5th Grade AK Revision Sheet

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5 Science Revision sheet …. / … /2024

Topic 2 Lesson 1
Changes in matter States of matter

Q1: Choose the correct answer:

1. ……………….. has a definite shape and volume.
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas
2. Liquid particles can move by ……………………. past each other.
a) gliding b) collision c) vibration
3. Liquids and gases take the shape of the ……………………… .
a) container b) surface c) weight
4. ………………………… is a substance without a definite shape or volume.
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas
5. The particles of gas affect one another when they .................... as they move.
a) vibrate b) collide c) glide
6. ………………………… can change its shape but not size.
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas
7. Milk takes the shape of its container. Which state of matter is milk?
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas
8. What kind of matter is inside the balloon?
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas

9. A matter that spreads to fill all the container is a ……………… .
a) solid b) liquid c) gas
10. Your pencil is a ……………………… .
a) solid b) liquid c) gas

Q2: True or False:

1. ( T ) There are three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas.
2. ( T ) The particles of solids are very close together.
3. ( T ) A gas can take the shape of its container.
4. ( T ) All states of matter have mass and take up space.
5. ( F ) Both gases and liquids have their own shapes.
6. ( T ) The air around us is made of gases.
7. ( F ) A gas has its own shape.
8. ( T ) Most substances can exist in any state of matter depending on
9. ( F ) You cannot differentiate between a gas, a liquid, and a solid.
10. ( T ) Gases can be squeezed into a smaller volume.

Q3: Look at the picture. Which states of matter are shown in the

Solid – Liquid – Gas

Topic 2 Lesson 2
Changes in matter Physical changes

Q1: Complete each sentence from the box below:

Freezing Point Physical change evaporation

melting point different boiling point

1. Boiling point of water is 100 °C.

2. The melting point is the temperature at which a material changes from solid
to liquid.
3. A change in temperature is a physical change.
4. Evaporation takes place when particles leave a liquid and become a gas.
5. The temperature at which a material changes from liquid to solid is called
freezing point.
6. Different materials have different melting points.

Q2: True or False:

1. ( F ) A physical change is a change that forms a different kind of

2. ( T ) A change in temperature is a physical change.
3. ( F ) A liquid becomes gas when the particles slow down.
4. ( F ) The melting point and freezing point are different temperature.
5. ( F ) The water in wet clothes evaporates when the particles stays in the
liquid and become gas.
6. ( T ) The melting point can be used to identify a material.

Q3: Circle the physical change:

Cutting wood Frying eggs Burning wood

Breaking a pencil Melting ice Cutting Paper

Q4: Write the scientific term:

A change in some properties that does

1. Physical change
not form different kinds of matter.
The temperature at which a material
2. Melting point
changes from solid to liquid.
The temperature at which a material
3. Freezing point
changes from liquid to solid.
When particles leave liquid and
4. Evaporation
become a gas.
The temperature at which the particles of
5. Boiling point
liquid change to gas through a liquid, and
bubbles of gas form under the liquid.

Q5: How do the rainwater and the water in wet clothes evaporate?

The water particles leave the liquid and become gas.

Q6: How does a liquid become solid?

As liquids get colder, their particles slow down and

only vibrate in place.

Topic 2 Lesson 3
Changes in matter Chemical changes

Q1: State which of the following is a physical or chemical change:

Physical Physical Chemical Physical

Q2: Choose the correct answer:

1. In chemical change one or more types of matter change into other types of
matter with …………………… properties.
a) same b) different c) more
2. Scientists found that ……………. stays the same before and after any change.
a) mass b) volume c) length
3. Some pennies change color from copper to ……………………. .
a) blue b) green c) purple
4. The nails rust because of a …………………………….. .
a) solubility b) chemical change c) physical change
5. The chef adds lemon juice to the whole milk, then …………………….. starts
to form.
a) solid cheese b) liquid cream c) oil

Q3: True or False:

1. ( F ) Chemical change occurs when matter change state from liquid to a gas.
2. ( T ) Chemical change happens due to the arrangement of atoms.
3. ( F ) Rust is an example of a physical change.
4. ( T ) Release of heat and light are evidence for a chemical reaction.
5. ( F ) The total weight of matter changes during chemical change.

Q4: What happens when iron combines with oxygen gas?

The new substance that forms is rust (Iron oxide).

Q5: Match the following.

( 5 ) States that in any chemical change or

1. Chemical change physical change, the total mass does not change.

( 1 ) The change that produces one or more new

2. Iron oxide (Rust)

( 4 ) When you observe one or more substances

change into one or more new substances.
3. Copper oxide

( 3 ) A green substance forms when the copper

4. Chemical reaction that makes up a penny combines with oxygen in
the air.

( 2 ) A substance forms when the iron in the nails

5. Law of conservation of and oxygen gas from the air react.
( 6 ) A substance forms when the chef adds
6. Fresh cheese lemon juice to the whole milk.

Q6: Circle the physical change and put X on the chemical change.

Cutting wood Cutting paper Toasting bread

Breaking glass Frying egg Melting ice

Baking cake Evaporation Burning wood

Q7: Explain how chemical and physical changes are alike and how
they are different?
In both changes the total mass doesn’t change.
The physical change doesn’t form different substance, but the
chemical change forms different substance.

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