11th Computer Short +long Superior

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Superior College


ICS 1 year (Computer Science)

Important long Question and short Questions
11th computer pairing
Mcqs 1+2+3+8 ( two mcqs each chapter ) 4+5+6+7+9+10 (
one mcqs each chapter )
Short 1 1 (3) +2(2) +3(2) +6(2)
Short 2 5(5) +8(2) +9(2)
Short 4(5) + 7(2) + 10(2)
Long 1+3+4+5+7

Total marks (75 marks)

MCQS (15 SHORT (36 LONG (24

marks) marks) marks)

Very important
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
3 4 5 7

13 19 19 13mark
marks marks marks s

Chapter (3+4+5) very important

chapters 51 marks in these chapters so
must be prepare these chapters
Chapter #1
Long Questions:

1. Define computer . Describe its primary components

2. What is software? Describe different categories of computer software
3. What are pointing device? Describe some pointing device in detail
4. Define Source data entry devices.
5. What is display screens? Explain two types of display screen
6. What is impact printer? Briefly explain their various types
7. Define non-impact primers. Discuss different types of non-impact printers.
8. What is SDLC?

Short Questions

1. Define information 20. State the relationship

2. Write few applications of between pixel and resolution of
information technology. monitor.
3. Define Digital Convergence. 21. Define SVGA
4. What is Hyper Media? 22. What is printer?
5. Differentiate between hypenmedia 23. Write two any disadvantages
and multimedia. of Det Matrix Printers
6. Define computer 24. What are non-impact printer?
7. Detine Utility Program. 25. Define term plotter
8. Detine input Device 26. Define system software.
9. What do you mean by QWERTY? 27. What is OS!
10. Describe pointing device 28. What is application software?
11. Define Mouse 29. Give two examples of
12. What is touchpad Trackpod? application software.
13. What is light pon 30. Define customized software
14. What do you know about 31. Difference between hit and
pen-based system? byte.
15. Identify two alternatives to 32. Convert 220 MB of memory
the mouse into bytes
16. Define Barcode. 33. What is system?
17. Define Raster Graphics 34. Last out phases of SDLC
18. Write two differences 35. What is unit testing?
between soft copy and hard copy. 36. Describe conversion and
19. Why resolution is important types.
for display screen

Chapter #2
Short Questions

1. What is telecommunication?
2. Define computer Network.
3. List some benefits of computer network.
4. What is workgroup computing?
5. What is E-Mail?
6. Write two advantages of using E-mail.
7. What is meant by Internet?
8. Define FTP.
9. Differentiate between uploading and downloading
10. Define Internet.
11. Define the term intranet.
12. Give two difference between internet and extranet.
13. What is network interface card?
14. State the purpose of bridge.
15. What is the purpose of gateway?
16. What are routers?
17. Write the name of LAN protocols.
18. Define the term token in topology.
19. Define ACNet Protocol.
20. Explain TCP/IP
21. Write some benefits of using network
22. What is dedicated server?
23. What is the use of server in computer network?
24. Define Client.
25. What is the difference between server computer and terminal?
26. What do you know about Hybrid?
27. Define De-Facto standard/De-Jure
28. Define term network topology.
29. Define bus topology.
30. Define CSMA/CR.
31. State the purpose of session layer.
32. What is the function of transport layer in OSI Model?
33. What is the function of physical layer is OSI Model?
34. Define OSI Model.
35. What is computer Model
36. What is Network Standard?
37. What is different between dejure and defacto standard
38. What is computer Network?
39. What is Network Protocols?
40. What is network topologies ( all topologies as a short )

Chapter # 3
1. What is data communication? Write the components of data communication.
2. What is meant by encoding of data?
3. What is data communication mode? Explain different types.
4. What is communication media? Write a note on guided media.
5. Write a note on un-guided media.
Short Questions
1. Define data communication.
2. Define encoder/Decoder.
3. What is signals?
4. Define analog signals.
5. Write the characteristics of analog of signals.
6. Define digital signals.
7. How data is represented in computer?
8. Define bit and byte.
9. What is meant by encoding of data?
10. Why Unicode is superior to ASCII code?
11. What is parallel data transmission?
12. What is serial data transmission?
13. What is Asynchronous data transmission?
14. What is start signal? List its different states.
15. Describe synchronous data transmission.
16. Define Bandwidth.
17. What is baseband?
18. Define F.D.M.
19. Define Refraction.
20. Define modulation
21. List some features of Modem,
22. Explain external modem.
23. What do you know about wireless modem?

Chapter # 4

Short Questions
1. Explain importance of computers.
2. How computer can be used in marketing?
3. What is the use of computer in stock exchange?
4. Write down two uses of computer in banks
5. What is ATM?
6. How computer can be used in departmental store?
7. Name the software used for automation.
8. Define document management system.
9. Define desktop publishing.
10. Define Reprographics.
11. Define image processing.
12. Define E-Commerce.
13. List two advantages of E-commerce.
14. Describe the term video conferencing.
15. What is electronic shopping?
16. What is E-Banking/ Cyber Banking/ Electronic Banking?
17. What are the uses of computer in industry?
18. Define Robots.
19. Write some applications of robots in industry
20. Explain CAD.
21. What is meant by CAM?
22. Write some benefits of computer aided manufacturing.
23. What is computer simulation?
24. How computer can be useful in airline system?
25. How computers can be useful in online education?
26. Define CAL and its benefits
27. What is computer based training?
28. How computer can be useful in weather forecasting?
29. Give two reasons of computer use.
30. Give two examples of computer speed.
Long Questions
1. What is E Commerce and explain role of E-commerce
2. What is the use of computer in business
3. What is the use of computer in education field
4. What is impact of computer on our society

Chapter # 5

1. Explain the Architecture of computer system.

2. What is RAM? Explain its types.
3. What is ROM? Discuss its types.
4. What is bus interconnection? What is computer system? Explain different types of
5. Explain fetch-decode-execute cycle.
6. Describe language processor. Discuss different types of language.

1. What is the concept of stored 22. How is data transferred from

program computer( Von-Neuman) processor to memory/
2. What is computer architecture? 23. What is the function of
3. List some important components of address bus?
computer architecture. 24. Explain the function of
4. What is control unit input/output unit.
5. State the purpose of ALU. 25. How is data transferred from
6. Define main memory. peripheral devices to computer?
7. Define 1/0 unit. 26. What are interrupts?
8. What is CPU? 27. Define DMA.
9. What is motherboard? 28. What is the purpose of MBR?
10. Which functions are 29. What is segment register?
performed by ALU? 30. Define stack.
11. What is the concept of 31. Write the purpose of data
memory address? transfer instruction.
12. Why RAM is called Random 32. State the purpose of
Access memory? Input/Output.
13. What is SRAM? 33. Distinguish between an
14. Define cache memory? instruction and an operation.
15. Why RAM is called volatile 34. How does fetch-decode-
memory? execute cycle of CPU work?
16. Write one difference between 35. What is OS?
Primary memory and cache 36. Why machine language
memory. program execute faster?
17. What is ROM? 37. Define programming
18. Why ROM is non-Volatile language.
memory? 38. Define assembler.
19. Define PROM. 39. Write the name of any four
20. What is meant by EEPROM? high level language.
21. Write the names of different 40. Define source code.
types of buses. 41. What is an object code?
Chapter # 06
Long Questions

1. Discuss different causes of computer virus.

2. What is data security? Discuss some ways in which the security of data may be
3. Briefly discuss different security threads to data security.
4. What is computer virus? Discuss different types of virus.
5. How can we protect computer system from virus?
Short Questions
1. What is meant by security?
2. Write about biometric.
3. List names of two biometric methods.
4. How virus is activated?
5. How can virus damage computer
6. Give some causes of virus.
7. How pirated software spread?
8. List some types of virus.
9. Give four suggestions to protect computer from virus.
10. Define antivirus software.
11. Write the names of different antivirus program.
12. Explain data security.
13. Why data security is important?
14. State the purpose of password
15. Describe backup of data.
16. What do you mean by data protection?
17. Define data protection legislation.
18. What is meant by copy right?
19. Define software piracy.
20. What is pirated software?
21. What is the purpose of copyright?
Chapter # 7
Short Questions

1. Define Operating system (OS)

2. What is Graphical user interface?
3. Define command line OS.
4. Why computers need OS?
5. Define windows.
6. List different objects of windows OS.
7. Define desktop.
8. Define recycle bin./ how content restore from recycle bin
9. What is document folder?
10. What is internet explorer?
11. What is the use of control panel?
12. List two events of mouse.
13. Name events of keyboard.
14. What do you know about multitasking?
15. What is the purpose of multiprocessing?
16. Distinguish between single user and multiuser OS.
17. What do you mean by plug and play?
18. Define partition.
19. What is meant by primary partition
20. What is extended partition?
21. What is file management?
22. Describe print queue

1. What user interface .explain GUI and CLI

2. Explain the features of windows operating system
3. Explain the objects of windows operating system
Chapter 8

Short Questions

1. Define word processor.

2. What is the purpose of word processor
3. List some uses of word processor.
4. Write a note on text editor.
5. What is formatting in MS-Word?
6. What are the types of modes?
7. Define insert mode.
8. What is over-type mode?
9. What is formatting in MS-word?
10. What is character formatting?
11. Define font and its use.
12. What do you know about font size and font style characteristics?

Chapter #9

Short Questions

1. What is spreadsheet program?

2. Give two advantages of spreadsheet.
3. List any four functions of spreadsheet.
4. What is worksheet?
5. What is workbook?
6. What is cell and cell address?
7. Discuss Active and passive cell.
8. Distinguish between label and formula.
9. What do you mean by relative cell reference?
10. What is name box?
11. How is a formula in written in excel?
12. What is difference between formula and function?
13. What is paragraph formatting?
14. What is line and paragraph spacing?
15. What are margins?
16. What is page formatting?
17. Define header and footer in MS Word.
18. How can you print a document?
19. State the use of clipboard in MS- Word.
20. What are shortcut keys for cut and copy?
21. Difference between save and save as option.
22. Write a function that total cells A1 through A5.

Chapter # 10

Short Questions

1. Define internet. 10. Why we use web browser?

2. Describe APRANET. 11. What is WWW?
3. What is ISP? Name some ISPs in 12. List some popular web
Pakistan. browsers.
4. Write two facilities provided by 13. How web pages are created?
internet. 14. What are hyperlinks?
5. How can we connect to internet? 15. Define website.
6. Define IP Addressing. 16. What does URL mean/
7. What is Domain name? 17. Define search engine with
8. Define DNS Addressing. example.
9. Define web browser. 18. What is an E-mail?

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