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A number of significant problems in transport phenomena

have the error function as part of their solution. Common
examples include Stokes’ first problem, transient conduction
in semi-infinite slabs, and several transient absorption–
diffusion processes.
The error function is defined by the integral:

erf(η) = √ exp(−η2 )dη. (E.1)

The error function has the symmetry relationship,

erf(−η) = −erf(η). The complementary error function is
erfc(η) = 1 − erf(η), (E.2)
or equivalently,
∞ FIGURE E.1. General behavior of the error function erf(η).
erfc(η) = √ exp(−η2 )dη. (E.3)
(T − Ti )/(T0 − Ti ), we find T ≈ (520)(1 − 0.79) + 30 =
Since erf(η) varies from 0 to 1 as η goes from 0 to ∞, it is 139 ◦ C. For y = 5 cm and t = 300 s, η = 0.3647 and
clear that erfc(η) ranges from 1 to 0. The behavior of erf(η) is erf(η) ≈ 0.394; consequently, T ≈ 345◦ C.
shown in Figure E.1 and a useful table of values is provided
in Table E.1.
An illustrative example: Suppose we have a slab of alloy E.1 ABSORPTION–REACTION
steel at a uniform temperature of 30◦ C. At t = 0, the front face IN QUIESCENT LIQUIDS
is heated instantaneously to 550◦ C. What will the temperature
be at y = 10 cm when t = 200√ s? A classic application of the error function arises in the chem-
For this problem, η = y/ 4αt, where α is the thermal ical engineering problem in which species “A” absorbs into
diffusivity of the metal. We have α = 1.566 × 10−5 m2 /s. a still liquid, diffuses into the liquid phase, and undergoes a
Therefore, η = 0.8934 and erf(η) is about 0.79. Since θ = first-order decomposition. The governing partial differential

Transport Phenomena: An Introduction to Advanced Topics, by Larry A. Glasgow

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


TABLE E.1. Error Function for Arguments from 0 to 3 by equation is

Increments of 0.05
η erf(η) η erf(η) ∂CA ∂ 2 CA
= DAB − k 1 CA . (E.4)
∂t ∂y2
0.00 0.0000 1.55 0.9718
0.05 0.0564 1.60 0.9764
The Laplace transform can be conveniently employed here
0.10 0.1125 1.65 0.9804
0.15 0.1680 1.70 0.9839 (to eliminate the time derivative); the resulting ordinary dif-
0.20 0.2227 1.75 0.9868 ferential equation is solved and the transform inverted to
0.25 0.2763 1.80 0.9891 yield
0.30 0.3286 1.85 0.9911     √ 
0.35 0.3798 1.90 0.9929 CA
= 1
exp − k 1 y 2 /D
AB erfc √ y − k1 t
CA 0 2 4DAB t
0.40 0.4284 1.95 0.9942     √ 
0.45 0.4755 2.00 0.9953 1
2 exp + k 1 y 2 /D
AB erfc √
4D t
+ k 1 .
0.50 0.5205 2.05 0.9963
0.55 0.5633 2.10 0.9971 (E.5)
0.60 0.6039 2.15 0.9977
0.65 0.6420 2.20 0.9981 This solution can also be adapted directly for extended sur-
0.70 0.6784 2.25 0.9985 face heat transfer in which the metal (fin, rod, or pin) casts
0.75 0.7118 2.30 0.9989 off thermal energy to the surroundings. By neglecting con-
0.80 0.7421 2.35 0.9991 duction in the transverse direction and assuming that the heat
0.85 0.7713 2.40 0.9993 transfer coefficient h is constant, we obtain
0.90 0.7969 2.45 0.9995
0.95 0.8215 2.50 0.9996
∂T ∂2 T 2h
1.00 0.8427 2.55 0.9997 =α 2 − (T − T∞ ) (E.6)
1.05 0.8630 2.60 0.9998 ∂t ∂y ρCp R
1.10 0.8802 2.65 0.9998
1.15 0.8961 2.70 0.9999 for a cylindrical rod. If we introduce the dimensionless tem-
1.20 0.9103 2.75 0.9999 perature into (E.6), we can make use of the solution (E.5).
1.25 0.9233 2.80 0.9999 However, it is to be noted that there is a potential problem with
1.30 0.9340 2.85 0.9999 the boundary condition, as y → ∞, CA → 0. In the absorp-
1.35 0.9441 2.90 1.0000 tion/reaction problem, the liquid may “look” as though it were
1.40 0.9526 2.95 1.0000 infinitely deep for short duration exposures. This might not
1.45 0.9597 3.00 1.0000 be appropriate for extended surface heat transfer, however,
1.50 0.9663
especially when the approach to steady state is of interest.

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