ch1-2 Contracts
ch1-2 Contracts
ch1-2 Contracts
Art. 1305. A contract is a meeting of minds between remedy available is to action for legal separation
two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect institute an action against or a criminal action for
to the other, to give something or to render some the other party for adultery or concubinage
service. damages.
From the book of Jurado, contract was derived Both Jurado and Tolentino explained the
from the word “cum traho” which means an agreement or difference between a contract and a perfected and an
convention. However, do not be misled that contract is imperfect promises. Perfected promise merely tends to
synonymous with convention because the latter is broad insure and pave the way for the celebration of a future
enough to include any kind of agreement which may contract while an imperfect promise is a mere unaccepted
create, extinguish or modify patrimonial and even family offer.
relations while contract is limited to only those which
create patrimonial obligations.
❖ Auto-Contract
Class Notes: It is a kind of contract in which only one person acted in
The definition of contract provided in the above behalf of the other party and himself or another person in
article seems to be incomplete. This is so because: another capacity to establish a contract. Tolentino said that
1. It only covers consensual contracts in order that a contract be existing, it requires two parties
2. It does not deal with the concept of formal and not two persons, two declaration of wills and not two
contracts wills.
3. It only refers to unilateral contracts ➔ Ex. Art. 18901 in Agency
4. It refers to contracts that only create obligations
and not those that extinguish Elements of contract:
a. Essential – are those without which there can be
Sanchez Roman, on the other hand, defined no contract
contract as “a juridical convention manifested in legal form, • Common – the consent of the
by virtue of which one or more persons bind themselves in contracting parties, object or the
favor of another or others, reciprocally, to the fulfilment of a subject of the contract and cause of the
prestation to give, to do, or not to do.” obligation
• Special – this is only present in certain
Note: Not all agreements constitute contracts. But all contracts such as delivery in real
contracts constitute an agreement. contracts or form in solemn ones.
• Extraordinary – peculiar to a specific
In order to further understand the concept of contract, such as the price in a contract
contract, Jurado distinguished an ordinary contract from a of sale.
marriage contract:
b. Natural – those which are derived from the
ORDINARY CONTRACT CONTRACT OF nature of the contract and ordinarily accompany
MARRIAGE the same. It is presumed by law, but it also be
Parties may be two or more Necessary that the parties excluded by the contracting parties if they so
persons of the same or must be one man and one desire.
different sexes. woman.
The nature, consequences Nature, consequences and c. Accidental – are those which only exist when the
and incidents of the contract incidents are governed by parties expressly provide for them for the
are primarily governed by law purpose of limiting or modifying the normal
the agreement of the effects of the contract. (ex. Conditions, terms or
parties. modes)
Once executed, the result is Once executed the result is
a contract. a status.
It can be terminated or It cannot be terminated by
dissolved by mere mere agreement.
Art. 1890: If the agent has been empowered to borrow
money, he may himself be the lender at the current rate of
agreement of the parties. interest. If he has been authorized to lend money at interest,
In case of breach, the The usual remedy is a civil he cannot borrow it without the consent of the principal.
1E 2009-2010 Obligations and Contracts Reviewer
Contracts || General Provisions
9. According to their names or norms regulating 2. In cases of social legislation in relation to pursuance
them: of social justice
a. Nominate – those which have their own ➔ E.g. in labor contracts; that which is more
individuality and are regulated by special favoured to those who are needy are more
provisions of law. favoured in the pursuit of social justice
b. Innominate – those which lack individuality and 3. Contract of adhesion: where only one of the parties
not regulated by special provisions of law. prepared the contract and would favour the other party
who did not prepare
➔ In case of doubts in the interpretation of the
Art. 1306. The contracting parties may establish such provisions, that which is more favourable to the
stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they party who may not have the position to impose
deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to agreement is more appreciated
law, morals, good customs, public order, or public
• That the person must have communicated his → is considered an exception to the relativity of contracts
acceptance to the obligor prior its revocation. → creditors, who are not parties to the contract, may
• Neither of the contracting parties bears a legal interfere in the same through a rescissory action when
representation or authorization of the third party. such contract should prejudice their rights.
➔ from the Latin word cum sentire meaning to feel
together or the convergence of two wills over the
same point
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Contracts || Essential Requisites
➔ essence: conformity of the parties to the terms of the determinate effects by virtue of a certain
contract situation; basis of quasi-contracts; e.g. lapse of
➔ definition: the concurrence of the offer and the time given to repudiate an inheritance
acceptance over the thing and the cause which
constitute the contract.
➔ Requisites:4(Castan as cited by Caguioa) ✓ Concurrence between the intention of the
(1) Plurality of subjects parties and its manifestation
(2) Capacity of the contracting parties - an absolute concurrence between what is
(3) Intention of the parties intended and what is expressed.
(4) Manifestation of the intention of the parties *Divergence of intention – when there is NO
(5) Concurrence between the intention of the parties concurrence
and its manifestation 2 types:
o conscious – when there is jovandi
✓ Plurality of subjects causa or mental reservation or when
- There must be at least two parties (not two there is a simulation
persons) and two declarations of will (not o unconscious – when there is an error in
two wills)5 the declaration or error substantibo
✓ Capacity of the contracting parties
- Refers to the legal capacity (i.e. age, mental ➔ 2 elements of consent:
disposition) of the contracting parties to (1) Offer
contract (2) Acceptance
- A valid consent presupposes legal capacity.
✓ Intention of the parties * Manifestation of consent → the meeting of the offer
- Must be formed and manifested in a manner and the acceptance
that is rational and conscious and should not
be vitiated by any vice which may destroy its General Rule: There must be a concurrence of the offer
character. and acceptance with respect to the object and the cause of
- 4 traditional vices of consent: the contract.
o Error Exception: Not applicable to cases where other matters
o Fraud beside the thing and the cause are considered material by
o Violence the parties, in which case, the area of agreement must
o Intimidation include those other things which are considered material by
✓ Manifestation of the intention of the parties the parties. (Magsaysay v. Cebu Portland Cement Co. as
- May be express, tacit, or may be presumed. cited in Caguioa)
Express consent – exists when the same is
manifested by words or by writing; the normal ✓ Offer – a unilateral proposition which one party makes
way of manifesting consent. to the other for the celebration of a contract; or simply
Implied consent – exists when certain acts are put, a proposal to make a contract.
performed which do not directly manifest the - requisites:
consent but where the consent can be inferred 1. definite
from the conduct of the person. 2. complete
Presumed consent – is a fiction which produces 3. made with the intention to be bound
4. directed to person or persons with whom the offeror
intends to enter into a contract
According to Clarin vs. Rulona, as cited in Tolentino, the
following are the requisites of consent: (1) plurality of a. it must be definite
subjects; (2) capacity; (3) intelligent and free will; (4) express
or tacit manifestation of the will; (5) conformity of the internal
→ offer is definite when an acceptance thereof will
will and its manifestation. create a valid and subsisting contract.
Jurado, on the other hand, enumerates the following as → not affected where the determination thereof is left
requisites of consent: (1) consent must be manifested by the to the will of the other party.
concurrence of the offer and the acceptance; (2) contracting
parties must possess the necessary legal capacity; and (3)
→ e.g. “I am in a position and willing to entertain the
consent must be intelligent, free, spontaneous and real purchase of a yacht.” >>> not an offer but a mere
This thus gives way to the validity of auto-contracts
1E Obligations and Contracts Reviewer
Contracts || Essential Requisites
invitation to make an offer.6 person or persons with whom the offeror wishes to enter
into a contract.
Note: Definiteness is not affected where the → Exception: definite offers which are not directed to a
determination thereof is left to the will of the other party. particular person but to the public in general (examples:
Example: An offer to sell as many sacks of rice as the promises of reward, public auction)
buyer is willing to purchase but not exceeding 500 • In order for unilateral promises publicly made be
sacks at P50 per sack is a valid offer. enforced, there must be an acceptance that shall
convert it into a contract. The performance of the
b. it must be complete act for which a reward or prize is promised can
→ when it indicates with sufficient clearness the kind of be considered as an acceptance.7
contract intended and definitely stating the essential
conditions of the proposed contract, as well as the non- ✓ Acceptance – the unconditional and unqualified
essential ones desired by the offeror agreement to the offer.
→ example: in a contract of sale, offer must specify the - requisites: (ADICT)
object, price and terms
1. absolute
2. directed to the offeror
c. it must be made with the intention to be bound 3. made with the intention to be bound
→ the offer must be made seriously 4. made within the proper time
→ examples of offers with NO intention to be bound: 5. communicated to the offeror and learned by him
▪ Those made for fun or jest
▪ Those made jocandi causa or as an a. it must be absolute
expression of courtesy - there is no variation whatsoever between the terms of
General Rule: Offers not seriously made and accepted by the offer and the acceptance.
the other party, aware of the non-seriousness of the offer, • It is necessary that the acceptance be
is null and void and cannot give rise to a contract. unequivocal and unconditional, and the
acceptance and the proposition shall be without
*If the offeree is induced to take it seriously or he any variation whatsoever; and any modification
was not aware that offer was not intentional, or variation from the terms of the offer annuls the
→ act is VOID; hence there is NO CONTRACT; but he latter and frees the offeror.
may recover for damages which he has suffered by ➔ means that the offeree should NOT desire
reason of his belief that the offer was seriously made. anything exactly than the proposed offer; his
acceptance must be for the totality of the
Exception: offer, nothing more, nothing less. Should the
*In cases of mental reservations (when a party acceptance be qualified (for example
makes a declaration but secretly and without informing the when a pure obligation is accepted with a
other party does not intend to be bound by such condition, or when a term is established or
declaration; exists when the manifestation of the will is changed, or when a simple obligation is
made by one party for the purpose of inducing the other to converted into an alternative one), the
believe that the former intends to be bound, when in fact he acceptance constitutes a counter-offer
does not) and a counter-offer has the effect of
→ act is VALID; and hence may give birth to a extinguishing the offer.
contract. This is in line with the principle of estoppel b. it must be directed to the offeror
(Caguioa and Tolentino). Exception to the exception: But c. it must be made with the intention to be bound
when the other party is aware of such mental reservation, it d. it must be made within the proper time, i.e. within
will not bind the offeror. the period expressly or tacitly given
e. it must be communicated to the offeror and
d. it must be directed to the person or persons with learned by him
whom the offeror intends to enter into a contract → Unless the offeror knows of the acceptance, there
→ General rule: The offer must be directed to a particular is no meeting of the minds of the parties, no real
Rosentoch v. Burke as cited in Caguioa, Tolentino &
Jurado Tolentino, 2002, p. 459.
1E Obligations and Contracts Reviewer
Contracts || Essential Requisites
performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his ✓ Intimidation
due, and observe honesty and good faith. - when one of the contracting parties is compelled by a
Art. 1479: A promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing reasonable and well-grounded fear of an imminent and
for a price certain is reciprocally demandable.
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a
determinate thing for a price certain is binding upon the
promissor if the promise is supported by a consideration Art. 1403:
distinct from the price. 17 Art. 1407
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Contracts || Essential Requisites
grave evil upon his person or property, or upon the person 3. it must be employed by one of the contracting parties
or property of his spouse, descendants or ascendants to and not by a third person
give his consent 4. it must not be employed by both contracting parties
- requisites: 5. it must have induced the consent of the other party
1. it must produce a reasonable and well-grounded fear 6. it must be made in bad faith, i.e. with knowledge of its
→ when the person issuing the threat appears able to falsity
inflict the harm threatened
→ in order to determine this, it is required that the age, sex Non-fraudulent cases:
and condition of the persons be borne in mind. • Not every silence or concealment will constitute fraud. If
2. fear must produce the consent the concealment does not refer to material facts, i.e.
→ the fear produced by the same must be the direct and those that induce consent, it will not be fraudulent.
the determining cause which compelled the consent to be (Art.1339)
given. • The usual exaggerations in trade (are said to be lawful
3. fear is of imminent and grave evil upon person and misrepresentations known as dolus bonus), when the
property other party had an opportunity to know the facts, are not
→ evil threatened must be serious or grave and imminent. in themselves fraudulent. (Art. 1340)
4. threat must be unjust • A mere expression of opinion does not signify fraud,
→ if the means threatened to be used to inflict the evil or unless made by an expert and the other party has relied
harm is unlawful or illegal or there is no right to inflict the on the former’s knowledge. (Art. 1341)
injury feared
Art. 1345. Simulation of a contract may be absolute or
✓ Undue Influence relative. The former takes place when the parties do
- when a person takes advantage of his power over the will not intend to be bound at all; the latter, when the
of another, depriving the latter of a reasonable freedom of parties conceal their true agreement.
- to determine whether the influence exerted is SIMULATION → is the declaration of a fictitious intent
unreasonable, the following circumstances shall be manifested deliberately and in accordance with the
considered: agreement of the parties in order to produce for the
1. confidential relations purpose of deceiving others the appearance of a transation
2. family relations which does not exist or which is different from their true
3. spiritual relations agreement.
4. other relations between the parties → requisites:
1. A deliberate declration contrary to the will of the
✓ Fraud parties
- when through insidious words or machinations of one of 2. Agreement of the parties to the apparently valid
the contracting parties, the other is induced to enter in to a act
contract which, without them, he would not have agree to. 3. The purpose is to deceive or to hide from third
- refers to deceit or fraud in the celebration of contract persons although it is not necessary that the
- any kind of deception and includes words, machinations, purpose be illicit or for purposes of fraud
false promises, exaggerations of hope and benefits, abuse
of confidence, fictitious names, qualifications or authority. → 2 types:
- 2 kinds of deceit: a. absolute – when the parties do not intend to be
a. dolo causante (substantial fraud) – that which affects the bound at all
substance of the agreement so that without it the party b. relative – when the parties conceal their true
would not have consented agreement
b. dolo incidente (incidental fraud) – that which affects, not
the substance but the incidentals of the agreement, so that Effects of Simulation
without it the party would have consented but under If simulation is absolute = NO CONTRACT
different terms. If simulation is relative = VALID CONTRACT unless it
- requisites: prejudices a third person or has an illicit purpose
1. there must be a misrepresentation or concealment of a
fact Section 2 – Object of Contracts
2. it must be serious
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Contracts || Essential Requisites