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Psad Preboards Nov 2024 Answers

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Engineers Esplana, Realuyo, and Co.

Civil Engineering Review


INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer provided.

1. The built-up shaft consists of a pipe AB and 5. Compute the period of vibration (sec) of the
solid rod BC. The pipe has an inner diameter structure.
of 20 mm and outer diameter of 28 mm. The rod A. 0.6824 C. 0.6174
has a diameter of 12 mm. Determine the average B. 0.7204 D. 0.5848
normal stress at point D.
6. Compute the design base shear (kN).
A. 8797 C. 7539
B. 9287 D. 7959

A. 13.3 MPa C. 13.3 MPa 7. Compute the lateral force (kN) at the top.
B. 13.3 MPa D. 13.3 MPa A. 2000 C. 2464
B. 2112 D. 2334
Situation 1: Refer to the figure below:
The design of a beam yields the following: Situation 3: A three-span beam is simply supported
h1 = 110 mm at A, B, C, and D.
h2 = 490 mm Span, L = 8.0 m
b = 375 mm DL = 18 kN/m
As’ = 3 of 28 mm diameter bars LL = 11.5 kN/m
As = 5 of 28 mm diameter bars
Concrete Compressive Strength, fc’ = 34 MPa
Longitudinal Steel Yield Strength, fyl = 413
Lateral Ties Yield Strength, fyv = 275 MPa
Effective Cover to the Centroid of As = 75 mm
Shear Strength Reduction Factor = 0.75

2. Calculate the shear strength (kN) provided by

12 mm diameter ties spaced at 100 mm center to
A. 735 C. 489
B. 163 D. 387

3. Calculate the shear strength (kN) provided by

the concrete.
A. 154 C. 162
B. 195 D. 223

4. The beam is to be redesigned for a shear force

of 455 kN. Using 10 mm diameter ties spaced at
90 mm center to center, how much is the
required width (mm) of the beam?
A. 400 C. 375
B. 450 D. 250

Situation 2: A five-storey building has a moment

resisting reinforced concrete frame for a
8. How much is the maximum reaction (kN) at B?
lateral force-resisting system. The following
A. 268.8 C. 209.0
data are available for the location of the
B. 199.6 D. 259.6
building in zone 4.
Occupancy Category: I. Essential Facilities
9. How much is the maximum shear (kN) at B?
(school building)
A. 143.2 C. 141.6
Importance Factor: I = 1.5
B. 140.0 D. 145.6
Seismic Source Type: A
Distance to Nearest Active Fault: d = 63.8 km
10. How much is the maximum moment (kN-m) at B?
Near Source Factor: Na = 1.0
A. 188.8 C. 208.0
Near Source Factor: Nv: 1.0
B. 220.3 D. 201.1
Soil Profile Type: SD
Seismic Zone (4): Z = 0.4
11. Determine the x components of the forces 1 &
Seismic Coefficient: Ca = 0.44, Na = 0.44 2, y components of forces 3 & 4 shown below in
Seismic Coefficient: Cv = 0.64, Nv = 0.64 Fig.
Response Modification Factor: R = 8.5

Level Column Height Load (kN)

First 3.2 m 0
Second 3.2 m 10183.15735
Third 3.2 m 10183.15735
Fourth 3.2 m 10183.15735
Fifth 3.2 m 10183.15735
Roof 7354.4928
Engineers Esplana, Realuyo, and Co.
Civil Engineering Review
A. F1x=50.23 kN, F2x=-35.36 kN, F3y=-41.54 kN,
F4y=0kN 20. Determine the value of load Pu (kN) so that
B. F1x=-50.23 kN, F2x=35.36 kN, F3y=-41.54 kN, maximum positive moment in the beam is 100
F4y=0kN kN-m.
C. F1x=50.23 kN, F2x=-35.36 kN, F3y=41.54 kN, A. 48.3 C. 49.7
F4y=0kN B. 43.3 D. 24.2
D. F1x=50.23 kN, F2x=-35.36 kN, F3y=-41.54 kN,
21. The two members used in the construction of an
Situation 4: aircraft fuselage are joined together using a
Beam dimensions, b x h = 150 mm x 250 mm 30deg fish-mouth weld. Determine the average
Effective cover to centroid of steel normal stress on the plane of each weld. Assume
reinforcement = 30 mm each inclined plane supports a horizontal
Concrete, f’c = 27.5 MPa force of 400lb.
Main reinforcing steel, fyl = 415 MPa
Stirrups, fyv = 275 MPa
Shear strength reduction factor = 0.75
Beam is subjected to shear and flexure only.
Vu = 40 kN
12. Calculate the shear strength (kN) provided by A. 66.7 MPa C. 86.7 MPa
the concrete. B. 76.7 MPa D. 96.7 MPa
A. 33.43 C. 29.42
B. 26.74 D. 23.54 Situation 7: A beam with width b = 250 mm and
depth d = 450 mm is prestressed by an initial
13. Calculate the shear force (kN) to be carried force of 600 kN. Total loss of prestress force
by the transverse reinforcements. is 15%.
A. 29.79 C. 19.91
B. 23.91 D. 26.59 22. Calculate the resulting final compressive
stress (MPa) if the prestressing force is
14. Calculate the required spacing (mm) of 10 mm applied at the centroid of the beam.
stirrups. A. 4.53 (T) C. 4.53 (C)
A. 398 C. 120 B. 7.57 (T) D. 7.57 (C)
B. 357 D. 319
23. Calculate the final compressive stress (MPa)
Situation 5: Beam AB is simply supported at A by if the prestressing force is applied at an
the pipe column AC. eccentricity 100 mm below the centroid of the
Given: beam section.
Outside diameter of AC = 150 mm A. 12.48 (T) C. 10.57 (T)
Inside diameter of AC = 138 mm B. 12.48 (C) D. 10.57 (C)
Modulus of elasticity, E = 210 GPa
H = 4 m L = 6 m 24. Calculate the eccentricity (mm) at which the
prestressing force can be applied so that the
resulting tensile stress at the top fiber of
the beam is zero.
A. 65 C. 85
B. 75 D. 95

Situation 8: A 130 kg man walks on a 4 m plank

resting on rough surfaces A and B.
Coefficient of friction at A = 0.40
15. Solve for the critical buckling load (kN) for Coefficient of friction at B = 0.20
column AC if its ends are pinned at the top
and at the bottom. Sidesway is prevented.
A. 913 C. 869
B. 3652 D. 336

16. Find the critical buckling load (kN) for

column AC, if it is pinned at the top and fixed
at the base. Sidesway is prevented. 25. At what distance x will the plank start to
A. 1426 C. 1774 slide?
B. 1863 D. 686 A. 3.21 m C. 2.32 m
B. 2.54 m D. 3.78 m
17. Assume that beam AB is also simply supported
at B. Determine the required section modulus 26. What is the friction force (N) at A?
(mm^3) of beam AB given the following: A. 748.89 C. 695.34
Allowable flexural stress: Fb = 163 MPa B. 278.11 D. 544.64
Total uniformly distributed load, w = 36 kN/m 27. Find the vertical force (N) at B.
A. 993.9 x 10^3 C. 441.7 x 10^3 A. 106.81 C. 544.64
B. 663.6 x 10^3 D. 745.4 x 10^3 B. 748.89 D. 534.06

Situation 6: A fixed ended beam is 8 m long. It Situation 9: A fixed-ended beam has a span of 10
carries a concentrated load Pu at midspan in m. It carries a total uniformly distributed
addition to a uniformly distributed wu. load of 30 kN/m. To prevent excessive
Given: wu = 20 kN/m deflection, a support is added at midspan.
18. Determine the value of load Pu, (kN) so that
maximum shear force in the beam is 180 kN. 28. Calculate the reaction (kN) at the added
A. 360 C. 280 support.
B. 200 D. 100 A. 75 C. 62.5
B. 150 D. 0
19. Determine the value of load Pu (kN) so that
maximum negative moment in the beam is 250 kN- 29. Calculate the resulting moment (kN-m) at the
m. added support.
A. 143.3 C. 71.7 A. 75 C. 62.5
B. 90.0 D. 196.7 B. 150 D. 31.25
Engineers Esplana, Realuyo, and Co.
Civil Engineering Review
Find the kinetic energy of the stone as it
30. Calculate the resulting maximum positive strikes the ground and the height h from which
moment (kN-m). it was dropped.
A. 75 C. 62.5 A. 31.9 C. 28.3
B. 150 D. 31.25 B. 33.6 D. 30.12

31. A 175lb woman stands on a vinyl floor wearing Situation 13: A pile footing supports a column,
stiletto high-heel. If the heel has the 600 mm x 600 mm at the center. The piles are
dimensions shown, determine the average normal precast concrete with 350 mm diameter.
stress she exerts on the floor. Given:
Pu = 1800 kN
Mu = 165 kN-m about the x axis
Effective depth of he footing = 600 mm
Dimensions: a = 0.8 m, b = 1.8 m, c = 1.2 m,
d = 0.8 m
Strength reduction factor: For shear = 0.75
For moment = 0.90

A. 869 psi C. 889 psi

B. 879 psi D. 899 psi

Situation 10: The clamped steel strip is 15 mm

wide and 20 mm high. It is supported by a
spring which has a stiffness of 90 kN/m. Given
are P = 9 kN, L = 500 mm and E, 200 GPa.

41. Find the punching shear stress (MPa) around

the square column.
32. Calculate the deflection at the point where P A. 0.833 C. 0.556
is acting. B. 0.854 D. 0.741
A. 65.22 mm C. 62.09 mm 42. Find the critical beam shear stress (MPa).
B. 71.45 mm D. 74.29 mm A. 0.392 C. 0.384
B. 0.288 D. 0.250
33. Calculate the force in the spring. 43. Find the critical design moment (kN-m).
A. 6.43 kN C. 6.69 kN A. 415 C. 461
B. 5.87 kN D. 5.59 kN B. 540 D. 600
34. Calculate the maximum moment on the strip.
A. 1.66 kN-m C. 1.39 kN-m Situation 14: A square column footing is to
B. 2.01 kN-m D. 1.57 kN-m support a 300 mm x 300 mm reinforced concrete
column that in turn is supporting a 130 kN
Situation 11: From the figure below where P = 10 dead load and a 200 kN live load. The base of
kN and L = 14 m. the footing is to be 1.50 m below the final
grade. Assume 500 mm thick of footing.
f'c = 28 MPa Conc wt. = 24 kN/m3
fy = 414 MPa Soil wt. = 16 kN/m3
qa = 210 kPa

44. Which of the following most nearly gives the

effective soil bearing capacity (kPa)?
35. Which of the following most nearly gives the A. 175 C. 196
reaction at B? B. 158 D. 182
A. 20/3 kN C. 14/3 kN
B. 17/3 kN D. 25/3 kN 45. Which of the following most nearly gives the
required dimensions of the footing?
36. Which of the following most nearly gives the A. 1.7 m x 1.7 m C. 1.5 m x 1.5 m
reaction at C? B. 1.6 m x 1.6 m D. 1.4 m x 1.4 m
A. 10/3 kN C. 7/3 kN
B. 25/6 kN D. 17/6 kN 46. Which of the following most nearly gives the
ultimate soil bearing pressure (kPa)?
37. Which of the following most nearly gives the A. 168 C. 243
moment at D? B. 93 D. 266
A. 91/3 kN-m C. 70/3 kN-m
B. 35/3 kN-m D. 112/3 kN-m Situation 15: Refer to the figure below:

Situation 12: A bullet is fired at an initial

velocity of 150 m/s and an angle of 56° at the
top of a 120 m tall building. Neglecting air
resistance, determine the following:

38. The maximum height above the level ground that

can be reached by the bullet.
A. 908.19m C. 708.19m
B. 808.19m D. 608.19m

39. The time for the bullet to hit the ground.

A. 24.284sec C. 26.284sec A W470 mm  105 kg/m beam of 12 mm web
B. 25.284sec D. 27.284sec thickness, is spliced near the support using
15 mm thick connector plate welded to part B
40. A 4-kg stone is dropped from a height h and and bolted using 20 mm diameter A325 bolts to
strikes the ground with a velocity of 25 m/s. part A.
Engineers Esplana, Realuyo, and Co.
Civil Engineering Review
Dimensions are: S1 = 40 mm, S2 = 40 mm, S3 =
80 mm, S4 = 100 mm, S5 = 40 mm
Steel strength and allowable stresses are as
Yield stress, Fy = 248 MPa
Bolt shear stress, Fv = 120 MPa
The load, P, acts at an eccentricity, e = 180
mm from the centroid of the bolt group.

47. Calculate the shear load on the critical bolt A. 0.00207 mm/mm C. 0.00407 mm/mm
at section A of the splice if P = 200 kN. B. 0.00107 mm/mm D. 0.00307 mm/mm
A. 50.0 kN C. 75.0 kN
B. 25.0 kN D. 12.5 kN 57. The lever is held to the fixed shaft using a
tapered pin AB which has a mean diameter of
48. Calculate the torsional load on the critical 6mm. If a couple is applied to the lever,
bolt at section A if P = 200 kN. determine the average shear stress (MPa) in
A. 55.8 kN C. 30.2 kN the pin between the pin and lever.
B. 60.4 kN D. 111.6 kN

49. Calculate the total critical bolt load.

A. 69.2 kN C. 80.8 kN
B. 57.2 kN D. 39.2 kN

Situation 16: The angle bracket shown, 75 x 75 x

15 mm thick, is 200 mm long. It is connected
to the 16 mm thick flange of the column support A. 32.5 C. 30.5
with 2 of 16 mm diameter bolts. The bracket is B. 31.5 D. 29.5
subjected to a load of 42 kN from beam A.
Assume that the load is applied concentrically Situation 18: Light gage cold-formed steel
at the connection. channels are used as purlins and are spaced at
1.2 m on centers and simply supported on roof
trusses 3 m apart.
Given: Roof slope, 1V:3H
Superimposed roof dead load, D = 1,200 Pa
Roof live load, L = 1,000 Pa
Wind Pressure, W = 1,440 Pa
Wind pressure coefficients:
0.20 pressure at the windward side
50. Find the critical bolt bearing stress.
0.60 suction at the leeward side
A. 175.0 MPa C. 72.9 MPa
Properties of the light gage channel:
B. 145.8 MPa D. 87.5 MPa
Sx = 48.8 x 103
Sy = 11.8 x 103
51. What is the resulting bolt shear stress?
Weight = 71 N/m
A. 104.4 MPa C. 208.8 MPa
One line of sag rod is placed at midspan. The
B. 139.2 MPa D. 69.5 MPa
allowable bending stresses are Fbx = 138 Mpa
and Fby = 138 Mpa. Assume that all loads pass
52. What is the bearing pressure on the bracket?
through the centroid of the channels.
A. 2.9 MPa C. 1.8 MPa
B. 5.5 MPa D. 7.5 MPa
58. Which of the following most nearly gives the
value of interaction equation for the load
Situation 17: A footing 2 m x 2 m and 0.45 thick
combination (DL + LL)?
carries a square column 0.40 m x 0.40 m on its
A. 0.35 C. 0.51
B. 0.58 D. 0.75
Given: Effective depth of footing = 0.35 m
Concrete, f’c = 28 MPa
59. Which of the following most nearly gives the
Reinforcing steel, fy = 415 MPa
value of the interaction equation for the load
Allowable stresses at ultimate loads:
combination 0.75(DL + LL +WL)?
For two-way action shear = 1.76 MPa
A. 0.48 C. 0.39
For one-way shear = 0.88 MPa
B. 0.55 D. 0.64
53. Based on punching shear, what is the allowable
60. Which of the following most nearly gives the
axial load (kN) at ultimate condition?
value of the interaction equation for the load
A. 2053.33 C. 1782.64
combination (DL + LL) if sag rods are placed
B. 1612.80 D. 2093.14
at the middle thirds?
A. 0.56 C. 0.44
54. Based on wide beam shear, find the allowable
B. 0.63 D. 0.24
axial load (kN) at ultimate stresses.
A. 2053.33 C. 1782.64
Situation 19: From the given continuous beam with
B. 1612.80 D. 2093.14
the corresponding loads shown and using moment
distribution method.
55. The design moment at ultimate loads at the
face of the column is 300 kN-m. How many 20 mm
w = 4 kN/m a = 6 m c = 4 m
bars are required?
P1 = 10 kN b = 2 m d = 2 m
A. 6 C. 8
P2 = 8 kN
B. 7 D. 9

56. The rigid beam is supported by a pin at A and

wires BD and CE. If the load P on the beam
causes the end C to be displaced 10mm downward,
determine the normal strain developed in wire
Engineers Esplana, Realuyo, and Co.
Civil Engineering Review
61. Which of the following gives the fixed-end A. 1354.98 C. 1577.28
moment (kN-m) at C of span CD? B. 859.05 D. 915.68
A. 7.11 C. 4.44
B. 8.89 D. 3.56 69. Which of the following most nearly gives the
moment capacity (kN-m)?
62. Which of the following gives the distribution A. 547.20 C. 972.77
factor at C for member BC? B. 555.97 D. 601.29
A. 0.333 C. 0.500
B. 0.667 D. 0.44 Situation 22: A 300 mm by 500 mm column is
reinforced with 28 mm Φ bars. One bar at each
63. Which of the following gives the moment (kN- corner with a steel cover of 65 mm. concrete
m) at C. cylinder strength is 24.19 MPa and the steel
A. 4.7 C. 12.7 yield strength is 345.58 MPa. The eccentricity
B. 11.8 D. 9.2 of the load is parallel to the long dimension.

Situation 20: Given: S = 1.5 m, H = 3.0 m 70. Compute the eccentric load (kN) for balance
Wind load acting normal to the roof failure.
P1 = 15 kN, P2 = 7.5 kN A. 2267.01 C. 1391.55
B. 1447.23 D. 2045.00

71. Compute the moment (kN-m) balance failure.

A. 349.5 C. 426.4
B. 402.2 D. 370.3

72. Compute the eccentricity (mm) for balance

64. What is the vertical reaction (kN) at the failure.
support B? A. 241.5 C. 255.9
A. 14.56 C. 28.28 B. 196.7 D. 188.1
B. 16.77 D. 30.77
Situation 23: Wood planks are used to retain 3 m
65. In addition to the given wind load, a vertical height of backfill. The active earth pressure
load of 28 kN is applies at joint D. Determine increases from zero at the free end to 14.5
the resulting vertical reaction at support B. kPa at the fixed end.
A. 14.56 C. 28.28 Given: Plank dimensions
B. 16.77 D. 30.77 Thickness = 100 mm
Width = 30 mm
66. What is the stress (kN) in the vertical web Modulus of Elasticity = 8.5 x 103 MPa
member CD if a vertical load of 28 kN is
applies at joint D? 73. Which of the following gives the lateral
A. 35 C. 28 reaction (kN) at the fixed end if the planks
B. 31 D. 25 are propped at the free end?
A. 21.75 C. 5.22
Situation 21: A rectangular beam has a concrete B. 10.15 D. 17.40
strength of 35 MPa. The yield strength of
reinforcing bars is 415 MPa. 74. If the wood planks are supported by a strut at
As = 3265 mm2, As’ = 975 mm2 the mid height, what pulling force (kN) should
be applied at the strut to prevent the free
end from deflecting?
A. 11.1 C. 4.2
B. 13.9 D. 16.6

75. Which of the following gives the maximum

bending stress (MPa) in the cantilevered wood
A. 16.6 C. 15.6
67. Which of the following most nearly gives the B. 14.5 D. 13.1
depth of compression block (mm)?
A. 120.47 C. 97.93
B. 113.86 D. 91.88

68. Which of the following most nearly gives the

compressive strength of concrete (kN)?

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