Book 1
Book 1
Book 1
Chapter one:-
Chapter two:-
Tanaad computer science college
Tanaad computer science college
rotated one revolution, it rotates the neighbouring wheel and a series of windows is given on
the top of the wheels to read the totals.
Stepped Reckoner or Leibniz wheel
A German mathematician-philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1673 developed this
device by improving Pascal’s invention to develop this machine. It was basically a digital
mechanical calculator, and it was called the stepped reckoner as it was made of fluted drums
instead of gears (used in the previous model of Pascaline).
Difference Engine
Charles Babbage who is also known as the “Father of Modern Computer” designed the
Difference Engine in the early 1820s. Difference Engine was a mechanical computer which is
capable of performing simple calculations. It works with help of steam as it was a steam-driven
calculating machine, and it was designed to solve tables of numbers like logarithm tables.
Analytical Engine
Again in 1830 Charles Babbage developed another calculating machine which was Analytical
Engine. Analytical Engine was a mechanical computer that used punch cards as input. It was
capable of performing or solving any mathematical problem and storing information as a
permanent memory (storage).
Tabulating Machine
Herman Hollerith, an American statistician invented this machine in the year 1890. Tabulating
Machine was a mechanical tabulator that was based on punch cards. It was capable of
tabulating statistics and record or sort data or information. This machine was used by U.S.
Census in the year 1890. Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine Company was started by Hollerith
and this company later became International Business Machine (IBM) in the year 1924.
Differential Analyzer
Differential Analyzer was the first electronic computer introduced in the year 1930 in the
United States. It was basically an analog device that was invented by Vannevar Bush. This
machine consists of vacuum tubes to switch electrical signals to perform calculations. It was
capable of doing 25 calculations in a few minutes.
Mark I
In the year 1937, major changes began in the history of computers when Howard Aiken
planned to develop a machine that could perform large calculations or calculations involving
large numbers. In the year 1944, Mark I computer was built as a partnership between IBM and
Harvard. It was also the first programmable digital computer marking a new era in the
computer world.
Generations of Computers
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dependent on the batch operating systems and punch cards. Magnetic tape and paper tape were
used as output and input devices. For example ENIAC, UNIVAC-1, EDVAC, etc.
Second Generation Computers
In the period of the year, 1957-1963 was referred to as the period of the second generation of
computers. It was the time of the transistor computers. In the second generation of computers,
transistors (which were cheap in cost) are used. Transistors are also compact and consume less
power. Transistor computers are faster than first-generation computers. For primary memory,
magnetic cores were used, and for secondary memory magnetic disc and tapes for storage
purposes. In second-generation computers, COBOL and FORTRAN are used as Assembly
language and programming languages, and Batch processing and multiprogramming operating
systems were used in these computers.
For example IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604, CDC 3600, etc.
Third Generation Computers
In the third generation of computers, integrated circuits (ICs) were used instead of
transistors(in the second generation). A single IC consists of many transistors which increased
the power of a computer and also reduced the cost. The third generation computers are more
reliable, efficient, and smaller in size. It used remote processing, time-sharing, and
multiprogramming as operating systems. FORTRON-II TO IV, COBOL, and PASCAL PL/1
were used which are high-level programming languages.
For example IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, IBM-370/168, etc.
Fourth Generation Computers
The period of 1971-1980 was mainly the time of fourth generation computers. It used
VLSI(Very Large Scale Integrated) circuits. VLSI is a chip containing millions of transistors
and other circuit elements and because of these chips, the computers of this generation are
more compact, powerful, fast, and affordable(low in cost). Real-time, time-sharing and
distributed operating system are used by these computers. C and C++ are used as the
programming languages in this generation of computers.
For example STAR 1000, PDP 11, CRAY-1, CRAY-X-MP, etc.
Fifth Generation Computers
From 1980 – to till date these computers are used. The ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration)
technology is used in fifth-generation computers instead of the VLSI technology of fourth-
generation computers. Microprocessor chips with ten million electronic components are used
in these computers. Parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software are
also used in fifth-generation computers. The programming languages like C, C++, Java, .Net,
etc. are used.
For example Desktop, Laptop, NoteBook, UltraBook, etc.
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There are two bases on which we can define the types of computers. We will discuss the type
of computers on the basis of size and data handling capabilities. We will discuss each type of
computer in detail. Let’s see first what are the types of computers.
Super Computer
Mainframe computer
Mini Computer
Workstation Computer
Personal Computer (PC)
Server Computer
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
Hybrid Computer
Tablets and Smartphone
Now, we are going to discuss each of them in detail.
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When we talk about speed, then the first name that comes to mind when thinking of computers
is supercomputers. They are the biggest and fastest computers (in terms of speed of processing
data). Supercomputers are designed such that they can process a huge amount of data, like
processing trillions of instructions or data just in a second. This is because of the thousands of
interconnected processors in supercomputers. It is basically used in scientific and engineering
applications such as weather forecasting, scientific simulations, and nuclear energy research. It
was first developed by Roger Cray in 1976.
Super Computers
Characteristics of Supercomputers
Supercomputers are the computers that are the fastest and they are also very expensive.
It can calculate up to ten trillion individual calculations per second, this is also the reason
which makes it even faster.
It is used in the stock market or big organizations for managing the online currency world
such as Bitcoin etc.
It is used in scientific research areas for analyzing data obtained from exploring the solar
system, satellites, etc.
Mainframe computer
Mainframe computers are designed in such a way that they can support hundreds or thousands
of users at the same time. It also supports multiple programs simultaneously. So, they can
execute different processes simultaneously. All these features make the mainframe computer
ideal for big organizations like banking, telecom sectors, etc., which process a high volume of
data in general.
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Characteristics of Mainframe Computers
It is also an expensive or costly computer.
It has high storage capacity and great performance.
It can process a huge amount of data (like data involved in the banking sector) very
It runs smoothly for a long time and has a long life.
Minicomputer is a medium size multiprocessing computer. In this type of computer, there are
two or more processors, and it supports 4 to 200 users at one time. Minicomputer is similar to
Microcontroller. Minicomputers are used in places like institutes or departments for different
work like billing, accounting, inventory management, etc. It is smaller than a mainframe
computer but larger in comparison to the microcomputer.
Characteristics of Minicomputer
Its weight is low.
Because of its low weight, it is easy to carry anywhere.
less expensive than a mainframe computer.
It is fast.
Workstation Computer
A workstation computer is designed for technical or scientific applications. It consists of a fast
microprocessor, with a large amount of RAM and a high-speed graphic adapter. It is a single-
user computer. It is generally used to perform a specific task with great accuracy.
Characteristics of Workstation Computer
It is expensive or high in cost.
They are exclusively made for complex work purposes.
It provides large storage capacity, better graphics, and a more powerful CPU when
compared to a PC.
It is also used to handle animation, data analysis, CAD, audio and video creation, and
Personal Computer (PC)
Personal Computers is also known as a microcomputer. It is basically a general-purpose
computer designed for individual use. It consists of a microprocessor as a central processing
unit(CPU), memory, input unit, and output unit. This kind of computer is suitable for personal
work such as making an assignment, watching a movie, or at the office for office work, etc.
For example, Laptops and desktop computers.
Personal Computer
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ones. Examples of server computer are like Wikipedia, as when users put a request for any
page, it finds what the user is looking for and sends it to the user.
Analog Computer
Analog Computers are particularly designed to process analog data. Continuous data that
changes continuously and cannot have discrete values are called analog data. So, an analog
computer is used where we don’t need exact values or need approximate values such as speed,
temperature, pressure, etc. It can directly accept the data from the measuring device without
first converting it into numbers and codes. It measures the continuous changes in physical
quantity. It gives output as a reading on a dial or scale. For example speedometer, mercury
thermometer, etc.
Digital Computer
Digital computers are designed in such a way that they can easily perform calculations and
logical operations at high speed. It takes raw data as input and processes it with programs
stored in its memory to produce the final output. It only understands the binary input 0 and 1,
so the raw input data is converted to 0 and 1 by the computer and then it is processed by the
computer to produce the result or final output. All modern computers, like laptops, desktops
including smartphones are digital computers.
Hybrid Computer
As the name suggests hybrid, which means made by combining two different things. Similarly,
the hybrid computer is a combination of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers
are fast like analog computers and have memory and accuracy like digital computers. So, it has
the ability to process both continuous and discrete data. For working when it accepts analog
signals as input then it converts them into digital form before processing the input data. So, it
is widely used in specialized applications where both analog and digital data are required to be
processed. A processor which is used in petrol pumps that converts the measurements of fuel
flow into quantity and price is an example of a hybrid computer.
Tablet and Smartphones
Tablets and Smartphones are the types of computers that are pocket friendly and easy to carry
is these are handy. This is one of the best use of modern technology. These devices have better
hardware capabilities, extensive operating systems, and better multimedia functionality.
smartphones and tablets contain a number of sensors and are also able to provide wireless
communication protocols.
Tanaad computer science college
Software or PC software is basically sort of program that permits clients to play out specific
assignments or really use them to work their PC. It basically indicates all peripherals in whole
PC system – precisely what to do and how to carry out responsibility.
Software assumes significant job as go between client and PC equipment. Without software,
client can not really accomplish any work on PC. Software item advancement organization
creates software for clients.
System software :
1. Operating System :
Being an unmistakable model for system software, it is basically an assortment of software
which handles assets just as offers general administrations for different other application
which really run over them. There are various kinds of working systems like installed,
ongoing, circulated, single-client, multi-client, versatile, web and significantly more. Full
stack web improvement administrations create applications to work o versatile working
system like Android and iOS. A portion of key instances of working systems are as per
following :
MS Windows
2. Gadget Drivers :
This kind of software controls specific hardware which is basically connected to system.
Diverse hardware gadgets which require driver to interface with system effectively comprise
of showcases, printers, sound cards, hard circles, console, and mice. Not many of instances of
such drivers are :
Profiles Driver
Motherboard Drivers
Show Drivers
ROM Drivers
Printer Drivers
USB Drivers
Sound Card Driver
VGA Drivers
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3. Firmware :
It is really perpetual software which is installed in system’s perused just memory. It is
basically lot of guidelines which are for all time put away onto to hardware gadget. It offers
essential data in regards to how specific gadget collaborates with various other hardware. A
portion of instances of firmware are :
PC Peripherals
Inserted Systems
4. Utility :
These software are intended to help with breaking down, just as advancing, alongside
arranging and keeping up given PC system. It offers help to PC foundation. Software like
circle cleanup and board apparatuses, against infections, defragmenters, pressure devices and
so forth are on whole utility software. A portion of its models are :
Norton Antivirus
McAfee Antivirus
Piriform CCleaner
Windows File Explorer
Registry Opus
Razer Cortex
Application Software :
They are likewise prevalently known as end-client programs or even efficiency programs which
help client in finishing different undertakings like leading on web research, making notes,
planning illustrations, looking after records, completing computations or in any event, playing
PC games. They basically lie over system software. They are really utilized by end-client just as
have explicit usefulness or undertakings which they are intended to perform. These software are
regularly evolved through custom software improvement, in light of prerequisites of clients.
There is an assortment of use software. Some of them are :
1. Word Processors :
Such applications are intended for documentation. It helps with putting away just as
organizing and in any event, printing of reports. Key instances of such software are :
MS Word
Apple iWork-Pages
Corel WordPerfect
Google Docs
2. Database Software :
It is utilized to make just as deal with database and furthermore known as Database
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Management System or to put it plainly, DBMS. Such software aids information association.
A portion of instances of DBMS are :
MS Access
4. Internet Browsers :
These software are used to peruse web. Internet browsers help clients in situating just as
recovering information well over web. A portion of key instances of them are :
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Web Explorer
UC Browser
Be that as it may, there additionally exists another characterization of software. They can without
much of a stretch be characterized based on their accessibility just as sharability.
Their classification is as underneath :
1. Freeware :
These software are accessible liberated from cost. A client can undoubtedly download them
from web and can undoubtedly utilize them without paying any charges or expenses. Be that
as it may, they don’t give any kind of freedom to change whole software or charging fixed
expense for its conveyance. A best software advancement organization can build up its own
freeware to connect with more clients. A portion of instances of these software are :
Adobe Reader
Group Viewer
Yahoo Messenger
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2. Shareware :
This software is circulated openly to clients on fixed preliminary premise. It for most part
accompanies set time limit, and on termination of as far as possible, client is at long last
approached to pay fixed charge for proceeded with administrations. There are various sorts of
shareware, for example, Freemium, Donationware, Adware, Demoware and so forth. Not
many of instances of shareware are :
Adobe Acrobat
PHP Debugger
3. Open-source :
Such kinds of software are generally accessible to clients alongside their source code which
implies that client can without much of stretch alter and circulate software just as add extra
highlights to them. They can either be chargeable or free. Not many of instances of such
software are :
Mozilla Firefox
GNU Compiler Collection
Apache Web Server
Final words
With expanding job of software in every day lives of individuals, full stack web advancement
administrations are presently offering most recent software to satisfy their requests. As we
probably am aware, there are different kinds of software where market of system software is as
of now soaked with huge players like Microsoft, Apple and so forth while application software
have hardened rivalry with built up players and new players contending to pick up additional
edge. Referenced above is clarification of what software is and kinds of software. A software
improvement organization can wander into advancement of any of these software to gain
enormous benefits.
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Tanaad computer science college
A computer system needs hardware and software components to function properly. Several
hardware components are attached to the computer system as per the requirements. Computer
hardware consists of mechanical and electronic elements. The hardware of the computer system
includes a monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, printer, sound system, RAM, hard disk, and many
Hardware is used for taking input data from the user, storing it, displaying the output, and
executing the commands given by an individual. From software engineering interview questions,
understanding how hardware interacts with software can be crucial, as it highlights the
importance of efficient data handling, processing, and user interface design in developing robust
software solutions.
Internal hardware components are devices built into the motherboard or added as an expansion
card or device to the computer. The most important internal hardware components are RAM,
Hard disk, SSD, Monitor, and CPU. The motherboard connects all the other components, and it
is the backbone of the computer system. In the below section, you will learn about the internal
components in detail
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External Hardware Components
External hardware components are devices added outside of the computer case. These hardware
components provide input and output to the computer so users can communicate with the system.
The most common external hardware components include a mouse, keyboard, printer, speaker,
and camera. In the below section, you will learn these components in detail.
business standards.
It automates the task and helps store huge chunks of data that can benefit the organization
or individual.
The user can give the command or instructions to the hardware, which will obtain the
The fast processing speed of a hardware device is useful for executing more operations at
one time.
Computer hardware devices are multiprocessing, meaning the user can use more than one
Installation and upgradation of the hardware devices in a computer system are easy as per
Chapter two:-
Initially in the 1960s, the Internet was started as a medium for sharing information with
government researchers. During the time computers were larger in size and were immovable. In
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case anyone had to access the information stored in any computer, they had to travel to the
location of the computer or the other way to have magnetic computer tapes that could be
transported through the postal system of that time.
Alongside, Escalated Cold War played a major role in the creation of the internet. The Soviet
Union had deployed the Sputnik satellite which led the Defense Department of the United States
to examine the possibilities of communicating information despite nuclear. The situation resulted
in the development of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), which, later
on, evolved into the Internet. In the initial days, ARPANET became a huge success with
restricted participation where it was accessible to academic and research institutions that had
contracts with the US Defense Department. The scenario led to the formation of new networks in
order to facilitate the need for information sharing with other people.
Earlier there wasn’t any standard mechanism for the computer networks that would enable them
to communicate with each other. Transfer Control Protocol (TCP/IP) which was developed in
1970, was adopted as a new communication protocol for ARPANET in 1983. The technology
enabled various computers on different networks to communicate with each other and this is how
the Internet was officially born on January 1, 1983.
An Overview From 1985 to 1995
The invention of DNS, the widespread usage of TCP/IP, and the popularity of email all
contributed to an increase in internet activity. Between 1986 and 1987, the network expanded
from 2,000 to 30,000 hosts. People were increasingly using the internet to send messages, read
news, and exchange files. However, sophisticated computing knowledge was still required to dial
into the system and use it efficiently, and there was still no agreement on how documents on the
network should be formatted.
The internet needed to be more user-friendly. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer
scientist, proposed a solution to his employer, CERN, the international particle-research facility
in Geneva, Switzerland. He proposed a new method for organizing and connecting all of the
information available on CERN’s computer network, making it quick and easy to access. His
idea for a “network of information” evolved into the World Wide Web.
The release of the Mosaic browser in 1993 introduced the web to a new non-academic audience,
and people began to learn how simple it was to make their own HTML websites. As a result, the
number of websites increased from 130 in 1993 to over 100,000 at the beginning of 1996.
By 1995, the internet and the World Wide Web had become an established phenomenon, with
over 10 million global users using the Netscape Navigator. The Netscape Navigator was the most
popular browser at that point in time.
What is DNS?
DNS is short for Domain Name System. It functions as the internet’s version of a phone book,
converting difficult-to-remember IP addresses into simple names. Cheaper technology and the
introduction of desktop computers in the early 1980s facilitated the rapid development of local
area networks (LANs). As the number of machines on the network grew, it became impossible to
keep track of all the different IP addresses.
The development of the Domain Name System (DNS) in 1983 solved this problem. DNS was
invented at the University of Southern California by Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel. It was one
of the breakthrough inventions that helped in paving the way for the World Wide Web.
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TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TCP/IP is an acronym that stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. The
terms refer to a set of protocols that regulate how data flows via a network.
Following the development of ARPANET, new computer networks began to join the network,
prompting the need for an agreed-upon set of data-handling standards. Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf,
two American computer scientists, in the year 1974 invented a new way of transmitting data
packets in a digital envelope known as ‘Datagram’. Any computer can read the datagram’s
address, but only the ultimate host system can open the envelope and read the message within.
This technology was dubbed the transmission-control protocol by Kahn and Cerf. TCP enabled
computers to communicate in the same language, allowing the ARPANET to evolve into a
global interconnected network of networks, an example of ‘internetworking’—written as the
“internet” in short.
IP stands for Internet Protocol and when paired with TCP, aids in the routing of internet data.
Every internet-connected device is assigned a unique IP address. The number, known as an IP
address, can be used to find out the location of any internet-connected device
The Internet is one of the greatest creations and provides people with instant access to an endless
supply of knowledge and entertainment. Below is a complete list of all of the advantages of the
9.Internet of Things
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A cloud server is a virtual computer that runs in a cloud computing environment. Unlike physical
servers, a cloud server is created, hosted and managed by a cloud service provider. There are
three main types of cloud servers: public, private and hybrid.
Public cloud servers are shared among multiple users and hosted by third-party providers. Private
cloud servers are dedicated to a single organization and offer more control and security. Hybrid
cloud servers combine public and cloud servers and provide more flexibility.
Cloud servers work through virtualization: One physical server runs multiple virtual servers.
Each virtual server operates independently and shares the physical server’s resources, like CPU,
memory and storage. This setup ensures efficient use of hardware and flexible scaling based on
demand for FTP servers, gaming servers, web hosting and database management.
One of the major benefits of cloud servers is that they reduce costs by eliminating the need for
companies to buy and maintain their hardware. They also offer pay-as-you-go pricing, so you
only pay for the resources used and can easily scale resources up or down based on demand
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In today’s digital age, cloud computing has become a game-changer for businesses of all sizes.
The benefits of cloud-based computing are numerous, making it a popular choice for
companies looking to streamline operations and reduce costs. From cost
efficiency and scalability to enhanced security and improved collaboration, the advantages of
cloud computing are clear.
If you are considering a hybrid cloud computing solution or a fully cloud-based approach,
understanding the benefits of cloud computing for business can help you make informed
decisions. In this article, we’ll explore the key advantages of cloud computing and how it
can transform your business operations for the better.
Microsoft is a multinational computer technology corporation. Microsoft was founded on April
4, 1975, by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico.[1] Its current best-selling
products are the Microsoft Windows operating system; Microsoft Office, a suite of productivity
software; Xbox, a line of entertainment of games, music, and video; Bing, a line of search
engines; and Microsoft Azure, a cloud services platform.[2]
In 1980, Microsoft formed a partnership with IBM to bundle Microsoft's operating system with
IBM computers; with that deal, IBM paid Microsoft a royalty for every sale. In 1985, IBM
requested Microsoft to develop a new operating system for their computers called OS/2.
Microsoft produced that operating system, but also continued to sell their own alternative, which
proved to be in direct competition with OS/2. Microsoft Windows eventually overshadowed
OS/2 in terms of sales. When Microsoft launched several versions of Microsoft Windows in the
1990s, they had captured over 90% market share of the world's personal computers.
As of June 30, 2015, Microsoft has a global annual revenue of US$86.83 billion (~$109 billion
in 2023) and 128,076 employees worldwide.[3] It develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports
a wide range of software products for computing devices
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2. Microsoft Excel
3. Microsoft PowerPoint
4. OneDrive
5. Microsoft Teams
6. Microsoft Outlook
7. Microsoft Access
8. Microsoft OneNote
15. SharePoint
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1. Efficiency and Productivity One of the most significant advantages of artificial intelligence is
its ability to perform tasks with remarkable efficiency and accuracy. ...
2. Enhanced Decision Making AI can analyze large datasets to identify patterns and trends that
may not be apparent to human analysts. ...
5. Risk Reduction
1. Unemployment
2. Lack of transparency
4. Profiling
5. Disinformation
6. Environmental impact
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Chapter four
Conculusion :-
Buuggani waxa uu ka hadlaya tariikhda computerku soo maray ,qaybaha oo ka kooban yahay ,noocyda uu
uqaybsamo sido kle waxa uu ka waramaya tariikhda internet-ka faaiidooyinkiisa iyo faaido daradiisa iyo
sida loo isticmaali karo internet-ka waxa kle uu ka waramaya faaidooyunka iyo faaido darada uu leeyahay
waxyabaha gacan ku samayska ah iyo waxyaabaha kle.
1. Pursue knowledge outside of courses ...
2. Avoid last-minute studying ...
3. Develop theoretical computer skills ...
4. Develop practical computer skills ...
5. Make connections with professors and other students ...