11 Phy Xi 202324
11 Phy Xi 202324
11 Phy Xi 202324
This includes the various cognition levels that will be evaluated and also describes briefly the probable pattern of questions that can be included
under each cognition level.
Knowledge 30 Has the child assimilated the facts, figures and theories discussed in the class room? This Questions based on all
includes questions like define, Stating Laws, Theories, Expansion of abbreviations etc. the cognition levels are
asked. Weightage of
Understanding 50 It tests whether the child has comprehended the concepts. This includes questions like each level is as per the
describe, differentiate, compare, justify, reason, derive, classify, illustrate etc. CBSE recommendation.
Application & 20 Can the child apply the concepts learnt, in daily life situations? This includes questions like
Skill Problem solving, numerical interpretation of data, reasoning, application in daily life situation
What do I need to know?
This section mentions the term wise distribution of the syllabus including the portion for Pre & Post Midterm & Mid-Term along with the SCM
schedule. It also gives an overview of what student must know from the various sub topics.
The question paper has five sections, details of which are given below. [Total = 50 Marks Duration: 2 Hours]
Section A MCQ 1 10 10
Total 23 50
Internal Choice: There is no overall choice in the paper. However, there is an internal choice for Section B, C, D and E
The question paper has five sections, detail of which is given below: [Total-100 marks (Theory 70 marks + Practical 30 Marks), Duration: 3
Section A MCQ 1 16 16
Total 33 70
Internal Choice: There is no overall choice in the paper. However, there is an inte rnal choice for Section B, C, D and E
The record, to be submitted by the students, at the time of their annual examination, has to include:
Topic Marks
Investigatory Project 3
Total 30
TERM-I (10.04.2023 TO 15.09.2023) CLASS- XI, PHYSICS
Chapter 4: Motion in a • Differentiates between scalar Effort required for the (15)
Plane and vector quantities. pushing and pulling of a
• Understands about position lawn roller.
Scalar and vector
and displacement vectors.
quantities: Position and
displacement vectors, • Properties of vectors such as
Art Integrated Learning
general vectors and addition, multiplication and
notation, equality of subtraction of vectors even using Graphics on two
vectors, multiplication of graphical method. dimensional objects. (
• Gravitation
August WORK, ENERGY AND The learner (10)
No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods Topics of SCMs
Chapter 8: Gravitation • Analyses and interprets data, plot L-T and L T2 graphs.
graphs, and figures, and draws
Hence find the acceleration
motion. The universal law of planetary motion. due to gravity.
of gravitation. Acceleration
• Explains processes, 8. To determine the mass of
due to gravity and its
No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods Topics of SCMs
variation with altitude and phenomena and laws with the two different objects using
depth. understanding of the a beam balance.
relationship between nature and
matter on scientific basis; such as
acceleration due to gravity
below and above the surface of
• Encourages to practice
derivation of formulae and
equations taking into
consideration the principles and
assumptions made in deriving
these formulae and equations.
• Differentiates between
Geostationary and Polar
September Gravitational potential • Calculates the potential energy 9. To study variation of (8)
energy; gravitational for a system of particles. time period of a simple
potential. Escape speed, pendulum of a given length
• Derives expression for escape
orbital velocity of a by taking bobs of same size
speed and orbital velocity.
satellite. but different masses and
• Understand the relation interpret the result.
between escape speed and Art Integrated Learning
orbital velocity
Creative use of colours to
show space, atmosphere.
2. To determine mass of a
given body using a metre
scale by principle of
No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods Topics of SCMs
conservation and centre inertia of simple geometrical objects. 6. To study the conservation Topics of SCMs
of mass motion. Centre of energy of a ball rolling • Motion of System of
• Applies the concept of conservation
of mass of a rigid body; down on an inclined plane
particles & Rigid
of angular momentum in problems
centre of mass of a (using a double inclined Bodies
uniform rod. Moment of • Applies concepts of center of mass plane).
in daily life • Properties of bulk
a force, torque, angular
7. To study dissipation of matter
momentum, law of • Derives the conditions for
energy of a simple
conservation of angular equilibrium of rigid body • Thermal Properties &
pendulum by plotting a
momentum and its Thermodynamics
• Compares the equation for linear graph between square of
applications. • Kinetic theory
and rotational motions. amplitude and time.
Equilibrium of rigid • Understand the value of moment Art Integrated Learning
bodies, rigid body of inertia of simple objects.
rotation and equations of Forms of movement and
rotational motion, dance
comparison of linear and
Formal, exhibitionistic
rotational motions.
dance with trained dancers
Moment of inertia, radius (Classical traditions) To
of gyration, values of show the centre of mass
moments of inertia for (
simple geometrical
objects (no derivation).
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Period & Topics of SCMs
Heat, temperature, phenomena and laws with of a hot body and time by
thermal expansion; the understanding of the plotting a cooling curve.
thermal expansions of relationship between heat
Art Integrated Learning
solid, liquid and gases. and matter on scientific basis
Anomalous expansion of • Objects of day-to-day use
• Analyses the absolute
water, specific heat in groups and in different
temperature scale.
capacity, Cp, Cv settings and
calorimetry; change of • Differentiate the terms arrangements. (
state latent heat temperature gradient, coefficient
capacity. Heat transfer of heat conduction and thermal
conduction, convection resistance.
and radiation, thermal
• Knows the two specific heat
conductivity, qualitative
capacities of an ideal gas and
ideas of black body
derive a relation between them
• Explains processes,
phenomena and laws such as