Faizunnahar Chili: Education
Faizunnahar Chili: Education
Faizunnahar Chili: Education
Lawyer [Experienced Legal Advisor]
LL.M. in Law
Dedicated and highly skilled lawyer with 15 years of experience Prime University
across Family Law, Criminal Law, Corporate Law, Labour Law, and 2008-2009
Legal Agreements. Practicing lawyer at the High Court Division
with vast expertise in legal research, drafting, and advising. Served
LL.B. (Hons) in Law
as a trusted legal advisor for various companies and panel lawyer at
Prime University
Arbitration Tribunals, resolving complex disputes. Known for
meticulous contract scrutiny, I deliver practical, legally sound
solutions to individuals and businesses.
Lawyer, Bangladesh Bar Council |
Lawyer 2009
Arbitration Law & Practice, Ministry
High Court Division of Law | 2019
2009 – Present
Represent clients in civil and criminal litigation. SKILLS
Conduct legal research, draft motions, petitions, and legal
Advise corporate clients on contracts, employment law, and Legal Drafting
compliance. Family & Criminal Law
Counsel on family law matters like divorce and inheritance Legal Agreement & Contract
disputes. Corporate & Labour Law
Legal Research & Consultancy
Employment Law
Panel Lawyer
Administrative Tribunal PUBLICATIONS &
2016 – 2019 RESEARCH
Successfully resolved complex legal disputes through
Administrative Emergency provision and their
Provided expert legal opinions and counsel to both parties during impact on the Fundamental Rights
Administrative hearings. Amendments of The Constitution of
Bangladesh and their impact
Legal Advisor
Various Companies
2008 – 2015 English
Advised on business transactions, regulatory compliance, and Fluent
labour disputes. Bengali
Drafted and negotiated contracts to meet legal and business Native