Psad Preboards Nov 2024 Answers
Psad Preboards Nov 2024 Answers
Psad Preboards Nov 2024 Answers
1. The built-up shaft consists of a pipe AB and 5. Compute the period of vibration (sec) of the
solid rod BC. The pipe has an inner diameter structure.
of 20 mm and outer diameter of 28 mm. The rod A. 0.6824 C. 0.6174
has a diameter of 12 mm. Determine the average B. 0.7204 D. 0.5848
normal stress at point D.
6. Compute the design base shear (kN).
A. 8797 C. 7539
B. 9287 D. 7959
A. 13.3 MPa C. 13.3 MPa 7. Compute the lateral force (kN) at the top.
B. 13.3 MPa D. 13.3 MPa A. 2000 C. 2464
B. 2112 D. 2334
Situation 1: Refer to the figure below:
The design of a beam yields the following: Situation 3: A three-span beam is simply supported
h1 = 110 mm at A, B, C, and D.
h2 = 490 mm Span, L = 8.0 m
b = 375 mm DL = 18 kN/m
As’ = 3 of 28 mm diameter bars LL = 11.5 kN/m
As = 5 of 28 mm diameter bars
Concrete Compressive Strength, fc’ = 34 MPa
Longitudinal Steel Yield Strength, fyl = 413
Lateral Ties Yield Strength, fyv = 275 MPa
Effective Cover to the Centroid of As = 75 mm
Shear Strength Reduction Factor = 0.75
Situation 6: A fixed ended beam is 8 m long. It Situation 9: A fixed-ended beam has a span of 10
carries a concentrated load Pu at midspan in m. It carries a total uniformly distributed
addition to a uniformly distributed wu. load of 30 kN/m. To prevent excessive
Given: wu = 20 kN/m deflection, a support is added at midspan.
18. Determine the value of load Pu, (kN) so that
maximum shear force in the beam is 180 kN. 28. Calculate the reaction (kN) at the added
A. 360 C. 280 support.
B. 200 D. 100 A. 75 C. 62.5
B. 150 D. 0
19. Determine the value of load Pu (kN) so that
maximum negative moment in the beam is 250 kN- 29. Calculate the resulting moment (kN-m) at the
m. added support.
A. 143.3 C. 71.7 A. 75 C. 62.5
B. 90.0 D. 196.7 B. 150 D. 31.25
Engineers Esplana, Realuyo, and Co.
Civil Engineering Review
Find the kinetic energy of the stone as it
30. Calculate the resulting maximum positive strikes the ground and the height h from which
moment (kN-m). it was dropped.
A. 75 C. 62.5 A. 31.9 C. 28.3
B. 150 D. 31.25 B. 33.6 D. 30.12
31. A 175lb woman stands on a vinyl floor wearing Situation 13: A pile footing supports a column,
stiletto high-heel. If the heel has the 600 mm x 600 mm at the center. The piles are
dimensions shown, determine the average normal precast concrete with 350 mm diameter.
stress she exerts on the floor. Given:
Pu = 1800 kN
Mu = 165 kN-m about the x axis
Effective depth of he footing = 600 mm
Dimensions: a = 0.8 m, b = 1.8 m, c = 1.2 m,
d = 0.8 m
Strength reduction factor: For shear = 0.75
For moment = 0.90
47. Calculate the shear load on the critical bolt A. 0.00207 mm/mm C. 0.00407 mm/mm
at section A of the splice if P = 200 kN. B. 0.00107 mm/mm D. 0.00307 mm/mm
A. 50.0 kN C. 75.0 kN
B. 25.0 kN D. 12.5 kN 57. The lever is held to the fixed shaft using a
tapered pin AB which has a mean diameter of
48. Calculate the torsional load on the critical 6mm. If a couple is applied to the lever,
bolt at section A if P = 200 kN. determine the average shear stress (MPa) in
A. 55.8 kN C. 30.2 kN the pin between the pin and lever.
B. 60.4 kN D. 111.6 kN
Situation 20: Given: S = 1.5 m, H = 3.0 m 70. Compute the eccentric load (kN) for balance
Wind load acting normal to the roof failure.
P1 = 15 kN, P2 = 7.5 kN A. 2267.01 C. 1391.55
B. 1447.23 D. 2045.00