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Installation: Aquamatic B

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Installation B

Aquamatic 1(1)

AD31/41, KAD32/43/44/300

AD31/41, KAD32/43/44/300
DP-E and DP-G drives


Safety Precautions ................................................................ 2
General Information ................................................................ 5
Marine engine environment .................................................... 8
Installation tools and literature ................................................ 10
Drawings–Templates–Posters ................................................ 12
General arrangement and planning ......................................... 13


Transom ................................................................................ 15
Engine foundation .................................................................. 25
Engine installation .................................................................. 27
Sterndrive installation ............................................................. 33


Jack shaft installation ............................................................ 39
Fuel system ........................................................................... 43
Cooling systems .................................................................... 50
Electrical system ................................................................... 57
Power trim instrument ............................................................ 71
Electrochemical corrosion ...................................................... 77
Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing .......................... 84
Steering ................................................................................. 93
Controls ................................................................................. 98
Belt guards and protections .................................................... 102
Power take-off ........................................................................ 103
Oil and coolant drain systems ................................................ 107
Painting .................................................................................. 108
Propellers ............................................................................... 109

Launching the boat ................................................................. 110
Sea trial ................................................................................. 114
References to Service Bulletins ............................................. 116

Safety Precautions

Introduction engine, careless movements or a dropped tool

can result in personal injury. Take precautions
This Installation Manual contains the information you
to avoid hot surfaces (exhaust pipes,
will need to install your Volvo Penta product correctly.
turbochargers, charge air manifolds, starting el-
Check that you have the correct Installation Manual. ements etc.) and hot liquids in supply lines and
Read this safety information and the ”General in- hoses in engines that are running or have just
formation” in the installation manual carefully be- been turned off. Reinstall all protective parts re-
fore servicing or operating the engine. moved during service operations before starting
work on the engine.
In this manual and on the engine you will find the fol-
lowing special warning symbols.
Ensure that the warning or information decals
WARNING! Danger of personal injury, damage
on the product are always visible. Replace de-
to property or mechanical malfunction if the in-
cals which are damaged or painted over.
structions are not followed.

IMPORTANT! Possible damage or mechanical

malfunction in products or property.
Turbocharged engines: Never start the engine
NOTE! Important information to facilitate work pro- without installing the air cleaner. The rotating
cesses or operation. compressor parts in the turbocharger can cause
serious personal injury. Foreign objects entering
the intake ducts can also cause mechanical
Below is a list of the risks that you must always be damage.
aware of and the safety measures you must always
carry out.

Never use starting spray in the air intake. Use

Plan in advance so that you have enough room of such products could result in an explosion in
for safe installation and (future) dismantling. the air intake pipe. There is a danger of person-
Plan the engine compartment (and other com- al injury.
partments such as the battery compartment) so
that all service points are accessible. Coming
into contact with rotating components, hot sur-
faces or sharp edges when servicing and in- Do not open the filler cap for the engine coolant
specting the engine must not be possible. En- (freshwater cooled engines) when the engine is
sure that all equipment (pump drives, compres- hot. Steam or hot engine coolant can be
sors for example) has protective covers. ejected and any pressure in the system will be
lost. Open the filler cap slowly and release
coolant system pressure (freshwater cooled
engines), if the filler cap or drain cock must be
Immobilize the engine by not connecting the opened, or if a plug or engine coolant line must
electrical system or turning off the power sup- be removed on a hot engine. Steam or hot
ply to the engine at the main switch (breakers), coolant can be ejected.
and lock the switch (breakers) in the OFF
position for as long as work continues. Set up a
warning notice at the engine control point or
helm. Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact
with hot oil. Ensure that the oil system is de-
pressurised before starting work on it. Never
As a rule no work should be undertaken on a start or run the engine without the oil filler cap
running engine. However, some work such as in place because of the risk of oil being ejected.
adjustments, requires a running engine. Ap-
proaching an engine which is operating is a
safety risk. Loose clothing or long hair can fas-
ten in rotating parts and cause serious personal
injury. If working in proximity of a running

Safety precautions

If the boat is in the water, stop the engine and All fuels and many chemicals are inflammable.
close the bottom valve before carrying out op- Keep away from naked flames or sparks. Gaso-
erations on the cooling system. line, some solvents and hydrogen from batter-
ies in the correct proportions with air will be
very inflammable and explosive. Do not smoke!
Only start the engine in an area that is well ven- Maintain good ventilation and take the neces-
tilated. Beware, the gases are poisonous to sary safety measures before welding or grinding
breathe in. When operated in an enclosed in the vicinity. Always keep a fire extinguisher
space, use exhaust extraction to lead the ex- accessible in the workplace.
haust and crankcase gases away from the
place of work.
Store oil and fuel soaked rags and old fuel and
oil filters properly. Oil-soaked rags can, in cer-
Always wear protective goggles if there is a risk tain circumstances, ignite spontaneously. Old
of splinters, grinding sparks and splashes from fuel and oil filters are environmentally harmful
acid or other chemicals. Your eyes are ex- and should be delivered, with used lubrication
tremely sensitive and an injury to them can oil, contaminated fuel, paint, solvents and de-
result in you losing your sight! greasing agents, to a proper refuse station for
environmentally harmful material for destruc-
Avoid skin contact with oil! Long term or repeat-
ed skin contact with oil can lead to the loss of
natural oils from the skin. This leads to Ensure that the battery compartment is de-
irritation, dry skin, eczema and other skin prob- signed according to current safety standards.
lems. Old oil is more dangerous to your health Never allow an open flame or electric sparks
than new. Use protective gloves and avoid oil- near the battery area. Never smoke in proximity
soaked clothes and rags. Wash regularly, to the batteries. The batteries give off hydrogen
especially before meals. Use special skin gas during charging which when mixed with air
creams to help clean and to stop your skin can form an explosive gas. This gas is easily
drying out. ignited and highly volatile. Incorrect connection
of the battery can cause sparks sufficient to
cause an explosion with resulting damage. Do
not shift the connections when attempting to
Most chemicals intended for the product (en- start the engine (spark risk) and do not lean
gine and gearbox oils, glycol, gasoline and die- over any of the batteries.
sel), or chemicals intended for the workshop
(degreasing agent, paints and solvents) are
harmful to your health. Read the instructions on
packaging carefully! Always follow protective Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and Mi-
measures (using a protective mask, goggles, nus (negative) battery leads are correctly in-
gloves etc.). Make sure that other personnel stalled on the corresponding terminal posts on
are not unknowingly exposed to harmful the battery. Incorrect installation can result in
substances in the air that they breathe for serious damage to the electrical equipment.
example. Ensure that ventilation is good. Deal Refer to the wiring diagrams.
with used and excess chemicals as directed.

Always use protective goggles when charging

Be extremely careful when tracing leaks in the and handling the batteries. The battery electro-
fuel system and when testing injectors. Wear lyte contains extremely corrosive sulphuric
protective goggles. The jet from an injector is acid. If this should come in contact with the
under very high pressure and fuel can penetrate skin, immediately wash with soap and plenty of
deep into tissue, causing serious injury with a water. If battery acid comes in contact with the
risk of blood poisoning. eyes, flush immediately with water and obtain
medical assistance.

Safety precautions

Turn the engine off and turn off the power at the Never work alone when installing heavy compo-
main switches (breakers) before carrying out nents, even when using secure lifting equip-
work on the electrical system. ment such as a lockable block and tackle.
Most lifting devices require two people, one to
see to the lifting device and one to ensure that
the components do not get caught and dam-
Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the aged.
engine turned off.

The components in the electrical system, the

Use the lifting eyes fitted on the engine/reverse ignition system (gasoline/petrol engines) and in
gear when lifting the drive unit. Always check the fuel system on Volvo Penta products are
that the lifting equipment used is in good condi- designed and manufactured to minimize risks
tion and has the load capacity to lift the engine of fire and explosion. Engines should not run in
(engine weight including reverse gear and any environments containing explosive media.
extra equipment installed).

To ensure safe lifting and avoid damage to

components installed on the top of the engine Always use fuels recommended by Volvo Pen-
use an adjustable lifting beam. All chains and ta. Refer to the Instruction Book. Use of fuels
cables must run parallel to each other and as that are of a lower quality can damage the en-
perpendicular as possible to the upper side of gine. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel can
the engine. cause the fuel control rack to stick causing the
engine to overspeed with resulting risk of dam-
If extra equipment is installed on the engine
age to the engine and personal injury. Poor fuel
which alters its centre of gravity a special lifting
quality can also lead to higher maintenance
device is required to obtain the correct balance
for safe handling.

Never carry out work on an engine suspended

on a hoist.

General Information

About the installation manual Certified engines

This publication is intended as a guide for the installa- The following is important for service and repair of en-
tion of Volvo Penta marine diesel engines for I/O use. gines certified for any area where exhaust emissions
The publication is not comprehensive and does not are regulated by law:
cover every possible installation, but is to be regarded Certification means that an engine type is inspected
as recommendations and guide lines applying to nor- and approved by authorities. The engine manufacturer
mal installations. guarantees that all engines manufactured of that type
These recommendations are the result of many years correspond to the certified engine.
practical experience of installations from all over the This places special requirements for maintenance
world. Departures from recommended procedures etc. and service as follows:
can however be necessary or desirable, in which case
· The maintenance and service intervals recom-
your Volvo Penta dealer will be glad to offer his assis-
mended by Volvo Penta must be observed.
tance in finding a solution for your particular installa-
tion. · Only genuine Volvo Penta spare parts may be
It is the sole responsibility of the installer to ensure
that the installation work is carried out in a satisfacto- · Service of injection pumps and injectors or pump
ry manner, that it is operationally in good order, that settings must always be performed by an authorised
the approved materials and accessories are used and Volvo Penta workshop.
that the installation meets all applicable rules and reg- · The engine must not be modified in any way ex-
ulations. cept with accessories and service kits approved by
This Installation Manual has been published primarily Volvo Penta.
for professionals and qualified personnel. Persons us- · No modifications may be made to the exhaust
ing this book are assumed to have a grounding in ma- pipes and air supply ducts for the engine.
rine drive systems and be able to carry out related
· Seals may only be broken by authorised person-
mechanical and electrical work.
Volvo Penta continuously upgrades its products and
Otherwise the general instructions contained in the in-
reserves the right to make changes. All the informa-
struction manual concerning operation, service and
tion contained in this book is based on product data
maintenance must be followed.
available at the time of going to print. Any important
modifications to the product of changes to installation IMPORTANT! Late or inadequate maintenance/
methods after this date will be notified in Service Bul- service or the use of spare parts other than
letins. Volvo Penta genuine spare parts will invalidate
AB Volvo Penta’s responsibility for the engine
specification being in accordance with the certi-
Plan installations with care fied version.
Great care must be taken in the installation of engines
and their components if they are to operate satisfacto- Volvo Penta accepts no responsibility or liability
rily. Always make absolutely sure that the correct for any damage or costs arising due to the abo-
specifications and drawings and any other data are ve.
available before starting work. This will allow planning
and installation can be carried out correctly right from
the start.
Plan the engine room so that it is easy to carry out
routine service operations involving the replacement
of components. Compare the engine’s Service Manual
with the original drawings showing the dimensions.
It is very important when installing engines that no dirt
or other foreign matter gets into the fuel, cooling, in-
take or turbocharger systems, as this can lead to
faults or engine seizure. Clean supply lines and hoses
with compressed air before connecting them to the en-
gine. Remove protective engine plugs only when mak-
ing a connection to an external system.

General information

Seaworthiness Joint liability

It is the manufacturer’s duty to check that the security Each engine consists of many components working
requirements applying to the market where the boat is together. One component deviating from its technical
sold, are met. In the USA for example, these are the specification can cause a dramatic increase in the en-
US Federal Regulations for pleasure-boats described vironmental impact of an engine. It is therefore vital
in Title 46. The requirements described below apply to that systems that can be adjusted are adjusted prop-
the EU. For information and detailed descriptions of erly and that Volvo Penta Genuine Parts as used.
the safety requirements that apply to other markets, Certain systems (components in the fuel system for
contact the authority for the country concerned. example) may require specialist expertise and special
From 16 June 1998, pleasure-boats and certain asso- test equipment. Some components are sealed at the
ciated equipment marketed and used within the EU factory for environmental reasons. No work should be
must bear CE labels to confirm that they meet the carried out on sealed components except by autho-
safety requirements stipulated by the European Parlia- rised personnel.
ment and Council of Europe’s directive for pleasure- Remember that most chemical products damage the
boats. The normative requirements can be found in environment if used incorrectly. Volvo Penta recom-
the standards drawn up to support the directive’s ob- mends the use of biodegradable degreasing agents for
jective of uniform safety requirements for pleasure- cleaning engine components, unless otherwise stated
boats in EU countries. in a workshop manual. Take special care when work-
Certificates granting the right for CE labels to be used ing on board boats, that oil and waste are taken for
and confirming that boats and equipment meet safety destruction and are not accidentally pumped into the
requirements, are issued by approved notified bodies. environment with bilge water.
In many Member States the classification societies
have become the notified bodies for pleasure-boats,
e.g. Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, Registro Italiano
Navale, Germanischer Lloyd, etc. In many cases
completely new institutions have been approved as
notified bodies. The directive also allows boat builders
and component manufacturers to issue assurances of
compliance with the requirements of the directive.
This requires the manufacturer to store the prescribed
product documentation, in a place that is accessible
to the monitoring authority, for at least ten years after
the last product is produced.
Life boats and boats for commercial activities are ap-
proved by classification societies or by the navigation
authority for the boat’s registered country.

General information

Conversion factors
Metric to U.S. or IMP. conversion factors:
U.S. or IMP. to metric conversion factors:

To convert To convert
from To Multiply by from To Multiply by
Length mm inch 0.03937 inch mm 25.40
cm inch 0.3937 inch cm 2.540
m foot 3.2808 foot m 0.3048
Area mm² sq.in. 0.00155 sq. in. mm² 645.2
m² sq. ft. 10.76 sq. ft. m² 0.093
Volume cm³ cu. in. 0.06102 cu. in. cm³ 16.388
litre, dm³ cu. ft. 0.03531 cu. ft. litre, dm³ 28.320
litre, dm³ cu. in. 61.023 cu. in. litre, dm³ 0.01639
litre, dm³ imp. gallon 0.220 imp. gallon litre, dm³ 4.545
litre, dm³ U.S. gallon 0.2642 U.S. gallon litre, dm³ 3.785
m³ cu. ft. 35.315 cu.ft. m³ 0.0283
Force N lbf 0.2248 lbf N 4.448
Weight kg lb. 2.205 lb. kg 0.454
Power kW hp (metric) 1) 1.36 hp (metric) 1) kW 0.735
kW bhp 1.341 bhp kW 0.7457
kW BTU/min 56.87 BTU/min kW 0.0176
Torque Nm lbf ft 0.738 lbf ft Nm 1.356
Pressure Bar psi 14.5038 psi Bar 0.06895
MPa psi 145.038 psi MPa 0.006895
Pa mm Wc 0.102 mm Wc Pa 9.807
Pa in Wc 0.004 in Wc Pa 249.098
KPa in Wc 4.0 in Wc KPa 0.24908
mWg in Wc 39.37 in Wc mWg 0.0254
Energy kJ/kWh BTU/hph 0.697 BTU/hph kJ/kWh 1.435
Work kJ/kg BTU/lb 0.430 BTU/lb kJ/kg 2.326
MJ/kg BTU/lb 430 BTU/lb MJ/kg 0.00233
kJ/kg kcal/kg 0.239 kcal/kg kJ/kg 4.184
Fuel g/kWh g/hph 0.736 g/hph g/kWh 1.36
consump. g/kWh lb/hph 0.00162 lb/hph g/kWh 616.78
Inertia kgm² lbft² 23.734 lbft² kgm² 0.042
Flow, gas m³/h cu.ft./min. 0.5886 cu.ft./min. m³/h 1.699
Flow, liquid m³/h US gal/min 4.403 US gal/min m³/h 0.2271
Speed m/s ft./s 3.281 ft./s m/s 0.3048
mph knots 0.869 knots mph 1.1508
Temp. °F=9/5 x °C+32 °C=5/9 x (°F–32)

1) All hp figures stated in the catalogue are metric.

Marine engine environment

The marine engine and its environment Power

Marine engines, like engines for cars and trucks, are
rated according to one or more power norms. The out- Power losses due to atmospheric conditions
put is indicated in kW, usually at maximum engine
speed. Losses due to large propeller B
Most engines will produce their rated power provided
they have been tested under the conditions specified
by the power norm and have been properly run in. Tol-
erances according to ISO standards are usually ± 5%,
which is a reality that must be accepted for serial pro-
duced engines.
Measuring output
All major marine engine manufacturers indicate en-
gine power according to ISO 8665 (supplement to ISO rpm
3046 for leisure boats), based on ISO 3046, which
means that the propeller shaft power will be given. If The above figure illustrates the consequences of climate
an exhaust system is optional, engine tests are con- variation.
ducted with a backpressure of 10 kPa. If all engine
manufacturers followed the same test procedure it
would be easier for a boat producer to compare prod- Point A is where rated power from the engine is equal
ucts from various suppliers with the power absorbed by the propeller. Selection of
the propeller size at this point is correctly located for
utilising max. rated power at a certain weather and
load condition.
Engine performance If atmospheric conditions cause the power to drop to
Engine output is affected by a number of different fac- point B, the propeller curve will cross the output curve
tors. Among the more essential are barometric pres- from the engine at point C. A secondary performance
sure, ambient temperature, humidity, fuel thermal val- loss has occurred because the propeller is too large.
ue, fuel temperature (not EDC engines) and backpres- The propeller reduces the rpm from the engine.
sure. Deviation from normal values affects diesel and By replacing the propeller with a smaller one, the pow-
petrol engines differently. er curve of the engine will cross at point B, making it
Diesel engines use a large amount of air for combus- possible to regain previous rpm, but at reduced power.
tion. If the mass flow of the air is reduced, the first For planing or semi-planing boats, the planing thresh-
sign is an increase in black smoke. The effect of this old (“hump” speed), which mostly occurs at 50 - 60%
is especially noticeable at planing threshold speed, of max. speed, is the critical area. In this section it is
where the engine must produce maximum torque. important that the distance between the engine max.
If the deviation from normal mass flow is substantial, power curve and the propeller curve is large enough.
even a diesel engine will lose power. In the worse
case the reduction could be so large that the torque is
not sufficient to overcome the planing threshold.

Marine engine environment

Other factors affecting performance In order to achieve good all-round performance the
Thermal values differ between markets and influence propeller should be selected within this range.
engine output. Environmental fuel, which is compulso- When the prototype and first production boat is built, a
ry in some markets, has a low thermal value. Engine Volvo Penta representative and a boat manufacturer
output may be reduced up to 10% compared with fuel should undertake a fully loaded trial of the vessel as
specified in the ISO standard. near as possible to the conditions that the boat will
The weight of the boat is another important factor af- meet in the field. The most important conditions are:
fecting boat speed. Increased boat weight has a major • Full fuel and water on board
effect on boat speed, especially on planing and semi-
planing hulls. A new boat tested with half filled fuel • Ballast evenly distributed throughout the boat to
and water tanks and without a payload easily drops represent the owner’s equipment including such
2-3 knots in speed when tested fully loaded with fuel, things as outboards, inflatable dinghies etc.
water and equipment for travelling comfort. This situa- • Genset/air conditioning equipment and all domestic
tion arises because the propeller is often selected to appliances fitted.
give maximum speed when the boat is tested at the • Adequate number of people onboard.
factory. It is therefore advisable to reduce propeller
pitch by one or more inches when encountering hot Once the vessel is subjected to these conditions a full
climate and user load conditions. The top speed will engine/propeller trial should be undertaken where all
be somewhat reduced but the overall conditions will engine parameters are checked, i.e. engine rpm, fuel
improve and provide better acceleration, even with a consumption, rel. load, ref. rpm (EDC) boost pressure,
heavily loaded boat. engine room temperatures etc.

With this in mind it is important to remember that fi- When the correct propeller has been established
breglass boats absorb water when they rest in water, based on the tests, the engine rpm should be within
making the boat heavier over time. Marine growth, an the ” Full Throttle Operating Range” at full load.
often overlooked problem, also has a serious effect on However, it is advisable to reduce pitch some more to
boat performance. handle varying weather conditions and marine growth.
For this reason boat manufacturers must follow the
actual situation of their differing markets.
Propeller selection
The required engine performance data to make the
proper propeller selection is available in technical liter-
With regard to the propeller selection it is important to
achieve correct engine rpm. For this purpose we rec-
ommend Full Throttle Operating Range.

100% of
full output.
Full throttle
Engine output,kW

Propeller (too big)

Propeller (OK)
Propeller (too small)

Rated rpm
cut out

Installation tools and literature

Special tools

884502 884573 884918 885143

885146 885148 885151 885156


3860305 9510060 9988452

9996065 9996666-5

884502-6 Alignment tool for the engine in relation to 885151-1 Box with gauges, hoses and connections.
transom shield For measuring pressures and exhaust temperature
884573-7 Flexible screwdriver for the tightening of 885156-0 Calomel electrode. For measuring galvanic
hose clamps and stray current. Use in combination with Digital
probe tester 9988452-0
884918-4 Drilling and milling fixture
3860305-6 Alignment tool for the positioning of the
885143-8 Yoke. For holding the sterndrive while
front engine support
installing the rubber bellows
9510060-8 Multimeter
885146-1 Suspension tool DP-E. Facilitating the
installation of the sterndrive to the transom shield 9988452-0 Digital probe tester. Checking
electrochemical corrosion. Used together with 885156.
885456-4 Suspension tool DP-G. Facilitating the
installation of the sterndrive to the transom shield 9996065-0 Manometer. For measuring fuel feed
885148-7 Tool for pulling out the suspension dowels
on the shield 9996666-5 Nipple. Cecking fuel supply presssure

Installation tools and literature

Other special equipment

18817 25167 861079 969299 947043

18817-7 Washer x 4. Checking the fuel feed pressure 969299-7 Hollow screw M12x1 (AD41/42, KAD43/44/
25167-8 Hollow screw M14x1(AD31), with locally 300, with locally made threaded hole. Checking the
made threaded hole. Checking the fuel feed pressure fuel feed pressue

861079-2 Banjo nipple x 2 (KAD44/300). Checking the 947093-1 Hose nipple x2. Checking the fuel feed pres-
fuel feed pressure sure

For EDC-related installation and special tools see

Installation EDC, Electronic Diesel Control.

A wide range of chemical products are available from
Volvo Penta. Some examples are:
Oil and coolant
Sealant and grease
Touch-up paint
See "Volvo Penta Accessories & Maintenance Parts"

Installation tools and literature

Installation drawings – Templates – Posters

Drawings for current program, leisure and commercial

applications are available at:

Templates for the controls.

The templates are included in the control kits.

Template for the transom shield cut out. - Installation Reference: Publ. No. 7735471-0.
The template is included in the transom shield kit. Transom shield unit DP-E, DP-G
Publ. No. 7733849-9 - Installation Reference: Publ. No. 7735058-5.
Stern drive unit DP-E
- Installation Reference: Publ. No. 7741533-9.
Stern drive unit DP-G
The ”Installation References” are included in the en-
gine and drive kits.

- Installation EDC, Electronic Diesel Control,
Publication No. 7740748-4
- Installation Inboard Marine Diesel Engines
TAMD31/41/42, KAMD43/44/300, Publication No.
Templates for the instrument panels. - Marine Electrical Systems Part 1, Publication
The templates are included in the kits. No. 7733534-7.
- Instrument panels, fly bridge - Volvo Penta Accessories & Maintenance Parts
- Power trim, manoeuver - Workshop Manuals
- Power trim, instrument - Operator’s Manuals
- Sales Guide

General arrangement and planning

Weight distribution Planing and semi-planing hulls

For planing and semi-planing hulls especially it is im-
General portant that heavy equipment such as engines, fuel
It is of major importance for the top speed running atti- tanks, water tanks and batteries are positioned in a
tude etc. to locate the LCG properly. Generally a boat way as to obtain the best possible trim of the boat in
with high top speed should have the LCG more aft the water.
than a slower boat. Fuel and water tanks should be located as close to
The centre of gravity has a major influence on the the LCG as possible to keep the LCG steady even
boat’s static and dynamic stability. It is therefore im- with different levels of fuel and water.
portant to consider this for the both when loaded and It is an advantage to install the fuel tanks away from
unloaded. the warm engine room. The batteries should be placed
in a separate, well ventilated area if possible.

Figure A Figure B


LCG = Longitudinal Centre of LCG = Longitudinal Centre of

Gravity Gravity

Batteries tank



Figure A represents an installation with good weight Figure B represents a wrong type of installation with a
distribution and with a good running attitude. Uder- subsequent bad running attitude.
standably the planning of the boat is different from
type to type. However, always try to distribute the
weight in the best possible way.

General arrangement and planning

Accessibility for checking,

maintenance and repairs
When designing the engine installation always pay
attention to the accessibility needed to be able to
give a proper service to the engine. Also ensure that
the complete engine can be removed without damage
to the boat structure.
NOTE! There must also be sufficient space for the
sound proofing material. Study the installation draw-
ing of the relevant engine carefully.

Accessibility for maintenance

Some areas that normally require access for
• Oil change and refill (engine, power
steering and power trim)
• Change of oil filters
• Change of fuel filters
• Change of air filter
• Check of belt tension
• Change of belts
• Removal of valve cover
• Change of impeller, seawater pump
• Cleaning of water filter

Accessibility for repairs

Some areas that may require access for re-
• Removal of injectors
• Removal of cylinder head
• Removal of charge air cooler
• Removal of oil coolers
• Removal or change of electrical
• Removal of flywheel and vibration
• Removal or change of steering
• Engine removal


Single installation

3. The transom must be flat within the area where the

A transom shield is to be installed.
Area Minimum in
mm (inch)

A 635 (25)
B 1500 (59)
C 800 (32)

Twin installation

A 4. The picture above reflects the required transom
thickness and recommended transom angle.

1. Sender for sumlog, depth sounder etc must not be

located within the shaded area.
Keels, chines, steps etc. must not be located within
the distance B from the transom.

2. Twin installation
Regarding measurements A and B, see under point 1.
The measurement C must be 800 mm (31.5") for each
sterndrive. The critical areas might overlap each oth-
er, depending on the distance between the engines.


Maximum loaded water level

Extensions 1" and 4"

220 mm (8.6")


6. Calculate the height of the hole for the transom

shield when an extansion is installed. Use the recom-
mended X-measurement and add the length of the ex-
tension. The sterndrive in the picture is equipped with
a 4" extension.
NOTE! The underside of the cavitation plate should
normally be located between 15–25 mm (0.6–1") un-
derneath the bottom of the boat. (Valid for boats with
single engine installations). See also calculating X-
220 mm

IMPORTANT! The water level must not reach

higher than 220 mm (8.6") above crank shaft
center line (CL).

NOTE! In positioning the waterline, the boat must float

on its static plane fully loaded, 100% water and 100%
5. If the waterline reach higher, an extension must
be installed. This allows the engine and TSK to be
rised while maintaining propeller depth. There are two
extensions available, 1" and 4". Follow the instruc-
tions in the extension kit.

WARNING! The 4" extension is only allowed for

diesel engines up to 200 hp. There are no
limitations for the 1" extensions.


Calculating X-measurement

WARNING! Do not use

the measurements in
this table. Always use
the table on the tran-
som template.

7. Diagram for positioning sterndrive in the transom. IMPORTANT! The following instructions will
A 12–13° inclination of the transom is recommended. provide a stern drive unit mounting location that
However, other transom inclinations given in the dia- is suitable for most boats. Best mounting loca-
gram can be used. tion for a particular boat, however, can be deter-
The X-measurement indicated in the diagram is a re- mined only by testing.
sult upon a lot of tests and experience. It should
therefore be considered as a good choise for most IMPORTANT! The recommended X-measure-
boats. Following this measurement the underside of ment can be raised for high performance instal-
the sterndrive cavitation plate will be located 20 mm lations. If a higher “X”-dimension is chosen, the-
(3/4") underneath the bottom of the boat in a single in- re is a risk for burned propellers. The use of
stallation and slightly less in a twin. stainless steel propellers may be required.

All installations within a boat manufacturer’s line are

subject to verification by actual tests per ABYC and
NMMA standards (USA). Additional standards may
also apply for boats exported from the U.S. Check
with standards agency of importing country.


Single installation

11. Draw a horizontal line through the crankshaft cen-

ter, parallell to the “chine” line.

8. Draw a horizontal line between the chines on the

NOTE! Check with dimension drawing that the maxi- Twin installation
mum tilt position of the drive does not interfere with Minimum recommended measurement between the
the bathing platform. engines centre lines.

9. Then draw a vertical center line at right angles to

the horizontal line.

A =AD31/41 engines 850 mm (33.5")

KAD32/43/44/300 engines 950 mm (37.4")

12. Above measurements reflect the minimum dis-

tance between the engines in twin installations.
To improve service accessability, manouverability and
height in relation to water line a larger distance may
be choosen.

10. Determine the X-measurement from the diagram

on the template and mark the height from the boat
bottom to the crankshaft center (the X-measurement).
Refer to the template, included with the engine pack- 13. Execute the operations in accordance with points
age, regarding single installations. 8 through 9. Then measure and produce the distance
between the engines going out from the vertical cen-


Using the transom fixture

special tool 884918


16. Align the fixture, 884918, against the transom.

The “V” notches must coincide with the horizontal and
vertical lines in four places (A). Temporarily attach
drill fixture with two self tapping screws.

14. Determine the X-measurement from the diagram

on the template and mark the height from the boat
bottom to the crankshaft centerline (the X-measure-
Refer to the template regarding twin installations.

17. For a cleaner and more accurate cut, a router can

be used with fixture 884918. The diagram above gives
15. Draw a horizontal line through the crankshaft cen- dimensioning for the router base plate. Route around
ter points, parallel to the “chine” line. the fixture as deep as necessary to penetrate the
gelcoat layer. The transom shield hole can also be
marked off with a pencil. For cutting of the hole with
the fixture removed, see point 21.


10 mm (0.4")
8 mm (0.3")

76 mm (3")

138 mm (5.4")

18. Install the drill fixture on top of the transom tem-

plate. Fold down the lock fittings on both sides.

19. Drill the 7 holes with a 14 mm (35/64") drill. The 20. Cut the inside of the transom as per figures, so
hole marked (1) provides the starting position for a that the trim sender can be removed if necessary.
saw. Remove the two fixtures. Use a circular saw and measure position as per figure.

21. Cut out the hole using a jig saw. Make sure to
hold the saw at an angle of 90° against the transom.


Cutting out the hole in the

transom using the paper
Execute operations 1 through 15 depending on the
type of installation at hand. Then continue as follows:

22. Bevel the inside of the transom as per figure, so

that the trim cylinder pins can be removed if neces-
24. Determine the X-measurement to be used. Cut off
or fold the template along the correct line indicated on
the template. Attach the template to the transom in a
way that the vertical lines coincide with the vertical
center line of the transom. The cut or folded lower
edge of the template must touch the lowest point of
the boat bottom on the vertical center line, to replicate
the X-measurement.

23. Paint or coat all cut-out surfaces with topcoat or


25. Cut out the transom shield hole in the paper tem-
plate. Press hard enough to leave a clearly visible
marking on the transom. Drill a hole in any of the cor-
ners, big enough to allow a saw to enter.


26. Drill the holes 14 mm (35/64") for the transom 28. Remove the template and fill the knife marking
shield bolts. with a pencil. Then use a jig saw and cut out the hole.
NOTE! Make sure to absolutely drill at right angles to Make sure to hold the saw at right angles to the tran-
the transom. Also make sure to locate the holes in som.
their exact positions. Failure to do so will make it ex-
tremly difficult to fit the transom shield. Use of drilling
jig is recommended.

10 mm (0.4")
8 mm (0.3")

76 mm (3")

138 mm (5.4")

29. Bevel the inside of the transom as per figure, so

that the trim cylinder cotter pins can be removed if

27. Cut the inside of the transom as per figures, so 30. Paint or coat all cut-out surfaces with top coat or
that the trim sending unit can be removed if neces- sealer.
sary. Use a circular saw and measure position as per


Installing the transom shield 80 Nm (57.8 lbf.ft)

33. With the transom shield in its location, install the

6 rectangular washers on the stud bolts and then the
Tighten the nuts evenly to a torque of 80 Nm (57.8
31. Pass the hydraulic pump through the transom

34. Install the hydraulic pump on the transom or on a

bulkhead. Make sure it is easy accessible for oil-filling
and service, and well clear of any possible bilge wa-
Keep the hydraulic hoses clear from any moving parts
for example the steering arm.

IMPORTANT! The hydraulic pump must be in-

32. Align the transom studs with the holes in the tran-
stalled vertically. See the picture above.
som and push the transom shield flush to the tran-


Installing hydrulic pump


35. NOTE! Should the low pressure hoses (B) and 36. Connect the wire harness from the power trim
high pressure hoses (A) need to be disconnected for pump and trim sensor unit to the extension cable from
any reason it is vital that they be reconnected to the the trim instrument and trim panel.
correct hose connection. The figs. show how the hos- Carefully clamp the trim sensor wire harness to the
es shall be connected on the inside and outside of the transom to avoid damages to the harness itself.
transom shield.

Engine foundation

Information regarding Jack shaft installation see

page 39–42.

3. Install the bed plate at the end of the rod. There

are holes drilled in the bed plate, marking the position
of the holes for the flexible engine mountings.
1. The engine bed drill jig 3860305 is suitable for all The holes are marked:
Volvo Penta DP-E and DP-G sterndrive packages. DIESEL 4-CYL / 6-CYL CUSHYFLOAT

1 4. The engine bed should be built in accordance with

the following measurements.

2. Install the special tool 3860305, without the front

plate, on the suspension dowels of the transom A B C
shield. The support leg (1) must press against the in-
side of the transom shield. 100 mm (4") 474 mm (18.3") 574 mm (22.5")

Push in the rod (2) until the marking for the relevant
engine corresponds to the outher surface of the lock-
ing device (3) .
Tighten the bolt. Build in drain channels to allow water to drain to the lo-
cation of the bilge pump.

Engine foundation

7. Cut a recess in the aft and starbord side of engine

bed to make place to the exhaust pipe. See figure.

5. Build the engine bed in a way as to allow the un-

derside of the tool plate to rest on top of the bed.
Build in a flat bar of galvnized iron, with a thickness of
approx. 10 mm (3/8") and a minimum length of 250
mm (10") and a minimum width of 80 mm (3").

Mark the bed with holes for the flexible mountings for
the relevant engine. The holes are marked:
Then remove the special tool.

6. Drill and thread the holes with a thread tap.

Dimension: M12 mm (1/2"UNC) or its equivalent.

Engine installation

Preparing the engine

NOTE! Installations in the engine room for the fuel NOTE! All engines are delivered from Volvo Penta
system, steering system, electrical system, etc. without engine oil and coolant. Check that the oil plug
should be as complete as possible before the engine and draining cocks for coolant, hot water cocks etc.
is installed. are closed.
Install extra equipment and accessories on the en- Fill oil and coolant. Check for leakages.
gine, such as extra alternator, hot water outlet, power
take-off etc. before engine is installed.

Engine installation

Installing the exhaust pipe and

the shift cable


1. Install an O-ring (1) on the big flange of the ex-

haust pipe and the two smaller O-rings (2) on the
shield. Volvo Penta white sealing compound could be
used to keep the O-rings in place while fitting the ex-
haust pipe.Then install the pipe without tightening the
4. Insert the shift cable through the protecting hose
and out through the transom shield. Lubricate for easy
of installation.

2. Measure the distance “A” between the exhaust

pipe and the outermost thread of the shield-bolt, see
the picture. The distance must be 425 mm (16.7").
Tighten the exhaust pipe. Tightening torque 40 Nm (4
kpm or 30 lb.ft).

5. Bend up the shift cable and clamp it to the inside

of the transom.
NOTE! The end of the protecting hose must end up
well above the water line in order to prevent water
from penetrating into the boat.

3. Fit the by-pass hose to the exhaust pipe.

NOTE! Always use two hose clamps at each connec-
tion. Turn the clamp screws 180° according to figure.

Engine installation

Installing the engine

9. Lower the engine end center the neck of the fly-
wheel housing. Push the engine towards the rear.
Hang on the rubber ring (1) on the clamping ring (2)
and install it on the flywheel housing. Install the lock-
ing plates (3) on the clamping ring and then tighten the
6. Install the big rubber ring (1) on the neck of the
engine and the clamping ring to each other, using the
rear flywheel housing. Use the special lifting eyelets
6 bolts.
on the engine and attach a lifting device to lift the en-
gine. Tightening torque: 35 Nm (25 lbf.ft).
NOTE! Do not forget to grease the bolts. Use Volvo
Penta white sealing compound. Lock the bolts by fold-
ing the locking plates against the bolt heads. Then
lower the engine onto the flexible engine mountings.

7. Install the flexible engine mountings on the engine


10. Align the engine using the special tool 884502 to

make sure it is at right angles to the transom shield.
Adjust the height with the flexible engine mountings.
The distance between each marking corresponds 1
mm. A difference of 2 mm can be accepted. Prefera-
bly the wedge should be depressed equally as much
8. Hang on two stainless steel hose clamps on the at each pair of shoulders located at the top and sides
exhaust pipe and then install the exhaust hose. Press of the flywheel housing/TSK split.
the hose down and hang on two stainless steel hose
clamps on the exhaust hose.

Engine installation

185 Nm
(136 lbf.ft)

11. Counter-tighten the nuts.

Tightening torque: 185 Nm (136 lbf.ft). NOTE! Always use two hose clamps at each connec-
tion. Turn the clamp screws 180° according to figure.
15. Install the fuel hose at the fuel filter or the fuel

12. Tighten the bolts holding the mounts towards the

engine bed.
Tightening torque: 80 Nm (59 lbf.ft).
Recheck engine alignment after final tightening.
NOTE! Do not install the flexible fuel hose in a
stretched position. The movements of the engine can
then easily damage the fuel hose.

13. Position the exhaust hose properly and tighten the

hose clamps. Install the by-pass hose to the exhaust
14. Install the cooling water hose between the tran-
som shield and raw water pump or oil-cooler.

Engine installation



Attach the earth lead of the hydraulic pump to the mi-
nus-connection on the starter motor and the plus lead
to the fuse.

16. Connect the plus-lead (1) to the starter motor. Re-

move the screw (2) and then tighten the lead to the
starter motor by using the same screw. Install the pro-
tection cover (3).
AD31/41, KAD32/43
Attach the minus-lead to the flywheel housing.
Attach the minus-lead to the minus-connection on the
starter motor. 18. Join the cable harness of the engine with the ca-
ble harness from the instrument panel. Make sure that
the seal ring is positioned correctly. Clamp down the
cable harness all the way at even intervals.

19. EDC-engines only:

Connect the EDC connection cable. See Installation
Manual EDC Electronic Diesel Control KAD44/300,
KAMD44/300, TAMD74, TAMD122.

17. AD31/41, KAD32/43

Attach the earth lead of the hydraulic pump to the fly-
wheel housing and the plus lead to the fuse.

Engine installation

Installing the power steering 3. Fit the pressure hose (E) (included in the servo
pump kit) and the return hose (5) to the steering ser-
cylinder vo. Fit the connections so that they align with the in-
WARNING! When installing the steering equip- clination of the transom. See figure A. Tighten the
ment it is important that the nuts, bolts, pivot hose connections.
pins and lock plates are installed correctly. If
not, there is a risk of the boat losing its steering

NOTE! When the steering servo is combined with hy-

draulic steering, the hydraulic cylinder must be fitted
on the steering servo before it is fitted to the shield.

Fig. A

1. Fit the steering servo unit (1) to the bracket (2). The 4. Fit the servo unit and the bracket to the shield.
steering servo is fastened using the pivot pins (3) and NOTE! Check that the bracket’s and shield’s common
the lock washers (4). contact faces are clean and are not damaged.
NOTE! Be careful when screwing the pivot pins into The bracket is fastened using two bolts M12x45 (6)
the bracket to avoid damaging the steering servo’s and lock plates (8) and two M10x40 (7) with lock
bearing bushings. Tighten them in until they bottom plates (9). Tighten the two side bolts (7) first. There
against the bracket. are two types of lock plates (9).
NOTE! The position of the lock washers. Bend the Tightening torques:
lock washers over the heads of the pivot pins. M10 56 ± 5 Nm (5.6 ± 0.5 kpm/41 ± 3.7 lbf.ft)
M12 128 ± 10 Nm (12.8 ± 1.0 kpm/94 ± 7.4 lbf.ft)
2. Remove the protection plugs (F) from the servo cyl- NOTE! Bend the lock washers properly over the
inder. heads of all four bolts. Make sure that the hose pipe
NOTE! Certain earlier versions of servo cylinders connections follow the inclination of the transom. See
have O-rings inside the protective plugs. In these cas- figure A.
es the O-rings must be removed.

Sterndrive installation

Assembling the sterndrive to

the transom shield

2. Hang the hose clamp onto the U-joint bellow and

install it. Locate the hose clamp housing at the 3
o’clock position with the screw head facing down-
NOTE! Note the position of the marking "UP".

1. Install the exhaust bellows with the drain hole

downwards facing transom shield. Fit the hose clamp
with the screw on the inside and at 2 o’clock with the
screw head facing downwards. Use flexible screw
driver 884573.

IMPORTANT! Check that the bellow’s drain hole

is underneath.

3. Remove the locking bolts and washers, and pull

out the suspension dowels with special tool 885148.

Sterndrive installation

4. Grease the suspension dowels. Use Volvo Penta 7. Remove the cover for the shift mechanism. Hang a
water resistant grease. Push them back again as far hose clamp onto the sterndrive and attach the second
as to make them flush with the inside of the transome part of the special tool to the sterndrive. Then lift the
shield. sterndrive onto the special tool attached to the tran-
som shield.

5. Check to make sure that the market tooth is set to 8. Push the shift cable into the sterndrive as far as to
match the first tooth gap of the fear rack on the steer- allow the locking plate to lock into the groove on the
ing helmet. shift cable. Tighten the locking plate with two stain-
less steel screws. Socket size: 11 mm (7/16").

6. Attach a part of the special tool 885146 (DP-E) or

885456 (DP-G) to the transom shield.
NOTE! The tool does not fit together with drive DP-G. 9. Install the two plastic bushings (1) in the holes of
If the tool is not available put wooden blocks under the suspension yoke (2).
the drive to obtain correct height.

Sterndrive installation

10. Push the sterndrive forwards against the drive

shaft and at the same time turn the U-joint to allow the
splines of the drive shaft to enter the corresponding
recess in the U-joint. A small guiding recess in the U-
joint facilitates the finding of the correct position. 13. Install the rubber bellows on the neck of the upper
gear housing. Carefully check that the rubber bellows
has been correctly installed. Install the hose clamp
and tighten it with the hose clamp screw on the under-
side of the rubber bellows. Screw head facing to star-

11. Insert the sterndrive suspension yoke in the tran-

som shield and align it so that the suspension dowels 885143
will coincide with the holes in the suspension yoke.
Use a plastic hammer and tap the dowels into their
positions. Remove the installation tool.
NOTE! Never use an ordinary hammer. The suspen- NOTE! When working under the stern drive always use
sion dowels might then be damaged with subsequent suspension tool 885143.
problems in removing them.

14. The suspension tool locks the sterndrive in its

raised position. Install the suspension tool as follows:
Lift the sterndrive, by hand, to its fully raised position.
Hold the sterndrive in this position and install the sus-
pension tool on the starboard side in accordance with
the picture.
NOTE! Do not overload the suspension tool by for ex-
ample standing on the raised sterndrive!

WARNING! Make sure that the drive is hooked

up properly, so that it cannot fall down and crush
any fingers.

Then hang the hose clamp on the coolant pipe on the

fork. The clamp shall be turned so that its tightening
bolt is in position at two o’clock on the starboard side.
12. Grease the locking screws and install them. Use
This is very important as the hose clamp, if fitted in-
Volvo Penta water resistant grease.
correctly, can wear a hole in the U-joint bellow.
NOTE! Do not forget the washers underneath the
screw heads. Tighten torque: 24 Nm (17 lbf.ft).

Sterndrive installation

15. Remove the suspension tool and lower the drive 17. Center the holes in the suspension yoke and in
carefully to correct working position. the power trim cylinders. Grease the power trim cylin-
Hang on the hose clamp to the exhaust bellow. Install der pins and install them. Install the cotter pins (A)
the exhaust bellow on the neck of the sterndrive. Turn and carefully bend the cotter pin “legs”.
the hose clamp to a position as indicated on the pic-
ture. Also see next point.

16. Check to make sure that all hoses and hose 18. Lower the steering helmet and grease the attach-
clamps have been correctly installed and tightened. ment bushing. The recessed holes must facing up-
Tilt the sterndrive and turn it fully both ways. Thereby wards. Then push the attachment bushing into the hel-
check to make sure that the hose clamp housings (- met and center it to allow the tightening of the 2 Allen-
screws) do not interfere neither with the sterndrive, the head bolts.
transom shield nor the rubber bellows. Adjust if neces- Tightening torque: 35 Nm (25 lbf.ft).
sary. Use the suspension tool 885143 and flexible
screwdriver 884573. The picture reflects the correct Grease the threads of the two screws. In order to be
position of the hose clamps when installed. able to center the screw holes of the attachment
bushing, the screws can be installed in the holes (1),
whereby the attachment bushing can be turned.

Sterndrive installation

Checking oil level in Power Adjusting the gear rack and

Trim system the gear wheel
Trim in the drive as far as possible. Trim sender gear is factory set together with the gear
Check that the oil level is between the max and min rack. Should by any reason the steering helmet have
marks on the reservoir. been pulled down too much, thereby disengaging the
gear rack and the sender gear wheel, then the gear
Top up if necessary with ATF oil. wheel might be in a wrong position and in need of ad-
NOTE! Volvo Penta recommend the use of ATF oil. justment. Adjust as follows:
Observe strict cleanliness so that dirt or debris do not
enter the system.


1. Disassemle the gear rack by moving the attach-

ment screw. The screw is reuseable.

In a twin installation the “toe-in” angle between the

sterndrives must be adjusted until an operation with-
out cavitation has been obtained. When having a
deeper V-bottom, the angle between the sterndrives
must be increased. Adjust the tie-bar to obtain a posi-
tion of the sterndrives as indicated in the figure.
If the measurement at the transom shield is “A”, the
measurement at the rear end of the cavitation plate
must be: “A” minus 15–25 mm (9/16–1"). 2. Lift up the gear rack slightly and pull it off the
steering helmet.
NOTE! When measuring, push the sterndrives apart
by hand to simulate loaded conditions.

3. Turn the gear wheel until the marked tooth (re-

cessed) appears.

Sterndrive installation

Connection of the shift cable

4. Install the gear rack. The first tooth gap of the

gear rack must “receive” the marked tooth of the gear

Adjust the shift cable as follows: Position the control

lever in neutral and the shift lever on the sterndrive in
a horizontal position. Possible clearance in the shift
cable must be checked and adjusted as follows: Push
in the shift cable as much as possible and then pull it
out as much as possible. Push in the shift cable again
as far as to correspond half the clearance. Install the
5. Push home the gear rack and install the nut (1). locking nut and the swivel on the shift cable as far in
on the cable as to allow the swivel to be attached to
the shift lever without bending or seizing with the shift
cable in position.

Readjustment of the control

Make sure to install the cable on that side of the con-
trol mechanism, which gives you a pushing movement
when “Forward“ is engaged.
If necessary, this setting can be altered. See ”Rea-
justment of the control” in Installation Instructions
which is delivered in the control kit.

6. Lock the gear rack with the attachment screw.

Jackshaft installation

In some installation the wish is to move the engine Normally cardan shafts and CV-shafts up to L=1500
forwards in the boat while the benefits with the stern mm (59") would be applicable as a standard. For
drive wants to be kept. Two reasons might be to keep shafts 1500–2000 mm (59"–78"), consult the shaft
the aft deck flat to be utilised for sports fishing etc. or supplier with regards to critical bending, moments etc.
to move the centre of gravity forwards. Shafts over 2000 mm (78") is rarely used and require
thorough calculation analysis regarding bending and
To obtain this a jack shaft between the stern drive and
moment of inertia.
engine may be used.
The standard set-up is to position the engine in line
with the connection flange for the drive. However, in
some installation there might be an advantage to posi-
tion the engine offset and some shafts with u-joint
connections, must be installed with a small offset.
Check with the shaft supplier about possibilities and/
or requirements.

Jackshaft installation

Volvo Penta Jackshaft kit

Measurements in mm (1 mm = 0.0394").

4 116 5 6 116
95.3 4x11.2 95.3

4-cyl.240, 6-cyl.172




40° 40° 40° 40°

SAE 1410


9 10 10 11


7 8 Adapter flange CV, not

42 A supplied by Volvo Penta

4-cyl.240, 6-cyl.172





80° 4x11.2
32 80° 30° 4x12.0
40° A

Jackshaft installation

Volvo Penta are supplying kits to convert the engine The stern drive kit contains the part that is installed
and stern drive for jackshaft installations. The shaft with the two rubber gaskets through the transom
itself has to be sourced locally. The kits are designed shield.
for two standards of interface for the shaft, SAE 1410
or CV.
Pos. in figure
The Aquamatic (AD or KAD) versions of should be
used with one exception. KAMD44P (inboard version 1. Engine rear rubber mount
BT) should be used for jackshaft installations when an 2. Drive shaft, cardan shaft SAE 1410 *
inboard exhaust system (not exhaust through drive 3. Drive shaft, CV-shaft *
leg) is used. The reason is that the KAD44P is not 4. Primary shaft flange, engine side
matched for the exhaust backpressure from an in- 5. Added mass SAE 1410, engine side
board system. 6. Primary shaft flange, stern drive
7. Added mass, adapter CV-shaft, engine side
For Aquamatic engines a rear suspension kit, contain- 8. Adapter, CV-shaft *, stern side
ing brackets and elastic mounts must be ordered. 9. Intermediate housing
The engine kit is containing an elastic coupling for the 10. Rubber sealing
flywheel and a rear cover for the flywheel housing in- 11. Intermediate housing clamp ring
cluding the intermediate shaft. 12. Protections (4 pcs)
The adapter kit for SAE 1410 or CV contains an addi-
tional mass in order to avoid gear rattling at idling. *) Not supplied by Volvo Penta.
There are different kits for 4 and 6 cylinder engines as
there is more mass needed for the 4 cylinder engines.
The kit for CV is also an interface from the 4 bolt SAE
1410 standard to the 6-hole CV standard. Please note
that there is no adapter included for the stern drive
end. This has to be bought from the shaft supplier or
produced locally. See drawing pos no. 8 on the follow-
ing page.

Jackshaft installation

Engine bed Cooling system

The engine bed for the Jackshaft installation should The cooling system could be installed as for a normal
be the same as for an engine bed for an inboard in- sterndrive installation. Run a longer hose from the
stallation. transom shield to the power steering cooler/sea-water
Please see Installation Inboard Marine Diesel En- pump. As an alternative a water intake may be fitted
gines TAMD31/41/42, KAMD43/44/300. through the bottom of the boat.

Exhaust system

Min. 15°

Min. 4°
Min. 200 mm

The exhaust system may be designed either as in an In an installation with the exhaust outlet through the
inboard installation with a silencer and through hull drive an inclination of the exhaust hose of min. 4°
outlet or with the exhaust line connected to the stern- must be obtained. Note thet the inclination of the out-
drive. let from the exhaust elbow or riser must be min. 15°.
In many installations the requirements for an outlet There must be a minimum distance from the static
through the sterndrive can not be obtained and the waterline to the exhaust elbow, or riser if fitted, of 200
only solution is to design it as for an inboard engine, mm (8"). The static waterline is with boat fully loaded,
please see Installation Inboard Marine Diesel En- 100% fuel and 100% water. Support the exhaust line
gines TAMD31-KAMD300. so no pockets where water can stay are created.
If the exhaust system is not connected to the drive
the hole in the transom shield must be covered.

Fuel system
1. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filler
3. Venting line
4. Suction line
5. Return line
6. Remote controlled fuel
shut-off valve
7. Fuel level gauge
8. Inspection hatch 8 6
9. Draining


Installation of the fuel system components - fuel If the tanks are built in, the surrounding space should
tanks, cocks, fuel piping and extra fuel filters, etc., be provided with ventilation.
must be carried out very carefully to assure the engine NOTE! Local legislation may apply which in all over-
has a sufficient supply of fuel and that demands con- ride the engine manufacturers literature and recom-
cerning perfect sealing and fire safety are satisfied. mendations.
Plan the location of the tanks very carefully before Be sure not to bend the high pressure pipes between
starting work. Use good quality cocks to avoid fuel injection pump and injectors and do not stand on the
leakage. A leaking fuel system always implies a great engine due to risk of bending the high pressure pipes.
risk of operational disturbances and the danger of fire.
Do not clamp anything to the high pressure pipes, and
Utilise high grade material and high quality compo- keep the original clamping intact on the engine. Other-
nents suitable for the fuel used. wise there will be a risk of broken pressure line and
The cocks should preferably be fitted outside the en- fire.
gine room or be remote controlled. When working with the fuel system it is important to
The amount of fuel can be subdivided between several keep it free from dirt.
tanks to keep the centre of gravity low and also pro-
vide certain trimming possibilities for the hull.

Fuel system

Fuel tanks
If possible, the tanks should be located so that they
are at the same level or somewhat higher than the en-
gine. If they are placed lower, due attention must be
paid to the maximum suction height of the feed pump
which is approx. 1.5 m (5’) for all engines. Note that
the suction height must be calculated from the lower
end of the suction pipe, i.e. 25 mm (1") above the bot-
tom of the tank.
The return pipe should be installed away from the
suction pipe and about 15 mm (0.6") above the tank
bottom to prevent air from entering when the engine is
switched off. NOTE! All tanks must be provided with at least one
baffle plate for each 150 litres (37 US gal) of volume.
If the tanks are located lower than the level permitted
Check if there are special restrictions about volumes
by the suction height of the fuel feed pump, then the
and baffle plates.
fuel is to be pumped up to a day tank by means of a
hand pump or power pump. Return fuel from the en- Filling and venting connections must not be posi-
gine is taken in this case to the day tank. tioned on the side of the tank.
If the fuel tank maximum level is higher than 3.5 m The fuel tank has connections for filling, venting, suc-
above the injection pump on the engine, shut off tion line, return line, sender for tank gauge and an in-
valves should be fitted on the fuel and return line. The
valves should be shut off during permanent engine
stop. The maximum static pressure the fuel system
can withstand is 0.5 bar (7.2 psi). There is otherwise
a risk that fuel may leak through the injection pump to
the lubricating system.

Double tanks should be connected at bottom by

means of pipelines fitted with shut-off cocks. The low-
er connecting pipe should have an internal diameter of
at least 1" so that the tanks can be filled from either
side of the boat. Other fuel tank shapes that are
adapted to the installation geometry are of course ac-
ceptable. Whatever shape is chosen, it is important to
design the tank to provide a low part where water and
sludge can be drained
NOTE! An extra fuel filter with water separator must
be installed for all Volvo Penta engines.
If a day tank is installed, then it is advisable to con-
nect the return line to this tank. spection hatch with cover. The suction line and the re-
A shut-off valve must be installed in the supply pipe, turn line should be separated as shown in the figure.
between the tank and the filter. This tap should be A shut-off valve must be installed in the suction line
able to be shut from a location outside the engine as close to the tank as possible. The shut-off valve
room. may have a remote controlled shut-off function by
Stainless steel or aluminum sheet metal is a suitable means of a push-pull cable for example. Certain mar-
material for fuel tanks. kets require electrically controlled shut-off valves.
The fuel return line on diesel engines must be drawn
back to the bottom of the tank in order to avoid air
from entering the fuel system when engine is stopped.

Fuel system

Position the tank on some kind of soft bedding. Do The tank must be properly vented. The tank venting
not position the tank on wooden blocks or on other line (1) should have an inner diameter of min. 12 mm
type of uneven bedding. This might cause abnormal (1/2"). Raise the hose internally to create a water lock.
stresses with subsequent risks of cracking in the
The filler fitting (2) should be adapted for a minimum
50 mm (2.0") hose connection. The hose between the
Install the fuel tank in the boat. Secure the tank by deck fitting and the tank must overlap the tubing at ei-
clamping, to prevent it from moving in rough sea. The ther end with at least 75 mm (3.0") and be locked with
tank shouls be located in a cold compartment of its two hose clamps. The hose clamps must be made of
own in order to avoid heating of the fuel or spreading a corrosion-resistant material.
of the fuel to other parts of the boat in case of leak-
Common ground for the fuel tank, filling etc. is not
generally required for diesel installations. Local author-
In boats where space is at a premium, the tank can ities, however, could demand this on boats in general.
be tailored to suit the space underneath the gunwale
or some other similar space.
NOTE! Install the filler and venting hoses, preventing
traps (3) being formed.
NOTE! The fuel filler fitting and venting must be in-
stalled in a way that prevents overfilling and fuel en-
tering air intakes.

Fuel system

Piping Copper piping

All fuel lines should be led and properly clamped near
bottom of the boat to avoid heat absorbing. The air
temperature is lower at the bottom of the engine room.
∅ 3/8"

Rubber hoses
∅ 10 mm (3/

∅ 3/8"

If copper pipes are used there must be a flexible

connection (hose) between the pipe and the engine.
The figure shows a transition from flexible fuel hoses
(1) to copper pipe (2).

Inner ∅
10 mm (3/8")
Outer ∅

Required minimum inner diameter for the hose from

tank to engine and return hose is 10 mm (3/8").
Only use approved flexible hose. Required minimum copper pipe outside diameter from
tank to fuel line and return line is 10 mm (3/8").
NOTE! Classification Societies and some registration Clamp the fuel line. Distance between clamps approx.
bodies (i.e. river authorities) do not permit rubber hos- 300 mm (12").
es for fuel lines, or require hoses to conform to certain
specifications. Check if the boat is to be used in
these areas.

Clamp the fuel line. Distance between clamps approx.

300 mm (12").
Make sure the hose cannot be damage by any sharp

Fuel system

Fuel flow Checking feed pressure

The fuel flow is the fuel quantity passing the fuel line NOTE! Normally you do not need to check the fuel
from tank to engine, fuel consumption and fuel return. feed pressure. This should only be done when too
This should be considered when selecting the fuel pre- high resistance in the system is suspected. If neces-
filter. sary follow procedures as follows.
The table below shows the fuel flow at rated speed.

AD31/41, KAD32/43
l/h USgal/h
TAMD31/41 92 24.3
TAMD42 120 31.7
KAMD43/44/300 120 31.7


Drill and thread hollow screw to M10x1 as illustrated.

Fuel filter AD31: Hollow screw M14, part no. 25167.
AD41,KAD32/43/: Hollow screw M12, part no. 969299.


Use a fuel pre-filter of correct size to avoid too high

resistance over the filter. The recommended filtration
is 10 m. The fuel filter must not contain parts made of
glass, which can crack.
NOTE! There must be sufficient space around the fil-
ter for inspection and service.

Close the fuel cocks.

Connect the hollow screw to outlet side of the fuel fil-
ter, see the arrow on the filter cover.
Connect nipple 9996666 to the threaded hollow screw.
Pressure is measured after the fuel has passed
through the fuel filter.

Fuel system


Drill and thread hollow screw to M10x1 as illustrated.

Use pipescrew M12, part no. 969299.

Connect the fuel hose to the fuel injection pump using

hollow screw 969299 and 2 x copper washers 18817.


Close the fuel cocks.

Remove any clamps for the wiring at the timing cover
for better access.
Disconnect the fuel line (1) between the fuel filter and
the fuel injection pump.
Remove the nipples (2) in the fuel filter and fuel injec-
tion pump.
Connect the fuel hose to the filter cover using the
drilled and threaded hollow screw 969299 and 2 x cop-
per washers 18817.
Connect nipple 9996666 to the threaded pipescrew.
Pressure is measured after the fuel has passed
through the fuel filter.

Connect an approximately 50 cm long fuel hose

861057 with a banjo nipple 861079, hose mounting
947 043 and hose clamp 943471 at each end.

Fuel system

Measuring, all engines



Connect manometer 9996065 with the manometer

quick-release connectors to tool 9996666.
Open the fuel cock.
Run the engine at an increased engine speed. Reduce
the engine speed (rpm) to low idling speed. Read off
the pressure within one minute.
The feed pressure should be:
Feed pump 3581310 45–55 kPa (6.5–8.0 psi).
The feed pressure after the fuel filter should never
drop below 0 kPa for any of the pumps.
Low feed pressure can be caused by a blocked filter,
restricted fuel line, etc. Check for reduced flow (a
trapped line for example).

Cooling system

The engines are fresh-water cooled and have a sea- To reduce corrosion to a miniumum, use the correct
water-cooled heat exchanger. In the fresh-water sys- combinations of materials in pipes, valves etc. plus a
tem fresh-water fluid is pumped around by a gear driv- correctly sized and pressurized expansion tank.
en circulation pump.The sea water from the heat ex- Always use Volvo Penta coolant in a mixture of anti-
changer goes out through the exhaust system. freeze or anti-corrosion agent. The coolant used af-
The installer of the cooling system is responsible for fects the cooling performance and corrosion protection
ensuring that the cooling system operates in accor- of the engine.
dance with these installation instructions.
Carefully plan where the fittings are to be placed so
that they are accessible. The lines should be arranged
so that they are as short as possible.

Cooling system

Seawater system Always use clean water that complies with the require-
ments in ASTM D4985 X1.1. If these requirements
are not met, corrosion may occur, which could lead to
impaired cooling performance.

Solid particles < 340 ppm
Total hardness < 9.5° dH
Chloride < 40 ppm
Sulphate < 100 ppm
pH value < 5.5 – 9.0
Silica < 20 mg SiO2/lit.
Iron < 0.10 ppm
Magnese < 0.05 ppm
Conductivity < 500 µS/cm
Organic content CODMn < 15 mg kMnO4/lit.

The complete seawater system is delivered from

Volvo Penta. The water pick-up is located in the
If the water cannot be cleaned to fullfil the require-
drive. Volvo Penta cooling system is designed for
ments de-ionised water or distilled water should be
seawater temperatures of max. 32°C (90°F).
used. Volvo Penta ready-mixed coolant can also be

Mixture ratio, antifreeze (glycol)

The mixing of concentrated coolant and water should
Freshwater system contain 40–50% of concentrate in water. If the coolant
contains more than 60% concentrate, there is a risk
The freshwater is circulated via the cooling ducts and that the cooling galleries of the engine or radiator
heat exchanger of the engine by a centrifugal pump. could be blocked by contamination. If there is less
As long as the coolant is cold, the thermostat(s) re- than 40%, corrosion protection, cooling performance
main closed, preventing the coolant from passing to and frost protection is impaired.
the heat exchangers. Instead the coolant flows in a
bypass duct directly back to the suction side of the
pump. This ensures that the engine rapidly reaches Anti-corrosion agent
its working temperature. The thermostats also main-
When there is no risk of freezing Volvo Penta anti-cor-
tain proper temperature at low power/load.
rosion agent may be used.
NOTE! Never mix the Volvo Penta anti-corrosion
agent with antifreeze. Use anti-corrosion agent only in
areas where there is no risk of freezing. This applies
Coolant also for off season storage.
If a cooling system is to function well, it is very im-
portant that the coolant is treated correctly so that no
corrosion or lime scale forms in the cooling system.
NOTE! Always use Volvo Penta anti-freeze or anti-
corrosion agent. Both are available in concentrated
form. Mixing with other makes of coolants can im-
paire corrosion protection, which may damage the en-
gine or block the cooling system.
Water quality

Cooling system

Filling with coolant External systems: When external systems are

connected to the engine’s cooling system, the valves
NOTE! Coolant should be filled with the engine to the systems should be opened and the units vented
stopped and cold. during filling. Special venting nipplels may be fitted on
external circuits, especially systems located above
the engine.

IMPORTANT! The engine must not be started

until the system has been completely filled with

WARNING! Do not open the pressure cap on a

hot engine. Steam or hot water can spray out
and the system pressure thus lost.
Low system pressure will cause insufficient coo-

Fill the system carefully through the expansion tank

opening, approximately 10 – 15 l/min (2.5 – 4.0 US
gal/min) so the system will be de-aired during filling.

Cooling system volume, see Operator’s Manual.



Fill until the system is completely filled up, including

the expansion tank. The coolant level should be
between the MIN and MAX levels.
Start the engine and let it run without load at 1000–
1500 rpm for about 5 minutes. Check coolant level.

Cooling system

Hot water connections AD31/41, KAD43/44/300

1/2" NPTF

Min. 50mm

1/2" NPTF


Connections for hot water outlets may be fitted to the 1/2" NPTF
thermostat housing (outlet) and circulation pump
(inlet). The nipples from Volvo Penta are intended for
a hose with an inner diameter of 16 mm (5/8"). Inlet
1/2" NPTF
Install the extra hot water circuit so that its highest
point is at least 50 mm (2") lower than the coolant
level in the expansion tank. If this cannot be obtained
a separate expansion tank must be installed.

Shut off valves

Volvo Penta recommends that shut-off valves should
be installed in the extra circuit on both the supply and
return sides. Locate the valves as close to the engine
as possible.

In order to reach correct engine temperature more
quickly an additional thermostat (1) may be installed
in the external circuit.

Cooling system

Extra expansion tank

diam. 2.5 mm (0.1")
Min. 2
level A

Min. 50 mm (2")
Max.1200 mm (3.9')


Capacity of the freshwater standard An extra expansion tank shall be installed with its
minimum level mark at min. 50 mm (2") and max.
system and extra circuits.
1200 mm (3.9') above the highest point of the external
The volume of the engine’s freshwater system can be circuit/engine, pos. (A) in figure above.
increased by an extra circuit without adding an extra
The extra expansion tank should be located for easy
expansion tank to the system.
access when checking and filling.
Hot water circuits and cabin heaters are examples of
The venting hoses (1) must not be routed below their
extra circuits.
connection points (2) on the engine.
When the volume is further increased or when the ex-
tra circuit is placed higher than the engine, the cooling
system has to be equipped with a separate and larger
expansion tank.

Engine Max. additional volume

including in extra circuit *
heat exchanger lit (US gal.)

AD31 9.0 (2.4)

KAD32 Not available
AD41/43 3.0 (0.8)
KAD44/300 3.0 (0.8)

*) With the standard, engine mounted expansion tank

Cooling system

The expansion tank volume in the extra tank should 3

be 15% of the total capacity of the cooling system.
Of this volume:
5% is meant for coolant expansion when hot (ex-
pansion volume), 1 approx.5%
5% is meant for the difference between MAX and
MIN levels
5% is reserve volume.
The expansion tank of the engine must have a sepa- approx.5%
rate vent to the extra tank connected below MIN level.
The hoses must be able to withstand temperatures up
to 115°C (240°F).
The engine’s pressure cap is replaced with a sealed
cap. The standard engine venting hose from the ther- 2 approx.5%
mostat housing can be connected to the extra expan-
sion tank below the MIN level to facilitate venting
when topping up with coolant.

1. Expansion volume, approx. 5%

2. Reserve volume, approx. 5%
3. Pressure cap

Venting the system

diam. 2.5 mm (0.1")
1. Cabin heater with
defroster unit
2. Outlet valve Min. 50mm
3. Inlet valve (2")
1 5
4. Venting nipple
5. Hose thermostat 6
6. Calorifier
7. Heater
8. Expansion tank

In most cases, for example in the system shown in 3

the picture on page 54, it is self venting to the expan-
sion tank.
In an external system not automatically vented to the
exopansion tank, a separate venting nipple (4) must
be installed.

Cooling system

Engine heater

∅ 16 mm

3. Inlet
1/2" NPTF

∅ 16 mm

4 2. Outlet
1/4" NPTF
Nipple, Volvo Penta
Part no. 856483-3
1. Engine heater
2. Outlet
3. Inlet
4. Connector with protective cap
5. Appliance plug with protective cap

Cold starting is one of the most important determining The heating capacity is depending on the ambient
factors regarding the service life of an engine. Fre- temperature but a guide line is to use a heater of 500–
quent cold starts followed by extended periods of 750 W.
idling significantly increase wear on the engine. An en- There are heaters with and without a circulation pump.
gine heater extends the service life of the engine and If the system is self-circulating (without a circulation
the batteries. The heater lowers emissions during start pump) it is important to install short hoses routed to
up and also prevents hunting. create circulation.
The engine heater warms and circulates coolant
through the engine block. It is important that the en-
gine heater is of the right type, is correctly connected NOTE! The rating of the engine heater shall be cho-
and maintains the engine coolant at the right tempera- sen so that the incoming coolant temperature in the
ture. engine does not exceed 50°C (122°F). If there are
any possibilities that the temperature may exceed
50°C (122°F) the heater should be equipped with a

Electrical system

Electrical installation Temperature +20°C (68°F) -18°C (0°F)

General Capacity 100% 50%
The electrical installation has to be planned very care- 70% 35%
fully and carried out with the utmost care. Seek sim-
40% 25%
plicity when designing the electrical system.
The wires and connectors used in the installation have
to be of a type approved for marine use. The wires
should be routed in a protective sheath and clamped
properly. Parallel connection:
Make sure that the leads are not installed too close to Two (or more) 12V batteries are connected in parallel
heated parts of the engine or close to another source so that the capacity is increased. The boat’s system
of heat. The leads must not be subject to mechanical voltage is the same as the battery’s rated voltage.
wear. If necessary draw the leads through protective
tubing. • The batteries must have the same nominal volt-
Attempt to get a minimum number of joints in the sys-
tem. Make sure that cables, and joints in particular, • The batteries may have different capacities.
are accessible for inspection and repair. • The batteries need not be the same age.
It is recommended to supply a wiring diagram of the When two batteries are connected in parallel, the volt-
complete electrical system with the boat. This will age remains the same but the capacity is the sum of
simplify fault tracing and installation of additional all the capacities. When charging, each battery re-
equipment considerably. ceives a charge lower than that stated on the charger.
NOTE! Make sure all components used are suitable To find out the charge current supplied to each bat-
for the marine environment. Make sure that no joints tery, measure the charging current to each battery
in the engine room end up deep down. All cable joints with an amperemeter.
should be located higher up than the alternator.
If one of two batteries connected in parallel has a
short-circuited cell, the nominal system voltage will be
Batteries approx. 10 V.

Battery terminology
Capacity is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). The start-
er battery capacity (Ah) is usually stated as the bat-
tery’s 20 hour capacity, i.e. the battery can be dis-
charged at a constant current for 20 hours at a final
voltage of 1.75 V/cell. Ex: If a battery can produce 3
A for 20 hours, its capacity is 60 Ah. The capacity is
affected by temperature. The battery capacity is stat- 12V 12V
ed for +20°C (68°F). Cold considerably reduces a bat- 70Ah 70Ah
tery’s capacity to release its energy. The following ta-
ble shows the capacity differences at +20°C (68°F)
and -18°C (0°F).

Example: When two 12 V batteries each with a capacity of

70 Ah are connected in parallel, the voltage will be 12 V
and the total capacity 140 Ah.

Electrical system

Battery size Battery installation

Cranking current
Cold cranking current for engines at +5°C (41°F), 12V
AD31/41 450A
KAD32/43/44/300 450A
As a guideline the breakaway current can be calculat-
ed as 2–2.5 times cranking current.

Battery size
When selecting battery size, it is vital to look at both
momentary and long-term capacity.
The rating norm for long-term capacity (batteries
marked with Ah) the C20 norm is used.
C20 means the amount of current able to take out
from the battery during 20 h.
Ex. 1: 60Ah = 20 h X 3A
Ex 2: 100Ah = 20 h X 5A

Install the batteries in a tight-fitting box. Vent the box

The battery sizes listed below are recommended for with 25 mm (1") hoses. The ventilation hose must end
Volvo Penta engines at a temperature down to +5°C, up outside the boat to allow the detonating gas, pro-
SAE norm/700A. Battery voltage is 12V. duced by batteries, to escape.
The batteries should be fastened and only allowed to
move max 10 mm (3/8").
Engine Capacity, Ah
min max WARNING! The batteries, if they are not the clo-
sed type, may only be installed in the engine
AD31/41 88 140 compartment if they are installed in a separate
KAD32/43/44/300 88 140 sealed and well ventilated battery box. Battery
gas is easily ignited and highly volatile. Sparks
or open flames can cause explosion or fire.
The battery capacity will decrease with approximately
1% / degree, from +20°C, which has to be considered
at extreme conditions in temperature.

Electrical system

Battery cable area Measure the total cable length from the battery plus
To achieve sufficient power from the battery to the (+) terminal to the starter motor plus (+) terminal and
starter motor Volvo Penta recommends cable areas from the starter motor minus (–) terminal back to the
as below. battery minus (–) terminal .
Thereafter select the recommanded cable area ac-
cording to the table below for both the negative (–) ca-
ble and the positve (+) cable.

Cable area
mm² 35 50 70 95 120
Cable area
AWG1 1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG
Engine Electrical Cable length max
system m (ft)

All engines,
31–44 series 12V 4.0 (13) 5.5 (18) 7.5 (24) 10.0 (33) 12.5 (41)

) AWG (American Wire Gauge)

Comparison cable area mm²/ diameter mm according to Volvo standard

Area, mm² 25 35 50 70 95 120

Core diameter, mm 8.6 10.4 11.7 13.8 15.8 17.8
Cable diameter, mm 10.8 12.8 14.5 16.6 19.0 21.0

Main switch
A main battery switch should be installed on the plus
side. The lead of the positive and negative cables
+ must be provided with grommets. Position the main
switch outside the engine room but as close to the en-
– gine as possible to reduce cable length.

Requirements, main switch

Normal Nominal capacity Working T°C/°F Dimension Standard Protection

voltage Contin- During and storage terminal spade tags degree CEI529
uous 5 sec. Min. Max. standard

<48V 150A 1000A –40°C +85°C M10 SAE Marine IP 66

–40°F +185°F J1711

Electrical system

Connections to starter motor EDC–Electronic diesel control,

KAD44P, KAD300
Connecting the battery leads
Installation instructions, EDC–system, see
Installation EDC–Electronic Diesel Control.

AD31/41, KAD32/43
1–pole system:
10. The negative (–) pole on the battery is connected
(earthed) on the flywheel housing.
The positive (+) pole on the battery is connected to
the positive (+) pole on the starter motor

KAD44, KAD300
2–pole system, e.g. EDC engines:
11. The negative (-) pole on the battery is connected
to the negative (-) pole on the starter motor.
The positive (+) pole on the battery is connected to
the positive (+) pole on the starter motor.

Dimensions of start battery and cable size, see Bat-

tery cable area and table on page 59.

Electrical system

Charging distributor

B+ 3





+ cable
– cable

1. Start battery
2. Accessory battery
3. Sensor cable

The charging distributor automatically provides charg- How to calculate the cable area is described in the in-
ing of two battery circuits, independent of each other. stallation instruction included in the charging distribu-
One circuit is used for starting the engine and the oth- tor kit.
er circuit for other electrical equipment. This means
that if you empty the accessory battery, you will still
be able to start the engine from the other battery.

Electrical system


1 = Junction box for ground lead (–)

2 = Fuse box (+)
3 = Junction box, navigation lights

Before installing extra accessories, such as naviga- Calculating the cable area feeder lead
tion instruments, extra lighting, radio, depth sounder
etc., carefully calculate the total electrical power con-
sumption of these extras in order to be sure that the
charging capacity in the boat is sufficient.
The above diagram indicates how this extra equip-
ment can be installed in the boat. Clamp the leads at
close intervals and preferably mark the leads at junc-
tion box (1 and 2) with the purpose of each lead, i.e.
communication radio, refrigerator, navigation lights
etc. A

Please note that the length and the area of the feeder
cable (A) is dependent on how many accessories are
to be connected to it.
• Add up all accessories (power consumers)
Position the electrical system control panel in a place • Measure the length of the feeder cable (A)
free from moisture with easy access and close to the • See table on the next page. The table will give you
instrument panel. the feeder cable area.
If a 220 V system is installed, this area of the control
panel must be clearly identified.
NOTE! Make sure all components used are suitable
for the marine environment. Spray all electrical equip-
ment with a moisture- repellent spray.

Electrical system

Calculating the cable area for power consumers

Measure the distance from the terminal block to the refrigerator is three metres, a straight line should be
accessory. Then multiply the distance by two. Then drawn between number 6 on the metre scale, and
calculate the area in accordance with the table below. number 45 on the load scale. The line passes the area
Example: If a 12 V refrigerator consumes 45 Watts scale at 1.5 which is equal to the needed area.
and the distance between the terminal block and the

12V 24V
Length Area Load Length Area Load
(meters) mm² Amp Watts (meters) mm² Amp Watts

Calculation based on max. permitted total voltage drop in all cables between pos. terminal to the consumer and
consumer back to negative terminal.
Total voltage drop should not exceed 0.4 V.

Electrical system

Relation between mm² (sq in) and AWG Battery charging

When shore power is connected (120V–230V) the
safety ground must not be connected to the engine or
AWG mm² (std.) sq. in any other ground point on the boat. The safety ground
must always be drawn to the connection cabinet's
18 0.75 0.029 ground terminal ashore. The safety ground must not
be connected to the minus connection the output side
16 1.5 0.044 (12/24V), i.e. galvanically separated.
14 2.5 0.098
WARNING! Installation and work using shore-
12 2.5 0.098 connected equipment may only be carried out
10 6 0.236 by an electrician who is qualified to work on high
voltage installations. Incorrect installation can
8 10 0.393 result in danger to life.
6 10 0.393
When a battery charger is used in a 12 V system, the
5 16 0.629 battery voltage rises quickly to around 12.9 V, and
then rises slowly to 13.8–14.4 V when gas starts to
4 25 0.984
form. The charge current should be reduced by the
3 25 0.984 charger when gas starts to appear. Charging at a high
rate and intensive gassing results in the following:
2 35 1.378
• The life of the battery is reduced
1/0 50 1.969
• The capacity is reduced
• There is a risk of short circuit in the battery
• There is a risk of explosion

The following parameters determine the duration of the

charge period:
• The state of discharge when charging is com-
Extra alternators menced.
• The capacity of the charger (how much current
For information about extra alternators see pages
can be supplied from the charger).
• The size of the battery (capacity in Ah).
Volvo Penta also offers extra alternators to supply
220V. Please contact Volvo Penta for further • The temperature of the battery. Longer charging is
information. required if the battery is cold. The battery cannot ab-
sorb a high charge current at low temperature.

It is better to charge at 10 A for 5 hours than 50 A for

1 hour even if the total charge is 50 Ah in both cases.
The battery has difficulty absorbing a high current.

NOTE! A moderate amount of gas is normal. Towards

the end of charging the voltage rises quickly to 15–16
V. This value is not exceeded even if charging is

Electrical system

Risk of explosion Instruments

Gas is formed in the battery during charging. Short cir-
cuit, naked flames or sparks in the vicinity of the bat-
tery can cause a powerful explosion. Ensure proper
ventilation, especially if the battery is charged in a
closed room.

WARNING! Always disconnect the charge cur-

rent before removing the cable clamps.

Charge state
The charge state is the level to which the battery is
charged. This state can be measured either by mea-
suring the battery acid specific gravity in each cell or
by measuring the off-load voltage of the cell. The lat-
ter cannot be done on modern batteries since the
Select a position where the instruments will be unob-
cells’ electrical connections are enclosed and there-
structed and easily readable.
fore not accessible for measurement. Measuring the
off-load voltage across the poles gives entirely wrong NOTE! The safe distance for the compass location to
information if any cell(s) should be defective. The bat- avoid magnetic interference from the rev counter is
tery acid’s specific gravity is instead measured with a 0.3 m (1 ft). If the compass is placed closer, compen-
hydrometer. Specific gravity varies with temperature. sation must be made. Also see installation instruc-
The lower the temperature the higher the specific tions for the compass.
gravity. Check to make sure that there is sufficient space un-
The battery is fully charged when the acid density is derneath for the instruments and leads. Attach the
1.28 g/cm3 at +25°C (77°F). A battery filled with tropi- template (if needed) on the selected position.
cal acid is fully charged when the acid specific gravity Make sure the panel is accessible for inspection and
is 1.24 g/cm3 at +25°C (77°F). repair.

The instruments can be installed from a horizontal

plane (lying) to the vertical plane (standing). Other an-
gles (inclinations) lead to reduced accuracy and risk
of greater wear (shorter life span) of the instruments.

Electrical system

Complete instrument panels for one or two stations

Flybridge Flybridge
Oil pressure sensor

Coolant temp. sensor

NOTE! When two
Full instrumentation panels, full instru-
mentation are used,
make sure oil pres-
sure sender and
coolant temperature
Main sender for two
instruments are


Full instrumentation


Power supply outlet
Extra outlets. The extra outlets are located at the
back of the alarm panel. The outlets can be used to
connect additonal instruments, radio etc.
NOTE! Maximum current outlet for both instrument
panels together: 5 Amps.

Electrical system

Instrument kits for customised dashboards

Oil pressure NOTE! When two panels, full instru-

sensor mentation are used, make sure oil
pressure sender and coolant tempera-
Coolant temp. ture sender for two instruments are
sensor used.

Flybridge, start/stop buttons Flybridge, key switch

Tachometer or Tachometer or
full instrumentation full instrumentation

Main, key switch


Full instrumentation


Power supply outlet
Extra outlets. The extra outlets are located at the
back of the alarm panel. The outlets can be used to
connect additonal instruments, radio etc.
NOTE! Maximum current outlet for both instrument
panels together: 5 Amps.

Electrical system

Instrument kit – key switch Harness lengths:

1. Panel kit A→ B 180 mm
Available as option: A→ C 760 mm
2. Instrument kit (temperature, oil, volt) A→ D 3280 mm
3. Tachometer kit
4. Instrument kit (boost pressure, C
oil pressure reverse gear)


1 A
C 1

Instrument kit – flybridge – start/stop buttons

1. Panel kit
Available as option:
2. Instrument kit (temperature, oil, volt)
3. Tachometer kit

Harness lengths:
A→ B 500 mm
A→ C 580 mm 1

A→ D 1600 mm

Electrical system

Universal tachometer, 12V/24V.

Instructions–how to set the code
Before you start using the tachometer, the correct
code for the respective engine must be set.

Setting steps Shown on display A Notes

Connected to sys-
tem voltage COdE

Press in pin B and

release pin B. Cd1
Pin B is not included
in the tachometer

Press in pin (B). Codes are scrolled at

Cd3 1 second intervals

Remove pin (B) This is your code.

when the correct Compare with code
code is displayed.
for 10 seconds with
the unit connected
to system voltage to
confirm the code
setting Switches to hours
0.0 counting

Electrical system

Code table

Code Code shown Signal sender Engine

on display

8 Cd8 Alternator (W) AD31/41

Alternator (W) KAD32/43

14 Cd14 Inductive KAD44/300

Water in fuel filter alarm

Volvo Penta offers the option of installing an indica-

tion for water in the fuel pre-filter. The sender can be
installed individually or connected to a second alarm

Power Trim instrument
Digital trim instrument

Alarm panel,
rear side

Control panel

For separately Not

mounted switches connected


Extension cable,
flybridge, 3 m (10')


Alarm panel,
Main station rear side

Control panel

For separately Not

mounted switches connected


Flybridge cable,
7 m (23')

Extension cable,
3 m (10') 7 m (23')
Trim sender

Trim pump

Connect the wire harness from Power Trim pump and Connect power supply to the rear of the alarm panel.
trim sender to the control panel, the relays and the
trim instrument. If necessary use the 3 m (10') exten-
sion cable.

Power Trim instrument

Analog trim instrument


Alarm panel,
rear side

Control panel
For separately connection
mounted switches


connected Converter
Extension cable,
flybridge, 3 m (10')

Main station


Alarm panel,
rear side

Control panel Instrument

For separately
mounted switches

Flybridge cable,
7 m (23')

Extension cable,
3 m (10') 7 m (23')


Trim pump
Trim sender

Connect the wire harness between the power trim Connect power supply to the rear of the alarm panel.
pump and the control panel. If necessary use the 3 m
(10') extension cable.

Power Trim instrument

Digital trim instrument,


3. Turn the drive down to the bottom position. Press

switch (1).

1. The trim instrument is always supplied set for DP

(pos. A). It is set to a trim limit of +5° and the switch
is sealed.
NOTE! The sealed switch (pos. B) is only for SP
drives. 4. Ensure that the drive is in the bottom position.

Checking the trim setting

5. The instrument, with the drive fully trimmed down

and with a known transom inclination, show the follow-
ing figures:
Transom Trimmed down
inclination drive
2. Turn the key switch to the ignition position (the
lamp comes on).
10° –2
11° –3
12° –4
13° –5
14° –6
15° –7

Power Trim instrument

6. If any other figure is shown than that stated in the

table, then turn the potentiometer (1) at the back of
the instrument until the correct figure is shown.

8. Lift out the trim sender and check that the marks
(1) are lined up.
9. Fit the trim sender in the steering fork again with
the markings (A) angled backwards and to starboard.
The wiring is routed out forwards and to starboard.

7. If it proves impossible to get the correct figure in

the instrument, then check the trim sender on the
steering arm as in the following steps.
Check the rack position. See page 75 Analog trim in-
strument, adjusting, point 1.

NOTE! Make sure that the trim sender “engages” in

the steering fork.
10. Then fit the bracket and repeat the installation
points described earlier.

If rack position is correct, remove the bracket that

holds the trim sender.

Power Trim instrument

Analog trim instrument,

adjusting Transom B-measurement
inclination (A)

10° 37 mm (1.46")
11° 40 mm (1.56")
12° 42 mm (1.67")
13° 45 mm (1.78")
14° 48 mm (1.88")
15° 51 mm (2.00")

1. Check to make sure that the market tooth is set to

match the first tooth gap of the gear rack on the steer-
ing helmet.

3. Adjust the potentiometer (1) until the lamp (2) lights

up. Thus the trim angle +5° is obtained, being the cor-
rect trim angle for DP-sterndrives.

2. Then trim the sterndrive to the position where the

B- measurement is obtained. The B-measurement is
based on the transom inclination (A).

Power Trim instrument

Wiring diagram, Power Trim - digital trim instrument

Switch location

Trim gauge adjustment

Electrochemical corrosion

General Galvanic corrosion

NOTE! For more detailed information about electro-
chemical corrosion see manual Marine Electrical
Systems Part 1.

Electrochemical corrosion
Electrochemical corrosion of metals can cause very
serious and expensive damage to propellers, propeller
shafts, rudders, keels and other equipment fitted to
the boat.
The types of corrosion that are particularly significant
to boats are: A boat that lies in the water constitutes a galvanic ele-
• Galvanic corrosion ment since different metals (or metal alloys) such as
steel and bronze are in electrical contact with each
• Crevice and deposit corrosion
other while in the same electrolyte, namely salt water.
• Stray current corrosion This produces galvanic corrosion.
In popular terms, this can be compared with the simi-
Galvanic and stray current corrosion are of major im- lar electrochemical process that goes on in a battery.
portance when doing the installation work. It may be It is called a galvanic element. In a non-battery con-
caused by mistakes in the electrical installation or text the result of this process is called galvanic corro-
choice of wrong materials in submerged components. sion.
The damaging effects of electrochemical corrosion There needs to be certain conditions for galvanic cur-
start as soon as the boat is launched. Since corrosion rents to occur: The metals need to be in an electro-
takes place “out of sight” below the surface of the wa- lyte, containing oxygen and galvanically connected to
ter, damage can be severe and is often not detected each other. A corrosion current will then flow from the
until the boat is brought up on land. metal with the lower potential (the anode) to the metal
with the higher potential (the cathode). Two chemical
Consequently, propellers and other components
reactions are needed for this - oxidation and reduction.
should be protected against corrosion by the use of
Oxidation (release of electrons) takes place at the an-
sacrificial anode made of zinc or magnesium. This
ode and reduction (absorption of electrons) takes
protection may not be sufficient if electrical equipment
place at the cathode.
is connected incorrectly or incorrect material is used
in external boat equipment.

Electrochemical corrosion

Metals susceptible to corrosion From the table we can see that steel receives about
-0.65 V and aluminium around -0.85 V in the voltage
All metals can be physically listed in a galvanic volt- series. The higher up in the voltage series (the greater
age series. This states the metal’s normal potential potential), the more noble the metal. If these metals
(voltage) in relation to a reference electrode when are connected together in a galvanic element, the less
each material is immersed in a particular electrolyte. noble metal will be consumed by the more noble - gal-
The following is a voltage series for metals. The elec- vanic corrosion arises.
trolyte is seawater at a temperature range of +10°C to In our case, the aluminium will corrode.
+26.7°C (50°F-80°F) The water flow rate is 2.4-4.0 m/s
(7.8-13.1 ft/s). The reference electrode is silver-silver The further the metals are apart in the galvanic volt-
chloride (Ag-AgCl). age series, the greater the (corrosive) effect on the
less noble metal if they are connected together in a
galvanic element.
Graphite +0.19 to +
Stainless steel 18-8, 3% Mo,
in a passive state * 0.00 to - 0.10V

Stainless steel 18-8

in a passive state * -0.05 to - 0.10V
Nickel -0.10 to -0.20 V
Lead -0.19 to - 0.25V
Silicon bronze (92.9% Cu, 1.50% Zn,
3% Si, 1.00% Mn, 1.60% Sn) -0.26 to - 0.29V
Manganese bronze (58.5% Cu, 39% Zn,
1 % Sn, 1% Fe, 0.3% Mn) -0.27 to - 0.34V

Aluminium brass (76% Cu, 22% Zn, 2% Al) -0.28 to -

Soft solder (50% Pb, 50% Sn) -0.28 to - 0.37V
Copper -0.30 to - 0.57V
Tin -0.31 to - 0.33V
Red brass (85% Cu, 15% Zn) -0.30 to - 0.40V
Yellow brass (65% Cu, 35% Zn) -0.30 to - 0.40V
Aluminium bronze -0.31 to - 0.42V
Stainless steel 18-8, 3% Mo,
in an active state ** -0.43 to - 0.54V
Stainless steel 18-8 in an active state ** -0.46 to - 0.58V
Cast iron -0.60 to - 0.71V
Steel -0.60 to - 0.71V
Aluminium alloys -0.76 to - 1.00V
Galvanised iron and steel -0.98 to - 1.03V
Zinc -0.98 to - 1.03V
Magnesium and magnesium alloys
consumed -1.60 to - 1.63V

* Metals are in a passive state when the metal has a thin,

reaction-inhibiting coating. This coating is lacking in an
active state.
** Still water.

Electrochemical corrosion

Protection against Stray current and shore power

electrochemocal corrosion corrosion
To avoid galvanic corrosion on components sub-
merged in the water it is important that they are pro-
tected. Our recommendation is to bond all of them to
a protective anode, normally made of zinc.
The sterndrive and transom shield are equipped with
their own protective anodes. These anodes are not di-
mensioned to protect additional components.
NOTE! This bonding system with its individual compo-
nents should normally have no contact to the negative
circuit of the boats electrical system. Fe

Local requirements, i.e. ABYC, may demand a battery

minus connected to the galvanic bond.


Stray current corrosion is similar to galvanic corrosion

in the way it acts but differs in the way it is caused. In
galvanic corrosion, it is the potential differences on
the metal that initiate corrosion.
As the name implies, stray current corrosion is
caused by stray currents. Stray currents can arise as
a result of faults in the boat’s electrical system, such
as connections and splices that are exposed to mois-
ture or bilge water, equipment that is faulty as a result
of damage or wear, or an electrical system that is in-
correctly connected. Stray current corrosion can also
be caused by stray currents from neighbouring boats
or equipment for connecting to a shore-based power
supply at quays.

Electrochemical corrosion

Prevention of stray currents during installation

NOTE! This diagram is only an

Reprinted with permission of the
American Boat and Yacht Council,
Inc., from the Standards and
Recommended Practices for Small
Craft, section E-8 (18), page 17, ©
July 1998.

120–230V AC

• All D.C. circuits must have an insulated return ca- • Engines and drive lines must not be connected
ble. Consequently, a metal keel must not be used galvanically to other equipment such as trim plane
as a return conductor. or bathing steps unless bonded to a protected an-
• All splices in the circuit such as socket housings ode. They must not be used as a ground for radio,
and terminal blocks shall be installed so that they navigation or other equipment where separate
are not exposed to moisture or bilge water. The ground cables are used.
same applies to switch panels, fuse holders etc. • All separate ground cables (ground connections for
• Cables shall be routed as high as possible above radio, navigation equipment, echo sounder etc)
the bilge water in a keel. If a cable must be routed must be linked to a common ground point , i.e. a
where it is exposed to water, it must be housed in cable that does not normally act as a return for
a watertight conduit and the connections must also equipment.
be watertight. • If shore-based power is connected (120V/230V),
• Cables which can be subject to wear must be in- the safety ground must not be connected to the
stalled in self-draining conduits, sleeves, cable engine or any other ground point on the boat. The
channels etc. safety ground must always be drawn to the con-
nection cabinet’s ground terminal ashore.
• A main switch for the starter battery shall be in-
stalled , one on the (+) side. The main switch shall • Transformers connected to a shore-base current
disconnect all equipment except equipment such supply, such as a battery charger, shall have the
as theft protection, bilge pumps and the operating protection ground on the input side (120/230V) con-
switch for electrical main switches. nected but the minus connection on the output
side (12/24V) not connected, i.e. galvanically
• If several batteries are used (equipment batteries), separated.
the main switch shall be fitted between the extra
battery’s (+) terminal and the fuse block for the WARNING! Installation and work on
boat’s electrical equipment. The main switch shall shore-connected equipment may only be carried
disconnect all equipment except equipment such out by an electrician who is qualified to work on
as theft protection, bilge pumps and the operating installations with higher voltage than 50V AC.
switch for electrical main switches.

Electrochemical corrosion

Checking electrochemical Measurement theory

corrosion Anodic protection operates by sending out an electric
current, the protection current, to oppose the corrosion
Measuring galvanic currents and stray current. When the protection current increases and the
currents in water corrosion current decreases, the potential of the pro-
tected object decreases. When a given potential is
Volvo Penta has produced a method for measuring reached, the corrosion current will have disappeared
galvanic currents and stray currents using a calomel and the object has complete cathodic protection.
Thus a given electrode potential for the metal provides
a guide as to when cathodic protection is in place and
whether it is sufficient. The calomel electrode can
measure whether this protection potential is provided.

Checking galvanic electricity,

calomel electrode
Connect the calomel electrode, special tool 885156-0
to the Digital probe tester, special tool 9988452-0
measurement cable.
Connect the probe tester tip to a good ground connec-
tion. Set the tester for D.C. measurement.
Carefully remove the protective sleeve from the probe
The calomel electrode (Hg/HgCl), 885156-0, is a refer- tip. The protective sleeve is filled with a saturated salt
ence electrode which shall be connected to the digital solution (NaCI). Dry the tip with a clean paper tissue
probe tester 9988452-0. The probe tester is used to or equivalent after measurement and before putting it
measure potential differences. back.
NOTE! If other multimeters are used, accuracy is re-
quired to 1 mV.
Depending on the method used, the measurement re-
sult can provide a mean voltage value for the entire
measurement object, e.g. shaft line or the voltage
which an individual part produces. Examples of such
point checks are rudders, water intakes etc.
NOTE! The calomel electrode can be used in water
with a varying salt content or in freshwater.
The process measures the potential difference be-
tween the measurement object and the calomel elec-
trode. The calomel electrode has a known constant
electrode potential. Thus the potential differences re-
corded must always be related to a particular refer-
ence electrode and the same electrolyte, i.e. the
same water and water temperature. The water flow
rate must also be the same if results from different
measurements are to be compared.

Dip the electrode in water approximately 30 cm (12")

from the propeller and propeller shaft. The mea-
surement result is the mean value for the complete
shaft line. The result should lie between (minus) -900
mV and -1340 mV.

Electrochemical corrosion

To check individual parts, move the electrode so that Checking for leakages from
the tip is directed towards the surface, approximate 5
mm (0.2") away from the surface where the part is fit-
the electrical system
ted. A simple way of testing the boat’s electrical integrity
The measurement result here should also lie between is to employ the following procedure:
–900 and –1340 mV. First check that fuses and circuit breakers are fitted
If the result exceeds this (i.e. is a more positive value and intact, that the battery main switches are on, and
such as –800), the proportion of “noble” metals such that all other switches and appliances are off. Theoret-
as stainless steel, bronze etc., is too great for the pro- ically, there should be no current flowing from the bat-
tective anodes to overcome the corrosion current. The tery. Any flow will indicate a leak.
anodes should be increased.
The result may also be from stray currents caused by
incorrect or incorrectly connected (+) cable or (+) ca-
bles exposed to bilge water.
There is overprotection if the digital tester gives a re-
sult less than –1340 mV. This could also be caused
by stray currents from separate ground cables for
VHF radio or other equipment fitted with separate
ground cables which are incorrectly connected.
The reason may also be that the anodes provide too
much protection current, e.g. magnesium anodes in
salt water.
1. To check if any current is leaking.
Lift off the batteries positive battery terminal connec-
tor and place a 12-volt, 3W test lamp between the
positive terminal and the loosened connector. If there
is no leak, the lamp will fail to light. A faint glow indi-
cates a small leak, and a bright light means that you
have a more serious leak. You can also use a Voltme-
ter for this test. Note that some equipment may con-
sume current even when they are switched off (clock
or radio), which will cause the lamp to light. Such
equipment must be disconnected.

2. To check how much current that are flowing.

Use a multimeter, and set it to read ”DC Amps”. Con-
nect the red test lead to the battery positive terminal,
and the black lead to the loosened connector. The
meter will now show how much current is leaking. If
you do not get a reading, change to ’’DC mAmps’’

Electrochemical corrosion

3. Double-check to see the resistance in the circuit. Checking and painting of drive
Replace the protective ring if it is more than half cor-

IMPORTANT! Make sure that the protective

ring has good metallic contact with the drive.
Never paint the protective ring. Never
use a steel brush. The steel brush reduces the
galvanic protection.

Set the multimeter to Ohms. Connect the black test Make sure that you have a pure and good metal-
lead to the loosened negative connector, and the red lic contact between the protective anodes and
test lead to the loosened positive connector. You the sterndrive itself. Prior to launching the boat,
should now see a reading of the resistance of the cir- the anodes must be cleaned (activated) with an
cuit. abrasive paper in order to remove the oxide lay-
NOTE! Certain equipment may be a currrent
consumer also when shut off such as radio, clock or
automatic bilge pump. This equipment must be
Magnesium anodes
Below is a rough guide to what those readings means The drive is equipped with protected anodes of zinc
in practical terms: as a standard, intended for use in salt water. When
driving in fresh water magnesium anodes should be
• 10.000 Ohm up to interruption – A next to perfect used.
circuit, no problems.
• 5.000 Ohm – There is a small leak.
• 1.000 Ohm – There is a leak that must be found
Stainless steel propellers
and corrected.
The Volvo Penta standard protection anodes are
• 500 Ohms or less – A heavy leak. Let the battery
enough to protect the outdrive in most conditions. In
connectors be disconnected. Repair as soon as
water where the consumtion of protective anodes is
high, a kit is available to install double protective an-
odes on the shield.
4. To find the leak.
Zinc anode for the suspension yoke
Charging Oil pressure

The quantity of zinc delivered on transom shield and

drive are selected for normal conditions. In some oc-
With the test lamp connected as step 1 above, loosen cations however additional protection is required.
one fuse at a time and put it back again. When you re-
move a fuse and the test lamp goes out, then you If necessary, an extra zinc anod (1) can be installed
have found the circuit that’s causing the problem. on the suspension yoke. Use Volvo Penta water resis-
Trace the circuit until the fault is found, and repair. tant grease.

Engine room, ventilation and soundproofing

Engine performance
Engine power is affected by a number of different fac- Two main conditions must be fulfilled:
tors. Among the most important ones are air pressure, A. The engine must get enough air (oxygen) to allow
air temperature and exhaust backpressure. Deviations for the combustion of the fuel.
from the normal values affect engine performance and
B. The engine room must be ventilated, so that the
temperature can be kept down to an acceptable level.
Diesel engines require excess air. Deviations from the
Ventilation is also important to keep the engine’s elec-
normal values show up first of all with an increase in
trical equipment and fuel system at a low tempera-
black smoke. This can be particularly noticeable at
ture, and for certain general cooling of the engine.
the planing threshold when the engine must give its
greatest possible torque. If personnel are to be present in the engine room, the
ventilation installation must be adapted accordingly.
If the deviations from the normal values are great, the
diesel engine will lose power. This power loss can be
so great that a planing boat cannot pass through the NOTE! All valid safety regulations and legal require-
planing threshold. ments for each country must be followed. Each clas-
For the engine to function properly and give full power, sification society has its own regulations that must be
it is absolutely necessary that both the inlet and outlet followed when required.
air ducts are sufficiently dimensioned and installed

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Engine power output and air temperature Engine power output at high altitudes
The engine’s stated power output applies at an air above sea level
temperature of +25°C (77°F), air pressure of 100 mbar In most cases, marine engines are run at or near sea
(750 mm Hg), relative humidity 30%, fuel temperature level. There are, however, some lakes that are situat-
+40°C (104°F) and seawater temperature of +32°C ed at high altitudes above sea level.
(90°F). (According to International test standards).
There is loss of power when operating at high altitudes
Adequate air supply and ventilation makes it possible due to the fact that the air density (and therefore oxy-
to obtain as high a power output as possible together gen content) decreases as altitude increases. This re-
with a long engine life. sults in smoky exhaust and the turbocharger operat-
If the inlet air for the engine cannot be kept below ing at abnormally high speeds with increased wear.
+25°C (77°F), the power output drops by up to 1.5% The loss of power is, however, not important until ap-
for turbocharged engines and 1.0% for turbocharged prox 500 m (1640 ft) above sea level.
engines with aftercooler for every 10°C (18°F) in-
crease in air temperature. For normally aspirated en- At altitudes of more than 500 m (1640 ft) above sea
gines, this figure can be up to 2%. In those places in level, there is a loss of power of approx 0.1% per 100
the world where the air temperature is constantly at or m (328 ft).
above 45°C (113°F), diesel engines must be de-rated, De-rating should be done for high altitudes (reduced
i.e. the injection pump adjusted to a lower injection fuel quantity) according to the following:

IMPORTANT! In those cases where operation is Altitude above sea Reduced fuel
at full throttle and the injection pump is not ad- level, metres (feet) quantity%
justed (de-rated) despite high air temperature,
the result will be very smoky exhaust, increased 1000 (3280) 4
thermal load and greatly increased engine wear 1500 (4920) 8
and consequently greatly increased operating
costs. 2000 (6560) 12
2500 (8200) 17

However, the driver can reduce the throttle when op-

erating temporarily in such hot areas and thus avoid
these types of unfavourable operating conditions.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Dimension of air intakes Fans must never be installed in the inlet air ducts, as
this could lead to overpressure in the engine room
and ducts with the risk of gas or air leaking out into other parts
When installing is planned, the following basic facts of the boat.
should be kept in mind: For diesel engines, the fan can very well be thermo-
All combustion engines, irrespective of make or type, stat controlled and should start at approx. +60°C
require a certain minimum amount of oxygen (or air) (+140°F) engine room temperature, measured at the
for the combustion process. Diesel engines, however, engine room.
work with a somewhat larger air surplus than gasoline
All engines also emit a certain amount of radiant heat Engine room temperature
to the environment, i. e. to the engine room.
Remembering that the engine’s performance figures
The specific radiant heat is less for modern compact apply at a test temperature of +25°C (77°F), it is im-
engines than for older and less compact engines. portant that the inlet air temperature is kept as low as
Modern, compact engines have a great advantage in possible. There is always a loss of power with in-
this respect. creased temperatures, and if the engine’s inlet air is
constantly above +45°C (113°F), the engine must be

Channels or ducts for inlet and outlet air

It is advantageous if the inlet and outlet air ducts can
be planned for at the construction stage, where they < 25°C (77°F) > 25°C (77°F) > 45°C (113°F)
can be placed in the hull or superstructure. This will
avoid the need for separate ducts. Full power Loss of power De-rating
For an installation, it is relatively simple to design a output 1–2% per 10°C
system to provide the engine with enough air for the
combustion, but it is considerably more difficult to
lead the radiant heat away.
The engine itself sucks in air very effectively and, nat- The temperature of the inlet air at the air filters must
urally, will take in air from any direction. Should the in- not be higher than +25°C (77°F) for full power output.
let or outlet air ducts be underdimensioned, the engine During sea trial the air temperature in the air filter
will consequently suck air from both ducts and no should not exceed 20° C (36° F) above ambient tem-
ventilation air will go out through the outlet air ducts. perature.
This causes dangerously high engine room tempera- The temperature of the engine itself is rather high in
tures. some places. Certain separate electric components,
Most of the radiant heat from the engine must be such as charging regulators and relays, should there-
transported out of the engine room. This is an abso- fore be fitted on bulkheads or elsewhere where the
lute requirement to keep the engine room tempera- temperature is relatively low.
ture below the permitted maximum limit. The maximum temperature for areas where electric
components are fitted is 70°C (158°F). The starter
motor and alternator however, have their given loca-
To ventilate the engine room more effectively and
thus keep the engine room temperature at a low level,
a suction fan must normally be installed in the outlet
air duct.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Engine room depression Engine room ventilation

Volvo Penta recommends that the depression in the To keep the engine room temperature down to the per-
engine room does not exceed 0.5 kPa (0.07 psi) at full mitted values, a great deal of the radiant heat must be
speed. A small vacuum in the engine room is not transported out of the engine room, in other words be
harmful but will prevent gases from being pushed out ventilated away.
from the engine room into the boat. The same dimension must be chosen for the inlet and
outlet ducts to achieve low flow speeds and low noise
Engine’s air consumption
The area for the inlet/outlet air supply is calculated us-
The engine consumes a certain amount of air in the ing the formula:
combustion process. This requires a minimum internal
area of air supply ducting. The area can be calculated Inlet air = 1.65 × engine power output
by using the formula: Outlet air = 1.65 × engine power output
Areas in cm² and engine power output in kW.
A = 1.9 × engine power output These values must be corrected according to Table 1
A = Area in cm² with regard to bends and duct length.

Engine output in kW The ambient air temperature (outdoor air temperature)

is assumed to be +30° C (86°F). Correction factors as
per Table 2 shall be used where applicable.
The value applies for non-restricted intake and up to
1 m (3.3 ft) duct length with only one 90 degree bend.
The bending radius should be at least twice the dia. Ambient air temperature Correction
°C (°F) factor
If longer ducts or more bends are used, the area is
corrected by multiplying by a coefficient from Table 1 +20 (68) 0.7
+30 (86) 1.0
+40 (104) 1.4
Number Metres (ft) duct length
of bends 1 (3.3) 2 (6.6) 3 (9.8) 4 (13.1) 5 (16.4)
1 1 1.04 1.09 1.13 1.20 Table 2.
2 1.39 1.41 1.43 1.45 1.49
3 – 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.78

Table 1.
Fan selection
The fan must be dimensioned for air flow volume ac-
cording to the following:
Flow m³ / min = 0.07 × engine power output in kW.
This volume flow is corrected by a factor from the ta-
The total pressure increase through the fan should be
10 mm (0.394") wat.col. (100 pa).
These two values, flow and total pressure increase,
are sufficient for the selection of a fan. If the fan is fit-
ted directly to the bulkhead, i. e. without a connection
pipe, the value of the total pressure increase can be
reduced to 7 mm (0.276") water column (70 pa). This
means that a somewhat smaller fan can be used.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Calculation of air ducts

Example 1. Example 2.

Two diesel engines, 210 kW (280 hp) A diesel engine, 96 kW (129 hp)

Calculation of areas for two engines at 210 kW with a Calculation of areas for one engine with 2 m (6.6 ft)
non-restricted air supply and an ambient air tempera- duct length, 2 bends and an ambient air temperature
ture of +30°C (+86°F). of +20°C (+68°F).

For each engine the following is obtained:

Area, engine’s air consumption:
Area, engine’s air consumption:
1. 1.9 × 96 = 182 cm² (28 sq.in). Also see fig. 1.
1.1.9 × 210 = 400 cm² (62 sq.in). Also see fig. 1.
Correction for air temperature = 0.7 from Table 2,
No corrections according to tables 1 and 2. and correction for duct length and bends = 1.41
According to figs 1 and 2 on the following page, ex from Table 1.
1, this corresponds to a duct with a diameter of
225 mm (8.9") for a single engine. This gives 182 × 0.7 × 1.41 = 180 cm² (28 sq.in).
According to Fig. 2, this gives a duct dia of
152 mm (6").
Air ventilation, engine room:
1. Inlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 210 = 347 cm² Air ventilation, engine room:
(54 sq.in). According to fig. 2, this gives a diame-
ter of 210 mm (8.3") for a single engine. 1. Inlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 96 = 158 cm²
(25 sq.in). According to Fig. 2, this gives a duct di-
ameter of 142 mm (5.6").
2. Outlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 210 = 347
cm² (54 sq.in). According to fig. 2, this gives a di-
ameter of 210 mm (8.3") for a single engine. 2. Outlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 96 = 158 cm²
(25 sq.in). According to Fig. 2, this gives a duct di-
ameter of 142 mm (5.6").
3. Extraction fan capacity: 0.07 × 210 (kW) =
14.7 m³/min (519 ft³/min).
3. Correction, inlet and outlet: Air temperature =
0.7 from Table 2, and correction for duct length
4. NOTE! As this is a twin installtion figures have to and bends = 1.41 from Table 1.
be doubled This gives 158 × 0.7 × 1.41 = 156 cm² (24 sq.in).
According to fig. 2 this gives a duct dia of
141 mm (5.55") for each inlet and outlet.

4. Extraction fan capacity: 0.07 × 96 (kW) =

6.72 m³/min (237 ft³/min).

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Area, cm² (square inch) Fig. 1 Calculation of areas


800(124) 2




210 kW
Ex. 1

0 100 200 300 400 500 kW

(134) (268) (402) (536) (670) (Hp)

1. Air consumption, 2. Ventilation air,

diesel engines inlet and outlet

Cross section area, cm² (square inch) Fig. 2. Conversion of area to diameter


400(62) Ex. 1

Ex. 1


0 50 100 150 200 Ex. 1 250 300 350 ø mm

(2.0) (3.9) (5.9) (7.9) (9.8) (11.8) (13.8) (ø in.)

Ex. 1. Air consumption duct diameter = 225 mm (9.8")

Ventilation duct diameter = 210 mm (8.3")

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Location of ventilators All channels and ducts must be routed so that the
least possible flow resistance is obtained. The bends
and air intakes must not be sharp, but softly rounded. The smallest
NOTE! Air intakes or outlet holes must never be in- radius is twice the diameter. Restrictions must al-
stalled in the transom. The air in this area is mixed ways be avoided.
with water and exhausts and must therefore never be The ducts should be cut obliquely at the ends to get
allowed to enter the boat. the best flow.
In certain countries there are regulations in this re-
spect, which must be followed.
Function of air intakes
Air intakes and outlets must function well, even in bad
weather, and must therefore have efficient water
traps. Soundproofing must usually be built in.
The air intake and outlet should be placed as far away
from each other as possible so that a good through-
flow is obtained.
If the intake and outlet are too close, the air can recir-
culate resulting in poor ventilation.

Location of air ducts

The channels or ducts for the engine air supply should
be routed up as close as possible to the air filters, but
with a minimum distance of 20–30 cm (8–12"), to defi- IMPORTANT! The air intake must not be loca-
nitely prevent water from entering the engine. See fig- ted at the same side as the fuel filler fitting. The
ures. filler should be located at least 1 m (3.3 ft) away
from the outlet.
Example of how the inlet and outlet air ducts can be
installed in pleasure boats and similar hulls using die-
sel engines.

1 4

1. Engine air filter

2. Inlet duct, engine room 2
3. Ventilation Should it not be possible to arrange the drainage, the
4. Water trap hoses can be bent slightly upwards, as a swan’s
5. Suction fan neck, in order to prevent sea-water from penetrating to
the engine compartment. Remember to build the en-
For diesel engines the incoming ventilation air duct gine compartment as roomy as possible to allow the
should open out low down in the engine room, but not servicing of the engine.
so low that any bilge water can block the air supply.
The outlet ducts should be located diagonally across
on the other side of the engine.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Soundproofing Greatest possible care must be given to the task of

screening the sound source as well as possible.
The drive package must be installed in such a way as Screen all the way down to the hull but leave a small
to minimise noise and vibration. The noise that occurs distance to prevent bilgewater from penetrating
is airborne noise and structural noise (vibration). insulation material.

Structural noise Cracks, openings etc. must be carefully sealed off

with insulation material. In cases where the engine is
Vibration from the engine is transmitted via the engine installed under the floor, dress all bulkheads and
mountings and the engine bed to the hull. Other routes floorboards.
are via the transmission and propeller systems, ex-
haust pipe, coolant pipes, fuel pipes, electrical cables
and control cables.
Pressure pulses from the propeller are transmitted
through the water and into the hull. Pulsed force on
the propeller enters the hull via support blocks, bear-
ings and seals.

Airborne noise
This section refers to airborne noise from the engine
bay. The most important measure to lower airborne
noise from the engine room is to seal the room proper-
ly. Further improvements in noise level reduction can
be achieved by sound insulation material and by de-
signing sound traps for the air inlets.

Prior to installing the insulation material, make sure

that there is sufficient room for checking, service and
repair and for the engine movements during operation.
Also make sure that all hatches are properly sealed

The engine installation should be soundproofed in or-

der to obtain a noise level that is as low as possible.
Build the engine compartment with sound traps. Differ-
ent types of sound traps can be selected. The figure
reflects a type that is also provided with drainage.
Make sure the necessary room is available for service
Furthermore, due consideration must be given to the
and repair. Also make sure that all hatches are proper-
thickness of the insulation material.
ly sealed off.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Insulation material, being applied on wood (plywood):

1. Wood (plywood)
2. Flame-proof absorption sheeting.
Fuel hoses going through a bulkhead should rest in a
3. Flame-proof, reflecting soundproofing foil.
grommet where they pass through the bulkhead. The
Above you can see an example of the build-up of an grommet seals off and protects the hose against
insulation sheeting. This type of insulation material is sharp edges, which might cause leakage.
glued to the frame.
NOTE! The insulation sheeting is turned differently,
owing to the type of the material in the frame, i.e.
GRP or wood.

Other cables, electrical wires, battery leads etc can

be drawn through a rubber hose or through a special
Insulation material applied on GRP: PVC-tube (electrical), being built onto the bulkhead of
1. GRP GRP. Possible clearance between the tubing and the
2. Iron-PVC, thickness 2.5 mm (0.1") wires can be sealed off with some kind of insulation
3. Flame-proof absorption sheeting material or sealing compound
4. Flame-proof, reflecting soundproofing foil .

Shift cables, throttle cables and electrical wires com-

ing through bulkheads can perferably be drawn
through a tube or a grommet, sealing off properly. At
the same time the cables are protected against wear.


General Single steering positions

All installations must be equipped with Power Steer- The length of the steering cable should not exceed 9
ing. In a twin installation it is enough with Power m (29.50 ft). This includes an installation with 3 × 90°
Steering on one of the engines/stern drives. Both me- radius and the cable not clamped. Installations which
chanical and hydraulic steering systems may be reguire cable lengths of 9–12 m (29.50–39.30 ft) must
used. be tried out in each individual case. When using such
cable lengths, it is extremily important for the cable to
NOTE! Use a steering system with a travel of max. be installed as straight as possible and the cable to
215 ± 12 mm (8.5 ± 0.5") in accordance with the be clamped. Hydraulic steering should, however, be
ABYC-norms. installed in these cases.
The following instructions state general limitations
which should be observed for all types of installations.

WARNING! When installing the steering equip- Twin steering positions

ment it is important that all parts are fitted cor- When a DS unit is installed, we recommend a maxi-
rectly. Incorrect installation can jeopardize the mum cable length of 7 m (22.96 ft). This includes 3 ×
boat’s manouvering ability and, in worst case, 90° radius for each cable. If one cable in the system
completely make it loose its steering. is shorter, it does not mean that the other cable can
See Installation Instructions that are included in be encreased by a corresponding amount.The 853291-
the kits. 3 DS has a standard 2.25 m (7.38 ft) cable which
means that a maximum of 9.25 m (30.33 ft) of cable
is permitted between the steering position and the
IMPORTANT! Hydraulic steering systems: Ex- drive/rudder when this DS unit is fitted.
ercise great cleanliness. Make sure that working When installing long cables or giving priority to very
areas are free from dust and dirt. Keep protecti- accurate steering properties, you are recommended to
ve plugs on the connections until the pipes and use hydraulic steering instead of the mechanical cable
hoses are to be connected. Make sure that pi- steering. The hydraulic steering shall then be installed
pes and hoses are clean and free from durt etc. together with Volvo Penta’s power steering.
Use a knife when cutting pipes etc.

Other considerations
Installations with either single or twin steering posi-
tions can be connected directly to the steering arm or
the power steering. The power steering reduces the ef-
fect of the steering force from the drive but not the
friction in the steering system’s cable and steering


Location of steering head Cable routing

Select a suitable position for the installation of the

steering head so that you will avoid bending the steer-
ing cable to much. Avoid if at all possible more than Select a correct length of the steering cable.
one bend.
A + B + C = the length of the steering cable.
Make sure to acieve sufficient space for the steering
When installning a DS-unit make sure it is located in
wheel and a comfortable driving position.
a dry and easy accessable location. Prefeably it
The steering can be installed either on the starboard should be located close to the steering tiller arm.
or on the port side of the boat.
Finally, clamp the steering cable all the way. Distance
between the clamps approx 250 mm (10").

NOTE! Bend the steering cable with as soft a bend as

possible. Minimum bending radius = 250 mm (10").

NOTE! Remember to locate the shift- and speed con-

trol in a way that the steering cable can be installed
without being bent.
NOTE! Bulkhead thickness normally max 18 mm (11/

Location of steering pump,

hydraulic steering system
Install the cable into the steering head. Apply Volvo
Penta water resistant grease on the cable.

Choose a suitable location for the steering pump.

Check that there is sufficient space for the steering
wheel and pump.


Connecting the steering cable

3 B

2 A
Remone the protectioon plugs from the attachment
pipe on the servo unit.
Connect the steering cable to the servo unit. Tighten
the cap nut (1) on the cable while counter-holding at
the key spanner grip (2) on the pipe. Tighten until the
nut bottoms.
Lock the steering cable to the servo cylinder’s end
piece with the pivot pin and cotter pin (3).
NOTE! The hole (A) is used for single installations
and hole (B) for twin installations. Make sure that the
split pin is bent properly around the pivot pin.

4 3


3, 5

Connect the servo unit to the steering arm using pivot

pin (4). Lock the pivot pin with the cotter pin (5).
NOTE! Make sure that the split pin is properly bent
around the pivot pin.


DS-unit for mechanical Installing the

steering hydraulic steering system
Installing the hydraulic cylinder
Install the hydraulic cylinder to the servo cylinder.
NOTE! This has to be done before mounting the servo
cylinder to the shield.

20 Nm (14.8 lbf.ft)

Install the steering heads for the two stations as

earlier described in points 2 through 19. Then install
the distribution device in a suitable position. Attach
the steering cables between the steering heads and
the distribution device and the steering cable between
the transom shield and the distribution devis.
Assemble the three cables with spacer washers (A)
between the cables. Finally, clamp the cables and in- 70 Nm (51.6 lbf.ft)
stall the cover.

Hose routing
Install the hydraulic oil pipes. Minimum bending radius
60 mm (2½").

Checking the steering system

The steering system should always be checked after
launching the boat and before starting the engine.
Start the engine. Turn the steering wheel completely
from starboard to port a few times. Make sure that the
steering equipment can move freely and that there is
no leakage.

Make sure that the pipes do not come into contact

with hot surfaces. Fix the pipes with plastic stripes.
Distance between stripes approx. 250 mm (10").
WARNING! Metal clamps must not be used!

Cut the pipes off to the correct lengths. Use a knife to

avoid swarf and burrs. Make sure that the pipe ends
are at right angles and are completely clean.


Checking Tie bar

Carry out the checking of the system prior to checking Volvo Penta is offering a tie bar with an adjustable
routines after lauching the boat. length of 610–970 mm (24–38"). If the drives are in-
Do as follows: stalled wider apart, a tie bar has to be made locally.
Let the engine run at idle. Turn the steering wheel as
far as possible to starboard. Check that the hydraulic
cylinder and steering servo can move freely and that
the servo is not loaded at the bottom position.

The steering arm must not go against the the stop on

the shield, see figure. Perform the same check with
the steering wheel turned to port.
NOTE! Do not load the servo and pump more than a
few seconds at a time.


L = 610–970 mm (24.0–38.2")

If the servo is loaded at the bottom position, the nut

(A) must be screwed in on the rod.
For twin installation with an adjustable tie-bar (B) the
nut (A) is adjusted so that the port steering arm does
not reach the port stop of the shield.
If the steering movement is too small with the steering
arm towards port, the nut (A) must be screwed out un-
til the steering servo is loaded and then screwed in un-
til the load ceases.
Perform a final check and make sure that no leakage


If the boat is to be manoeuvred and operated in a con- The control could be either a single lever control or
venient and safe manner, then the operating station two lever control. On a single lever control both shift-
should be arranged in such a way that the controls, ing and speed is operated with the same lever. In a
steering and instruments, navigational equipment and two lever control there is one lever for shifting and one
alarm systems are located practically. This applies to for speed.
each operating station.


There are several types of control system NOTE! When the controls are installed, make sure
alternatives available: that there is enough space for all movements of the
control lever, forwards - aft - full throttle.
Mechanical control systems
With a mechanical control system communication be-
tween the engine nad drive is done with push-pull ca-
bles. This type of system could require a little more Controls for cable operated engines
effort and be less distinct, especially with long cable For singel installation, side mounted controls are
lengths and more than one control station. available. Top mounted controls are available for both
This installation manual mainly covers this type of in- single and twin installations.

Electrical control systems

In fully electrical systems, the control communicates
with the engine via electrical signals and can only be
used on electrically governed engines, as the Volvo
Penta EDC engines.
It offer very simple installation as well as smooth han-
dling with long cables and several control stations. For
further details about installation of EDC control sys-
tems see the manual Installation EDC –Electronic
Diesel Control.

Electrical to mechanical control systems The control can be equipped with a neutral safety
In electrical to mechanical control systems, the elec- switch, which prevents the engine from being started
trical control communicates with actuators usually lo- when in gear.
cated in the engine room via electrical wires. The ac- As delivered, the control mechanism is nirmally set so
tuator transforms the electrical signal to a mechanical that speed (throttle) is controlled by a pulling move-
movement. From the actuator, a push-pull cable runs ment (forward) of the cable.
to the engine/drive and there installation is done the
same way as with a mechanical control system.

Controls for EDC engines

(Electronic Diesel Control)
Alternative operating stations
The controls must be duplicated for each operating
station. In a mechanical control, the switch-over for
shifting with controls for the different operating sta-
tions can be carried out automatically if a dual station
unit is installed.
The speed control cables from the two controls are
connected at the fuel injection pump by means of a
speed control kit. See page 101.

When installing controls and other components for the

EDC system, see Installation EDC – Electronic Die-
sel Control.


Location of the controls Cable routing

The following must be considered before cutting holes
for the controls.




600 mm (20")

When selecting the location for the control it is impor-

tant to take into consideration whether there is suffi-
cient space for the control lever movement and suffi-
cient space underneath the panel for the control Approx. 300 mm
mechanism. (8")

There must be enough room for full stroke of the con-

trol lever for FORWARD and sufficient space for oper-
ating REVERSE.
The lower part of the control must not come so close The speed control cable must be clamped in such a
to the steering control or other components that they way that the movement of the cable, close to the
are affected in any way. mechanism, is not jeopardised. The speed control ca-
ble must not be clamped closer to the control than 0.9
There must be sufficient space under the control to m (3 ft).
permit installation of the control cables to the engine
and reverse gear with as few and smooth bends as Make sure the installation is made so that movement
possible. of the cable (pushing and pulling) matches the re-
quested rotation.
Pay close attention in order to optimise the routing of
the cables from control to engine/reverse gear in a
Connecting the neutral mechanical control system. This will result in less
safety switch force required to move the control and improve the
feeling when shifting.
In most controls, a neutral safety switch can be in-
stalled. With this switch, the engine can only be start- The cables should be as short as possible with a mini-
ed when the control is in the neutral position. mal number of bends. Use large radius in cable
bends. The minimum allowed radius is 200 mm (8").
Install the switch on the yellow/red wire going to the
no. 50 terminal on the key switch. The circuit should Clamp the cables or let them run protected in tubes.
be closed in the neutral position. The distance between clamps should be approx. 250
mm (10"). Allow access to cable ends for mainte-
Local legislation might apply making neutral switches
nance and possible cable replacement.


Connecting the speed

control cable

2 A


A. Single station
B. Twin station (accessories)

To increase of the engine speed, the speed control When double cables are connected as shown in fig-
cable must have a pulling movement on all engines. ure, the cables run freely through their attachments to
The speed control cable is connected at the fuel injec- the pump lever.
tion pump as shown in the figure below. Connections NOTE! The nuts on the ends of the cables must be
should be made so as to obtain the largest possible locked against each other when the pump lever and
stroke on the control cable to provide the smoothest control levers are simultaneously at their idling and
control procedure. The pump lever, however, must al- neutral positions respectively.
ways be in contact with the full speed stop at full
throttle. NOTE! There shall be a clearance of 2 mm (0.1")
between O-ring (2) and lock nuts (1).

Connection of the shift cable to the drive, see page


Belt guards and protections

Installation requirements
Unless the engine is protected by a cover or its own Belt guards for 31–41 engines which can be fitted on
enclosure, exposed moving or hot parts of the engine the engine, are available as optional equipment from
that could cause personal injury must be effectively Volvo Penta. Protections can also be built in the en-
shielded. gine room by the boat builder.

Power take-off

Extra V-belt pulleys Belt pulley Belt pulley

3 x type HC50 3 x type B
All engines

Diam. 165 (6.5)

Maximum Power Take-off:
45 Nm (33 lbf.ft.) total load

Diam. 165
15 Nm (11 lbf. ft.)/belt groove

16 16 16 19 19 16
Dimensions in mm 66 (2.6)
60 (2.4)

The most common way to add additional equipment,

such as hydraulic pumps, water pumps, refrigerators,
compressors, etc. is to use an additional pulley on the
crankshaft. The equipment must be mounted on the
engine, as otherwise the belt tension will vary due to
the engine movements.
The Universal bracket, see page 106, is suitable to
use for this type of installations.

Power Take-off positions for KAD43/44/300

The KAMD engines are more sensitive to additional

load on the crankshaft in an upward direction.
Therefore the only allowed position for additional
equipment driven from a crankshaft mounted pulley is
as shown on the picture.
Resultant force from belt (belts): ± 15° from the ver-
tical line.
Maximal torque extra V-belt pulley: 45 Nm (33lbf ft).

The Volvo Penta universal bracket must be modified

locally to be used for these engines.

15° 15°

Power take-off

Recommendations to front Power Take-off with drive shaft

AD series: 200 Nm (147 lbf ft)

KAD series: 100 Nm (73 lbf ft)

5 (0.2)
1. Bearings
2. Flexible coupling

62 (2.4)
80 (3.2)
3. Belt pulley

Max. 100

9 (0.35) x
This type of power take off may be used when more 6
power than allowed with a crankshaft mounted pulley
is required or the equipment is considered too heavy Dimensions in mm
to be fitted to the engine.
The figure shows one concept of how to utilise the
crankshaft power in-line when all side thrusts are tak-
en up by the bearings (1). The torque figures are maxi-
mum levels. Flexible coupling (2) must be calculated
by the coupling supplier.

Extra alternators
In order to facilitate the installation of extra alternators
tailor made kits are available from Volvo Penta.
For detailed installation instructions please see the
mounting instruction that is delivered with the kits.

Extra alternator, KAD43/44/300

NOTE! Extra alternator cannot be installled on en-

gines with power steering.
Alternator 12V 60 Amp.
24V 40 Amp.

Power take-off

Extra alternator, AD31/41

NOTE! Extra alternator cannot be installled on engines with power steering. For installation of extra alternator use
the universal bracket, see page 106.

Alternator 12V 50 Amp.

24V 25 Amp.

376 mm (14.8 in) max.

Alternator 12V 130 Amp.

24V 100 Amp.

256 mm (10

411 mm (16.2

411 mm (16.2 in)

Power take-off

Universal bracket, AD31/41

The front mounted universal bracket enables installa-
tion of extra equipment such as fridge compressor or
hydraulic pump.
38 (1.5)

Maximum Power Take-off:

45 Nm (33 lbf. ft.) total load
15 Nm (11 lbf. ft.)/belt groove

Dimensions in mm
Diam. 165 (6.5)

Diam. 165 (6.5)

16 16 16 19 19 16

60 (2.4) 66 (2.6)

Belt pulley Belt pulley

3 x type HC50 3 x type B

234 (9.2) 76

Dimensions in mm

Oil and coolant drain systems


5 3

1. Waste fluid
2. Pump
6 3. Valve block
4. Coolant drain connection
5. Engine oil drain connection
Engine installations in boats and vessels, carry the
6. Pipe to drain the bilge
potential for negative impact on the environment. The
liquids necessary are harmful and should be handled
in a safe way.
The figure above shows a concept of how this could
be solved via a central waste pump connected to the
important positions in the engine room.
The systems must comply with local ruling and legis-

Oil draining pump

An electrically powered draining pump for oil is also
available as extra equipment. This pump is installed in
a suitable position by using a bracket. The pump can
be run in the desired direction by changing the polarity
of the cables.
The oil hoses should have a shut off valve or beeing
connected only when changing oil to avoid the risk of
accidental draining.


General Underwater hull

Most countries have introduced legislation controlling Anti fouling agent containing copper oxide can in-
the use of anti-fouling agents. In some cases these crease the risk of galvanic corrosion and therefore
agents are completely forbidden for use on leisure should never be used.
craft. In these cases ask your Volvo Penta dealer
for advice about alternative methods. IMPORTANT! Never paint all the way forward to
the shield, this can increase the risk of galvanic
IMPORTANT! Find out what regulations apply to corrosion. Leave an area of 10 mm (1/2”) around
the use of anti-fouling agents. the shield unpainted.

The paintwork is part of the drive’s anti-corrosion pro-
tection and it is therefore important that any paintwork
damage is remedied.
Sand down metal surfaces lightly using a 120 grade
paper and a finer grade for painted surfaces. Wash off
using thinners or similar. Any pores in the surface
should be filled and sanded down.
Paint using Volvo Penta original primer and topcoat.
Let the paint dry.
The drive should be painted with Volvo Penta anti-fou-
ling to prevent fouling. Apply according to the instruc-
tions on the packaging.

IMPORTANT! The sacrificial anodes on the

drive must not be painted.


For AD31/41 and KAD32 both aluminium (A-series) Install the propellers as follows:
and stainless steel (C-series) propellers may be used. Set the control in position “FORWARD”.
For KAD43/44 and KAD300 only stainless steel (C-se-
ries) propellers should be used. Grease the propeller shaft using Volvo Penta water re-
sistant grease and fit washer (1) the propeller (2).
Check which speed range the boat in question oper- Tighten the nut (3), using the tools supplied
ates in, and select the correct propeller. Refer to pro-
peller recommendations. Tightening torque: 70-80 Nm (52-59 lbf.ft).
NOTE! Front and rear propellers of different size or Set the control in position “REVERSE”.
material should not be combined on one drive. Thereafter, install the thrust washer (4) and the propel-
ler (5). Place a plastic washer (6) on the propeller
cone (7). Place a washer (8)on the screw (9) and tight-
en the screw in the propeller shaft.
Tightening torque: 70-80 Nm (52-59 lbf.ft).

NOTE! The thrust washers are to be used in place of

the line cutters. Do not use thrust washers together
with line cutters.

Set the control in position “NEUTRAL” prior to start-

ing the engine.

Launching the boat

Check before launching:

- Install the batteries in their compartment and at-
tach the battery leads.
- Check that all valves at through hull fittings are

- Sterndrive oil:
Oil capacity, oil quality and viscosity. See
Operator’s Manual.

- Check that the correct propeller sizes are fitted.

Launch the boat.

Check before starting the engine:

- Open valves at through hull fittings one by one
- Check for leakages in hull and through hull fittings
- Open valves for external systems, hot water circuit

- That all drain cocks are closed and all drain plugs
are installed.

- Engine oil:
The oil capacity, oil quality and viscosity. See
Operator’s Manual.

Lanuching the boat

- Oil level, hydraulic pump, power trim:

Trim in the drive as far as possible. Check that the
oil level is between the max and min. marks on the
reservoir. Top up if necessary. See Operator’s
NOTE! Observe strict cleanliness so that dirt is
not drawn in by the oil.
If the system has been drained, fill up with new oil
and trim the drive 6–10 times in and out to purge
air from the system. Check the oil level and top up
if necessary.

Should the low pressure hoses (B) and high

pressure hoses (A) need to be disconnected for
any reason it is vital that they be reconnected to
the correct hose connection. The figs. show how
the hoses shall be connected on the inside and
outside of the transom shield.

- KAD engines:
Compressor oil. The oil capacity, oil quality and MAX
viscosity. See Operator’s Manual.

- Oil level in Power Steering system:

Check that the oil level is between the max and
min. marks on the reservoir. Top up if necessary.
Oil quality and viscosity. See Operator’s Manual.

- Oil level in hydraulic steering system if fitted.

- Coolant level:
Filling of coolant see chapter Coolant, page 51
and Filling with coolant, page 52.

Launching the boat

- Fill up with fuel.

- Fuel pre-filter:
Remove the lid and fill the filter with clean diesel
fuel. Install the lid and tighten it by hand. Wipe off
any diesel fuel which may have collected on the
heat shield. Check that the tap handle is in the
open position (all on) if a twin filter has been

- Open the fuel cocks and vent the fuel system.

- Check that the sterndrive is lowered.
- Run the bilge blower (if fitted) 2–3 minutes prior to
starting the engine.
- Run the boat to check that the sterndrive does not
cavitate, for instance when making sharp turns.
Should the sterndrive cavitate, it can depend on, in
a twin installation, the “Toe-in”-angle needing
adjustment, see page 37, or that an extension
must be installed. Check if the maximum engine
speed can be obtained, see Operator’s Manual.
Should the maximum engine speed not be
obtained, the wrong type of propeller might be
installed. Also the boat might be loaded in a way
that results in a bad running attitude position in the

Lanuching the boat

Starting the engine

- Starting procedures:
See Operator’s Manual for each engine.

Check while the engine is running at

- For leakage in fuel system and cooling system.
Check pipes and hoses

- Instruments and gauges are working and showing

correct values

- Function of steering system.

- Equipment such as navigation lights, instruments

etc. is working correctly.

Stop the engine. Check:

- Engine oil level
- Coolant level

After sea trial, check:

- Oil level in Power Steering and Power Trim

Sea trial

Check when test running the boat:

- Instruments
Check engine rpm, oil pressure, coolant tempera-
ture and charging voltage

- Check engine installation for water, coolant, oil and

fuel leaks
- Check if the maximum engine speed can be ob-
tained, see the Operator’s Manual. Should the
maximum engine speed not be obtained, the wrong
size propeller might be installed. Also, the boat
might be loaded in a way that results in a bad
running attitude position in the water.

Check over the whole speed range:

- That the engine room temperature is kept at an ac-
ceptable level
- Abnormal noise and vibrations
- Verify that the steering and controls are correctly
connected and correspond to the boat’s move-


References to service bulletins

Group No. Date Concerns













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AB Volvo Penta
Technical Information
SE-405 08 Göteborg
7741534-7 English 08-2001

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