June Exam Content Grade 10

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Assessment Content Grade 10 MAY/ JUNE 2022


ACCOUNTING Accounting Equation, GAAP and theory, General Journal,, General Ledger (Creditors control ,
Debtors Control and trading stock), Debtors Ledger

AFRIKAANS 1STE Letterkunde toets (1 ½ ure) - Kortverhale: Die Sederberge is nie vir sissies nie (verpligtend); EN ’n
ADD. TAAL Pa vir Saterdag OF Geheime bewonderaar (Kies een).

ART Art Terminology, Elements of Art and Principles of Design, Note pack on Visual Literacy (Bird

BUSINESS STUDIES Contemporary Socio-Economic Issues

Social Responsibility
Forms of Ownership
Concept of Quality

DRAMATIC ARTS Journey 2,3,6 and 9. Apply, record, and reflect. Have you seen Zandile? And Antigone.

DANCE Theory exam: Safe dance practice: Components of fitness.

History and literacy: Principles & characteristics of contemporary dance.
Pantsula. Gregory Maqoma and 4 Seasons.
Practical exam: Classwork exercises - Spinal, swings, plie, contractions, leg swings, turns, kicks,
travelling jumps. Pantsula. Improvisation.


APPLICATIONS ○ Word Processing (Term 1 and 2 checklist)
TECHNOLOGY ○ Spreadsheets (Term 2 Checklist)

○ Hardware and Extended Hardware Concepts
○ Software and Extended Software Concepts
○ Memory, storage processing
○ Networking Technologies
○ Social Implications to computer use and networks

ECONOMICS Microeconomics
● Dynamics of markets
● Production possibilities
● Public sector Involvement

ENGLISH Language Paper (1 hour)

The language paper will comprise of:
● SECTION A: Comprehension
● SECTION B: Cartoons and Adverts
Grade 10s must study advertising techniques (term 1 module) and cartoons. Doing past papers
will prepare them for Section A and Section B.

Literature Paper (2 hours)

The literature paper will comprise of:
○ Response to contextual questions on an UNSEEN poem
○ Response to a poetry essay on a SEEN poem
○ Response to contextual questions on a SEEN poem
Grade 10s must study the poems Sunstrike, Municipal Gum, and Jaguar.
● SECTION B: NOVEL (Contextual questions)
○ Study Things Fall Apart
● SECTION C: NOVEL (Essay questions)
○ Study Things Fall Apart
Grade 10s need to have a thorough understanding of the novels context, characters, themes, etc.
Writing Paper (1hour 15 minutes)

Creative Writing
Grade 10s must revise the formats of argumentative, reflective, discursive, narrative and
descriptive essays. Reading short stories, articles, and books is encouraged to inspire creativity.

GEOGRAPHY Climatology, Geomorphology and Mapwork. 2,5 hours 180 marks

HISTORY History: 100 marks (one essay and one source based)

Essays: 50 marks
American Revolution causes – refer to essay notes OR
Aztecs and Incas refer to essay notes

Source Based: 50 Marks

French Revolution causes and course – OR
Atlantic Slave Trade and abolition

Chapter 1 Responsible consumer behaviour
Chapter 6: Food practises
Chapter 7: Energy requirements and meal planning
Chapter 8: food safety
Chapter 5: marketing
Chapter15: Entrepreneurship
Practical exam: 50 marks

ISIXHOSA Uvavanyo loncwadi

Owesithathu nguMnqakathi

Amanqanaba ebali
Isimo sentlalo
Indima yombalisi

MATHEMATICS Paper 1: 75 Marks (1.5 hours)

Equations and Inequalities Ch4
Number Patterns Ch3
Exponents Ch2
Paper 2: 75 Marks (1.5 hours)
Trigonometry Handout
Analytical Geometry Ch11
MATHS LITERACY [Most topics also included handouts]
PAPER 1: Finance, Data Handling
PAPER 2: Maps and plans, Measurement

Paper 1:
Numbers (Chapter 1)
Patterns & Relationships (Chapter 2)
Data Handling (Chapter 12)
Finance (Chapter 4 )
Paper 2
Numbers (Chapter 1)
Measurement (Chapter 3 & 5)
Maps & Scales (Chapter 6)

150 marks – 2,5 hours (whole years work)

LIFE SCIENCES Biological skills,

Chemistry of life,
Microscopy, cells and organelles,
Plant and animal tissue
Support and transport in plants and animals
Circulatory System

PHYSICAL Paper 1: PHYSICS 75 Marks, 1.5 HOURS

SCIENCES Chapters 9 - 11, Skills and Scientific method booklet: 9 - Magnetism, 10 – Electrostatics,
11 - Electricity

Paper 2: CHEMISTRY 75 Marks, 1.5 HOURS

Chapters 1 – 4, Skills and Scientific method booklet. 1 – Classification of matter,
2 – Phases of matter, 3 – The atom, 4 – Chemical bonding

LIFE ORIENTATION Development of self in society

Goal setting skills, Good decision making
Careers and career choice
Knowledge of self, Career choices: socio-economic factors, Requirements for the NSC
Democracy and Human Rights
A history of Human Rights, Bill of Rights, International conventions and instruments
including protection agencies
Study Skills
Methods and strategies
Social and environmental responsibilities
Social and environmental justice, Factors that impact on local and global communities,
Youth service development

MUSIC Music Theory

Key Signatures; Note values; Note names
General Music Knowledge
Elements of Music
Instruments of the Orchestra
Hornbostel-Sachs Classification System
ENGINEERING ISOMETRIC (3rd Angle Projection)
GRAPHICS AND Mechanical Analytical( Symbol, Mechanical Parts, Sectioning)
DESIGN Ellipse
Mechanical drawing
Geometrical constructions

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