Corolla 2023 Manual - 11

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Using the driving support systems 251

the brake system, but this is not a ■ Secondary Collision Brake
malfunction. automatic cancellation
■ Automatic reactivation of TRAC The system is automatically can-
and VSC systems celed in any of the following situa-
After turning the TRAC and VSC
systems off, the systems will be ● The vehicle speed drops below
automatically re-enabled in the fol- approximately 0 mph (0 km/h)
lowing situations: ● A certain amount of time elapses
● When the engine switch is turned during operation
off ● The accelerator pedal is
● If only the TRAC system is turned depressed a large amount
off, the TRAC will turn on when
vehicle speed increases WARNING
If both the TRAC and VSC sys-
tems are turned off, automatic ■ The ABS does not operate
re-enabling will not occur when effectively when
vehicle speed increases.
● The limits of tire gripping perfor-
■ Operating conditions of Active mance have been exceeded
Cornering Assist (such as excessively worn tires 4
The system operates when the fol- on a snow covered road).
lowing occurs. ● The vehicle hydroplanes while

● TRAC/VSC can operate driving at high speed on wet or
● The driver is attempting to accel- slick roads.
erate while turning ■ Stopping distance when the
● The system detects that the vehi- ABS is operating may exceed
cle is drifting to the outer side that of normal conditions
● The brake pedal is released The ABS is not designed to
■ Reduced effectiveness of the
shorten the vehicle’s stopping dis-
EPS system tance. Always maintain a safe dis-
tance from the vehicle in front of
The effectiveness of the EPS sys- you, especially in the following sit-
tem is reduced to prevent the sys- uations:
tem from overheating when there is
frequent steering input over an ● When driving on dirt, gravel or
extended period of time. The steer- snow-covered roads
ing wheel may feel heavy as a
result. Should this occur, refrain ● When driving with tire chains
from excessive steering input or
● When driving over bumps in the
stop the vehicle and turn the engine
off. The EPS system should return road
to normal within 10 minutes. ● When driving over roads with
■ Secondary Collision Brake potholes or uneven surfaces
operating conditions
The system operates when the SRS
airbag sensor detects a collision
while the vehicle is in motion.
However, the system does not oper-
ate when the components are dam-
252 4-5. Using the driving support systems

WARNING ■ When the TRAC/VSC systems

are turned off
■ TRAC/VSC may not operate
effectively when Be especially careful and drive at
a speed appropriate to the road
Directional control and power may conditions. As these are the sys-
not be achievable while driving on tems to help ensure vehicle stabil-
slippery road surfaces, even if the ity and driving force, do not turn
TRAC/VSC system is operating. the TRAC/VSC systems off
Drive the vehicle carefully in con- unless necessary.
ditions where stability and power
may be lost. ■ Replacing tires
■ Active Cornering Assist does Make sure that all tires are of the
not operate effectively when specified size, brand, tread pat-
tern and total load capacity. In
● Do not overly rely on Active addition, make sure that the tires
Cornering Assist. Active Corner- are inflated to the recommended
ing Assist may not operate tire inflation pressure level.
effectively when accelerating
down slopes or driving on slip- The ABS, TRAC and VSC sys-
pery road surfaces. tems will not function correctly if
different tires are installed on the
● When Active Cornering Assist vehicle.
frequently operates, Active Cor- Contact your Toyota dealer for fur-
nering Assist may temporarily ther information when replacing
stop operating to ensure proper tires or wheels.
operation of the brakes, TRAC
and VSC. ■ Handling of tires and the sus-
■ Hill-start assist control does Using tires with any kind of prob-
not operate effectively when lem or modifying the suspension
● Do not overly rely on hill-start will affect the driving assist sys-
assist control. Hill-start assist tems, and may cause a system to
control may not operate effec- malfunction.
tively on steep inclines and
roads covered with ice. ■ Secondary Collision Brake
Do not rely solely upon the Sec-
● Unlike the parking brake, ondary Collision Brake. This sys-
hill-start assist control is not tem is designed to help reduce
intended to hold the vehicle sta- the possibility of further damage
tionary for an extended period due to a secondary collision, how-
of time. Do not attempt to use ever, that effect changes accord-
hill-start assist control to hold ing to various conditions. Overly
the vehicle on an incline, as relying on the system may result
doing so may lead to an acci- in death or serious injury.
■ When the TRAC/VSC is acti-
The slip indicator light flashes.
Always drive carefully. Reckless
driving may cause an accident.
Exercise particular care when the
indicator light flashes.
4-6. Driving tips 253

Winter driving tips

4-6.Driving tips

● Do not drive in excess of 75

mph (120 km/h), regardless of
the type of snow tires being
Carry out the necessary used.
preparations and inspec- ● Use snow tires on all, not just
tions before driving the some wheels.
vehicle in winter. Always ■ Driving with tire chains
drive the vehicle in a man- Observe the following precautions
ner appropriate to the pre- to reduce the risk of accidents.
vailing weather conditions. Failure to do so may result in the
vehicle being unable to be driven
safely, and may cause death or
Pre-winter preparations serious injury.
● Do not drive in excess of the
 Use fluids that are appropriate speed limit specified for the tire
to the prevailing outside tem- chains being used, or 30 mph
(50 km/h), whichever is lower.
• Engine oil ● Avoid driving on bumpy road
surfaces or over potholes.
• Engine coolant

● Avoid sudden acceleration,
• Washer fluid abrupt steering, sudden brak-
ing and shifting operations that
 Have a service technician cause sudden engine braking.
inspect the condition of the
battery. ● Slow down sufficiently before
entering a curve to ensure that
 Have the vehicle fitted with vehicle control is maintained.
four snow tires or purchase a ● Do not use LTA (Lane Tracing
set of tire chains for the front Assist) system.
tires. ● Do not use LDA (Lane Depar-
Ensure that all tires are the same ture Alert) system.
size and brand, and that chains
match the size of the tires.
WARNING ■ Repairing or replacing snow
tires (vehicles with a tire pres-
■ Driving with snow tires sure warning system)
Observe the following precautions Request repairs or replacement of
to reduce the risk of accidents. snow tires from Toyota dealers or
Failure to do so may result in a legitimate tire retailers.
loss of vehicle control and cause This is because the removal and
death or serious injury. attachment of snow tires affects
● Use tires of the size specified. the operation of the tire pressure
warning valves and transmitters.
● Maintain the recommended
level of air pressure.
254 4-6. Driving tips

Before driving the vehicle parking brake off. Otherwise,

the parking brake may freeze
Perform the following according and not be able to be
to the driving conditions: released automatically.
 Do not try to forcibly open a Also, avoid using the following as
window or move a wiper that the parking brake may operate
is frozen. Pour warm water automatically, even if automatic
mode is off.
over the frozen area to melt
the ice. Wipe away the water • Brake hold system
immediately to prevent it from  Park the vehicle and shift the
freezing. shift lever to P without setting
 To ensure proper operation of the parking brake. The park-
the climate control system ing brake may freeze up, pre-
fan, remove any snow that venting it from being released.
has accumulated on the air If the vehicle is parked without
inlet vents in front of the wind- setting the parking brake,
shield. make sure to block the
 Check for and remove any
Failure to do so may be dan-
excess ice or snow that may
gerous because it may cause
have accumulated on the
the vehicle to move unexpect-
exterior lights, outside rear
edly, possibly leading to an
view mirrors, windows, vehi-
cle’s roof, chassis, around the
tires or on the brakes.  When the parking brake is in
automatic mode, release the
 Remove any snow or mud
parking brake after shifting
from the bottom of your shoes
the shift lever to P. (P.169)
before getting in the vehicle.
 If the vehicle is parked without
setting the parking brake,
When driving the vehicle
confirm that the shift lever
Accelerate the vehicle slowly, cannot be moved out of P.
keep a safe distance between  If the vehicle is left parked
you and the vehicle ahead, and with the brakes damp in cold
drive at a reduced speed suit- temperatures, there is a pos-
able to road conditions. sibility of the brakes freezing.

When parking the vehicle Selecting tire chains

 Turn automatic mode of the Use the correct tire chain size
4-6. Driving tips 255
when mounting the tire chains. safe location.
Chain size is regulated for each ● Install tire chains on the front tires
tire size. only. Do not install tire chains on
the rear tires.
● Install tire chains on the front tires
as tightly as possible. Retighten
chains after driving 1/41/2 mile
(0.51.0 km).
● Install tire chains following the
instructions provided with the tire

■ Fitting tire chains (vehicles
Side chain (0.12 in. [3 mm] in with a tire pressure warning
diameter) system)
Side chain (0.39 in. [10 mm] The tire pressure warning valves
and transmitters may not function
in width) correctly when tire chains are fit- 4
Side chain (1.18 in. [30 mm]

in length)
Cross chain (0.16 in. [4 mm]
in diameter)
Cross chain (0.55 in. [14 mm]
in width)
Cross chain (0.98 in. [25 mm]
in length)

Regulations on the use of

tire chains
Regulations regarding the use
of tire chains vary depending on
location and type of road.
Always check local regulations
before installing chains.

■ Tire chain installation

Observe the following precautions
when installing and removing
● Install and remove tire chains in a
256 4-6. Driving tips

Interior features

5-1. Using the air conditioning


system and defogger

Manual air conditioning sys-
tem ............................ 258
Automatic air conditioning
system....................... 263
Heated steering wheel/seat
heaters ...................... 269
5-2. Using the interior lights
Interior lights list .......... 271
5-3. Using the storage features
List of storage features
.................................. 273
5-4. Other interior features
Other interior features . 277

Interior features
258 5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger

Manual air conditioning system*

5-1.Using the air conditioning system and defogger

*: If equipped

Air conditioning controls

The display and button positions will differ depending on the type of
the system.

Fan speed control switch

Temperature control switch
“MAX A/C” switch
“A/C” switch
Outside air mode switch
Recirculated air mode switch
Airflow mode control switch
Rear window defogger and outside rear view mirror defoggers
Windshield defogger switch
On/off switch
Rear window defogger switch*
: If equipped
■ Adjusting the temperature If “A/C” switch is not pressed, the
setting system will blow ambient tempera-
ture air or heated air.
To adjust the temperature set-
For quick cooling, press the “MAX
ting, turn the temperature con-
A/C” switch. The air conditioning
trol switch clockwise (warm) or will automatically turn on and, if an
counterclockwise (cool).
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger 259

air outlet position or is defogger operates

selected, the system will be set to ■ Switching between outside
recirculated air mode. While “MAX air and recirculated air
A/C” is selected, it is not possible to modes
turn off the air conditioning.
 To change to recirculated air
■ Fan speed setting
mode, press the recirculated
To adjust the fan speed, turn the air mode switch.
fan speed control switch clock-
The indicator illuminates on the
wise (increase) or counterclock- recirculated air mode switch.
wise (decrease).
 To change to outside air
Pressing the on/off switch to turns mode, press the outside air
off the fan.
mode switch.
When the fan is off, pressing the
The indicator illuminates on the out-
on/off switch or turning the fan
side air mode switch.
speed control switch clockwise will
turn on the fan. ■ Set cooling and dehumidifi-
■ Change the airflow mode cation function
Press the airflow mode control Press the “A/C” switch. 5
switch. When the function is on, the indica-
tor illuminates on the “A/C” switch.

Interior features
The airflow mode changes as fol-
lows each time the switch is ■ Defogging the windshield
pressed. Defoggers are used to defog the
windshield and front side win-
Press the windshield defogger
Set the outside/recirculated air
mode switch to outside air mode if
the recirculated air mode is used.
To defog the windshield and the
side windows quickly, turn the air
flow and temperature up.
To return to the previous mode,
press the windshield defogger
1 Upper body switch again when the windshield is
2 Upper body and feet
3 Feet When the windshield defogger
switch is on, the indicator illumi-
4 Feet and the windshield nates on the windshield defogger
260 5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger

switch. ● If you turn “A/C” switch is off, the

windows may fog up more easily.
■ Defogging the rear window
● The windows may fog up if the
and outside rear view mir- recirculated air mode is used.
rors ■ When driving on dusty roads
 Vehicles without outside rear Close all windows. If dust thrown up
view mirror defoggers by the vehicle is still drawn into the
vehicle after closing the windows, it
A defogger is used to defog the is recommended that the air intake
rear window. mode be set to outside air mode and
the fan speed to any setting except
Press the rear window defogger off.
switch. ■ Outside/recirculated air mode
The defogger will automatically turn Setting to the recirculated air mode
off after a while. temporarily is recommended in pre-
venting dirty air from entering the
When the rear window defogger vehicle interior and helping to cool
switch is on, the indicator illumi- the vehicle when the outside air
nates on the rear window defogger temperature is high.
switch. ■ When the outside temperature
falls to nearly 32°F (0°C)
 Vehicles with outside rear
The dehumidification function may
view mirror defoggers not operate even when “A/C” switch
Defoggers are used to defog the is pressed.
rear window, and to remove ■ Ventilation and air conditioning
raindrops, dew and frost from
● To let fresh air in, set the air condi-
the outside rear view mirrors. tioning system to the outside air
Press the rear window and out- mode.
side rear view mirror defoggers ● During use, various odors from
inside and outside the vehicle may
switch. enter into and accumulate in the
The defoggers will automatically air conditioning system. This may
then cause odor to be emitted
turn off after a while. from the vents.
When the rear window and outside ● It is recommended that the air
rear view mirror defoggers switch is conditioning system be set to out-
on, the indicator illuminates on the side air mode prior to turning the
rear window and outside rear view vehicle off.
mirror defoggers switch. ● When parking, the system auto-
matically switches to outside air
mode to encourage better air cir-
■ Fogging up of the windows culation throughout the vehicle,
● The windows will easily fog up helping to reduce odors that occur
when the humidity in the vehicle is when starting the vehicle.
high. Turning “A/C” switch is on ■ Air conditioning filter
will dehumidify the air from the
outlets and defog the windshield P.331
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger 261
■ Air conditioning system refrig- ■ When the outside rear view
erant mirror defoggers are operat-
● A label regarding the refrigerant of ing (if equipped)
the air conditioning system is Do not touch the outside rear view
attached to the engine compart- mirror surfaces, as they can
ment at the location shown in the become very hot and burn you.
following illustration.

■ To prevent battery discharge
Do not leave the air conditioning
system on longer than necessary
when the engine is off.
■ When repairing/replacing
● The meaning of each symbol on parts of the air conditioning
the label are as follows: system
Have repair/replacement per-
formed by your Toyota dealer.
Caution When a part of the air conditioning
system, such as the evaporator, is
to be replaced, it must be
Air conditioning sys- replaced with a new one. 5
Air outlet layout and oper-

Interior features
Air conditioning sys-
tem lubricant type ations
Requires registered ■ Location of air outlets
technician to service
air conditioning sys-
The air outlets and air volume
tem changes according to the
selected air flow mode.
Flammable refrigerant

■ To prevent the windshield
from fogging up
Do not use the windshield defog-
ger switch during cool air opera-
tion in extremely humid weather.
The difference between the tem-
perature of the outside air and : If equipped
that of the windshield can cause
the outer surface of the wind-
shield to fog up, blocking your
262 5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger

■ Adjusting the position of

and opening and closing
■ To prevent the windshield
the air outlets defogger from operating
 Front center improperly
Do not place anything on the
instrument panel which may cover
the air outlets. Otherwise, air flow
may be obstructed, preventing the
windshield defoggers from defog-

Direct air flow to the left or right, up

or down
 Front right-hand side

Direct air flow to the left or right, up

or down
 Front left-hand side

Direct air flow to the left or right, up

or down
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger 263

Automatic air conditioning system*

*: If equipped
Air outlets are automatically selected and fan speed is auto-
matically adjusted according to the set temperature setting.
Also, the display and button positions will differ depending on
the type of the system.

Air conditioning controls

Temperature control switch

Interior features
Fan speed control switch
“A/C” switch
Outside air mode switch
Recirculated air mode switch
Eco air conditioning mode switch
Airflow mode control switch
Rear window defogger and outside rear view mirror defoggers
Windshield defogger switch
Off switch
Automatic mode switch
Rear window defogger switch*
*: If equipped
■ Adjusting the temperature To adjust the temperature set-
setting ting, turn the temperature con-
trol switch clockwise (warm) or
264 5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger

counterclockwise (cool). ■ Switching between outside

If “A/C” switch is not pressed, the air and recirculated air
system will blow ambient tempera- modes
ture air or heated air.  To change to recirculated air
■ Setting the fan speed mode, press the recirculated
To adjust the fan speed, turn the air mode switch.
fan speed control switch clock- The indicator illuminates on the
wise (increase) or counterclock- recirculated air mode switch.
wise (decrease).  To change to outside air
Pressing the off switch to turns off mode, press the outside air
the fan. mode switch.
■ Change the airflow mode The indicator illuminates on the out-
side air mode switch.
Press the airflow mode control
switch. ■ Set cooling and dehumidifi-
cation function
The airflow mode changes as fol-
lows each time the switch is Press the “A/C” switch.
pressed. When the function is on, the indica-
tor illuminates on the “A/C” switch.
■ Defogging the windshield
Defoggers are used to defog the
windshield and front side win-
Press the windshield defogger
Set the outside/recirculated air
mode switch to outside air mode if
the recirculated air mode is used. (It
may switch automatically.)
To defog the windshield and the
1 Upper body side windows quickly, turn the air
2 Upper body and feet flow and temperature up.
3 Feet To return to the previous mode,
4 Feet and the windshield press the windshield defogger
defogger operates switch again when the windshield is
When the windshield defogger
switch is on, the indicator illumi-
nates on the windshield defogger
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger 265
switch. Press the eco air conditioning
■ Defogging the rear window mode switch.
and outside rear view mir- When the eco air conditioning
rors mode is on, the indicator illumi-
nates on the eco air conditioning
 Vehicles without outside rear
mode switch.
view mirror defoggers
A defogger is used to defog the ■ When the outside temperature
rear window. exceeds 75°F (24°C) and the air
conditioning system is on
Press the rear window defogger ● In order to reduce the air condi-
switch. tioning power consumption, the air
conditioning system may switch to
The defogger will automatically turn recirculated air mode automati-
off after a while. cally. This may also reduce fuel
When the rear window defogger consumption.
switch is on, the indicator illumi- ● Recirculated air mode is selected
as a default mode when the
nates on the rear window defogger engine switch is turned to ON.
● It is possible to switch to outside
 Vehicles with outside rear air mode at any time by pressing
the outside air mode switch. 5
view mirror defoggers
■ Fogging up of the windows
Defoggers are used to defog the

Interior features
● The windows will easily fog up
rear window, and to remove when the humidity in the vehicle is
raindrops, dew and frost from high. Turning “A/C” on will dehu-
the outside rear view mirrors. midify the air from the outlets and
defog the windshield effectively.
Press the rear window and out- ● If you turn “A/C” off, the windows
side rear view mirror defoggers may fog up more easily.
switch. ● The windows may fog up if the
recirculated air mode is used.
The defoggers will automatically
turn off after a while. ■ When driving on dusty roads
When the rear window and outside Close all windows. If dust thrown up
by the vehicle is still drawn into the
rear view mirror defoggers switch is vehicle after closing the windows, it
on, the indicator illuminates on the is recommended that the air intake
rear window and outside rear view mode be set to outside air mode and
mirror defoggers switch. the fan speed to any setting except
■ Eco air conditioning mode
■ Outside/recirculated air mode
The air conditioning is controlled ● Setting to the recirculated air
with low fuel consumption priori- mode temporarily is recom-
tized such as reducing fan mended in preventing dirty air
from entering the vehicle interior
speed, etc. and helping to cool the vehicle
when the outside air temperature
266 5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger

is high.
● Outside/recirculated air mode may
automatically switch depending on
the temperature setting or the
inside temperature.
■ When the outside temperature
falls to nearly 32°F (0°C)
The dehumidification function may
not operate even when “A/C” switch ● The meaning of each symbol on
is pressed. the label are as follows:
■ Ventilation and air conditioning
odors Caution
● To let fresh air in, set the air condi-
tioning system to the outside air Air conditioning sys-
mode. tem
● During use, various odors from
inside and outside the vehicle may Air conditioning sys-
enter into and accumulate in the tem lubricant type
air conditioning system. This may
then cause odor to be emitted Requires registered
from the vents. technician to service
● To reduce potential odors from air conditioning sys-
occurring: tem
• It is recommended that the air
conditioning system be set to out-
side air mode prior to turning the Flammable refrigerant
vehicle off.
• The start timing of the blower may
be delayed for a short period of ■ Customization
time immediately after the air con- Some functions can be customized.
ditioning system is started in auto- (P.412)
matic mode.
● When parking, the system auto- WARNING
matically switches to outside air
mode to encourage better air cir- ■ To prevent the windshield
culation throughout the vehicle, from fogging up
helping to reduce odors that occur Do not use the windshield defog-
when starting the vehicle. ger switch during cool air opera-
■ Air conditioning filter tion in extremely humid weather.
The difference between the tem-
P.331 perature of the outside air and
■ Air conditioning system refrig- that of the windshield can cause
erant the outer surface of the wind-
● A label regarding the refrigerant of shield to fog up, blocking your
the air conditioning system is vision.
attached to the engine compart-
ment at the location shown in the
following illustration.
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger 267
Therefore, the fan may stop for a
WARNING while until warm or cool air is ready
■ When the outside rear view to flow immediately after the auto-
mirror defoggers are operat- matic mode switch pressed.
ing (if equipped)
Do not touch the outside rear view Windshield wiper de-icer
mirror surfaces, as they can
become very hot and burn you. (if equipped)

■ To prevent battery discharge
Do not leave the air conditioning
system on longer than necessary
when the engine is off.
■ When repairing/replacing
parts of the air conditioning
Have repair/replacement per- Prevent ice from building up on
formed by your Toyota dealer. the windshield and wiper
When a part of the air conditioning blades.
system, such as the evaporator, is 5
to be replaced, it must be When the windshield wiper de-icer
replaced with a new one. switch is on, the indicator illumi-

Interior features
nates on the windshield wiper
Using automatic mode de-icer switch.
The windshield wiper de-icer will
1 Press the automatic mode automatically turn off after a period
switch. of time.
2 Adjust the temperature set-
■ To prevent burns
3 To stop the operation, press
Do not touch the glass at lower
the off switch. part of the windshield or to the
side of the front pillars when the
If the fan speed setting or air windshield wiper de-icer is on.
flow modes are operated, the
automatic mode indicator goes
Air outlet layout and oper-
off. However, automatic mode
for functions other than that ations
operated is maintained. ■ Location of air outlets

■ Using automatic mode

The air outlets and air volume
changes according to the
Fan speed is adjusted automati-
cally according to the temperature selected air flow mode.
setting and the ambient conditions.
268 5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger

 Front left-hand side

:If equipped
■ Adjusting the position of Direct air flow to the left or right, up
or down
and opening and closing
the air outlets WARNING
 Front center ■ To prevent the windshield
defogger from operating
Do not place anything on the
instrument panel which may cover
the air outlets. Otherwise, air flow
may be obstructed, preventing the
windshield defoggers from defog-

Direct air flow to the left or right, up

or down
 Front right-hand side

Direct air flow to the left or right, up

or down
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger 269

Heated steering Operation instructions

wheel*/seat heaters*
■ Heated steering wheel
*: If equipped Turns heated steering wheel
 Heated steering wheel on/off
Warms up the grip of the When the heated steering wheel is
steering wheel on, the indicator illuminates on the
heated steering wheel switch.
 Seat heaters
Warm up the seat upholstery

■ To prevent minor burn inju-
Care should be taken if anyone in
the following categories comes in
contact with the steering wheel or
seats when the heater is on:
■ Seat heaters
● Babies, small children, the 5
elderly, the sick and the physi-  Front
cally challenged
Turns seat heaters on/off

Interior features
● Persons with sensitive skin
● Persons who are fatigued
● Persons who have taken alco-
hol or drugs that induce sleep
(sleeping drugs, cold remedies,

■ To prevent damage to the
seat heaters 1 High temperature
Do not put heavy objects that 2 Low temperature
have an uneven surface on the
seat and do not stick sharp When the seat heater is on, the
objects (needles, nails, etc.) into indicator illuminates on the seat
the seat. heater switch.
■ To prevent battery discharge When not in use, put the switch in
Do not use the functions when the the neutral position. The indicator
engine is off. will turn off.
 Rear
Turns seat heaters on/off
270 5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger

When the seat heater is on, the

indicator illuminates on the seat
heater switch.

■ The heated steering wheel and

seat heaters can be used when
The engine switch is in ON.

■ To prevent overheating and
minor burn injuries
Observe the following precautions
when using the seat heaters.
● Do not cover the seat with a
blanket or cushion when using
the seat heater.
● Do not use seat heater more
than necessary.
5-2. Using the interior lights 271

Interior lights list

5-2.Using the interior lights

Location of the interior lights

Interior features
Rear interior light (P.271)
Front interior/personal lights (P.271)

Operating the interior
lights 2 Turns the lights on/off
■ Rear
■ Front

Turns the lights on/off

1 Turns the door position on/off
When the door position is on for
When a door is opened while the
the front interior lights, the rear
door position is on, the lights turn
272 5-2. Using the interior lights

interior light will turn on when a matically after approximately 20

door is open and turn off when minutes.
The interior lights can be turned off
all of them are closed. manually. However, in order to help
prevent further collisions, it is rec-
When the rear interior light is on ommended that they be left on until
linked to the door position for safety can be ensured.
the front interior lights, it will not (The interior lights may not turn on
automatically depending on the
turn off even though the switch force of the impact and conditions of
is pressed. the collision.)
■ Customization
Operating the personal Some functions can be customized.
lights (P.412)

■ To prevent battery discharge
Do not leave the lights on longer
than necessary when the engine
is not running.

Turns the lights on/off

■ Illuminated entry system

The lights automatically turn on/off
according to the engine switch
mode (position), the presence of the
electronic key (vehicles with a smart
key system), whether the doors are
locked/unlocked, and whether the
doors are opened/closed.
■ To prevent the battery from
being discharged
If the interior lights remain on when
the engine switch is turned off, the
lights will go off automatically after
20 minutes.
■ The interior lights may turn on
automatically when
If any of the SRS airbags deploy
(inflate) or in the event of a strong
rear impact, the interior lights will
turn on automatically.
The interior lights will turn off auto-
5-3. Using the storage features 273

List of storage features

5-3.Using the storage features

Location of the storage features

Interior features
Bottle holders/door pockets (P.274)
Open trays (if equipped) (P.275)
Glove box (P.274)
Cup holders (if equipped) (P.274)
Console box (P.275)

WARNING ● Lighters or spray cans may

explode. If they come into con-
■ Items that should not be left tact with other stored items, the
in the storage spaces lighter may catch fire or the
Do not leave glasses, lighters or spray can may release gas,
spray cans in the storage spaces, causing a fire hazard.
as this may cause the following
when cabin temperature becomes
● Glasses may be deformed by
heat or cracked if they come
into contact with other stored
274 5-3. Using the storage features

Glove box

■ Items unsuitable for the cup
Pull up the lever to open the holder
glove box. Do not place anything other than
cups or beverage cans in the cup
■ Glove box light (if equipped) holders.
Other items may be thrown out of
The glove box light turns on when the holders in the event of an
the tail lights are on. accident or sudden braking and
cause injury. If possible, cover hot
WARNING drinks to prevent burns.
■ Caution while driving
Keep the glove box closed. In the Bottle holders
event of sudden braking or sud-
den swerving, an accident may  Front
occur due to an occupant being
struck by the open glove box or
the items stored inside.

Cup holders
 Front

 Rear

 Rear (if equipped)

Pull the armrest down.
5-3. Using the storage features 275
ward or backward.
■ Bottle holders
● When storing a bottle, close the WARNING
● The bottle may not be stored ■ Caution while driving
depending on its size or shape. Keep the console box closed.
Injuries may result in the event of
an accident or sudden braking.
■ Items unsuitable for the bottle
holders Open trays (if equipped)
Do not place anything other than
a bottle in the bottle holders.  Front
Other items may be thrown out of
the holders in the event of an
accident or sudden braking and
cause injury.

Console box

 Rear

Interior features
1 Slide the lid to the rear most
position. (vehicles with a
slide function)
2 Lift the lid while pulling up the
■ Caution while driving
■ Slide function (if equipped)
Observe the following precautions
when putting items in the open
tray. Failure to do so may cause
items to be thrown out of the tray
in the event of sudden braking or
steering. In these cases, the items
may interfere with pedal operation
or cause driver distraction, result-
ing in an accident.
The console box lid can be slid for-

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