AEP Eng Chap3&4&5

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The Water Cycle: Natural VS Artificial

Water circulates in the environment according to a natural cycle. By taking part of this water for our own needs (industry,
agriculture, housing), we also create an artificial cycle, which we can call the "technical cycle»water.
The Water Cycle: Natural VS Artificial

Water circulates on earth following a transformation cycle in 3 major stages. The water cycle is essential to remain an
available resource to all living things.
Water renews itself due to a 3-step cycle:

 Evaporation:comes from water on earth(water from oceans, rivers, waterstagnant) and being living.Under the effect of
the heat of the sun,water transforms into steam.
 Condensation:Water vapor circulating in the atmosphere will encounter colder air and it will transform into
droplets.These droplets gathers in the form of cloud.

 Precipitation:When the climatic conditions are right, the clouds undergo a transformation and the water that forms
them returns to the earth's surface in the form of precipitation. Depending on the temperature and climatic conditions,
the water falls as rain, fog, snow or hail..

Once it reaches the ground, water can stagnate, evaporate again or sink into the ground to reach underground water, rivers,
lakes or oceans. The same process then begins again.
Two Sources of Drinking Water

• The underground water

Waters which are found in the underground;
Water drinkable immediately after pumping, since the subsoil acts as a filter;
Simple minerals elimination to make this water drinkable.

The surface waters

Water taken from rivers, lakes;
Essential treatment required because these waters are polluted by the aquatic life
and chemical waste.
Groundwater: free or confined aquifers?

FREE aquifer
 Communicate with the surface and not too deep;
 Variable water level (not blocked by an impermeable layer);
 fast Renewal;
 Sensitive to surface pollution
 upper surface under atmospheric pressure = piezometric

Confined aquifers
 Between two impermeable geological layers;
 The water is under pressure;
 Often deep, a few hundred meters or more;
 Slow Renewal And speed flow ;
 Better water quality: strategic reserve for drinking water
Capture of thewaters

• A groundwater catchment facility is an installation that allows water to be drawn from
groundwater tables located below the surface
• The catchments are mainly made from underground water tables. The latter, in fact, have
undeniable advantages: their water, purified by the ground, is generally of good quality and
less vulnerable to pollution. Conversely, surface waters are exposed to all types of pollution
and variable availability depending on the seasons.
• Before flowing from the tap, groundwater must be withdrawn from the aquifer using a
device called a "catchment structure", the main components of which are: a casing, a cover,
a pump, connecting pipes and a reservoir. The choice of the appropriate type of catchment
structure depends on the local hydrogeological context as well as the needs inwater.
Groundwater catchment structure

Types of structures that allow groundwater to be captured:

• the tube well;
• source capture;
• the surface well;
• the radiant well;
• the filter tip;
• the horizontal drains.
Capture of the underground water

Access to undergroundwater tables can be carried out :

 Vertically: use of wells
 Horizontally: use of drains
 By combination of both processes:using radiant drain
Humans have been tapping groundwater from aquifers for
a long time by using wells. But since the days when wells
were dug with shovels and water was raised using a bucket
attached to a pulley operated by human power, the
processes have greatly improved.!!
Capture of the underground water
 Filter tips

• A filter tip is a small-diameter and generally shallow

catchment structure, consisting of a perforated tube
with a pointed end, sunk into soft soil down to the
water table.
A well point is a section of pipe with perforations large
enough to allow water to penetrate, but small enough
to maintain the aquifer formation.

• For the choice of the size of the perforations of the tip,

it will be necessary to consider the granular size of the
sand. Typically, a filter point with a strainer uses a 60-
gauge for coarse sand, an 80-gauge for medium sand,
and a 100-gauge for fine sand.
Capture of the underground water
 Horizontal drains

THE horizontal drains are used when the aquifer is shallow and little thick.
• These drains are constituted of elements prefabricated in
 Sole support
 On the vertical faces,of the inclined barbicans
 The protection against the superficial pollution is carried out by corrois in
Capture of the underground water
 Radiant drain wells

• To capture high flow rates in aquifers, it may be

interesting to use horizontal radiant drains

• This technique consists to capturewater, by

means of horizontal drains, from a well that is

• When the power of the permeable zone is

limited, it is common for the well to be sunk with
a watertight casing down to the impermeable
ground, then for horizontal radiating drains to be
drilled in the most productive section
Capture of the deep water

• Deep water capture is carried out

generally by means of drills similar to oil
drilling tankers.
• THE drill is a way to reach underground
aquifers until seven hundred meters
underground sometimes. Then you have
to capture water with all precautions
dictated by hygiene.
• This equipment includes a column of
capture and a grip deviceo f water, or
Capturing sources
• The springs are resurgences of water from aquifers. The latter can appear on
the surface by flows on rock faces or by point flows.
• A source will therefore be equipped with a structure of capture:by
construction of a gallery established with a deposit.
Surface water capture
Captage en rivière
• Le point de captage en rivière doit être choisi autant que possible à l'amont
des points importants de pollution: agglomérations, usines insalubres.
• La prise peut être faite, soit dans une berge, soit dans le lit de la rivière, soit
encore en dessous du lit, soit enfin dans les alluvions qui constituent la rive, à
une certaine distance du cours d'eau.
Surface water capture
• River capture

 Prise dans le fond du lit  Prise au milieu du lit

• Utilisé dans les rivières à régime torrential • La prise doit être protégée par une estacade pour éviter
(fortes pentes et grandes vitesses d'écoulement). sa détérioration.
• On dispose de gros graviers autour de la crépine • Le captage doit s'effectuer à une certaine distance des
afin de la protéger; berges.
• il est impératif de faire attention aux niveaux
Surface water capture
• River capture

 Taken on the bank

La prise doit s'effectue à une profondeur convenable,

à au moins 0,80 m au-dessous de la surface de la
nappe (pour ne pas désamorcer la pompe à cause du
rabattement de la nappe), et également, à au moins
0,80 m du fond pour ne pas aspirer les boues
Ces precautions permettent d'éviter, d'une part,
l'influence de la fermentation du fond du lit, et
d'autre part, la présence éventuelle d'hydrocarbures
ou de mousses à la surface de l'eau.
Surface water capture
Capture from a dam
Water from the dam differs of that carried by a river by two
characters: stratification of the temperature and stratification of the
composition==> the choice of depth of the socket

In summer, watersurface heats up considerably. But this

temperature penetrates with difficulty into depth and the
temperature curve undergoes a sudden variation at a distance from

 It is not desirable to distribute hot water, when the temperature

is greater than15°C.
 Warm Water is positive to the fast development of microbes.
 The water quality is variable with the seasons, you have then to
consider a tower with sockets that has different depths
How do I choose my catchment system?

The choice of a groundwater extraction equipment depends largely on the following three
• The geological characteristics;
•The depth to drill or dig, depending on the depth of the water table;
• The technical means available to entrepreneurs.

To make an informed choice, some elements need to be evaluated :

•What is the average depth of the catchments recorded in the vicinity? Are there large differences
in depth between them?
•What is the average depth of the water table?
•Is the water quality good, and the quantity adequate?
• Are there any cases of bacteriological or chemical contamination in the past?
•Are supply problems common during drought?
Where to place a catchment structure?
Capture flow rates

Darcy's Law
• Predicts the flow rate of a fluid through a porous
The Darcy's law expresses as follows:
𝒗 = 𝑲. 𝒋 Gradient
Filtration speed: ∆ℎ
allowfor evaluating the flow coefficient 𝐿
rate through a porous permeability (m/s)

THE flow rate of the is calculated by:

𝑸 = 𝑲. 𝒋. 𝑨
Darcy's law is valid under 4 conditions: continuity,
isotropy andhomogeneityof the tank, and laminar flow.
Capture flow rates
Flow rate in a well

 Free tablecloth

• Let's take a well of circular section of ray r, down until

substratum,Or R is the radius of influence and H its static level.
• When a flow of water Q is pumped from a water table, after a
while, an equilibrium will be established between the water table
and the well which will result in a lowering from the water height
in the well to a value h lower than the initial height H. The
difference (H-h), designated by s, takes the name of the reduction
of thetablecloth/subsidence.
• The formula of Dupuit gives us a relationship between all these
𝜋. 𝐾. 𝐻 + ℎ . 𝑠
ln( )
Capture flow rates
Flow rate in a well

 Captive tablecloth

In this case, the formula of Dupuit is written:

2𝜋. 𝐾. 𝑒. (𝐻 − ℎ)
ln( )
Capture flow rates
Flow rate in a well

Well operating conditions:

The pumping rate cannot be forced beyond a tolerance
limit where it creates such intense flow near the well that
the finer soil grains move into the voids and decrease the
permeability of the soil.
The radius of influence is given by:
• 𝑅 = 3000. 𝐻 − ℎ . √𝐾
We thus speak of critical speed/critical filtration flow rate
defined by the relationship of Sichardt by:
√𝑲 𝒎 𝟐𝝅 𝒓 𝒉𝒄 √𝑲 𝒎𝟑
𝑽𝑪 = ( );𝑸𝑪 = ( )
𝟏𝟓 𝒔 𝟏𝟓 𝒔
Capture flow rates
Flow rate in a well

• Permeability coefficient

NB: The usecoefficients ofpermeability is validto characterize water aquifers up to a depth of a thousand meters.
Beyond that, the increase in temperature and pressure must be taken into account.
Chapter 4: Adduction pipes
 Gravitational Adduction
 Adduction byrepression
• The collected water must be transported through pipes before being
treated in a factory.

• It is about water supply.


drinking water supply includes all operations of drawing and transporting

water from the supply source to the distribution.
Functions of the supply pipes

Transports water:
• between the source and the treatment station;
• between the treatment plant and the storage or
distribution network;
• between the source and the storage or the distribution
The length of a supply line can vary from a few kilometers
to several tens of kilometers.
Types of adduction

We distinguish:
 Gravity supply
 Adduction by repression

Networks generally underpressure:

 Laws applicable hydraulics under load
 The reference pressure is atmospheric pressure:𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 0𝑚𝐶𝑒
Gravity Adduction VS Discharge
• The adduction is called gravity(free surface flow or under load) when the
source is located at higher altitude relative to the site to be supplied. The
force displacing water is potential energy.The transit flow is modulated,
permanent, controlled downstream.
• The adduction is said by repression (flow incharge only)when the
movement of water is driven by a pump. The flow rate is then
discontinuous, variable depending on the pumping flow rate. It is
controlled from upstream by starting the pumps.
Sizing of adduction pipelines
 Sizing Data

Three data are required for the sizing of a supply line:

- The specific characteristics of the site sampling: variations flow rate
- Forecast peak needs over the planning horizon;
- The altitude of the point to be supplied related to the capture point;
- The longitudinal profile of the natural terrain.
Sizing of the supply line
 Laying the pipes

• The supply pipes are most often buried to protect them against bad weather
(sunshine), water heating, blocking by cooling of the liquid (snow)).
• Theredepth andthe widthminimums arecalculated by:
𝒉 ≥ 𝟎, 𝟓𝒎 + 𝑫𝒆𝒙
ቊ 𝒎𝒊𝒏
𝒍𝒎𝒊𝒏 ≥ 𝟎, 𝟒𝒎 + 𝑫𝒆𝒙
Sizing of the supply line
 Constraintsofspeed flow

Velocity in the pipes 𝑈 must satisfy 𝑼𝒎𝒊𝒏 ≤ 𝑼 ≤ 𝑼𝒎𝒂𝒙

■𝑼𝒎𝒊𝒏 to guarantee ‘autocurage’ : avoid deposits of MES
■𝑼𝒎𝒂𝒙 is linked to the erosion of the material coating
(manufacturer data).
A few valuesofreference :
■𝑼𝒎𝒊𝒏 =0.2- 0.3[𝑚/𝑠]
■𝑼𝒎𝒂𝒙 ≈1.00−1.20[𝑚/𝑠](PVC) and𝑼𝒎𝒂𝒙 ≈1.50−1.75[
𝑚𝑠](cast iron)
Sizing of the supply line
 Constraintsofpressure

The pressure of the supply lines is delimited by:

 The minimum pressure must be higher than the atmospheric pressure, especially at high points.
 The maximum pressure is limited to the maximum pressure indicated by the manufacturers (PN6, 10,
16,25bars). A safety coefficient from 0.70 to 0.80 must be applied for the plastic pipes (PVC and HDPE) to
overcome the effects of bad weather (sunshine, the variations oftemperature).
Sizing ofdrivingadduction
 Settings of sizing

There are four parameters

• THE flow rate q:known
• THE diameter D
• The velocity V
• The load losses j.
Formula of Colebrook: Gravitational Addu : known pressure losses by the
difference in height  calculation of the diameter
𝐶𝑄2 8𝜆 and verification of speed conformity.
𝑗= ;c =
𝐷5 𝜋2𝑔
൞ == > 2eq& 3unknown
𝑄 = 𝑆. 𝑉 = 𝜋 𝑉

Addu by repression: iteration by defining an arbitrary

velocity , Then adjusting the following technical
diameter and economic constraints.
Sizing ofdrivingadduction
 1st case:load losses supposed fixed

8𝜆 𝑄2
𝑗= ==>𝐷 = 𝑓 𝑗; 𝑄 such that ‘j‘ is previously known.
𝜋2 𝑔 𝐷5
Knowing the formula of Colebrook for the pressure loss factor
where 𝑅𝑒 =
Using iterative calculation or using tables or abacuses, we determine λ , then C (C = 2 ) And finally the
𝜋 𝑔
diameter D.
We can also calculate D using the simplified loss calculation formula (Example: formula of Scimemi
𝑸 = 𝟑𝟔, 𝟒 𝑫𝟐,𝟓𝟗 𝒋𝟎,𝟓𝟓 ).
• NB: It is necessary to check that V<Vmax =2m/s
Sizing ofdrivingadduction
 2nd case: Velocity supposed fixed

• Known flow rate and known velocity == >𝐷 = 𝜋𝑉

With Q and D known, we obtain ‘j’ by the formula and linear load losses J=jx L

If the location of the R1 tank is known, it is necessary to check ifthe location of the R2 tank is compatible with the topography
of the place.
Sizing of discharge pipes

The optimal choice of the diameter of a discharge pipe results fromoptimization of two settings:
- The cost of pipelines and its maintenance which increase with the increase of the diameter
- The cost of pumping energy which increases with the reduction in diameter.
Sizing of discharge pipes

In repression, the diameter 𝐷 does not impose itself a priori, because the increase in a flow rate 𝑄 to a piezometric
height 𝐻 depends on the hydraulic power of pumping 𝑃ℎ
𝑃ℎ = 𝝆𝒈 ∗ 𝑸 ∗ 𝑯

Of this fact,there will always be a hydraulic power corresponding to raise a flowrate 𝑄 whatever the diameter.
Sizing of discharge pipes

Theseformulasare sufficient to calculate an optimal diameter for small projects includingthe diameterremains low (DN ~300)
with a length of a few kilometers.
Beyondof these conditionsit's necessarycarry out economic optimization through an evaluationmeticulous.

Formulas empirical

■Flamingo:  Vibert(1948):

 Munier(1961) :
■Bresse amended:
Chapter 5: Storage Tanks
Chapter 5: Reservoirs
 Theoretical capacityof a storage tank

• The fundamental functions provided by reservoirs are summarized in:

• Regulation of Speed
• Regulation of pressure
• Security of supply
• Simplification of exploitation
The volume of reservoirs on a distribution network is determined from
the functions indicated above
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Theoretical capacityof areservoir

• Fonction de régulation entre la demande et la production :

• Ce volume se détermine théoriquement en comparant sur un graphique,
pour une journée donnée (généralement la journée de pointe de l’horizon
considéré pour le projet), l’évolution en fonction du temps du débit
d’adduction Q a et de consommation Q c :
Il s’agit de trouver une capacité utile 𝐂𝐮 qui puisse :
• ■Stocker les excédents de pompage pendant les heures de faible
consommation (𝑄𝑎>𝑄𝑐)
• ■Compenser le déficit entre le pompage et la consommation (𝑄𝑐>𝑄𝑎)
• Il s’agira de reporter sur les tranches horaires sur 24h les valeurs de débits
𝑄𝑎et 𝑄𝑐 y afférant et évaluer les volumes en excédent et en déficit qui
seraient produits en l’absence d’un réservoir. La capacité utile est alors
donnée par :
• 𝐂𝐮 =𝑫é𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝑴𝒂𝒙+𝑬𝒙𝒄é𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝑴𝒂𝒙

This calculation allows you to define the

useful capacity of the tank, which will be
different from its final actual capacity!
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Theoretical capacityof a reservoir

• Fonction relative à la sécurité d’approvisionnement :

• Volume nécessaire à assurer en cas d’insuffisance de l’alimentation (Ex:incident sur les
équipements, durée d’une pollution accidentelle, durée de réparation d’une canalisation
maîtresse d’alimentation).
• Ce second volume dépend par ailleurs de la ressource, de l’unicité ou de la multiplicité
des origines de la ressource.
• Fonction réserve d’incendie :
• La réserve d’incendie dans un réservoir est destinée à alimenter le réseau de distribution
d’un débit de 60m3/h durant 2 heures (17l/s), soit une réserve de 120 m3.
• Charge :
• La charge, ou l’altitude, du réservoir nécessaire pour assurer la distribution, est fournie
par le calcul du réseau.
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Theoretical capacityof areservoir

- The graphical method:

takes into account the total consumption curve deduced from the coefficients of variations. It is
calculated from the 24-hour representation curves of the cumulative volume Va(t) from the supply and
the cumulative volumeVc(t) of the distribution,and finally we draw the curve Va(t)-Vc(t). The minimum
volume V0 of the tanks is the difference between the max and the min of the curve Va(t)-Vc(t)

- The analytical method :which takes into account the supply and departure flow rates, of course
adding the minimum reserve intended for the fire estimated at 120 m3.
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Theoretical capacityof areservoir

The storage capacity on the distribution networks is between 25% and 50%, with aaverage 33%, of
daily peak consumption.
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Theoretical capacityof areservoir

Determination of theoretical capacityof a reservoir :

• The tank must store water during weak consumption hours.
• The reservoir must make up for the water deficit during the tiphours ‘heure de pointe’.

Determination of theoretical capacity requires the knowledge of the variation of the hourly peak
flow rate Qph:
06h– 7h =Qpj
07h– 11h = 3.5Qpj
11am– 16h = 0.4Qpj
4 p.m.– 6 p.m. = 2Qpj
6 p.m.– 22h = 0.5Qpj
10 p.m.– 06 h = 0.125 Qpj
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Theoretical capacityof areservoir

The pumping flow rate of the supply is constant and

equal to qpj for 24 hours.
Total peak day consumption = 24 xqpj
Soqpj= total peak day consumption /24
THE theoretical tank volume = 10 xqpj= (10/24) x
total peak day consumption =42% of total peak day
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Practical capacity of a tank (operation24/7):

• En pratique, la capacité d’un réservoir destiné à alimenter une

agglomération est égale à la moitié de la consommation de la journée de
pointe augmentée de la réserve d’incendie. Le volume total à stocker dans
un réservoir est :
V = Vres théo + Vincendie
• Si on réduit le temps de fonctionnement de l’adduction en passant de
24h/24 à 10h/24, le rapport du volume de réservoir à la consommation
totale en journée de pointe passe de 42% à 92% correspondant à 22.Qpj
Quant au pompage limité strictement aux 8 heures creuses, il requiert un
volume assez peu supérieur au précédant = 23 Qpj, soit 23/24 = 95.8% de
la consommation totale de la journée de pointe
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Technical construction requirements

 Resistance
 Waterproofing.
 Sustainability :THE tank must last in the time:
- Material of which he is constituted must preserve its initial properties
after prolonged contact withwater
- Contact with the concrete of the interior facing of the tank must not
alter the qualities of the stored liquid.
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Implementation criteria

Being as close as possible to consumers

To locate at a dominant point
 Minimize the pipe lengths;
 Advantages :technical and economic • Reduce the elevation height
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Choosing the tank type

Plusieurs types des réservoirs existent tel que :

• Réservoir enterré.  Favorable topographic conditions;
• Réservoir semi enterré.  Large capacity

 rectangular: V > 3000 m3

 circulars : V < 3000 m3
• -Réservoir surélevé appelle château d’eau ==> conditions topographiques imposées & faible capacité

 Cylindrical: V < 1000 m3

 Truncated: V > 1000 m3
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Choice of type of tank and characteristics

Rectangular Tanks Raised tanks

• The useful heightof water: 4-5 m (reverse 1 m)
• Peut comporter un ou plusieurs refends: pour • The tank is reinforced in concrete or prestressed
consolider l’ouvrage (séisme) et garantir une concrete.
bonne circulation de l’eau. • The water height in the tank = 5-6 m (reverse 1 m)
• Doit comporter un système de drainage • Must be ventilated and accessible by stairs, ladders
périphérique et sous le radier • Use a thermal protection layer on the dome for
• Doit comporter des lanterneaux d’aération preservation against temperature variations, Coating
the interior with a waterproof coating
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Tank equipment

The arrival of the adduction pipe in the tank can be placed either at the
bottom of the tank or at the top, for oxygenation of the water.
The pipe clogs when water reaches its maximum level thanks to: a float
valve (gravity adduction), or a ‘dispositif d’arrêt’ (adduction by discharge).

Distribution line:
The distribution pipe starts 0.20 m above the base in order to avoid
transporting deposits to the distribution pipelines.

BY-PASS driving:
Connects the supply pipe to the distribution one. It ensures distribution during cleaning of the reservoir.
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network
 Tank equipment

Overflow pipe:
 Intended to stop the excess inlet water in case of complete filling of the reservoir
 Its height is slightly lower by a few centimeters at the height of the tank, so as to discharge the water that
arrives too high in the tank by overflow in the overflow pipe.
 The overflow pipe must lead to an outlet neighbor.
The evacuated flow is 𝑸 = 𝟏𝟏, 𝟏𝟓. 𝑹 . 𝑯𝟑/𝟐

Drain pipe:
 Located at the lowest point of the tank, it allows to empty
the reservoir.
 Is connected to the overflow pipe and has a valve gate.
Chapter 5: Reservoirs & Distribution Network

• In these calculations, is necessary to plan for future changes in

consumption and add a fire reserve.
• All tank must contain a fire reserve which must be available at all times,
with a minimum volume of 120m3 (fire engine pump with a flow rate of 60
m3/h for 2 hours). It should be emphasized that the ability to plan for fire
for high-risk agglomerations is greater than 120 m3.
• For large cities, the fire volume is generally negligible compared to the total
volume of reservoirs.
• The storage volume must be distributed over at least two tanks to ensure
safe distribution in case of maintenance (cleaning or contamination of the

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