B 1400 Agr1700000016 04

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The following documentation is an electronically‐

submitted vendor response to an advertised

solicitation from the West Virginia Purchasing
Bulletin within the Vendor Self‐Service portal at
wvOASIS.gov. As part of the State of West
Virginia’s procurement process, and to maintain the
transparency of the bid‐opening process, this
documentation submitted online is publicly posted
by the West Virginia Purchasing Division at
WVPurchasing.gov with any other vendor
responses to this solicitation submitted to the
Purchasing Division in hard copy format.
Purchasing Division State of West Virginia
2019 Washington Street East
Solicitation Response
Post Office Box 50130
Charleston, WV 25305-0130

Proc Folder : 317430

Solicitation Description : Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

Proc Type : Central Purchase Order

Date issued Solicitation Closes Solicitation Response Version

2017-05-18 SR 1400 ESR05181700000005674 1



Solicitation Number: CRFQ 1400 AGR1700000016

Total Bid : $122,526.49 Response Date: 2017-05-18 Response Time: 12:59:46

Comments: Agilent Technologies, Inc. (Agilent) is pleased to respond to the above referenced Solicitation with 2
separate proposals. Agilent can Meet and Exceed all of the specifications In Section 3 General
Requirements of the RFQ with both our Model 7800 and 7900 ICPMS Systems. The highly
competitive proposal for the Agilent 7800 system is sufficient to meet and exceed as explained in the
detailed Technical Response to the specifications. The Agilent 7900 System will also meet and
greatly exceed all of the specifications however we believe that the world's bestselling 7900 ICP-MS,
which has become the instrument of choice for the large majority of all environmental laboratories
nationwide, offers greatly enhanced value for the modest increase in price as demonstrated in the
separate detailed Technical Response for the 7900 System. We ask you to please evaluate both
proposals and feel free to contact Agilent if you would like more clarification.


Tara Lyle
(304) 558-2544
[email protected]

Signature on File
All offers subject to all terms and conditions contained in this solicitation

Page : 1 FORM ID : WV-PRC-SR-001

Line Comm Ln Desc Qty Unit Issue Unit Price Ln Total Or Contract Amount
1 ICP-MS Autosampler, computer, 1.00000 EA $110,558.490000 $110,558.49

Comm Code Manufacturer Specification Model #


Extended Description : ICP-MS Autosampler, computer, software

Line Comm Ln Desc Qty Unit Issue Unit Price Ln Total Or Contract Amount
2 Shipping Charges & Inside Delivery 1.00000 EA $0.000000 $0.00

Comm Code Manufacturer Specification Model #


Extended Description : Shipping Charges & Inside Delivery

Comments: Included in Item 1

Line Comm Ln Desc Qty Unit Issue Unit Price Ln Total Or Contract Amount
3 Installation/Validation 1.00000 EA $0.000000 $0.00

Comm Code Manufacturer Specification Model #


Extended Description : Installation/Validation

Comments: Included in Item 1

Line Comm Ln Desc Qty Unit Issue Unit Price Ln Total Or Contract Amount
4 Training/Warranty 1.00000 EA $7,828.000000 $7,828.00

Comm Code Manufacturer Specification Model #


Extended Description : Training/Warranty

Page : 2
Line Comm Ln Desc Qty Unit Issue Unit Price Ln Total Or Contract Amount
5 Preventative maintenance 1.00000 EA $4,140.000000 $4,140.00

Comm Code Manufacturer Specification Model #


Extended Description : Preventative maintenance

Page : 3
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 800 227 9770 telephone
LSCA Customer Sales and Service 2850 302 993 5941 facsimile
Centerville Road, MS 3N3 Wilmington, www.agilent.com
DE 19808

May 18, 2017 via WVOASIS: [email protected]

State of West Virginia

Department of Administration, Purchasing Division
2019 Washington Street East
Charleston, WV 25305-0130
Attn: Tara Lyle

Reference: Solicitation No. CRFQ 1400 AGR1700000016

Agilent Technologies, Inc. (Agilent) is pleased to respond to the above referenced Solicitation
with 2 separate proposals. Agilent can Meet and Exceed all of the specifications In Section 3
General Requirements of the RFQ with both our Model 7800 and 7900 ICPMS Systems. The
highly competitive proposal for the Agilent 7800 system is sufficient to meet and exceed as
explained in the detailed Technical Response to the specifications.
The Agilent 7900 System will also meet and greatly exceed all of the specifications however
we believe that the world’s bestselling 7900 ICP-MS, which has become the instrument of
choice for the large majority of all environmental laboratories nationwide, offers greatly
enhanced value for the modest increase in price as demonstrated in the separate detailed
Technical Response for the 7900 System.
We ask you to please evaluate both proposals and feel free to contact Agilent if you would
like more clarification.

Agilent is bidding in accordance with the attached quotations 2290454 for the 7800 and
2290536 for the 7900, which are hereby incorporated by reference. Please reference the
Quotation number on any award. The terms and conditions of this proposal and for any
resulting order shall be subject to Agilent’s standard Terms of Sale, Exhibit E16 which is
attached and hereby incorporated by reference.

If you have questions regarding Agilent’s products listed on the Technical Response, please
contact Rick Browning at 304-840-4752. If you have other questions regarding Agilent’s
response, please contact the undersigned at 302-636-8071.

Sincerely yours,
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Tom Fenton
Bids Technical Response Specialist
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 800 227 9770 telephone
LSCA Customer Sales and Service 2850 302 993 5941 facsimile
Centerville Road, MS 3N3 Wilmington, www.agilent.com
DE 19808

May 18, 2017 via WVOASIS: [email protected]

State of West Virginia

Department of Administration, Purchasing Division
2019 Washington Street East
Charleston, WV 25305-0130
Attn: Tara Lyle

Reference: Solicitation No. CRFQ 1400 AGR1700000016

Agilent Technologies, Inc. (Agilent) is pleased to respond to the above referenced Solicitation
with 2 separate proposals. Agilent can Meet and Exceed all of the specifications In Section 3
General Requirements of the RFQ with both our Model 7800 and 7900 ICPMS Systems. The
highly competitive proposal for the Agilent 7800 system is sufficient to meet and exceed as
explained in the detailed Technical Response to the specifications.
The Agilent 7900 System will also meet and greatly exceed all of the specifications however
we believe that the world’s bestselling 7900 ICP-MS, which has become the instrument of
choice for the large majority of all environmental laboratories nationwide, offers greatly
enhanced value for the modest increase in price as demonstrated in the separate detailed
Technical Response for the 7900 System.
We ask you to please evaluate both proposals and feel free to contact Agilent if you would
like more clarification.

Agilent is bidding in accordance with the attached quotations 2290454 for the 7800 and
2290536 for the 7900, which are hereby incorporated by reference. Please reference the
Quotation number on any award. The terms and conditions of this proposal and for any
resulting order shall be subject to Agilent’s standard Terms of Sale, Exhibit E16 which is
attached and hereby incorporated by reference.

If you have questions regarding Agilent’s products listed on the Technical Response, please
contact Rick Browning at 304-840-4752. If you have other questions regarding Agilent’s
response, please contact the undersigned at 302-636-8071.

Sincerely yours,
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Tom Fenton
Bids Technical Response Specialist
Bids Response Technical Specialist

Tom Fenton, Bids Response Technical Specialist

2850 Centerville Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808

800-227-9770 / 302-993-5941

[email protected]

Agilent Technologies, Inc

Tom Fenton, Bids Response Technical Specialist


800-227-9770 302-993-5941
Agilent 7800 ICP-MS with Data
System, Software and SPS-4
Autosampler $110,558.49

Included with Item 3.1.1

0.00 $0.00
Included with Item 3.1.1
$0.00 $0.00

$7,828.00 $7,828.00

$4,140.00 $4,140.00






[email protected]

Tom Fenton, Bids Response Technical Specialist

Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page
Brenda Keavey
2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 1 of 8
West Virginia Department of
Agriculture Contact Phone no. Valid to
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301
To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

CRFQ 1400 AGR1700000016 18MAY2017

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

G8421A 1.000 EA 168,393.00 USD 75,776.85- 92,616.15

Agilent 7800 ICP-MS mainframe with He

cell gas line

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA

Installation (44K)
Familiarization at Installation (44L)

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

G7215C 1.000 EA 13,709.00 USD 6,169.05- 7,539.95

ICP-MS Workstation PC bundle for

7700, 7800, 7900, 8800 and 8900.
Includes PC, Windows 7 64 bit
OS, Monitor and Printer but does not
include ICP-MS MassHunter software
license for ICP-MS instrument if
either of option #001-#005 is not

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA
MassHunter Software For 7800 ICP-MS
Installation (44K)
1 Year SW Update/Phone Assist (44W)

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

G7206C 1.000 EA 3,041.00 USD 1,368.45- 1,672.55

Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 2 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

ICP-MS MassHunter Intelligent Sequence

Software option.
Provides comprehensive real-time QC, action
on failure and reporting functions for
compliance with US EPA and similiar require-
ments for 7700, 7800, 7900, 8800 and 8900.

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA

Installation (44K)
Familiarization at Installation (44L)

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

5185-5850 1.000 EA 613.00 USD 275.85- 337.15

ICP-MS Checkout Solutions

Installation checkout solutions kit
required by the Agilent installation
engineer to validate the Agilent 7700
performance on site.
Contains tuning solution, dual mode (1),
dual mode(2),wash and water blank solutions

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

G1879B 1.000 EA 1,717.00 USD 772.65- 944.35

Heat exchanger
PolyScience Model 3370 Air Cooled Recirculator
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 3 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price
With the following configuration:
Ship-to Country : USA

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

CP17976 1.000 EA 618.00 USD 278.10- 339.90

Gas Clean Carrier Gas filter kit

(includes 1 connecting unit 1/8" and
2 Carrier Gas filters)

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

8710-1709 1.000 EA 32.30 USD 14.54- 17.76

Cutter, tube

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

G3270-65035 1.000 EA 204.00 USD 91.80- 112.20

Stainless steel tubing, 1/8in od, 6m.

Used for For external cell gas line
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 4 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price
Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

CP7981 1.000 EA 41.15 USD 18.52- 22.63

Wall Mounting Bracket, Gas Clean

Wall Mounting Bracket for 1-position
connecting unit only

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

0101-1536 1.000 EA 342.00 USD 153.90- 188.10

Gas regulator, Helium for ICP-MS.

2 stage, brass body, stainless steel
diaphragm, CGA580 Inlet 3000psi, 15psi
outlet, 30psi gauge + 1/8" Swagelok.

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

G8415A 1.000 EA 12,305.00 USD 5,537.25- 6,767.75

SPS 4 autosampler for ICP-MS products.

Optional cover kit not included.

With the following configuration:

Integrated Cover Kit (002) : Selected
Extraction Duct Hosing (003) : Selected
Dual Port Reservoir Kit (004) : Selected
Ship-to Country : USA
SPS 4 Integrated cover kit
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 5 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price
Duct Hose 50mm-id
SPS 4 Dual Port Reservoir Kit
Installation (44K)
Familiarization at Installation (44L)

Special discount of 45.00 % is applied.

H2149A 1.000 EA 9,785.00 USD 1,957.00- 7,828.00

Method and Application Consulting

On-site consulting for a maximum of 4
participants. Certificates and manuals
not included.

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA
Three Day On-site (Includes Travel)

Special discount of 20.00 % is applied.

SYS-IM-7900 1.000 EA 5,175.00 USD 1,035.00- 4,140.00

ICPMS 7900 System

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA

CrossLab Preventive Maintenance

Special discount of 20.00 % is applied.

Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 6 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

Gross Amount : $ 215,975.45

Total Discount : $ 93,448.96
Net Amount : $ 122,526.49

Total : $ 122,526.49
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 7 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

TO PLACE AN ORDER, Agilent offers several options:

1) Visit http://www.agilent.com/chem/supplies to place online orders using a purchase order or credit card.
2) Call 1-800-227-9770 (option 1) any weekday between 8am and 8 pm Eastern time in the U.S., Canada & Puerto Rico.
3) To place an order for Consumables, please fax the order to 302-633-8901.
To place an instrument and/or software order, please fax the order to 302-633-8953.
To place an order for Genomics, please fax the order to 512-321-3128, or email to [email protected]
4) Or you can mail your order to:
Agilent Technologies
North American Customer Contact Center
2850 Centerville Road BU3-2
Wilmington, DE 19808-1610
To place an order, the following information is required:
· Purchase order number or credit card, delivery date, ship to, invoice to, end user, and quote number.
. GSA customers please provide GSA contract #.
EXCLUSIVE OFFERS FOR NEW INSTRUMENT CUSTOMERS, go to www.agilent.com/chem/exclusiveoffers
1) Visit http://www.agilent.com/chem/supplies to check the status of your order.
2) Call 1-800-227-9770 (option 1) any weekday between 8 am and 8 pm Eastern time, in the U.S., Canada &
Puerto Rico. You will need to know the purchase order or credit card number the order was placed on.
FINANCING AND LEASING - A wide range of options are available. For more information or to discuss how monthly payments could suit your
operational or budgetary requirements,contact your Agilent Account Manager.


· Pricing: Web prices are provided only for the U.S. in U.S.dollars. All phone prices are in local currency and for end use.
Applicable local taxes are applied.
· All Sales Tax is subject to change at the time of order.
· Shipping and Handling Charges: Orders with a value less than $4000 or those requiring special services such as overnight
delivery may be subject to additional shipping & handling fees. Some of these charges may be avoided by ordering via the Web
· Payment Terms: Net 30 days from invoice date, subject to credit approval.
* Quotation Validity: This quotation is valid for 60 days unless otherwise indicated.
* Warranty period for instrumentation is 1 year. The Warranty period for columns and consumables is 90 days.
Visit www.agilent.com/chem
· For Training course information and registration including e-Seminars, select Education.
· For Literature, Application notes, and other information, select Library.
· For Online Technical Support including the Technical Support Assistant and Frequently Asked Questions,
select Technical Support.

It is Agilent Technologies intent to ship product at the earliest available date unless specified otherwise.
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290454 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 8 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

The sale of standard Products and Services referenced in this quotation is subject to the then current version of Agilent's Terms of Sale, and any LSCA Supplemental Terms or other applicable
terms referenced herein. If any Products or Services are manufactured, configured or adapted to meet Customer's requirements, the sale of all Products and Services referenced in this
quotation is subject to the then current version of Agilent's Terms of Sale for Custom Products and any LSCA Supplemental Terms or other applicable terms referenced herein. A copy of
Agilent's Terms of Sale, Agilent's Terms of Sale for Custom Products and the LSCA Supplemental Terms is either attached or has been previously provided to you. Please contact us if you
have not received a copy or require an additional copy. If you have a separate agreement in effect with Agilent covering the sale of Products and Services referenced in this quotation, the terms
of that agreement will apply to those Products and Services. Agilent expressly objects to any different or additional terms in your purchase/sales order documentation, unless agreed to in
writing by Agilent. Product and Service availability dates are estimated at the time of the quotation. Actual delivery dates or delivery windows will be specified at the time Agilent acknowledges
and accepts your purchase order. The above conditions shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by the law. You may have other statutory or legal rights available. Commodities, technology or
software exported from the United States of America ("U.S.") or from other exporting countries will be subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and all exporting countries' export
laws and regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S. law and the applicable export laws and regulations is prohibited.

These Terms of Sale (“Terms”) govern the sale of Products and Service and the license of Software by Agilent Technologies,
Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Agilent”). “Product” means any standard hardware or consumables sold or standard Software
licensed under these Terms, including Products manufactured or configured to meet Customer requirements (“Custom
Products”). “Software” means one or more computer programs and related documentation. “Service” means any standard
support service to support Products, Software updates and maintenance, training, or Service adapted to meet Customer
requirements. “Specifications” means technical information about Products published by Agilent and in effect on the date
Agilent ships the order.

1. SALE AND DELIVERY b) Except as authorized by Agilent in writing or as

permitted by law, Customer will not reverse
a) All orders are subject to acceptance by Agilent. engineer, reverse compile, or reverse assemble
Orders are governed by the applicable trade term Software, modify or translate Software, or copy
specified on the quotation or agreed to by Agilent as Software onto any public or distributed network.
defined in Incoterms 2010.
c) Customer will use Products in accordance with the
b) Prices exclude any applicable sales, value added or Specifications, instructions for use, and the labels
similar tax payable by Customer. provided with the Product. Customer is responsible
c) Unless otherwise indicated on the quotation, prices for ensuring that the way that it uses Products
include shipping and handling charges. Title to complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
hardware and consumable Products will pass to
Customer upon delivery.
d) Cancellation of Product orders and Product returns
are subject to Agilent’s approval and applicable a) Product warranty terms are provided with the
cancellation / return charges in accordance with Product, on quotations, upon request or at
Agilent Order Cancellation and Product Return http://www.agilent.com/info/warranty_terms. Each
Policy, a copy of which may be provided to Product receives a global warranty which includes
Customer upon request. the standard warranty for the country of purchase.
All consumables Products are warranted for ninety
e) For Products without installation included in the (90) days from the date of acceptance. Customer
purchase price, acceptance occurs upon delivery. may receive a different warranty when the Product is
For Products with installation included in the purchased as a part of a system.
purchase price, acceptance occurs when the
Product passes Agilent’s installation and test b) Agilent warrants the Agilent hardware Product
procedures. If Customer schedules or delays against defects in materials and workmanship and
installation by Agilent more than thirty (30) days after that the Product will conform to Specifications.
delivery, acceptance of the Product will occur on the Agilent warrants that Agilent owned standard
thirty-first (31st) day after delivery. Software substantially conforms to Specifications.
f) Payment terms are stated in the quotation or c) If Agilent receives notice of a defect or non-
acknowledgment documentation, and are subject to conformance during the warranty period, Agilent will,
change if Customer’s financial condition or payment at its option, repair or replace the affected Product.
record merits such change. Agilent may discontinue Customer will pay shipping expenses for return of
performance if Customer fails to pay any sum due, such Product to Agilent. Agilent will pay expenses
or fails to perform under this or any other Agilent for shipment of the repaired or replacement Product.
agreement if, after ten (10) days written notice, the
failure has not been cured. d) THE WARRANTIES IN THESE TERMS ARE
a) Agilent grants Customer a worldwide, non-exclusive, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A
license to use Software for internal purposes in PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-
accordance with documentation provided with the INFRINGEMENT.
Software. Agilent license terms or third party license 4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CLAIMS
terms included with such documentation will take
precedence over these license terms. If the a) Agilent will defend or settle any claim against
documentation does not include license terms, Customer that a Product (excluding Custom
Agilent grants Customer a license to use one copy of Products) infringes an intellectual property right,
the Software on one machine or instrument, or a provided Customer promptly notifies Agilent in
license as otherwise stated on the quotation.

E16 Page 1 / 3
Revision Date 1 Nov -2016 Version Number 6

writing and provides control of the defense or b) Agilent will own all copyrights, patents, trade secrets,
settlement, and assistance, to Agilent. trademarks and other intellectual property rights, title
and interest in or pertaining to all Products and
b) In defending or settling an infringement claim under Services delivered to Customer under these Terms.
Section 4a), Agilent will pay infringement claim
defense costs, settlement amounts and court-
awarded damages. If such a claim appears likely,
Agilent may, at its option, modify or replace the 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES
Product or procure any necessary license. If Agilent a) In no event will Agilent, its subcontractors or
determines that none of these alternatives is suppliers be liable for special, incidental, indirect or
reasonably available, Agilent will refund Customer's consequential damages (including downtime costs,
purchase price upon return of the Product. loss of data, restoration costs, or lost profits)
c) Agilent has no obligation for any claim of regardless of whether such claims are based on
infringement arising from: Agilent's compliance with, contract, tort, warranty or any other legal theory,
or use of, Customer's designs, specifications, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
instructions or technical information; Product This exclusion is independent of any remedy set
modifications by Customer or a third party; Product forth in these Terms.
use prohibited by or outside the scope of b) To the extent that limitation is permitted by law,
Specifications or related application notes; or use of Agilent’s liability to Customer is limited to US
the Product with products not supplied by Agilent. $1,000,000 for Custom and Vacuum Products and/or
d) For Products containing nucleic acids or that are Services adapted to meet Customer requirements.
capable of analyzing nucleic acids, in addition to c) The limitations set forth in Sections 6a) and 6b)
Section 4c) above, Agilent has no obligation for any above will not apply to infringement claims under
claim of infringement arising from: any discovery or Section 4, or to damages for bodily injury or death.
product made as a result of using the Product(s); or
any claim based on Gene Patents. Gene Patents d) The remedies in these Terms are Customer’s sole
means a patent claiming the synthesis, detection or and exclusive remedies.
quantification of any particular oligonucleotide
sequence or group of sequences, arrangement of 7. INDEMNIFICATION
such sequences, or copy number of such Agilent will indemnify and hold Customer harmless
sequences, including the correlation of such with an from and against any third party claims for (i) bodily
organism, phenotype or condition. injury or death, or (ii) direct damage to tangible
property, to the extent caused by Agilent’s gross
negligence or willful misconduct in performing its
5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS obligations under these Terms, provided that Agilent
is given prompt written notice and the opportunity to
a) For Custom and Vacuum Products and/or Services, control the defense of the claim or settlement, and
the following terms would apply - subject to the limitation of liabilities set forth in Section
i. Subject to the licenses provided in these Terms, 6.
each party will retain all copyrights, trade secrets, 8. GENERAL
trademarks and other intellectual property rights in
its pre-existing intellectual property. a) Agilent will store and use Customer’s personal data
in accordance with Agilent’s Privacy Statement,
ii. Customer grants Agilent a non-exclusive, available at www.agilent.com/go/privacy. Agilent will
worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, make not sell, rent or lease Customer's personal data to
derivative works of, distribute, display, disclose, others.
perform and transmit Customer’s pre-existing
copyrighted works or other intellectual property b) Terms for Service are available at
rights necessary for Agilent to perform its http://www.agilent.com/info/service_terms, upon
obligations under these Terms. To the extent any request, or as otherwise indicated on the quotation.
of Customer’s pre-existing intellectual property is
incorporated within any Product, Customer grants c) The parties agree to comply with applicable laws and
to Agilent a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, regulations. Agilent may suspend performance if
royalty-free, transferable license to make, have Customer is in violation of applicable laws or
made, sell, offer for sale, copy, make derivative regulations.
works of, distribute, display, disclose, perform, d) Customer who exports, re-exports, or transfers
import and sublicense such pre-existing products, technology or technical data purchased
intellectual property. hereunder assumes all responsibility for complying
with applicable U.S. and all other laws and

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Revision Date 1 Nov -2016 Version Number 6

regulations (“Applicable Laws”), and for obtaining

required export authorizations. Customer expressly
agrees not to sell or otherwise transfer products,
technology or technical data to companies or
persons on the Denied Parties List and Specially
Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, or
to any other prohibited parties or restricted
destinations listed in Applicable Laws, unless
properly authorized by the appropriate
government(s). Agilent may suspend performance if
Customer is in violation of Applicable Laws. Further
information on restricted destinations can be
obtained from - http://www.bis.doc.gov.
e) Use, distribution or disclosure of Products by the U.S
Government is subject to DFARS 227.7202-3
(Rights in Commercial Computer Software), DFARS
252.227-7015 (Technical Data – Commercial Items),
and FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
Software- Restricted Rights).
f) Disputes arising in connection with these Terms will
be governed by the laws of the State of California.
g) To the extent that any provision or a portion of any
provision of these Terms is determined to be illegal
or unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms will
remain in full force and effect.
h) The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods will not apply to these
i) Products are not specifically designed, manufactured
or intended for sale as parts, components or
assemblies for the planning, construction,
maintenance or direct operation of a nuclear facility.
Agilent shall not be liable for any damages resulting
from such use.
j) These Terms and any supplemental terms
applicable to the order constitute the entire
agreement between Agilent and Customer, and
supersede any previous communications,
representations or agreements between the parties,
whether oral or written, regarding transactions
hereunder. Customer's additional or different terms
and conditions will not apply.
k) Agilent may assign or transfer any of its rights or
obligations under these Terms upon notice in
connection with a merger, reorganization, transfer,
sale of assets or product lines, demerger or spin-off
transaction or change of control or ownership of
Agilent, or its permitted successive assignees or

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Revision Date 1 Nov -2016 Version Number 6
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument

3.1 Mandatory Contract Item Requirements: Contract Item must meet or exceed the
mandatory requirements listed below for the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
3.1.1 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The ICP-MS must have an RF (radio frequency) plasma ion source,
a quadrupole based universal cell, a quadrupole mass filter, a
quadrupole ion deflector, dual stage discrete dynode detector, a
triple cone interface and all under computer control. Additional
equipment required is an autosampler (60 sample minimum),
computer, monitor, and software for the quantitation of metals.
Agilent Technologies with its 7800 ICP-MS meets and exceeds all of the
specifications on Request for Quotation CRFQ AGR1700000016. The
Agilent 7800 is a compact benchtop ICP-MS with an open architecture
sample introduction area. The footprint for both the ICP-MS and the
autosampler is
smaller than 72” x
36”. The 7800
combines the
simplicity of a single
collision cell mode for
interference removal
with the superior
matrix tolerance of its
unique High Matrix
Introduction (HMI)
system. Fourth
generation Octopole Reaction System (ORS4) cell technology provides
higher sensitivity and more effective interference removal than ever
before in complex, high matrix environmental samples. Helium mode
on the ORS4 is so effective that interference correction equations can
also be eliminated. These two factors redefine ease of use in ICP-MS,
removing two of the most common causes of errors in multi-element
analysis of complex samples.
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument ICP-MS must be equipped with universal cell technology able to

operate in standard mode, collision mode, and reaction mode.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification
The 7800 Series incorporates a new, 4th generation cell, the
ORS4, which provides superior interference removal in He
mode while maintaining optimal ion focusing.

• Enables fast analysis with uniform conditions, for

stability and consistent interference removal
• Provides both high ion transmission and superior ion
focusing, minimizing ion scattering at the high cell
required for
effective KED
• He cell mode as
• Only the
combination of
narrow ion
distribution (due
to ShieldTorch) and the 7800’s unique octopole-based
cell enables efficient removal of interferences using an
inert cell gas (He) and KED. He mode provides several
critical advantages compared to reactive cell gases.
• He mode is effective for all polyatomic interferences,
not just reactive polyatomics
• The cell gas can be changed with minimal switching
time (<5 sec).
• He is inert, so no new interferences are produced,
regardless of the matrix
• Unlike a reactive cell gas, He does not react with
analytes, so consistent and predictable sensitivity is
• He mode is suitable for all analytes (no-gas mode can be
used for un-interfered analytes) and can be used
reliably for completely unknown sample matrices - a
unique capability of the Agilent ICP-MS.
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument Must be capable of detecting trace metals in matrices such as

foods, soil, vegetation, animal feed, fertilizer and water.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification The quadrupole must be able to scan a minimum of 5000

Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification High mass range must be 285 amu or greater.

Agilent proposal meets and exceeds the practical aspects of this
specification. Uranium at 238amu is the heaviest element
mentioned in US EPA methodology Method 200.8; Method SW 846-
6020; FDA Forensic Chemistry Center SOP T026 (002); AOAC
968.081); AOAC 985.01; AOAC 2006.03; AOAC 965.09 or AOAC
982.01. The Agilent will analyze any of the elements mentioned in
these methods. Must have full compliance or exceed performance of US EPA

methodology for Method 200.8; Method SW 846-6020; FDA
Forensic Chemistry Center SOP T026 (002); AOAC 968.081);
AOAC 985.01; AOAC 2006.03; AOAC 965.09; AOAC 982.01.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification The instrument operates in helium collision cell mode to

eliminate interference for isobaric polyatomic species via kinetic
energy discrimination.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. In 2001
Agilent was the first company to use He and Kinetic Energy
Discrimination (KED) to eliminate interference for isobaric
polyatomic species. Tuning for low oxide and low double charged species is
important for minimizing interference.
Agilent proposal greatly exceeds this specification
When tuning an ICP-MS, the minimization of interferences is
equally important to high sensitivity and low background
performance. A low cerium oxide ratio (Ceo/Ce) is the most
commonly used indicator of plasma robustness and
interference formation. Many factors can influence the
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument

formation of interferences; from a high efficiency RF generator

and wide torch injector to low sample uptake rates. The typical
ICPMS in the market operates at 2% to 3% CeO/Ce ratios. That
means that of all the cerium introduced in the system about 3%
will form a polyatomic interference and be shifted to a
different mass. The importance of reducing this value while
tuning is because this newly form polyatomic interference can
negatively affect the quantitation of other elements.
The Agilent's unique and patented technology of the High
Matrix Introduction (HMI) accessory enables the Agilent ICP-
MS to operate at unprecedented levels of robustness (down to
0.2% CeO/Ce), which greatly reduces matrix suppression,
making the analysis of high matrix samples more reliable and
accurate than ever before with ICP-MS.
The reduction of CeO from 3% to 0.3% translates into a 90%
reduction of interferences.
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument Capable to switch between hydrogen and helium reaction gas

Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. The 7800 ORS
can switch between hydrogen and helium in less than 10 sec. All analytical system operations from component optimization

to methods development, calibration, analysis and to reports
must be able to be performed using a single software program.
The Agilent proposal meets or exceeds the requirements.
The ICP-MS MassHunter software controls all instrument
operations including Method Setup, Tuning, Data Acquisition,
Data Analysis and Reporting. The user-friendly graphical
interface operates under Windows 7 64bit and allows quick
and easy set-up and routine operation of the instrument, as
well as integrated Maintenance scheduling tools. System must have a full color plasma view window for useful
visuals on the sampler cone, plasma color and injector tip.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. With the
Agilent 7800 the user has plain view from the top and from the side
of the plasma, the sampler cone and the injector tip. Capable of manually entering weights, volumes and a unique

run label.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. Automatically calculates dilution factor.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. Operating system must be fully integrated to control ICP-MS.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. Software updates will be provided at no additional cost.
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. All Agilent
software updates to the same version are free of charged and
available for user download at the Agilent website.
ICP-MS MassHunter software version 4.3 was specifically designed to
support the 7800/7900/8900 ICP-MS as well as providing backward
compatibility to the existing 7700 and 8800 instruments.
MassHunter 4.3 provides complete control of configuration,
method setup, data acquisition, data processing and reporting.
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument

ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 runs on the Windows 7 Professional

(64-bit) operating system.
Advanced functions including Intelligent Sequencing and
Chromatographic Data are included in Agilent's proposal.
The new ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 maintains all the power and
functionality of the previous version, but with an emphasis on
simpler, more intuitive and more flexible operation.
Some functions and features include:
• Operates on Windows 7®, 64 bit
• Direct control of accessories and peripherals, such as
autosamplers and Agilent LC and GC systems
• Comprehensive diagnostic and Early Maintenance
Feedback (EMF) tools
• Support for mobile devices via the Agilent ICP-MS
Mobile app for iOS and Android mobile devices.
• Pre-defined analysis using “Pre-Set Methods” and Pre-
Set Plasma Conditions, including multilevel aerosol
dilution with HMI or UHMI
• Intelligent Method Wizard (interactive mode)
• Fast and reproducible auto-tuning with tune status and
current signal display
• Acquisition Batch for integrated method and sequence
setup (Acquisition & Tune conditions, Data Analysis
parameters and Sample List)
• Queue view for flexible, interactive sequencing with
scheduled task list, current sequence status, and real-
time display including configurable “Monitor” function
and run time indicator
• Quick Scan for fast screening analysis
• Batch Table overview of Data Analysis results, with real-
time update during sequence run
• Advanced rinse programs including Pre-emptive Rinse
and Intelligent Rinse
• Time Program and Time Resolved Analysis (optional)
• Interactive data view – shows internal standard
recovery and analyte concentration on calibration plot
for current sample
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument

• Calibration overview with flexible real-time editing of

calibration parameters
• Consistent data analysis view for spectrum and
chromatographic data
• Real-time plotting of ISTD and QC results
• user defined action on QC failure
• Advanced tools for spectral analysis and
semiquantitative analysis, including overlay and
• automated isotopic template update
• Fast and simple link to Excel 2013 for reporting and data
export (e.g. to LIMS)
• Integrated instrument and run control for Agilent
7890GC and common 1200 Infinity LC modules
• Comprehensive chromatographic data analysis,
including compound-specific integration, area/peak-
sum, overlay/invert
• Snapshot for preview analysis of currently acquiring
time resolved data
• Isotope ratio/isotope dilution analysis included.
• Intelligent Method Wizard including fully
• automated method creation
• Support for Fast Transient Signal monitoring
• Support for Ultra HMI (UHMI)
• User configurable “Startup” and Autotune
• Standard QC Action on Failure functions
• Status Viewer shows quick overview of instrument
hardware and operational status
• A simple, new, drag and drop custom report template
generator that does not require Excel. Computer includes mouse, minimum 19 inch color monitor,

keyboard, DVD-RW drive, at least 2 USB ports, and printing
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. The Agilent
proposal includes the following computer.
Model HP Z240 Small Form Factor Workstation
HP EliteDisplay E222 21.5-inch IPS Monitor
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument

Windows 7 Professional, 64bit, SP1

Intel® Xeon® E3-1225v5 (3.3 GHz, 8MB cache, 4 cores)
4 GB (DDR4)
500 GB 7200 rpm SATA Optical Drive
HP DVD-RW SuperMulti Drive
Intel HD Graphics P530
Integrated Realtek HD ALC221
8x USB 3.0 (2 in front, 6 rear)
2x USB 2.0 (2 in front)
RS232 Serial Port (2 in total)
Keyboard, Optical Scroll Mouse
Dimensions (W x D x H) 3.95 x 15.0 x 13.3
Weight 12.66 lbs

3.1.3 Shipping Equipment must be delivered within 90 Days after receipt of
Agilent proposal meets and exceeds this specification. The bidder must explain the details of its proposed packaging
sizes for the deliverable(s). All equipment must be packaged and
capable of fitting through access doors.
The specification is noted and accepted. In the bid package there is a
copy of the site preparation manual that details all of the requirements
for installation.
The Agilent 7800/7900 ICP- MS, its data system and accessories
will be delivered to your site in large and small shipping
The largest shipping container will weight 347lbs and with
dimensions of 34” X 40” X 40”. The containers will be delivered
in a large truck. The laboratory must furnish a forklift, or other
suitable lifting device, and make arrangements to unload
the truck and transport the containers to your site. All doorways,
hallways, floors and elevators must be able to accommodate the
largest, heaviest container. Do not open any of the shipping
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument

containers unless a representative of Agilent Technologies is

The unboxed instrument and component sizes are detailed below in
Table 2.

3.1.4 Installation Vendor must be on-site for delivery and perform the installation
(labor and supplies included) of the ICP-MS.
The specification is noted and accepted. Agilent proposal includes
installation and familiarization. The vendor must provide a written validation of the instrument's

performance after installation.
The specification is noted and accepted. Agilent will provide a written
validation of the instrument’s performance after installation. Installation shall be performed by the Vendor who shall agree to

have an adequate number of trained staff and materials within
30 days of completion of the installation checklist.
The specification is noted and accepted.
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument

3.1.5 Validation The vendor must provide a written validation of the instrument's

performance after installation.
The specification is noted and accepted. Agilent will provide a written
validation of the instrument’s performance after installation.

3.1.6 Warranty Vendor will provide a full one-year parts and labor warranty on
all items, including preventative maintenances that are
recommended by the Vendor's preventative maintenance service
The specification is noted and accepted. The Agilent proposal includes
a full one-year parts and labor warranty on all items, including a
preventative maintenance visit.

3.1.7 Training Vendor will provide on-site training (labor and non-consumables

supplies included) for all instruments and software.
The specification is noted and accepted. The Agilent proposal
includes 3 days of on-site training.

3.1.8 Preventive Maintenance Preventative maintenance services shall be performed by the

Vendor who shall agree to have an adequate number of trained
staff and replacement parts available in order to comply with the
requirements in and
The specification is noted and accepted. Vendor must respond to service calls within 24 hours.

The specification is noted and accepted.
CRFQ AGR1700000016
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Instrument Vendor must be capable of performing all requests for repairs

and/or service within three business days of request.
The specification is noted and accepted. After any preventative maintenance or repairs have been

completed on a particular instrument, the Vendor shall guarantee
the accuracy and precision of the instrument at the location
where the instrument will be used.
The specification is noted and accepted. Reports of service will be signed by State of WV authorized

laboratory personnel to ensure work has been completed.
The specification is noted and accepted.
Agilent 7800 Quadrupole ICP-MS




The new, Solution-Ready Agilent 7800 ICP-MS combines proven,
robust hardware, auto-optimization tools, and Pre-set Methods to
simplify routine analysis, making your laboratory more productive,
and your results more reliable.
What’s more, with high matrix tolerance, wide dynamic range,
and effective control of polyatomic interferences, the 7800 ICP-MS
takes the uncertainty out of analyzing complex or variable sample
The 7800 ICP-MS is extraordinarily easy to set up and use,
so you can quickly produce reliable results in the widest range
of sample types.

Fast track your ICP-MS method Solution-Ready ICP-MS

The 7800 ICP-MS includes SOPs for common applications, including
development drinking water, environmental waste analysis, and Elemental Impurities in
pharmaceutical products.
• New ICP-MS MassHunter software provides fast system setup,
robust auto-optimization tools and extensive system status
monitoring, to ensure consistent high performance.
• Many common methods can simply be loaded and run, with
settings – from plasma conditions to analyte integration times
and internal standards – predefined in a Pre-set Method.
Where a specific new method is needed, the Method Wizard
simplifies the setup process.
• The software includes performance, tune, QC, and sample Simplify your method setup
report templates with operator tutorials for refresher or ICP-MS MassHunter software uses an intuitive layout with graphical toolbar
Gadgets, making it easy to learn and use. The innovative Method Wizard builds
new-user training.
a fully functional method based on your sample type and application.
• Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for several common
applications, guide new users in system setup and routine
operation, setting you on the fast track to accurate analysis.



Maximize throughput Reduce sample Ensure accurate data Analyze major and trace
and productivity preparation and with effective analytes in a single run
The optional Integrated Sample minimize suppression interference removal The wide dynamic range
Introduction System (ISIS 3), Helium (He) collision mode orthogonal detector system
Agilent’s unique High Matrix
shown, and new SPS 4 simplifies method development (ODS) enables direct analysis of
Introduction (HMI) technology,
autosampler lower your cost and routine operation by major elements (100s or 1000s
standard on the 7800 ICP-MS, lets
per analysis, without removing all polyatomic ion of ppm) and trace level analytes
you analyze samples containing up
compromising data quality. interferences under a single (single- or sub-ppt) in a single
to 3% total dissolved solids (TDS)
consistent set of conditions. run, simplifying methodology.
without dilution, reducing sample
preparation and saving time. He mode avoids the need for The high upper concentration
matrix-specific or analyte- limit reduces sample reruns
HMI also reduces signal
specific reaction cell conditions. caused by overrange results.
suppression, so high matrix
samples can be measured
accurately without requiring matrix
matched calibration standards.

www.agilent.com/chem/7800icpms 3
For more information Maximize your productivity
Learn more and data quality with
www.agilent.com/chem/7800icpms genuine Agilent parts and
U.S. and Canada
1-800-227-9770 For more information see:
[email protected] www.agilent.com/chem/specsuppliesinfo

Europe Services let you focus on what you do best

[email protected]
Whether you need support for a single instrument or multiple labs,
Asia Pacific Agilent can help you solve problems quickly, increase uptime, and maximize
the productivity of your team with:
[email protected] • Familiarization disk including over 20 tutorial videos.
• On-site maintenance, repair and compliance.
In other countries, please call your
• Service agreements for all your systems and peripherals.
local Agilent Representative or • Application training and consulting from our dedicated, worldwide network
Agilent Authorized Distributor — visit of specialists.
Agilent Service Guarantee
If your Agilent instrument requires service while covered by an Agilent service
agreement, we guarantee repair or we will replace your instrument for free.
No other manufacturer or service provider offers this level of commitment to
keeping your lab running at maximum productivity.

Leading the way in atomic

spectroscopy innovation

Agilent AA Agilent MP-AES Agilent ICP-OES Agilent ICP-MS Agilent ICP-QQQ

This information is subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015

Printed in the USA June 1, 2015
Agilent 7800 ICP-MS


Fast track metals analysis with Solution-Ready ICP-MS

The Solution-Ready Agilent 7800 Quadrupole ICP-MS combines proven,
robust hardware, auto-optimization tools, and pre-set methods to simplify
routine analysis, making your laboratory more productive, and your results
more reliable.
What’s more, with high matrix tolerance, wide dynamic range, and effective
control of polyatomic interferences, the 7800 ICP-MS takes the uncertainty
out of analyzing complex or variable sample matrices.
The 7800 ICP-MS is extraordinarily easy to set up and use, so you can
quickly produce reliable results in the widest range of sample types.
Instrument hardware Torch position: Stepper-motor controlled in three axes
(horizontal, vertical and sampling depth) in 0.1 mm
Sample Introduction steps. The torch is automatically realigned with the
Nebulizer: Concentric nebulizer with low sample flow interface following maintenance.
rate as standard (~0.2 mL/min) • Horizontal and vertical position range: ±2 mm
Spray Chamber: Quartz, low-volume, Scott-type double- • Sampling depth: 3 to 28 mm
pass spray chamber, provides improved removal of
larger aerosol droplets, compared to cyclonic or impact- ShieldTorch system: Agilent’s unique ShieldTorch
bead designs. Peltier-cooling eliminates the need for a System (STS) precisely controls plasma potential and
separate external cooling water supply. ion energy - essential to achieve high performance He
• Controlled temperature range: -5 °C to +20 °C (with
instrument cooling water at 15–30 °C) Robust pre-set plasma conditions: Plasma conditions
on the 7800 ICP-MS are robust and easily reproduced
Peristaltic Pump: Low-pulsation, high-precision using the pre-set plasma function within MassHunter—
10-roller peristaltic pump, with three separate channels, no manual tuning is required. Consistent hardware
for precise delivery of sample and internal standard engineering ensures that operating conditions can be
(ISTD), plus spray chamber drain. precisely set and consistently applied from day to day
High Matrix Introduction (HMI): Agilent’s unique, and with different operators.
patented HMI aerosol dilution technology, standard on Signal suppression for high ionization potential
the 7800, extends the total dissolved solids (TDS) range elements such as Be, Zn, As and Cd in 10 vol% HNO3
to percent level, while eliminating the added costs, time matrix is typically less than 10% (Plasma mode: General
and potential errors of conventional liquid dilution. Purpose).
Plasma Interface
RF generator: High power-transfer efficiency and Sampling cone: 1 mm diameter orifice, Ni-tipped or
maintenance-free solid state digital drive 27 MHz RF Pt-tipped (option) with Cu base. Easy access to the
generator with variable-frequency impedance matching. interface region for routine maintenance; no tools
Provides significantly improved tolerance of changes in are required for removal/refitting of sampling cone.
sample matrix; even highly volatile organic solvents can The large cone-retaining ring insures reliable thermal
be introduced without affecting plasma stability. contact and reproducible fitting, even with different
• RF power range: 500 W to 1600 W operators, giving dependable long-term performance.

Torch: Easy-mount, one-piece quartz torch with 2.5 mm Skimmer cone: 0.4 mm diameter orifice, Ni or Pt-tipped
internal diameter injector. The exceptionally wide torch (option). Precisely controlled skimmer tip temperature
injector produces a highly robust plasma that efficiently ensures minimal matrix condensation, providing good
decomposes the sample matrix, reducing many tolerance to high matrix samples. Small skimmer orifice
interferences and minimizing routine interface cleaning. reduces matrix contamination of the high vacuum
region, reducing maintenance.

Ion Lens Mass Analyzer
The ion lens provides high ion transmission and low Quadrupole mass spectrometer: The 7800 uses a true
backgrounds to deliver superior detection limits. The ion hyperbolic quadrupole, unique in ICP-MS, operating at
lens design also ensures that fixed voltages can be used high (3 MHz) frequency. A hyperbolic profile quadrupole
to achieve optimum ion transmission across the mass provides superior ion transmission, resolution and
range. abundance sensitivity at standard settings, so
eliminating the need for multiple resolution settings to
Extraction lens: Positioned behind the skimmer cone, separate adjacent peaks.
the extraction lens focuses the ions as they enter the
intermediate vacuum stage, minimizing space charge • Mass range: 2 - 260 amu
effects and reducing mass bias.
• Abundance Sensitivity (at Cs):
Off-axis Omega lens: This double deflection lens • Low Mass side: ≤5 x 10-7
protects the ORS4 cell and high vacuum region from
• High Mass side: ≤1 x 10-7
contamination, by rejecting neutral species from the ion
beam. This contributes to the minimal mass bias and Orthogonal detector system (ODS): The ODS delivers
low background noise. higher sensitivity, lower background, and a wider linear
dynamic range – up to 10 orders of magnitude from
Octopole Reaction System 0.1 cps to 4 Gcps. The detector life time is approximately
The 7800 ICP-MS incorporates a new, 4th generation twice as long as the 7700 detector.
cell, the ORS4, which provides fast cell gas switching
and the most effective interference removal using Fast signal acquisition in spectrum mode is supported
kinetic energy discrimination (KED) in He mode. by a proprietary analog amplifier, which has a minimum
integration time of 100 μs in both pulse and analog
Octopole: The octopole ion guide provides superior ion mode.
focusing, minimizing ion scattering and ensuring that
high sensitivity is maintained at the high cell pressures Vacuum System
required for effective KED. Three-stage differential vacuum system using a
single, split-flow turbo molecular pump and single
He cell mode as standard: Only the combination of
external rotary pump for fast pump-down and simple
narrow ion energy distribution (due to ShieldTorch) and
maintenance. Unique Auto-recover mode returns the
the 7800’s unique octopole-based cell enables efficient
7800 to standby (pumping) state when electrical power
removal of interferences using an inert cell gas (He)
is resumed after a power failure, saving valuable time.
and KED. The use of He cell gas also eliminates safety
No need to manually start the vacuum system or wait
issues related to reactive gases such as H2, H2 mixes or
for system pump-down following an overnight power
Cell gas control: The 7800 ICP-MS has a single He cell
gas controller as standard. A second or third cell gas Software
line can be added to permit the use of reactive cell
gases such as H2, xenon or ammonia. If multiple cell Agilent ICP-MS MassHunter features a dashboard
gases are used in a method, the cell gas is automatically layout with gadgets that guide you through every step
changed with minimal switching time (~5 sec). of your analysis – hardware configuration, instrument
optimization, sample acquisition and data analysis.
This user-friendly interface makes learning and
using the software easier and more intuitive, without
compromising power and flexibility for advanced or

research applications. specifications.

MassHunter includes: Guaranteed performance

• An innovative matrix-specific Method Setup
For each specification, the actual instrument factory test
Wizard, enabling all users, experienced and new,
certificate of guaranteed performance is included with
to consistently obtain high-quality data with
every 7800 ICP-MS instrument.
• Batch-at-a Glance data table with real-time update, Specification (units) Element/Ratio 7800 ICP-MS
including all sample data, ISTD/QC signal trend and Sensitivity (Mcps/ppm) Li (7) ≥50
calibration curves. Y (89) ≥160
Tl (205) ≥80
• Built-in outlier and LabQC checks Background (cps) No gas (9 u) ≤1.0
Oxide ratio (%) CeO/Ce ≤1.5
Optional Software CeO/Ce (HMI-25) ≤0.5
Doubly-charged ratio (%) Ce2+/Ce ≤3.0
The power of ICP-MS MassHunter can be extended No gas mode DL (ppt) Be (9) ≤0.5
through a choice of software options: In (115) ≤0.1
Bi (209) ≤0.1
User Access Control: Provides multi-level user logon
He mode DL (ppt)* As (75) ≤20
control for enhanced security and audit, with three
levels of access authority, record of user name, Se (78) ≤40
H2 mode DL (ppt)** Se (78) ≤1
Operating System lock and more.
Short-term stability Li, Y, Tl ≤2
With Agilent’s OpenLAB Data Store, ECM, or (%RSD)
Spectroscopy Database Administrator (SDA), ICP- Long-term stability Li, Y, Tl ≤3
MS MassHunter with User Access Control satisfies
compliance requirements including US FDA 21 CFR Isotope ratio precision Ag(107)/Ag(109) ≤0.1
Part 11.
* He mode detection limits for As and Se are performed in a matrix of 1%
Chromatographic software: Fully integrated Agilent LC HNO3, 2% HCl and 100 ppm Ca, demonstrating the effective removal of both
and GC method setup, instrument control, sequencing, ArCl and CaCl interferences. All other tests are performed in a matrix of 1%
and chromatographic data analysis. Permits automatic HNO3.
sequence recalibrations, retention time and ion ratio ** Applied when optional H2 cell gas line is fitted.
updates, Compound Independent Calibration, Snapshot,
automated report generation and more. Site requirements and safety
Intelligent Sequencing provides comprehensive,
configurable QA/QC functionality for automatic QA/
QC checks and actions during unattended operation. Mainframe Width 730 mm (main cabinet,
excluding peripump)
Includes templates for QC reports for standard methods Depth 600 mm (main cabinet,
such as US EPA 6020 and 200.8. excluding power cord)
Height 595 mm (main cabinet,
For full details of Agilent’s ICP-MS MassHunter excluding exhaust chimney)
software, refer to the separate ICP-MS MassHunter Weight 100 kg
Largest shipping Width 1,020 mm
container Depth 1,120 mm
Height 1,000 mm
Weight 148 kg

Standard mainframe configuration
Operating Range 15–30 °C Component
temperature Rate of <2 °C/hr (max. change 5 °C) Nebulizer (concentric) MicroMist (borosilicate
change glass)
Operating Range 20% to 80% (non condensing)
humidity Spray Chamber Quartz
(Scott double-pass)
Torch Quartz, 2.5 mm ID Injector
Electricity Voltage Single Phase, 200–240 V, (with ShieldTorch System)
supply 50/60 Hz
Current 30 A High Matrix Introduction Included
Cooling Inlet temperature 15–40 °C
water Minimum flow rate 5 L/min Interface Cones Ni
Inlet pressure 230–400 kPa Plasma Mass Flow 4
(33–58 psi) Controllers (Ar)
Argon gas Minimum purity 99.99%
Option Gas Line for such Option
supply Maximum flow rate 20 L/min
as 20%O2/Ar for organics,
Supply pressure 500–700 kPa
or He carrier gas for laser
(71–100 psi)
Cell gas Minimum purity 99.999%
He (collision) cell gas line Included
supply Maximum flow rate 12 mL/min for He and
10 mL/min for H2 H2 (reaction) cell gas line Option
Supply pressure 90–130 kPa (13–18.8 psi)
3rd cell gas line (low- or Option
for He and 20–60 kPa
high-flow rate options)
(2.9–8.7 psi) for H2
Exhaust Vent type Single vent, 150 mm
duct diameter
Flow rate 5–7 m3/min

Regulatory compliance
Safety IEC 61010-1:2001 / EN 61010-1:2001,
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-1-04,
UL No.61010-1
IEC 61010-2-061:2005,
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-2-061-04
IEC 61010-2-081:2001+A1 (2003),
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-2-081-04
EMC IEC 61326-1:2012 / EN 61326-1:2013,
ICES-001:2006, AS/NZS CISPR 11: 2011
ISO Manufactured at an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
certified facility

Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.

Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change

without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015

Published May 21, 2015
Publication number: 5991-5927EN

OF VALUE The SPS 4 is a next-generation, high-performance autosampler for atomic spectroscopy
applications. Designed to meet the needs of high-throughput laboratories requiring
a fast, high-capacity (up to 360 samples or 768 microtiter wells), reliable autosampler,
it is also small, quiet, easy-to-use and affordable. The SPS 4 is suitable for ultra-trace
analysis by ICP-MS and rugged and robust enough for FAAS, MP-AES, and ICP-OES users.
Built around an innovative gantry design that supports the mechanical components
between two rigid pillars, the SPS 4 provides improved accuracy and precision, high speed,
From the date you purchase the Agilent ease of access, and corrosion resistance – all within a footprint that is nearly 40% smaller
SPS 4 autosampler, Agilent guarantees than other autosamplers in its class.
at least 10 years’ use or residual-value With the integrated environmental enclosure (optional), the SPS 4 offers maximum sample
credit towards a replacement model integrity while protecting your laboratory environment from hazardous sample vapors,
upgrade. Our Value Promise maximizes all without compromising a millimeter of valuable bench space. In addition, access to the
your return-on-investment by ensuring power switch, peristaltic pump, and all electrical and communications ports are outside the
that your purchase is safe. environmental enclosure for easy access and protection from corrosion.
Uniquely Agilent in design and compatibility Flexible rack configuration enables wide range of
sample capacities
• Heavy-duty, powder-coated aluminum frame for light weight,
maximum rigidity and corrosion resistance. • Compatible with a wide range of commercially available
• User programmable high-speed probe arm assembly and (Bel-Art) metal-free sample racks, including 90-, 60-, 40-, 24-,
optimized movement for fastest sample-to-sample speed. and 21-position racks. A 96-well microtiter plate rack is also
available for ICP-MS.
• USB plug-and-play connectivity allows fast and easy setup.
Rack capacity Tube OD (mm) Maximum tube
• Integrated spill tray contains accidental spills, protecting the (# tubes) height (mm)
laboratory bench and simplifying cleanup. 90 13 150
• Standards rack and rinse port are centrally located for the fastest 60 17 150
access and maximum throughput. 40 20 150
• All electronic and mechanical components are located in top 24 25 150
gantry, away from liquid spills, for long life and easy maintenance. 21 30 150
• Compatible with Agilent’s full range of atomic spectroscopy
• Rack configuration is user selectable, and rack sizes can be
mixed and matched as needed.
• Modern industrial design combines well thought out robustness
• Central standards rack is configurable to support either a
and performance characteristics with a sleek, eye-catching
34 position (twelve 29 mm OD tubes plus twenty two 17 mm
profile that coordinates with Agilent’s newest MP-AES, ICP-OES
OD tubes) or 5 position (five 61 mm OD bottles) rack (depending
and ICP-MS designs.
on instrument configuration).
• Four sample rack capacity supports up to 360 samples,
permitting long unattended runs in high-throughput labs.
• Eight 96-well microtiter plate capacity, with optional well plate
kit, supports up to 768 samples (for ICP-MS only).

Leading the way in

atomic spectroscopy innovation
The SPS 4 is compatible with Agilent’s
Agilent SPS 4
comprehensive atomic spectroscopy portfolio.

Agilent AA Agilent MP-AES Agilent ICP-OES Agilent ICP-MS Agilent ICP-QQQ

Integrated environmental enclosure option protects Dual-wash reservoir option eliminates potential
your samples and your laboratory environment carryover
• Maintain maximum sample integrity by protecting samples from • Optional dual-port wash reservoir for ultra-trace applications
the lab environment. or applications requiring two different rinse chemistries.
• Protect operators and laboratory instrumentation from corrosive Three-channel peristaltic pump for ultimate
sample vapors. flow-through rinse flexibility
• Fully integrated environmental enclosure takes up no extra • Simultaneously pump two different rinse solutions
valuable bench space. (in conjunction with the optional dual wash reservoir)
• When the environmental enclosure is fitted, sample visibility • Third channel still allows for a pumped drain when a gravity
remains unrestricted, as well as sample access from the front drain is not an option.
when the door is in the raised position.
Multiple probe size options for a diverse range of
• Vertically sliding front access door can be fixed open for easy applications
access to samples.
• A range of carbon fiber–reinforced fluoropolymer probes suit
• Electrical and plumbing connections remain outside the
all applications from microvolume sampling to high-speed
environmental enclosure for easy access with the cover in place.
discrete sampling.
• Environmental Enclosure Kit includes a 50 mm (2 in) extraction
• Integrated nebulizer/probe assembly option for ultra-clean
air duct fitting that can be fitted to either side of the autosampler
as needed.
• Programmable probe speed in 3 axes for the ultimate
performance with all sample types.
• Intelligent probe acceleration and deceleration permits high
speed while minimizing spattering.
• Programmable probe depth for sedimentary or separated layer

SPS 4 autosampler shown with optional integrated environmental enclosure.

Front cover shown in fixed open position for easy access to samples.

Dimensions: Width 600 mm (23.6 in), Depth 320 mm (12.6 in),
Depth 363 mm including peristaltic pump (14.3 in), Height 510 mm
(20.1 in)
Weight: 15 kg (33.1 lbs)
Probe arm speed: User programmable in X, Z, and Theta (rotational)
dimensions. Optimized sample-to-sample probe movement time for
corner-to-corner travel in less than 3 seconds.
Axis Minimum speed Maximum speed
Genuine Agilent supplies for flexible sample handling
and maximum productivity
X (mm/sec) 14.5 1016
Z (mm/sec) 8.6 518 Agilent supplies for the SPS 4 autosampler are designed to give
flexibility in sample handling and maintain the high performance
Theta (degrees/sec) 9 540
of your system. With a wide range of sample racks and vessels
Rinse port flow rate: Programmable, up to 50 mL/min depending supporting small or large sample volumes, probe options
on pump tube diameter. and interface supplies, we can help keep your lab running at
Communication: USB 2.0 (full speed) virtual com port with maximum productivity.
plug-and-play capability. Learn more: www.agilent.com/chem/AtomicSupplies
AUX interface: RS485 for future upgradability to external device
Power requirements: 100–240 VAC, 47–63 Hz, 1.5 A
Built-in diagnostics: The SPS 4 includes a row of four LEDs on the
front panel that indicate the operational or error status of the
Supported instruments:
55B 4100 5100 7700
240FS 4200 7800
280FS 7900
a. Requires b. Requires MP c. Requires ICP d. Requires
SpectrAA Expert software Expert software ICP-MS
software version version 1.5.1 version 7.1 or MassHunter
5.3 or above. or above. above. software version For more information:
4.2 or above.
Contact your local Agilent representative
or visit:
This information is subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015

Published May 19, 2015
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 Software for the
Agilent 7700, 7800 & 7900 ICP-MS, & 8800 &
8900 ICP-QQQ Systems

ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 is the latest version of Agilent's simple,

intuitive and powerful ICP-MS Workstation software. MassHunter
4.3 supports the 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ) and is
compatible with the 7700, 7800, and 7900 quadrupole ICP-MS and
8800 ICP-QQQ instruments. In addition to usability enhancements,
MassHunter 4.3 has significant new functionality, including
enhancements to the Method Wizard and Single Nanoparticle
Application Module, and support for a wider range of third party
peripherals. MassHunter 4.3 controls configuration, method setup,
data acquisition, data processing and reporting for all currently
supported ICP-MS systems.
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 runs on the Windows 7 or Windows 10
Pro or Enterprise Edition operating systems (64 bit only).
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 consists of a base configuration and one
of five MassHunter software options (#001, #002, #003, #004 or
#005), depending on which mainframe is supported (7700, 8800,
7900, 7800 or 8900, respectively).
In addition to the core software which is specific to
the ICP-MS mainframe (as determined by the option
New features of version 4.3
number selected), advanced functions including the  Optional Single Nanoparticle Application Module
Single Nanoparticle Application Module, Intelligent (G5714A) automates setup of method and batch
Sequencing, Chromatographic Data Analysis, and for data acquisition and analysis of nanoparticles,
User Access Control Pack are available as options. both in single particle mode and field flow
Support for advanced functions available on the 7900 fractionation mode. In single particle mode, the
such as “Advanced Acquisition - option #102” and algorithm to determine the background has been
“UHMI - option #101” is included when those enhanced, detection of small particles has been
hardware options are purchased. made more accurate, and the capability to
determine and report two elements or isotopes
The new ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 maintains and has been improved. The Single Nanoparticle
enhances the power and functionality of the previous Application Module is compatible with all
version, while retaining the simple, intuitive user supported ICP-MS mainframes. On the 7900 and
interface and workflows. Both Top Level and Data 8900, 100 microsecond dwell time acquisition
Analysis utilize intuitive, easy to read “Gadgets,” with no settling time is available for single
arranged in the order in which they are commonly isotope determinations
accessed, and with related functions combined into a  The unique Method Wizard has been enhanced,
single access point. Important, but less frequently providing better optimization and faster analysis
used functions are organized together under the times in "Speed" mode, and now including
“Settings” gadget (see below). availability of a method automation report
 Reporting functionality has been extended, with a
more intuitive report designer in Agilent's
Common Reporting Engine (CRE), support for
Excel templates, and support for Excel 2016
 Upgraded functionality for LC-ICP-MS users
including support for the 1260 and 1290 Infinity
Multi-sampler (G7167A/B)
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 compatibility
 New for ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3, Intelligent
 Operates on Windows 7 Pro or Enterprise Edition Sequencing is now compatible with the 8800 and
or Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise Edition. It 8900 ICP-QQQ systems, as well as the 7700, 7800
requires 64 bit versions. and 7900 ICP-MS instruments
 Supports all current ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ  "Demo Mode" permits simulation of a fully
mainframes and peripherals including the 7700, functional online instrument for training and
7800 and 7900 ICP-MS and 8800 and 8900 ICP- troubleshooting purposes
QQQ. Supported autosamplers include the Agilent
SPS 4, ASX-520 and I-AS autosamplers and the
Cetac ASX-110 and EXR/XLR 8 autosamplers ICP-MS MassHunter functions
 Many additional third party samplers and
accessories are supported via plug-ins developed Instrument Control, Startup and Optimization
by the third party supplier. Contact Agilent for  MassHunter 4.3 provides full control of the 7700,
details 7800, 7900, 8800 and 8900 ICP-MS instruments,
 Supports full integration of Agilent 7890 GC and including automated Startup and optimization
7693 autosampler procedures, and automated, unattended system
 Supports full integration of most Agilent 1100 shutdown at the end of a sequence
and 1200 Series HPLC modules and peripherals  Startup provides a user-configured schedule of
system optimization and performance checks to
be run under consistent conditions following
plasma ignition

 Startup is particularly useful in busy commercial Data Acquisition
laboratories, as it ensures that instrument
 Perform pre-defined analysis using settings
performance is checked and recorded under
defined in the Batch/tune conditions, including
uniform conditions from day to day, and between
multi-level aerosol dilution with HMI or UHMI
different operators. A "history view" allows
simple monitoring of variations in instrument  Advanced rinse programs including Pre-emptive
performance and tuning parameters over time Rinse and Intelligent Rinse
 Fast and reproducible auto-tuning with tune  Quick Scan for fast screening analysis, integrated
status and current signal display in the main acquisition and data analysis pane
 Easy setup and configuration of mainframe  Spectrum, Isotope Ratio, Time Program, Time
options and connected peripherals Resolved Analysis (TRA) and Fast TRA Analysis
 Comprehensive diagnostic and Early  Time resolved acquisition includes support for
Maintenance Feedback (EMF) tools continuous runs of more than 24 hours for laser
Batch and Queue  Integrated instrument and run control for Agilent
7890GC and common 1200 Series LC modules
 The Batch contains all the information and
settings (sample introduction/peripump program, Data Analysis and Reporting
tune modes and settings, acquisition masses and
 ICP-MS MassHunter uses a flexible, interactive
integration times, internal standards, sample list,
Data Batch table that is updated in real-time
calibration parameters and QC settings) required
during sequence analysis. The Data Batch table
to setup and run a sample batch displays all results (counts, concentration, SD,
 Batches can be created from a blank template, a etc.) for a batch of samples (shown below)
Pre-set Method or an existing batch, or by using
the Method Wizard. Customized batches can be
saved as Templates making it easy to reuse
settings for future batches
 The Queue is the schedule of tasks assigned to
the instrument for automated, sequential
 Queue manages all hardware and acquisition
tasks including Startup and optimization, batch
analysis and automated shutdown
 The real-time display indicates current sequence
status, and a configurable “Monitor” function
 The Batch view shows analyte results, internal
(shown below) displays the signals for user-
standard recoveries, spectra or chromatograms,
selected masses between sample acquisitions
QC charts and calibration information for an
entire batch or selected samples in a single view
 Outlier flags and LabQC functions are provided,
and the screen layout can be switched between
built-in and customized views
 Calibration modes include
o External calibration*
o Method of standard additions
o Semi-quantitative calibration
o Isotope ratio (optional for 7800 and 7900)
o Isotope dilution (optional for 7800 and

*Calibration curve fit options include linear,
linear through zero, linear through the blank,
Optional Software Modules
weighted least squares, log and second order
 A range of configurable calibration reports is Chromatographic Analysis software
provided (illustrated below) ICP-MS MassHunter’s optional chromatographic
software module (G7205C) provides fully-functioned,
integrated control for Agilent LC- and GC-ICP-MS
systems, and comprehensive chromatographic data
analysis with advanced integration tools.
A new parameter-less integrator (Agile2 integrator)
automatically adjusts to peak widths, shapes, and
baseline noise to correctly integrate practically any
chromatographic peak with virtually no user input.
The chromatographic data analysis pane is analogous
to the spectrum data analysis pane and includes the
current chromatogram display, quantitative results,
outlier functions and calibration information.

 Data analysis view is consistent for spectrum

data, and optional chromatographic and
nanoparticle data analysis modules
 Recalibrations performed during the sequence
are applied automatically to the subsequent
samples, including converting standard addition
to external calibration, isotope ratio mass bias
correction, and semi-quantitative calibration
 Up to 5 user-definable LabQC sample types, plus
spike and reference samples; includes plotting
Advanced chromatographic functions include:
and user defined action on QC failure
 Advanced tools for spectral and semi-quantitative  Chromatographic and spectrum based internal
analysis, including potential interference flags, standard correction
spectral overlay and automated isotopic template  Peak auto integration using global or user-
update selectable integration parameters per peak
 Isotope ratio/isotope dilution analysis (optional  Interactive manual integration
with advanced acquisition software on 7800 and  Snapshot data analysis of current sample during
7900) acquisition run-time
 The data (entire table or selected samples) may  Compound-independent calibration (CIC)
be reported directly to print/file, or quickly and  Signal to Noise calculation
easily exported to Excel 2013/2016 for advanced
 Automatic retention time updates
data analysis, further processing or transfer to
custom 3rd party software
Intelligent Sequencing Real-time QC software
 A built-in, user-configurable LIMS export tool
permits simple export of selected data to LIMS The main ICP-MS MassHunter software suite
 Compatible with OpenLAB ECM or SDA for includes many QC functions, including Tune Checks,
regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical labs Intelligent Rinse, Outlier flags, LabQC samples and
options for simple run-time actions on QC failure.

For advanced QC requirements (such as full User Access Control software for 21 CFR Part
compliance with USEPA methodology), the optional 11 Compliance
Intelligent Sequencing software module (G7206C)
The optional User Access Control module (G7207C)
provides full QC configuration and reporting tools.
provides flexible, configurable, multi-level user access
Intelligent Sequencing tools include the capability for control, to limit access to ICP-MS MassHunter and
multi-level QC checks and actions on failure, and individual functions within the software. Actions can
support for a large number of user configurable be set to be permitted only for certain user levels
sample types with customizable report templates. and, for each action, the requirement for the user to
Now also available for the 8800 and 8900 ICP-QQQ enter a valid username/password combination and
systems. reason can be set.
In combination with Agilent’s OpenLAB ECM or SDA
Single Nanoparticle Application Module
software, the User Access Control option for ICP-MS
The optional Single Nanoparticle Application Module MassHunter can provide a solution that satisfies all
(G5714A) fully automates the task of setting up an the regulatory requirements of the US FDA's 21 CFR
analysis batch for nanoparticle determination, either Part 11 and equivalent regulations in other countries
in single particle mode or in field flow fractionation and regions. The comprehensive range of Agilent
(FFF) mode. compliance software options cover user needs from
single workstation (SDA) through to multi-instrument,
The Single Nanoparticle Application Module is built
multi-site, global enterprise level operations (ECM).
into the easy-to-use Method Wizard, so creating a
nanoparticle method is fast and intuitive. Acquisition
parameters optimized for either single particle mode
or FFF mode are automatically set up with a few
mouse clicks. Sample flow, nebulization efficiency,
ionic response factor and particle detection threshold
are automatically calculated.

Results are displayed both in tabular format in the

Batch-at-a Glance view, and graphically, including
particle number, particle concentration, size
distribution, median size, ionic concentration, and
Background Equivalent Diameter. Powerful
interactive data review and optimization tools simplify
validation of results, and an entire batch of samples
takes just seconds to process.

ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 Workstation Compatibility
Auto samplers Operating system components
All supported ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ mainframes are MassHunter 4.3 is compatible with:
compatible with the following optional autosamplers:  Windows 7 (Pro and Enterprise Editions,
64 bit, SP1), or
 SPS 4
 Windows 10 (Pro and Enterprise Editions,
 I-AS 64 bit)
 Internet Explorer 9.0 or later
 ASX-520
 Excel 2013 or 2016 (32 bit only)
 ASX-110
 EXR/XLR-8 Optional software modules

The ISIS 2 autosampler is compatible with the 7700 The following optional software modules for ICP-MS
and 8800 instruments only. The ISIS 3 autosampler is MassHunter 4.3 are compatible with all supported
compatible with the 7900, 7800 and 8900 instruments ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ mainframes:
only.  Chromatographic Analysis
 Intelligent Sequencing
 Single Nanoparticle Application
 User Access Control

7700 Series1 7900 7800 8900

& 8800
Software Functions
Method Wizard (interactive mode) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Method Wizard (automatic mode) No x-lens only No No
Time Resolved Analysis (TRA) mode Yes Yes2 Yes2 Yes
Fast TRA mode No Yes2 No Yes
(0.1 msec. minimum dwell time) (3 msec.) (3 msec.)
Isotope Ratio/Isotope Dilution Yes Yes2 Yes2 Yes
High-Resolution/Half-Mass Mode Yes Yes2 Yes2 Yes
(for correction of 2+ interferences)
Quick Scan Yes Yes Yes Yes
High Matrix Introduction function Yes No Yes No
Ultra High Matrix Introduction No Yes3 No Yes4
(UHMI) (x-lens only) (x-lens only)

1 7700e requires an upgrade to enable the functionality of C.01.03 which is equivalent to upgrading first to the “full” version of B.01.xx, then to C.01.03.
2 with option #102
3 with option #101
4 not with option #200

7700 Series1 7900 7800 8900
& 8800
Fast Cell Gas Switching No Yes Yes Yes
Autotune Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flexible Manual Tuning Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spray Chamber Temperature Control Yes Yes Yes Yes
(selectable -5 °C to 20 °C)
H2 Cell Gas control Optional for 7700 Optional Optional Included
Included for 8800
Link to OpenLAB ECM or SDA for full Yes Yes Yes Yes
compliance with 21 CFR Part 11
(requires User Access Control software option G7207C)
eFamiliarization (Tutorial video) No Yes Yes Yes
(Audio: English, Chinese, Japanese
Subtitle: French, Italian, German,
Spanish, Portuguese, Korean)
Remote Advisor (Level A) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Supported Agilent LC and GC Modules – Full integration and control of LC

and GC modules from within ICP-MS MassHunter
Agilent LC Module Part Number
1200 Isocratic Pump G1310A
1260 Isocratic Pump G1310B
1200 Binary Pump G1312A
1260 Binary Pump SL G1312B
Solvent Selection Valve G1312B, #031
1260 Binary Pump VL G1312C
1290 Binary Pump G4220A
1290 Binary Pump VL G4220B
1260 Infinity SFC Binary Pump G4302A
1100 Quaternary Pump G1311A
1260 Quaternary Pump G1311B
1260 Quaternary Pump VL G1311C
1290 Infinity Quaternary Pump G4204A
1260 Infinity Bio-inert, Ti Head, Fe-Free Quaternary Pump VL G5611A
1100 Standard ALS G1313A
1200 Standard ALS G1329A

1260 Standard ALS SL G1329B
1260 SFC Standard ALS G4303A
1260 Infinity II Vialsampler G7129A
Integrated Column Compartment G7130A
1100 Well-Plate ALS G1367A
1200 High Performance ALS G1367B
1200 High Performance ALS SL G1367C
1200 High Performance ALS SL Plus G1367D
1260 Infinity High performance ALS SL G1367E
1290 Infinity ALS G4226A
Bio-Inert LC metal-free ALS G5667A
1290 Infinity Thermostat G1330B
1260 Infinity Multisampler G7167A
1290 Infinity II Multisampler G7167B
1260 Low Flow High Performance Sampler G1377A
1260 Cap-LC Pump G1376A
1260 Nano-LC Pump G2226A
1260 Low Flow Sampler G1389A
1290 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment G1316A
1290 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment SL G1316B
1290 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment SL Plus G1316C
1260 Infinity Micro Degasser (no software control) G1379B

Agilent GC Module5 Part Number

7890A GC system G3440A

7890B GC system G3440B

7693B Auto injector module G4513A

7693 Auto sampler tray module G4514A

5 Note that GC Firmware must be version A.01.11.1 or later for direct support from ICP-MS MassHunter

Ordering information
MassHunter 4.3 Workstation PC Bundle for the Agilent 7700, 7800 and 7900 ICP-MS, and 8800 and
8900 ICP-QQQ systems6
Part Number Description

G7215C Agilent MassHunter-Ready Workstation for 7700, 7800 and 7900 ICP-MS, and 8800
and 8900 ICP-QQQ systems
Agilent’s ICP-MS MassHunter-ready workstation includes a PC (one of the models listed below), monitor, printer, Windows 7
Pro (64 bit version), Excel 2013 (32 bit) and manuals.
Does not include ICP-MS MassHunter software (select the appropriate software module from those listed below)

Hardware-specific ICP-MS MassHunter software modules:

G7215C, #001 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 7700x/s ICP-MS

G7215C, #002 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 8800 ICP-QQQ

G7215C, #003 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 7900 ICP-MS

G7215C #004 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 7800 ICP-MS

G7215C #005 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 8900 ICP-QQQ

PC specifications MassHunter is tested and supported on the models

listed below, or on models shipped later.
HP Z230 (Small Form Factor)
Processor Type Intel® Xeon® E3-1225v3 8MB cache, 4C (Quad-core)
Processor Speed 3.2 GHz
RAM HP 4GB (1x4GB) DDR3-1600 non-ECC RAM
Hard Disk 500 GB SATA, 6Gb/s, 7200rpm
Optical Drives HP 16x SuperMulti DVD+/-RW SATA Drive
Graphics Integrated Intel HD Graphics P4600
Audio Integrated High Definition Realtek ALC221 Audio
Accessories Keyboard and Optical Mouse
Ports LAN* port – Integrated Intel I217LM Gigabit Network
Additional RS232 Serial Port (2 in total)

6 Subject to change without notice

HP Z220 (Small Form Factor)

Processor Type Intel® Xeon® E3-1225v2 8MB cache, 4C (Quad-core)

Processor Speed 3.2 GHz
RAM 4 GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3-1600 non-ECC RAM
Hard Disk 250 GB SATA, 6Gb/s, 7200rpm
Optical Drives HP 16x SuperMulti DVD+/-RW SATA Drive
Graphics Integrated Intel HD Graphics P4000
Audio Integrated High Definition Realtek ALC221 Audio
Accessories Keyboard and Optical Mouse
Ports LAN port – Integrated Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network
Additional RS232 Serial Port (2 in total)
Operating System Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit, SP1 (English/Japanese/Chinese)

Monitor HP Z221 21.5" widescreen LCD

Laser Printer (English/Chinese) HP LaserJet P3015dn (600 sheets
tray capacity / 35ppm)
(Japanese) Canon LBP-6330

NOTE The ICP-MS is connected to the instrument control PC using the standard LAN port of the PC. If a
second LAN connection is required, for example to connect the PC to a building LAN or to control an
Agilent LC or GC system, a LAN switch (switching hub) such as the HP ProCurve Network Switch
(G2402A) is recommended. It is possible to use a second LAN card, but communication problems
have been reported with this configuration, so the preferred and supported configuration is with a
network switch.


Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for

incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance or use of this material.

Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication

are subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2016

Published June 20, 2016
Publication number: 5991-4070EN
Jan., 2017

Current PC Specifications
for ICP-MS MassHunter Workstation

Note: subject to change without notice


Model HP Z240 Small Form Factor Workstation

Operating System Windows 7 Professional, 64bit, SP1 (English/Japanese/Chinese)
Processor Intel® Xeon® E3-1225v5 (3.3 GHz, 8MB cache, 4 cores)
Memory 4 GB (DDR4)
Hard Disk 500 GB 7200 rpm SATA
Optical Drive HP DVD-RW SuperMulti Drive
Graphics Intel HD Graphics P530
Audio Integrated Realtek HD ALC221
Ports 8x USB 3.0 (2 in front, 6 rear)
2x USB 2.0 (2 in front)
RS232 Serial Port (2 in total)
Input Devices Keyboard, Optical Scroll Mouse
Dimensions (W x D x 100 x 381 x 338 mm (3.95 x 15.0 x 13.3)
Weight 6.7 kg (12.66 lbs)

Note: The ICP-MS is connected to the instrument control PC using the standard LAN port of the PC. If a
second LAN connection is required, for example to connect the PC to a building LAN or to control an
Agilent LC or GC system, a LAN switch (switching hub) such as the HP ProCurve Network Switch
(G2402A) is recommended. When using a second LAN card, communication problems are commonly
reported with this configuration, so the preferred and supported configuration is with a network switch.

Jan., 2017


Model HP EliteDisplay E222 21.5-inch IPS Monitor

Display size 21.5”, Wide screen (16:9)
Dimensions (W x D x H) 514 x 189 x 334 mm
(with stand) (20.22 x 7.44 x 13.13 in)
Weight (with stand) 5.27 kg (11.62 lb)


English / Chinese
Model HP LaserJet Enterprise M506dn
Dimensions (W x D x H) 418 x 376 x 298 mm (16.46 x 14.80 x 11.73 in)
Weight 11.8 kg (25.9 lbs)

Model Canon LBP251
Dimensions (W x D x H) 400 × 377 × 298 mm
Weight 11.5kg

Agilent Technologies, Inc. – Support Services:
Repair Service/Extended Warranty,
Agilent CrossLab Service Plans

Exhibit 22X

Agilent Technologies’ Repair Service/ Agilent CrossLab Bronze (R-28C). Agilent CrossLab Silver (R-28R).
Extended Warranty and Agilent Service includes: Telephone Support Service includes: Telephone Support
CrossLab Service Plans are governed to Isolate and Resolve Hardware to Isolate and Resolve Hardware
by this Exhibit and the Agilent Service and Software Problems and On-site and Software Problems, Service
Terms (E16S). Hardware Troubleshooting and Center Repair* and On-site Hardware
Repair with Standard Response time. Troubleshooting and Repair with
Repair Service/Extended All labor, travel costs, and service Standard Response time. All labor,
Warranty, and Agilent CrossLab parts, including Consumable Parts travel costs, and service parts,
Required for Repair are included. Upon including Consumable Parts Required
Service Plans
availability, the Agilent Remote Advisor for Repair, are included. Additionally
Repair Service/Extended Warranty, service is also included. included are one Agilent CrossLab
and Agilent CrossLab Service Plans Preventive Maintenance, and upon
Agilent CrossLab Bronze - availability, Agilent Remote Advisor is
include defined combinations of
Government/Academia (R-29C). also included.
Agilent services, which Customers
The Agilent CrossLab Bronze –
may not substitute. The following
Government/ Academia service Agilent CrossLab Silver Plus
service bundles are available from
plan is only available to Government (R-38R). This service is available
Agilent, on supported products:
and Academia customers. Service for select Agilent LCs and includes
Repair Service/Extended Warranty includes: Telephone Support to the Deuterium Lamp Replacement
(R-28D). Repair Service/Extended Isolate and Resolve Hardware and benefit. Service includes: Telephone
Warranty provides warranty-level Software Problems and On-site Support to Isolate and Resolve
service coverage on supported Hardware Troubleshooting and Repair Hardware and Software Problems,
instruments. Services include: with No Guaranteed Response time. Service Center Repair* and On-site
Telephone Support to Isolate and All labor, travel costs, and service Hardware Troubleshooting and Repair
Resolve Hardware Problems, and parts, including Consumable Parts with Standard Response time. All
On-site Hardware Troubleshooting Required for Repair are included. labor, travel costs, and service parts,
and Repair with Standard Response Upon availability, the Agilent Remote including Consumable Parts Required
time according to the defined warranty Advisor-Assist service is also included. for Repair, are included. Additionally
repair strategy for the specific Agilent reserves the right to substitute included are one Preventive
hardware system or module. All labor, Service Center Repair for On-site Maintenance visit including the
travel costs, and repair service parts service as deemed necessary. replacement of the Deuterium lamp,
are included. and upon availability: Agilent Remote
Advisor is also included.
Agilent CrossLab Silver with OQ CrossLab Gold (R-18E) above and Agilent CrossLab Repair and
(R-28S, R-28U). Services include: furthermore one Agilent Crosslab Maintenance – Government/
services defined in the Agilent Operational Qualification (OQ/PV) Academia (R-29R). The Agilent
CrossLab Silver (R-28R) section above event which is guaranteed to pass. CrossLab Repair and Maintenance
and furthermore one Agilent CrossLab – Government/Academia Service
Operational Qualification (OQ/ PV) Agilent CrossLab Gold with OQ and plan is only available to Government
event which is guaranteed to pass. RQ (R-18G, R-18J). Services include: (Country/State/Local) and Academia
services defined in the Agilent (College/University) customers.
Agilent CrossLab Silver with OQ CrossLab Gold (R-18E) section above Service includes: Telephone Support
and RQ (R-28T, R-28V). Services and furthermore only one Agilent to Isolate and Resolve Hardware and
include: services defined in the Agilent CrossLab Operational Qualification Software Problems, On-site Hardware
CrossLab Silver (R-28R) above and (OQ/PV) event which is guaranteed Troubleshooting and Repair with
furthermore one Agilent CrossLab to pass, and Agilent CrossLab Repair No Guaranteed Response time. All
Operational Qualification (OQ/PV) Qualification (RQ) which allows for labor and travel costs are included.
event which is guaranteed to pass, and unlimited number of re-qualifications Parts and Consumables required
Agilent CrossLab Repair Qualification after a repair within the contract for repair are not included and must
(RQ) which allows for unlimited period. be purchased from Agilent. Only
number of re-qualifications after a one Agilent CrossLab Preventive
repair within the contract period. Module Repair (R-28X). Service
Maintenance is included. Upon
coverage for individual module only.
availability: the Agilent Remote
Agilent CrossLab Silver with Service includes: Telephone Support
Advisor service is included.
Software (R-28W). Services include: to Isolate and Resolve Hardware
services defined in the Agilent Problems, and On-site Hardware Agilent CrossLab Silver with
CrossLab Silver (R-28R) above and Troubleshooting and Repair with Functional Verification (R-26X).
furthermore workstation Software Standard Response time according to Services include: services defined in
Media Updates. the defined warranty repair strategy the Agilent CrossLab Silver (R-28R)
for the specific hardware system or section above and furthermore
Agilent CrossLab Gold (R-18E). module. All labor, travel costs, and one Agilent CrossLab Functional
Service includes: Telephone Support repair service parts are included. Verification testing event within the
to Isolate and Resolve Hardware
contract period. Only one Agilent
and Software Problems, Service Certain hardware components may
CrossLab Preventive Maintenance is
Center Repair* and On-site Hardware require return to Agilent services at an
Troubleshooting and Repair with Agilent Service Center Repair.
Next Business Day Response time, Agilent CrossLab Gold with Functional
where available. All labor, travel costs, Repair Service/Extended Warranty
Verification (R-16W). Services
service parts, including Consumable Mass Spec Only (R-29D). Service
include: services defined in the Agilent
Parts Required for Repair are included. includes: services defined in the Repair
CrossLab Gold (R-18E) section above
Additionally included are one Service/Extended Warranty section
and furthermore one Agilent CrossLab
Preventive Maintenance, and upon above for the Mass Spec component of
Functional Verification testing event
availability: Agilent Remote Advisor- supported GCMS or LCMS systems. No
within the contract period. Only
Assist, Agilent Remote Advisor-Report, service is performed on the front-end
one Agilent CrossLab Preventive
and Agilent Remote Advisor-Alert. components.
Maintenance is included.
Also included are an assigned account
Agilent CrossLab Bronze Mass
manager with quarterly review Service center repair option available
Spec Only (R-29B). Services include:
meetings, and an onsite cache of only for products that specify this
services defined in the Agilent
commonly needed parts. repair method or in cases where
CrossLab Bronze (R-28C) section
this option is mutually beneficial to
Agilent CrossLab Gold with OQ above, for the Mass Spec component
customer and Agilent.
(R-18F, R-18H). Service includes: of supported GCMS or LCMS systems.
services defined in the Agilent No service is performed on the
front-end components.

Service Definitions the included Preventive Maintenance Agilent CrossLab Preventive
(PM) visit. If the lamp does not require Maintenance. Includes replacement
Service Definitions for All Repair replacement at the time of the PM of specific parts, cleaning, adjusting,
Service/Extended Warranty and visit, the customer may contact Agilent lubricating, inspecting or testing
Agilent CrossLab Service Plans anytime during the agreement coverage system procedures. Agilent may
and request a lamp be shipped to also perform routine operational
Telephone Support to Isolate and them at no charge. If the lamp is not maintenance procedures. Labor and
Resolve Hardware and Software requested during the agreement period, parts required to perform Agilent’s
Problems. Includes telephone access no credit will be given or passed along preventive maintenance procedures
to Agilent for the specific purpose to future agreements. and travel to Customer’s site once
of isolating and resolving hardware during the coverage period are
problems. If software phone support Agilent Labor and Travel to install the included. Preventive Maintenance
is specified, also includes telephone lamp outside of the PM visit is not is performed according to Agilent-
access for the specific purpose of included in the agreement. recommended procedures upon
isolating and resolving software a mutually agreed schedule, or
Consumable Parts Required for
problems. Software phone support coincident with purchased instrument
Repair. With the exception of the
covers only the single instance of calibration or operational qualification
lamp benefit contained in Agilent
the Agilent workstation software service. Instrument specific
CrossLab Silver Plus, consumables and
controlling the covered instrument maintenance procedure checklists are
supplies required during the routine
system. Excludes client- server available from Agilent upon request.
maintenance and normal operation
database software and Informatics of your instruments are not included
software. May include software support Agilent CrossLab Silver Plus includes
in any Agilent CrossLab Service a deuterium lamp benefit that is
from vendors other than Agilent for Plan. However certain supplies and
Multi-Vendor Services arrangements. provided at the time of the Preventive
consumable parts may be required Maintenance Visit.
On-site Hardware Troubleshooting as part of repair or the diagnosing of
and Repair. Includes diagnosis and instrument or product problems. www. Agilent CrossLab Operational
correction of product malfunctions and agilent.com/ chem/svcconsumables Qualification. Determines
failures at the Customer site. Repair is operational performance using a
Unless otherwise stated, the quantity chemical test sample kit of known
provided uninterrupted, unless Agilent of such items included in contractual
determines that additional parts or concentration on chromatography
coverage is limited to the amount instruments via Agilent CrossLab
resources are required. In such case, necessary to return the instrument to
Agilent will interrupt repair services Operational Qualification (OQ)
normal operation. procedure and methodology. The
and will resume as soon as the parts
or resources are available. The repair service is compatible with all Agilent
Service Center Repair. Includes
may consist of temporary procedures instruments, and selected non-Agilent
diagnosis and correction of product
that Customer must follow while a products. Service is provided annually.
malfunctions and failures at local
permanent solution is developed. Agilent Service Centers. Agilent may Agilent CrossLab Repair Qualification.
install engineering improvement Uses Agilent CrossLab procedures
Modules for Service Center Repair. modifications, when applicable, and
Agilent systems may contain hardware and testing methodology to test that
perform services such as cleaning, a system is performing to Agilent’s
modules that require Agilent service adjusting, lubricating, inspecting
center repair. These modules are not operational specification after repair.
or testing. Repaired products are The service is provided after repair of
subject to on-site support. re-tested and certified to verify proper system components that may impact
Deuterium Lamp Replacement. Agilent operation. All required labor, parts and system operational performance.
CrossLab Silver Plus plans include materials are included. Replaced parts
one (1) deuterium lamp during the become the property of Agilent.
12 months period of the agreement.
On site replacement of this lamp by
an Agilent engineer will occur during

Agilent Remote Advisor-Assist. Response Time. Response time is Applicable for Software
Enables Customer to open a service measured in elapsed coverage days Support Services:
request by clicking the Push for Help from the day the service request is
icon on connected systems. The Push received to the day Agilent arrives at General. Agilent provides telephone
for Help request is acknowledged Customer’s site. Standard Response support only for software that
within one (1) hour and Customer time varies depending on the distance Customer has properly licensed and
receives a call back within four (4) from an Agilent office. The travel zone that is used on instrumentation
hours from Agilent to isolate and distance varies by country. or hardware that meets Agilent
resolve hardware issues. Additionally, specifications for that software.
enables Customer to open a secure Software Media Updates. At Agilent’s Support is available for current
Real-time Collaboration session with discretion, software updates and software version and for last previous
Agilent for live remote diagnostics documentation may be delivered version for a minimum of one (1)
and assistance. This feature not automatically to Customer’s site or year from the date of last availability.
available for all systems. Remote provided via website portals, where Telephone support is not available
Advisor features require installation; available. Agilent grants a license to for any software which has reached
installation charges may apply. use the updates in accordance with end-of-support. If support coverage
the software license terms associated lapses, additional fees may apply.
Agilent Remote Advisor-Report. with the underlying Software. Note:
Provides instrument configuration, Only Agilent CrossLab Silver with Designated Callers. Customer must
availability and utilization reporting Software service includes media identify one primary and one alternate
information for connected systems in updates. caller, both of whom have completed
hardcopy form or via access to secure appropriate Agilent training courses or
web-based reporting portal. This Service Prerequisites have equivalent experience operating
feature not available for all systems. the applicable Agilent Life Sciences
Remote Advisor features require and Chemical Analysis instruments or
Applicable for Agilent CrossLab
installation; installation charges may Informatics Systems.
Service Plans:
Telephone Access. Customer must
Recommended Modifications,
Agilent Remote Advisor-Alert. Allows provide a telephone near the system
Reliability, and Performance
Customer to set text or email alerts or at another mutually agreed location,
Enhancements. Agilent may make
to notify Customer when instrument which allows Customer to perform
recommended modifications at
maintenance thresholds are reached software operations required during
Agilent’s expense to improve
or when the instrument requires problem resolution.
instrument serviceability or reliability,
user interaction. This feature not to comply with legal requirements, Diagnostic and Maintenance
available for all systems. Remote or to enhance performance of Software. Customer must allow
Advisor features require installation; Customer’s instruments, covered by Agilent to reside Agilent system and
installation charges may apply. Agilent service agreements. Any such network diagnostic and maintenance
Overtime Service. Overtime is changes are made during the period programs on Customer’s system or site
defined as support delivered outside of coverage according to a mutually for the exclusive purpose of performing
or extending beyond normal business agreed upon schedule or coincident diagnostic and maintenance
hours of 8:00 AM to 16:00 PM local with instrument repair. procedures. Prior to submitting a
time Monday through Friday except software problem report to Agilent,
local holidays (may vary by country). Applicable for Qualification Customer may be asked to assist
Services: Agilent in running such programs,
which are the sole property of Agilent
Preventive Maintenance. A preventive and Agilent may remove them when
maintenance procedure when the support contract ends.
recommended by manufacturer may be
performed prior to qualification services
at customers expense unless otherwise
covered by service agreement.

Customer Responsibilities Applicable for Service Service Limitations
Center Services:
Customer Responsibilities for The following limitations apply
All Repair Service/Extended Compliance with Agilent Process. to all Repair Service, and Agilent
Customer must follow the standard
Warranty and Agilent CrossLab CrossLab Service Plans
Agilent process for calling, reporting
Service Plans and qualifying a hardware problem. Product Eligibility. Unless otherwise
Operating and Maintenance The pertinent Instrument information stated, eligibility for services is limited
Procedures. Customer must follow must be provided. to select Agilent and Agilent-supported
the operating and maintenance non-Agilent instruments only and is
EHS Form. Customer must enclose
procedures specified in the applicable subject to local availability. These
the completed Environmental
instrument documentation. These Agilent products must have been
Health & Safety (EHS) form, or if not
procedures include routine operational purchased as ‘new’ products by the
available, provide a written statement
maintenance and other routine Customer from Agilent or a reseller
that no EHS hazard exists as a
maintenance associated with the authorized by Agilent to sell these
result of the use of the instrument in
operation of an instrument. Customer products.
Customer’s laboratory.
shall be responsible for all service and
parts required due to failure to perform Coverage of Agilent products procured
Proper Packaging. Any returned
these procedures. from sources other than those above
instruments must be carefully packed
or purchased ‘used’ items may be
in a proper shipping carton.
Access. Customer must provide covered at Agilent’s discretion. A
Agilent access to the instruments, physical and operational inspection
Applicable for Mass Spectrometer by trained Agilent personnel will
adequate working space and use of all
information and facilities necessary to
Maintenance and Ion Source be required at Customer’s expense
service the instrument at Customer’s Cleaning Services prior to extending coverage. If
site. contractual service is desired, the
Venting. Customer must vent the
customer is responsible for Time and
Appropriate Communication Ability. Mass Spec system prior to Preventive
Materials charges prior to repair such
Customer must have adequate access Maintenance and/or Ion Source
used equipment should defects be
to telephones near instruments and Cleaning Services. Customer is also
discovered during the inspection.
must be fluent in a language supported responsible for supplying and safely
by local Agilent Call Center. Web, disposing of the necessary solvents Any service not covered by the
e-mail and fax access are required for used during the ion source cleaning. contractual service ordered, including
patches and information transfer. but not limited to software support,
Applicable for Qualification is subject to Agilent’s standard
Material Shipping and Receiving Services: service rates. The serviced system
Capabilities. Customer must have must include at least the minimum
facilities available to ship and receive Rescheduled Services. Customer
configuration or other configuration
parts, including the ability to deal with is responsible for costs incurred by
specified in the appropriate instrument
static-sensitive parts and protective Agilent as a result of postponing or
packaging. rescheduling any qualification service.
Service Availability. Coverage hours
Locked Cabinet or Room (Agilent Business Decisions. Business
will be Agilent’s normal business hours
CrossLab Gold service). Customer decisions or actions taken by
(08:00 am to 17:00 pm local time),
must provide a locked cabinet or room Customer as a result of any
Monday through Friday, excluding local
for the onsite parts cache. The parts qualification service procedure are
remain Agilent owned until consumed responsibility of the Customer.
by the customer. Customer will not
Proprietary Information. Any Agilent-
remove parts from the cache without
copyrighted materials may not be
prior consent from Agilent.
copied unless Agilent agrees to such
copying in writing.

Maximum Use Limitation. Agilent Contamination and Corrosion. Agilent Informatics Software
may assess additional service charges Services for parts and instruments Support. Support for Agilent
for certain electromechanical devices that become contaminated when Informatics software, including but not
based on the measured usage of operated in hazardous environments or limited to Agilent OpenLab CDS client/
the unit if a maximum usage rate is difficult to service, including requiring server installations , Agilent OpenLAB
specified in the instrument data sheet more than typical parts replacement ECM, and Agilent OpenLab ELN, is
or operational manual. Customer must will be subject to additional charges. not included. Support coverage for
allow Agilent to install or remove Customer is responsible for proper Agilent Informatics software may be
usage meters, and must provide meter disposal of all contaminated material purchased separately.
readings on a periodic basis. Support that cannot be returned to Agilent in a
for instruments used beyond the safe manner. Modules for Service Center Repair.
recommended level is limited to time Agilent systems may contain hardware
and materials service and invoiced Consumables, Supplies and Parts. modules that require Agilent service
separately. Supplies or consumables for the center repair. These modules are not
routine maintenance or normal subject to on-site support.
Obsolete Instruments. Agilent operation of Agilent Instruments or
standard services do not cover Products are not included. Software Updates. Software updates
instruments or products that are or upgrades are not specifically
beyond their specified support period. Application Software Support. provided under any Agilent CrossLab
Agilent provides remote support for service plan. Contractual software
End-of-Guaranteed-Support. two (2) designated callers to isolate update services may be purchased at
Service coverage under this Exhibit and resolve software issues or additional charge for eligible Agilent
(including multi-year agreements) problems with Agilent Application instruments.
for any main analytical component Software including but not limited
such as a mainframe or subordinate to ChemStation, ChemStore, and Support for Agilent-Provided PC
components such as a detector will EZChrom Elite Workstation series. Hardware and Peripherals. Agilent
automatically convert to Agilent Support for the operating system, any Repair Service/Extended Warranty
CrossLab Extended Service coverage other software on the system, in-depth and Agilent CrossLab Service Plans
when the component reaches its training, consulting or any custom cover repair of select PCs, laptops,
End-of-Guaranteed-Support. In cases engagements, including software and monitors purchased from Agilent
where Agilent CrossLab Extended customization, are not included. or Agilent-authorized sources within
Service is not available, the service Response time is four (4) hours during three years of instrument purchase.
coverage for that main analytical Agilent business hours. Issues not Agilent reserves the right to repair
component or subordinate component solved remotely are handled through or replace a non-functioning PC or
will cease. Price uplifts may apply. Agilent on-site service and subject to monitor under coverage with a model
Agilent CrossLab Extended Service additional charges. of equal or greater specification at
options are described in a separate Agilent’s discretion. Printers and other
service exhibit 22L. Agilent CrossLab peripherals are specifically excluded
Extended Service applies only to from all service coverage described
Agilent instruments. above.

Cancellation or Deletion Customer may not cancel a portion of,
or an individual Service offered under a
Upon sixty (60) days prior written Service Agreement.
notice, Customer may delete Product
from or cancel in its entirety a Scheduled service agreements
Service Agreement to which this include preventive maintenance and
Exhibit applies, including but not operational qualification, which are
limited to, return to bench support, sold either up-front or post-sales. If
on-site support, response center no services have been delivered, the
support, application and technical. customer is responsible to pay the
Customer will receive a refund that is agreement for 60 days after written
prorated over the term of the Service notification of cancellation is received.
Agreement, subject to a fee in the If the services have been completely
amount of 10% of the price of the delivered, the customer is responsible
cancelled Service or deleted Product. for full payment through the end of the
Customer will pay for all Service agreement period, or current year of a
rendered under the scheduled Service multi-year agreement. This also applies
Agreement. to scheduled services included as
part of a contract bundle (e.g. Agilent
Information regarding applicable CrossLab Silver). If the scheduled
Service charges is available upon service has been completely delivered,
request. A Service Agreement that the customer is responsible for the full
contains more than one type of Service price of the scheduled service portion
may only be cancelled in its entirety. of the agreement.

Technical information, service descriptions and

entitlements in this document are subject to change
without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015

All Rights Reserved.
Published in USA. May 13, 2015

Revision 1.7
Agilent Service and Support

Agilent Service Guarantee

Agilent Service and Support keep your

laboratory productive

With over 40 years of experience, Agilent Technologies

is the world’s premier measurement company and
we lead the industry in providing the most reliable
The Agilent
instrumentation and service. We are so confident in Service Guarantee
our service quality and the reliability of our instruments Should your Agilent instrument
that we offer the Agilent Service Guarantee:
require service while covered
by an Agilent service agreement,
we guarantee repair or we will
replace your instrument for free.
No other company offers you this level
of commitment to keep your laboratory
operating efficiently.
How does the guarantee work?
When a hardware problem cannot be solved immediately, Agilent customers worldwide report
a formal escalation process ensures that key technical and 98% satisfaction
management resources—including research and develop- with our Service Engineers
ment, manufacturing and executive management—quickly (Agilent customer satisfaction survey, 2005).
attend to your issue. If this process does not resolve the
hardware issue, we will replace your instrument for free.
This escalation process exemplifies how Agilent is
committed to keeping your laboratory up and running, no
matter what. You get more than excellent service with
Agilent Service Agreements
What’s behind our guarantee? You get fast repair, typically quicker than any other manu-
Agilent is a technology leader in communications, electronics, facturer. Our world-class, factory-trained Service Engineers
life sciences and chemical analysis. The company’s 21,000 can quickly transform your instruments to current operating
employees serve customers in more than 110 countries. conditions. They carry a large supply of most-commonly-
used parts for immediate repairs, plus they have instant
Why we’re confident in the quality of Agilent access to Agilent’s worldwide, world-class parts logistics
centers that can send needed parts overnight.
Agilent Service Engineers are the most highly qualified You get:
in the industry. • Comprehensive protection against unexpected repair
• Our Service Engineers have an average of 10 years of costs with one fixed price.
instrument repair experience and many are former • Genuine Agilent parts—designed and manufactured with
instrument users. the same high standard of performance and reliability as
• Our training process is rigorous and continuous, your Agilent instruments.
exceeding the requirements of most independent service • State-of-the-art resources to diagnose, fix, upgrade and
providers and many instrument manufacturers. verify instrument repair.
• Our Service Engineers are trained at multiple Agilent • Certainty in the quality of the repair, with our industry-
sites around the world to gain global expertise in a wide leading standards.
range of situations.
• Confidence in the quality of your results.
• We require our Service Engineers to be ready to support
every new instrument that goes to market. Contact us to maximize your laboratory’s
To learn more about the Agilent Service Guarantee and
the value you get from Agilent Service Agreements:
• Contact your local Agilent sales office or call
800-227-9770, option 1 (in the U.S. and Canada)
• Check www.agilent.com/chem/services for details
about all of our support services.

Information, descriptions and specifications in this publication are subject to change

without notice

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006

Printed in USA January 31, 2006

Agilent Value Promise




Plan to optimize Plan a smooth transition

Through the years, you’ve trusted Agilent Technologies to provide Long before your instrument’s end-of-production date, Agilent is
the instrumentation, supplies, and support needed to keep your lab helping you smoothly transition by taking full advantage of our fixed-
running at peak performance. As each of your instruments reach the cost, multi-year support agreements for continuous support, service,
end of its useful life and as technology applications evolve, you can and supplies, and by planning to move to the latest technology.
continue looking to Agilent to maximize the longevity of your initial With our wide variety of cost-effective program options, we work
investment. Let Agilent help ensure that your lab is always running to meet your specific support and system requirements throughout
at its highest level of efficiency and productivity. Plan to optimize each lifecycle. During current production, you can rely on Agilent’s
your assets with our timely and cost-effective transition solutions. highly-rated support to maximize your assets. When your system
reaches its end-of-production date you can expect uninterrupted
Promising 10 years of value support and parts, as well as a clear and strategic path to the most
cost-effective transition options for optimal performance. All the
The Agilent Value Promise reflects
while, our 10-year Value Promise stays in force to ensure your lab
upmost confidence in our unrivaled
gets the most for its budget.
industry standards for quality
system design and manufacturing.
From the date you purchase
select instruments from our
Agilent’s first concern is helping you maintain
leading Agilent chromatography, optimal instrument uptime so your lab can
spectrometry, and spectroscopy be competitively efficient and profitable. Let
product lines, our Value Promise guarantees at least 10 years’ use
or residual-value credit towards a replacement model upgrade.
our range of service options and technology
Because we stand behind our systems, our Value Promise maximizes transition solutions protect your investment.
your return on investment by assuring your purchase is safe. Mike McMullen
President and CEO, Agilent Technologies, Inc



At Agilent, we look for ways to optimize your lab’s performance by Plan for uninterrupted lab operation
enhancing our 45 years of measurement solutions expertise with
constant customer communication. That is why you can rely on us to As your instrument is phased out of production, trust the Agilent
provide the tools you need. Proudly, the Agilent name has become support process–from our Service Guarantee to our Value Promise.
the assurance of unequalled dependability, reliability, ease of use, By informing you along the way, we keep you ahead of the curve in
and enhanced productivity because we rigorously design, test and managing the lifetime of your instrument.
manufacture our comprehensive array of instruments, supplies, and
services to the highest standards. We become your experienced
partner delivering unrivaled systems, solutions, technical support,
and education to help your lab increase efficiency and profi t.


The Agilent Value Promise guarantees you at least 10 If you are under an Agilent Advantage contract and
years of use of your new instrument, from the date of a hardware problem cannot be solved immediately, a
purchase, or we will credit you with the residual value formal escalation process ensures that key technical
of that system when you upgrade to a replacement and management resources quickly attend to your
model1. issue. If this process does not resolve the hardware
issue, we will replace your analytical instrument for
free. This escalation process exemplifies how Agilent
is committed to keeping your lab up and running, no
matter what.

Purchase of Agilent Value Promise - 10 years of usable life


7 years
Agilent manufactures instrument after EOP

Agilent Service Guarantee - Fix or Replace

Agilent Advantage Service Contracts Asset Max Plus Asset Max

Best effort support Best effort support
with parts with no parts


introduction End of production End of guaranteed support End of Support

Applies to current generation Agilent instruments not
being used in highly corrosive and bio-hazardous environments 3
Contact Us
Learn more:

Find an Agilent Customer Center

in your country:

A Agilent Service
ccontract guarantees
repair of your
instrument or we
replace it for free.

Information, descriptions, and specifications in this

publication are subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2012

Published in USA, October 15, 2012
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 800 227 9770 telephone
LSCA Customer Sales and Service 2850 302 993 5941 facsimile
Centerville Road, MS 3N3 Wilmington, www.agilent.com
DE 19808

May 18, 2017 via WVOASIS: [email protected]

State of West Virginia

Department of Administration, Purchasing Division
2019 Washington Street East
Charleston, WV 25305-0130
Attn: Tara Lyle

Reference: Solicitation No. CRFQ 1400 AGR1700000016

Agilent Technologies, Inc. (Agilent) is pleased to respond to the above referenced Solicitation
with 2 separate proposals. Agilent can Meet and Exceed all of the specifications In Section 3
General Requirements of the RFQ with both our Model 7800 and 7900 ICPMS Systems. The
highly competitive proposal for the Agilent 7800 system is sufficient to meet and exceed as
explained in the detailed Technical Response to the specifications.
The Agilent 7900 System will also meet and greatly exceed all of the specifications however
we believe that the world’s bestselling 7900 ICP-MS, which has become the instrument of
choice for the large majority of all environmental laboratories nationwide, offers greatly
enhanced value for the modest increase in price as demonstrated in the separate detailed
Technical Response for the 7900 System.
We ask you to please evaluate both proposals and feel free to contact Agilent if you would
like more clarification.

Agilent is bidding in accordance with the attached quotations 2290454 for the 7800 and
2290536 for the 7900, which are hereby incorporated by reference. Please reference the
Quotation number on any award. The terms and conditions of this proposal and for any
resulting order shall be subject to Agilent’s standard Terms of Sale, Exhibit E16 which is
attached and hereby incorporated by reference.

If you have questions regarding Agilent’s products listed on the Technical Response, please
contact Rick Browning at 304-840-4752. If you have other questions regarding Agilent’s
response, please contact the undersigned at 302-636-8071.

Sincerely yours,
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Tom Fenton
Bids Technical Response Specialist
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
2850 Centerville Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19808

77-0518772 18MAY2017
150,037.19 $150,037.19

Agilent Technologies, Inc. Agilent 7900 ICPMS System

0.00 0.00

Agilent Technologies Included in Item 1 Agilent 7900 ICPMS System

0.00 0.00

Agilent Technologies, Inc. Included in Item 1 Agilent 7900 ICPMS System

7,828.00 7,828.00

Agilent Technologies, Inc. H2149A

Agilent Method and Application Consulting On-site consulting for a maximum of 4

participants. No extra charge for std. warrant

4,140.00 4,140.00

Agilent Technologies, Inc. SYS-IM-7900

Agilent CrossLab Preventive Maintenance for 7900 ICPMS System

Bids Response Technical Specialist

Tom Fenton, Bids Response Technical Specialist

2850 Centerville Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808

800-227-9770 / 302-993-5941

[email protected]

Agilent Technologies, Inc

Tom Fenton, Bids Response Technical Specialist


800-227-9770 302-993-5941
Agilent 7900 ICP-MS with
Data System, Software and
SPS-4 Autosampler $150,037.19 $150,037.19
Included with Item 3.1.1
AGILENT will coordinate delivery with
installation date. 0.00 $0.00

Included with Item 3.1.1

$0.00 $0.00
Agilent Method and Application Consulting
On-site consulting for a maximum of 4
participants. No extra charge for std. warranty
$7,828.00 $7,828.00
Agilent CrossLab Preventive Maintenance
for 7900 ICPMS System

$4,140.00 $4,140.00






[email protected]

Tom Fenton, Bids Response Technical Specialist

Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page
Brenda Keavey
2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 1 of 8
West Virginia Department of
Agriculture Contact Phone no. Valid to
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301
To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

CRFQ 1400 AGR1700000016 18MAY2017

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

G8403A 1.000 EA 198,147.00 USD 69,351.45- 128,795.55

Agilent 7900 ICP-MS mainframe with

He cell gas line.

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA

Ultra HMI (UHMI)

Installation (44K)
Familiarization at Installation (44L)

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

G7215C 1.000 EA 13,991.00 USD 4,896.85- 9,094.15

ICP-MS Workstation PC bundle for

7700, 7800, 7900, 8800 and 8900.
Includes PC, Windows 7 64 bit
OS, Monitor and Printer but does not
include ICP-MS MassHunter software
license for ICP-MS instrument if
either of option #001-#005 is not

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA
MassHunter Software For 7900 ICP-MS
Installation (44K)
1 Year SW Update/Phone Assist (44W)

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

G7206C 1.000 EA 3,041.00 USD 1,064.35- 1,976.65

Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 2 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

ICP-MS MassHunter Intelligent Sequence

Software option.
Provides comprehensive real-time QC, action
on failure and reporting functions for
compliance with US EPA and similiar require-
ments for 7700, 7800, 7900, 8800 and 8900.

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA

Installation (44K)
Familiarization at Installation (44L)

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

5185-5850 1.000 EA 613.00 USD 214.55- 398.45

ICP-MS Checkout Solutions

Installation checkout solutions kit
required by the Agilent installation
engineer to validate the Agilent 7700
performance on site.
Contains tuning solution, dual mode (1),
dual mode(2),wash and water blank solutions

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

G1879B 1.000 EA 1,717.00 USD 600.95- 1,116.05

Heat exchanger
PolyScience Model 3370 Air Cooled Recirculator
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 3 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

CP17976 1.000 EA 618.00 USD 216.30- 401.70

Gas Clean Carrier Gas filter kit

(includes 1 connecting unit 1/8" and
2 Carrier Gas filters)

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

8710-1709 1.000 EA 32.30 USD 11.31- 20.99

Cutter, tube

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

G3270-65035 1.000 EA 204.00 USD 71.40- 132.60

Stainless steel tubing, 1/8in od, 6m.

Used for For external cell gas line
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 4 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

CP7981 1.000 EA 41.15 USD 14.40- 26.75

Wall Mounting Bracket, Gas Clean

Wall Mounting Bracket for 1-position
connecting unit only

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

0101-1536 1.000 EA 342.00 USD 119.70- 222.30

Gas regulator, Helium for ICP-MS.

2 stage, brass body, stainless steel
diaphragm, CGA580 Inlet 3000psi, 15psi
outlet, 30psi gauge + 1/8" Swagelok.

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

G8415A 1.000 EA 12,080.00 USD 4,228.00- 7,852.00

SPS 4 autosampler for ICP-MS products.

Optional cover kit not included.

With the following configuration:

Integrated Cover Kit (002) : Selected
Extraction Duct Hosing (003) : Selected
Pumped Drain Kit (007) : Selected
Ship-to Country : USA
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 5 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price
SPS 4 Integrated cover kit
Duct Hose 50mm-id
SPS 4 Pumped Drain Kit
Installation (44K)
Familiarization at Installation (44L)

Special discount of 35.00 % is applied.

H2149A 1.000 EA 9,785.00 USD 1,957.00- 7,828.00

Method and Application Consulting

On-site consulting for a maximum of 4
participants. Certificates and manuals
not included.

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA
Three Day On-site (Includes Travel)

Special discount of 20.00 % is applied.

SYS-IM-7900 1.000 EA 5,175.00 USD 1,035.00- 4,140.00

ICPMS 7900 System

With the following configuration:

Ship-to Country : USA

CrossLab Preventive Maintenance

Special discount of 20.00 % is applied.

Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 6 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

Unit Extended
List Discount Net
Product/Description Qty/Unit Price Amount Price

Gross Amount : $ 245,786.45

Total Discount : $ 83,781.26
Net Amount : $ 162,005.19

Total : $ 162,005.19
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 7 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

TO PLACE AN ORDER, Agilent offers several options:

1) Visit http://www.agilent.com/chem/supplies to place online orders using a purchase order or credit card.
2) Call 1-800-227-9770 (option 1) any weekday between 8am and 8 pm Eastern time in the U.S., Canada & Puerto Rico.
3) To place an order for Consumables, please fax the order to 302-633-8901.
To place an instrument and/or software order, please fax the order to 302-633-8953.
To place an order for Genomics, please fax the order to 512-321-3128, or email to [email protected]
4) Or you can mail your order to:
Agilent Technologies
North American Customer Contact Center
2850 Centerville Road BU3-2
Wilmington, DE 19808-1610
To place an order, the following information is required:
· Purchase order number or credit card, delivery date, ship to, invoice to, end user, and quote number.
. GSA customers please provide GSA contract #.
EXCLUSIVE OFFERS FOR NEW INSTRUMENT CUSTOMERS, go to www.agilent.com/chem/exclusiveoffers
1) Visit http://www.agilent.com/chem/supplies to check the status of your order.
2) Call 1-800-227-9770 (option 1) any weekday between 8 am and 8 pm Eastern time, in the U.S., Canada &
Puerto Rico. You will need to know the purchase order or credit card number the order was placed on.
FINANCING AND LEASING - A wide range of options are available. For more information or to discuss how monthly payments could suit your
operational or budgetary requirements,contact your Agilent Account Manager.


· Pricing: Web prices are provided only for the U.S. in U.S.dollars. All phone prices are in local currency and for end use.
Applicable local taxes are applied.
· All Sales Tax is subject to change at the time of order.
· Shipping and Handling Charges: Orders with a value less than $4000 or those requiring special services such as overnight
delivery may be subject to additional shipping & handling fees. Some of these charges may be avoided by ordering via the Web
· Payment Terms: Net 30 days from invoice date, subject to credit approval.
* Quotation Validity: This quotation is valid for 60 days unless otherwise indicated.
* Warranty period for instrumentation is 1 year. The Warranty period for columns and consumables is 90 days.
Visit www.agilent.com/chem
· For Training course information and registration including e-Seminars, select Education.
· For Literature, Application notes, and other information, select Library.
· For Online Technical Support including the Technical Support Assistant and Frequently Asked Questions,
select Technical Support.

It is Agilent Technologies intent to ship product at the earliest available date unless specified otherwise.
Quote No. Create Date Delivery Time Page

2290536 05/15/2017 7 Weeks 8 of 8

Brenda Keavey
West Virginia Department of Contact Phone no. Valid to
Rick Browning 304-840-4752 07/14/2017
4720 Brenda Lane Bldg 11
CHARLESTON WV 25312-9301 To place an order: Call 1-800-227-9770 Option 1
For Instruments Fax : 302-633-8953
TEL: 304 558 2208 FAX: 304 558 3594 Email : [email protected]
For Consumables Fax : 302-633-8901
Email : [email protected]
For Genomics Fax : 512-321-3128
Email : [email protected]
For additional instructions, see last page

The sale of standard Products and Services referenced in this quotation is subject to the then current version of Agilent's Terms of Sale, and any LSCA Supplemental Terms or other applicable
terms referenced herein. If any Products or Services are manufactured, configured or adapted to meet Customer's requirements, the sale of all Products and Services referenced in this
quotation is subject to the then current version of Agilent's Terms of Sale for Custom Products and any LSCA Supplemental Terms or other applicable terms referenced herein. A copy of
Agilent's Terms of Sale, Agilent's Terms of Sale for Custom Products and the LSCA Supplemental Terms is either attached or has been previously provided to you. Please contact us if you
have not received a copy or require an additional copy. If you have a separate agreement in effect with Agilent covering the sale of Products and Services referenced in this quotation, the terms
of that agreement will apply to those Products and Services. Agilent expressly objects to any different or additional terms in your purchase/sales order documentation, unless agreed to in
writing by Agilent. Product and Service availability dates are estimated at the time of the quotation. Actual delivery dates or delivery windows will be specified at the time Agilent acknowledges
and accepts your purchase order. The above conditions shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by the law. You may have other statutory or legal rights available. Commodities, technology or
software exported from the United States of America ("U.S.") or from other exporting countries will be subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and all exporting countries' export
laws and regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S. law and the applicable export laws and regulations is prohibited.

These Terms of Sale (“Terms”) govern the sale of Products and Service and the license of Software by Agilent Technologies,
Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Agilent”). “Product” means any standard hardware or consumables sold or standard Software
licensed under these Terms, including Products manufactured or configured to meet Customer requirements (“Custom
Products”). “Software” means one or more computer programs and related documentation. “Service” means any standard
support service to support Products, Software updates and maintenance, training, or Service adapted to meet Customer
requirements. “Specifications” means technical information about Products published by Agilent and in effect on the date
Agilent ships the order.

1. SALE AND DELIVERY b) Except as authorized by Agilent in writing or as

permitted by law, Customer will not reverse
a) All orders are subject to acceptance by Agilent. engineer, reverse compile, or reverse assemble
Orders are governed by the applicable trade term Software, modify or translate Software, or copy
specified on the quotation or agreed to by Agilent as Software onto any public or distributed network.
defined in Incoterms 2010.
c) Customer will use Products in accordance with the
b) Prices exclude any applicable sales, value added or Specifications, instructions for use, and the labels
similar tax payable by Customer. provided with the Product. Customer is responsible
c) Unless otherwise indicated on the quotation, prices for ensuring that the way that it uses Products
include shipping and handling charges. Title to complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
hardware and consumable Products will pass to
Customer upon delivery.
d) Cancellation of Product orders and Product returns
are subject to Agilent’s approval and applicable a) Product warranty terms are provided with the
cancellation / return charges in accordance with Product, on quotations, upon request or at
Agilent Order Cancellation and Product Return http://www.agilent.com/info/warranty_terms. Each
Policy, a copy of which may be provided to Product receives a global warranty which includes
Customer upon request. the standard warranty for the country of purchase.
All consumables Products are warranted for ninety
e) For Products without installation included in the (90) days from the date of acceptance. Customer
purchase price, acceptance occurs upon delivery. may receive a different warranty when the Product is
For Products with installation included in the purchased as a part of a system.
purchase price, acceptance occurs when the
Product passes Agilent’s installation and test b) Agilent warrants the Agilent hardware Product
procedures. If Customer schedules or delays against defects in materials and workmanship and
installation by Agilent more than thirty (30) days after that the Product will conform to Specifications.
delivery, acceptance of the Product will occur on the Agilent warrants that Agilent owned standard
thirty-first (31st) day after delivery. Software substantially conforms to Specifications.
f) Payment terms are stated in the quotation or c) If Agilent receives notice of a defect or non-
acknowledgment documentation, and are subject to conformance during the warranty period, Agilent will,
change if Customer’s financial condition or payment at its option, repair or replace the affected Product.
record merits such change. Agilent may discontinue Customer will pay shipping expenses for return of
performance if Customer fails to pay any sum due, such Product to Agilent. Agilent will pay expenses
or fails to perform under this or any other Agilent for shipment of the repaired or replacement Product.
agreement if, after ten (10) days written notice, the
failure has not been cured. d) THE WARRANTIES IN THESE TERMS ARE
a) Agilent grants Customer a worldwide, non-exclusive, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A
license to use Software for internal purposes in PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-
accordance with documentation provided with the INFRINGEMENT.
Software. Agilent license terms or third party license 4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CLAIMS
terms included with such documentation will take
precedence over these license terms. If the a) Agilent will defend or settle any claim against
documentation does not include license terms, Customer that a Product (excluding Custom
Agilent grants Customer a license to use one copy of Products) infringes an intellectual property right,
the Software on one machine or instrument, or a provided Customer promptly notifies Agilent in
license as otherwise stated on the quotation.

E16 Page 1 / 3
Revision Date 1 Nov -2016 Version Number 6

writing and provides control of the defense or b) Agilent will own all copyrights, patents, trade secrets,
settlement, and assistance, to Agilent. trademarks and other intellectual property rights, title
and interest in or pertaining to all Products and
b) In defending or settling an infringement claim under Services delivered to Customer under these Terms.
Section 4a), Agilent will pay infringement claim
defense costs, settlement amounts and court-
awarded damages. If such a claim appears likely,
Agilent may, at its option, modify or replace the 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES
Product or procure any necessary license. If Agilent a) In no event will Agilent, its subcontractors or
determines that none of these alternatives is suppliers be liable for special, incidental, indirect or
reasonably available, Agilent will refund Customer's consequential damages (including downtime costs,
purchase price upon return of the Product. loss of data, restoration costs, or lost profits)
c) Agilent has no obligation for any claim of regardless of whether such claims are based on
infringement arising from: Agilent's compliance with, contract, tort, warranty or any other legal theory,
or use of, Customer's designs, specifications, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
instructions or technical information; Product This exclusion is independent of any remedy set
modifications by Customer or a third party; Product forth in these Terms.
use prohibited by or outside the scope of b) To the extent that limitation is permitted by law,
Specifications or related application notes; or use of Agilent’s liability to Customer is limited to US
the Product with products not supplied by Agilent. $1,000,000 for Custom and Vacuum Products and/or
d) For Products containing nucleic acids or that are Services adapted to meet Customer requirements.
capable of analyzing nucleic acids, in addition to c) The limitations set forth in Sections 6a) and 6b)
Section 4c) above, Agilent has no obligation for any above will not apply to infringement claims under
claim of infringement arising from: any discovery or Section 4, or to damages for bodily injury or death.
product made as a result of using the Product(s); or
any claim based on Gene Patents. Gene Patents d) The remedies in these Terms are Customer’s sole
means a patent claiming the synthesis, detection or and exclusive remedies.
quantification of any particular oligonucleotide
sequence or group of sequences, arrangement of 7. INDEMNIFICATION
such sequences, or copy number of such Agilent will indemnify and hold Customer harmless
sequences, including the correlation of such with an from and against any third party claims for (i) bodily
organism, phenotype or condition. injury or death, or (ii) direct damage to tangible
property, to the extent caused by Agilent’s gross
negligence or willful misconduct in performing its
5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS obligations under these Terms, provided that Agilent
is given prompt written notice and the opportunity to
a) For Custom and Vacuum Products and/or Services, control the defense of the claim or settlement, and
the following terms would apply - subject to the limitation of liabilities set forth in Section
i. Subject to the licenses provided in these Terms, 6.
each party will retain all copyrights, trade secrets, 8. GENERAL
trademarks and other intellectual property rights in
its pre-existing intellectual property. a) Agilent will store and use Customer’s personal data
in accordance with Agilent’s Privacy Statement,
ii. Customer grants Agilent a non-exclusive, available at www.agilent.com/go/privacy. Agilent will
worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, make not sell, rent or lease Customer's personal data to
derivative works of, distribute, display, disclose, others.
perform and transmit Customer’s pre-existing
copyrighted works or other intellectual property b) Terms for Service are available at
rights necessary for Agilent to perform its http://www.agilent.com/info/service_terms, upon
obligations under these Terms. To the extent any request, or as otherwise indicated on the quotation.
of Customer’s pre-existing intellectual property is
incorporated within any Product, Customer grants c) The parties agree to comply with applicable laws and
to Agilent a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, regulations. Agilent may suspend performance if
royalty-free, transferable license to make, have Customer is in violation of applicable laws or
made, sell, offer for sale, copy, make derivative regulations.
works of, distribute, display, disclose, perform, d) Customer who exports, re-exports, or transfers
import and sublicense such pre-existing products, technology or technical data purchased
intellectual property. hereunder assumes all responsibility for complying
with applicable U.S. and all other laws and

E16 Page 2 / 3
Revision Date 1 Nov -2016 Version Number 6

regulations (“Applicable Laws”), and for obtaining

required export authorizations. Customer expressly
agrees not to sell or otherwise transfer products,
technology or technical data to companies or
persons on the Denied Parties List and Specially
Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, or
to any other prohibited parties or restricted
destinations listed in Applicable Laws, unless
properly authorized by the appropriate
government(s). Agilent may suspend performance if
Customer is in violation of Applicable Laws. Further
information on restricted destinations can be
obtained from - http://www.bis.doc.gov.
e) Use, distribution or disclosure of Products by the U.S
Government is subject to DFARS 227.7202-3
(Rights in Commercial Computer Software), DFARS
252.227-7015 (Technical Data – Commercial Items),
and FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
Software- Restricted Rights).
f) Disputes arising in connection with these Terms will
be governed by the laws of the State of California.
g) To the extent that any provision or a portion of any
provision of these Terms is determined to be illegal
or unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms will
remain in full force and effect.
h) The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods will not apply to these
i) Products are not specifically designed, manufactured
or intended for sale as parts, components or
assemblies for the planning, construction,
maintenance or direct operation of a nuclear facility.
Agilent shall not be liable for any damages resulting
from such use.
j) These Terms and any supplemental terms
applicable to the order constitute the entire
agreement between Agilent and Customer, and
supersede any previous communications,
representations or agreements between the parties,
whether oral or written, regarding transactions
hereunder. Customer's additional or different terms
and conditions will not apply.
k) Agilent may assign or transfer any of its rights or
obligations under these Terms upon notice in
connection with a merger, reorganization, transfer,
sale of assets or product lines, demerger or spin-off
transaction or change of control or ownership of
Agilent, or its permitted successive assignees or

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Agilent 7900 ICP-MS


Agilent 7900 ICP-MS


Raise your expectations with the next generation of

The Agilent 7900 ICP-MS rewrites the rules of ICP-MS. New technologies
and a redesigned software platform combine to make the 7900 ICP-MS the
world’s most powerful, and most automated quadrupole ICP-MS.
Some key components, such as the RF generator and quadrupole mass
analyzer, are shared with the field-proven 7700 Series ICP-MS and 8800
ICP-QQQ. However, the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS has been re-engineered from
the bench up, with every component optimized for the demands of busy
laboratories today, and in the future.
Instrument hardware
Sample introduction decomposes the sample matrix, reducing many
interferences and minimizing routine interface cleaning.
Nebulizer: Concentric nebulizer with low sample flow
rate as standard (~0.2 mL/min) Torch position: Stepper-motor controlled in three axes
(horizontal, vertical and sampling depth) in 0.1 mm
Spray chamber: Quartz, low-volume, Scott-type double-
steps. The torch is automatically realigned with the
pass spray chamber, provides improved removal of
interface following maintenance.
larger aerosol droplets, compared to cyclonic or impact-
bead designs. Peltier-cooling eliminates the need for a • Horizontal and vertical position range: ±2 mm
separate external cooling water supply.
• Sampling depth: 3 to 28 mm
• Controlled temperature range: -5 °C to +20 °C (with ShieldTorch System: Agilent’s unique ShieldTorch
instrument cooling water at 15–30 °C) System (STS) precisely controls plasma potential and
Peristaltic pump: Low-pulsation, high-precision, ion energy — essential to achieve high performance
10-roller peristaltic pump, with three separate channels He mode.
for precise delivery of sample and internal standard
Robust preset plasma conditions: Plasma conditions
(ISTD), plus spray chamber drain.
on the 7900 ICP-MS are robust and easily reproduced
Ultra High Matrix Introduction (UHMI): Agilent’s using the pre-set plasma function within MassHunter
unique UHMI aerosol dilution technology (option), — no manual tuning is required. Consistent hardware
extends the matrix tolerance of the Agilent 7900 engineering ensures that operating conditions can be
ICP-MS, allowing routine analysis of samples containing precisely set and consistently applied from day to day
tens of % levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), while and with different operators.
eliminating the added costs, time and potential errors of
Signal suppression for high ionization potential
conventional liquid dilution.
elements such as Be, Zn, As and Cd in 10 vol% HNO3
Plasma matrix is typically less than 10% (Plasma mode: General
RF generator: High power-transfer efficiency and
maintenance-free solid state digital drive 27 MHz RF Interface
generator with variable-frequency impedance matching.
Sampling cone: 1 mm diameter orifice, Ni-tipped or
Provides significantly improved tolerance of changes in
Pt-tipped (option) with Cu base. Easy access to the
sample matrix; even highly volatile organic solvents can
interface region for routine maintenance; no tools are
be introduced without affecting plasma stability.
required for removal/refitting of sampling cone. The
• RF power range: 500 W to 1600 W large cone-retaining ring ensures reliable thermal
contact and reproducible fitting, even with different
Torch: Easy-mount, one-piece quartz torch with 2.5 mm operators, giving dependable long-term performance.
internal diameter injector. The exceptionally wide torch
injector produces a highly robust plasma that efficiently

Skimmer cone: 0.45 mm diameter orifice, Ni or Pt-tipped He cell mode as standard: Only the combination of
(option). Precisely controlled skimmer tip temperature narrow ion energy distribution (due to ShieldTorch) and
ensures minimal matrix condensation, providing good the 7900 ICP-MS’s unique octopole-based cell enables
tolerance to high matrix samples. Small skimmer orifice efficient removal of interferences using an inert cell gas
reduces matrix contamination of the high vacuum (He) and KED. The use of He cell gas also eliminates
region, reducing maintenance. safety issues related to reactive gases such as H2, H2
mixes or NH3.
Ion Lens
Cell gas control: The 7900 ICP-MS has a single He
The ion lens provides high ion transmission (> 1GHz/
cell gas controller as standard. A second or third cell
ppm sensitivity at <2.5% CeO/Ce) and low backgrounds
gas line can be added to permit the use of reactive cell
to deliver superior detection limits. The ion lens design
gases such as H2, xenon or ammonia. If multiple cell
also ensures that fixed voltages can be used to achieve
gases are used in a method, the cell gas is automatically
optimum ion transmission across the mass range.
changed with minimal switching time (~5 sec).
Extraction lens: Positioned behind the skimmer cone,
the extraction lens focuses the ions as they enter the
Mass Analyzer
intermediate vacuum stage, minimizing space charge Quadrupole mass spectrometer: The 7900 ICP-MS
effects and reducing mass bias. uses a true hyperbolic quadrupole, unique in ICP-MS,
operating at high (3 MHz) frequency. A hyperbolic
Off-axis Omega lens: This double deflection lens profile quadrupole provides superior ion transmission,
protects the ORS4 cell and high vacuum region from resolution and abundance sensitivity at standard
contamination, by rejecting neutral species from the ion settings, so eliminating the need for multiple resolution
beam. This contributes to the minimal mass bias and settings to separate adjacent peaks.
low background noise.
• Mass range: 2–260 amu
Octopole Reaction System
• Mass scan speed:
The 7900 ICP-MS incorporates a new, 4th generation cell,
the ORS4, which provides fast cell gas switching and the • Slew rate (Li to U, no intervening peaks):
most effective interference removal using kinetic energy 56.6 million amu/s
discrimination (KED) in He mode.
• Scan speed (Li to U, plus data collection at 40
Octopole: The octopole ion guide provides superior ion intervening masses): >3,000 amu/s
focusing, minimizing ion scattering and ensuring that
• Abundance Sensitivity (at Cs):
high sensitivity is maintained at the high cell pressures
required for effective KED. • Low Mass side: 5 x 10-7
• High Mass side: 1 x 10-7

Orthogonal detector system (ODS): The ODS delivers Optional software
higher sensitivity, lower background, and a wider linear
The power of ICP-MS MassHunter can be extended
dynamic range — up to 11 orders of magnitude from
through a choice of software options:
0.1 cps to 10 Gcps.
User Access Control: Provides multi-level user logon
Fast measurement of transient signals is provided,
control for enhanced security and audit, with three
due to the use of a proprietary analog amplifier, which
levels of access authority, record of user name,
operates at the same short integration time (100 μsec)
Operating System lock and more.
in both pulse and analog mode. There is no settling time
between measurements in fast TRA mode. With Agilent’s OpenLAB Data Store, ECM, or
Spectroscopy Database Administrator (SDA), ICP-MS
Vacuum system
MassHunter with User Access Control satisfies
Three-stage differential vacuum system using a compliance requirements including US FDA 21 CFR
single, split-flow turbo molecular pump and single Part 11.
external rotary pump for fast pump-down and simple
maintenance. Unique Auto recover mode returns the Chromatographic software: Fully integrated Agilent LC
7900 ICP-MS to standby (pumping) state when electrical and GC method setup, instrument control, sequencing,
power is resumed after a power failure, saving valuable and chromatographic data analysis. Permits automatic
time. No need to manually start the vacuum system sequence recalibrations, retention time and ion ratio
following an overnight power failure. updates, Compound Independent Calibration, Snapshot,
automated report generation and more.
Software Intelligent Sequencing provides comprehensive,
Agilent ICP-MS MassHunter features a dashboard configurable QA/QC functionality for automatic QA/QC
layout with gadgets that guide you through every step checks and actions during unattended operation.
of your analysis – hardware configuration, instrument Includes templates for QC reports for standard methods
optimization, sample acquisition and data analysis. such as US EPA 6020 and 200.8. For full details of
This user-friendly interface makes learning and Agilent ICP-MS MassHunter software for the 7900
using the software easier and more intuitive, without ICP-MS, 7700 Series ICP-MS and 8800 ICP-QQQ, see
compromising power and flexibility for advanced or separate ICP-MS MassHunter Specifications.
research applications.
MassHunter includes:

• An innovative matrix-specific Method Setup

Wizard, enabling all users, experienced and new, to
consistently obtain high-quality data with confidence
• Batch-at-a Glance data table with real-time update,
including all sample data, ISTD/QC signal trend and
calibration curves
• Built-in outlier and LabQC checks

Guaranteed performance Site requirements and safety
For each specification, the actual instrument factory test Dimensions
certificate of Guaranteed Performance is included with Mainframe Width 730 mm (main cabinet,
every 7900 ICP-MS instrument. excluding peripump)
Depth 600 mm (main cabinet,
excluding power cord)
Height 595 mm (main cabinet,
excluding exhaust chimney)
7900 Weight 100 kg
Specification (units) Element/Ratio
ICP-MS Largest shipping Width 1,020 mm
Sensitivity (Mcps/ppm) Li (7) 55 container Depth 1,120 mm
Y (89) 320 Height 1,000 mm
Tl (205) 250 Weight 148 kg
Background (cps) No gas (9 u) 1
Oxide ratio (%) CeO/Ce 1.5
CeO/Ce (HMI-25) 0.5 Operating Range 15–30 °C
temperature Rate of <2 °C/hr (max. change 5 °C)
Doubly-charged ratio (%) Ce2+/Ce 3 change
No gas mode detection Be (9) 0.2 Operating Range 20% to 80% (non condensing)
limits (ppt) In (115) 0.05 humidity
Bi (209) 0.08
He mode detection limits As (75) 20 Utilities
(ppt) * Se (78) 40 Electricity Voltage Single Phase, 200–240 V,
H2 mode detection limits Se (78) 1 supply 50/60 Hz
(ppt) ** Current 30 A
Short-term stability (%RSD) Li, Y, Tl 2 Cooling Inlet temperature 15–40 °C
water Minimum flow rate 5 L/min
Long-term stability (%RSD) Li, Y, Tl 3
Inlet pressure 230–400 kPa (33–58 psi)
Isotope ratio precision Ag (107)/Ag (109) 0.1
Argon gas Minimum purity 99.99%
supply Maximum flow rate 20 L/min
* He mode detection limits for As and Se are performed in a matrix Supply pressure 500–700 kPa (71–100 psi)
of 1% HNO 3, 2% HCl and 100 ppm Ca, demonstrating the effective Cell gas Minimum purity 99.999%
removal of both ArCl and CaCl interferences. All other tests are supply Maximum flow rate 12 mL/min for He and
performed in a matrix of 1% HNO 3 10 mL/min for H2
** Applies when optional H2 cell gas line is fi tted
Supply pressure 90–130 kPa (13–18.8 psi)
for He and 20–60 kPa
(2.9–8.7 psi) for H2
Exhaust Vent type Single vent, 150 mm
duct diameter
Flow rate 5–7 m3/min

Regulatory compliance Standard mainframe configuration
Safety IEC 61010-1:2001 / EN 61010-1:2001, Nebulizer (concentric) MicroMist
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-1-04, UL No.61010-1 (borosilicate glass)
IEC 61010-2-061:2005, Spray chamber (Scott double-pass) Quartz
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-2-061-04 Torch (with ShieldTorch System) Quartz, 2.5 mm ID
IEC 61010-2-081:2001+A1 (2003), CAN/CSA
C22.2 No.61010-2-081-04 Ultra High Matrix Introduction (UHMI) Option
EMC IEC 61326-1:2005 / EN 61326-1:2006,
ICES-001:2006, AS/NZS CISPR 11: 2011 Interface cones Ni
ISO Manufactured at an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Plasma Mass Flow Controllers (Ar) 4
certified facility Option gas line for alternative carrier Option
or make-up gases such as 20% O2/Ar
for organics, or He for laser
He (collision) cell gas line Included
H2 (reaction) cell gas line Option
3rd cell gas line (low- or high-flow rate Option

Note: Refer to publication 5991-3780EN for 7900 ICP-MS

Specifcations with option 200 (semiconductor

Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.

Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change

without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014

Published January 6, 2014
Publication number: 5991-3779EN


Could the world’s bestselling quadrupole ICP-MS really get 10 times better?
The answer is yes.
With 10x higher matrix tolerance, 10x wider dynamic range, 10x better signal to noise, and software
so powerful it can write your methods for you, the new Agilent 7900 redefines ICP-MS… again.

Innovative technology and a new MassHunter software platform combine to make the Agilent 7900
the world’s most powerful, and most automated quadrupole ICP-MS.

With matrix tolerance extended into the tens of % TDS range, a linear dynamic range of up to 11 orders of
magnitude — plus the industry’s most effective helium collision mode — the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS delivers
superior data quality whatever your application.

With automated setup,

faster analysis, better interference
removal, and a simplified
MassHunter software interface,
the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS
blends high performance with
unprecedented ease-of-use.

Unrivaled performance driven by hardware innovation
Unprecedented matrix tolerance The widest dynamic range of any quadrupole ICP-MS
Historically, ICP-MS has been limited to samples that contain The new orthogonal detector system (ODS) delivers up to
<0.2% total dissolved solids (TDS). A robust plasma (indicated by a 11 orders of magnitude dynamic range, from sub-ppt to
CeO/Ce ratio <1%) enables the 7900 ICP-MS to easily tolerate this percent-level concentrations. That means you can measure
matrix level. trace elements and majors in the same run, simplifying method
The ultra high matrix introduction (UHMI) option enables you to development and virtually eliminating over-range results.
routinely measure samples containing up to 25% TDS — 100 times 111 Cd [He] ISTD:115 In [He] 23 Na [HMI He] ISTD:115 In [HMI He]
x10-3 y = 2.4743E-006x + 1.9545E-007 x104 y = 0.9598x + 0.0477
higher than the traditional limit, and far beyond the capability of any R = 1.0000 R = 1.0000
DL = 0.2915 ppt DL = 0.008635 ppm
other ICP-MS. BEC = 0.07899 ppt BEC = 0.04974 ppm

140 9 Be [no gas]
27 Al [no gas]


120 51 V [He]
52 Cr [He]

100 55 Mn [He] 0.5

Spike Recovery (ppb)

56 Fe [He] 1
59 Co [He]
60 Ni [He]
63 Cu [He]
60 0 0
66 Zn [He]
500.0 1000.0 5000.0 10000.0
75 As [He]
40 Conc (ppt) Conc (ppm)
78 Se [He]
107 Ag [He] Calibrations for Cd (BEC < 0.1 ppt) and Na (top standard 10,000 ppm (1%))
20 111 Cd [He]
205 Tl [He]
0 208 Pb [He]
0:1 0
0:3 8
0:4 4
0:3 1
1:1 4
1:3 3
1:5 0
2:0 :53
2:2 0
2:3 6
2:5 3
3:0 9
3:2 5
3:4 2

Faster analysis of transient signals



238 U [He]

Elapsed Time (h:mm:ss)

Fast transient signal measurement — used for applications such
Long-term (3.5 hours) stability of 100 µg/L spike in 25% NaCl brine
as capillary chromatography, single-nanoparticle analysis, and laser
ablation — requires an instrument with very short integration times.
Better trace-level detection The 7900 ICP-MS provides ultra-fast data acquisition, with 10,000
separate measurements per second.
A novel interface design and optimized expansion-stage vacuum
system increase ion transmission, providing >109 cps/ppm sensitivity
at <2% CeO. What’s more, the new orthogonal detector reduces 250000

background, dramatically improving signal to noise for lower 200000

Signal (cps)

detection limits and more accurate ultra-trace measurements. 150000

238 U [No Gas]
x10 y = 1382.6818x + 0.6667 100000
R = 1.0000
DL = 0.001253 ppt 50000
BEC = 0.0004822 ppt
0.0705 0.071 0.0715 0.072 0.0725 0.073 0.0735 0.074 0.0745
Time (s)

Conc. Calc Conc. CPS Time Resolved Analysis signal for single 30 nm Au nanoparticle (dwell time 0.1 ms)
0 0.00 0.67
10 9.89 13675.86
50 49.98 69112.38
0 100 100.02 138295.19
50.0 100.0
Conc (ppt)
238U calibration demonstrating sensitivity >1.38 GHz/ppm and BEC < 0.5 ppq

3 www.agilent.com/chem/7900icpms
Every component of the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS is engineered for performance and reliability
Based on Agilent’s long history of ICP-MS technological leadership embodied in the 7700 Series ICP-MS and 8800 ICP-QQQ,
the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS has been re-engineered from the bench up, with every component optimized for the demands of busy
laboratories today… and in the future.

The standard low-flow, Peltier-cooled sample
introduction system increases operational stability
and consistency. The Integrated Sample Introduction
System (ISIS 3) adds a piston pump and close-coupled
7-port valve for high-speed discrete sampling.


Increases matrix tolerance up to 25% total dissolved
solids (TDS). UHMI also improves plasma robustness,
dramatically reducing matrix suppression.


Provides precise ion energy control, ensuring high sensitivity and
effective interference removal in helium mode. The torch auto-aligns
with the interface following maintenance.


Standard Ni, or optional Pt-tipped cones increase ion transmission and
matrix tolerance. Screw-threaded for easy removal during maintenance.


The world’s smallest ICP-MS system saves valuable bench space while The fast, frequency-matching RF generator increases the tolerance of
ensuring easy access for servicing and maintenance. changing matrices. Even volatile organic solvents can be introduced
without affecting plasma stability.

Some items shown are optional at additional cost. Contact your Agilent Representative for further details.
Improves ion transmission across the mass range, without
the need for mass-specific voltage optimization.


Temperature-controlled collision/reaction cell
with a new gas controller for fast cell gas
switching in less than 3 seconds.


The octopole provides superior interference removal by KED in helium collision
mode, and has been field-proven in thousands of Agilent ICP-MS installations.

The only hyperbolic quadrupole used in ICP-MS. It delivers superior
peak separation and abundance sensitivity, without the need for custom
quadrupole settings to separate adjacent peaks.


The ODS delivers higher sensitivity, lower background, and a wider
measurement range — up to 11 orders of magnitude from 0.1 cps to
10 Gcps — virtually eliminating over-range results.


A single, high-performance split-flow turbo pump and external rotary Manufactured to stringent specifications, and
pump optimize vacuum in the interface region, increasing sensitivity rigorously tested to ensure top quality and
while improving matrix tolerance. maximize instrument performance.



Simplify your workflow Increase the quality and speed of your data review
Our next generation ICP-MS MassHunter software features a dashboard MassHunter’s batch-at-a-glance data table gives you a customizable
layout with gadgets that guide you through every step of your analysis: overview of the current batch — including counts, concentrations, RSD,
hardware configuration, instrument optimization, sample acquisition, and replicate data. Other functions of the interactive data table include:
data analysis and reporting. This user-friendly interface makes learning • Comprehensive real-time results, updated during sequencing
and using the software easier and more intuitive, without compromising
power and flexibility for advanced or research applications. • Interactive calibration plot display (12 plots or single plot)
• On-screen flags for outliers and QC failures
• Graphical display of internal standard recovery, QC stability plots,
and mass spectrum or chromatogram

Automate your method development

ICP-MS MassHunter now includes an innovative matrix-specific
Method Setup Wizard, enabling all users, experienced and new,
to consistently obtain high-quality data. Simply answer a few
questions about your application — or introduce a typical sample —
and let the Wizard build a fully functional method for you.

Monitor and control your instrument

whenever you want, wherever you are
In addition to the industry’s most advanced auto-optimization and
diagnostic functions, ICP-MS MassHunter lets you remotely check
instrument status and run progress, and control key processes using
your smartphone or tablet.

Automated sampling systems to optimize your laboratory’s workflow

Agilent I-AS Autosampler Agilent ASX-500 Series: Agilent Integrated Sample

with pumped rinse station: A great choice for medium- and Introduction System (ISIS 3):
Ideal for ultra-trace analysis and small high-throughput applications, with rack High speed uptake pump, and close-coupled
sample volumes (0.5 mL). Flexible rack configurations providing up to 360 7-port switching valve provide highest
configurations offer a maximum capacity vial positions. possible throughput with discrete sampling.
of 89 vials, plus 3 rinse vials.

Industry-leading speciation measurement

The Agilent 7900 ICP-MS links seamlessly with Agilent HPLC and GC systems through field-
proven interfaces, integrated software control, documentation, and fully developed application
kits. Other hyphenated techniques including CE, IC, and FFF are also easily configured.
As the leading supplier of ICP-MS and chromatography systems, Agilent can help you identify
the right instrument for your application, develop methods, and train your staff. Factory-qualified
engineers are also available to support your coupled systems.

Optional accessories support a range of configurations and applications

Nebulizer options — including low-flow, concentric, inert (HF Laser ablation enables direct sample analysis for bulk and time-
resistant), and parallel path — suit your unique sample types resolved applications.
and volumes.
Inert sample introduction kit is O-ring free, and manufactured from
Software control
PFA for low contamination levels. HF resistant and suitable for high- Virtually unlimited possibilities for optional accessories are now
purity reagents. available via Agilent’s new open-source Software Developers Kit (SDK).
Organics kit contains the sample introduction parts you need to run
volatile organic solvents.

7 www.agilent.com/chem/7900icpms
Leading the way in atomic spectroscopy innovation
• Agilent’s 8800 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS transforms ICP-MS technology, providing
applications capabilities and research opportunities never possible before.
• Agilent’s 700 Series ICP-OES is the world’s most productive high performance
simultaneous ICP-OES.
• The revolutionary Agilent 4200 MP-AES runs on air for lowest cost of ownership and
improved safety.
Agilent 8800 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS • Agilent’s AA range includes the world’s fastest flame AA and the world’s most sensitive
furnace AA.
Learn more about Agilent’s atomic spectroscopy portfolio at www.agilent.com/chem/atomic

For more information Services let you focus on what you do best
Learn more Whether you need support for a single instrument or multiple labs, Agilent can help you solve
problems quickly, increase uptime, and optimize your resources with:
• Familiarization disk including manual, slides and over 20 tutorial videos
U.S. and Canada • On-site maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair
1-800-227-9770 • Remote Advisor for on-line diagnostics and monitoring
[email protected] • Warranty extensions and service contracts for all your systems and peripherals

Europe • Expert applications consulting and training

[email protected]
Agilent Service Guarantee
Asia Pacific If your Agilent instrument requires service while covered by an Agilent service agreement, we
[email protected] guarantee repair or we will replace your instrument for free. No other manufacturer or service
provider offers this level of commitment to keeping your lab running at maximum productivity.
In other countries, please call your
local Agilent Representative or
Agilent Value Promise
Agilent Authorized Distributor — visit
We guarantee you at least 10 years of instrument use from your date of purchase, or we will
www.agilent.com/chem/contactus credit you with the residual value of the system toward an upgraded model.

This information is subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014

Printed in the USA January 10, 2014

OF VALUE The SPS 4 is a next-generation, high-performance autosampler for atomic spectroscopy
applications. Designed to meet the needs of high-throughput laboratories requiring
a fast, high-capacity (up to 360 samples or 768 microtiter wells), reliable autosampler,
it is also small, quiet, easy-to-use and affordable. The SPS 4 is suitable for ultra-trace
analysis by ICP-MS and rugged and robust enough for FAAS, MP-AES, and ICP-OES users.
Built around an innovative gantry design that supports the mechanical components
between two rigid pillars, the SPS 4 provides improved accuracy and precision, high speed,
From the date you purchase the Agilent ease of access, and corrosion resistance – all within a footprint that is nearly 40% smaller
SPS 4 autosampler, Agilent guarantees than other autosamplers in its class.
at least 10 years’ use or residual-value With the integrated environmental enclosure (optional), the SPS 4 offers maximum sample
credit towards a replacement model integrity while protecting your laboratory environment from hazardous sample vapors,
upgrade. Our Value Promise maximizes all without compromising a millimeter of valuable bench space. In addition, access to the
your return-on-investment by ensuring power switch, peristaltic pump, and all electrical and communications ports are outside the
that your purchase is safe. environmental enclosure for easy access and protection from corrosion.
Uniquely Agilent in design and compatibility Flexible rack configuration enables wide range of
sample capacities
• Heavy-duty, powder-coated aluminum frame for light weight,
maximum rigidity and corrosion resistance. • Compatible with a wide range of commercially available
• User programmable high-speed probe arm assembly and (Bel-Art) metal-free sample racks, including 90-, 60-, 40-, 24-,
optimized movement for fastest sample-to-sample speed. and 21-position racks. A 96-well microtiter plate rack is also
available for ICP-MS.
• USB plug-and-play connectivity allows fast and easy setup.
Rack capacity Tube OD (mm) Maximum tube
• Integrated spill tray contains accidental spills, protecting the (# tubes) height (mm)
laboratory bench and simplifying cleanup. 90 13 150
• Standards rack and rinse port are centrally located for the fastest 60 17 150
access and maximum throughput. 40 20 150
• All electronic and mechanical components are located in top 24 25 150
gantry, away from liquid spills, for long life and easy maintenance. 21 30 150
• Compatible with Agilent’s full range of atomic spectroscopy
• Rack configuration is user selectable, and rack sizes can be
mixed and matched as needed.
• Modern industrial design combines well thought out robustness
• Central standards rack is configurable to support either a
and performance characteristics with a sleek, eye-catching
34 position (twelve 29 mm OD tubes plus twenty two 17 mm
profile that coordinates with Agilent’s newest MP-AES, ICP-OES
OD tubes) or 5 position (five 61 mm OD bottles) rack (depending
and ICP-MS designs.
on instrument configuration).
• Four sample rack capacity supports up to 360 samples,
permitting long unattended runs in high-throughput labs.
• Eight 96-well microtiter plate capacity, with optional well plate
kit, supports up to 768 samples (for ICP-MS only).

Leading the way in

atomic spectroscopy innovation
The SPS 4 is compatible with Agilent’s
Agilent SPS 4
comprehensive atomic spectroscopy portfolio.

Agilent AA Agilent MP-AES Agilent ICP-OES Agilent ICP-MS Agilent ICP-QQQ

Integrated environmental enclosure option protects Dual-wash reservoir option eliminates potential
your samples and your laboratory environment carryover
• Maintain maximum sample integrity by protecting samples from • Optional dual-port wash reservoir for ultra-trace applications
the lab environment. or applications requiring two different rinse chemistries.
• Protect operators and laboratory instrumentation from corrosive Three-channel peristaltic pump for ultimate
sample vapors. flow-through rinse flexibility
• Fully integrated environmental enclosure takes up no extra • Simultaneously pump two different rinse solutions
valuable bench space. (in conjunction with the optional dual wash reservoir)
• When the environmental enclosure is fitted, sample visibility • Third channel still allows for a pumped drain when a gravity
remains unrestricted, as well as sample access from the front drain is not an option.
when the door is in the raised position.
Multiple probe size options for a diverse range of
• Vertically sliding front access door can be fixed open for easy applications
access to samples.
• A range of carbon fiber–reinforced fluoropolymer probes suit
• Electrical and plumbing connections remain outside the
all applications from microvolume sampling to high-speed
environmental enclosure for easy access with the cover in place.
discrete sampling.
• Environmental Enclosure Kit includes a 50 mm (2 in) extraction
• Integrated nebulizer/probe assembly option for ultra-clean
air duct fitting that can be fitted to either side of the autosampler
as needed.
• Programmable probe speed in 3 axes for the ultimate
performance with all sample types.
• Intelligent probe acceleration and deceleration permits high
speed while minimizing spattering.
• Programmable probe depth for sedimentary or separated layer

SPS 4 autosampler shown with optional integrated environmental enclosure.

Front cover shown in fixed open position for easy access to samples.

Dimensions: Width 600 mm (23.6 in), Depth 320 mm (12.6 in),
Depth 363 mm including peristaltic pump (14.3 in), Height 510 mm
(20.1 in)
Weight: 15 kg (33.1 lbs)
Probe arm speed: User programmable in X, Z, and Theta (rotational)
dimensions. Optimized sample-to-sample probe movement time for
corner-to-corner travel in less than 3 seconds.
Axis Minimum speed Maximum speed
Genuine Agilent supplies for flexible sample handling
and maximum productivity
X (mm/sec) 14.5 1016
Z (mm/sec) 8.6 518 Agilent supplies for the SPS 4 autosampler are designed to give
flexibility in sample handling and maintain the high performance
Theta (degrees/sec) 9 540
of your system. With a wide range of sample racks and vessels
Rinse port flow rate: Programmable, up to 50 mL/min depending supporting small or large sample volumes, probe options
on pump tube diameter. and interface supplies, we can help keep your lab running at
Communication: USB 2.0 (full speed) virtual com port with maximum productivity.
plug-and-play capability. Learn more: www.agilent.com/chem/AtomicSupplies
AUX interface: RS485 for future upgradability to external device
Power requirements: 100–240 VAC, 47–63 Hz, 1.5 A
Built-in diagnostics: The SPS 4 includes a row of four LEDs on the
front panel that indicate the operational or error status of the
Supported instruments:
55B 4100 5100 7700
240FS 4200 7800
280FS 7900
a. Requires b. Requires MP c. Requires ICP d. Requires
SpectrAA Expert software Expert software ICP-MS
software version version 1.5.1 version 7.1 or MassHunter
5.3 or above. or above. above. software version For more information:
4.2 or above.
Contact your local Agilent representative
or visit:
This information is subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015

Published May 19, 2015
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 Software for the
Agilent 7700, 7800 & 7900 ICP-MS, & 8800 &
8900 ICP-QQQ Systems

ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 is the latest version of Agilent's simple,

intuitive and powerful ICP-MS Workstation software. MassHunter
4.3 supports the 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ) and is
compatible with the 7700, 7800, and 7900 quadrupole ICP-MS and
8800 ICP-QQQ instruments. In addition to usability enhancements,
MassHunter 4.3 has significant new functionality, including
enhancements to the Method Wizard and Single Nanoparticle
Application Module, and support for a wider range of third party
peripherals. MassHunter 4.3 controls configuration, method setup,
data acquisition, data processing and reporting for all currently
supported ICP-MS systems.
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 runs on the Windows 7 or Windows 10
Pro or Enterprise Edition operating systems (64 bit only).
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 consists of a base configuration and one
of five MassHunter software options (#001, #002, #003, #004 or
#005), depending on which mainframe is supported (7700, 8800,
7900, 7800 or 8900, respectively).
In addition to the core software which is specific to
the ICP-MS mainframe (as determined by the option
New features of version 4.3
number selected), advanced functions including the  Optional Single Nanoparticle Application Module
Single Nanoparticle Application Module, Intelligent (G5714A) automates setup of method and batch
Sequencing, Chromatographic Data Analysis, and for data acquisition and analysis of nanoparticles,
User Access Control Pack are available as options. both in single particle mode and field flow
Support for advanced functions available on the 7900 fractionation mode. In single particle mode, the
such as “Advanced Acquisition - option #102” and algorithm to determine the background has been
“UHMI - option #101” is included when those enhanced, detection of small particles has been
hardware options are purchased. made more accurate, and the capability to
determine and report two elements or isotopes
The new ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 maintains and has been improved. The Single Nanoparticle
enhances the power and functionality of the previous Application Module is compatible with all
version, while retaining the simple, intuitive user supported ICP-MS mainframes. On the 7900 and
interface and workflows. Both Top Level and Data 8900, 100 microsecond dwell time acquisition
Analysis utilize intuitive, easy to read “Gadgets,” with no settling time is available for single
arranged in the order in which they are commonly isotope determinations
accessed, and with related functions combined into a  The unique Method Wizard has been enhanced,
single access point. Important, but less frequently providing better optimization and faster analysis
used functions are organized together under the times in "Speed" mode, and now including
“Settings” gadget (see below). availability of a method automation report
 Reporting functionality has been extended, with a
more intuitive report designer in Agilent's
Common Reporting Engine (CRE), support for
Excel templates, and support for Excel 2016
 Upgraded functionality for LC-ICP-MS users
including support for the 1260 and 1290 Infinity
Multi-sampler (G7167A/B)
ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 compatibility
 New for ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3, Intelligent
 Operates on Windows 7 Pro or Enterprise Edition Sequencing is now compatible with the 8800 and
or Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise Edition. It 8900 ICP-QQQ systems, as well as the 7700, 7800
requires 64 bit versions. and 7900 ICP-MS instruments
 Supports all current ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ  "Demo Mode" permits simulation of a fully
mainframes and peripherals including the 7700, functional online instrument for training and
7800 and 7900 ICP-MS and 8800 and 8900 ICP- troubleshooting purposes
QQQ. Supported autosamplers include the Agilent
SPS 4, ASX-520 and I-AS autosamplers and the
Cetac ASX-110 and EXR/XLR 8 autosamplers ICP-MS MassHunter functions
 Many additional third party samplers and
accessories are supported via plug-ins developed Instrument Control, Startup and Optimization
by the third party supplier. Contact Agilent for  MassHunter 4.3 provides full control of the 7700,
details 7800, 7900, 8800 and 8900 ICP-MS instruments,
 Supports full integration of Agilent 7890 GC and including automated Startup and optimization
7693 autosampler procedures, and automated, unattended system
 Supports full integration of most Agilent 1100 shutdown at the end of a sequence
and 1200 Series HPLC modules and peripherals  Startup provides a user-configured schedule of
system optimization and performance checks to
be run under consistent conditions following
plasma ignition

 Startup is particularly useful in busy commercial Data Acquisition
laboratories, as it ensures that instrument
 Perform pre-defined analysis using settings
performance is checked and recorded under
defined in the Batch/tune conditions, including
uniform conditions from day to day, and between
multi-level aerosol dilution with HMI or UHMI
different operators. A "history view" allows
simple monitoring of variations in instrument  Advanced rinse programs including Pre-emptive
performance and tuning parameters over time Rinse and Intelligent Rinse
 Fast and reproducible auto-tuning with tune  Quick Scan for fast screening analysis, integrated
status and current signal display in the main acquisition and data analysis pane
 Easy setup and configuration of mainframe  Spectrum, Isotope Ratio, Time Program, Time
options and connected peripherals Resolved Analysis (TRA) and Fast TRA Analysis
 Comprehensive diagnostic and Early  Time resolved acquisition includes support for
Maintenance Feedback (EMF) tools continuous runs of more than 24 hours for laser
Batch and Queue  Integrated instrument and run control for Agilent
7890GC and common 1200 Series LC modules
 The Batch contains all the information and
settings (sample introduction/peripump program, Data Analysis and Reporting
tune modes and settings, acquisition masses and
 ICP-MS MassHunter uses a flexible, interactive
integration times, internal standards, sample list,
Data Batch table that is updated in real-time
calibration parameters and QC settings) required
during sequence analysis. The Data Batch table
to setup and run a sample batch displays all results (counts, concentration, SD,
 Batches can be created from a blank template, a etc.) for a batch of samples (shown below)
Pre-set Method or an existing batch, or by using
the Method Wizard. Customized batches can be
saved as Templates making it easy to reuse
settings for future batches
 The Queue is the schedule of tasks assigned to
the instrument for automated, sequential
 Queue manages all hardware and acquisition
tasks including Startup and optimization, batch
analysis and automated shutdown
 The real-time display indicates current sequence
status, and a configurable “Monitor” function
 The Batch view shows analyte results, internal
(shown below) displays the signals for user-
standard recoveries, spectra or chromatograms,
selected masses between sample acquisitions
QC charts and calibration information for an
entire batch or selected samples in a single view
 Outlier flags and LabQC functions are provided,
and the screen layout can be switched between
built-in and customized views
 Calibration modes include
o External calibration*
o Method of standard additions
o Semi-quantitative calibration
o Isotope ratio (optional for 7800 and 7900)
o Isotope dilution (optional for 7800 and

*Calibration curve fit options include linear,
linear through zero, linear through the blank,
Optional Software Modules
weighted least squares, log and second order
 A range of configurable calibration reports is Chromatographic Analysis software
provided (illustrated below) ICP-MS MassHunter’s optional chromatographic
software module (G7205C) provides fully-functioned,
integrated control for Agilent LC- and GC-ICP-MS
systems, and comprehensive chromatographic data
analysis with advanced integration tools.
A new parameter-less integrator (Agile2 integrator)
automatically adjusts to peak widths, shapes, and
baseline noise to correctly integrate practically any
chromatographic peak with virtually no user input.
The chromatographic data analysis pane is analogous
to the spectrum data analysis pane and includes the
current chromatogram display, quantitative results,
outlier functions and calibration information.

 Data analysis view is consistent for spectrum

data, and optional chromatographic and
nanoparticle data analysis modules
 Recalibrations performed during the sequence
are applied automatically to the subsequent
samples, including converting standard addition
to external calibration, isotope ratio mass bias
correction, and semi-quantitative calibration
 Up to 5 user-definable LabQC sample types, plus
spike and reference samples; includes plotting
Advanced chromatographic functions include:
and user defined action on QC failure
 Advanced tools for spectral and semi-quantitative  Chromatographic and spectrum based internal
analysis, including potential interference flags, standard correction
spectral overlay and automated isotopic template  Peak auto integration using global or user-
update selectable integration parameters per peak
 Isotope ratio/isotope dilution analysis (optional  Interactive manual integration
with advanced acquisition software on 7800 and  Snapshot data analysis of current sample during
7900) acquisition run-time
 The data (entire table or selected samples) may  Compound-independent calibration (CIC)
be reported directly to print/file, or quickly and  Signal to Noise calculation
easily exported to Excel 2013/2016 for advanced
 Automatic retention time updates
data analysis, further processing or transfer to
custom 3rd party software
Intelligent Sequencing Real-time QC software
 A built-in, user-configurable LIMS export tool
permits simple export of selected data to LIMS The main ICP-MS MassHunter software suite
 Compatible with OpenLAB ECM or SDA for includes many QC functions, including Tune Checks,
regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical labs Intelligent Rinse, Outlier flags, LabQC samples and
options for simple run-time actions on QC failure.

For advanced QC requirements (such as full User Access Control software for 21 CFR Part
compliance with USEPA methodology), the optional 11 Compliance
Intelligent Sequencing software module (G7206C)
The optional User Access Control module (G7207C)
provides full QC configuration and reporting tools.
provides flexible, configurable, multi-level user access
Intelligent Sequencing tools include the capability for control, to limit access to ICP-MS MassHunter and
multi-level QC checks and actions on failure, and individual functions within the software. Actions can
support for a large number of user configurable be set to be permitted only for certain user levels
sample types with customizable report templates. and, for each action, the requirement for the user to
Now also available for the 8800 and 8900 ICP-QQQ enter a valid username/password combination and
systems. reason can be set.
In combination with Agilent’s OpenLAB ECM or SDA
Single Nanoparticle Application Module
software, the User Access Control option for ICP-MS
The optional Single Nanoparticle Application Module MassHunter can provide a solution that satisfies all
(G5714A) fully automates the task of setting up an the regulatory requirements of the US FDA's 21 CFR
analysis batch for nanoparticle determination, either Part 11 and equivalent regulations in other countries
in single particle mode or in field flow fractionation and regions. The comprehensive range of Agilent
(FFF) mode. compliance software options cover user needs from
single workstation (SDA) through to multi-instrument,
The Single Nanoparticle Application Module is built
multi-site, global enterprise level operations (ECM).
into the easy-to-use Method Wizard, so creating a
nanoparticle method is fast and intuitive. Acquisition
parameters optimized for either single particle mode
or FFF mode are automatically set up with a few
mouse clicks. Sample flow, nebulization efficiency,
ionic response factor and particle detection threshold
are automatically calculated.

Results are displayed both in tabular format in the

Batch-at-a Glance view, and graphically, including
particle number, particle concentration, size
distribution, median size, ionic concentration, and
Background Equivalent Diameter. Powerful
interactive data review and optimization tools simplify
validation of results, and an entire batch of samples
takes just seconds to process.

ICP-MS MassHunter 4.3 Workstation Compatibility
Auto samplers Operating system components
All supported ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ mainframes are MassHunter 4.3 is compatible with:
compatible with the following optional autosamplers:  Windows 7 (Pro and Enterprise Editions,
64 bit, SP1), or
 SPS 4
 Windows 10 (Pro and Enterprise Editions,
 I-AS 64 bit)
 Internet Explorer 9.0 or later
 ASX-520
 Excel 2013 or 2016 (32 bit only)
 ASX-110
 EXR/XLR-8 Optional software modules

The ISIS 2 autosampler is compatible with the 7700 The following optional software modules for ICP-MS
and 8800 instruments only. The ISIS 3 autosampler is MassHunter 4.3 are compatible with all supported
compatible with the 7900, 7800 and 8900 instruments ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ mainframes:
only.  Chromatographic Analysis
 Intelligent Sequencing
 Single Nanoparticle Application
 User Access Control

7700 Series1 7900 7800 8900

& 8800
Software Functions
Method Wizard (interactive mode) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Method Wizard (automatic mode) No x-lens only No No
Time Resolved Analysis (TRA) mode Yes Yes2 Yes2 Yes
Fast TRA mode No Yes2 No Yes
(0.1 msec. minimum dwell time) (3 msec.) (3 msec.)
Isotope Ratio/Isotope Dilution Yes Yes2 Yes2 Yes
High-Resolution/Half-Mass Mode Yes Yes2 Yes2 Yes
(for correction of 2+ interferences)
Quick Scan Yes Yes Yes Yes
High Matrix Introduction function Yes No Yes No
Ultra High Matrix Introduction No Yes3 No Yes4
(UHMI) (x-lens only) (x-lens only)

1 7700e requires an upgrade to enable the functionality of C.01.03 which is equivalent to upgrading first to the “full” version of B.01.xx, then to C.01.03.
2 with option #102
3 with option #101
4 not with option #200

7700 Series1 7900 7800 8900
& 8800
Fast Cell Gas Switching No Yes Yes Yes
Autotune Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flexible Manual Tuning Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spray Chamber Temperature Control Yes Yes Yes Yes
(selectable -5 °C to 20 °C)
H2 Cell Gas control Optional for 7700 Optional Optional Included
Included for 8800
Link to OpenLAB ECM or SDA for full Yes Yes Yes Yes
compliance with 21 CFR Part 11
(requires User Access Control software option G7207C)
eFamiliarization (Tutorial video) No Yes Yes Yes
(Audio: English, Chinese, Japanese
Subtitle: French, Italian, German,
Spanish, Portuguese, Korean)
Remote Advisor (Level A) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Supported Agilent LC and GC Modules – Full integration and control of LC

and GC modules from within ICP-MS MassHunter
Agilent LC Module Part Number
1200 Isocratic Pump G1310A
1260 Isocratic Pump G1310B
1200 Binary Pump G1312A
1260 Binary Pump SL G1312B
Solvent Selection Valve G1312B, #031
1260 Binary Pump VL G1312C
1290 Binary Pump G4220A
1290 Binary Pump VL G4220B
1260 Infinity SFC Binary Pump G4302A
1100 Quaternary Pump G1311A
1260 Quaternary Pump G1311B
1260 Quaternary Pump VL G1311C
1290 Infinity Quaternary Pump G4204A
1260 Infinity Bio-inert, Ti Head, Fe-Free Quaternary Pump VL G5611A
1100 Standard ALS G1313A
1200 Standard ALS G1329A

1260 Standard ALS SL G1329B
1260 SFC Standard ALS G4303A
1260 Infinity II Vialsampler G7129A
Integrated Column Compartment G7130A
1100 Well-Plate ALS G1367A
1200 High Performance ALS G1367B
1200 High Performance ALS SL G1367C
1200 High Performance ALS SL Plus G1367D
1260 Infinity High performance ALS SL G1367E
1290 Infinity ALS G4226A
Bio-Inert LC metal-free ALS G5667A
1290 Infinity Thermostat G1330B
1260 Infinity Multisampler G7167A
1290 Infinity II Multisampler G7167B
1260 Low Flow High Performance Sampler G1377A
1260 Cap-LC Pump G1376A
1260 Nano-LC Pump G2226A
1260 Low Flow Sampler G1389A
1290 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment G1316A
1290 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment SL G1316B
1290 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment SL Plus G1316C
1260 Infinity Micro Degasser (no software control) G1379B

Agilent GC Module5 Part Number

7890A GC system G3440A

7890B GC system G3440B

7693B Auto injector module G4513A

7693 Auto sampler tray module G4514A

5 Note that GC Firmware must be version A.01.11.1 or later for direct support from ICP-MS MassHunter

Ordering information
MassHunter 4.3 Workstation PC Bundle for the Agilent 7700, 7800 and 7900 ICP-MS, and 8800 and
8900 ICP-QQQ systems6
Part Number Description

G7215C Agilent MassHunter-Ready Workstation for 7700, 7800 and 7900 ICP-MS, and 8800
and 8900 ICP-QQQ systems
Agilent’s ICP-MS MassHunter-ready workstation includes a PC (one of the models listed below), monitor, printer, Windows 7
Pro (64 bit version), Excel 2013 (32 bit) and manuals.
Does not include ICP-MS MassHunter software (select the appropriate software module from those listed below)

Hardware-specific ICP-MS MassHunter software modules:

G7215C, #001 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 7700x/s ICP-MS

G7215C, #002 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 8800 ICP-QQQ

G7215C, #003 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 7900 ICP-MS

G7215C #004 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 7800 ICP-MS

G7215C #005 ICP-MS MassHunter G7201C for the 8900 ICP-QQQ

PC specifications MassHunter is tested and supported on the models

listed below, or on models shipped later.
HP Z230 (Small Form Factor)
Processor Type Intel® Xeon® E3-1225v3 8MB cache, 4C (Quad-core)
Processor Speed 3.2 GHz
RAM HP 4GB (1x4GB) DDR3-1600 non-ECC RAM
Hard Disk 500 GB SATA, 6Gb/s, 7200rpm
Optical Drives HP 16x SuperMulti DVD+/-RW SATA Drive
Graphics Integrated Intel HD Graphics P4600
Audio Integrated High Definition Realtek ALC221 Audio
Accessories Keyboard and Optical Mouse
Ports LAN* port – Integrated Intel I217LM Gigabit Network
Additional RS232 Serial Port (2 in total)

6 Subject to change without notice

HP Z220 (Small Form Factor)

Processor Type Intel® Xeon® E3-1225v2 8MB cache, 4C (Quad-core)

Processor Speed 3.2 GHz
RAM 4 GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3-1600 non-ECC RAM
Hard Disk 250 GB SATA, 6Gb/s, 7200rpm
Optical Drives HP 16x SuperMulti DVD+/-RW SATA Drive
Graphics Integrated Intel HD Graphics P4000
Audio Integrated High Definition Realtek ALC221 Audio
Accessories Keyboard and Optical Mouse
Ports LAN port – Integrated Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network
Additional RS232 Serial Port (2 in total)
Operating System Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit, SP1 (English/Japanese/Chinese)

Monitor HP Z221 21.5" widescreen LCD

Laser Printer (English/Chinese) HP LaserJet P3015dn (600 sheets
tray capacity / 35ppm)
(Japanese) Canon LBP-6330

NOTE The ICP-MS is connected to the instrument control PC using the standard LAN port of the PC. If a
second LAN connection is required, for example to connect the PC to a building LAN or to control an
Agilent LC or GC system, a LAN switch (switching hub) such as the HP ProCurve Network Switch
(G2402A) is recommended. It is possible to use a second LAN card, but communication problems
have been reported with this configuration, so the preferred and supported configuration is with a
network switch.


Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for

incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance or use of this material.

Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication

are subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2016

Published June 20, 2016
Publication number: 5991-4070EN
Jan., 2017

Current PC Specifications
for ICP-MS MassHunter Workstation

Note: subject to change without notice


Model HP Z240 Small Form Factor Workstation

Operating System Windows 7 Professional, 64bit, SP1 (English/Japanese/Chinese)
Processor Intel® Xeon® E3-1225v5 (3.3 GHz, 8MB cache, 4 cores)
Memory 4 GB (DDR4)
Hard Disk 500 GB 7200 rpm SATA
Optical Drive HP DVD-RW SuperMulti Drive
Graphics Intel HD Graphics P530
Audio Integrated Realtek HD ALC221
Ports 8x USB 3.0 (2 in front, 6 rear)
2x USB 2.0 (2 in front)
RS232 Serial Port (2 in total)
Input Devices Keyboard, Optical Scroll Mouse
Dimensions (W x D x 100 x 381 x 338 mm (3.95 x 15.0 x 13.3)
Weight 6.7 kg (12.66 lbs)

Note: The ICP-MS is connected to the instrument control PC using the standard LAN port of the PC. If a
second LAN connection is required, for example to connect the PC to a building LAN or to control an
Agilent LC or GC system, a LAN switch (switching hub) such as the HP ProCurve Network Switch
(G2402A) is recommended. When using a second LAN card, communication problems are commonly
reported with this configuration, so the preferred and supported configuration is with a network switch.

Jan., 2017


Model HP EliteDisplay E222 21.5-inch IPS Monitor

Display size 21.5”, Wide screen (16:9)
Dimensions (W x D x H) 514 x 189 x 334 mm
(with stand) (20.22 x 7.44 x 13.13 in)
Weight (with stand) 5.27 kg (11.62 lb)


English / Chinese
Model HP LaserJet Enterprise M506dn
Dimensions (W x D x H) 418 x 376 x 298 mm (16.46 x 14.80 x 11.73 in)
Weight 11.8 kg (25.9 lbs)

Model Canon LBP251
Dimensions (W x D x H) 400 × 377 × 298 mm
Weight 11.5kg

Agilent Technologies, Inc. – Support Services:
Repair Service/Extended Warranty,
Agilent CrossLab Service Plans

Exhibit 22X

Agilent Technologies’ Repair Service/ Agilent CrossLab Bronze (R-28C). Agilent CrossLab Silver (R-28R).
Extended Warranty and Agilent Service includes: Telephone Support Service includes: Telephone Support
CrossLab Service Plans are governed to Isolate and Resolve Hardware to Isolate and Resolve Hardware
by this Exhibit and the Agilent Service and Software Problems and On-site and Software Problems, Service
Terms (E16S). Hardware Troubleshooting and Center Repair* and On-site Hardware
Repair with Standard Response time. Troubleshooting and Repair with
Repair Service/Extended All labor, travel costs, and service Standard Response time. All labor,
Warranty, and Agilent CrossLab parts, including Consumable Parts travel costs, and service parts,
Required for Repair are included. Upon including Consumable Parts Required
Service Plans
availability, the Agilent Remote Advisor for Repair, are included. Additionally
Repair Service/Extended Warranty, service is also included. included are one Agilent CrossLab
and Agilent CrossLab Service Plans Preventive Maintenance, and upon
Agilent CrossLab Bronze - availability, Agilent Remote Advisor is
include defined combinations of
Government/Academia (R-29C). also included.
Agilent services, which Customers
The Agilent CrossLab Bronze –
may not substitute. The following
Government/ Academia service Agilent CrossLab Silver Plus
service bundles are available from
plan is only available to Government (R-38R). This service is available
Agilent, on supported products:
and Academia customers. Service for select Agilent LCs and includes
Repair Service/Extended Warranty includes: Telephone Support to the Deuterium Lamp Replacement
(R-28D). Repair Service/Extended Isolate and Resolve Hardware and benefit. Service includes: Telephone
Warranty provides warranty-level Software Problems and On-site Support to Isolate and Resolve
service coverage on supported Hardware Troubleshooting and Repair Hardware and Software Problems,
instruments. Services include: with No Guaranteed Response time. Service Center Repair* and On-site
Telephone Support to Isolate and All labor, travel costs, and service Hardware Troubleshooting and Repair
Resolve Hardware Problems, and parts, including Consumable Parts with Standard Response time. All
On-site Hardware Troubleshooting Required for Repair are included. labor, travel costs, and service parts,
and Repair with Standard Response Upon availability, the Agilent Remote including Consumable Parts Required
time according to the defined warranty Advisor-Assist service is also included. for Repair, are included. Additionally
repair strategy for the specific Agilent reserves the right to substitute included are one Preventive
hardware system or module. All labor, Service Center Repair for On-site Maintenance visit including the
travel costs, and repair service parts service as deemed necessary. replacement of the Deuterium lamp,
are included. and upon availability: Agilent Remote
Advisor is also included.
Agilent CrossLab Silver with OQ CrossLab Gold (R-18E) above and Agilent CrossLab Repair and
(R-28S, R-28U). Services include: furthermore one Agilent Crosslab Maintenance – Government/
services defined in the Agilent Operational Qualification (OQ/PV) Academia (R-29R). The Agilent
CrossLab Silver (R-28R) section above event which is guaranteed to pass. CrossLab Repair and Maintenance
and furthermore one Agilent CrossLab – Government/Academia Service
Operational Qualification (OQ/ PV) Agilent CrossLab Gold with OQ and plan is only available to Government
event which is guaranteed to pass. RQ (R-18G, R-18J). Services include: (Country/State/Local) and Academia
services defined in the Agilent (College/University) customers.
Agilent CrossLab Silver with OQ CrossLab Gold (R-18E) section above Service includes: Telephone Support
and RQ (R-28T, R-28V). Services and furthermore only one Agilent to Isolate and Resolve Hardware and
include: services defined in the Agilent CrossLab Operational Qualification Software Problems, On-site Hardware
CrossLab Silver (R-28R) above and (OQ/PV) event which is guaranteed Troubleshooting and Repair with
furthermore one Agilent CrossLab to pass, and Agilent CrossLab Repair No Guaranteed Response time. All
Operational Qualification (OQ/PV) Qualification (RQ) which allows for labor and travel costs are included.
event which is guaranteed to pass, and unlimited number of re-qualifications Parts and Consumables required
Agilent CrossLab Repair Qualification after a repair within the contract for repair are not included and must
(RQ) which allows for unlimited period. be purchased from Agilent. Only
number of re-qualifications after a one Agilent CrossLab Preventive
repair within the contract period. Module Repair (R-28X). Service
Maintenance is included. Upon
coverage for individual module only.
availability: the Agilent Remote
Agilent CrossLab Silver with Service includes: Telephone Support
Advisor service is included.
Software (R-28W). Services include: to Isolate and Resolve Hardware
services defined in the Agilent Problems, and On-site Hardware Agilent CrossLab Silver with
CrossLab Silver (R-28R) above and Troubleshooting and Repair with Functional Verification (R-26X).
furthermore workstation Software Standard Response time according to Services include: services defined in
Media Updates. the defined warranty repair strategy the Agilent CrossLab Silver (R-28R)
for the specific hardware system or section above and furthermore
Agilent CrossLab Gold (R-18E). module. All labor, travel costs, and one Agilent CrossLab Functional
Service includes: Telephone Support repair service parts are included. Verification testing event within the
to Isolate and Resolve Hardware
contract period. Only one Agilent
and Software Problems, Service Certain hardware components may
CrossLab Preventive Maintenance is
Center Repair* and On-site Hardware require return to Agilent services at an
Troubleshooting and Repair with Agilent Service Center Repair.
Next Business Day Response time, Agilent CrossLab Gold with Functional
where available. All labor, travel costs, Repair Service/Extended Warranty
Verification (R-16W). Services
service parts, including Consumable Mass Spec Only (R-29D). Service
include: services defined in the Agilent
Parts Required for Repair are included. includes: services defined in the Repair
CrossLab Gold (R-18E) section above
Additionally included are one Service/Extended Warranty section
and furthermore one Agilent CrossLab
Preventive Maintenance, and upon above for the Mass Spec component of
Functional Verification testing event
availability: Agilent Remote Advisor- supported GCMS or LCMS systems. No
within the contract period. Only
Assist, Agilent Remote Advisor-Report, service is performed on the front-end
one Agilent CrossLab Preventive
and Agilent Remote Advisor-Alert. components.
Maintenance is included.
Also included are an assigned account
Agilent CrossLab Bronze Mass
manager with quarterly review Service center repair option available
Spec Only (R-29B). Services include:
meetings, and an onsite cache of only for products that specify this
services defined in the Agilent
commonly needed parts. repair method or in cases where
CrossLab Bronze (R-28C) section
this option is mutually beneficial to
Agilent CrossLab Gold with OQ above, for the Mass Spec component
customer and Agilent.
(R-18F, R-18H). Service includes: of supported GCMS or LCMS systems.
services defined in the Agilent No service is performed on the
front-end components.

Service Definitions the included Preventive Maintenance Agilent CrossLab Preventive
(PM) visit. If the lamp does not require Maintenance. Includes replacement
Service Definitions for All Repair replacement at the time of the PM of specific parts, cleaning, adjusting,
Service/Extended Warranty and visit, the customer may contact Agilent lubricating, inspecting or testing
Agilent CrossLab Service Plans anytime during the agreement coverage system procedures. Agilent may
and request a lamp be shipped to also perform routine operational
Telephone Support to Isolate and them at no charge. If the lamp is not maintenance procedures. Labor and
Resolve Hardware and Software requested during the agreement period, parts required to perform Agilent’s
Problems. Includes telephone access no credit will be given or passed along preventive maintenance procedures
to Agilent for the specific purpose to future agreements. and travel to Customer’s site once
of isolating and resolving hardware during the coverage period are
problems. If software phone support Agilent Labor and Travel to install the included. Preventive Maintenance
is specified, also includes telephone lamp outside of the PM visit is not is performed according to Agilent-
access for the specific purpose of included in the agreement. recommended procedures upon
isolating and resolving software a mutually agreed schedule, or
Consumable Parts Required for
problems. Software phone support coincident with purchased instrument
Repair. With the exception of the
covers only the single instance of calibration or operational qualification
lamp benefit contained in Agilent
the Agilent workstation software service. Instrument specific
CrossLab Silver Plus, consumables and
controlling the covered instrument maintenance procedure checklists are
supplies required during the routine
system. Excludes client- server available from Agilent upon request.
maintenance and normal operation
database software and Informatics of your instruments are not included
software. May include software support Agilent CrossLab Silver Plus includes
in any Agilent CrossLab Service a deuterium lamp benefit that is
from vendors other than Agilent for Plan. However certain supplies and
Multi-Vendor Services arrangements. provided at the time of the Preventive
consumable parts may be required Maintenance Visit.
On-site Hardware Troubleshooting as part of repair or the diagnosing of
and Repair. Includes diagnosis and instrument or product problems. www. Agilent CrossLab Operational
correction of product malfunctions and agilent.com/ chem/svcconsumables Qualification. Determines
failures at the Customer site. Repair is operational performance using a
Unless otherwise stated, the quantity chemical test sample kit of known
provided uninterrupted, unless Agilent of such items included in contractual
determines that additional parts or concentration on chromatography
coverage is limited to the amount instruments via Agilent CrossLab
resources are required. In such case, necessary to return the instrument to
Agilent will interrupt repair services Operational Qualification (OQ)
normal operation. procedure and methodology. The
and will resume as soon as the parts
or resources are available. The repair service is compatible with all Agilent
Service Center Repair. Includes
may consist of temporary procedures instruments, and selected non-Agilent
diagnosis and correction of product
that Customer must follow while a products. Service is provided annually.
malfunctions and failures at local
permanent solution is developed. Agilent Service Centers. Agilent may Agilent CrossLab Repair Qualification.
install engineering improvement Uses Agilent CrossLab procedures
Modules for Service Center Repair. modifications, when applicable, and
Agilent systems may contain hardware and testing methodology to test that
perform services such as cleaning, a system is performing to Agilent’s
modules that require Agilent service adjusting, lubricating, inspecting
center repair. These modules are not operational specification after repair.
or testing. Repaired products are The service is provided after repair of
subject to on-site support. re-tested and certified to verify proper system components that may impact
Deuterium Lamp Replacement. Agilent operation. All required labor, parts and system operational performance.
CrossLab Silver Plus plans include materials are included. Replaced parts
one (1) deuterium lamp during the become the property of Agilent.
12 months period of the agreement.
On site replacement of this lamp by
an Agilent engineer will occur during

Agilent Remote Advisor-Assist. Response Time. Response time is Applicable for Software
Enables Customer to open a service measured in elapsed coverage days Support Services:
request by clicking the Push for Help from the day the service request is
icon on connected systems. The Push received to the day Agilent arrives at General. Agilent provides telephone
for Help request is acknowledged Customer’s site. Standard Response support only for software that
within one (1) hour and Customer time varies depending on the distance Customer has properly licensed and
receives a call back within four (4) from an Agilent office. The travel zone that is used on instrumentation
hours from Agilent to isolate and distance varies by country. or hardware that meets Agilent
resolve hardware issues. Additionally, specifications for that software.
enables Customer to open a secure Software Media Updates. At Agilent’s Support is available for current
Real-time Collaboration session with discretion, software updates and software version and for last previous
Agilent for live remote diagnostics documentation may be delivered version for a minimum of one (1)
and assistance. This feature not automatically to Customer’s site or year from the date of last availability.
available for all systems. Remote provided via website portals, where Telephone support is not available
Advisor features require installation; available. Agilent grants a license to for any software which has reached
installation charges may apply. use the updates in accordance with end-of-support. If support coverage
the software license terms associated lapses, additional fees may apply.
Agilent Remote Advisor-Report. with the underlying Software. Note:
Provides instrument configuration, Only Agilent CrossLab Silver with Designated Callers. Customer must
availability and utilization reporting Software service includes media identify one primary and one alternate
information for connected systems in updates. caller, both of whom have completed
hardcopy form or via access to secure appropriate Agilent training courses or
web-based reporting portal. This Service Prerequisites have equivalent experience operating
feature not available for all systems. the applicable Agilent Life Sciences
Remote Advisor features require and Chemical Analysis instruments or
Applicable for Agilent CrossLab
installation; installation charges may Informatics Systems.
Service Plans:
Telephone Access. Customer must
Recommended Modifications,
Agilent Remote Advisor-Alert. Allows provide a telephone near the system
Reliability, and Performance
Customer to set text or email alerts or at another mutually agreed location,
Enhancements. Agilent may make
to notify Customer when instrument which allows Customer to perform
recommended modifications at
maintenance thresholds are reached software operations required during
Agilent’s expense to improve
or when the instrument requires problem resolution.
instrument serviceability or reliability,
user interaction. This feature not to comply with legal requirements, Diagnostic and Maintenance
available for all systems. Remote or to enhance performance of Software. Customer must allow
Advisor features require installation; Customer’s instruments, covered by Agilent to reside Agilent system and
installation charges may apply. Agilent service agreements. Any such network diagnostic and maintenance
Overtime Service. Overtime is changes are made during the period programs on Customer’s system or site
defined as support delivered outside of coverage according to a mutually for the exclusive purpose of performing
or extending beyond normal business agreed upon schedule or coincident diagnostic and maintenance
hours of 8:00 AM to 16:00 PM local with instrument repair. procedures. Prior to submitting a
time Monday through Friday except software problem report to Agilent,
local holidays (may vary by country). Applicable for Qualification Customer may be asked to assist
Services: Agilent in running such programs,
which are the sole property of Agilent
Preventive Maintenance. A preventive and Agilent may remove them when
maintenance procedure when the support contract ends.
recommended by manufacturer may be
performed prior to qualification services
at customers expense unless otherwise
covered by service agreement.

Customer Responsibilities Applicable for Service Service Limitations
Center Services:
Customer Responsibilities for The following limitations apply
All Repair Service/Extended Compliance with Agilent Process. to all Repair Service, and Agilent
Customer must follow the standard
Warranty and Agilent CrossLab CrossLab Service Plans
Agilent process for calling, reporting
Service Plans and qualifying a hardware problem. Product Eligibility. Unless otherwise
Operating and Maintenance The pertinent Instrument information stated, eligibility for services is limited
Procedures. Customer must follow must be provided. to select Agilent and Agilent-supported
the operating and maintenance non-Agilent instruments only and is
EHS Form. Customer must enclose
procedures specified in the applicable subject to local availability. These
the completed Environmental
instrument documentation. These Agilent products must have been
Health & Safety (EHS) form, or if not
procedures include routine operational purchased as ‘new’ products by the
available, provide a written statement
maintenance and other routine Customer from Agilent or a reseller
that no EHS hazard exists as a
maintenance associated with the authorized by Agilent to sell these
result of the use of the instrument in
operation of an instrument. Customer products.
Customer’s laboratory.
shall be responsible for all service and
parts required due to failure to perform Coverage of Agilent products procured
Proper Packaging. Any returned
these procedures. from sources other than those above
instruments must be carefully packed
or purchased ‘used’ items may be
in a proper shipping carton.
Access. Customer must provide covered at Agilent’s discretion. A
Agilent access to the instruments, physical and operational inspection
Applicable for Mass Spectrometer by trained Agilent personnel will
adequate working space and use of all
information and facilities necessary to
Maintenance and Ion Source be required at Customer’s expense
service the instrument at Customer’s Cleaning Services prior to extending coverage. If
site. contractual service is desired, the
Venting. Customer must vent the
customer is responsible for Time and
Appropriate Communication Ability. Mass Spec system prior to Preventive
Materials charges prior to repair such
Customer must have adequate access Maintenance and/or Ion Source
used equipment should defects be
to telephones near instruments and Cleaning Services. Customer is also
discovered during the inspection.
must be fluent in a language supported responsible for supplying and safely
by local Agilent Call Center. Web, disposing of the necessary solvents Any service not covered by the
e-mail and fax access are required for used during the ion source cleaning. contractual service ordered, including
patches and information transfer. but not limited to software support,
Applicable for Qualification is subject to Agilent’s standard
Material Shipping and Receiving Services: service rates. The serviced system
Capabilities. Customer must have must include at least the minimum
facilities available to ship and receive Rescheduled Services. Customer
configuration or other configuration
parts, including the ability to deal with is responsible for costs incurred by
specified in the appropriate instrument
static-sensitive parts and protective Agilent as a result of postponing or
packaging. rescheduling any qualification service.
Service Availability. Coverage hours
Locked Cabinet or Room (Agilent Business Decisions. Business
will be Agilent’s normal business hours
CrossLab Gold service). Customer decisions or actions taken by
(08:00 am to 17:00 pm local time),
must provide a locked cabinet or room Customer as a result of any
Monday through Friday, excluding local
for the onsite parts cache. The parts qualification service procedure are
remain Agilent owned until consumed responsibility of the Customer.
by the customer. Customer will not
Proprietary Information. Any Agilent-
remove parts from the cache without
copyrighted materials may not be
prior consent from Agilent.
copied unless Agilent agrees to such
copying in writing.

Maximum Use Limitation. Agilent Contamination and Corrosion. Agilent Informatics Software
may assess additional service charges Services for parts and instruments Support. Support for Agilent
for certain electromechanical devices that become contaminated when Informatics software, including but not
based on the measured usage of operated in hazardous environments or limited to Agilent OpenLab CDS client/
the unit if a maximum usage rate is difficult to service, including requiring server installations , Agilent OpenLAB
specified in the instrument data sheet more than typical parts replacement ECM, and Agilent OpenLab ELN, is
or operational manual. Customer must will be subject to additional charges. not included. Support coverage for
allow Agilent to install or remove Customer is responsible for proper Agilent Informatics software may be
usage meters, and must provide meter disposal of all contaminated material purchased separately.
readings on a periodic basis. Support that cannot be returned to Agilent in a
for instruments used beyond the safe manner. Modules for Service Center Repair.
recommended level is limited to time Agilent systems may contain hardware
and materials service and invoiced Consumables, Supplies and Parts. modules that require Agilent service
separately. Supplies or consumables for the center repair. These modules are not
routine maintenance or normal subject to on-site support.
Obsolete Instruments. Agilent operation of Agilent Instruments or
standard services do not cover Products are not included. Software Updates. Software updates
instruments or products that are or upgrades are not specifically
beyond their specified support period. Application Software Support. provided under any Agilent CrossLab
Agilent provides remote support for service plan. Contractual software
End-of-Guaranteed-Support. two (2) designated callers to isolate update services may be purchased at
Service coverage under this Exhibit and resolve software issues or additional charge for eligible Agilent
(including multi-year agreements) problems with Agilent Application instruments.
for any main analytical component Software including but not limited
such as a mainframe or subordinate to ChemStation, ChemStore, and Support for Agilent-Provided PC
components such as a detector will EZChrom Elite Workstation series. Hardware and Peripherals. Agilent
automatically convert to Agilent Support for the operating system, any Repair Service/Extended Warranty
CrossLab Extended Service coverage other software on the system, in-depth and Agilent CrossLab Service Plans
when the component reaches its training, consulting or any custom cover repair of select PCs, laptops,
End-of-Guaranteed-Support. In cases engagements, including software and monitors purchased from Agilent
where Agilent CrossLab Extended customization, are not included. or Agilent-authorized sources within
Service is not available, the service Response time is four (4) hours during three years of instrument purchase.
coverage for that main analytical Agilent business hours. Issues not Agilent reserves the right to repair
component or subordinate component solved remotely are handled through or replace a non-functioning PC or
will cease. Price uplifts may apply. Agilent on-site service and subject to monitor under coverage with a model
Agilent CrossLab Extended Service additional charges. of equal or greater specification at
options are described in a separate Agilent’s discretion. Printers and other
service exhibit 22L. Agilent CrossLab peripherals are specifically excluded
Extended Service applies only to from all service coverage described
Agilent instruments. above.

Cancellation or Deletion Customer may not cancel a portion of,
or an individual Service offered under a
Upon sixty (60) days prior written Service Agreement.
notice, Customer may delete Product
from or cancel in its entirety a Scheduled service agreements
Service Agreement to which this include preventive maintenance and
Exhibit applies, including but not operational qualification, which are
limited to, return to bench support, sold either up-front or post-sales. If
on-site support, response center no services have been delivered, the
support, application and technical. customer is responsible to pay the
Customer will receive a refund that is agreement for 60 days after written
prorated over the term of the Service notification of cancellation is received.
Agreement, subject to a fee in the If the services have been completely
amount of 10% of the price of the delivered, the customer is responsible
cancelled Service or deleted Product. for full payment through the end of the
Customer will pay for all Service agreement period, or current year of a
rendered under the scheduled Service multi-year agreement. This also applies
Agreement. to scheduled services included as
part of a contract bundle (e.g. Agilent
Information regarding applicable CrossLab Silver). If the scheduled
Service charges is available upon service has been completely delivered,
request. A Service Agreement that the customer is responsible for the full
contains more than one type of Service price of the scheduled service portion
may only be cancelled in its entirety. of the agreement.

Technical information, service descriptions and

entitlements in this document are subject to change
without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015

All Rights Reserved.
Published in USA. May 13, 2015

Revision 1.7
Agilent Service and Support

Agilent Service Guarantee

Agilent Service and Support keep your

laboratory productive

With over 40 years of experience, Agilent Technologies

is the world’s premier measurement company and
we lead the industry in providing the most reliable
The Agilent
instrumentation and service. We are so confident in Service Guarantee
our service quality and the reliability of our instruments Should your Agilent instrument
that we offer the Agilent Service Guarantee:
require service while covered
by an Agilent service agreement,
we guarantee repair or we will
replace your instrument for free.
No other company offers you this level
of commitment to keep your laboratory
operating efficiently.
How does the guarantee work?
When a hardware problem cannot be solved immediately, Agilent customers worldwide report
a formal escalation process ensures that key technical and 98% satisfaction
management resources—including research and develop- with our Service Engineers
ment, manufacturing and executive management—quickly (Agilent customer satisfaction survey, 2005).
attend to your issue. If this process does not resolve the
hardware issue, we will replace your instrument for free.
This escalation process exemplifies how Agilent is
committed to keeping your laboratory up and running, no
matter what. You get more than excellent service with
Agilent Service Agreements
What’s behind our guarantee? You get fast repair, typically quicker than any other manu-
Agilent is a technology leader in communications, electronics, facturer. Our world-class, factory-trained Service Engineers
life sciences and chemical analysis. The company’s 21,000 can quickly transform your instruments to current operating
employees serve customers in more than 110 countries. conditions. They carry a large supply of most-commonly-
used parts for immediate repairs, plus they have instant
Why we’re confident in the quality of Agilent access to Agilent’s worldwide, world-class parts logistics
centers that can send needed parts overnight.
Agilent Service Engineers are the most highly qualified You get:
in the industry. • Comprehensive protection against unexpected repair
• Our Service Engineers have an average of 10 years of costs with one fixed price.
instrument repair experience and many are former • Genuine Agilent parts—designed and manufactured with
instrument users. the same high standard of performance and reliability as
• Our training process is rigorous and continuous, your Agilent instruments.
exceeding the requirements of most independent service • State-of-the-art resources to diagnose, fix, upgrade and
providers and many instrument manufacturers. verify instrument repair.
• Our Service Engineers are trained at multiple Agilent • Certainty in the quality of the repair, with our industry-
sites around the world to gain global expertise in a wide leading standards.
range of situations.
• Confidence in the quality of your results.
• We require our Service Engineers to be ready to support
every new instrument that goes to market. Contact us to maximize your laboratory’s
To learn more about the Agilent Service Guarantee and
the value you get from Agilent Service Agreements:
• Contact your local Agilent sales office or call
800-227-9770, option 1 (in the U.S. and Canada)
• Check www.agilent.com/chem/services for details
about all of our support services.

Information, descriptions and specifications in this publication are subject to change

without notice

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006

Printed in USA January 31, 2006

Agilent Value Promise




Plan to optimize Plan a smooth transition

Through the years, you’ve trusted Agilent Technologies to provide Long before your instrument’s end-of-production date, Agilent is
the instrumentation, supplies, and support needed to keep your lab helping you smoothly transition by taking full advantage of our fixed-
running at peak performance. As each of your instruments reach the cost, multi-year support agreements for continuous support, service,
end of its useful life and as technology applications evolve, you can and supplies, and by planning to move to the latest technology.
continue looking to Agilent to maximize the longevity of your initial With our wide variety of cost-effective program options, we work
investment. Let Agilent help ensure that your lab is always running to meet your specific support and system requirements throughout
at its highest level of efficiency and productivity. Plan to optimize each lifecycle. During current production, you can rely on Agilent’s
your assets with our timely and cost-effective transition solutions. highly-rated support to maximize your assets. When your system
reaches its end-of-production date you can expect uninterrupted
Promising 10 years of value support and parts, as well as a clear and strategic path to the most
cost-effective transition options for optimal performance. All the
The Agilent Value Promise reflects
while, our 10-year Value Promise stays in force to ensure your lab
upmost confidence in our unrivaled
gets the most for its budget.
industry standards for quality
system design and manufacturing.
From the date you purchase
select instruments from our
Agilent’s first concern is helping you maintain
leading Agilent chromatography, optimal instrument uptime so your lab can
spectrometry, and spectroscopy be competitively efficient and profitable. Let
product lines, our Value Promise guarantees at least 10 years’ use
or residual-value credit towards a replacement model upgrade.
our range of service options and technology
Because we stand behind our systems, our Value Promise maximizes transition solutions protect your investment.
your return on investment by assuring your purchase is safe. Mike McMullen
President and CEO, Agilent Technologies, Inc



At Agilent, we look for ways to optimize your lab’s performance by Plan for uninterrupted lab operation
enhancing our 45 years of measurement solutions expertise with
constant customer communication. That is why you can rely on us to As your instrument is phased out of production, trust the Agilent
provide the tools you need. Proudly, the Agilent name has become support process–from our Service Guarantee to our Value Promise.
the assurance of unequalled dependability, reliability, ease of use, By informing you along the way, we keep you ahead of the curve in
and enhanced productivity because we rigorously design, test and managing the lifetime of your instrument.
manufacture our comprehensive array of instruments, supplies, and
services to the highest standards. We become your experienced
partner delivering unrivaled systems, solutions, technical support,
and education to help your lab increase efficiency and profi t.


The Agilent Value Promise guarantees you at least 10 If you are under an Agilent Advantage contract and
years of use of your new instrument, from the date of a hardware problem cannot be solved immediately, a
purchase, or we will credit you with the residual value formal escalation process ensures that key technical
of that system when you upgrade to a replacement and management resources quickly attend to your
model1. issue. If this process does not resolve the hardware
issue, we will replace your analytical instrument for
free. This escalation process exemplifies how Agilent
is committed to keeping your lab up and running, no
matter what.

Purchase of Agilent Value Promise - 10 years of usable life


7 years
Agilent manufactures instrument after EOP

Agilent Service Guarantee - Fix or Replace

Agilent Advantage Service Contracts Asset Max Plus Asset Max

Best effort support Best effort support
with parts with no parts


introduction End of production End of guaranteed support End of Support

Applies to current generation Agilent instruments not
being used in highly corrosive and bio-hazardous environments 3
Contact Us
Learn more:

Find an Agilent Customer Center

in your country:

A Agilent Service
ccontract guarantees
repair of your
instrument or we
replace it for free.

Information, descriptions, and specifications in this

publication are subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2012

Published in USA, October 15, 2012

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