2023 Funds/ Local
in the new Head Funds
11. Ang Marunong To improve numeracy level The average final Intensified School Head January – 10,000.00 MOOE/ Schoo
Magbilang, of pupils by 1-3% by the end grade of pupils in all instruction All Teachers December 2022 Funds/ Local
Kailama’y of school year grade levels in Sending of Video Parents Funds
DiMaiisahan Mathematics have clips related to
been increased by 1- Math lessons
3% by the end of Giving Additional
school year activities/worksh
Functional TEEPS
and SCOPE at
12. Write, write, To increase the number of Increased number of LAC/ INSET/ School Head January – Php 7,500.00 MOOE/ School
Webinar on All Teachers December 2021 Funds/ Local
write to become trained teachers on how to trained teachers on Module Action Funds
Bright write Module/ SIM/ Module writing and Writing/SIM & Research
Learning Resources (LRs)/ SIM Writing and Action Research Writers
Action Research from 2 to 5 Action Researc
teachers by the end Submission of School Head January – Php 5,000.00 MOOE/ Schoo
December 2022 Module/ SIM/ All Teachers December 2021 Funds/ Local
Action Research Validators EPS Funds
for validation
13. Everybody has To increase the level of Increased level of Attend GAD School Head, 5,000 MOOE Local
a Role in GAD seminar/training Teachers,
teacher’s awareness on teacher’s awareness funds
Sensitivity Resource June-December,
Gender and Development on Gender and Speakers 2022
PPAs from 75% to 85% by Development PPAs
the end of December 2022 from 75% to 85%
Teachers PTA Donations,
Skills Training MOOE, PTA fund
April-December 30,000 LGU
ing service
14. Level Me Up To improve the numerical Improved numerical Preparation of School Head Year round 5,000 PTA Fund MOO
rating of School-Based
rating scale of needed MOVs SBM
Management practice from
1.91 to 2.20 by the end of SchoolBased Coordinator
December 2022 Management practice Division SBM
from 1.91 to 2.20 by Focal Person
the end of December
15. Familiarize To increase level of Increased level of School Planning School Oct. 2022 to 500.00 MOOE/
Team Meeting Planning July 2023 School Funds
Programs, Projects stakeholders’ awareness stakeholders’
Teachers and
and Activities for a and deepen their PTA Officials
Better Service commitment on the awareness and School Head,
School Popularity Oct. 2022 to
implementation of different deepen their Teachers, and 3,000.00 Donation
Contest July 2023
programs, projects and PTA officials
commitment on the
activities from 60% to 70% implementation of Meeting
by the end of December different programs, Planning based in
2022 Teachers
projects and activities DepEd Mandates As the need
School Head 500 PTA fund
from 60% to 75% Preparation of arises
PTA Officers
monthly calendar
of activities
Eskwela a. School Head
As the need Donations MOO
Monthly Brigada Teachers PTA 50,000
arises PTA fund
b. Brigada sa Officers
Projects Teachers
Popularity Monthly and as School/Loca l
Contest Selling
School Head Php. 1,000
need arises Funds Donation
of Scrap Woods PTA Officers
with Quotes/
Provision of Oct. 2022 to
and laborer/ 1,000,000 LGU
Canteen room July 2023
TURN FAT TO FIT To promote physically fit Pupils were physically Sumba Teachers Oct. 2022 to MOOE
and healthy life style fit and have a healthy 5,000.00
Exercises pupils July 2023 School Funds
life style
GALOS MO GAMOT To purchase medicine for Provisions of Dialogue with the Clinic Teacher Oct. 2022 to 5,000.00 MOOE
KO emergency cases/ provision medicines/first aid kit school clinic July 2023
of first aid kit
Contest Community
MY FUTURE IS To promote a drug free Drug free Seminars Teachers Oct. 2022 to 1,000.00 School Funds
BRIGHT NO DRUGS environment and awareness environment and Pupils July 2023
INSIGHT awareness for the
School Heads
2. Project IDEAL To sustain successful -Sustained January – Php 300,000.0 MOOE/ Local
(Innovative Delivery implementation of the collaboration December 2023 Funds/ PTA
School Head
of Education for programs, projects and Sustained Successful with Barangay Funds/ LGU/
Teachers PTA
Adaptive Learners) activities stipulated in the Implementation of BE- Council/Parent-in DepED/
School BELCP LCP Charge on the Donations
Officials LGU
Distribution of
Officials DepEd
remedial and