Prebiotic - Đánh Giá

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Prebiotics - A Review

Article in Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology · October 2009


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Wantana Reanmongkol Supinya Tewtrakul

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Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol.
31 (4), 401-408, Jul. - Aug. 2009

Original Article

Prebiotics – A Review
Paiboon Thammarutwasik1, Tipparat Hongpattarakere2, Suphitchaya Chantachum3,
Kongkarn Kijroongrojana3, Arunporn Itharat4, Wantana Reanmongkol5, Supinya Tewtrakul6
and Buncha Ooraikul7
Nutraceutical and Functional Food Research and Development Centre,
Department of Industrial Biotechnology,
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry,
Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Center, Faculty of Medicine,
Thammasart University, Klong Luang, Pathum Thani, 12120 Thailand.
Department of Clinical Pharmacy,
Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110 Thailand.
Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Canada

Received 4 April 2009; Accepted 15 May 2009


Nutraceuticals and functional foods have become an important tool for consumers to manage their health and well-
ness. Pre-, pro-, and synbiotics are a part of this group of products shown to have properties that can modulate gastrointestinal
problems and improve general health and well being. Prebiotics are polysaccharides that can withstand acidic and enzymatic
digestion in the small intestine and can be utilized by probiotics, and gut microflora, in the large intestine for their growth and
activities that benefit the host’s health, e.g., by enhancing the immunity and mineral absorption, preventing colon cancer and
other gastrointestinal diseases, and lowering cholesterol. Prebiotics, e.g., inulin, oligofructose, oligolactose, and lactulose,
occur naturally in many plants, or may be synthesized from starch or other carbohydrates using appropriate enzymes.
A number of plants from southern Thailand, e.g., palm fruit (Borrassus flabellifer L.), jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus
Lam.), young coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn.), rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.), jampadah (Artocarpus integer Merr.),
and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench.) contain a considerable amount of polysaccharides that have been shown to
have prebiotic properties. Prebiotics may be used as ingredients in functional foods, or may be presented as nutraceuticals in
the form of capsules, tablets or powder, sometimes together with probiotic cultures.

Key words: prebiotics, probiotics, southern Thailand plants, functional foods

1. Introduction ers are more aware of their contributions to the general health
and well being. Modern lifestyle limits the time for food
Nutraceutical and functional food (NFF) products preparation, and with increasing prosperity the market for
have become an important part of todays diet as the consum- NFF products expands rapidly. Sloan (2002) reported an NFF
product market value in the U.S. of $47.6 billion in 2001.
*Corresponding author. This has increased to $76.1 billion in 2007 and was projected
Email address: [email protected] to reach $167 billion or 5% of the total food value in the
402 P. Thammarutwasik et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 31 (4), 401-408, 2009

U.S. by 2010 (Communication, 2004). There is a wide range probiotics persist better in the gut ecosystem, is termed
of NFF products designed for specific health purposes, “synbiotics” (Vernazza et al., 2006).
including sport or energy drinks, high fiber products, vitamin Oligosaccharides, such as galactooligosaccharides
or mineral fortified foods, and pre-, pro- and synbiotic (GOS), and fructooligosaccharides (FOS), are used exten-
products. Necessarily, the functional ingredient industry has sively as ingredients in many food products. Most of these
become a large parallel industry producing nutraceutical and ingredients currently available on the market are synthesized.
functional ingredients for the NFF industry. These compounds may also be found naturally in chicory,
Prebiotic, probiotic, and synbiotic industries form a onion, artichoke, asparagus, banana, garlic, soybean, and
significant part of the NFF industry. Probiotics are live micro- others, and their functionality may be enhanced further
organisms, which, when ingested, improve the intestinal through biotechnological approaches (Gibson et al., 2000).
microbial balance. These microorganisms consist principally With consumer’s increasing preference for products from
of Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, and Eubacteria. They help to natural origins, it is an important incentive for scientists and
maintain gastrointestinal health and to manage inflammatory industrialists to seek prebiotics from natural sources.
bowel diseases by protecting the digestive tract from patho- Several plants native to southern Thailand have
genic infection. They can also stimulate immune functions, recently been studied for the existence, quantity, and quality
aid digestion, and absorption of nutrients, and synthesize of prebiotic compounds. The plants include peel and flesh of
some nutrients such as vitamins (Panitantum, 2004). Probiotic banana (Musa sapientum Linn.), pod of okra (Abelmoschus
products, like yoghurt, Yakult®, and other fermented foods, esculentus Moench.), skin, flesh, and seed of jackfruit (Arto-
have long been popular in Thailand. The global probiotic carpus heterophyllus Lam.), germinated rice (Oryza sativa
market is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and is Linn.), peel, flesh, and seed of rambutan (Nephelium lappa-
expected to more than triple its value in the next six years ceum L.), pericarp of ripe fruit, flesh of young fruit, and em-
(Martin et al., 2003; Elliott and Teversham, 2004 ). In Asia bryo of germinating fruit of palm fruit (Borrassus flabellifer
in particular, where gastrointestinal diseases are quite L.), skin, flesh, and seed of jampadah (Artocarpus integer
common, probiotics are becoming functional food of choice Merr.), shell of durian (Durio ziberhinus Merr.), hausa potato
for protection against these types of ailments. (Coleus parvifoleus. Benth.), ripe flesh, seed coat, and seed
Probiotic cultures must reach a certain minimum cotyledon of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.), flesh of
number in the guts before they can be beneficial, and gut con- young coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn.), skin, flesh, and seed
ditions are not always conducive to the establishment and of mature mango (Mangifera indica L.), and dioscorea tuber
growth of these types of microflora. Prebiotics are food of Hua Khao Yen (Smilax china Linn.). This paper reviews
components that selectively stimulate the growth and activity various kinds of prebiotics and summarizes the results of the
of probiotics. They are non-digestible food ingredients study on Thai crops. It also briefly reviews how prebiotics
consisting of short-chain carbohydrates, principally oligo- work to improve human health and how they may be
saccharides such as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligo- applied to produce functional foods.
saccharides, and inulin (Gibson, 1995; Panitantum, 2004).
They are not digested or absorbed in the early part of the 2. Definition of prebiotics
digestive tract, but can be hydrolyzed by probiotic bacteria in
the large intestine, converting them to compounds beneficial Prebiotics should have the following properties:
to the host’s health. Prebiotics are more useful as functional 1. Capable of passing to large intestine without being
food than probiotics since they can be added to more foods digested and absorbed in the upper part of gastrointestinal
than probiotics, because of their ability to survive the diges- tract (Kolida et al., 2002; Gibson, 2004).
tive process in the upper gastrointestinal tract (Vernazza 2. Capable of being digested in the large intestine
et al., 2006). They have been found to reduce the risk of by beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lacto-
stomach cancer when used with probiotics and help to bacillus (Kolida et al., 2002; Gibson, 2004).
improve the gastrointestinal functions of seniors. Adding 3. Capable of enhancing the growth of beneficial
inulin and fructooligosaccharide at the dose of 2 g/d to baby bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, but
food helps to reduce the incidences of diarrhea, vomiting, not pathogens causing gastrointestinal diseases such as
and cold in babies. A study at the Children Hospital in Texas Clostridium perfringens (Gibson et al., 1995; Gibson and
found that children fed with orange juice and milk contain- Roberfroid, 1995; Kolida et al., 2002).
ing inulin and oligofructose for one year had an increased Gibson et al. (1995) fed 100 volunteers with 5-20 g/d
homeostasis of bone calcium; their bone mineral content of fructooligosaccharide and inulin for 9 weeks and found
increased by 15%, and bone mineral density by 45% (Sila- an increase in Bifidobacterium in their intestinal tracts.
wanichnakul, 2007). Added benefits of prebiotics are that Prebiotics must be able to withstand acid hydrolysis in
they modulate bowel habits, increase calcium absorption, the stomach, able to move to large intestine without changes
and interact with lipid metabolism to reduce low density lipo- or being absorbed in small intestine so that they can be uti-
protein (LDL) cholesterol (Panitantum, 2004). A product lized by the indigenous microflora in the large intestine to
containing both prebiotics and probiotics, which would make enhance their growth (Gibson, 2004). This benefits the host
P. Thammarutwasik et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 31 (4), 401-408, 2009 403

by improving the absorption of elements such as Ca, Mg, Yanahira (1997) fed 5% GOS (w/v) to rats for 14 d and
and Fe, or preventing cancer of the large intestine (Van Loo found their Ca and Mg absorption enhanced. GOS also
et al., 1999). Oligosaccharides that are considered prebiotics prevented colon cancer by reducing the pH value in the large
are lactose, lactulose, raffinose, stachiose, and fructooligo- intestine, which inhibited the production of secondary bile
saccharide. There are other compounds that can be fermented acids, which cause cancer (Wijnand, 1999). They also regu-
by Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in the large intestine, late the activities of various bacterial enzymes, e.g., -
e.g., resistant starch, non-starch polysaccharides, which glucuronidase and nitroreductase which are involved in the
include plant constituents such as pectin, cellulose, hemicel- production of toxins and carcinogens (Rowland and Tanaka,
luloses, and xylan. 1993; Sako et al., 1999). GOS are also found to reduce
hazardous compounds, e.g., ammonia, indole and p-cresol,
3. Types of prebiotics which stimulate the expansion of cancer (Sako et al., 1999).

Current interest focuses on oligosaccharides with low 3.1.2 Fructooligosaccharides and Inulin
molecular weight because they can be used as carbon sources
for bacteria in the large intestine. When ingested, these Inulin is a polysaccharide which plants store as a
compounds will pass through the small intestine to ilecaecal nutrient. It is a small-molecule FOS, containing 3-60 fructose
region without being digested (Oku et al., 1984; Nilsson et moieties with the structure of Glu  1-2[ Fru (2-1)]n, where
al., 1988; Ellegard et al., 1997). While in the large intestine n = 1014. Inulin is generally found in plants, bacteria, and
(colon), these compounds undergo microbial fermentation, some fungi. It is known in more than 3,600 fruits and
causing the reduction in the pH value and the formation of vegetables, especially those in the Cichorium family, e.g.,
short-chain fatty acids, which can inhibit pathogens (Morisse chicory, banana, large onion and garlic (Bxcommerce, 2001),
et al., 1993). as shown in Table 1. Inulin is not digested in the small intes-
Oligosaccharides occur naturally in plants, and small tine, but parts of it may be digested in the large intestine by
amounts are found in the form of free sugars or glycoconju- its microflora. Inulin and FOS can be easily dissolved in hot
gates in human milk and animal colostrums (Bucke and water (Tanya, 2002) at about 80oC (Kim and Wang, 2002),
Rastall, 1990). Recent discoveries showing the effects of but very little in cold water and alcohol (Wang and Gibson,
these compounds on the physiology of the digestive system 1993). They are quite stable, have no undesirable sensory
lead to an increased interest (Van Loo et al., 1999). property except some sweetness. Therefore, they have been
There are two types of prebiotics, i.e., those occurr- used in the food industry to improve sensory and physical
ing naturally in plants such as banana, asparagus, beans, and properties of some products. For example, they help preserve
cereals, and those synthesized from enzymatic digestion of freshness and moisture in cakes, and the physical stability in
polysaccharides, such as starch. beverages. FOS and inulin pass into large intestine without

3.1 Naturally occurring prebiotics Table 1. Fructooligosaccharides and inulin in plants.

3.1.1 Galactooligosaccharides Source Inulin Fructooligosaccharide

(% fresh weight) (% fresh weight)
Galactooligosaccharides contain galactose in the Onion 2-6 2-6
following structure: Glu  1-4[ Gal 1-6]n, where n = 2-5. Jerusalem artichoke 16-20 10-15
They are found in human milk, cow’s milk, yoghurt, and may Chicory 15-20 5-10
be synthesized from lactose with -galactosidase. Leek 3-10 2-5
GOS are non-digestible by gut enzymes and can pass Garlic 9-16 3-6
into the large intestine without being digested. However, they Artichoke 3-10 <1
can be hydrolyzed by microorganisms in the large intestine, Banana 0.3-0.7 0.3-0.7
producing short-chain fatty acids, e.g., acetic, propionic and Rye 0.5-1.0 0.5-1.0
butyric acids, and gases, like H2, CH4, and CO2. There may Barley 0.5-1.5 0.5-1.5
be other compounds from the hydrolysis of GOS such as Dandelion 12-15 NA
lactate, which can enhance the growth of Bifidobacteria and Burdock 3.5-4.0 NA
Lactobacilli. These microorganisms can help synthesize Camas 12-22 NA
vitamins, stimulate immunity, and prevent stomach upset. Murnong 8-13 NA
Sofia et al., (2000) reported a study on the effect of 10g/d of Yacon 3-19 3-19
GOS on gut microflora in 12 volunteers, who had lower than Salsify 4-11 4-11
normal population of the microorganisms and found their Wheat 1-4 1-4
numbers increased. Their mineral absorption was also Asparagus 1-30 5-10
enhanced. Chonan et al. (1995) added 5% (w/v) GOS to rats’
diet for 30 d and found their calcium absorption increased. Source: Van Loo et al. (1995)
404 P. Thammarutwasik et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 31 (4), 401-408, 2009

being digested. Thus, they have the properties of prebiotics. rum, and Bifidobacterium bifidum). The extracts were also
analyzed for their antioxidant, anti-allergy and antimicrobial
3.1.3 Soybean oligosaccharides (SOS) activities, and cytotoxicity. Ten samples were then chosen
for their potential as commercial prebiotics. Table 2 summa-
SOS are oligosaccharides in soybean, which consist of rizes the chosen plants and their parts, and their indigestible
raffinose and stachiose (Gibson, 2004). They can withstand polysaccharide content.
enzymatic digestion in the stomach and small intestine and The Thai plants and their parts shown in Table 2 are
are capable of being hydrolyzed by the microflora in large ranked according to their indigestible polysaccharide content.
intestine. They can enhance the growth of Bifidobacteria in All could enhance the growth of L. plantarum, eight (jack-
the large intestine (Hayakawa et al., 1990). fruit skin, flesh and seed, rambutan flesh, Jampadah flesh,
young coconut flesh, palm embryo and flesh) could enhance
3.1.4 Prebiotics from selected Thai plants the growth of L. acidophilus, and only four (jackfruit flesh,
young coconut flesh, okra pod, and palm flesh) could
Some 14 plants from southern Thailand and their parts enhance the growth of B. bifidum. Among these 10 extracts,
were studied for their indigestible polysaccharide contents only rambutan flesh and okra pod have appreciable antioxi-
and prebiotic properties. The plants included banana, Musa dant activity (IC50 = 22.6 and 26 mg/mL, respectively), and
sapientum Linn., (peel and flesh), okra, Abelmoschus only rambutan flesh has some antimicrobial activity against
esculentus Moench., pod, jackfruit, Artocarpus heterophyllus Bacillus subtilis. None are found to be anticarcinogen or
Lam. (skin, flesh, and seed), germinated rice (Oryza sativa cytotoxic (Thammarutwasik et al., 2007).
Linn.), rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum L., (peel, flesh, and
seed), palm fruit, Borrassus flabellifer L., (pericarp of ripe 3.2 Synthesized prebiotics
fruit, flesh of young fruit, and embryo of germinating fruit),
jampadah, Artocarpus integer Merr., (skin, flesh, and seed), 3.2.1 Lactosucrose (LS)
durian, Durio ziberhinus Merr., shell, hausa potato (Coleus
parvifoleus. Benth.), tamarind, Tamarindus indica L., (ripe Lactosucrose is produced by combining lactose and
flesh, seed coat, and seed cotyledon), young coconut, Cocos sucrose using -fructofuronosidase. Ohkusa et al. (1995) fed
nucifera Linn., flesh, mature mango, Mangifera indica L., LS to three volunteers at the dose of 3 g/d and found their
(skin, flesh, and seed), and Hua Khao Yen (Smilax china Bifidobacteria content increased by 0.7 times and hazardous
Linn.) (dioscorea tuber). The raw materials were finely microorganisms reduced by 0.6 times. In addition, short-
chopped and extracted with various solvents, which included chain fatty acids, e.g., acetic and butyric acids, were also
water (room temperature and hot) and alcohol (50 and 95% increased.
in water). The extracts were vacuum-concentrated and
freeze-dried. They were then analyzed for yields, indigestible 3.2.2 Lactulose
polysaccharide contents, and prebiotic properties (growth
enhancement of commercial probiotic cultures, which Lactulose is produced from lactose having the struc-
included Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus planta- ture in the form of Gal 1-4 Fru. It is soluble in water,

Table 2. Solvent used, extract yield, and indigestible polysaccharide content of

selected Thai plants and their parts.

Rank Plant Part Solvent Extract yield Indigestible

(% dry weight) polysaccharide
(mg/g dry extract)
1 Palm fruit Pericarp Et 95% 51.69 705.80
2 Jackfruit Skin Et 95% 71.54 689.08
3 Jackfruit Flesh Et 95% 59.43 605.76
4 Rambutan Flesh Et 50% 55.73 566.83
5 Jampadah Flesh Et 95% 34.11 542.56
6 Young coconut Flesh CW 22.66 513.87
7 Okra Pod Et 50% 12.39 460.73
8 Palm fruit Embryo Et 50% 26.54 409.85
9 Jackfruit Seed Et 50% 16.00 403.44
10 Palm fruit Flesh Et 95% 44.94 334.87
Source: Thammarutwasik et al. (2007); Et = ethanol, CW = cold water
P. Thammarutwasik et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 31 (4), 401-408, 2009 405

slightly soluble in methanol and insoluble in ether. It is not 4. Effects of pro- and prebiotics on human health
hydrolyzed and absorbed in the small intestine, but can be
fermented by bacteria in the large intestine, which increased Consumers have become increasingly more aware of
the population of the native microorganisms. This has been the effects of diet on their health. Thus, foods such as those
found to help prevent colon cancer, reduce pathogens and containing high fiber and fermented dairy products are
enhance immunity. Very little lactulose is found in natural enjoying increased sales. Probiotics in the fermented dairy
food; therefore, it has been added to various foods, e.g., products are thought to be the causes of improved consumer’s
yoghurt, cookie, cake, and chocolate as a functional ingredi- health. Breastfeeding is also gaining popularity owing to the
ent to improve their nutritional value. greater immunity passed on from mother to infant through
the milk. Oligosaccharides, which have been found to help
3.2.3 Isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) to increase the baby’s immunity against various diseases,
are found in mother milk. Thus, more research efforts are
Isomaltooligasaccharide is produced from starch us- currently directed to the studies on how pro- and prebiotics
ing enzymes. Part of it, i.e., isomaltose, can be digested in work to improve health and well being.
the small intestine (Kolida et al., 2000). Olano-Martin et al.
(2000) found that giving 20 g/d of IMO to test subjects 4.1 Probiotics
increased the Bifidobacteria content in their large intestine,
and the fermentation of IMO with lactic bacteria produced Probiotics are native microflora in the digestive
butyrate. system, which are beneficial to the host’s health. They help
maintain microbial balance in the gut and are resistant to
3.2.4 Glucooligosaccharides acids and bile salts in the intestine. Probiotics consist mainly
of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, which are found in the
Glucooligosaccharides are synthesized with glucosyl human digestive tract capable of lactic fermentation. Some
transferase, which is produced by Leuconostoc mesenterio- probiotics can produce antimicrobial compounds such as
des, or may be extracted from -glucan of oak tree. They are bacteriocins, and can help to improve the general health and
accepted as a functional food. GOS can be fermented by well being of humans and animals through increased
Bifidobacteria, except B. bifidum, and can be hydrolyzed by regularity of bowel movement (Paraksa, 1970; Kontula et
Bacteriods and Clostridia, but not by Lactobacilli. Asahara al., 1998). Table 4 shows some probiotic cultures and their
et al. (2001) studied the effect of GOS in rats on the activity effects on health.
of Bifidobacterium breve and found that they could reduce Probiotics possess the following characteristics:
Salmonella contamination. 1. Able to withstand acidity in the stomach (Kontula
et al., 1998). Stomach excretes HCl to help digest food, caus-
3.2.5 Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) ing the pH value in the stomach to be as low as 1-3. There-
fore, probiotics must be able to withstand these pH levels to
The structure of xylooligosaccharides consists of be able to survive.
xylose molecules joined together by 1-4 linkage. XOS can 2. Able to withstand bile salts, since liver secretes
be hydrolyzed by Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, and were bile salts into the small intestine to digest fatty foods at a
found to be more effective than FOS in increasing the concentration of 0.15-0.30% (Erkkila and Petaja, 2000).
population of the probiotics and in decreasing the number of 3. Able to colonize the intestinal wall to prevent colo-
harmful bacteria. nization by pathogens, and resist the peristalsis of the food
Some of the synthesized prebiotics and their produc- in the intestine, making the digestion and absorption of food
tion methods are listed in Table 3. more normal (Fuller, 1993).

Table 3. Synthesized prebiotics and their production methods.

Prebiotic Production Method

Inulin [Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)] Hot water extraction from chicory root
followed by enzymatic hydrolysis, or
polymerization of fructose monomers
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) Enzymatic lactose transgalactosylation
Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) Enzymatic hydrolysis of plant xylans
Isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO) Transglucosylation of liquefied starch
Lactulose Isomerization of lactose

Source: Vernazza et al. (2006)

406 P. Thammarutwasik et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 31 (4), 401-408, 2009

Table 4. Selected probiotics and their effects on health.

Probitic culture Effect on health

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103) Prevent stomach upsets in children, increase immunity
Lactobacillus johnsonii (acidophilus) LJ-1 (La1) Increase immunity
Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 Prevent stomach upsets, increase immunity
Saccharomyces boulardii Prevent stomach upsets, inhibit Clostridium in digestive tract
Lactobacillus plantarum DSM9843(299v) Increase short-chain fatty acids

Source: Saarela et al. (2002)

4. Able to inhibit pathogenic growth by Parts of the food ingested will be digested and
- Compete with pathogens in the colonization of absorbed as nutrients in the small intestine. The parts that are
the intestinal wall, not digested in the small intestine will pass into the large
- Compete with pathogens for food, intestine to be utilized by beneficial microorganisms (pro-
- Produce inhibitive compounds such as organic biotics). When this part of the food (prebiotics) is fermented
acids, H2O2, and bacteriocins (Fuller, 1993). by probiotics a large amount of lactic acid is produced
5. Able to stimulate the host’s immunity. Lactobacil- causing the reduction of the pH value, which results in the
lus has been found to stimulate production of -globulin and inhibition of pathogens. At the same time, short-chain fatty
-interferon, and enhance the macrophage activities in acids, e.g., acetic, propionic, and butyric, are produced and
removing pathogens from the body (Fuller, 1993). absorbed by the host. Butyric acid can assist the intestinal
6. Able to reduce the risk of colon cancer by reduc- cell wall to fight against the progression of cancer cells. Other
ing the cancer-causing enzymes, e.g., -glucoronidase, useful compounds, e.g., vitamin B, are also produced during
azoreductase, nitrate reductase, and -glucosidase (Kontula prebiotic fermentation.
et al., 1998). Types of prebiotics affect their usefulness occurring in
7. Able to reduce blood cholesterol. Buke and the human bodies. Prebiotics that can be fermented quickly
Gilliland (1990) isolated Lactobacillus acidophilus from the have lower benefit to health than those fermented more
stool of nine volunteers to study cholesterol absorption. They slowly. Moreover, a fast rate of fermentation produces a
found that L. acidophilus strains 016 and C14 could absorb large amount of gases, which causes discomfort to the host.
50.9 mg/mL and 47.1 mg/mL of cholesterol, respectively.
5. Application of prebiotics in nutraceutical and functional
4.2 Native microflora in digestive tract food

In the digestive tract there are many different types of Health benefits from prebiotics may be obtained by
native or normal microflora. From the ingestion, there exist incorporating them into products such as nutraceuticals and
a number of facultative and strict anaerobes such as Strepto- functional foods. The following are some examples of the
coccus, Bacteriodes, Lactobacillus, and yeasts (Saarela et products that have taken advantage of prebiotics.
al., 2002). In the stomach, there are Lactobacillus, Strepto- 1. Functional beverages containing inulin and oligo-
coccus, Helicobacter pylori, and Candida albicans number- fructose to improve the efficiency of the digestive system,
ing about 104 colony forming units per gram (CFU/g). The strengthen the bone, and increase immunity against diseases.
population of the microorganisms in different parts of the 2. Breakfast cereals with an increased amount of
small intestine varies greatly. For example, there are about dietary fibers through the addition of prebiotics increase the
103-104 CFU/g in duodenum, 105-107 CFU/g in jejunum, 107- efficiency of the digestive system and enhance the growth of
108 CFU/g in ileum, while the large intestine has the greatest probiotics.
microbial concentration of about 1010-1011 CFU/g (Isolauri 3. Infant food with an addition of prebiotics improves
et al., 2004). the efficiency of the digestive system and increases the immu-
Types and numbers of microorganisms in the small nity against diseases. Addition of inulin, oligofructose and
and large intestine vary from person to person. Both, the galactooligosaccharides, individually or in combination, to
small and large intestine, contain beneficial microorganisms, infant food has been shown to increase the numbers of
e.g., Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. If harmful microorgan- Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli in infant’s digestive system
isms are present, but the number of beneficial microorgan- from 31 to 59% of total gut microflora during their first six
isms is predominant, the growth and activities of the patho- weeks, similar to breastfeeding (Anonymous, 2007).
gens may be suppressed, thus the health of the host can be 4. Dairy product, e.g., fermented dairy beverages
maintained. The reverse, of course, will be detrimental to the and yoghurt containing probiotics, which become known as
host. synbiotics when prebiotics are added. Among other things,
P. Thammarutwasik et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 31 (4), 401-408, 2009 407

they help to improve Ca absorption. Bucke, C. and Rastall, R.A. 1990. Synthesising sugars by
5. Nutraceuticals, where prebiotics are made into enzymes in reverse. Chemistry in Britain. 26, 675-
tablets or capsules; some also contain probiotics. They are 678.
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in the gastrointestinal system. isolated strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus of human
6. Other products, e.g., weight management products, intestinal origin for ability to assimilate cholesterol
where sugar is replaced by prebiotics; some have a similar during growth. Journal Dairy Science. 77, 2925-2933.
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nutritional (health benefits, potential hazards, dosage, stabil- Chonan, O., Matsumoto, K. and Watanuki, M. 1995. Effect
ity) properties must be well understood. Properly used, they of galactooligosaccharides on calcium absorption
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