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Bridge Engineering Civil Booster

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Bridge Engineering 719

Bridge Engineering 18
Codes used for Bridge Design:
1. IRC - 5 - Code of practice for specification of Bridge.
2. IRC - 6 - 2010 - Loads & stress. (L.S.M.)
(Old Code - IRC - 6 - 2000 - (W.S.M.)
3. IRC - 21 - Code of practice for cement concrete (L.S.M)
4. IRC - 22 - for composite structure
5. IRC - 78 - for foundation design
 Bridge is an arrangement made to cross an obstacle in the form of a
low ground or a stream or a river or over a gap without closing the
way beneath.
 Required for the passage of railways, roadways footpaths and even
for carriage of fluids.

Components of bridge
1. Sub-Structure
 Component of bridge upto the level of bearing.
 Consists of piers, abutments, wing walls and foundations for the piers,
abutments and wing walls.
2. Super Structure:
 Component above the level of bearing.
 Consist of beams, girders, arches and cables, parapet walls. Flooring,
guard stones, hand rails etc.
3. Adjoining Structure:
 Component like approaches, guard stones, bearing, river training work,
apron etc.
720 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Water way
Parapet or Crash Barrier
Bridge Deck
pr l1
Ap Bearing l2 l3
HFL Pier

Abutment BED LEVEL

Pile cap Scour depth Abutment

Wall Pile

Pier cap

Linear waterway = Pier

l1  l2  l3

Pile cap


Classification of Bridge
1. According to span
(i) Culvert (ii) Minor Bridge
(iii) Major Bridge iv) Long span bridge
2. According to Masonary
(i) Timber , (ii) Masonary
(iii) Iron & Steel iv) Prestressed
3. According to loading I.)Class A ii.) 70 R loading
Permanent Bridges
iii.)Class AA iv.)Class B
Temporary Bridge

Loading on Bridge as per IRC - 6 - 2010

(1) D.L. (2) Live Load
(3) W.L. (4) Earthquake Load
Bridge Engineering 721

(5) Earth Pressure (6) Centrifugal force

(7) Water current (8) Impact load
(9) Longitudinal force (10) Snow load

According to Railway:
1. Major bridges: Total waterways more than 18m or having any span of
clear waterways of 12 m or over.
2. Minor bridges: Total waterways < 18 m or any span of clear waterway
< 12 m.
3. Important bridges: Total major bridge of total water ways  18 m. or
110 m2.

Special Points:
1. Culvert - span < 6m, 2. Minor Bridge - 6 - 60 m
3. Major Bridge - above 60 m, 4. Long span Bridge - above 120m
Cross-drainage structures for the purpose of investigates.
1. Culverts and minor bridges having linear waterways upto 30 m.
2. Major bridges having linear waterways excluding 30 m but on stable
rivers and canals.
3. Important bridges having linear waterways excluding 30 m but on major
rivers which present some problems of stability.

Identification of bridges

 IRC : 7–1971, Expressed in fraction number.
 a  Km in which the structure situated.
 b  Km-wise serial number of structure e.g. Fourth cross-drainage
structure in 9th Kilometre. i.e.
 Number of structure is inscribed near the top of left hand side parapet.
 Structure having railing without parapet separate pillars are constructed
inscribed the structure number.
ex. between 4th and 5th culvert in 30 mor. km any new culvert are to be
722 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

introduced (i.e. between km stone 9 and 30), then new culvert will be
30 30
designated as = , etc.
4 1 4  2

Ideal Bridge requirement:

 Should be efficient and effective.
 Economical
 Esthetically sound.
 Safety and convience.
Priminary and final project report:
1. Catchment area map:
 prepared from topographical maps of SOI.

 Drawn to a scale of
 Indicates catchment area to contribute water at site.
2. Contour plan:
 According, IRC, distance concered by plan on either side of site for
catchment area of:
3 km2 – 100 m
15 km2 – 300 m
> 15 km2 – 1500 m
3. Cross-Sections:

Horizontal Scale = Not less than

Vertical Scale – not less than
4. Index map:
Small river – 1 : 50,000
Large river – 1 : 250000
5. Longitudinal Section:
Bridge Engineering 723

 1 
 Plotted with horizontal scale not less 
 2500 

 Vertical Scale 
6. Soil profile:
 For culvert and minor bridge – Simple soil investigation.
 Major – Adopted investigation upto depth equal to 1.5 times the
proposed width of foundation below the proposed bottom of
Traffic requirements of highway bridges:
1. Alignment:
 Small bridge – Adopt small skew angle bridge.
 Long bridge – Square crossing with suitable approaches.
2. Central Verge:
 Used to separate traffic of two direction.
 Should be  1200 mm.
3. Footpath:
 For movement of pedestrian.
 For Rural areas: Min width 1500 mm can taken 108 person per minute.
 Increased at rate of 600 mm for every additional capacity of 54 per.
per minute.
4. Roadway width:

Type of traffic Min width (cm)

1. Vehicular traffic
– Single lane 425
– Two - lane 750
– Multi lane 350 for every lane over two lane.
2. Cycles
– Without overtaking 200
– With overtaking 300
724 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Roadway width can be decided from following:

Vehicles: 1000 veh. per hour per lane width of 3750 mm.
Cycles: 3600 cycles per day for 2-lane [2000 mm]
5. Safety Kerbs:
 600 mm × 225 mm either side of roadway.
6. Road Type Design speed SSD
– Village road 50 kmph 60 m
– Other district Road 65 kmph 80 m
– MDR 80 kmph 110 m
– National and State highway 100 kmph 150 m

Length of bridge:
 Distance between inner face of two abutments length of bridge L = (n ×
l) + (n – 1) × b
n = number of span
l = Clear span
n – 1 = total number of piers.
b = width of pier.
Some important points:
 Bridges are design for flood occurring once in 100 years.
 Design culverts for flood occuring once in 20 years.
 Slab deck used for short span such as culverts.
 Tee beam and slab deck – Medium span (10 m – 20 m Range)
 Bow string girder type – Road bridge span ( range 25 – 35 m )

“Sub Structure”
 Abutments
 Piers
 Wing Walls
1. Abutments:
– end support of a bridge.
– Retain earth filling and transmit the reaction of super-structure.
Bridge Engineering 725

(a) Abutment with wing walls:
(i) With straight wing wall
– Adopted for railway or street crossing.
– Unsuitable for bridge with waterway.
(ii) With splayed wing wall
– Suitable for bridge with waterway because it gives smooth entry
and exit.
(iii) With return wing walls
– U-abutments
– Unsuitable for river or stream subjected to heavy floods.
(b) Abutment without wing walls:
(i) Without wing wall straight abutments.
– Useful for without waterway or negligible waterway.
(ii) T-abutment:
 Recommended face batter for different height:
Height Face batter
upto 16 m Vertical
16m to 12 m 1 in 24
12 m to 18 m 1 in 12
Above 18 m 1 in 16
 Dimensions of an abutment
(i) Height: Fixed up by the difference between the bed level of river
banks and the formation level of road.
(ii) Batter: See above table:
24  rise
Trantwine’s Formula: Batter on earth side = 1 in span

(iii) Top width:

r a
Top width E =   0.60
5 10
726 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

r = radius of soffit (m)

a = rise in m
(iv) Length = Overall width of bridge including footpaths.
2. Piers
 Intermediate support of a bridge.
(i) Batter
 1 in 12 to 1 in 24
Low pier – greater value
high pier – smaller value
(ii) Height:
Same as in Abutments
– However, sufficient free board or clearance to the extent of about
1000 mm to 1500 mm maintained.
(iii) Length: Equal to width of bridge (excluding cantilever projections)
plus width of cut water and case water.
(iv) Top width:
 depend upon span.
 Should be sufficient to accomodate two bearing for the pier with a
clearance of about 150 mm.
 Usually min width about 750 mm.

Culvert and Causeways

Waterways of a Culvert
General principles–
(i) Assumed should be flowing half full when approach channel wide
and narrow.
(ii) Adequate cushion above the top of culvert.
(iii) Velocity through culvert limited to 150 cm/sec.
Area of Water way
1. For catchment area upto 40 hac.
a. A = 0.09 C – Suitable for deccan condition and perm. velocity of
Bridge Engineering 727

about 3000 mm/s.

b. A = 0.029C – for North Gujarat condition per Velocity about 1500
2. Catchment area from 40 to 280 hac.
a. A = 0.05 C + 1.63  Suitability same as above for a.
b. A = 0.0255 + 1.63  Suitability same as above for b.
A = Area of waterway
C = Catchment area.
Type of Culvert
1. Arch culvert
 Adopted for span 2 m to 6 m.
2. Box culvert:
 Height rarely exceeds 3 m.
 Individual span ranging from 1 m to 4 m.
 >6m, greater thickness required, hence become uneconomical.
3. Pipe Culvert:
 Diameter of pipe  300 mm.
 Used for low discharge, say upto 10 m3/sec.
 Cast iron pipe – Suitable 750 mm.
 RCC pipes – Suitable upto 1800 mm.
4. Slab Culvert:
– Simple slab culvert – Suitable upto 2.50 m
– Deck type – upto 8 m.
Bridge loading standards
 First loading standard (IRC : 6) in India was published by Indian Road
Congress in 1958.
 IRC Bridge loading standards.
 IRC class AA loading:

Impact Factors
1. For Road Bridges:
(i) Indian road congress:
728 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

(a) For class A and B loading:

I=  Length
B L
A = Constant for RCC bridge = 4.5
for steel bridge = 9.0
B = Constant, for RCC bridge = 6.0
for Steel bridge = 13.5
 For Span, less than 3m-
I = 0.5, for R.C. bridge.
= 0.545, for Steel bridge.
For span exceeding 45 m.
I = 0.088 for R.C. bridge = 0.154 for Steel bridge
(b) For class AA or TOR loading:
Span < 9 m,
(i) For trackled vehicles – 25% of span upto 5 m linearly
reduced to 10% for span of 9 m.
(ii) For wheeled vehicles – 25%
For Span  9 m;
 For trackled vehicle – R.C. bridges, 10% upto span
40 m.
For steel bridge, 25% for span upto 23 m.

2. AASTHO Loadings: d 
L  25
Special Points : For bridge slab, the amount of transverse reinforcement is
taken as 0.3% of gross concrete area.
 The prestressed concrete bridge decks are generally comprised of
precast pretensioned units.
Bridge Engineering 729
Some Important Formulae:
1. Marriman's formula:

V2  A  2  A  
ha      
2g  Ca   A1  

2. Molesworth formula:

V2  A  2 
ha   0.015    1
17g  Ca  
Where, A = Natural Waterway, A1 = Linear Waterway
Ca = Contracted Area
Inglis Khosla

DRINK (formula for Discharge of River)

Ryves Nawab Jung Bahadur

1. Dicken's formula: Q  CA3/4 Area of catchment

This formula is applicable in North India

2. Ryve's formula: Q  CA 2 / 3

Applicable in South India

3. Ingli's formula : Q  123.2 A =
A  10.4
Applicable in Maharashtra Region

 1 
0.93  log A1 
4. Nawab Jung Bahadur's formula : Q  C  A   14  
P 1

Applicable in North & South India

730 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

The device, which are provided over the supports of bridge to accomodate
the changes in the main girders due to delfection. Temperature, vertical
movement due to sinking of supports, Shrinkage, prestressing creep, etc.
and to transmit the load from the super structure to the substructure in such
a way that the bearing stresses induced in the sub-structure are within
permissible limit.
Types of Bearing
1. Cement Mortor pad:
 Fixed bearing for road girder bridge of small spans.
 30 mm thick cement grout pad (1 : 1)
 Dower bars of 25 mm designed to take up the longitudinal forces in
2. Expansion bearing:
 It allows angular as well as longitudinal movement of the girder.
3. Knuckle Bearing:
 Provide only for angular movement of the girder.
4. Rocker and Rouer bearing:
 This bearing is generally recommended when length of span exceed
about 15 m or so.
5. Rocker bearing:
 For span greater than 20 m or so, a rocker bearing is provided at one
end and at other end roller and rocker bearing.
 Allows only free angular movement of the main girder.
6. Rubber bearing:
 Synthetic Ruber like neophene can be successfully used.
 In form of layer of Rubber plate.
 Thicken plate at one end and thinner plate at other end, then former
acts as free bearing and latter as fixed bearing.
7. Neoprene bearing

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