Based on December, 2021 (V- III) Occupational
Standard (OS)
August, 2024
Damboya, Ethiopia
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor market and
occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard for TVET delivery.
The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented – taking into account
international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).
In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role with
regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the training
process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills, knowledge and
attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational standards (OS).
This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different Regional TVET
Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the occupational standard for
manufacturing technology Level III.
The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by DAMBOYA
The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Perform Engineering
Detail Drafting by using CAD, Perform Geometric Development, Perform Gas Metal Arc
Welding (GMAW), Perform Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), Perform Manual and
precisions Assembly, Perform Machine, equipment Plant Installation and commission,
Maintain and Repair Industrial Electrical Machines drive and Components, Install and
Maintain Basic Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems, Install Electrical Measuring Instruments
and Control Devices and Apply protective coatings in accordance with the performance
criteria and evidence guide described in the OS.
1.3. TVET-Program Training Outcomes
The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competences:
IND MCS3 01 1221 Perform Engineering Detail Drafting by using CAD
IND MCS3 02 1221 Perform Geometric Development
IND MCS3 03 1221 Perform Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
IND MCS3 04 1221 Perform Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
IND MCS3 05 1221 Perform Manual and precisions Assembly
IND MCS3 06 1221 Perform Machine, equipment Plant Installation and commission
IND MCS3 07 1221 Maintain and Repair Industrial Electrical Machines
drive and Components
IND MCS3 08 1221 Install and Maintain Basic Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems
IND MCS3 09 1221 Install Electrical Measuring Instruments and Control Devices
IND MCS3 10 1221 Apply protective coatings.
The Program will have duration of 610 hours including the on school/ Institution training and on-the-
job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on realities of the industry,
nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other factors will be considered in the
training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and workplace experience.
The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be
awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only
institutional certificate of training accomplishment will be awarded.
Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest
of the industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship
and traineeship will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently
available the established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET
institutions will be used as cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified
companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this
IND MCS3 06 1221 Perform Machine, IND MCS3 M06 1221 Performing Machine, Prepare installation site
equipment Plant equipment Plant Install machine/ plant
Installation and Installation and Assure quality installation work 50
commission commission
IND MCS3 07 1221 Maintain and Repair IND MCS3 M07 0824 Maintaining and Determine plan, prepare
Industrial Electrical Repairing Industrial coordinate maintenance and
Machines drive and Electrical Machines drive repair work
Components and Components Maintain and repair electrical 60
drive system and components
Manufacture spare parts/
Assure quality maintained or
repaired components
IND MCS3 08 1221 Install and Maintain IND MCS3 M08 0824 Installing and Plan and Prepare work
Basic Pneumatic and Maintaining Basic Install basic pneumatic and
Hydraulic Systems Pneumatic and Hydraulic hydraulic circuits 60
Systems Test and repair components and
Assure quality and maintain work
IND MCS3 09 1221 Install Electrical IND MCS3 M09 0824 Installing Electrical Plan and Prepare Installation
Measuring Measuring Instruments work
Instruments and and Control Devices Install instrumentation and 50
Control Devices control devices
Assure quality instrumentation
and control devices
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.
The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the
training process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success
or failure in attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to
be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more
Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines..
Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.
Group Facilitate the integration of trainees with group Use sign language interpreters Facilitate the integration Introduce the trainees with
discussion members Facilitate the integration of trainees of trainees with group their peers
Conduct close follow up with group members members
Introduce the trainees with other group member Conduct close follow up Conduct close follow
Brief the thematic issues of the work Introduce the trainees with other up
group member Introduce the trainees
with other group
Inform the group
members to speak loudly
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to assist
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)
Demonstration Brief the instruction or Use sign language interpreter Provide activity based assessment Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text Brief on the instruction of the Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
Time extension exam Use loud voice Conduct close follow
Provide activity-based/ Time extension up
practical assessment method Time extension
Time extension
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to assist
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to assist
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention work shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees assist
Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial
(if necessary) support rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Manufacturing Assembly
2. Reference Books Handbook Book . 1986 5 1:5
By: Bruno Lotter
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 6m*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 10m*15m 1 1:25
3. Workshop 20m*20m 1 1:25
1 Paper A4 1desta 1:25
2 Whit board marker Max-fill 1packet 1:25
3 Bolts and nuts M10X1.5mm 1packet 1:25
4 Screws Std 1packet 1:25
5 Rivets &studs Std 1packet 1:25
6 Electrode Ø2.5mm, Ø3.2mm 5packet 1:5
7 Grinder disk Ø180mm 5 1:5
8 Cutter disk Ø180mm 5 1:5
9 Drill bit Ø3mm- Ø12mm 1set 1:25
10 Whit board STD 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Meter 3M and 5M 5 1:5
2 caliper 0.02mm, 0.05 5 1:5
3 Arc Welding machine AC /DC 5 1:5
4 Ball pen hammer 5kg 5 1:5
5 Rivet gun Spring type 5 1:5
6 Portable electric STD Makita 5 1:5
7 Portable electric Drill STD 5 1:5
LO1. Prepare installation site
1.1 Interpreting work design.
1.2 Inspecting and analyzing waste disposal.
1.3 Preparing commissioning procedure.
1.4 Developing operational chart.
1.5 Reporting non-compliance with specification.
1.6 Obtaining future capacity requirement.
1.7 Establishing productivity improvement areas.
1.8 Undertaking alteration/correction.
1.9 Processing data using applicable software.
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to assist
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)
3.1 Textbook
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 6m*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 10m*15m 1 1:25
3. Workshop 20m*20m 1 1:25
1. Paper A4 Rim 1:5
2. White board marker Max-fill Pac 1:1
3 Coolants/Lubricants
4 Oil No.10&40 Litters 1:25
5 Grease Kg 1:25
6 Detergents Us req. 1:25
7 Oil rag Kg 1:25
Tools and
1. Dial indicator Magnetic type 5 1:5
2. Micrometer 0.01mm 5 1:5
3 Precision spirit level STD 5 1:5
4 Vernier caliper 0.05mm 5 1:5
5 Micrometer 0-25mm &25-50mm 5 1:5
7 String As required
8 Mounting pad/plate STD As required
Anchor bolts
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to assist
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention work shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees assist
Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial
(if necessary) support rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention work shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees assist
Conduct close follow up
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial
(if necessary) support rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Exercise Conduct close follow up and guidance Conduct close follow up and Conduct close Assign peer trainees
Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and Use additional nominal
provide special attention in the process Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary Provide tutorial
provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training provide special
Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
prepare the assignment questions in large Use sign language interpreter Provide briefing
Individual text Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts Provide visual recorded Provide visual
Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees Facilitate and support the
using large text Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
Use normal tone of voice vocabularies Present the lecture Provide Orientation on the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture in Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format Give emphasis on visual lecture Ensure the attention work shop
Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
Summarize main points Avoid movement during
lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstratio Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear & Facilitate and support the
n Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the process of Ensure attention of the trainees Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Show clear and short method Ensure the attention Assign peer trainees to
Prepare & use simulation Use gesture of the trainees assist
Provide tutorial support (if Provide tutorial Conduct close follow up
necessary) support (if Provide tutorial support (if
necessary) necessary)
prepare the assignment questions in large Use sign language interpreter Provide briefing
Individual text Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts Provide visual recorded Provide visual
Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy
The Ministry of Labor and Skills wishes to thank and appreciation for the trainers who donated
their effort and time to develop this outcome based curriculum for the TVET program mechanics
Level I. We also thank all regional TVET College, Trainers, coordinators and Federal TVET
institute programmers for active facilitation for the development of this curriculu