11 Chem Xi 202324

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The academic year is divided into two

performance under the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). Formal examinations will be held at the end of each term.

There will be four formal examinations in a session

• Pre-Mid Term (PT-1) This will include the syllabus as mentioned in the portion.

• Mid-Term Assessments (MT) This is cumulative in nature and includes the entire syllabus of Term-1.

• Post Mid-Term Assessments (PT-2) This will include the syllabus as mentioned in the portion.

• Annual examinations (AE) This will be cumulative in nature and will include the entire syllabus from Term-1 to Term-2.

Percentage of Weightage Duration of Written

Type of Assessment Month Max Marks
in academic session Assessment

Pre- Mid Term 5% July 2 hours Theory-50 marks

Mid-Term Assessment
10% Sep 3 hours Theory + Practicals 100 marks
(Written + Practical Assessment)

Post Mid-Term Assessment

5% Dec 2 hours Theory 50 marks
(Written Assessment)

Annual Examination
80% Feb-March 3 hours Theory + Practicals 100 marks
(Written + Practical Assessment)

Final Result = PT1(5%) + MT (10%) + PT2 (5%) + AE (80%) = 100%

What are the skills that are being tested?

This includes the various cognition levels that will be evaluated and also describes briefly, the probable pattern of questions that can be included
under each cognition level.

Where is it
Cognition Level % What does it mean

Knowledge Has the child assimilated the facts, figures and theories discussed in the class room? This Questions based
includes questions like define, State Laws & Theories, Expansion of abbreviations etc. on all the
cognition levels
Understanding It tests whether the child has comprehended the concepts. This includes questions like are asked.
describe, differentiate, compare, justify, reason, derive, classify, illustrate etc. Weightage of
each level is as
Application Can the child apply the concepts learnt, in daily life situations? This includes questions like
per the CBSE
30 Problem solving, numerical interpretation of data, reasoning, application in daily life
situation etc.

High Order Thinking Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information, Organize
Skills (Analysis & 14 and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources)

Evaluation and Multi (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict
Disciplinary outcomes based on values)

How will I be tested?

This includes the structure of the question paper and the marks distribution for the various types of questions.

[Total = 50 Marks Duration: 2 Hours]

The question paper has five sections, details of which are given below.

Section Marks for each questions No. of questions Total Marks

MCQ 1 6 6
Assertion and Reason 1 3 3

Section B (Short Answer-I) 2 5 10

Section C (Short Answer-II) 3 5 15

Section D (Case Based Questions) 3 2 6

Section E (Long Answer-II) 5 2 10

[Total-100 marks (Theory 70 marks + Practical 30 Marks), Duration Exam: 3 Hrs.]

Section Marks for each questions No. of questions Total Marks

MCQ 1 12 12
Section -A
Assertion and Reason 1 4 4

Section B (Short Answer-I) 2 5 10

Section C (Short Answer-II) 3 7 21

Section-D ( Case based questions) 4 2 8

Section D (Long Answer-II) 5 3 15


There is no overall choice in the paper. However, internal choice (33%) will be given for all the sections.

Marks distribution for Practical (3 hrs. duration.)

Marks for Class Record, Project/Seminar &

Marks for performing experiments Total Marks

8 22 30

What do I need to know?

This section mentions the term wise distribution of the syllabus including the portion for FA and SA and the SCM schedule. It also gives an overview
of what student must know from the various sub topics.
TERM-I (10.04.2023 TO 15.09.2023) CLASS-XI, CHEMISTRY

No. of Portion for Assessments

Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

April BASIC CONCEPTS • Appreciate the role and importance of PRACTICAL 1 PT-1 (15.07.2023)
OF CHEMISTRY chemistry in different spheres of life.
Basic Laboratory Techniques 1. Basic Concepts of
Importance of • Classify matter and explain the terms: Chemistry
(a) Cutting glass tube and
Chemistry element, compound, mixture
glass rod 2. Structure Of Atom
Classification of • Comprehend and apply the laws of chemical
(b) Bending a glass tube
matter combinations and state the postulates of 2
(c) Drawing out a glass jet
Laws of chemical
combination • Appreciate the significance of atomic and (d) Boring a cork
molecular masses. AV Support
Daltons Atomic 3
Theory • Define the terms Mole and Molar mass. https://www.youtube.com/w
Atomic and • Imagine the collection of one mole of any atch?v=Rb24KFk25aw
Molecular Mass particles.

Mole concept & • Solve numerical on mole and molar mass.

Molar Mass

Percentage • Calculate the mass percent of different 4

composition and elements constituting a compound.
empirical formula
• Derive the empirical and molecular formula
of a compound.
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

May-June Limiting reagent • Establish a quantitative relationship 4 MT (11.09.2023)

and Stoichiometry between the masses of chemical reactants
1. Basic Concepts of
in chemical and the products in a balanced chemical
reactions. equation (stoichiometry).
2. Structure Of Atom
• Perform the stoichiometric calculations.
3. Periodic
Concentrations of • Comprehend and apply the terms Molarity, PRACTICAL 6 Classification of
solutions and Mass Percent, Mole fraction, Molality to Elements
• Preparation of standard
stoichiometry in numericals based on it. 8
solution of oxalic acid and 4. Chemical bonding
• Plan and conduct the experiments on Sodium carbonate. and molecular
Volumetric Analysis.
• Determination of strength of 5. Redox reaction- (Till
• Take appropriate precautionary measures a given solution of sodium balancing)
handling apparatus and chemicals used in hydroxide by titrating it
the above experiments. against standard solution of
oxalic acid

• Determination of strength of
a given solution of
hydrochloric acid by
titrating it against standard
sodium carbonate solution.

STRUCTURE OF • Appreciate the formation and nature of Art integration: 10

No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

ATOM electromagnetic radiation and 1. Mnemonics to learn filling

quantum theory. of electrons in orbitals with
• Atomic
the help of Aufbau
model • Conceive the photoelectric effect and black
body radiation.

• Analyze the observations of the above

effects. 2. Making clay dough models
of s, p, d and f orbitals.
• Describe features of Atomic spectra of
hydrogen. AV Support
• Comprehends and list the postulates of Bohr • https://www.pinterest.com/
Atomic Model. pin/701013498220422735/
• Calculation of energy and radius of nth orbit
in hydrogen.
• Emphasize on quantization of angular

momentum and energy.

• Identify the drawbacks of this model.

• Towards quantum • Appreciate, state and understand the 10

mechanical model. significance of the de Broglie relation and

hypothesis and • Comprehend the important features of
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

uncertainty quantum mechanical model.

• Differentiate between orbit and orbital.
• Quantum
• Develop skills to draw shapes of orbitals and
calculate the number of nodes present in
• Orbitals s, p, d, f each of them.

July • Electronic • Apply Aufbau principle, Pauli Exclusion 6

multiplicity for writing the electronic
• Aufbau principle
configuration of elements.


CLASSIFICATION • Appreciate how the concept of grouping 8

OF ELEMENTS elements in accordance to their properties
A V Support
AND PERIODICITY led to the development of Periodic Table.
IN PROPERTIES • https://www.pinterest.com/
• Comprehend and state the modern periodic
• Modern periodic law.
law and the
• Realize the importance of atomic numbers
present form of
in the classification of elements.
periodic table.
• Correlate the electronic configuration of
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

• Nomenclature of elements with their position in the periodic

elements with table.
atomic number >
• Classify of elements into s, p, d, and f block
and learn their main characteristics.
• Electronic
• Predict the position of elements in periodic
configuration of
the element and
the periodic table. • Evolve IUPAC names of the elements with
Z > 10o.
• s, p, d, f blocks in
periodic table. • Predict the group, period, and block of any
given element.

• Periodicity in • Analyze the data available and recognize Art integration 8

properties in the the periodicity in physical and chemical
1. Role play for genesis of
groups and periods properties of elements like atomic size,
periodic classification
ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy,
metallic and non-metallic character, electro- 2.Mnemonics for
positivity and electro-negativity. remembering the names of
elements in Periodic table
• Compare the reactivity of elements and
correlate it with their occurrence in nature.

• Establish the relationship between I.E. and

metallic character.
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

• Comprehend and use scientific vocabulary

appropriately to communicate ideas related
to certain important properties of atoms e.g.
atomic size, ionization enthalpy, electron
gain enthalpy, metallic and non-metallic
character, electro-positivity and electro-

August CHEMICAL • Comprehend the Kossel-Lewis approach to A V Support 4

BONDING AND chemical bonding, the octet rule and its
• https://www.youtube.com/
MOLECULAR limitations.
• Develop skills to draw the Lewis structures
• Kossel-Lewis of simple molecules and ions. https://www.youtube.com/w
approach to atch?v=0Y2BlcI2EqM
• Recall the formation of Ionic and Covalent
chemical bonding
Bonds. 4
octet rule.
• Justify the factors required for formation of
• Ionic and covalent
ionic bond.
• Analyze and comprehend the terms like;
• Bond Parameters
bond length, bond enthalpy, bond order,

No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

VSEPR theory • Comprehend the VSEPR model and predict 3

the geometry of simple molecules.

• Apply the postulates of VSEPR theory to

make the geometries of molecules with ball
and stick models and to draw their 2-D

• Valance bond • Comprehend the valence bond approach, Art integration 4

theory directional properties of covalent bonds and
Making 3 D models of shapes
hybridization of atomic orbital.
Hybridization of molecules using
• Correlate the geometries of molecules and matchstick and clay balls or
ions with their hybridization. ballons

• Molecular orbital • Comprehend the MOT. 4

• Apply the postulates of MOT to different
• Bonding in some molecules and ions.
• Differentiate between bonding and
antibonding molecular orbitals.
• Develop skills in drawing the molecular
orbital diagram of homonuclear diatomic
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

• Evolve the electronic configurations of

these molecules, calculate the bond order
and predict the magnetic property.

• Hydrogen • Appreciate Hydrogen bond and its 1

bonding importance.

• Realize the cause of its formations and its

types and explain its effects.

• REDOX • Comprehend the meaning of oxidation, A V Support 2

REACTIONS reduction, oxidant (oxidizing agent) and
reductant (reducing agent).
• Oxidation and atch?v=tL1LZZDxuyA
reduction (Cassical • Apprehend redox reactions and mechanism
concept, electronic of redox processes by transfer of electron
concept) from reductant to oxidant.

• Oxidizing agent
and reducing

• Oxidation number • Determine the oxidation number of an 2

element in a compound

• Characterize oxidation and reduction based

on oxidation number and identify oxidant
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

and reductant in a reaction on the basis of

change in oxidation number.

Types of redox • Perceive the types of redox reaction. 4

• Classify a redox reaction under the above
Balancing redox types.
• Balance redox reaction by oxidation number
method and half reaction method


No. of Portion for Assessments

Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

September • REDOX • Represent a redox couple. 8

• Realize how a redox reaction can be used to
• Electro chemical construct an electrochemical and Galvanic
cells cell.

• Construct and imagine the functioning of a

galvanic cell.
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

• Develop skills to draw a Galvanic cell. PT-2-15.12.2023

• Represent a Galvanic cell using cell 1. Redox reaction-

notations. (electrochemical
• Electrode potential • Comprehend the terms electrode potential Art integration 6
2. Thermodynamics
and emf and emf of cell.
Mnemonics to learn reactivity
3. Equilibrium
• Calculate the emf of a Galvanic cell. series

• Apprehend the electrochemical series.

• Apply the electrochemical series to predict

the feasibility of a galvanic cell.

• Apply the concept of electrode potentials to

some daily life situations like storing a salt
solution in a particular metal. AE

• Whole syllabus of
October THERMODYNAMI • Characterize the terms: system, AV Support 1 entire session.
CS surroundings, work, state function,
• https://www.youtube.com/
extensive and intensive properties,
• Thermodynamic watch?v=wtHi6kgA0-s
reversible and irreversible process etc.
• Differentiate between closed, isolated and 1
• Application & its
open systems.
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

measurement • Derive the expression for work done during 1

a reversible and irreversible process.
• First law of
thermodynamics. • Comprehend the first law of
• Internal energy
(U) and its • Deduce the expression for first law
measurement mathematically.

• Appreciate the significance of first law in

daily life.

• Enthalpy • Realize the need for the thermodynamic 5

term enthalpy.
• Enthalpy of
H) and • Characterize the above term.
its measurement
• Derive the relationship between heat
• Heat Capacity absorbed at constant volume (U) and heat
absorbed at constant pressure (H).

• Derive relation between Cp & Cv for a gas.

Types of Enthalpy • Designate the enthalpy change for phase 5

of reactions transformations, enthalpy of formation,
enthalpy of neutralization, enthalpy of
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

solution, enthalpy of dilution, lattice

enthalpy etc.

• • restatement 3
of the first law.


• Develop skill to solve numerical on the

above law.

• Bond enthalpy • Calculate bond enthalpy with the help of 2

enthalpy changes.

• Entropy and • Realize the need for another 3

Second law of thermodynamic term, Entropy.
• Characterize this above term.

• Comprehend the second law of

thermodynamics based on state function

• Predict the criteria for spontaneity based on

No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs


• Free energy and • Realize the need for the term free energy. 5
• Comprehend the term free energy.
• Free energy and

• Describe the criteria for spontaneity based
on free energy.

• Third law of • Comprehend the third law of 1

thermodynamics thermodynamics.

November EQUILIBRIUM • Acknowledge the establishment of AV Support 3

equilibrium in Physical and Chemical
• Dynamic nature of • https://www.youtube.com/
equilibrium watch?v=Vt4HQnhgPis
• Realize the dynamic nature of equilibrium
• Physical and https://www.youtube.com/w
in physical and chemical equilibrium.
chemical atch?v=Pv86-ThCao4
equilibrium • Apprehend the characteristics of physical
and chemical equilibrium.
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

• Homogenous and • Comprehend the law of chemical 2
heterogenous equilibrium. (a) Determination of pH of
equilibrium some solutions obtained
• Express the equilibrium constant for a
from fruit juices, solutions
• Equilibrium given reaction.
of known and varied
constant Kp and
• Apply the equilibrium constant for concentrations of acids,
predicting the extent of a chemical change. bases and salts using pH
• Reaction quotient paper or universal
• Establish a relationship between KP and KC.
(Q) indicator.
• Predict the direction of a reaction using Qc .
• Releationship (b) Comparing the pH of
between G°and K. • Solve numerical related to Kp, Kc, Q. solutions of strong and
weak acid of same
• G°and K
and solve numerical based on it.
©Study the shift in
• LeChataliers • Construe the LeChatliers principle. equilibrium between ferric 2
principle ions and thiocyanate ions by
• Perceive the effect of change in
concentration, pressure and temperature on increasing /decreasing the
concentration of either ion.
the equilibrium state.

• Predict the role of catalyst on equilibrium

No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

• Arrhenius, • Conceive the terms acids and bases 2

Bronsted-Lowry according to Arrhenius, Bronsted- and
and Lewis Lewis concepts.
concepts of acids
• Classify substances as acids, bases and
and bases
amphoteric substances.

• pH • Delineate the pH scale for the 5

concentration of hydrogen ion and its
extension to other species and quantities.

• Develop skills to solve numerical on pH.

• Ionic product of • Perceive the ionization of water and its 2

water dual role as an acid and a base.

• Express ionic product (Kw) and pKw for


• Develop skills to solve numerical on Kw.

• Dissociation of • Recognize strong and weak acids and bases. 4

weak acid and
• Establish ionization equilibria in terms of
ionization constants of acids (Ka) and bases
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

(Kb) and pka & pkb values.

• Hydrolysis of salts • Discuss hydrolysis of salts of weak acid- 2

strong base, strong acid-weak acid, and
weak acid-weak base.

• Solubility product • Establish solubility equilibria of sparingly 4

soluble salts, calculate solubility product
and predict the condition for precipitation
of a salt.

• Differentiate between ionic product and

solubility product.

• Buffer • Describe and appreciate buffer solutions and 3

explain the buffer action and their

• Derive the Henderson equation for finding

the pH of acidic and basic buffer and
solving numericals based on it.

December ORGANIC • Justify the vastness of number of Carbon AV Support

CHEMISTRY compounds.
• https://www.youtube.com/
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

SOME BASIC • Develop skills to draw shapes of organic watch?v=vu5QOqA5Oz8 2

PRINCIPLES molecules.
https://www.youtube.com/w 2
• General • Develop various ways of representing atch?v=m24x7MMCPfY
Introduction structures of organic molecules.
(Tetravalency of 4
• Evolve the IUPAC name of organic
carbon, shapes of
compounds and also derive their structure
from a given name.
functional groups, • Classify organic compounds.
homologous series


• Classification of

January • Isomers • Perceive the different types of structural 3

isomers and characterize them.

• Electronic • Imagine the effects of electronic

displacement in displacements in covalent bonds, how they
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

covalent bonds influence structure and reactivity of

organic compounds - inductive effect,
electromeric effect, resonance effect,

• Reaction • Recognize the various types of reaction Art integration 3

intermediates intermediates like free radical, carbocation,
Role play to differentiate
carbanion, and carbenes.
carbocations, carbanion and
• Appreciate their roles in reaction carbon free radicals.

HYDROCARBONS • Evolve the IUPAC names of Hydrocarbons. AV Support 6

• Classification of • Evolve methods of preparation of • https://www.youtube.com/

Hydrocarbons hydrocarbons. watch?v=rN42U9qFj2c
• Preparation and • Justify their physical and chemical AV Support
properties of properties.
Alkanes, Alkenes
• Evolve the reaction mechanism of alkanes, atch?v=2OJ2eBziEr0
and Alkynes
alkenes and alkynes.

• Appreciate the use of petroleum, LPG and

CNG as fuels.
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs

• Conformations in • Develop skills to draw conformations of Art integration 4

alkanes simple alkanes like ethane, and propane.
To make Sawhorse and
Newman conformation
models by using clay dough
and toothpick.

• Geometrical • Imagine geometrical isomerism in alkenes. 4

isomerism in

February • Aromatic • Evolve the structure of benzene. 4

• Conceive aromaticity and classify
compounds as aromatic and non-aromatic.

• Evolve their methods of preparation.

• Evolve mechanism of electrophilic

aromatic substitution and orientation.

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