Pneumonia Diagnosis Through Pixels - A Deep Learning Model For Detection and Classification
Pneumonia Diagnosis Through Pixels - A Deep Learning Model For Detection and Classification
Pneumonia Diagnosis Through Pixels - A Deep Learning Model For Detection and Classification
Abstract - Manual identification and ResNet-50, and the MobileNetV2 aided gradient
classification of pneumonia and COVID-19 boosting classifier, we propose an ensemble
infection is a cumbersome process that, if model with an accuracy of 98 percent on
delayed can cause irreversible damage to the unseen data.
patient. We have compiled CT scan images from
various sources, namely, from the China
Keywords: Pneumonia, Lung CT, Deep Learning,
Consortium of Chest CT Image Investigation
Convolutional Neural Networks, Medical Imaging,
(CC-CCII), the Negin Radiology located at Sari Computer-Aided Diagnosis.
in Iran, an open access COVID-19 repository
from Havard dataverse, and Sri Ramachandra I. INTRODUCTION
University, Chennai, India. The images were
preprocessed using various methods such as Pneumonia, a leading cause of death worldwide,
normalization, sharpening, median filter is a medical condition that inflames the air sacs
application, binarizing, and cropping to ensure in one or both lungs. Pneumonia can affect
uniformity while training the models. We people of all ages and range in severity from
present an ensemble classification approach moderate to life-threatening. It continues to be a
using deep learning and machine learning major global health concern, causing an
methods to classify patients with the said estimated 2.5 million fatalities each year, with a
diseases. Our ensemble model uses pre-trained disproportionately high impact on young children
networks such as ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 for and the elderly. Improved patient outcomes and
classification and MobileNetV2 for feature efficacious therapy depend on an early and
extraction. The features from MobileNetV2 are precise diagnosis. Chest X-rays have historically
used by the gradient-boosting classifier for the been used to diagnose pneumonia in its early
classification of patients. Using ResNet-18, stages. They may, however, be insensitive and
specific, which could result in a false diagnosis. performance in automating the diagnosis process
This is when lung CT (computed tomography) compared to traditional machine learning
scans come in handy. Lung CT scans offer finely approaches. In order to improve efficiency and
detailed cross-sectional images of the lungs, accuracy, transfer learning techniques are used to
making abnormalities related to pneumonia leverage pre-trained models and modify them for
easier to see. COVID-19 and pneumonia detection tasks. By
using the F-RNN-LSTM system, a better
accuracy of 95% with low computational efforts
A model that can automatically identify is achieved [2].
pneumonia in new CT scans by training a CNN
(Convolutional Neural Networks) on a sizable A novel method for textural feature-based
dataset of lung CT scans with confirmed automatic pneumonia diagnosis in chest X-ray
pneumonia and healthy lung visuals is created. images is explored. The images' textural
This approach makes use of ensemble learning, a characteristics were extracted in order to identify
potent machine learning methodology that minute patterns that point to the existence of
enhances performance by combining the pneumonia. This method provides a non-invasive
advantages of several models. and effective method to diagnose pneumonia,
The three different classification algorithms that important for prompt medical attention.
were used to classify pneumonia, COVID Compared to conventional techniques, the use of
infection, and normal patients are: textural cues improves the sensitivity and
● Pre-trained CNN models: specificity of pneumonia identification. By using
● ResNet-18 three machine learning algorithms: KNN, SVM,
● ResNet-50 and RF, improvements are shown in both
● MobileNetV2 (feature extraction) accuracy and F-Score between 4% and 8% [3].
● Gradient Boosting Classifier
Using datasets from CT scans and X-ray
images, the research suggests a unique ensemble
II. LITERATURE REVIEW framework that combines deep learning models
for better COVID-19 and pneumonia
An effective ensemble-based CAD system for
identification. The study highlights the
pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images,
ensemble framework's high diagnostic precision
showcasing high accuracy but recognizing the
in identifying COVID-19 cases, pneumonia, and
need for potential improvements in occasional
healthy individuals through thorough analysis,
mispredictions and computational efficiency is
enabling timely and precise patient
introduced. Their research showed encouraging
management. Ensemble (VGG-16, ResNet,
outcomes. However, more study is still required
DenseNet) attains 95-96% accuracy in
to test and modify these techniques for lung CT
COVID-19 and pneumonia classification in
pictures in order to improve diagnostic
chest imaging, outperforming with under 0.5s
capabilities, considering the various modalities
time complexity [4].
and complexity of lung CT scans [1].
A deep learning framework for interpreting
Deep learning models, particularly Convolutional
chest X-ray pictures that use several CNN
Neural Networks (CNNs), demonstrate superior
architectures, such as AlexNet, and VGG16, model incorporating the pre-trained CNNs -
among others is studied. It emphasizes the ResNet-18 and ResNet-50, and the
importance of transfer learning, where Gradient-boosting classifier. The block diagram
pre-trained models are fine-tuned for the in Fig 3.1 aims to explain the flow of the model
specific task of pneumonia detection. Modified proposed.
deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)
architecture is used with a training accuracy of
98.02%, and validation accuracy of 96.09%,
which is much higher than the existing
approaches and techniques [5].
B. Selection
The filtered image improves structural details Fig 4.2.4 Median Filtering of Sharpened Images
and focuses on the edges and contours of the
The median filtered images are binarized to
lung, making the images more qualified for
capture minute details and contours of the lung
training the model(s), as illustrated in Fig 4.2.3
as shown in Fig 4.2.5.
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