Sustainable Concrete Pavement 508
Sustainable Concrete Pavement 508
Sustainable Concrete Pavement 508
A Manual of Practice
January 2012
Dr. Peter Taylor, Associate Director
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University
Dr. Tom Van Dam, Principal Engineer, CTLGroup
(previously, Program Director, Materials and Sustainability Group, Applied Pavement Technology)
Ms. Marcia Brink, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University
Ms. Mina Shin, Consulting Graphic Designer
This document fills a priority communications need identified in the Sustainability Track (Track 12) of the Long-
Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology, a national research plan jointly developed by the
concrete pavement stakeholder community ( index.cfm).
The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the information presented
herein. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the spon
sors. The sponsors assume no liability for the contents or use of the information contained in this document. This report does not consti
tute a standard, specification, or regulation. The sponsors do not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ names
appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex,
marital status, disability, genetic testing, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Diver
sity, Iowa State University, 3680 Beardshear Hall, 515-294-7612.
LIST OF FIGURES .................................... vii Thin Concrete Pavement Design......................... 22
Pervious Concrete ................................................ 23
LIST OF TABLES.......................................viii 5. References ...........................................................23
Figure 3.2 Two-lift pavement being constructed Figure 5.10 Artificial turf drag texture........................ 44
in Kansas ................................................................ 19 Figure 5.11 Diamond-ground texture ....................... 44
Figure 3.3 Precast pavement being installed .......... 20 Figure 5.12 Top lift being placed on the bottom lift
Figure 3.4 RCC pavement being placed ................ 21 ................................................................................ 46
Figure 3.5 Permeable interlocking concrete paver Figure 5.13 Two-lift paving on I-70 in Kansas ............ 46
blocks make an aesthetically pleasing, well- Figure 5.14 RCC placement ..................................... 46
drained pavement for low-volume streets and
Figure 6.1 Ecoprofile of different life-cycle phases
parking lots............................................................. 22
from a typical road ................................................ 48
Figure 3.6 Vehicular interlocking concrete pavers
Figure 6.2 Heat islands for various areas of
being placed in a historic downtown area (note
development.......................................................... 50
the use of colored concrete to provide a visual
offset for the crosswalk) ......................................... 22 Figure 6.3 Effect of pavement type and albedo on
pavement surface temperature............................ 50
Figure 3.7 Pervious concrete being placed ............ 23
Figure 6.4 Depth of carbonation determined by the
Figure 4.1 A cement kiln............................................ 26
phenolphthalein test (pink two-thirds of the sam
Figure 4.2 CO2 generation in cement ple is not carbonated) .......................................... 51
manufacturing ....................................................... 26
Figure 6.5 Traffic delays caused by construction .... 52
Figure 4.3 Scanning electron micrograph of C-S-H
Figure 7.1 Typical pavement performance
and CaOH crystals................................................. 27
curve showing ideal times for the application of
Figure 4.4 Backscatter electron image of fly ash pavement preservation, rehabilitation, and recon
particles.................................................................. 29 struction.................................................................. 56
Figure 4.5 Petrographic optical micrograph of slag Figure 7.2 Comparison of treatment costs at
cement particles.................................................... 30 different pavement condition ratings (PCRs)....... 56
Figure 4.6 Reduction of cementitious content with Figure 7.3 Illustration of typical impacts of
increasing coarse aggregate size ........................ 31 preventive maintenance and rehabilitation on
Figure 4.7 Rounded (left) and crushed natural concrete pavement condition.............................. 57
aggregates............................................................. 31 Figure 7.4 Damaged material has been milled out
Figure 4.8 Light-weight fine aggregate .................... 32 in a partial-depth repair ........................................ 59
Figure 4.9 Air-entrained concrete ............................. 34 Figure 7.5 Illustration of distress extent, with distress
at the bottom of the slab extending beyond that
Figure 4.10 Reinforcing for CRCP .............................. 35 observed at the surface ........................................ 59
Figure 5.1 Initial construction quality helps realize the Figure 7.6 Schematic illustration of load transfer
designed long-term performance ....................... 37 restoration............................................................... 60
Figure 5.2 Front-end loader used for stockpiling Figure 7.7 Dowel bars on chairs with end caps and
aggregate .............................................................. 40 compressible inserts in place ready to be inserted
into prepared slots ................................................. 60
Figure 7.8 Diamond ground surface after years of Figure 9.5 Modern Blome Granitoid concrete
service .................................................................... 61 pavement ............................................................... 81
Figure 7.9 Typical applications for bonded and Figure 9.6 A potentially quiet surface (viewed from
unbonded concrete overlays on existing concrete the side) ................................................................. 82
and asphalt/composite pavements .................... 63 Figure 10.1 An LCI accounts for all materials and
Figure 7.10 Bonded overlay ...................................... 64 energy needed to make and use a product, and
Figure 7.11 Unbonded overlay ................................. 65 the emissions to air, land, and water associated
with making and using that product ................... 88
Figure 8.1 Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) .... 68
Figure 10.2 Three alternatives used in a limited LCA
Figure 9.1 Photocatalytically active colored to determine environmental impact of design
concrete pavers in Japan ..................................... 79 and material choices ............................................ 90
Figure 9.2 Pervious concrete..................................... 80 Figure 10.3 Results of the LCA of the three Kansas
Figure 9.3 Water passing through pervious two-lift alternatives.................................................. 91
concrete ................................................................. 80
Figure 9.4 Blome Granitoid concrete pavement
constructed in 1906 in Calumet, Michigan; the
brick pattern was stamped into the surface to
keep horses from slipping ..................................... 81
Table 5.1 Summary of Concrete Pavement Table 7.3 Pre-Overlay Repair Recommendations for
Construction Practices That Enhance Pavement Unbonded Concrete Overlays ..............................65
Sustainability ..........................................................39 Table 10.1 Relevant Mixture Design Features in the
Table 5.2 Concrete Pavement Surface Texture Kansas Two-lift LCA Evaluation...............................90
Types .......................................................................44 Table 10.2 GreenLITES Certification Levels ...............91
Table 7.1 Pre-Overlay Repair Recommendations for
Table 10.3 Greenroads Certification Levels .............93
Bonded Concrete Overlays...................................63
Table 7.2 Recommended Transverse Joint Spacing
for Unbonded Concrete Overlay ..........................65
The co-authors and the National Concrete Pavement Dr. Anthony Fiorato, Executive Director,
Technology Center are grateful to the many knowl Slag Cement Association
edgeable and experienced professionals, public and
private, who contributed to the development of this Mr. Dale Harrington, Principal Senior Engineer, Snyder
guide. First and foremost, we are indebted to the Fed and Associates, Inc.
eral Highway Administration (FHWA) for its gener Mr. Brian Killingsworth, Senior Director of Pavement
ous support and sponsorship (DTFH61-06-H-00011, Structures, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Work Plan 23). The agency recognized a critical infor
mation need within the national concrete pavement Mr. Steve Kosmatka, Vice President of Research and
community and made the commitment to fill it. Technical Services, Portland Cement Association
The content of this guide reflects the expertise and Mr. Lionel Lemay, Senior Vice President of Sustainable
contributions of the technical advisory committee, Development, National Ready Mixed Concrete
whose members represent the wide variety of discrete Association
processes and variables, including regional issues, that
Mr. Kevin McMullen, Director,
must be considered to effectively optimize the sus
Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association
tainability of concrete pavements. While the authors
generated the overall content, it was the technical advi Mr. Joep Meijer, President, The Right Environment
sory committee’s careful reviews of drafts, thoughtful
discussions, and suggestions for revisions and refine Dr. Steve Muench, Associate Professor of
ments that make this guide a straightforward, compre Environmental and Civil Engineering, University of
hensive resource for practitioners. We appreciate the Washington
invaluable assistance of the committee members:
Mr. Andrew Pinneke, LEED and Sustainable
Mr. Fares Abdo, former Program Manager for Water Construction Coordinator, Lafarge North America
Resources, Portland Cement Association
Mr. Tim Smith, past Director, Transportation and
Ms. Gina Ahlstrom, Pavement Engineer, Public Works, Cement Association of Canada
Federal Highway Administration
Dr. Mark Snyder, Vice President, Pennsylvania
Ms. Janet Attarian, Project Director, Department of Chapter, American Concrete Pavement Association
Transportation Streetscape and Sustainable Design
Dr. Michael Sprinkel, Associate Director, Virginia
Program, City of Chicago
Transportation Research Council
Mr. Barry Descheneaux, Holcim
Dr. Larry Sutter, Director, Michigan Tech
Mr. James Duit, President, Duit Construction Transportation Institute, Michigan Technological
Ms. Kelsey Edwardsen, Structural Engineer, Bechtel
Mr. Sam Tyson, Task Manager, Concrete Pavement
Ms. Dulce Rufino Feldman, Transportation Engineer, Technology Program, Federal Highway Administration
California Department of Transportation
Mr. Leif Wathne, Vice President, American Concrete
Pavement Association
Sustainable Concrete Pavements: A Manual of Practice is they will find chapters addressing issues specific to
a product of the National Concrete Pavement Tech pavement sustainability in the urban environment and
nology Center at Iowa State University’s Institute for to the evaluation of pavement sustainability.
Transportation, with funding from the Federal High
Development of this guide satisfies a critical need
way Administration (DTFH61-06-H-00011, Work
identified in the Sustainability Track (Track 12) of the
Plan 23). Developed as a more detailed follow-up to a
Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and
2009 briefing document, Building Sustainable Pavement
Technology (CP Road Map). The CP Road Map is a
with Concrete, this guide provides a clear, concise, and
national research plan jointly developed by the con
cohesive discussion of pavement sustainability con
crete pavement stakeholder community, including Fed
cepts and of recommended practices for maximizing
eral Highway Administration, academic institutions,
the sustainability of concrete pavements.
state departments of transportation, and concrete pave
The intended audience includes decision makers ment–related industries. It outlines 12 tracks of prior
and practitioners in both owner-agencies and supply, ity research needs related to concrete pavements. CP
manufacturing, consulting, and contractor businesses. Road Map publications and other operations support
Readers will find individual chapters with the most services are provided by the National Concrete Pave
recent technical information and best practices related ment Technology Center at Iowa State University. For
to concrete pavement design, materials, construction, details about the CP Road Map, see www.cproadmap.
use/operations, renewal, and recycling. In addition, org/index.cfm.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that a host of developing realization that the environmental and
human activities and development practices are social impacts of these pavements systems are great.
negatively affecting the economic, environmental, and
social well-being of the planet, putting future genera The people responsible for the management, design,
tions of humanity, as well as of other species, at risk. construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of the
Confronted with this reality, stakeholders in the pave deteriorating network of pavements are overwhelmed,
ment industry are being challenged to adopt practices recognizing that the current approach to solving prob
that maintain economic vitality while balancing envi lems inherent in the nation’s pavement infrastructure is
ronmental and societal needs. not sustainable. What is needed is a new approach, the
implementation of truly sustainable pavement solu
At the same time, stakeholders are facing other chal tions that result in reduced economic cost over the life
lenges: Pavements are aging and deteriorating; one- cycle, lessened environmental impact, and enhanced
third of the road system, about 1.3 million miles, is in societal benefit, while maintaining the system in a high
poor condition or worse, receiving a grade of D- in the level of service for perpetuity. Recognizing this, many
American Society of Civil Engineers report card (ASCE public agencies are adopting more “sustainable” prac
2009A). Traffic volumes and vehicle loads continue tices and are beginning to rate, incentivize, and even
to increase, putting more demands on the already award projects based on their demonstrated ability to
stressed pavement system and, in major metropolitan enhance sustainability.
areas, resulting in serious congestion problems. Road
way agency budgets continue to fall short of needed Yet, the basic questions remain: What is sustainability?
funds, with an estimated $115.7 billion annual short What attributes of concrete pavements can make them
fall from funding required to substantially improve a sustainable choice? Why is an emphasis on sustain-
pavement conditions. These challenges exist not only ability important for the concrete pavement industry?
in a time of economic uncertainty but also within the
1. What is Sustainability? direction as to what must be done differently in the
future to improve upon the present. This manual
A basic definition of sustainability is the capacity to
provides such definitions and directions, as they are
maintain a process or state of being into perpetu
currently understood, regarding concrete pavements.
ity, without exhausting the resources upon which it
depends nor degrading the environment in which it Balancing economic, environmental, and societal
operates. In the context of human activity, sustainabil factors for a pavement project requires identifying
ity has been described as activity or development “that applicable factors in each category, collecting data for
meets the needs of the present without compromis the factors to be evaluated, applying tools to quantify
ing the ability of future generations to meet their own the impact of each factor, and assessing the combined
needs” (WCED 1987). impact of the factors in relationship to one another.
Complicating the process is the fact that factors must
Typically, three general categories (or pillars) of sus
be identified and measured/estimated during all stages
tainability are recognized: economic, environmental,
of a pavement’s life—design, materials selection, con
and social. When activities are sustainable, no pillar is
struction, operation, preservation/rehabilitation, and
ignored; instead, a workable balance among the three
reconstruction/recycling. In other words, assessment
often-competing interests must be found. Together, the
of the sustainability of a project will require the use of
three pillars form what is commonly called the “triple
a robust, sophisticated analysis.
bottom line” (Elkington 1994). This concept can be
expressed graphically as shown in Figure 1.1, which It is recognized that a complete assessment of sus
illustrates that sustainable solutions are those that tainability is beyond the current state of the practice
incorporate all elements of the triple bottom line. and, in truth, may be impossible. Still, the applica
tion of available tools will assist in making incremen
Although this is a common definition of sustainability,
tal progress in achieving more sustainable concrete
it is somewhat dissatisfying as it doesn’t define what
is and is not important and it doesn’t provide clear
This chapter focuses on the broad application of sus systems. The chapter then discusses the life cycle of
tainability concepts as applied to the natural world, to concrete pavement and how the adoption of sustain
pavement systems in general, and then specifically to able practices results in continued economic, environ
concrete pavements. It begins with a brief introduction mental, and social health. The chapter concludes with
to a systems approach to understanding sustainabil a discussion of innovation, describing how innova
ity, introducing the concept of the life cycle, includ tion is driven through the adoption of sustainability
ing cradle-to-grave and cradle-to-cradle closed loop principles.
1. A Systems Approach waste, it can compromise the ecological system and
– Seeing the Big Picture its ability to produce regenerative resources that are
essential to the health of humanity as well as all life
This manual of practice is specifically written to on the planet. Not shown in Figure 2.1, but essential
address the needs of transportation and pavement to understanding sustainability, is how the current
professionals to facilitate the adoption of sustainable industrial system impacts social systems (e.g., commu
concrete pavement practices. As such, the focus is very nities, families, culture).While improving the quality of
specific and the scope is necessarily narrow. Yet it is life in some aspects, the system also results in anxiety,
essential that concrete pavement professionals develop inequality, and stresses on societies that in the extreme
an appreciation of the role they play in creating a more are manifest as widespread poverty and war.
sustainable world by understanding the relationships
that exist between the industrial system on which As an alternative, Senge et al. (2008) offer the con
the economy is built and the natural world, which cept of a regenerative circular economy illustrated in
includes social and ecological health. Figure 2.2. This economy reflects a movement towards
greater use of harvested regenerative resources and a
Until fairly recently, decision making was largely based dramatic reduction in accumulating waste, resulting in
on consideration of the “bottom line,” which was a more sustainable world in which resources are regen
understood in purely economic terms. In The Neces erated and waste minimized or eliminated. In this
sary Revolution, Senge et al. (2008) state that it is not model, there is still a need for extractive industries,
surprising that few people paid attention to degrad but the greater dependency on renewable resources
ing social and environmental conditions under this ensures less system-wide impact due to extraction. It
model of industrial activity as it “focuses on parts and also establishes a close link between economic growth
neglects the whole.” As a result, achieving immediate and natural resource regeneration, which requires
tangible economic goals was rewarded while ignoring healthy ecological systems. Biodegradable waste from
long-term, larger system needs was largely without
consequence. This is evident upon examination of
production during the industrial age, in which narrow
Drinkable Water
waste-generating production, and economic growth TO Pollination
PHO Stable Climate
driven through the consumption of products and
services. Growth
Clean Air whole and instead focusing on the project level can
Ecological Social
Systems Systems
Regeneration Regeneration
Figure 2.2 Illustration of the regenerative circular Figure 2.3 The concrete pavement life cycle (Van
economy (Senge et al. 2008) Dam and Taylor 2009).
• Expectations – Expectations are the key human The purpose of this manual of practice is to help meet
value constraints, which include both the economic the objectives of these two sustainability components,
and social context, used to judge the overall per conveying industry experience and exposing stake
formance of the system. They may include perfor holders in the concrete pavement industry to the
mance of individual design elements, the quality of concepts and implementation of sustainable practices.
some aspect of the overall project, or how an out The next section of this chapter will introduce some
come beyond the project-level system is addressed. of the specific sustainable features of concrete pave
ments, linking these features to the various phases
Already, there has been modest movement within illustrated in Figure 2.3. Subsequent chapters expand
the concrete paving industry to adopt practices that on each phase, providing actionable items that can be
support sustainability at the project level that have implemented today and that will directly enhance the
broader system-wide sustainability impacts. For project-level sustainability of concrete pavements.
example, a common technical nutrient used in con
crete production is slag cement, which is a byproduct
of another industry and improves the long-term prop 2. Concrete Pavements
erties of concrete (meeting project-level constraints) Many features of concrete pavements should be
while reducing system-wide environmental impacts assessed when considering them from a sustainabil
(e.g., lowering the energy use and emissions of the ity perspective. Further, innovative features continue
constructed pavement). Other recycled and industrial to emerge that result in additional enhancement to
byproduct materials (RIBMs) that are used in concrete the sustainability of concrete pavements. Figure 2.4
include fly ash, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), illustrates a few of these features, each of which is
and air-cooled blast furnace slag, to name a few, all of described in detail in subsequent chapters of this
which are addressed in later chapters in this manual of manual of practice. The purpose of this section is to
practice. describe the relationship between these features and
However, sustainability is much broader than the the life-cycle phases illustrated in Figure 2.3, as well
application of a number of individual activities (such as among the features themselves. The complex nature
as RIBM use). Focusing narrowly on individual activi of these relationships demonstrates the need for the
ties will result in minor improvements but will miss application of a holistic systematic approach when
out on the much greater opportunity to significantly considering the sustainability of concrete pavement.
Figure 2.4 Features of concrete pavements that can enhance sustainability (from Wathne 2008)
Sustainability is not an accident. Pavement design waste inherent in both under-design and over-design.
plays a strong role in ensuring that the constructed Specific concrete pavement design attributes that
concrete pavement begins its life as a cradle-to-cradle enhance sustainability are then presented. Many of
sustainable project. This chapter considers how con these involve improving the interaction between the
crete pavement design plays a strong role in enhancing pavement surface and the environment, whether using
the sustainability of concrete pavements. The chapter specific textures that are quieter, lighter colors that
begins by introducing the concept of context sensi are cooler, patterns that are aesthetically pleasing and
tive design, which requires the designer to recognize safer, photocatalytics that have the ability to treat air
that a single approach to design does not meet all pollution, or pervious surfaces that have the ability to
needs, that input must be sought from the various improve storm water quality. The chapter concludes
stakeholders, including those representing the natural with brief introductions to four innovative pavement
world, and that the design must be tailored to meet designs (two-lift, precast panels and pavers, roller-
the unique needs of every project. The state of the compacted concrete, and thin concrete pavements)
practice in pavement design is then briefly introduced, that offer opportunities for the designer to further
including designing for what is needed and avoiding enhance the sustainability of concrete pavements.
1. Context-Sensitive Design tire-pavement generated noise may be far less an issue
than aesthetics, high reflectivity, or surface drainage.
Sustainability requires a thoughtful approach to con
It is even possible that an urban neighborhood might
crete pavement design. The designer must account for
desire that roughness be designed into the surface to
human needs and values defined by the management
produce a calming effect on vehicles exceeding the
team and various stakeholders while considering the
speed limit, creating a safer and more livable com
environmental setting in which the pavement will be
munity for the residents. More information on urban
constructed (Muench et al. 2011). This approach is
environments is given in Chapter 9.
often referred to as context-sensitive design (CSD),
which entails meeting the needs of not only the user Along the same lines, the needs in a rural environment
but also the adjacent communities and the environ will differ from those of urban communities. Often,
ment. The key to successfully employing this principle the health of the “natural community,” which includes
is recognizing that a single approach to design does flora and fauna and the quality of air and water, will
not meet all needs. become increasingly important in rural settings. This
is why the designer must be sensitive to the context in
For example, the past practice of transversely tin
which the pavement is being designed.
ing concrete pavements to create surface texture that
increased skid resistance and enhanced safety has been Successfully implementing CSD requires early involve
demonstrated to have a significant impact on noise ment of everyone who is affected, including those rep
generation through tire-pavement interaction (Rasmus resenting community interests and ecological systems,
sen et al. 2007). The noise issue was raised by com through a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach.
munities adjacent to roadways, and, in some cases, Public involvement must be early and continuous.
concrete pavements were overlaid solely to reduce the Although this takes time and effort, it will result in
noise generated. Because of feedback from local com increased societal acceptance and reduced ecologi
munities, research was conducted to identify factors cal impact, improving project efficiency by reducing
contributing to the objectionable noise and mitiga expensive and time-consuming reworking of the proj
tion strategies have been developed that have resulted ect at a later date.
in safe and quiet concrete riding surfaces; see Figure
3.1(Rasmussen et al. 2008). In the end, designing to serve the community will
result in the construction of concrete pavement
It is recognized that the same communities that object projects that reflect a sense of the place where they
to noise generated on a high-speed roadway may are built and that meld physically and visually within
have a different set of criteria for local, slow-speed the surrounding environment and community. More
roads serving their neighborhoods. In such locations, detailed information on CSD can be found at
Figure 3.1 RoboTex scans of 100×200 mm samples showing variability of transverse tined surface and its
effect on noise level (adapted from Rasmussen et al. 2008)
16 Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Specific activities just slab thickness. Common design features of long-
that can be immediately adopted to advance CSD for life concrete pavements include the following (Tayabji
concrete pavement design include the following: and Lim 2007):
• Involve key stakeholders – At the earliest stages of • Adequate structural slab thickness – Some designs
design, involve key stakeholders in the process include additional thickness as a sacrificial layer
to create a concrete pavement system that will that will be removed during future diamond
enhance the livability of the community. Stake grinding.
holders include agency personnel and interested
organizations and community members, plus the • Strong, erosion-resistant bases – Many states use
designer, materials suppliers, and contractor (if either asphalt- or cement-stabilized bases.
possible). The Missouri Department of Transpor • Doweled transverse joints or continuously reinforced
tation’s (MoDOT) recently constructed US 141 concrete pavement – When jointed plain concrete
“green” project in St. Louis, Missouri, illustrates pavement design is used, the joint spacing is
the power of stakeholder participation, involving relatively short, the joints are doweled, and often
the contractor and community representatives in a highly corrosion-resistant dowels are used.
CSD process in designing a new route that passed
through a popular wooded area. By working with As discussed by Van Dam and Taylor (2009), a funda
the contractor and community, the designer was mental principle in sustainable design is to design for
able to incorporate multiple sustainable elements what you need. This means that the designer should
into the design, allowing MoDOT to develop a thoroughly understand the principles of pavement
showcase project with strong community backing design, accurately collect the required data, and use
(Jonas 2011). the most advanced design tools available to ensure
that project needs are met within the given economic,
• Take advantage of concrete’s versatility – Look for environmental, and social constraints. Overdesign—
opportunities to take advantage of concrete’s ver in which the concrete slab is designed significantly
satility for creating highly functional, economical thicker than required—is wasteful, unjustifiably
pavements that also meet environmental and social increasing the economic and environmental burden of
needs. Communities may be interested in concrete’s the project. But under-design can be even more waste
ability to incorporate color and texture into aesthet ful, as it will often result in unacceptable performance,
ically pleasing patterns, enhance surface drainage, premature failure, and the need to apply maintenance
demarcate pedestrian crossings, and provide highly and rehabilitation at an earlier than anticipated age at
reflective surfaces. great economic, environmental, and social cost.
The AASHTO DARWin-ME mechanistic-empirical
2. Concrete Pavement Design: pavement design (MEPDG) approach more thoroughly
The State of the Practice considers the contribution of material properties, sup
port conditions, climate, and traffic, as well as slab
The state of the practice in concrete pavement design
geometry, edge support, and joint load transfer than
produces long-life pavements that withstand heavy
do empirically-based methods, thus resulting in more
traffic and severe environmental loadings for decades
accurate designs. Further, a mechanistic approach,
with little need for maintenance or rehabilitation
which is based on scientific principles, also accommo
(Tayabji and Lim 2007, Hall et al. 2007). This ability
dates innovation much more readily than an empirical
to confidently design pavements that will perform as
approach, which relies on observation, experience,
desired for 40 or more years is one of the most sustain
or experiment, thus allowing the designer an avenue
able inherent features of concrete pavements. Because
to evaluate nontraditional approaches to design and
longevity is so important, it must be recognized that
materials selection and proportioning.
long concrete pavement life is about a lot more than
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS 17
As briefly discussed in Chapter 2, pavement design the emerging innovative design technologies discussed
must be approached holistically, with all design ele next to great advantage.
ments considered together. In addition to the slab
thickness, other important design elements that must
be considered include material properties, joint spac 4. Alternative and Emerging
ing, load transfer, drainage, supporting layers, and Design Technologies
surface texture (Smith and Hall 2001, Taylor et al. Traditionally, concrete pavement design has focused on
2006). determining the thickness of a concrete slab, placed as
a single lift with one pass of a paver. Recently, a num
ber of alternative paving technologies have emerged
3. Design Attributes Directly
that are challenging this traditional way of construct
Enhancing Sustainability ing concrete pavements, offering some unique design
Depending on context, design attributes specifically opportunities including the following:
focused on enhancing sustainability should be con
sidered. These include such surface features as being • Two-lift concrete pavement design – Two-lift pave
aesthetically pleasing, safe and quiet, reflective, and ments are constructed in two lifts, wet on wet,
photocatalytic. using two slipform pavers one immediately follow
ing the other. The concrete mixture in the bottom
As these design attributes are primarily applicable in lift is often different from the mixture in the top lift.
an urban environment (which is discussed in detail in
Chapter 9), they will only be briefly addressed here. • Precast concrete pavement systems – Fabricated off
But the essential recognition from a design perspec site in precast plants, this type of pavement can
tive is how each of these features directly influences offer a number of sustainability enhancements.
the way the pavement interacts with the surround • Interlocking concrete pavers – Also fabricated off site
ing community and/or ecological system, whether in a precast plant, pavers provide an aesthetically
through a reduction in noise, a safer riding surface, pleasing surface that can also be pervious, highly
improved aesthetics in the community, reduction in reflective, or even incorporating photocatalytics for
air pollution, reduction of the heat island effect, and/ use in streets and local roads.
or reduction of run-off while improving storm water
quality. In fact, many of these features address mul • Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavements – RCC
tiple needs. For example, photocatalytic materials not pavement designs use stiff concrete mixtures placed
only help breakdown nitrous and sulfur oxides (NOx and densified using equipment typical of hot-mix
and SOx), they also are light colored, addressing the asphalt (HMA) construction. Traditionally used in
urban heat island effect and perhaps improving storm hydraulic structures, pavement in industrial facili
water quality as well (see Chapter 11). ties, and cargo handling areas, it is starting to be
used in streets and local roads.
The new generation of quiet surface textures are also
skid resistant, improving safety. Pervious concrete not • Thin concrete pavement (TCP) design – Based on a
only improves storm water quality, it also is known to patented Chilean design, TCP is characterized by
reduce the heat island effect and, if used as a riding relatively thin slabs with short joint spacing.
surface, is known to be quiet. The use of concrete
• Pervious pavements – Pervious pavements allow
pavements in heavy traffic locations such as bus
rainwater to percolate and replenish groundwater
lanes and loading docks can be an effective means of
rather than requiring rainwater to be handled by a
reducing pavement distress and the resulting effects
storm water or effluent system.
of closures for repairs. Thus, an informed designer
can package various pavement surface attributes to The following sections briefly discuss each of these
address multiple sustainability goals. Further, these innovations and how they can be used in the design of
attributes can be used in combination with some of sustainable concrete pavements.
18 Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Two-Lift Concrete Pavement environmental footprint of the pavement due to the
Two-lift concrete paving is not new. In fact, the oldest thinness of the layer. This ensures good long-term
concrete pavements in the United States, constructed durability and a safe riding surface, especially if the
by the R.S. Blome Granitoid Co., were placed as two- thickness of the top lift is designed for multiple dia
lifts, wet-on-wet, with the top lift being a different mond grindings over its life. In the case of the Kan
concrete than the bottom lift. Two-lift construction sas demonstration project, the use of an exposed
was also used to facilitate the placement of reinforc aggregate surface was investigated to reduce noise
ing mesh in jointed reinforced concrete; the mesh generated from tire-pavement interaction (Shields
was set upon the surface of the bottom lift and encap and Taylor 2009). The Missouri project is experi
sulated by the top lift. Recently, after examining the menting with the use of photocatalytic cement in
excellent performance of two-lift concrete pavements the top-lift (
in Europe, there has been a resurgence of interest in EnvironmentalIssues-Stone.pdf) to treat air pollu
adopting modern two-lift concrete pavement design in tion. Photocatalytic materials are expensive, and
the United States, as shown by recent demonstration thus using them only in the top lift makes sense to
projects constructed in Kansas and Missouri (see www. reduce costs without impacting performance. Experience with two-lift paving in the United States
This pavement system typically consist of a thick is limited but increasing. Eleven two-lift projects were
bottom lift (typically 80 percent or more of the total constructed from 1970 to 1994 (Florida, Iowa, Kansas,
thickness) and a thin (20 percent or less of the total Michigan, and North Dakota) (Harrington et al. 2010)
thickness) top lift that is optimized for carrying traffic. all are still in service. In 2008, the Kansas DOT con
Many European countries utilize an exposed aggregate structed over five miles of two-lift pavement on I-70
surface texture in conjunction with the two-lift con west of Abilene (Figure 3.2).
struction process. The versatility inherent in the two-lift design provides
The potential sustainability advantages of two-lift the designer with multiple options to cost effectively
pavement include the following: integrate one or more sustainable attributes into the
new pavement, resulting in economic savings while
• Bottom lift – The concrete mix proportions for the improving environmental and social performance. It is
bottom lift can be optimized knowing it will be expected that this versatility will result in the wide
protected from the elements during construction spread adoption of this technology in the future.
(as it will be capped with the top lift) and will not
be subjected directly to traffic. This means that it
can use a higher supplementary cementitious mate
rial (SCM) content, higher percentage of recycled
aggregate including recycled asphalt pavement
(RAP), and aggregates with less stringent require
ments (e.g., wear resistance) than normal because
the bottom lift will not be exposed to traffic. A
broader range of locally available aggregates and
higher amounts of recycled and industrial byprod
uct materials (RIBMs) can be used, and so reduce
the environmental footprint of the concrete.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS 19
Precast Concrete Pavement Systems in length, and similar to a conventionally designed
Precast concrete pavement systems have a long his concrete pavement in thickness. Although there are
tory, but with recent innovations they will continue to multiple variations of this type of system, in one of
grow in popularity. Precast concrete pavement systems the most common systems the panels are placed on
typically consist of individual panels that are one to a meticulously prepared surface with bedding grout
two lanes in width and 10 to 15 ft in length, depend used to ensure uniform slab support. Load transfer
ing on the system. The pavement panels are produced devices, embedded using non-shrink, high-strength
in a precast plant, where the material is proportioned, grout inserted after placement, are used to establish
molded, consolidated, and cured under controlled composite slab action across joints (Fort Miller Co.
conditions, then shipped to the site where they are 2011).
assembled on grade. • Precast prestressed concrete pavement system (PPCPS)
Fabrication under controlled conditions eliminates – These systems typically consist of rectangular
a major construction variable—unfavorable ambi precast slabs that are up to two lanes (38 ft) in
ent weather conditions—which can play havoc on width, 10 ft in length, and thinner than conven
conventionally cast-in-place concrete pavements, and tionally designed concrete pavements, with a
it also reduces material and construction variability. thickness of 7 to 8 in. for highway applications.
Further, precast concrete pavement systems allow the They are prestressed in the transverse direction
cost-effective implementation of certain sustainabil during fabrication and placed in 150- to 250-ft long
ity features, including enhanced aesthetics, specialty pavement segments that are post-tensioned longi
surface textures, high surface reflectivity, and photo- tudinally during construction. Plastic sheeting is
catalytic materials. Many of these features are made used to separate the panels from the base, allowing
possible because the pavement wearing surface can movement of the panels during the post-tensioning
be cast against a mold in two (or more) lifts if desired, operation. The use of prestressing/post tensioning
giving a degree of control that is not possible with cast increases load capacity, maximizing pavement life
in-place pavements. Casting the surface against a mold (Merritt and Tayabji 2009).
also results is a denser surface, as the lighter concrete Regardless of the system employed, precast pavements
mixture constituents (air and water) rise towards what have some unique features that can enhance sustain-
will be the underside of the pavement and the dense ability. First, when used either as a full-depth repair or
cement and aggregate settle to form a dense molded as an entire pavement system, a well executed pre
surface. cast pavement installation can be done with minimal
Initial work in this area focused on the use of precast disruption to traffic because there is no need to wait
panels to rapidly install full-depth repairs in jointed
concrete pavements (Tayabji and Hall 2008). This
repair method continues to be used in a number of
states, where full-lane width panels are cast in two to
three standard lengths, stockpiled, and then rapidly
inserted into a gap cut to the specified size in the dam
aged pavement; see Figure 3.3.
20 Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
for the concrete to gain adequate strength prior to Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement
opening to traffic. This is most significant for repairs in Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavement has been
urban areas but is also true for full-lane replacements used in the construction of various types of civil infra
if staged correctly. Minimizing traffic disruption has structure, including dams, other hydraulic structures,
many positive effects, including reduced user costs cargo handling facilities, and pavements. Although
incurred due to delay and corresponding increased the constituents in RCC are similar to conventional
fuel consumption, reduced environmental damage concrete, they differ in proportioning, with RCC typi
from increased emission associated with vehicles cally having less cementitious material and an aggre
slowed by congestion, and reduced social impacts to gate gradation similar to that used in hot-mix asphalt
surrounding communities from noise and gridlock. (HMA) mixtures. In a fresh state, RCC is very stiff and
Second, precast systems are anticipated to have long is thus placed using construction methods similar to
lives that are relatively maintenance free. The sustain- those used for HMA construction, using an HMA-type
ability advantages of long-life pavements have already paver and compacted by heavy vibratory steel drum
been discussed in Chapter 2, but in summary they and rubber-tired rollers (Figure 3.4). Ultimate load-
include the following: carrying capacity is obtained through a combination
of internal, aggregate-to-aggregate friction and the
• Reduced life-cycle economic cost. cohesion obtained through hydration of the binder.
The final surface is adequate for pavements carrying
• Reduced life-cycle environmental impact due to less traffic at low and moderate speeds but often is either
need for extracted materials and for future rehabili diamond ground or overlaid to meet the smoothness
tation and reconstruction. demands of high-speed traffic. An excellent guide on
• Reduced traffic delay and congestion during con RCC pavements has been written by Harrington et al.
struction and over the life cycle. (2010), and additional information is provided by the
Portland Cement Association (PCA 2011).
The advantages of using two or more lifts and casting
the pavement surface against a mold can be capital RCC shares many sustainability attributes with con
ized on in precast pavement systems, optimizing the ventional concrete pavements, including low life-
surface for the given application. For a pavement car cycle economic costs, the ability to incorporate a
rying high-speed traffic, the surface can be designed to high amount of RIBMs into the mix, and high surface
be exceptionally quiet while providing good frictional reflectivity. Some of the specific advantages of RCC
from a sustainability perspective include low initial
characteristics to enhance safety. For slower speed
cost and rapid construction compared to both conven
pavements designed for the urban environment, the
tionally designed concrete pavements and multi-lift
surface can be designed to be aesthetically pleasing,
HMA pavements of similar structural capacity. In addi
cool, photocatalytic, and drainable and even to pro
tion, if the lower cementitious content translates into a
vide a “traffic calming” effect by inducing nuisance
lower portland cement content, the carbon footprint is
vibration in vehicles operating too quickly. Further,
precast pavement systems for the urban environment
can be designed to “snap in and snap out,” meaning
that the precast panel over a needed utility repair is
simply detached and removed, the repair to the utility
completed, and the panel reattached. This eliminates
waste, expedites the repair process, and maintains the
integrity of the pavement system. It is easy to envision
the ability to design a major urban project, such as an
intersection replacement, using a precast pavement
system in which all the design, fabrication, and staging
are done ahead of time and the work is completed over Figure 3.4 RCC pavement being placed (photo
a few evenings or a weekend. courtesy of PCA)
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS 21
reduced. Load transfer across joints may be lower than while effectively managing surface run-off. Vehicular
conventional concrete because dowels are not used. interlocking concrete pavers, such as those shown
in Figure 3.6, can carry mainline traffic. They are
As another arrow in the quiver for designers of sustain particularly applicable in urban areas where both
able concrete pavements, the use of RCC as a paving their attractive appearance and versatility to permit
material will likely continue to grow. maintenance of underground utilities can be used to
good advantage.
Interlocking Concrete Pavers Recent innovations have led to the installation of
Similar to precast concrete pavement systems, inter interlocking concrete pavers in Chicago that have a
locking concrete pavers are also produced in a plant, thin photocatalytic surfacing. The high reflectivity of
where the material is proportioned, pressed, and cured these pavers will help mitigate the urban heat island
under controlled conditions, then shipped to the site effect. The photocatalytic surface will help keep the
where they are assembled on grade. Again, fabrication surface bright white while also treating nitrous and
under controlled conditions eliminates a major con- sulfur oxides. Automated methods have been devel
struction—unfavorable ambient weather conditions— oped in Europe that expedite the placement of inter
which can play havoc on conventionally cast-in-place locking concrete pavers, significantly accelerating the
concrete pavements, and it also reduces material and construction process. Additional information regarding
construction variability.. interlocking pavers, including using them to support
sustainable design, can be found at the website of the
Pavers are the original pavement surfacing material,
Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (
with the use of stone pavers dating back to antiquity.
Modern interlocking concrete pavers have evolved
to be extremely versatile and durable and are used in Thin Concrete Pavement Design
projects as varied as low-volume parking areas to the Most of the design technologies discussed so far (e.g.,
most heavily loaded cargo handling facilities. Figure two-lift, precast, pavers, and RCC) have been around
3.5 shows an example of permeable interlocking for decades and are experiencing something like a
concrete pavers, which not only possess the necessary revival due to their implications for sustainability.
structural capacity and long-term durability for Thin concrete pavement (TCP) design, however, is
the application but also are aesthetically pleasing
Figure 3.5 Permeable interlocking concrete paver Figure 3.6 Vehicular interlocking concrete pavers
blocks make an aesthetically pleasing, well-drained being placed in a historic downtown area (note
pavement for low-volume streets and parking lots the use of colored concrete to provide a visual
(photo courtesy of Interlocking Concrete Pavement offset for the crosswalk) (photo courtesy of Tom Van
Institute) Dam, CTLGroup)
22 Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
truly new and has yet to gain widespread acceptance 5. References
in North America. TCP design originates in Chile
Cervantes, V., and J. Roesler. 2009. Performance of Con
(Covarrubias and Covarrubias 2007 and is still under
crete Pavements with Optimized Slab Geometry. Research
evaluation there as well as in a number of other coun
Report ICT-09-053. Urbana, IL: Illinois Center for
tries. In North America, considerable work has been
Transportation. University of Illinois. (
conducted at the University of Illinois with very prom
ising results (Cervantes and Roesler 2009).
accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
The basic concept is simple. Stresses are generated in
Covarrubias, J.P.T., and J.P.V. Covarrubias.
concrete slabs through a combination of traffic and
2007. TCP–Thin Concrete Pavements. (
environmental loads. The larger the concrete slab,
the more truck axles it will carry at one time and the
higher the stress incurred due to temperature and
per.pdf; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
moisture gradients. Over time, the repeated stresses
generated by the combination of traffic and environ Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 2011. Inno-
mental loading will result in fatigue cracking of the vations–Precast Concrete Pavement Systems. (www.fhwa.
slab. By reducing slab size to a square with the dimen; accessed Dec. 5,
sions of one-half a lane (6 ft by 6 ft), the stresses gen 2011)
erated are significantly reduced to the point that slab
thickness can be reduced by almost half. The reduc Fort Miller Co., Inc. 2011. Super-Slab®. (www.super
tion in slab thickness will be accompanied by higher; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
deflections; thus the need for good base support that
Hall, K., D. Dawood, S. Vanikar, R. Tally, Jr., T.
resists pumping and erosion is emphasized (Cervantes
Cackler, et al. 2007. Long-Life Concrete Pavements
and Roesler 2009).
in Europe and Canada. Washington, D.C.: FHWA.
The promise of TCP design is that the reduction in FHWA-PL-07-027.
slab thickness will substantially reduce the economic
Harrington, D., F. Abdo, W. Adaska, and C. Hazaree.
and environmental costs of concrete pavements. Slab
2010. Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements.
thickness of as little as 4 to 6 inches may be all that is
SN298. Ames, IA: National Concrete Pavement Tech
required to carry moderate to heavy traffic volumes,
nology Center, Iowa State University.
and early results indicate that there is no need for
embedded steel load transfer devices.
Pervious Concrete
An approach to reducing the amount of water runoff
from hard surfaces is to build pervious pavements
for parking lots and low speed roadways; see Figure
3.7. Pervious pavements allow water to seep into the
ground, thereby recharging groundwater and allowing
natural processes to treat it instead of having to build Figure 3.7 Pervious concrete being placed (photo
extensive treatment works. This design alternative is courtesy of John Kevern, University of Missouri-
discussed in detail in Chapter 9. Kansas City)
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS 23
Jonas, J. 2011. “Route 141 “Green” Project in St. Noise: Interim Better Practices for Constructing and Tex
Louis, MO.” Presentation made at the MO/KS Chapter, turing Concrete Pavement Surfaces. TPF-5(139). Ames,
American Concrete Pavement Association, 31st Annual IA: National Concrete Pavement Technology Center,
Portland Cement Concrete Conference, Kansas City, Iowa State University. (
MO. tions/cpscp-interim.pdf; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
Merritt, D., and S. Tayabji. 2009. Precast Prestressed Shields, S., and P. Taylor. 2009. “Working a Double
Concrete Pavement for Reconstruction and Rehabilita Lift: Two-Lift Paving Makes a Comeback in the U.S.”
tion of Existing Pavements. Washington, D.C.: FHWA. Roads and Bridges. (
FHWA-HIF-09-003. double-lift; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
Muench, S.T., J.L. Anderson, J.P. Hartfield, J.R. Koes Tayabji, S., and S. Lim. 2007. Long-Life Concrete
ter, M. Söderlund, et al. 2011. Greenroads™Manual Pavements: Best Practices and Directions from the States.
v1.5. (J.L. Anderson, C.D. Weiland, and S.T. Muench, Washington, D.C.: FHWA. FHWA-HIF-07-030.
Eds.). Seattle, WA: University of Washington. (www. (;; accesses Dec. 5, 2011) accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
Portland Cement Association (PCA). 2011. Roller-Com Tayabji, S., and K. Hall. 2008. Precast Concrete Pan
pacted Concrete. ( els for Repair and Rehabilitation of Jointed Concrete
asp; accessed Dec. 5, 2011) Pavements. Washington, D.C.: FHWA. FHWA
IF-09-003. (
Rasmussen, R.O., R. Bernhard, U. Sandberg, E. Mun. cfm?id=628; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
2007. The Little Book of Quieter Pavements. Washing
ton, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration. FHWA Van Dam, T., and P. Taylor. 2009. Building Sustainable
IF-08-004. ( Pavements with Concrete. Ames, IA: National Concrete
ments.pdf; accessed Dec. 5, 2011) Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University.
Rasmussen, R.O., S.I. Garber, G.J. Fick, T.R. Ferragut, ing.pdf; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
and P.D. Wiegand. 2008. How to Reduce Tire-Pavement
24 Ch. 3. DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Chapter 4
Peter Taylor
Tom Van Dam
The materials used in making paving concrete have conventional supplementary cementitious materi
a significant impact on the sustainability of the pave als (SCMs), including fly ash and slag cement. The
ment. This chapter details the importance of using emergence of lower energy, lower emissions cements,
materials that result in durable, long-lasting concrete including blended cements, portland-limestone
that withstands traffic loadings and climate during its cements, geopolymers, and carbon neutral/sequester
service life. The chapter primarily focuses on cementi ing cements, is also discussed. The chapter concludes
tious materials, because of their environmental impact with a discussion of other concrete ingredients, with
as part of mixture design. The discussion emphasizes specific emphasis on the use of recycled and industrial
the need to use the appropriate amount of cementing byproduct materials used as aggregate.
materials by reducing unwarranted cement and using
1. Cementitious Materials In 2008, the total U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emis
sions were estimated at 7 billion metric tons of CO2
It is well established that the manufacturing of port-
equivalent, 40 million tons (about 0.6 percent) of
land cement (specified under AASHTO M 85/ASTM C
which were generated through the manufacturing of
150) is an energy intensive process, involving heating
portland cement (EPA 2010). This is compared to 5
large quantities of finely ground rocks and minerals to
to 7 percent reported for the rest of the world (Mal
very high temperatures (roughly 1400°C) to produce
hotra 2000). The lower figure for the United States
nodules called clinker that are then interground with
reflects the facts that cement manufacturing in the
gypsum to a fine powder; see Figure 4.1. In addi
United States is becoming more efficient and that the
tion, the carbon dioxide (CO2) burden is high because
American way of life generates considerably more CO2
the process includes decomposing calcium carbon
equivalents in sectors other than cement manufactur
ate (CaCO3) rock into calcium oxide (CaO) and CO2.
ing compared to the rest of the world.
Roughly half of the CO2 generated comes from this
source, and the proportion is increasing as manufac Roughly 2.8 billion tons of cement is consumed
turers make their process more energy efficient (Van annually worldwide (WBCSD 2010), which equates
Dam and Taylor 2009). The generation of CO2 through to approximately 800 lb of cement per person per
the cement manufacturing process is illustrated in year. While the impact tied to manufacturing portland
Figure 4.2 (Van Dam et al. 2010). cement is relatively high, it must be remembered that
relatively little cement is used in a concrete mix-
The amounts of energy required and CO2 produced
ture—normally 12 to 15 percent by mass in pavement
depend on the age and efficiency of the manufactur
mixtures. The other constituent materials (aggregate,
ing plant. Many older plants use a wet process that
water, SCMs, and admixtures) typically have very little
includes drying the materials from slurry. Many of
energy or CO2 impact associated with them, thus mak
these plants have closed in the United States as a
ing concrete a reasonably efficient material as a whole.
result of economic pressures and because newer, more
For example, the 800 lb of cement per person per
efficient dry-process facilities have come on line. The
year discussed previously would make roughly 5,600
FHWA INVEST tool gives credit for cement supplied
lb of concrete, making concrete the most commonly
from efficient Energy Star® plants (see Chapter 10).
used building material on the planet with only water
Approximately 0.8 to 1.0 tons of CO2 are produced
being used in greater amounts. Concrete is literally the
per ton of cement (Hanle et al. ND, Van Dam and
foundation upon which modern civilization is built.
Taylor 2009), with the U.S. national average currently
listed as 0.927 tons of CO2 equivalent produced per
ton of cement (NREL 2011).
26 Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Work is ongoing to quantify the life-cycle environmen Reducing Portland Cement Clinker in
tal impact of pavement materials, including concrete Cement
(MIT 2010). Reducing the portland cement clinker content in
Although the global impact of cement manufacturing the cement directly reduces the GHG emissions and
on GHG emissions is large, it must be remembered energy consumption associated with cement manu
that the burdens can be reduced by any combination facturing. Portland cement can be supplemented in
of four actions: concrete mixtures with the use of so-called supple
mentary cementitious materials (SCMs) and/or with
• Reduce the energy and GHG emissions associated finely ground limestone. SCMs are largely byproducts
with portland cement clinker production. from other industries, such as the burning of pulver
ized coal at power plants or the production of iron
• Reduce the amount of portland cement clinker in
from ore in a blast furnace, but can also be produced
the cement.
from natural materials such as clay. These processes
• Reduce the amount of cement in the concrete also result in GHG emissions and energy consumption
mixture. but at lower rates than clinker production.
• Use concrete more efficiently in a pavement over SCMs chemically and physically complement the
the life cycle. hydration of portland cement, often resulting in more
durable concrete. Hydration of portland cement pro
Each of these is discussed in following sections. duces calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) that provides
the backbone of strength and impermeability of the
cementitious system. But portland cement hydration
More Efficient Clinker Production
also produces calcium hydroxide (CaOH), a crystal
The manufacturing process for cement is continually line material; see Figure 4.3. Calcium hydroxide
being improved and made more efficient by the use contributes little to strength or impermeability. Most
of more efficient kilns, more efficient grinding equip SCMs contain glassy silica and aluminate phases that
ment, optimized transportation, and modified process react with the calcium hydroxide to form more C-S-H
control. The use of alternative fuels including tires and and/or calcium silica aluminate hydrate (C-S-A-H),
bio-fuels helps reduce the combustion of nonrenew enhancing the long-term performance of the concrete
able resources while removing them from the waste mixture. The types of commonly used SCMS are dis
stream (PCA 2009). Burning hazardous organic waste cussed in more detail in a later section.
such as solvents and oils in cement kilns is benefi
cial not only because it reduces the amount of fossil
fuel combusted but also because the extremely high
temperatures decomposes them completely, rendering
them non-hazardous (Basel Convention 2009).
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS 27
One or more SCMs can be included in the cement by in paving concrete (e.g., a traditional concrete paving
inter-grinding with the clinker or by blending with mixture may require a minimum six-sack mix, which
cement at the cement plant, in which case they are is equivalent to 564 lb/yd3 concrete). This minimum
sold as blended cements under AASHTO M 240/ASTM cement content requirement may have been appropri
C 595. Alternatively, it is common to blend the SCMs ate before the common use of chemical admixtures
with the cement and other concrete ingredients at the and the adoption of optimized aggregate grading, but
batch plant. may no longer be relevant using today’s concrete and
paving technologies.
Under existing U.S. standards for plain portland
cement (AASHTO M 85/ASTM C 150), the system Performance of a mixture is fundamentally controlled
may contain up to 5 percent ground limestone as well by the water-to-cementitious-materials (w/cm) ratio as
as up to 5 percent inorganic processing additions. In long as there is sufficient paste in the mixture to fill the
practice, the amount of ground limestone and inor voids between the aggregate particles and to separate
ganic processing additions are less, limited by the loss- the aggregate particles so that they will flow past each
on-ignition (LOI) requirement. The standards impose other in the fresh state. However, workability can be
limitations to ensure that the performance of such improved with the use of admixtures, within limits,
materials is not reduced. Consideration is being given and by reducing paste demand through use of an opti
to increasing the amount of permitted ground lime mized aggregate gradation that contains coarse, inter
stone as in Canada and Europe (Hooton et al. 2007). mediate, and fine particles (Taylor et al. 2006). As long
as the concrete is workable and is placed with good
Specifications exist for both blended and perfor consolidation, long-term performance will generally be
mance cements (Van Dam and Smith 2011). Blended improved by reducing the cementitious content. This
cements are described under AASHTO M 294/ASTM means that paving mixtures can be made with lower
C 595, which impose limits and requirements on cementitious contents than the traditional six-sack
the source and performance of all of the ingredients. concrete mixture without compromising engineer
These cements are a blend of portland cement and ing performance. Education, investment in additional
one or more SCMs. Ternary cements containing two aggregate bins, and improved quality assurance may be
SCMs can also be created at the batch plant by blend necessary to reduce the risk of failures.
ing more than one SCM, a practice often used to
address side effects of one SCM through the inclusion
of another SCM. Extremely efficient mixtures can be Reduce Concrete Used Over the Life
prepared using such systems (Tikalsky 2007). How Cycle
ever, it has been noted that batch plant–created ternary All things equal, sustainability is improved by reducing
mixtures require expertise and close attention to detail, the amount of concrete used for a given application.
dictating the need for a high level of quality control. But it is essential that this is considered over the life
cycle of the pavement, and not just in the short term.
In addition to blended cements, ASTM C 1157 is a
Two essential elements to accomplish this are appro
“performance” standard for hydraulic cements that
priate design (as discussed in Chapter 3) and the use
has no requirements regarding the composition of the
of durable concrete materials.
cement but instead imposes performance limits. ASTM
C 1157 cements with 10 percent limestone have been With regards to the former point, there is short-term
produced and used successfully on pavement projects economic and environment-related pressure to reduce
in several states (Hooton 2009, Van Dam et al. 2010). the thickness of concrete pavements, lowering both
the initial cost and the environmental footprint. The
use of improved design methodologies and appro
Reducing Cementitious Contents in
priate design details (e.g., proper joint spacing, load
transfer devices, quality base, and so on) can accom
Many specifications require that a minimum amount plish this without compromising long-term structural
of cementitious material (or portland cement) be used performance. But it is essential that this be done with
28 Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
caution, as thickness correlates with structural capac Fly ash is a byproduct of burning pulverized coal for
ity, and arbitrarily using thinner concrete will likely the generation of electrical power. The rock embedded
compromise one of the benefits of using a concrete in the coal melts in the furnace and is carried up the
pavement, which is the potential to provide many stack in the flue gases. As it rapidly cools, small glassy
years of low-maintenance service. Specifying a con spheres are formed that are collected before the flue
crete thickness insufficient to carry traffic over the gases are emitted to the air; see Figure 4.4. Because
design life can have large negative impacts on sustain- of the small size, glassy form, and chemical composi
ability (economic, environmental, and social), not only tion of the ash, it dissolves and reacts with the cement
because the pavement will need to be replaced sooner paste to contribute to the performance of the mixture.
than anticipated but also because of traffic delays dur About 63 million tons of fly ash were produced in the
ing repeated repair and reconstruction. The counter to United States in 2009, of which about 12 million tons
this is that innovative design may result in significantly were used either to make cement or in concrete (ACAA
improved sustainability even if the short-term initial 2009).
economic and environmental costs are slightly higher.
This is why it is essential that a life-cycle approach be Fly ash is currently specified in AASHTO M 295/ASTM
taken when evaluating design changes. C 618 in two classes based on the chemical composi
tion. The differences are generally influenced by the
One of the hallmarks of concrete pavement is its source of the coal. In general, Class C fly ash is higher
legendary longevity. It is reasonable to assume that in lime content (CaO) and tends to be more reactive
a properly designed concrete pavement will meet at early ages than Class F. The higher CaO content is
or exceed its design life. It is also known that pave beneficial for early strength gain but can have negative
ments can prematurely fail even if they are structurally effects on alkali-silica reactivity and sulfate resistance.
adequate. To address this, in addition to proper design, It should be noted that the specification for fly ash is
all the other stages—material selection, construction, broad and that two ashes from different sources, albeit
and maintenance—have to be adequate and appropri of the same class, are likely to perform very differently;
ate to ensure longevity. From a cementitious materials therefore, performance testing should be conducted to
perspective, it is paramount that the right materials are determine if the chosen fly ash is behaving as desired
selected and proportioned correctly for the environ (Taylor et al. 2006).
ment to which the pavement will be exposed (Taylor
et al. 2006). Other factors that need to be considered Dosage of fly ash is typically between 15 and 40 per
are the effects that the cementitious materials selection cent by mass of cement. The amount of fly ash that can
will have on the surface characteristics of the pavement
leading to changes in reflectivity, which contributes
both to the albedo (e.g., urban heat island effect) and
night-time safety as discussed in Chapter 9.
2. Supplementary Cementitious
As discussed above, most SCMs are byproducts from
other industries that beneficially react with portland
cement to enhance the performance of concrete. The
effective use of SCMs reduces not only the amount of
portland cement required but also the need to dispose
of what otherwise would be industrial waste.
The two most commonly used SCMs in paving con Figure 4.4 Backscatter electron image of fly ash
crete are fly ash and slag cement. particles (Kosmatka and Wilson 2011)
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS 29
be used is often limited by concerns of delayed setting 3. Emerging Cementitious
times and lower early strength gain. In some cases,
there may be a potential for undesirable incompatibili
ties and a perceived increase in the risk of salt scaling Work is ongoing in many institutions looking at non
(Taylor et al. 2006). Judicious increases in dosage portland cement based binders (Taylor 2010). Inves
can be accommodated with attention to detail in mix tigations include the use of geopolymers (Van Dam
proportioning and construction workmanship. Local 2010) and alkali-activated fly ash products as well as
sources will often dictate the availability of acceptable materials fabricated using waste materials. These are
fly ash within a market. reported to carry significantly lower carbon and energy
burdens than portland cement while providing equiva
Work is ongoing to find alternative methods to char lent or superior performance. Some new cements even
acterize fly ash so that mixture performance can be claim to consume CO2 in manufacture (FHWA 2010).
better predicted. Many systems have been patented, but they are gener
ally difficult to produce and work with. There are also
Slag cement, formerly known as ground granulated
safety risks associated with some systems that require
blast furnace slag (GGBFS), is the material left after
the use of a highly alkaline activating solution. Some
extraction of iron from iron ore; see Figure 4.5. When
systems may also require more processing, resulting in
quenched from the molten state and ground to the
increased energy consumption. Significant barriers to
fineness of cement, it is an extremely effective SCM.
the use of these materials are as follow:
Slag cement is specified by ASTM C 989, and about 3
million tons are used in concrete in the United States • Portland cement is inexpensive and robust
every year (SCA 2011). It is generally used in pave
ments in dosages up to 50 percent but is limited by • Practitioners are often resistant to change.
concerns of early strength gain, especially when placed Future work on cementitious materials will likely
during cooler ambient temperatures, and scaling include finding alternative sources of raw materials
resistance. As with fly ash, usage tends to be regional that will not involve the decomposition of carbonate
because of limitations on the cost effectiveness of but rather use calcium-rich industrial byproducts, or
transporting it long distances. possibly shifting away from the use of calcium-based
cements entirely and perhaps using magnesium-silicate
raw materials.
4. Aggregates
Aggregates comprise the bulk of the volume of a con
Figure 4.5 Petrographic optical micrograph of slag crete mixture. Important aggregate characteristics are
cement particles (image courtesy of CTLGroup) gradation, type/source, and durability.
30 Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Gradation transported some distance by natural forces. Energy
Aggregates are often classified by particle size, being and CO2 burdens associated with obtaining and
normally defined as “coarse” and “fine” split at the processing these materials are minimal because of the
No. 4 (0.187 in. [4.75 mm]) nominal sieve opening. limited amount of processing required. In some cases
This split is used to reduce the risk of segregation of washing is required to remove clayey dust, with the
the material in stockpiles. Ideally the aggregates in a attendant use of water which will have to be treated.
concrete mixture should be composed of optimized, Sources of high-quality natural aggregates are being
well graded particle sizes representing the range of depleted, leading to the need to consider whether the
sieve sizes (Taylor et al. 2006). This does not mean current specification requirements (AASHTO M 6
that good concrete cannot be made with less than ideal and M 80/ASTM C 33) are overly restrictive or to find
aggregate gradations, but the probability of success is methods to beneficiate unacceptable materials.
increased with improved aggregate systems.
Natural aggregate particles tend to be rounded and
If necessary, multiple aggregate stockpiles representing smooth from tumbling in rivers or glaciers, producing
different sized materials should be blended to create good workability of the mixture but potentially reduc
the desired aggregate grading. This, and the use of as ing flexural strength; see Figure 4.7.
large a nominal maximum aggregate size as practical
for a given situation, will allow the reduction of the
amount of cementitious materials required in a mix Crushed
ture as shown in Figure 4.6, thus reducing costs and In locations where suitable natural aggregates are not
environmental impact. readily available, aggregate can be mined from bedrock
then crushed and sieved to suitable sizes; again, see
Figure 4.7. Generally the dust in these aggregates is
Aggregate Type
not clayey, and therefore higher quantities of material
Natural passing the #200 sieve can be accommodated. Addi
Natural aggregates, often referred to as pit-run grav tional energy consumption and emissions are associ
els, are extracted from river beds or pits with mini ated with mining and crushing activities to obtain
mum crushing or processing. They tend to be of a these materials. The selection of crushing equipment
mixed geological composition because they have been can influence the shape of the aggregate particles, and
care should be taken to avoid systems that produce
Figure 4.6 Reduction of cementitious content with Figure 4.7 Rounded (left) and crushed natural
increasing coarse aggregate size (based on ACI aggregates (photo courtesy of Portland Cement
211) Association)
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS 31
narrow, flaky, or elongated particles, as these will paving concrete and supporting layers. This is benefi
negatively impact workability and have a tendency to cial because it reduces the demand for virgin aggre
fracture during processing. gates and also reduces the need to place the waste
materials into landfills.
The workability of mixtures made with crushed mate
rials is generally lower than in mixtures with rounded In pavements, the most common application for
aggregates, meaning that additional paste may be recycled materials is in the subbase or base layers. This
required to achieve workability. On the other hand, can be achieved in-situ using mobile crushing equip
flexural strengths are normally higher. ment, significantly reducing transportation costs and
environmental impact (Meijer 2008). If recycled mate
rials are used in concrete, the mixes have to be propor
Light-Weight Aggregates
tioned and tested in the lab to ensure that setting times
Light-weight aggregate (LWA) is normally a manufac and strengths are satisfactory. Consideration should
tured product, made by heating shale, clay, or slate in also be given to why the original pavement failed;
a rotary kiln to about 2000°F; see Figure 4.8. The final recycled concrete containing alkali-reactive aggregates
product is ceramic in nature and contains controlled or aggregates prone to D-cracking may not be advis
amounts of air bubbles, thus increasing aggregate able for use in paving concrete unless mitigated.
porosity and reducing density. Energy is required to
produce LWA. However, benefits have been reported The most common industrial byproduct material used
(in reduced cracking risk from internal curing) from as aggregate is air-cooled blast furnace slag (ACBFS)
the use of a LWA as a portion of the fine aggregate which is produced from the iron blast furnace. This
(Henkensiefken et al. 2009). Further, for structural material has been used in supporting layers and as
applications, the lighter weight will result in a reduc aggregate in paving concrete. Work currently being
tion of the structural members, meaning less concrete conducted for the Federal Highway Administration
will be required. LWA coarse aggregates are not com (FHWA) suggests that if ACBFS is used in paving con
monly used in pavements. crete, special design and construction considerations
must be followed to ensure acceptable performance
(Morian et al. 2011). Extreme caution must be exer
Recycled and Industrial Byproduct Materials cised if other sources of slag (e.g., steel furnace) are
There is increased interest in recycling concrete and being considered for use, as cases of extreme instabil
other construction waste for use as aggregates in ity and volume change have been reported in some
instances, which will lead to rapid pavement failure.
In general, aggregates have limited direct impact on
the durability of a mixture unless they are susceptible
to D-cracking or are reactive, which are serious issues,
or are easily polished.
32 Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Ohio, in that aggregates prone to D-cracking tend to states resort to limiting the amount of calcareous mate
come from a given geological form. Aggregates that rials in their aggregates to limit this effect, although
are prone to this should not be used if possible. If many states must use these materials because of their
they must be used, the susceptible aggregates should abundance and lower risk of alkali-silica reaction. In
be crushed to maximum size of 0.5 to 0.75 in. and such cases, surface texturing becomes increasingly
blended with larger, non-susceptible aggregates. This important to maintain skid resistance.
will require that in some locations aggregates will need
to be imported, with the attendant fuel load. Research
is needed to find methods to prevent prone aggregates 5. Water
from expanding or to find applications where they can The amount of mix water in paving concrete is primar
be safely used. ily governed by the w/cm ratio and paste requirement
of the aggregate system and the type and dosage of the
Alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) is a chemical reaction
chemical admixtures in use. The presence of SCMs
between certain siliceous minerals within aggregate
will normally reduce the amount of water needed for
that react with alkali hydroxides in the concrete pore
a given cementitious content. Therefore, choosing
solution, forming a gel that expands when it imbibes
a good aggregate system, reducing the cementitious
water causing the concrete to crack. Almost every state
content (within limits), and using water-reducing
in the United States has reactive aggregates. Work is
admixtures will all help to reduce the amount of
ongoing to develop rapid, reliable tests to assess reac
water required to achieve a given workability. There is
tivity of aggregates and mixtures and to find ways to
normally more water in a typical paving mixture than
prevent their expansion. Use of certain SCMs, particu
is required to hydrate all the cement. Typically added
larly Class F fly ash and slag cement, are known to be
water accounts for about 6 percent of the mass of a
effective at mitigating expansion and damage from the
use of susceptible aggregates. Lithium nitrite is also
known to be an effective additive. See AASHTO PP The quality of the mix water is normally not much of a
65-10, Determining the Reactivity of Concrete Aggregates concern. Water that is potable is considered acceptable
and Selecting Appropriate Measures for Preventing Delete for use in concrete. Water contaminated by organics
rious Expansion in New Concrete Construction, for rec and sugars will tend to delay setting and may reduce
ommended testing protocols and mitigation strategies. early strengths. Grey water or water that has been recy
cled at a batch plant may accumulate dissolved solids,
Alkali-carbonate reactivity (ACR) is a rare deleteri
sulfates, and chlorides that may affect mixture perfor
ous reaction between certain dolomitic limestone of a
mance and durability. Therefore, wash water used to
very specific microstructure and hydroxyl ions in the
clean tracks and equipment, as well as water recycled
concrete pore solution. The reaction is not perfectly
from returned trucks, should be processed to remove
understood but likely involves both the expansive
solids and organics before it is released to the environ
formation of brucite (magnesium hydroxide) and the
ment or before it is re-used in a batch plant. ASTM C
dissolution and swelling of clay phases within the
1602 provides some limitations on the quality of mix
aggregate. Alkali-carbonate reactivity is very damag
water, particularly recycled water and wash water.
ing, and there is no effective mitigation strategy; thus,
susceptible aggregate must not be used. See AASHTO Two other significant uses of water at a construction
PP 65-10, Determining the Reactivity of Concrete Aggre site are for achieving the appropriate moisture con
gates and Selecting Appropriate Measures for Preventing tent to facilitate densifying soil and unbound granular
Deleterious Expansion in New Concrete Construction, for materials and for dust control. The amounts of water
recommended testing protocols. used should be balanced between the needs to achieve
engineering requirements and to minimize waste. Dust
Polishing is the tendency of an aggregate at the pave
control on unpaved surfaces can be enhanced by the
ment surface to become smooth under the action of
use of calcium chloride.
traffic, leading to a reduction in skid resistance. Some
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS 33
6. Admixtures the amount of steel used in continually reinforced
concrete pavements (CRCP) can be significant; there
Chemical admixtures are a common constituent in
fore, the designer must balance the environment and
modern paving concrete, being added to modify one
cost impacts of including the steel with the improved
or more of the fresh or hardened properties of the
longevity of the pavement.
concrete. Chemical admixtures are typically used in
pavement mixtures to entrain air, increase workability, Dowel bars (smooth bars), or simply dowels, are
and/or control time of setting. Admixtures are used placed in concrete across transverse joints to provide
in small dosages and usually comprise less than 0.2 vertical support and to transfer loads across joints.
percent by volume of concrete. Dowel bars are typically used on heavy truck routes.
Dowel bars reduce the potential for faulting, pump
Common chemical admixtures are specified using
ing, and corner breaks in jointed concrete pavements
AASHTO M 154/ASTM C 260 and AASHTO M 194/
(Smith et al. 1990, ACPA 1991).
ASTM C 494. The basic ingredients used in water-
reducing and retarding admixtures are sugars and Tiebars (deformed bars), or rebar, are placed across
lignosulfonates obtained from corn or wood. The most longitudinal joints on centerlines or where slabs meet.
common accelerating admixture is calcium chloride, Tiebars prevent faulting and lateral movement of
although non-chloride based accelerators are also the slabs and assist with load transfer between slabs.
available. The primary materials used in modern Tiebars are also used to connect edge fixtures such as
high-range water-reducing admixtures (HRWRA) are curbs and gutters to the pavement.
polycarboxylate ethers and polyvinyl copolymers syn
thesized from oil-based materials. Reinforcement may be used in concrete pavements to
improve the ability of concrete to carry tensile stresses
Water-reducing admixtures (WRAs) are primarily used and to hold tightly together any random transverse
to reduce the amount of water required in a mixture to cracks that develop in the slab; see Figure 4.10. Gener
achieve a given workability. For a mixture with a fixed ally, cracking in jointed concrete pavements is con
w/cm ratio, water reducers can be used to reduce the trolled by limiting the spacing between joints. When
amount of cementitious material required, leading to the concrete slab is reinforced, joint spacing can be
significant savings in cost and environmental impact.
They also permit use of lower w/cm ratios in mixtures,
leading to improved durability and longevity.
7. Reinforcement
Dowel bars, tiebars, and reinforcement may be used
in concrete pavements to help the concrete carry
tensile stresses and/or to transfer loads across joints.
The most common reinforcement material is steel,
and the energy requirement to process steel is high. Figure 4.9 Air-entrained concrete (image courtesy
Dowels and tiebars are used in small quantities, but of CTLGroup)
34 Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
increased. The most common reinforcement is embed voids and thus the paste requirement, resulting in
ded steel placed either as welded wire fabric or as rein minimal cement and water required. Achieving this
forcement bars. Fiber-reinforcement can also be used. should not be at the expense of significantly increased
Fibers are commonly composed of steel or polymers, processing or transportation impacts.
although various other materials (e.g., carbon, cellu
lose, glass, and so on) have been used. Aggregates should be resistant to the environment and
not prone to D-cracking, ASR, or ACR. Cementitious
content should be kept as low as possible without
8. Proportioning compromising mixture performance, both in the fresh
and hardened state. The selection of the cementitious
The aim of mixture proportioning is to find the
system should be to maximize SCM contents while
combinations of available and specified materials that
preventing ASR, resisting freezing and thawing dis
will ensure that a mixture is cost effective and meets
tress, and meeting other specified requirements. The
all performance requirements. In the case of sustain
quality of the paste, including the w/cm ratio and air-
able design, minimizing the pavement’s environmental
void system, should be selected based on the environ
footprint (e.g., embodied energy and GHG emissions)
ment to which the mixture will be exposed.
over the pavement life cycle must be one of the perfor
mance requirements. Guidelines for achieving these objectives are available
in Integrating Materials and Construction Practices for
The freedom to vary mixture proportions depends on
Concrete Pavements (Taylor et al. 2006).
the specification. There is a movement to write speci
fications that are less “recipe” based and more focused
on the desired performance. This places decision mak 9. References
ing, and risk, in the hands of the concrete provider
and paving contractor, with the attendant economic American Coal Ash Association (ACAA). 2009. Coal
and environmental impacts. Such a trend will mean Combustion Product Production and Use Survey Report.
that everyone in the process has to be better educated (
about the broad impacts of their decisions. duction_and_Use_Survey_Revised_100511.pdf;
accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
Ideally a concrete paving mixture will use an opti
mized combined aggregate gradation that minimizes Bhatty, J.I., J. Gajda, D. Broton, and F. Botha. 2006.
Coal-Prep Wastes in Cement Manufacturing–Commercial
ization of Technology. ICCI Project Number: 04-1/4.1A
2. Illinois Clean Coal Institute.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS 35
Henkensiefken, R., D. Bentz, T. Nantung, and J. Weiss.; accessed Dec. 5,
2009. “Volume change and cracking in internally 2011)
cured mixtures made with saturated lightweight aggre
gate under sealed and unsealed conditions.” Cement & Slag Cement Association (SCA). 2011. (
Concrete Composites, 31.; accessed Jan. 2011)
Hooton, R.D., M. Nokken, and M.D.A. Thomas. 2007. Taylor, P. C. 2010. “New Technologies for Sustainable
Portland Limestone Cements: State-of-the-Art Report and Concrete.” In Proceedings-Concrete for a Sustainable
Gap Analysis for CSA A 3000. SN3053. Cement Asso Environment. Johannesburg, SA: Concrete Society of
ciation of Canada. Southern Africa.
Kostmatka, S. H., and M.L. Wilson. 2011. Design Taylor, P., S. Kosmatka, G. Voigt, et al. 2006. Integrat
and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 15th Ed. PCA EB1. ing Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete
Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association. Pavements: A State-of-the-Practice Manual. Ames, IA:
National Center for Concrete Pavement Technology,
Malhotra, V.M. 2000. “Role of Supplementary Cement Iowa State University. FHWA HIF-07-004. (www.
ing Materials in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.”;
In Concrete Technology for a Sustainable Development in accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
the 21st Century, Gjorv, O. E. and K. Sakai, Eds. Lon
don: Taylor & Francis. Tikalsky, P.J., V. Schaefer, K. Wang, B. Scheetz, T. Rup
now, A. St. Clair, M. Siddiqi, and S. Marquez. 2007.
Meijer, J. 2008. “Environmental Benefits of Two- Development of Performance Properties of Ternary Mix
Lift Pavement: A Quantitative Perspective Based on tures: Phase I Final Report. Ames, IA: National Concrete
Life Cycle Assessment.” Presentation made at 2008 Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University.
National Two-Lift Paving Open House, Salina, KS.
( Van Dam, T., and K. Smith. 2011. Blended and Perfor
documents/-Environmentalbenefits-JMeijer.pdf; mance Cements. ACPT Tech Brief. Washington, D.C.:
accessed Dec. 5, 2011) FHWA. FHWA-HIF-XX-XXX. In Publication.
Michigan Institute of Technology (MIT). 2010. Life Van Dam, T., and P. Taylor. 2009. Building Sustainable
Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Highway Pavements: Interim Pavements with Concrete. Ames, IA: National Concrete
Report. Cambridge, MA: MIT, Concrete Sustainability Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University.
Hub. ( (
sLCAsummaryDec2010.pdf; accessed Dec. 5, 2011) ing.pdf; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
MIT. ND. (Various news articles.) ( Van Dam, T., B. Smartz, and T. Laker. 2010. “Use of
cshub/news/news.html; accessed Dec. 5. 2011) Performance Cements (ASTM C 1157) in Colorado
and Utah: Laboratory Durability Testing and Case
Morian, D., T. Van Dam, K. Smith, and R. Perera. Studies.” Presentation made at International Confer
2011. Use of Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag as Coarse ence on Sustainable Concrete Pavements, Sacramento,
Aggregate in Concrete Pavements: A Guide to Best Prac CA.
tice. Washington, D.C.: FHWA. In publication.
Van Dam, T.J. 2010. Geopolymer Concrete. CPTP Tech
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). 2011. Brief. Washington, D.C.: FHWA, Concrete Pavement
U.S. Life-Cycle Inventory Database. (; Technology Program. FHWA-HIF-10-014.
accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Portland Cement Association (PCA). 2009. Report on (WBCSD). 2010. (; accessed
Sustainable Manufacturing. Skokie, IL: PCA. (www. Dec. 5, 2011)
36 Ch. 4. SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIALS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Chapter 5
Gary Fick
Table 5.1 Summary of Concrete Pavement Construction Practices That Enhance Pavement Sustainability
Construction Practice Sustainability Benefits
Providing a uniform concrete mixture that meets specifications
Placing dowels, tiebars, and reinforcing in the proper location • Enhanced long-term pavement performance
Using proper finishing techniques • Smoother pavements, which result in improved
fuel efficiency and reduced vehicle maintenance
Constructing smooth pavements costs for the traveling public
Ensuring timely and effective curing of the concrete pavement
Using alternative fuels • Reduced greenhouse gas and particulate emissions
Reducing idling of diesel engines • Utilization of fuel generated from renewable
Using equipment that meets or exceeds EPA emission requirements sources
Allocating equipment resources wisely by matching the quantity and
Improved energy efficiency
size of equipment to project needs
Implementing appropriate erosion control measures Preserved water quality in surrounding bodies of
Containing washout sediment water
Optimizing plant site location with respect to the average haul
distance for concrete and delivery of raw materials Reduced fuel consumption
Properly constructing and maintaining haul routes
Water sprinkling of haul routes and plant sites for dust control Control of objectionable airborne particulates
Recycling washout water Conservation of water
Stabilizing construction entrances where construction traffic enters
Mitigation of sediment runoff
public roadways
Using public rights of way for plant sites, staging areas, and borrow Minimized environmental impacts on private
sources property
Mitigating construction noise from exhaust stacks, banging tailgates, Reduced negative impacts on the neighboring
plant site operations, and sawing communities
Considering traffic delays when planning project staging and logistics
Implementing accelerated construction methods that result in reduced Reduced road user costs caused by delays
construction durations and earlier opening of facilities
Reduced concrete waste and enhanced probability
Constructing subgrade and subbase(s) to tighter tolerances
of achieving smooth pavement
Enhanced safety through proper friction
characteristics and reduced tire-pavement noise
Transporting Concrete
Various types of hauling equipment are available for
transporting concrete for a paving project. These range
from transit mix trucks (Figure 5.6) to tractor-trailer rigs
(Figure 5.7). From a sustainability perspective, efficiency
should be maximized by matching the type, size, and
number of haul units to project constraints (production
rate, haul route conditions, maneuverability, etc.).
• Locations where haul units enter and exit public • Concrete should be well consolidated but not segre
roadways should be monitored to reduce traffic gated. Vibrator frequency should be monitored and
delays experienced by the public. adjusted to variations in the concrete mixture and
the paver speed. Cores of the pavement should be
taken as soon as possible and visually inspected to
Concrete Placement and Finishing verify that consolidation efforts are adequate and
Placing and finishing concrete pavement is a complex not detrimental.
process that involves the use of sophisticated equip • Proper hand finishing techniques should be consis
ment in conjunction with the skilled craftsmanship tently implemented.
of crew members. By the time the concrete mixture is
deposited ahead of the paver, there is nothing that the a. Except in rare and isolated conditions, water
equipment and crew can do to improve the material should not be used as a finishing aid. The practice
properties; these properties are strictly a function of of adding water to the surface of the pavement
the raw materials, mixture proportions, and mixing can result in a weakened layer of non-durable
process. However, there are many ways that placement paste at the pavement’s surface.
and finishing techniques can negatively influence what may b. Care must be take not to over-finish the surface.
be an otherwise acceptable concrete mixture. From a sus Over-finishing results in a paste-rich, high-per
tainability perspective, it is imperative that the equip meability surface layer, which is susceptible to
ment and crew place and finish the concrete pave shrinkage cracking and surface scaling.
ment in a manner that will maximize the performance
capabilities of the concrete mixture. • Acceptable pavement smoothness characteristics
must be achieved by following best practices for
The following items summarize the placing and finish placing and finishing.
ing processes that are most critical to achieving the
long-term pavement performance that is integral to
Managing Economic Impacts
concrete pavement sustainability. Detailed guidance
regarding these practices can be found in the Integrated • Paving equipment should be matched to project
Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pave conditions.
ment (Taylor et al. 2006) and Concrete Pavement Field • Subgrade and subbase(s) should be placed to thick
Reference: Pre-Paving (APWA 2010). ness and smoothness tolerances that will minimize
• Embedded steel must be properly placed. waste and meet thickness tolerance specifications
for the concrete pavement.
a. Dowel baskets should be placed in the proper
location, anchored firmly, and positively marked Managing Environmental Impacts
to ensure that saw cuts for contraction joints are
made at the proper location. • Smooth pavements improve fuel efficiency.
• Dust should be controlled by sprinkling with water.
b. Inserted dowels should be monitored for move
ment and positively marked to ensure that saw
cuts for contraction joints are made at the proper Managing Societal Impacts
location. • Construction noise should be mitigated to reduce
impacts on surrounding areas.
c. Tiebars should be placed at the proper depth
and spacing. • Dust should be controlled by sprinkling with water.
d. Continuous reinforcing bars should be spaced • Smooth pavements reduce wear and tear on vehicles.
Managing Environmental Impacts • Slurry from wet sawing joints should not be allowed
to drain unfiltered into adjacent waterways.
• Some curing compounds may contain materials that
could be hazardous to the environment. If spills • Some joint sealants may contain materials that are
occur, they should be contained and mitigated in hazardous to the environment and/or crew; manu
accordance with local regulations. facturers’ recommendations should be followed.
Martha VanGeem
Emily Lorenz
Tom Van Dam
As discussed in previous chapters, to obtain a full effect on environmental impact over the life cycle, con
measure of the environmental impact of a concrete sidering such factors as vehicle fuel efficiency as well
pavement, all phases of the pavement’s life cycle must as how the pavement interacts with the environment
be considered. Although considerable attention has while in service (Wathne 2010, Santero et al. 2011a).
been paid to the material acquisition and construc
tion phases, and to a lesser degree the end-of-life This chapter briefly considers both aspects. Traffic-
phase, until recently little attention has been paid to related factors such as vehicle rolling resistance, which
the impact of pavement type during the use phase. is influenced by pavement roughness and stiffness,
Yet it is recognized that the use phase, particularly the are discussed, as is pavement-environment interaction
traffic using the facility, often has the largest impact on including carbonation, lighting requirements, albedo,
the environment (Wathne 2010). As a result, increas and leachate. The latter are discussed in greater detail
ing emphasis is being placed on whether differences in Chapter 9, as they are primarily a consideration in
resulting from pavement type may have a significant urban environments.
1. Vehicle Fuel Consumption and maintain a pavement surface that will minimize
the economic and environmental impact of vehicle
Unlike buildings that have electricity and other
energy-related metrics directly attributed to their
use, the energy and associated environmental impact The rolling resistance, which is the vehicle energy loss
attributed to the use of pavements are more difficult associated with pavement-vehicle interaction, has to be
to account. Although some of the energy used in the minimized for agencies to improve the fuel efficiency
operation of a pavement may be directly accounted of vehicles operating on their pavements (Santero et
for (e.g., energy to power artificial lighting), the big al. 2011b). One of the biggest factors contributing
gest source of energy consumed during the use phase to rolling resistance is road roughness, as it results in
is overwhelmingly the fuel consumption of vehicles an excitation of the suspension systems in vehicles,
using the roadway. The consumption of fossil fuels has consuming energy that is responsible for significant
the greatest environmental impact during the pave increases in fuel consumption (AASHTO 2009). This
ment life cycle, due in part to the emission of GHGs, has been a key input into the World Bank’s pavement
but also many other environmentally harmful impacts design model for decades (Chesher and Harrison
as shown in Figure 6.1. 1987, Bennett and Greenwood 2003), and recent
studies have confirmed the validity of this conclusion
Vehicle fuel consumption depends on many things
(Zabaar 2010). Specifically, it was found that regard
such as wind resistance, vehicle type and load, tire
less of pavement or vehicle type, increasing pavement
type and pressure, vehicle speed and acceleration, and
roughness results in significantly higher fuel consump
the interaction between the vehicle and the pavement
tion regardless of vehicle speed. This clearly demon
surface, which includes pavement roughness (often
strates the benefit of constructing smooth pavements
measured using the international roughness index or
and keeping them smooth over their service life.
IRI), surface texture, and stiffness, among other fac
tors. Many of these factors are the same regardless of Further, increasing pavement texture (as measured
pavement type. Pavement roughness, surface texture, by the sand patch test) results in significant increases
and stiffness, however, are inherent features of the in fuel consumption at lower vehicle speeds (Zaabar
pavement and thus can be controlled by the manag 2010). Sandberg (1990) had previously observed this
ing agency, which has the ability to design, construct, trend, finding that at higher speeds, rolling resistance
is less dependent on pavement surface texture because
vehicle fuel consumption is more heavily influenced
by air resistance.
48 Ch. 6. IMPACT OF THE USE PHASE Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
determine if rolling resistance is affected by pavement consumption of only 1 or 2 percent can have a huge
properties (Zaniewski et al. 1982, De Graaff 1999, economic and environmental impact over the design
NPC 2002, Taylor and Patten 2006, Ardekani and life and should be incorporated into a life-cycle assess
Sumitsawan 2010, Zaabar and Chatti 2011). Higher ment model as discussed in Chapter 8.
pavement deflections may result in additional fuel
consumption as a vehicle moves along the pavement In summary, it is clear that vehicular operations are
surface (Akbarian 2011). responsible for most of the energy consumed and
emissions generated over a pavement’s life cycle.
It is clear from past studies that no overwhelming Although many factors contributing to fuel consump
consensus has emerged from various field studies con tion are not related to the interaction between the tire
ducted to determine whether pavement type impacts and pavement, the pavement roughness, texture, and
fuel consumption, although it appears that pavement stiffness contribute to the rolling resistance. A con
type can make a difference, with slightly better fuel crete pavement that is constructed and maintained in
efficiency observed for vehicles operating on concrete a smooth condition will thus reduce rolling resistance
pavements (Santero et al. 2011c). From this review, it and increase fuel efficiency of vehicles operating on
is clear that the study of fuel consumption is compli it, thus reducing energy use and emissions. Further,
cated by many, many factors, and those field studies the inherent stiffness of concrete appears to result
that have taken this into account have found that pave in reduced fuel consumption, especially for heavy
ment type effects are most prevalent for heavier, slow- vehicles operating at slow speeds during the warmer
moving vehicles during warm weather. As an example, months of the year. Mechanistic models are under
Zaabar and Chatti (2011) reported that pavement type development that will properly consider vehicular roll
has a statistically significant impact on fuel efficiency ing resistance and its impact on fuel consumption for
for light (loaded) trucks and heavy trucks moving at use in life-cycle assessment.
low speeds (35 mph) under summer conditions, with
increased fuel consumption occurring on asphalt-sur
faced pavements. The results were statistically insignifi
2. Other Environmental Impacts
cant at higher speeds for all vehicles, and for passenger During Use
cars, vans, and SUVs under all conditions. It is noted In addition to environmental impact incurred due to
that data were not available for heavy trucks under vehicular use, other environmental factors warrant
winter conditions. consideration, including solar reflectance, lighting,
carbonation, run-off, and traffic delays. Santero et
These results make sense from an intuitive perspec al. (2011a) note that these factors are the least con
tive since a viscoelastic material such as asphalt will sistently considered in the environmental life-cycle
stiffen as it cools and/or is subjected to a higher rate assessment of pavements, yet in combination they can
of loading. As the surface stiffens, deflection decreases have a significant environmental impact. Most of these
and rolling resistance is reduced. Work conducted at factors are addressed in greater detail in other chap
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology resulted in ters, but they are mentioned here since they affect a
a first-order mechanistic model to simulate the effect pavement in service.
of pavement stiffness on rolling resistance and to
accurately calculate the rate of fuel consumption for
different vehicle types for pavements of various stiff Solar Reflectance
ness (Akbarian 2011). Preliminary results suggest that Solar reflectance (or albedo) is a surface property of a
pavement stiffness does make a small but significant material. Solar reflectance values range from zero to
difference, with lower fuel consumption incurred 1.0, with a zero value indicating a perfectly non-reflec
for all vehicle types operating on stiffer pavements. tive material and a 1.0 value representing a material
The continued development of this type of model is that is 100 percent reflective. Light-colored materials
justified, as the volume of traffic over the life of many have higher solar reflectance values than dark-colored
pavements is so great that even a difference in fuel materials. Although color plays a role in a material’s
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 6. IMPACT OF THE USE PHASE 49
solar reflectance, color alone is not the only indicator cement or coatings, further mitigating the urban heat
of solar reflectance. island effect. Titanium dioxide photocatalyic coatings
have the added benefit of breaking down the harmful
Solar reflectance has the greatest importance in urban compounds of nitrogen oxides (NOx) (Chen and Poon
areas as it is known to contribute to the formation 2009). And, because of evaporative cooling, the use
of urban heat islands. A heat island is a local area of of a light-colored pervious concrete pavement can be
elevated temperature located in a region of cooler tem extremely effective in addressing the urban heat island
peratures. Heat islands usually occur in urban areas while also addressing surface run-off. Further discus
as illustrated in Figure 6.2; hence, they are sometimes sion on this topic can be found in Chapter 9.
called urban heat islands. Urban heat islands are
formed due to the warming of exposed urban surfaces Further, the use of reflective surfaces, including the
such as roofs and pavements (EPA 2009). Urban heat use of reflective pavements and roofs in both urban
islands contribute to lower air and water quality and and rural areas, is being advocated by a group of
greater energy demands, especially in the summer. researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Labora
tory. This is not being recommended for mitigation of
In places that are already burdened with high tempera the urban heat island effect alone, but as a strategy to
tures, the heat-island effect can make cities warmer, combat global warming through radiative forcing of
more uncomfortable, and occasionally more life-threat the sun’s energy back into space (Akbari and Menon
ening (FEMA 2007). Temperatures greater than 75˚F 2008). The basic theory is that when the sun’s energy
increase the probability of formation of ground-level is reflected back into space, it is not being absorbed
ozone (commonly called smog), which exacerbates into the earth’s surface and thus cannot contribute
respiratory conditions such as asthma. Higher tem to warming of the planet. Research continues into
peratures also lead to greater reliance on air condition the impact of radiative forcing on mitigating global
ing, which leads to more energy use and associated warming, but findings to date indicate that this could
emissions. be an enormously important factor in reducing global
Due to its naturally light color, concrete is an excellent temperatures in the future.
choice for paving material in an urban environment.
This is illustrated in Figure 6.3, which shows the Lighting
impact of pavement albedo on surface temperature,
with darker surfaces having much higher tempera Concrete’s higher (brighter) reflectance can also
tures. Further, reflectance can be enhanced by the use lower infrastructure and ongoing lighting costs, while
of some SCMs, such as light-colored slag cement and/ boosting safety for vehicles and pedestrians. Concrete
or fly ash. Highly reflective pavement surfaces can be
created using white titanium dioxide photocatalytic
Figure 6.2 Heat islands for various areas of Figure 6.3 Effect of pavement type and albedo on
development (EPA 2003) pavement surface temperature (Kaloush 2010)
50 Ch. 6. IMPACT OF THE USE PHASE Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
pavements require fewer lighting fixtures than other As is discussed in Chapter 8, significant additional
surfaces and less energy is required to achieve the amounts of CO2 can be absorbed through carbon
same degree of lighting (Gajda and VanGeem 2001). ation at the end of a pavement’s life, particularly if it is
Improved illumination leads to increased visibility, crushed as part of a recycling operation.
which is an important safety consideration. This is also
discussed in more detail in Chapter 9.
Run-Off and Leachate
After a rainstorm, run-off from the pavement surface
Carbonation can carry pollutants with it, most of which originated
Carbonation is a normal phenomenon that occurs from vehicles that used the pavement and not from the
between hydrated cement phases in concrete and pavement material itself (Santero et al. 2011b). The
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), where the phases use of a pervious concrete surface (currently applicable
react with the CO2, absorbing some of it into the for low traffic volume pavements, parking areas, and
exposed surfaces. By reabsorbing atmospheric CO2, shoulders) can help mitigate some of this effect by
concrete pavements can partially offset their environ preventing most surface run-off from directly entering
mental impact of CO2 generation that occurs during streams and lakes (Borst et al. 2010). Instead, natural
the manufacture of cement. Gajda (2001) gathered processes degrade the pollutants as the water slowly
data on the amount of CO2 that could be absorbed by passes through aggregate and soil. Further, pervious
concrete based on more than 1,000 samples. Figure concrete surfaces will prevent run-off warmed by a hot
6.4 shows one sample that has carbonated to a depth pavement surface from rapidly entering surface waters,
of 18 mm. Carbonation rates varied depending on the thus helping to maintain a cool water temperature
strength of the concrete and cement content, but the which is necessary for some species’ survival. As pervi
average rate of carbonation for uncoated concrete was ous concrete is most often used in urban areas, Chap
found to be 4.23 mm/yr0.5. He further estimated that, ter 9 includes a more detailed discussion on this topic.
on average, concrete produced in the United States
could absorb about 274,000 metric tons of atmo Santero et al. (2011b) also noted that research has
spheric CO2 in the first year after placement. Although been inconclusive related to run-off or leachates from
the rate of carbonation will slow with time, it is impor recycled materials. It is known that when concrete is
tant to know that a measurable amount of CO2 will be recycled and stockpiled, run-off from the stockpiles
sequestered by a concrete pavement while in service. initially has a pH of 9 or 10, but the pH diminishes
within weeks as exposed cement grains and soluble
cement paste phases react (ACPA 2009). Additional
discussion on the use of recycled concrete is presented
in Chapter 8.
Traffic Delays
Traffic delays incurred during pavement maintenance
and rehabilitation (see Figure 6.5) greatly influence
vehicle fuel consumption. Santero et al. (2011a)
hypothesize that traffic delays could be a much greater
portion of a pavement’s environmental impact than
construction materials and equipment. As a result, it
is recognized that the environmental impacts of traffic
delay resulting from future maintenance and rehabili
Figure 6.4 Depth of carbonation determined by the tation activities should be included in the environmen
phenolphthalein test (pink two-thirds of the sample tal assessment, and work continues to characterize this
is not carbonated (Gajda 2001) impact (Santero et al. 2011c). The inclusion of this
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 6. IMPACT OF THE USE PHASE 51
impact would further demonstrate the environmental better characterize the environmental impacts that are
savings that can be incurred through long-life pave incurred through the use phase and to determine how
ments that have little need for future lane closure in these can more easily be included in environmental
support of maintenance/rehabilitation activities. life-cycle assessment. Indications are that the use phase
has the greatest impact of all life-cycle phases and thus
must be considered in sustainable design.
3. Summary
Studies have recognized the importance of consider
ing the use phase in sustainable design, yet often it 4. References
is largely ignored. Pavement designers, contractors, American Association of State Highway and Transpor
and owners may not have influence on the types of tation Officials (AASHTO). 2009. Rough Roads Ahead-
vehicles that use pavements. However, with proper Fix Them Now or Pay for It Later. Washington, D.C.:
consideration during design and construction and AASHTO (
the adoption of an aggressive concrete preservation Roads_FullReport.pdf; accessed on August 8, 2011)
strategy, concrete pavements can be constructed and
maintained in a smooth condition, reducing fuel American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA).
consumption and related emissions. Over the life 2009. Recycling Concrete Pavements. Engineering Bul
cycle, small improvements in fuel efficiency incurred letin 043P. Skokie, IL: ACPA.
due to the inherent stiffness of concrete pavements Akbari, H., and S. Menon. 2008. Global Cooling:
may significantly reduce the environmental impact Increasing World-wide Urban Albedos to Offset CO2.
of pavements. Further, the relatively high reflectiv Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Arthur
ity of concrete will help reduce the heat island effect, Rosenfeld California Energy Commission. Pavement
reduce the energy needed for artificial illumination, Interactive. (
and through radiative forcing reduce global warming, php?title=Global_Cooling:_Increasing_World-wide_
further enhancing environmental performance during Urban_Albedos_to_Offset_CO2; accessed August 8,
the use phase. Other factors that should be considered 2011)
include carbonation, run-off and leachate generation,
and traffic delays incurred during future maintenance Akbarian, M. 2011. When the Rubber Meets the Road.
and rehabilitation activities. Work is under way to Life Cycle Analysis Research Brief. Cambridge, MA:
Concrete Sustainability Hub, Massachusetts Institute of
52 Ch. 6. IMPACT OF THE USE PHASE Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Chatti, K. 2010. “Effect of Pavement Conditions on Lenngren, C.A., and L. Faldner. 2011. Fuel Cost Con
Rolling Resistance and Fuel Consumption.” Presen sideration Regarding Truck Rolling Resistance on Different
tation made at the Pavement Life Cycle Assessment Pavement Types. Swedish Road and Transport Research
Workshop, University of California–Davis. Institute, Vermont Transportation Institute.
Chen, J., and C. Poon. 2009. “Photocatalytic Construc Netherlands Pavement Consultants (NPC). 2002.
tion and Building Materials: From Fundamentals to VEROAD® Calculations: Maximum Energy Dissipation
Applications.” Building and Environment, 44:9. When Driving on Asphalt Pavement versus Driving on
Rigid Cement Concrete. Netherlands: NPC.
Chesher, A., and R. Harrison. 1987. Vehicle Operating
Cost: Evidence from Developing Countries. Washington, Sandberg, Ulf S. I. 1990. Road Macro- and Mega-Texture
D.C.: World Bank Publications. Influence on Fuel Consumption. ASTM STP 1031. West
Conshochocken, PA.
De Graaff. 1999. Dutch report: Rolling resistance
of Porous Asphalt-a Pilot Study. Report no. M+P. Santero, N.J., E. Masanet, and A. Horvath. 2011a.
MVM.97.2.1 rev. 2 M+P. The Netherlands. “Life-Cycle Assessment of Pavements. Part 1: Criti
cal Review.” Resour Conserv Recy. doi:10.1016/j.
European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA). resonrec.2011.03.010.
2004. Environmental Impact and Fuel Efficiency of Roads.
Industry Report. EAPA/Eurobitume. ( Santero, N.J., E. Masanet, and A. Horvath. 2011b.
usr_img/position_paper/fuel_efficiency_report.pdf, “Life-Cycle Assessment of Pavements. Part 2: Fill
accessed August 8, 2011) ing the Research Gaps.” Resour Conserv Recy.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2003.
Cooling Summertime Temperatures: Strategies to Reduce Santero, N., A. Loijos, M. Akbarian, and J. Ochsend
Urban Heat Islands. Washington, D.C.: U.S. EPA. orf. 2011c. Methods, Impacts, and Opportunities in the
( Concrete Pavement Life Cycle. Draft Report. Cambridge,
pdf; accessed August 8, 2011) MA: Concrete Sustainability Hub, Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology.
EPA. 2009. Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium
of Strategies–Cool Pavements. Draft. Washington, D.C.: Sumitsawan, P., S. Romanoschi, and S.A. Ardekani.
U.S. EPA. ( 2009. “Effect of Pavement Type on Fuel Consumption
CoolPavesCompendium.pdf; accessed August 8, 2011) and Emissions.” Proceedings of the 2009 Mid-Continent
Transportation Research Symposium. Ames, IA: Institute
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). for Transportation, Iowa State University.
2007. Are You Ready? Extreme Heat. Washington,
D.C.: FEMA. (; Taylor, G.W., and J.D. Patten. 2006. Effect of Pavement
accessed July 5, 2011) Structure on Vehicle Fuel Consumption–Phase III. Techni
cal Report CSTT-HVC-TR-068. Skokie, IL: Portland
Gajda, John. 2001. Absorption of Atmospheric Carbon Cement Association.
Dioxide by Portland Cement Concrete. R&D Serial No.
2255a, Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association. Tighe, S., N. Li, L. Cowe Falls, and R. Haas. 2000.
“Incorporating Road Safety into Pavement Manage
Gajda, J., and M. VanGeem. 2001. A Comparison of Six ment.” Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Environmental Impacts of Portland Cement Concrete and TRR 1699. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research
Asphalt Cement Concrete Pavements. PCA R&D Serial Board.
No. 2068. Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association.
Wathne, L. 2010. “Sustainability Opportunities With
Kaloush, Kamil. 2010. “Pavements and the Urban Heat Pavements: Are We Focusing on the Right Stuff.” Pro
Island Effect.” Presentation made on EPA’s Cool Pave ceedings: International Conference on Sustainable Concrete
ments Webcast. Arizona State University. Pavements: Practices, Challenges, and Directions. Sacra
mento, CA.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 6. IMPACT OF THE USE PHASE 53
Zaabar, I. 2010. Effect of Pavement Conditions on Vehicle In the Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the
Operating Costs Including Fuel Consumption, Vehicle Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.: TRB.
Durability and Damage to Transported Goods. Ph.D. Dis
sertation. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University. Zaniewski, J.P., B.C. Butler, G.E. Cunningham, G.E.
Elkins, M.S. Paggi, and R. Machemehl. 1982. Vehicle
Zaabar, I., and K. Chatti. 2011. “A Field Investigation Operating Costs, Fuel Consumption, and Pavement Type
of the Effect of Pavement Type on Fuel Consumption.” and Condition Factors. Washington, D.C.: Federal High
way Administration.
54 Ch. 6. IMPACT OF THE USE PHASE Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Chapter 7
Preservation and rehabilitation play an important role This chapter briefly discusses renewal strategies that can
in ensuring pavement longevity while maintaining be applied to concrete pavements to effectively main
the highest level of serviceability. Long-lasting pave tain serviceability over the design life. The two primary
ments reduce future investments in new materials and strategies that are discussed are preventive maintenance
construction, thus minimizing economic, environ and rehabilitation. Preventive maintenance is a planned
mental, and social impact over the life cycle. Further, strategy employing treatments that extend pavement
a well maintained concrete pavement will remain in a life, generally without increasing structural capacity.
smooth, safe, and quiet condition for a greater portion Pavement rehabilitation adds some structural capacity,
of its life, thus increasing the fuel efficiency of vehicles usually through the application of additional pavement
and reducing crashes that adversely impact the com thickness in the form of an overlay. Timely and appro
munity. As such, renewal directly contributes to the priate preventive maintenance and rehabilitation can
sustainability of the concrete pavement. enhance sustainability over the concrete pavement life
1. Pavement Renewal Concepts In some cases maintenance may be required on high
traffic lanes only, in which case detailing should avoid
Although many treatments and strategies are available
elevation differences between lanes. Pavement rehabili
that contribute to concrete pavement renewal, they can
tation is appropriate after the pavement condition has
generally be classified under preventive maintenance
dropped to a point where it is no longer effective to
or rehabilitation. Preventive maintenance is a planned
apply preventive maintenance. As can also be seen in
strategy employing cost-effective treatments (e.g.,
Figure 7.1, after the pavement condition has dropped
patching, joint sealing, diamond grinding, and so on)
to a certain level—the pavement life is basically “used
that extend pavement life without increasing structural
up”—the only suitable treatment is reconstruction.
capacity (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin 2008). Unlike
preventive maintenance, pavement rehabilitation adds Figure 7.2 illustrates the monetary impact of treat
some structural capacity, usually through the applica ments applied at various pavement condition levels,
tion of additional pavement thickness in the form of an as represented by a generalized pavement condition
overlay (Harrington et al. 2008). rating (PCR). It shows that $1.00 spent to maintain a
good pavement (PCR 60 to 100) in good condition is
Figure 7.1 graphically illustrates a typical pavement
equivalent to spending $4.80 to $7.00 on a pavement
life, with pavement “condition” (e.g., level of distress,
having a PCR of 50 to 60. This cost jumps to $20.00
roughness, structural capacity, and so on) plotted on
at a PCR of 40 to 50, and to $48.00 at a PCR less
the vertical axis and time (or traffic) plotted on the
than 40, illustrating the cost effectiveness of properly
horizontal axis. The curved line represents pavement
applied preventive maintenance treatments.
performance over time, showing initially that pave
ment condition slightly decreases with time as the The effects of preventive maintenance and rehabilita
pavement ages and is subjected to traffic. After the ini tion are illustrated in Figure 7.3. As can be seen, each
tial phase of the pavement life, performance decreases application of a preventive maintenance treatment pro
at an increasing rate before finally leveling off once it vides a small increase in condition, often translating to
has reached a poor condition. increased smoothness. Thus, the application of timely
and appropriate preventive maintenance treatments
Figure 7.1 also shows typical “windows” in which
will keep a smooth pavement smooth for an extended
preventive maintenance and rehabilitation are appli
period of time. This is not only cost effective for the
cable. As can be seen, preventive maintenance is only
agency responsible for maintaining the pavement but,
applicable when the pavement is in relatively good
as discussed in Chapter 6, it also reduces the vehicle
condition and has significant remaining life. Thus,
operating costs as well as the environmental impact of
a common precept is that preventive maintenance
vehicles operating on the pavement.
is used to keep good pavements in good condition.
Good Pavement Preservation Window
Pavement Condition
curve showing ideal times for the application Figure 7.2 Comparison of treatment costs at
of pavement preservation, rehabilitation, and different pavement condition ratings (PCRs)
reconstruction (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin 2008) (Zimmerman and Wolters 2003)
• Use of precast panels in full-depth repairs 3. Repair area is prepared by final removal of loose
material and cleaned using sand-blasting and
• Retrofitted edge drains air-blasting.
• Load transfer restoration 4. Joint is prepared, including insertion of a com
pressible material into the joint to prevent intru
• Diamond grinding and grooving
sion of the repair material.
• Joint resealing and crack sealing
5. For some repair materials, bonding grout/agent
Not all projects will include all treatments. The most must be applied immediately prior to placement of
common treatments that address ride quality are par the repair material.
tial- and full-depth repairs, load transfer restoration, 6. The patch material is placed in accordance with
and diamond grinding. These are discussed below. manufacturer’s instructions.
Cross stitching may be conducted on newer pavements
that have early-age cracks (ACPA 2006). When thin 7. The patch is cured for the specified time, often
bonded concrete overlays are constructed primarily to using a white pigmented membrane curing
restore ride quality rather than add structural capac compound. Blankets may be required in cooler
ity, they may be considered as preventive maintenance weather.
projects; overlays are described in detail under the
A recent publication discusses how concrete removal
Rehabilitation section of this chapter. can be conducted quite efficiently using modern mill
ing machines in which rotating carbide teeth grind
Partial-Depth Repair away the existing concrete to the desired depth, leav
ing a rough substrate that facilitates bonding of the
Partial-depth repairs are used to repair surface distress
repair material (Harrington et al. 2011). See Figure
that is isolated in the top one-third of the slab, restor
7.4. This technique has been used successfully in a
ing ride quality and allowing for effective sealing of
number of states, creating cost-effective, long-lasting
joints (Frentress and Harrington 2011). This type of
distress is often found in the vicinity of joints and is
most often caused by the infiltration of incompress Several materials are available for partial-depth repairs,
ible material into the joint that results in spalling as with the choice being driven by the desired time to
the joint closes during warmer weather. Poor concrete opening. Long-lasting, durable repairs have been cre
consolidation, localized areas of weak concrete, cor ated using portland cement-based products, although
rosion of reinforcing steel, and the use of joint inserts if the required time to opening is less than 12 hours,
also contribute to the formation of surface distress that often proprietary cementitious- or polymeric-based
can be addressed through partial-depth repairs. Traffic materials are used (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin 2008,
Dowel bar
Bonded Bonded
Preventive on on Asphalt
maintenance Concrete or
before treatment
Minor Unbonded
rehabilitation Concrete
on Asphalt
Major or
rehabilitation Composite
Figure 7.9 Typical applications for bonded and unbonded concrete overlays on existing concrete and
asphalt/composite pavements (Harrington et al. 2008)
5. Summary
The application of proper concrete pavement preventive
maintenance and rehabilitation strategies is essential to
extend the life of a concrete pavement while ensuring
that it remains in a structurally sound, smooth, and safe
condition over its life cycle. Applying the right strategy
at the right time contributes to the overall sustainabil
ity of the pavement by ensuring it meets or exceeds its Figure 7.11 Unbonded overlay
The ultimate goal of recycling is to achieve a zero advance. In the past, economic cost was the driving
waste stream target utilizing all byproduct materials force that encouraged recycling, yet this is beginning
encountered in the rehabilitation or reconstruction of to change. Although cost will remain an important
a concrete pavement. Not only is this economically driver, the social and political awareness of the need
advantageous but in addition local recycling minimizes to be sustainable has recently become more signifi
environmental impact by reducing the carbon foot cant. This is especially true in regions of high popula
print, embodied energy, and emissions and enhances tion density where limited availability of construction
social good by reducing the need for landfills and the materials very often leads to cost-effective options for
extraction of nonrenewable raw materials. Achieving recycling concrete pavements into new recycled con
this goal ensures that a balance is struck among the crete and unbound base material. In addition, land-use
economic, environmental, and social factors that are sensitivities, traffic considerations, as well as overall
considered in the construction of concrete pavements. cost are also of greater importance in urban areas. The
As discussed in Chapter 2, the concept of recycling benefits of recycling include the following:
must be viewed as a cradle-to-cradle undertaking as
opposed to past thinking of cradle to grave. There is no • Economic savings
practical grave for materials used in modern sustain • Reduced use of limited nonrenewable raw materials
able infrastructure, only a new beginning which allows
application of current technologies to achieve the goal • Decreased demand for fuel and associated emis
of zero waste in the rehabilitation and reconstruction sions from transport of waste to landfill and of new
of concrete pavements. materials to the site
Driven by cost, need, limited resources, and an envi • Improved land use, by minimizing both the need
ronmental awareness of the benefits of sustainability, for landfills and the need to develop more land for
concrete pavement recycling technology continues to resource extraction
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES 67
1. Introduction to Recycled Additional information on the use of recycled concrete
Concrete in transportation infrastructure can be found in the
following resources:
A subtle but important benefit of recycling concrete is
the potential benefit of reducing atmospheric carbon • FHWA (1997)
dioxide (CO2) through carbon sequestration. The paste
• FHWA (2007)
of the original concrete has approximately 25 percent
free calcium hydroxide (CH) which is potentially • AASHTO M 319, Reclaimed Concrete Aggregate for
capable of sequestering a significant amount of the car Unbound Soil-Aggregate Base Course
bon dioxide that was initially released during cement
• AASHTO MP 16, Reclaimed Concrete Aggregate for
manufacturing due to the calcination of the limestone
Use as Coarse Aggregate in Hydraulic Cement Concrete
(calcium carbonate). Sequestration is simply the pro
cess of reversing the calcination that occurred in the • ACPA Engineering Bulletin 043P, Recycling Concrete
kiln when atmospheric CO2 reacts with CH present Pavements
in the hardened concrete to form calcium carbon
ate (CaCO3). The rate of sequestration varies directly
with temperature, surface area, relative humidity, and 2. RCA Properties
concentration of CO2. Work through the Recycled It is important for users to understand the physical,
Materials Resource Center (RMRC) at the University chemical, and mechanistic properties of RCA in rela
of New Hampshire has shown the potential benefit of tion to its proposed uses. In general, hydraulic cement
sequestering carbon dioxide using the free CH found concrete can easily be processed into RCA, which
in recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). has added value as an aggregate replacement in new
concrete, as a dense graded base material, as drain-
Sequestering is more efficient when RCA is used as able base material, or as fine aggregate; see Figure 8.1.
base material due to favorable environmental condi These RCA materials are recognized by ASTM and
tions in a pavement subsurface base system as com AASHTO as viable aggregates, and there is no need to
pared to concrete exposed during normal service request or apply for exceptions to standard specifica
which carbonates slowly due to minimum exposed tions when they are utilized as new aggregate sub
surface area, low moisture contents, and low matrix stitutes. Generally speaking, normal test criteria and
permeability (Gardner 2007). When concrete is specifications that apply for conventional aggregate
crushed the resulting RCA has increased surface area also apply for RCA materials.
exposing more CH to the atmosphere which acceler
ates the rate of carbonation (Haselbach and Ma 2008).
68 Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Thorough discussions of the typical properties of RCA at a rate in excess of 30 percent can result in decreased
are found elsewhere (FHWA 2007, ACPA 2009, Obla concrete strength and the development of undesirable
et al. 2007). finishing issues.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES 69
RCA produced from concrete located in the northern percent of the concrete pavements that were being
tier of the United States may contain high levels of replaced were recycled into unbound base and drain
chloride from the use of deicers which could cause age material rather than RCA concrete.
corrosion of steel reinforcement when used in CRCP
and JRCP applications. This can be mitigated through
the use of noncorrosive steel, steel with a corrosion
Properties of Plastic RCA Concrete
resistant coating, and/or corrosion inhibitors, and by The higher porosity and rough surface texture of RCA
washing the RCA prior to use in concrete. has an effect on the plastic properties of new concrete.
The extent of the effect is a function of the mortar
RCA that is obtained from a concrete source that has fraction adhering to the RCA particles as well as the
been affected by ASR must be evaluated for remaining angularity of the particles. Generally, as the amount of
expansion potential if it is to be used as an aggregate mortar increases the effect on workability and finish-
substitute in new concrete and proper mitigation strat ability can become problematic. Limiting the amount
egies employed if expansion potential still exists. ASR of fines, which contain most of the old paste frac
is not an issue if the RCA is to be used in unbound tion, to 25 percent minimizes water demand increase
layers including drainable base, dense-graded bases, (slump constant) by approximately 15 percent (Buck
subbase, or fill material (Saeed et al. 2006). 1973, Mukai et al. 1973). The effect of harshness is
easily controlled at the maximum level of substitution
Mechanical Properties (30 percent) with the use of supplementary cementi
tious materials (SCMs) and water-reducing admixtures.
The mechanical properties of RCA are a function of
the quality and size of the particles. This is the direct When used in concrete RCA has the tendency to absorb
result of the effect of the mortar fraction which is water and reduce slump as discussed above. The impact
inversely related to the fineness. Generally the coarse of this is easily controlled by applying the same funda
fractions have the least mortar so the properties of mental pre-batching procedures successfully used with
particles larger than a #4 sieve (4.75 mm) have proper lightweight concrete. This is recommended instead of
ties similar to the original aggregate whereas the fines adding additional water during mixing.
have inferior properties compared to the original fine
aggregate. Generally RCA can be processed to have Entrained air is not affected by RCA; however, the abil
more than adequate values of abrasion resistance, ity to entrap high amounts of air due to the angularity
soundness, and bearing strength. and rough surface area of the RCA makes it necessary
to increase the total amount of air by approximately
one percent to assure a good air-void system is devel
3. RCA used in Concrete oped (Vandenbossche and Snyder 1993).
State agencies have utilized RCA as aggregate in The measurement of air content with a normal pres
concrete pavements with well documented field per sure meter is problematic unless it is specially cali
formance, and surveys have been completed on the brated for the RCA being used due to the compress
original RCA concrete pavements to validate their per ible air in the voids within the old paste fraction of
formances (Wade et al. 1995, Gress et al. 2009). The the mortar (Fick 2008). Use of a volumetric method
results of these field investigations indicate that it is of determining air content (Roll-a-Meter or air-void
possible to produce pavements from recycled hydrau analyzer) avoids the potential issues of measuring air
lic cement concrete that are equivalent in all aspects to within the RCA in plastic concrete.
pavements made with conventional aggregates. These
pavements were shown to be performing just as well
as their controls after 18 to 26 years of traffic (Gress et Properties of Hardened RCA Concrete
al. 2009). However, a survey conducted by the FHWA The physical properties of RCA can be engineered to
in 2004 when several states were visited to discuss achieve properties in new concrete similar to, or even
their current recycling procedures confirmed that 100 better than, the original concrete. This is accomplished
70 Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
by taking into consideration the properties of the moduli experience higher wetting and drying strain
original mortar, the original aggregate, RCA grading, due to significantly less restraint when the new and
substitution amount, and use of SCMs and admixtures. old paste wets and dries. Concrete can be expected
Concrete containing RCA is easily engineered to satisfy to have 20 to 50 percent higher wetting and drying
the design of any pavement by applying basic concrete shrinkage when it contains coarse RCA and natu
technology to specify a given mix design. ral sand, and 70 to 100 higher shrinkage when it
contains both coarse and fine RCA (ACI 1994).
• Strength – The strength of RCA concrete can be eas Higher moisture sensitivity requires more detailed
ily engineered to be less than, equivalent to, or even consideration of joint design in JPCP than would be
superior to the original concrete made with natural necessary in normal concrete.
aggregates. The primary influence is the amount of
RCA fines (material passing the #4 sieve) that are The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete
used in the mix design. Strength generally decreases made with RCA is approximately 10 percent higher
with increased fines; however, each mix is unique than the original concrete made from any specific
with respect to the optimum amount of fines. In aggregate, but in some cases may be as much as
general, if the substitution of RCA fines is restricted 30 percent higher. And, as with wetting and dry
to less than approximately 25 percent, the strength ing, temperature induced strains merit more detail
of the RCA concrete will be similar to that of new in establishing joint spacing to alleviate potential
concrete made with natural aggregate. Higher sub warping and curling stresses in pavements.
stitution of RCA lowers the strength. When admix
Creep of RCA concrete, typically 30 to 60 percent
tures and SCMs are not utilized to enhance RCA
higher than concrete containing natural aggre
concrete, strength can be reduced as much as 24
gates, is also increased due to higher paste content.
percent when only coarse RCA is used and as much
Designing for the effect of creep is similar to what
as 40 percent when both coarse and high amounts
is done with lightweight aggregate concrete (ACI
of RCA fines are utilized (Hansen 1986). These
reductions have been shown to be the direct result
of the mortar content of the RCA (Snyder 1994). • Permeability – The permeability of concrete made
with RCA is highly affected by the water-to
• Modulus of elasticity – Like strength, the static
cementitious material (w/cm) ratios of both the
modulus of elasticity of RCA concrete is also
original and new concrete. The old paste adhered to
inversely related to the RCA mortar content and
the RCA particles creates a short circuit for move
the mix design of the new concrete. When admix
ment of water through RCA concrete if the new
tures are not utilized to enhance the new concrete,
w/cm ratio is less than the original. The ability of
the elastic modulus can be reduced as much as 30
water to be transported through RCA concrete can
percent when only coarse RCA is used, and up to
be engineered to be less than, equal to, or greater
40 percent when both coarse and high amounts of
than the original concrete by varying the w/cm ratio
RCA fines are utilized (ACI 1994). of the concrete containing RCA, resulting in per
• Relative density – The relative density of RCA con meability ranging from less than to more than 500
crete is up to 15 percent lower due to the lighter percent greater than the original concrete.
weight mortar fraction than concrete manufac • Durability – The durability of RCA concrete is
tured using natural aggregate (Hansen 1986). An not significantly different from that of the source
advantage of reduced relative density is the inflated concrete. Freezing and thawing resistance, for
volume relative to the weight of the RCA con instance, is not an issue with RCA concrete provid
crete allowing more concrete to be produced than ing the new paste contains an adequate air-void
removed from a given recycling project. size distribution. The issue is more in evaluating
• Volumetric stability – The wetting and drying shrink the air content as discussed in the plastic concrete
age of RCA concrete is also directly affected by section. D-cracking, a special case of freeze-thaw
the mortar content. Aggregates with lower elastic distress, has been shown to be improved when the
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES 71
maximum size of the RCA particles is restricted to conventional new aggregate; however, RCA may have
less than the critical size to cause D-cracking (Stur higher value for use in other sustainable applications
tevant 2007, Gress et al. 2009). such as replacing natural aggregate in new concrete.
• Alkali-silica reactivity – Concrete containing RCA From an environmental perspective, the use of RCA
may have potential for ASR if the source concrete as unbound base material has very significant benefits
contained alkali-reactive aggregate. It cannot be including lowering CO2 emissions, reducing transpor
assumed that ASR will not develop in the new con tation fuel consumption, lessening the use of higher
crete if special control measures are not taken. If the valued natural aggregate, and sequestering of CO2
RCA contains reactive aggregate, mitigation strate through carbonation of the CH within the increased
gies must be developed, even if expansive ASR did surface area of the RCA particles.
not develop in the original concrete. Petrographic
While it is estimated that 100 percent of replaced
examination and remaining ASR potential expan
concrete pavements are recycled, approximately 70
sion tests are recommended to make this judgment
percent of all state agencies utilize RCA as unbound
(Stark 1996, Gress et al. 2000a and b, FWHA 2009).
base course (RMRC Survey 2011). RCA has similar
Severely ASR-damaged concrete has been success or better properties than natural aggregate that are
fully recycled into new concrete with little evidence essential for high-quality base course construction.
of recurrent ASR damage (Gress et al. 2009). If SCM For instance RCA has rougher surface texture, higher
is used as a means to mitigate ASR in RCA concrete, shear strength, higher rutting resistance, and higher
the appropriate dosage levels should be determined resilient modulus. These exceptional qualities allow
by using ASTM C 1567. Other mitigating tech for unrestricted use of RCA as base materials up to and
niques include admixtures such as lithium nitrate including 100 percent substitution of new aggregate.
and low alkali cement. Environmental evaluation is not necessary when RCA
is used for base, subbase, and subgrade improvement.
• Carbonation and corrosion – Research indicates that
rates of carbonation of concrete containing RCA Pavements with a materials-related distress such as
is up to 65 percent higher than that of concrete ASR, D-cracking, or freeze-thaw distress can be effec
containing only natural aggregate (Gardner 2007). tively used as unbound base material without concern
From a sustainability view, reducing atmospheric of reduced performance. The only exception, although
CO2 through carbonation is very beneficial; how rare, is that in areas where an external source of sulfate
ever, for reinforced structures, increased carbon is present, RCA should be utilized with great caution
ation can cause more rapid corrosion of embedded (Saeed et al. 2006). In such areas where exposure to
steel reinforcing if the carbonation front reaches the sulfate is possible from subgrade soils, ground water,
depth of the steel, particularly in locations where or other external sources, the existing concrete must
chloride concentrations are high. These rates and be extensively evaluated for expansion resulting from
depths of carbonation significantly decrease with ettringite formation.
reduced w/cm ratios (Rasheeduzzafar and Khan
It is generally accepted that after unbound RCA base
is compacted, its strength and stiffness increase. A
misinterpretation of this phenomenon is that this is
4. RCA in Foundations due to hydration of unhydrated portland cement con
tained within the paste portion of the RCA. Instead,
RCA has several applications as support material. the increased stiffness is credited to the carbonation
of very soluble CH released by the RCA in the pres
RCA as Unbound Base Material ence of moisture, which is constantly available in the
subsurface base.
Recycling concrete pavements into RCA is a viable
alternative for unbound base course construction. Testing criteria for RCA are similar to those required
RCA as a rule is considered a superior material for for natural aggregate; typically, this is a non-issue for
unbound applications such as bases when compared to RCA derived from concrete utilized in pavements. One
72 Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
exception is the sulfate soundness test (ASTM C 88) and compaction. In a properly tuned crusher it is
which destroys the RCA paste fraction due to sulfate possible to return 100 percent of the crushed mate
attack. This test should not be specified for evaluat rial as unbound base. Adding additional lanes during
ing RCA as it has no relevance to the performance of reconstruction easily consumes the inflated volume of
RCA as an unbound base material. It is also sometimes base material produced, whereas if there are elevation
difficult to pass the aggressiveness of the LAB hardness control issues and no new lanes then it may be difficult
test if the concrete was made with marginal aggregate to use 100 percent of the RCA on site.
and/or when the RCA paste content is high. To address
these two exceptions in RCA specifications, it is com
mon to eliminate the sulfate soundness testing and RCA as Drainable Base
increase the LAB limit to 50 percent. When RCA is used as a drainable base, special consid
eration must be given to the design. A proper design
The number-one benefit of using RCA as base material
places all RCA below the elevation of the inlet of the
is the economic savings resulting from lower transpor
drainage system and, if geotextiles are used, the flow
tation costs, elimination of landfill charges to dispose
must be parallel to the geotextile and not through it.
of the removed concrete, and the savings derived from
Improper design will result in the formation of tufa
not buying natural aggregate base material. The use of
from the fines and CH, clogging pipes and other ele
RCA varies state by state but is typically a contractor
ments of the drainage system.
decision in that it is not usually specified except as an
option. More moisture is required during construction, Effluent from drainable bases containing RCA can
but compaction is easier to obtain than with natural have pH values greater than 7.0 due to the leaching
aggregate. As with all aggregates, control of grading of CH. This has not been found to be problematic in
and segregation needs to be given proper attention ecosystems. Although effluent from an RCA drainable
during base construction. base can have increased pH, especially during the first
flushing cycle of water, it has no buffering capacity and
It is also possible to effectively utilize the existing pave
is equivalent to adding lime to stabilize the effect of
ment as base by employing fractured-slab techniques,
acid rain on a lawn. As such, there is little to no envi
thus leaving the concrete in place. Several fractured-
ronmental impact. The ability of the CH to be removed
slab techniques can be used including rubblization
from the paste in the leachate is a function of paste
and crack and seat. As these two techniques are done
permeability which is extremely low, being on the
in place, no trucking, crushing, or aggregate grading
order of 10-7 cm/sec. Nevertheless it must be expected
is required and thus costs are lowered. Newer in-situ
that CH will slowly go into solution and be removed
recycling techniques have been deployed on a number
with flowing effluent. In stagnant flow conditions, the
of projects that actually go a step further than frac
leachate could reach a pH as high as 12.4; however,
tured-slab techniques by actually lifting the concrete
this will quickly dissipate as the leachate encounters
off grade, crushing it, and placing it back on grade
soils and organic materials commonly present in soils.
ready for compaction. The mobile crushers are track
In such cases, vegetation in the immediate vicinity of
mounted, and the entire operation moves along the
drainage structures can be affected before neutraliza
alignment requiring no additional trucking. Some of
these in-situ recycling methods even size the aggregate tion occurs.
to further improve performance.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES 73
cementitious content is increased, a stronger material future. Two-lift pavement construction can be used
called lean concrete base (LCB) is easily produced. to satisfy the economic, environmental, and social
The use of RCA for these applications has added value aspects essential for sustainable design. Economi
because 100 percent of the product can be utilized and cally the benefits include reduced capital invest
there is no need to remove the fine portion of the RCA ment and greatly increased service life with lower
which, as discussed, is problematic for other applica maintenance and rehabilitation costs. Environ
tions. Using RCA fines in stabilized base applications mental benefits include a smaller carbon footprint,
has no negative impact on its physical or chemical reduced expended energy, and less overall pollution
properties. and waste. Societal aspects include reduced disrup
tion, noise reduction, and improved safety through
It is also possible to use RCA to create asphalt stabi increased skid resistance.
lized bases (ATB). Conceptually the process is equiva
lent to making CTB except the effect of absorption can The future of two-lift construction for sustainable
be problematic, not from a moisture control issue but construction of concrete pavements is exceptional.
as an economic issue since there will be an increased It is known that the cost and availability of supe
demand for asphaltic binder due to the absorption of rior quality materials will continue to decline. The
the RCA. The extra absorbed asphalt binder is, for all use of RCA of any quality is more than adequate
practical purposes, unavailable for improving the base’s for the construction of the thick underling bottom
physical properties. lift of the two-lift system, including RCA mixed
with RAP. This reduces demand for the higher
quality, costly aggregate materials typically used in
5. Recycled Concrete in Other the high-performance top lift. The result is a high
Applications performance pavement, consisting of a thin wear-
resistant surface bonded to a tough, low-modulus,
Special applications of recycled concrete are limited high fatigue-resistant, thick bottom lift, creating a
only by the imagination of the designer. For instance, sustainable composite pavement. Even when the
architectural use of large irregular fractured slabs can pavement nears the end of its useful service life, the
result in the innovative use of recycled concrete rang high quality thin top layer can easily be selectively
ing in size from riprap to massive slabs. Likewise, use reclaimed for reuse, thus ending the cycle of “cradle
of reclaimed rubble can be used as fill material, backfill to grave” and starting the new wave of the future,
for retaining walls, pipe bedding, artificial reefs for fish “cradle to cradle”—a truly sustainable concept we
habitats, construction site soil stabilization, etc. (Van can live with.
denbossche and Snyder 1993, CMRA 2011).
74 Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
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Aggregate in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete Pavement. Tech
nical Advisory T 5040.37. Washington, D.C.: FHWA.
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Gupta, J. D., and W. A. Kneller. 1993. Precipitate Poten Research Board No. 989. Washington, D.C.: Transporta
tial of Highway Subbase Aggregates. Report No. FHWA/ tion Research Board.
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Skrzypczak-Jankun. 1994. “Characterization of Base and Aggregates (ASTM). 6:1.
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76 Ch. 8. END OF LIFE RECYCLING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Chapter 9
Tom Van Dam
Emily Lorenz
According to the 2010 U.S. census, 83.7 percent of the smog, safety concerns, and even aesthetics play a
308.7 million inhabitants of the United States reside greater role in design because any impact has the
in metropolitan areas, living in core urban areas with ability to affect a larger population. Thus, potential
a population of 50,000 or more (Mackun and Wilson strategies that may be cost prohibitive in a rural loca
2011). The number of people living in urban and sub tion may now become cost effective. Also, strategies
urban areas is increasing while fewer are in rural areas, that would not have been considered before are now
resulting in increased population density. Increasing applicable when the societal impacts are considered.
density has both beneficial and detrimental effects with
respect to the transportation industry. High popula Concrete pavements provide unique characteristics
tion density means that distances traveled within the that make them useful in an urban environment. Of
city are low (reduction in average trip distance), thus specific interest in the urban environment is their
reducing fuel consumption, but it also means that longevity, which reduces interruptions (and the associ
considerable resources must be transported into the ated traffic impacts) for rehabilitation. Also of interest
city, with the associated traffic and emission impacts. is the high surface reflectivity index (SRI) as discussed
Cities are often surrounded by suburban sprawl, which in Chapter 6. High SRI can help mitigate the urban
has a highly adverse impact due to large commuting heat island effect while also decreasing the need for
distances that are economically, socially, and environ and cost of artificial lighting (Marceau and VanGeem
mentally costly, especially when traffic is delayed due 2007). In addition, the use of photocatalytic cements
to road maintenance. The infrastructure needs of a city and coatings can be applied in the urban environment
are significant, including pavements, sidewalks, water, to provide additional reflectivity while also convert
sewer utilities, and power transmission lines. Such ing NOx, SOx, and volatile organic compounds into
systems are extremely sensitive to disruption, result solids that precipitate out and can be washed off the
ing in large social impacts when natural or manmade pavement.
disasters occur. Concrete can also be colored and molded to create
Pavements represent a key element in this infrastruc aesthetically pleasing pavement landscaping designs
ture, and it is estimated that paved surfaces for travel that can be constructed at crosswalks or busy intersec
and parking can account for 29 to 39 percent of the tions to help slow the flow of traffic in urban neigh
land surface area in urban regions (Akbari et al. 1999, borhoods, making them more pedestrian friendly.
Rose et al. 2003). The importance of incorporating Additionally, concrete pavements can be effectively
sustainability measures into the pavement life cycle is textured to help reduce pavement-tire noise that could
thus amplified, as environmental and societal impacts otherwise detract from an otherwise quiet neighbor
of the built environment are concentrated in urban hood. Finally, pervious concrete can be constructed
environments. Traffic congestion and user delays, in urban settings to help address critical surface storm
water run-off issues.
1. The Urban Environment Urban Heat Island Effect
A sustainable-growth strategy is to build in already The heat island effect occurs where a local area of ele
densely populated areas with the goal of improving vated temperature is located within a region of relatively
or rehabilitating existing dense zones. Undeveloped cooler temperatures, as discussed in Chapter 6. Because
land is becoming scarce, and consumption of land of the greater density of paved and covered surfaces in
for pavements, bridges, and buildings reduces the urban environments, the heat island effect occurs most
amount of land that would be otherwise available for frequently in urban areas. The effects of urban heat
agriculture, wildlife habitats, and parks. With any islands are broad, resulting not only in increased levels
development, it is critical to implement sustainable of discomfort and increased energy to artificially manage
site-development strategies by minimizing distur temperature within buildings but also, occasionally, in
bance to existing ecosystems, restoring areas dam life-threatening conditions (FEMA 2007). These life-
aged during construction, and designing pavements, threatening conditions can develop when temperatures
bridges, drainage systems and buildings to minimize rise above 75˚F, which increases the probability of forma
their environmental impact. As structures are reha tion of ground-level ozone (commonly called smog) that
bilitated in urban centers, there is opportunity to add exacerbates respiratory conditions such as asthma. At
resources such as bike paths and walkways, further the same time, higher temperatures also lead to greater
increasing livability and potentially reducing traffic. reliance on air conditioning, which leads to more energy
Compared to rural areas, urban areas are more suit
Mitigating the urban heat island effect is a priority
able for walking and pedestrian traffic as businesses
for groups such as the U.S. Environmental Protection
(employers) and services (such as basic utilities,
Agency (EPA), which suggests using reflective paving
schools, banks, and hospitals) are in place (Loehr
materials, such as conventional concrete, as one miti
2009) and distances traveled are much shorter. Fur
gation strategy (EPA 2009). Additives that can further
ther, larger metropolitan areas typically have alterna
increase the SRI of concrete, such as slag cement or
tive forms of transportation available, such as com
light-colored fly ash, are also recommended (Van Dam
muter trains, trams, light rail, and public buses that
and Taylor 2009).
reduce the demand for automobile travel.
78 Ch. 9. CONCRETE PAVEMENTS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
• Equivalent luminance of two systems based on vary bridge piers contained 15 percent portland cement, 18
ing lamp wattage and number of fixtures percent fly ash, and 67 percent slag cement (ACI 2009).
This high-SCM-content concrete reduced the carbon
Results of their research show that, on average, a lighter
footprint and embodied energy of the concrete by
surface is 1.77 times more luminous than a darker sur
approximately 75 percent (Van Dam and Taylor 2009).
face and has a more uniform luminance distribution.
An analysis was also performed to create equivalent As discussed in Chapter 6, the energy consumed during
luminance levels for the two systems based on varying pavement use through vehicle-pavement interaction
the number and intensity of the luminaires being used may have a significant impact on the life-cycle energy
to establish the relative energy use of the two systems. use of the pavement. This has greater relevancy in
When varying the lamp power and assuming that the urban areas where greater traffic volume dictates that
parking lot lights are on for five hours a day, the darker even a minor reduction in fuel consumption and corre
parking lot used 60 percent more energy than the sponding reduction in emissions for a given pavement
lighter parking lot. With modifications to the number will result in an improvement in sustainability.
of poles needed and still assuming that the parking lot In addition, vehicle emissions can also be “treated” as
lights are on for five hours a day, the darker parking lot they interact with photocatalytic surfaces while exposed
used 57 percent more energy than the lighter parking lot. to sunlight. This has been demonstrated through
In urban environments, photocatalytic cements and/or laboratory experiments and in-service structures and
coatings may be a viable option to help maintain highly pavements that have been constructed and monitored
reflective surfaces. Although photocatalysts, such as the to determine the applicability of photocatalytic cements
anatase form of titanium dioxide, have been known for and coatings as a way to reduce air pollution, including
decades to have the ability to keep surfaces clean, they NOx, SOx, and VOCs (TX Active® 2011). Although this
have recently been gaining attention for urban infra technology is just catching on in the United States, con
structure applications by incorporating it in cement crete pavers surfaced with photocatalytic titanium diox
(Italcementi 2005). The use of a photocatalytic titanium ide are being marketed in urban areas throughout the
dioxide cement for the Gateway concrete sculptures country and the world. Figure 9.1 shows an example
placed at either end of the reconstructed I-35W bridge from Japan where photocatalytic concrete pavers have
in Minneapolis in 2008 (ACI 2009) was one early U.S. been used to create an aesthetically pleasing sidewalk
application of this technology, but since then it has while also reducing air pollution. As the effectiveness
been used in interlocking concrete pavers (Schaffer of photocatalytic cements and coatings continues to be
2009) and in two-lift concrete pavement construction demonstrated, their use is expected to grow in the urban
(Gates 2011). A white photocatalytic material such as environment.
titanium dioxide is not only highly reflective at the time
of construction, it is self-cleaning and maintains its high
solar reflectance and greater visibility for a longer time.
On the other hand, the material is more expensive than
normal portland cement, requiring a balance between
increased costs and reduced environmental impact.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 9. CONCRETE PAVEMENTS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT 79
Reduced Waste of water per minute per square foot of surface, as
There are only a finite number of areas available for land- illustrated in Figure 9.3. This allows rainwater to seep
filling of waste, and these areas are becoming increasingly into the ground versus running off, thereby recharg
scarce in densely populated urban areas. Typically, urban ing groundwater instead of rapidly moving from the
areas must dispose of waste at a landfill outside of the pavement surface to nearby bodies of water. Surface
city or metropolitan area limits. As an example, New York water with organic contaminants is also allowed to
City (NYC) transported over 3,000,000 tons of municipal percolate into the ground where it is filtered by the
solid waste in 2004 over great distances to other states underlying soil. Thus, previous concrete can be used
such as Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio (Lauber et al. in urban areas to eliminate the need for other storm
2006). This not only incurs a high economic cost but water management devices such as retention ponds
also generates significant environmental costs due to and swales (PCA 2011).
increased energy usage and emissions. It is important to recognize that—although the U.S.
One way of reducing the amount of waste is to make use EPA (2011) cites the use of pervious concrete as a
of the existing pavement materials. For example, inno Best Management Practice (BMP) for the manage
vative in-situ recycling techniques—such as recycling ment of storm water runoff on a regional and local
trains that can recycle existing pavements in place—have basis—pervious concrete is not applicable in all situ
recently been employed on existing concrete pavements ations. For example, pervious concrete is best used
(Van Dam and Taylor 2009). These techniques reduce in low-volume traffic applications such as roadway
costs and the environmental impacts of transportation by
reducing the amount of solid waste that must be trans
ported either to crushing plants or landfills while reduc
ing the amount of virgin materials needed on site (see
Chapter 8).
80 Ch. 9. CONCRETE PAVEMENTS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
shoulders, parking lots, or alleys. It is ideal for appli vehicle and pedestrian areas, for example). At the same
cation in urban areas where parking and alleys are a time, various texturing patterns can be achieved by
common feature. brushing and washing away surface mortar as the con
crete begins to harden, exposing the stone or gravel in
The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) the concrete, or by embedding attractive stones such as
has an effective program in which it is using pervious marble, granite chips, or pebbles into the surface.
concrete in many of the city’s alleys. Called the Green
Alley program, one of the initiatives is to use more Semi-hardened concrete can be pattern-stamped with
permeable pavements to divert storm water from special tools to create the custom look and feel of slate,
the sewer system. The city is thus saved significant cobblestone, brick, or tile. Figure 9.4 is a photograph
expense by not having to pump and treat storm water of a Blome Granitoid pavement constructed in 1906 in
that is co-mingled with sewage. Pervious concrete Calumet, Michigan, in which the aesthetically-pleasing
pavements have been used in both center-trench and brick pattern was also functional, preventing horses
full-width applications. CDOT (2010) launched the from slipping. The patterns can help scale down large
Green Alley program because it could reap three sus expanses of paving, as shown in Figure 9.5.
tainability benefits simultaneously:
Or, simply, concrete can be cast in a wide variety of
• Management of storm water colors. Pastels and earth tones are produced by mixing
• Heat-island reduction because pervious surfaces mineral pigments throughout the concrete. For deeper
are cooler
• Use of recycled materials in the mixture
Ultimately, by integrating paving and drainage, less
site area is typically needed to manage storm water,
allowing a more compact site development footprint.
This is critical in an urban environment.
Enhanced Aesthetics
Concrete is an extremely moldable material and can
be transformed to fit into its surroundings. Aesthetic
interest can be added to concrete elements with the
use of texture, color, or patterns. Although it is not
likely to be cost effective for the main riding surface
of a concrete pavement, cross walks, walk ways,
shoulders, and other elements of the pavement can Figure 9.5 Modern Blome Granitoid concrete
receive different treatments to add visual interest or pavement (photo courtesy of Tom Van Dam,
to demarcate one area of use from another (separating CTLGroup)
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 9. CONCRETE PAVEMENTS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT 81
tones, finishers use the dry-shake method—sprinkling However, the same communities that object to noise
powdered, prepackaged color hardeners onto a freshly generated on a high-speed roadway may have a different
cast concrete slab, then troweling it into the surface. set of criteria for local, slow-speed roads serving their
neighborhoods. At slower speeds (less than 35 mph)
Aesthetically pleasing, durable pavements can be
engine noise is dominant; therefore, pavement texturing
achieved by using interlocking concrete pavers.
will have little effect on noise. In such locations, noise
These can also be designed to be permeable, highly
may less critical than aesthetics, pedestrian safety, high
reflective, and/or photocatalytic to meet a number of
reflectivity, or surface drainage. It is even possible that
sustainability goals. Interlocking pavements are ideal
an urban neighborhood might desire that “roughness” be
in locations where there are underground services
designed into the surface to produce a calming effect on
because if repairs are needed in the utilities, the pav
vehicles exceeding the speed limit and to create a more
ers can be lifted and replaced with minimal impact.
livable community (Van Dam and Taylor 2009).
82 Ch. 9. CONCRETE PAVEMENTS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Not only do traffic delays annoy users and contribute 5. References
to an increase in their costs and travel times, there is a
Adrian, W., and Jabanputra, R. 2005. Influence of Pave
broader environmental impact as well. The surround
ment Reflectance on Lighting for Parking Lots. SN2458,
ing community and other populations are also affected
Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association.
by delays, as idling vehicles consume fuel and gener
ate pollutants. Therefore, great benefit is derived from Akbari, H., L. Rose, and H. Taha. 1999. Character
concrete pavement systems that minimize delay over izing the Fabric of the Urban Environment: A Case Study
the life cycle. of Sacramento, California. LBNL-44688. Berkeley, CA:
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S. Depart
This can be accomplished through careful design
ment of Energy.
(Chapter 3) and construction (Chapter 5) that mini
mize delay during the construction phase. This might American Concrete Institute (ACI). 2009. “Sustain
include consideration of precast concrete pavements or ability Leads to Durability in the New I-35W Bridge.”
other rapid construction methods. Maintaining good Concrete International. 31:2. Farmington Hills, MI: ACI.
pavements in good condition using maintenance strate
Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT). 2010.
gies that have minimal impact on operations is another
The Chicago Green Alley Handbook. Chicago, IL: CDOT.
strategy to minimize traffic delays (Chapter 7). This can
be effectively achieved by performing periodic diamond Cleveland, C. (Topic Editor). 2010. “Heat island.” In:
grinding operations on the pavement structure, which Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. Wash
maintains high levels of smoothness while incurring ington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition,
reduced environmental costs and decreased user costs. National Council for Science and the Environment.
As a concrete pavement approaches the end of its struc [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth June 29,
tural life, concrete overlays can be rapidly constructed 2010; last revised June 29, 2010.] (
to restore structural capacity with far less traffic disrup article/Heat_island; accessed August 24, 2011)
tion than reconstruction.
Chusid, M. 2005. “Photocatalysts, Self-Cleaning Con
crete: Photocatalysts Can Keep Concrete Clean and
4. Summary Reduce Air Pollution.” Concrete Decor. 5:4:24. (www.
Concrete pavements are uniquely suited to enhance
cfm; accessed August 24, 2011)
sustainability in the urban environment. They are
naturally light in color, which helps mitigate the urban U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2011.
heat island effect, increases night-time visibility for Pervious Concrete Pavements, Washington, D.C.: EPA.
enhanced safety, and allows the reduction of artificial ( water/menuofbmps/
lighting while maintaining the same ambient light lev index.cfm?action=browse&Rbutton=detail&bmp=137
els. Moreover, concrete pavements can be colored and &minmeasure=5; accessed August 2011)
textured to provide a quiet and safe surface under vehi
Gadja, J.W., and M.G. Van Geem. 2001. A Comparison
cle operations or, for slower speed applications, can
of Six Environmental Impacts of Portland Cement Con
be constructed to slow traffic through busy pedestrian
crete and Asphalt Cement Concrete Pavement. PCA R&D
areas by channelizing. Pervious concrete pavements are
Serial No. 2068. Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Associa
commonly used to address storm water runoff in the
tion. (;
urban environment, whereas the use of photocatalytic
accessed August 24, 2011.
materials holds the promise of treating certain air pol
lutants. Long-life concrete pavements also reduce the Gates, A. 2011. “MoDOT Keeps Construction Project
costs of traffic delays over their life cycle by being easily Environmentally-Friendly.” MoDOT St. Louis District
maintained in a smooth condition using techniques Press Release Page. April 22. (
that have minimal impact on traffic operations. In com stlouis/news_and_information/District6News.shtml?ac
bination, the properties inherent in concrete make it an tion=displaySSI&newsId=80061; accessed August 24,
ideal, sustainable choice for constructing pavements in 2011)
an urban environment.
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Hogan, M.C., et al. 2010. “Noise pollution”. In Ency Noise: Interim Best Practices for Constructing and Textur
clopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. Sidney ing Concrete Pavement Surfaces. TPF-5(139). Ames, IA:
Draggan, Topic Ed. Washington, D.C.: Environ National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa
mental Information Coalition, National Council for State University.
Science and the Environment. [First published in
Rasmussen, R.O., R. Sohaney, and P. Wiegand. 2011.
the Encyclopedia of Earth July 25, 2010; last revised
Concrete Pavement Specifications for Reducing Tire-Pave
December 8, 2010.] (
ment Noise. Tech Brief. Ames, IA: National Concrete
pollution?topic=49511>; accessed August 17, 2011)
Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University.
Italcementi. 2005. TX Millennium: Photocatalitic Binders. (
Technical Report. Italcementi Group. specs_tech_brief.pdf; accessed August 24, 2011)
Lauber, J., M.E. Morris, P. Ulloa, and F Hasselriis. 2006. Rose, L., H. Akbari, and H. Taha. 2003. Characterizing
“Comparative Impacts of Local Waste to Energy vs. the Fabric of Urban Environment: A Case Study of Metro
Long Distance Disposal of Municipal Waste.” Presented politan Houston, Texas. LBNL-51448. Lawrence Berkeley
at Air & Waste Management Association Conference, National Laboratory.
New Orleans, LA. (
Schaffer, D. 2009. “Concrete That Cleans Itself and the
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Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strate-
National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA).
gies–Cool Pavements. Draft. Washington, DC: U.S.
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Passchier-Vermeer, W., and W.F. Passchier. 2000. “Noise
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exposure and public health.” Environ. Health Perspect.
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Marceau, Medgar L., and Martha G. VanGeem. 2007.
Rasmussen, R.O., S.I. Garber, G.J. Fick, T.R. Ferragut, Solar Reflectance of Concretes for LEED Sustainable Site
and P.D. Wiegand. 2008. How to Reduce Tire-Pavement Credit: Heat Island Effect. SN2982. Skokie, IL: PCA.
84 Ch. 9. CONCRETE PAVEMENTS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Chapter 10
Martha VanGeem
Emily Lorenz
Tom Van Dam
It is well known that if progress toward a goal is not the life-cycle assessment (LCA) approach as the path
measured, the goal is not likely to be met. It is essen to more fully quantify the environmental and social
tial that the sustainable features of pavements be factors contributing to the sustainability of pavements,
assessed and quantified to recognize improvements and discusses other, emerging approaches as well.
and guide innovation. These tools should be used primarily to help guide
users; they should not be used for material selection.
Previous chapters outlined the details about what
sustainability is and how concrete pavements can This is an area of fast-paced innovation, with new
be designed and constructed more sustainably. This and updated tools constantly emerging. Some of the
chapter explains how the sustainability of concrete tools reviewed are still undergoing development and
pavement can be assessed and what tools are avail are thus likely to change in the coming year. As such,
able to assist during the assessment process. It reviews readers are encouraged to obtain the most recent infor
current approaches to assessing pavement sustainabil mation regarding the tools discussed before employing
ity, including the emerging rating systems. It presents them.
1. Why Assessments are a sensitivity analysis should be conducted using a
Important range of discount rates to determine how sensitive the
outcome is to the choice of this value.
Many product and service manufacturers make claims
about the sustainability or “greenness” of their prod An LCCA is performed in units of dollars and is equal
ucts and processes. It can be difficult for an owner, to the construction cost plus the present value of
agency, consultant, contractor, or specifier to sort future maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and replace
through these claims without an accurate, repeatable, ment costs over the life of the pavement. Using this
and objective system to assist them in their selection. widely accepted method, it is possible to compare the
economics of different pavement alternatives that may
As with any engineering challenge, such as balanc have different cash flow factors but that provide a simi
ing the three tenets of sustainability, tools are avail lar level of service.
able to assist. In order to make the most-informed
design decisions with regard to sustainability, one must Quite often, pavement designs with the lowest first
employ a tool or tools that allow comparison of differ costs for new construction will require higher costs
ent design choices. The tools presented in this chapter during the pavement’s life. So, even with their lesser
vary in terms of complexity and level of detail, and it is first cost, these pavements will possibly have a greater
important to understand the strengths and weaknesses life-cycle cost. Conversely, pavements built to last
of each in order to make the best design decision for using enhanced structure and very durable materi
a given project. The intent of presenting the different als often have a greater first cost but a lower life-cycle
environmental-impact tools is to advance the state of cost. Transportation agencies are familiar with the
the practice. benefits of a lower life-cycle cost, and each state high
way agency is required to do some type of LCCA when
using federal funds to support large rehabilitation or
2. Economic and Environmental reconstruction projects. Volatility in the cost of oil will
Analyses affect the competitiveness of concrete on a first-cost
basis (MIT 2011).
No one tool is currently available that simultaneously
considers economic, environmental, and equity (soci The life-cycle cost software available from the FHWA
etal) impacts. Economic impacts are often assessed (RealCost 2011) provides economic analysis of
separately through life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA). agency and user costs during a pavement’s service life.
Environmental impacts can be examined through a Examples of agency costs include initial engineer
life-cycle assessment (LCA). ing, contract administration, and construction costs;
maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and administrative
costs; and end-of-life costs such as salvage, residual, or
Economic Analysis remaining-service-life value. User costs include vehicle
An LCCA is a powerful economic decision support operation (normal versus work-zone) costs, delay
tool used in the pavement type and material selection costs, and crash costs (FHWA 1998).
process. In an LCCA, the expenditures incurred over
An LCCA is relevant only if equivalent pavement
the lifetime of a particular pavement are accounted for.
structures are being compared (for example, the same
Costs at any given time are discounted to a fixed date,
service life and design load). National standards are
based on assumed rates of inflation and the time-value
available for pavements to ensure design equivalency.
of money, using a discount rate. The most common
In addition, the design life of the pavement alterna
discount rate used in recent years is 4 percent, but
tives should be stated and applied consistently during
persuasive arguments are being made that this rate
an LCCA. Analysis periods typically range around 40
should be lower, based on the fact that transportation
agencies do not have the option of investing money
that is not spent and that the level of future funding is There is a relationship between LCCA and environ
uncertain. Regardless of the discount rate that is used, mental impacts in that some environmental benefits
86 Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
can be converted to a monetary value. For example, A full set of impacts—including energy use, land use,
lower energy use can result in lesser operating costs. resource use, climate change, health effects, acidifica
tion, toxicity, and more—should be evaluated as part
of the LCA.
Environmental Assessment
One of the best ways to assess the environmental (and An LCA involves a time-consuming manipulation of
to some extent the societal) impacts of a product or large quantities of data. A model such as SimaPro (Pré
process is to use life-cycle assessment (LCA). Unlike 2011) provides data for common materials and options
LCCA, LCA does not account for environmental for selecting LCA impacts. The Portland Cement
impact in monetary units but instead in terms of mass Association publishes reports with life-cycle data on
or energy flows in and out of a set boundary. Whereas cement and concrete (Marceau et al. 2006, 2008).
LCCA accrues financial impacts in terms of dollars, Several organizations have proposed how an LCA
LCA determines environmental impacts in terms of should be conducted. Organizations such as the
energy or mass use (including waste and emissions International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
generated). the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chem
An LCA is an environmental assessment of a product istry (SETAC), and the U.S. Environmental Protection
over its life cycle. An LCA examines all aspects of a Agency (EPA) have documented standard procedures
product’s life cycle—from the first stages of acquir for conducting an LCA. These procedures are gener
ing (whether harvested or extracted) raw materials ally consistent with each other and are all scientific,
from nature to transporting and ultimately processing transparent, and repeatable. As defined by ISO 14044,
these raw materials into a product (such as a pave the four primary steps in an LCA are (ISO 2006) the
ment), using the product, and ultimately recycling it or following:
disposing of it back into nature. Conducting an LCA • Goal and scope definition
of a concrete pavement is necessary to evaluate the
environmental impact of the pavement over its entire • Life-cycle inventory (LCI) analysis
life. As will be discussed, “green” rating systems and
programs that focus only on a single criterion—such as • Life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA)
recycled content or CO2—or phase of the pavement’s • Interpretation and conclusions
life—such as construction—provide only a partial
snapshot of the pavement’s environmental impact. Definitions related to energy, and reporting of energy
use in LCA, are controversial and thus are typically
By definition, an LCA of a pavement includes environ reported in terms of primary energy and feedstock
mental effects due to the following factors: energy. A definition of feedstock energy is “heat of
• Extraction of materials and fuel used for energy combustion of a raw material input that is not used
as an energy source to a product system, expressed in
• Manufacture of components terms of higher heating value or lower heating value”
(ISO 2006). Primary energy is “energy embodied in
• Transportation of materials and components natural resources prior to undergoing any human-
• Assembly and construction made conversions or transformations” (Kydes and
Cleveland 2007).
• Operation, including maintenance, repair, and
user impacts such as energy for lighting and traffic
emissions Goal and Scope—Setting the Boundary
The usefulness of an LCA or LCI depends on where
• Demolition, disposal, recycling, and reuse of the the boundaries of a product are drawn. A common
pavement at the end of its functional or useful life approach is to consider all the environmental flows
from cradle to grave. It is during this phase that cut-off
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY 87
criteria are established for input and output to the buildings, nor the heating and cooling of such build
boundary that will be quantified in the LCI stage. LCA ings. This is generally acceptable if their materials,
standards recommend establishing cut-off criteria for embodied energy, and associated emissions account for
mass, energy, and environmental significance. If the less than 1 to 5 percent of those in the process being
results of any two LCA analyses are to be compared, it studied. For example, LCA guidelines indicate that
is critical that the boundaries are the same. inputs to a process do not need to be included in an
LCI if they are a small percentage of the total mass of
During the goal and scope phase, the impact categories the processed materials or product (typically less than
to be assessed are determined, as are the types and 1 to 5 percent); they do not contribute significantly
sources of data that will be collected. LCA standards to a toxic emission; and they do not have a signifi
also outline data quality requirements, and how to cant associated energy consumption. An LCI does not
determine whether an independent, third-party review include labor.
is required.
Materials N2O
Energy Air
Land SO2
Water VOC
Extracting Disposal
Processing Operation and Maintenance
Transporting Assembly
Figure 10.1 An LCI accounts for all materials and energy needed to make and use a product, and the
emissions to air, land, and water associated with making and using that product
88 Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
• Acidification of some of the models used to predict the endpoint
impact categories listed previously are often not as
• Climate change
accurate as those used to predict the midpoint indica
• Ecotoxicity tors such as energy use or CO2 equivalents. Performing
an LCA without considering these endpoint impact
• Eutrophication
indicators does not assess the full environmental
• Human-health effects impact of a product, design, or system. Nonetheless,
the following case study illustrates how a limited LCA
• Land use (or habitat alteration)
evaluation can be used to significantly reduce the envi
• Ozone layer depletion ronmental impacts of a given pavement type through
improved design and materials choices.
• Resource use
• Smog The Kansas Two-Lift Concrete Pavement Demonstra
tion Project was constructed on I-70 near Salina, Kan
Weighting can be conducted during this stage of an sas, in 2008 (National Concrete Pavement Technol
LCA, but it is generally preferred to list results by ogy Center 2008). The Right Environment of Austin,
impact category. According to ISO 14044, weighting Texas, conducted an LCA to compare a traditionally
“shall not be used in LCA studies intended to be used constructed pavement section (Alternative No. 1) to
in comparative assertions intended to be disclosed to the as-built two-lift pavement (Alternative No. 2). A
the public” (ISO 2006). third alternative, an optimized two-lift design using
higher levels of recycled and industrial byproduct
material (RIBM), was also considered in the LCA. The
basic sections evaluated are illustrated in Figure 10.2,
Conclusions of the LCA are presented and analyzed and the mixture designs are presented in Table 10.1.
during the interpretation and conclusion phase. Dur
ing this portion of the LCA, the practitioner identifies It is clear that Alternative No. 2, which is the as-built
any significant issues from the LCI and LCIA phase. two-lift pavement section, had a number of innova
Finally, completeness, sensitivity, and consistency checks tive features beyond the use of the two-lift design. The
are performed to evaluate the quality of the analysis. 40-mm top-lift surface concrete used a wear-resistant
imported rhyolite coarse aggregate, but the bottom
lift concrete used locally available, non-wear-resistant
LCA Case Study carbonate coarse aggregate. To obtain similar wear
Although more owners and product manufacturers resistance in Alternative No. 1, the conventional design
are undertaking LCA to make design decisions, few would have to use imported rhyolite coarse aggregate
reports are available to the public. Reasons for this lack for all of the concrete in the pavement, adding cost
of available data include concerns about disclosure of and environmental burden.
proprietary information and unfavorable interpretation
of results by competitors and decision makers. In the In addition, Alternative No. 2 used a high-volume fly
following case study, a full range of impact categories ash mixture for the cement-treated base (CTB), reduc
is evaluated. Other studies, such as that conducted ing the portland cement content significantly from
by the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute (Athena what would be present in a conventional CTB as is
2006), considered only two impact categories. used in Alternative No. 1.
It is strongly recommended that LCA practitioners Alternative No. 3 presents some additional changes
evaluate, at a minimum, a range of endpoint impact that could have been used to improve the environ
categories including acidification, climate change, eco mental footprint of Alternative No. 2 with no expected
toxicity, eutrophication, human-health effects, land use negative impact on pavement performance. Although
(or habitat alteration), ozone layer depletion, resource the surface lift in Alternatives No. 2 and No. 3 were
use, and smog creation. It is noted that the accuracy the same, the bottom lift in Alternative No. 3 was
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY 89
further optimized from an environmental perspective, be available; transporting recycled concrete aggregates
replacing the locally extracted carbonate coarse aggre long distances actually would have negative environ
gate with a recycled concrete aggregate obtained on mental impact due to the required transportation).
site (note this requires that sufficient recycled concrete In addition, the amount of portland cement in the
bottom lift was reduced from 548 lb/yd3 to 376 lb/yd3,
and 94 lb/yd3 of fly ash was used, resulting in an over
all reduction in the cementitious content in Alternative
No. 3 compared to Alternative No. 2.
Table 10.1 Relevant Mixture Design Features in the Kansas Two-lift LCA Evaluation
Layer Alternative No. 1 Alternative No. 2 Alternative No. 3
• 438 lb/yd cement
• 438 lb/yd3 cement
This alternative had only a • 110 lb/yd3 fly ash
PCC Top Lift single PCC lift composed • 110 lb/yd3 fly ash
• Imported rhyolite coarse
of the following: • Imported rhyolite coarse aggregate
• 548 lb/yd3 cement
• Imported rhyolite • 548 lb/yd3 cement • 376 lb/yd3 cement
PCC Bottom Lift coarse aggregate • Local carbonate coarse • 94 lb/yd3 fly ash
aggregate • Recycled concrete coarse aggregate
• 78 lb/yd3 cement
• 172 lb/yd3 cement • 78 lb/yd3 cement
Cement-Treated • 94 lb/yd3 fly ash
• Local carbonate coarse • 94 lb/yd3 fly ash
Base • Recycled concrete coarse
aggregate • Recycled concrete coarse aggregate
90 Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Work continues to develop user-friendly LCA tools for York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)
use in considering the entire pavement life cycle. Once for the certification of project designs before they go
such tools are available, transportation agencies will to bid. The objectives of GreenLITES are the following
have a mechanism to more fully consider the life-cycle (NYSDOT 2010):
impacts of design and materials choices.
• Recognize and increase “the awareness of the
sustainable methods and practices already incorpo
3. Rating Systems rated into the project design”
Currently, in an attempt to consider sustainable pave • Expand “the use of these and other innovative alter
ment practices, a number of rating systems are emerg natives which will contribute to improving trans
ing. Rating systems will often use elements of the portation sustainability”
LCCA and LCA, integrated with other environmental
and equity impacts, to assign points to alternatives A self-certification program, GreenLITES allows the
in an attempt to assess overall sustainability. Two of project team to evaluate a project’s sustainability before
the most widely known rating systems, GreenLITES releasing it for bid. Based on evaluation of 26 recently
and Greenroads™, are reviewed below, but there are completed designs, certification levels are scored and
a number of similar systems in existence and new are given in Table 10.2.
systems continue to emerge, including the FHWA’s
INVEST Sustainable Highways Self-Evaluation Tool
Table 10.2 GreenLITES Certification Levels
( and the Institute of
Certification Level Point Range Percentile Range
Sustainable Infrastructure’s envisionTM rating system
( Both of these are Non-certified 0 – 14 < 33%
Silver 30 – 44 67 - 90%
GreenLITES Gold 45 – 59 90 - 98%
GreenLITES (Leadership in Transportation and Envi Evergreen 60 and greater 98 and greater
ronmental Sustainability) was developed by the New
Figure 10.3 Results of the LCA of the three Kansas two-lift alternatives (from the Right Environment, Austin,Texas)
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY 91
The project design elements are compared to the using local materials to the “greatest extent possible to
objectives and credit descriptions for each of the fol minimize haul distances.” The following subcategories
lowing five GreenLITES categories: are included:
• Reduced run-off and associated pollutants by treat Many of the point categories lack specific amounts or
ing storm water runoff through best management levels of improvement required to receive the desig
practices (BMPs) nated number of points; the points are followed by a
list of items, and it is not clear how many of them are
required to obtain the points. It is also unclear if the
Materials and Resources
NYSDOT has specific improvement percentages or
This category encourages the reduction of waste by material use rates on which they will base the point
reusing and recycling materials in beneficial ways and rewards.
92 Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Specific examples of potential limitations related to use Greenroads™ applies only to roadway design and
with concrete pavements include the following: construction. The mandatory best practices—Project
Requirements—provide the minimum level of sustain
• Re-use of materials (M-1 general) – This does not able activities and each must be met as part of this
include concrete mix designs which optimize alter metric. The voluntary practices—Voluntary Credits—
native materials (such as fly ash, silica fume, etc.) to are the optional attributes which show how the project
meet the pavement or structure requirements. has moved toward a truly sustainable endeavor.
• Reduce electrical consumption (E-2) – This rewards For a roadway project to be evaluated, the project team
projects that utilize low energy-consuming lighting overseeing the work will document how the Project
equipment but doesn’t mention the use of concrete Requirements have been met and which Voluntary
pavements which may require less total lighting due Credits are being pursued. The Greenroads™ team
to its reflectivity. Also, although the section is titled verifies the application and the point totals and assigns
“Reduce Electrical Consumption,” it does not con the certification level. The levels include those shown
sider electrical consumption during the extraction, in Table 10.3.
manufacture, or construction phases for materials.
Silver All 43 – 53
• Certifying projects
Gold All 54 – 63
The Greenroads™ program has two major best-
Evergreen All 64 and greater
practice categories, mandatory and voluntary.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY 93
• Waste management plan needs to be established • Site vegetation
and implemented during construction
• Habitat restoration
• Pollution prevention plan for storm water that • Ecological connectivity
meets EPA Construction General Permit or local
requirements, whichever is more stringent • Light pollution
• Low-impact development hydrologic analysis must The access and equity subcategories are as follow:
be considered for storm water management in the
• Safety audit
• Intelligent transportation systems
• Pavement management system to maintain and
operate a pavement including evaluation and docu • Context-sensitive solutions
mentation of preservation actions • Traffic emissions reduction
• Site maintenance plan for roadway maintenance, • Pedestrian access
storm water system, vegetation, snow and ice, traf
fic control infrastructure, and cleaning • Bicycle access
• Transit access and high-occupancy vehicle (HOV)
• Educational outreach to the community as part of
the operation of the roadway
• Scenic views
Voluntary Credits • Cultural outreach
The optional Voluntary Credits are the attributes The construction activities subcategories are:
which show how the project has moved beyond the
minimum requirements. There are 37 voluntary prac • Quality management system
tices which are scored from one to five points each
• Environmental training
for a total of 108 points. Custom credits are available
per the approval of the Greenroads™ program for up • Site recycling plan
to an additional ten points. The voluntary credits are
• Fossil fuel reduction
grouped into the following categories:
• Equipment emissions reduction
• Environment and water
• Paving emissions reduction
• Access and equity
• Water use tracking
• Construction activities
• Contractor warranty
• Materials and resources
The materials and resources subcategories are the
• Pavement technologies
• Custom credit
• Life-cycle assessment
The environment and water subcategories are as follow:
• Pavement reuse
• Environmental management system • Earthwork balance
• Runoff flow control • Recycled materials
• Runoff quality control • Regional materials
• Storm water cost analysis • Energy efficiency
94 Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
The pavement technologies subcategories are the credit with 13 in. of concrete or 14 in. of HMA. The
following: validity of this approach is highly questionable.
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY 95
tools are not available, and gaps in the data and Marceau, M.L., M.A. Nisbet, and M.G. VanGeem.
knowledge limit this approach at the current time. 2006. Life Cycle Inventory of Portland Cement Manu
facture, R&D Serial No. 2095b. Skokie, IL: Portland
Emerging pavement sustainability rating systems Cement Association.
provide a means to currently assess pavement sustain-
ability, but limitations that exist in these systems mean Marceau, M.L., M.A. Nisbet, and M.G. VanGeem.
that they should be used to help guide users in mak 2007. Life Cycle Inventory of Portland Cement Concrete.
ing their practices more sustainable but should not be R&D Serial No. 3011. Skokie, IL: Portland Cement
used in absolute terms to determine which pavement Association.
alternative is more sustainable compared to another.
These tools should be used to advance the state of the Muench, S.T., J.L. Anderson, J.P. Hatfield, J.R. Koes
practice, not for material approval or selection. ter, M. Söderlund, et al. 2011. Greenroads™ Manual
v1.5.J.L. Anderson, C.D. Weiland, and S.T. Muench,
Eds. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. (www.
5. References and Resources; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air- New York State Department of Transportation (NYS
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). 2009. Standard for DOT). 2010. GreenLITES Project Design Certification
the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings. ANSI/ Program.
ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009. Atlanta,
GA: ASHRAE. PRé Consultants. 2011. SimaPro 6. Amersfoot, the
Athena Institute. 2006. A Life Cycle Perspective on
Concrete and Asphalt Roadways: Embodied Primary Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Energy and Global Warming Potential. (www.athenasmi. (SETAC), SETAC-Europe: Second Working Group on
org/publications/docs/Athena_Update_Report_LCA_ LCIA (WIA-2). 1999. Best Available Practice Regarding
PCCP_vs_HMA_Final_Document_Sept_2006.pdf; Impact Categories and Category Indicators in Life Cycle
accessed Dec. 5, 2011) Impact Assessment. Brussels, Belgium.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 1998. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center. 2008.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design–In Search of Various resources on Two-Lift Concrete Paving. Ames,
Better Investment Decisions. FHWA-SA-98-079. Wash IA: Iowa State University (
ington, D.C.: FHWA. ( ects/two-lift-paving/index.cfm; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
FHWA/013017.pdf; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
Consortium on Green Design and Manufacturing.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 2011. PaLATE: Pavement Life-cycle Assessment Tool
2006. Environmental Management—Life Cycle Assess for Environmental and Economic Effects. University of
ment—Requirements and Guidelines. ISO 14044. California-Berkeley (
Geneva, Switzerland. palate.html; accessed Dec. 5, 2011)
Kydes, A., and C. Cleveland. 2007. “Primary energy.” Santero, N., A. Loijos, M. Akbarian, and J. Ochsen
In Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. Wash dorf. 2011. Methods, Impacts, and Opportunities in the
ington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, Concrete Pavement Life Cycle. Concrete Sustainability
National Council for Science and the Environment. Hub, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth August
14, 2007; last revised August 14, 2007]. (; accessed April 15,
96 Ch. 10. ASSESSMENT OF PAVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
Chapter 11
Peter Taylor
Tom Van Dam
Are pavements perfectly sustainable? No. Like any sustainability is the need to identify the parameters
other infrastructure system, their construction and critical to success and understand how these param
maintenance consume nonrenewable resources, gener eters may be modified in such a way that significant
ate waste, and consume energy. More significantly, and continued improvement can be achieved.
users of modern vehicles have a significant negative
environmental and social impact as they travel on In this regard, concrete pavements have a good story
any pavement, with respect to such aspects as energy to tell, as they have been effectively used for genera
consumption, emissions, and noise. Pavements also tions to support economic and social good over the
interact directly with the environment and society, life cycle and provide many opportunities for further
impacting such things as local temperatures and sur improving their sustainability in the future.
face run-off. The first 10 chapters of this publication define sus
On the other hand, modern civilization would be tainability concepts and how they may be considered
inconceivable without the ability to move goods, when designing, building, and maintaining concrete
people, and expertise quickly and affordably over large pavements. They also identify a number of easily
distances via surface transportation. implementable strategies that can be employed to
improve the sustainability of concrete pavements,
Therefore, to establish a more sustainable pavement plus the parameters and tools for measuring these
system, both the negative and positive economic, envi improvements. This chapter briefly summarizes this
ronmental, and social impacts must be considered and information and provides an overview of innovative
alternatives sought that minimize the negative while approaches.
maximizing the positive. Fundamental to advancing
1. Review • Account for human needs and values while consid
ering the environmental setting in which the pave
Sustainability-related concepts related to pavements
ment will be constructed.
can be applied in practical and holistic ways in every
stage of a concrete pavement: design, materials selec • Make engineering decisions that will ensure that the
tion, construction, use, renewal, and end-of-life pavement will perform as desired for the intended
recycling. Urban environments provide unique oppor life (likely 40 years or more). Design features of
tunities for implementing concrete pavement solutions long-life concrete pavements include the following:
that enhance sustainability. Determining the success
◦ Adequate thickness
of these strategies requires a systematic approach to
selecting and measuring performance criteria. ◦ Strong, erosion-resistant bases
◦ Doweled transverse joints, or continuously
Pavement Sustainability Concepts reinforced concrete pavement where volume of
traffic requires them
To date, decision making by pavement professionals
has largely been based on consideration of the bottom- ◦ Appropriate materials and proportioning for
line, which was understood in purely economic terms. durability, economy, and reduced environmental
To advance sustainability, the bottom line must be impact
expanded to include environmental and societal terms. ◦ Timely maintenance and rehabilitation
Sustainability is also much broader than the applica
tion of a number of individual activities but needs to • Choose systems and approaches that will have
be approached system-wide. minimum economic, environmental, and social
cost, without compromising engineering quality.
Essential to understanding sustainability is an under
standing of how the current consumption-based • Design for what is needed. Overdesign is wasteful,
industrial system negatively impacts social systems. but under-design is even more wasteful because
The concept of a regenerative, circular economy longevity of the system may be compromised.
should be adopted, along with greater use of renew • Consider the impact of alternative approaches and
able resources and a reduction in accumulating waste. conduct sensitivity analyses.
Ideally, the system will ultimately mimic nature, in
which the concept of waste is eliminated and all waste Innovation that meets these goals should be encouraged.
becomes raw material for another process.
98 Ch. 11. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
• Make the manufacturing process more efficient life-cycle environmental footprint (e.g., embodied
energy and GHG emissions) must be one of the perfor
• Reduce the amount of portland cement clinker in mance requirements considered.
the cement
Chemical admixtures are used in small quantities; • Slurry run-off from wet sawing joints
therefore. their direct environmental impact is small. • Increased road user cost due to traffic delays caused
Their overall impact, however, is large, as they can be by construction
used to significantly reduce the amount of cementi
tious material required to achieve performance, and
they can markedly improve potential durability of a The Use Phase
mixture. The use phase, particularly the traffic using the facility,
has the largest life-cycle impact on the environment.
The goal of mix proportioning is to find the com
These impacts include not only energy consumption
binations of available and specified materials that
and emissions but also noise, run-off, and temperature.
will ensure that a mixture is cost effective, meets all
required performance requirements, and does this at Vehicle fuel consumption depends on many fac
the lowest environmental and social cost over the life tors that are the same regardless of pavement type.
cycle. In the case of sustainable design, reducing the However, pavement roughness, surface texture, and
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 11. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 99
stiffness can be controlled by the managing agency, End of Life
which has the ability to design, construct, and main At the end of life, a concrete pavement should be
tain a pavement surface that will minimize the eco completely recycled. The ultimate goal of recycling is
nomic, environmental, and social impact of vehicle to develop a zero waste stream utilizing all byproduct
operations. materials in the rehabilitation or reconstruction of
Other use phase factors that warrant consideration a concrete pavement. Not only is this economically
include solar reflectance, lighting needs, long-term advantageous, local recycling minimizes environmental
concrete carbonation, water run-off, and traffic delays. impact by reducing the carbon footprint, embodied
energy, and emissions as well as enhancing social good
by reducing the need for landfills and the extraction of
Pavement Renewal nonrenewable raw materials. The concept of recycling
Preservation and rehabilitation play an important role must be viewed as a cradle-to-cradle undertaking.
in ensuring pavement longevity while maintaining an
An added benefit of recycling concrete is the potential
acceptable level of serviceability. Long-lasting pave
to reduce atmospheric CO2 through carbon sequestra
ments reduce future investment in new materials and
tion, or carbonation. Typical environmental conditions
construction, thus minimizing economic, environmen
in a pavement subsurface base system are favorable
tal, and social impact over the life cycle. A well main
for accelerated carbon sequestration, thus recovering
tained concrete pavement will remain in a smooth,
up to 50 percent of the CO2 released during cement
safe, and quiet condition for a greater duration of its
life, thus increasing the fuel efficiency of vehicles,
reducing crashes, and minimizing social impact due to Hydraulic cement concrete can easily be processed
noise. into RCA which has added value as an aggregate
replacement in new concrete, as a dense graded base
Renewal strategies that can be applied to concrete
material, as drainable base material, and as fine aggre
pavements to maintain serviceability over the design
gate. The quality of RCA concrete depends primarily
life include preventive maintenance and rehabilita
on the amount of mortar that remains attached to the
tion. Preventive maintenance is a planned strategy
original aggregate. The mechanical properties of RCA
employing treatments that extend pavement life gener
are a function of the quality and size of the particles.
ally without increasing structural capacity. Pavement
Generally RCA can be processed to have more than
rehabilitation adds some structural capacity, usually
adequate values of abrasion resistance, soundness, and
through the application of additional pavement thick
bearing strength.
ness in the form of an overlay.
100 Ch. 11. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
strategies that would not have been considered before and guide innovation. Many product and service
may now be applicable when the societal impacts are manufacturers make claims about the sustainability
considered. or “greenness” of their products and processes. It can
be difficult for an owner, agency, consultant, contrac
One such example is the heat island effect, which tor, or specifier to sort through these claims without
occurs where there is a local area of elevated tem an accurate, repeatable, and objective system to assist
perature located within a region of relatively cooler them in their selection. In order to make the most
temperatures. Because of the greater density of paved informed design decisions with regard to sustainability,
and covered surfaces in urban environments, the heat decision makers must employ a tool or tools that allow
island effect occurs most frequently in urban areas. The comparison of different design choices.
effects of urban heat islands are broad, not only result
ing in increased levels of discomfort but also occasion No one tool is currently available that simultane
ally having an impact on human health. One strategy ously considers economic, environmental, and soci
for mitigating the urban heat island effect is using etal impacts. Economic impacts are often assessed
reflective paving materials, including conventional separately through life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA).
concrete. Additives that can further increase the SRI of Environmental impacts can be examined through a
concrete, such as slag cement or light-colored fly ash, life-cycle assessment (LCA). Tools to assess societal
are also recommended. impacts are still in their infancy.
There are additional benefits in using light-colored To address this need, a number of pavement sustain-
concrete pavements. Light-colored pavements can ability rating systems are emerging. Rating systems will
also improve safety by improving night visibility while often use elements of the LCCA and LCA, integrated
reducing artificial lighting requirements, thus saving with other environmental and societal impacts, to
energy and reducing emissions. In urban environ assign points to alternatives in an attempt to assess
ments, photocatalytic cements and/or coatings may overall sustainability.
be a viable option to help maintain highly reflective
2. Innovation
Precipitation runs off hard, impermeable surfaces (such
Dramatic improvements in concrete pavement sustain-
as pavements) much faster than off undeveloped or
ability will require the adoption of innovations. Some
vegetated ones. The concern from the standpoint of
innovative approaches have been used in demonstra
environmental impact is that storm water systems will
tion projects and show promise for implementation.
be overwhelmed when large areas of vegetation are
Others still require research.
replaced with paved or hard surfaces, resulting not
only in flooding but also in erosion and the transport Several technologies have been adopted in response to
of pollution into nearby surface waters. Typical storm implementing sustainability principles. These include
water management techniques, such as retention the following:
ponds, are difficult to implement in urban areas due to
lack of available land. Thus, sanitary sewers often are • Changes in cementitious materials systems and
used to handle storm water, thus resulting in increased mixture proportioning
needs for water treatment and/or release of untreated
• In-situ concrete recycling
water. For these reasons, innovative pavement solu
tions are acutely needed in urban areas, including the • Recycling water at the concrete plant
use of pervious concrete pavement surfaces.
• Pervious concrete
Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice Ch. 11. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 101
Technologies at the demonstration stage include the • Processes to capture mercury in the cement manu
following: facturing process
102 Ch. 11. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Sustainable Concrete Pavements A Manual of Practice
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center
2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700
Ames, IA 50010-8664