F2018 EE223 Homework#4
F2018 EE223 Homework#4
F2018 EE223 Homework#4
15, 2018
Due: Nov. 5, 2018 6PM. 20% / day will be deducted if you miss the 6 PM deadline.
Design of High-Swing Cascode Bias and Cascode OTA Circuit (Total 50 points scaled to 5 points)
In this homework, you will design a cascode Beta multiplier, a high-swing cascode bias circuit, and a
cascode OTA shown below. We will be using nmos2v and pmos2v for all circuits based on VDD=1.8V at
TT, 27C. Assume the loading capacitance (CL) is 5 pF for dc and ac simulations, and 100 fF for transient
simulation. Your simulation results on dc operating point should show most of the transistors are in
saturation region except a few transistors.
1. Draw a schematic shown above. Refer to zoomed version of the schematic in the last page. Add a
startup circuit and run a dc simulation with VDD=1.8V, Temperature=27C in Typical corner. Provide
the dc operating point information as well as the node voltage information in the schematic you have
designed. Specify which transistors are not in saturation region in your design. Create a screenshot
with white background in monochrome. The screenshot should show transistor sizes as well as
operating point information (drain current and operating region). Report the total power dissipation of
the circuit as well. (20 points)
2. Run an ac simulation from 10 Hz to 1 GHz using the ac simulation test bench shown below. Create an
ac plot like below. From the ac plot, report the DC gain (A0), -3dB bandwidth (ω-3db), and the unity
gain bandwidth (ωu). Calculate the gain bandwidth product (A0 x ω-3db) and compare it with the unity
gain bandwidth (ωu). Explain if there is any difference. (20 points)
3. Assuming the loading capacitance is 100 fF, run a transient simulation in unity gain configuration to
get a plot like below. Input signal should be 25MHz with 100mV step from 0.9V bias voltage. Create
a plot of this! (10 points)
Zoomed version of the schematics to be used in this homework.