378 Zabihi Et Al
378 Zabihi Et Al
378 Zabihi Et Al
Exterior beam-column joint is potentially the weakest link in a limited-ductile RC frame
structure in Australia. The use of diagonal haunch element has been considered as a
desirable seismic retrofit option for preventing brittle failure of the joint. Previous
research globally has focused on implementing double haunches, whilst the
performance of using single haunch element as a less-invasive and more architecturally
favourable retrofit option has not been investigated. In this study, the feasibility of using
a single haunch system for retrofitting RC beam-column joint in Australia is explored.
This paper presents the key formulations of the technique and illustrates its
effectiveness by showing analytically the changes in the shear demand at the joint.
A large number of habitable non-seismically designed RC frame buildings exist all over
the world including Australia. Undesirable brittle failure is expected to occur in this
kind of buildings in an event of major earthquake. Previous analytical and experimental
studies proved that limited-ductile beam-column joint is the most vulnerable structural
element subjected to lateral loads (Aycardi et al., 1994; Beres et al., 1996; Calvi et al.,
2002). This deficiency generally arises from poor detailing in the joint area and
consequently lack of capacity design principles in the overall response of the structures
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
(Pampanin et al., 2006). To improve the global seismic behaviour of the structure,
enhancement of the weakest links is essential which can be achieved by seismic
retrofitting. In recent years, various retrofit techniques such as strengthening of joint
(e.g. steel jacketing (Figure 1(a)), fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) (Figure 1(b))) and
relocating the plastic hinge away from the joint (e.g. externally clamped double haunch
retrofitting system (ECDHRS) (Figure 1(c)), fully fastened double haunch retrofitting
system (FFDHRS) (Figure 1(d))) have been investigated and utilised as practical
solutions (Beres et al., 1992; Ghobarah and Said, 2002; Chen, 2006; Genesio, 2012).
A full-scale three-storey RC moment resisting frame considered in this study has been
designed based on the requirements in the 1980’s (as shown in Figure 2(a)). The frame
is 9 m tall, 10 m wide, and is located on a deep or very soft soil site (i.e. Class D or E
as defined in AS1170.4-2007) in Melbourne. The seismic weight was calculated by
assuming 10 kPa gravity loads for all three levels including dead loads and 30% of
imposed loads. A two-dimensional single frame model, with half of the bay on each
side (4 m in total), is considered.
The design equivalent static shear force, VBase, at the base of this frame model is
calculated from the following equation in accordance with AS1170.4-2007:
VBase = [k p ZCh (T1 ) ] wt
μ 1
The base shear forces based on the design ultimate limit state (ULS) (with the
consideration of over-strength and ductility), 500-year and 2500-year return period
elastic response (ER) are approximately equal to 135 kN, 350 kN, and 630 kN
respectively. Hence, the shear force at the base of the first storey exterior column would
be 27 kN (design ULS), 70 kN (500-year ER) and 126 kN (2500-year ER) respectively.
The natural periods of the structure will be slightly decreased due to the stiffening
effects by the haunches. It may lead to an increase in the base shear force, but it is not
realised in this study as the initial fundamental natural period is within the peak
acceleration plateau of the design response spectrum in AS1170.4-2007.
To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed retrofitting system, the bottom left
beam-column joint subassembly, annotated as A1 in Figure 2, has been selected to be
assessed analytically (shown in Figure 2(b)). This subassembly is truncated between
contra-flexure points at mid-height of the columns and mid-span of the beam. Cross
sections of column and beam are shown in Figure 2(c) and Figure 2(d), respectively.
The key parameters for analytical modelling are tabulated in Table 1 (material
properties) and Table 2 (geometry of the joint subassembly).
Noted that f´c = the characteristic compressive strength of concrete at 28 days; Ec = the
modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days; α2 = the ratio of equivalent concrete
compressive stress developed under flexure to the characteristic compressive strength
(f´c ); γ = the ratio, under design bending or design combined bending and compression,
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
of the depth of the assumed rectangular compressive stress block to kud; whereas d =
effective depth of a cross-section, and ku = neutral axis parameter being the ratio, at
ultimate strength under any combination of bending and compression, of the depth to
the neutral axis from the extreme compressive fibre to d; εcu = the ultimate concrete
strain; fy = yield strength of steel reinforcing bar; and Es = the modulus of elasticity of
where hb = beam section depth; wb = beam section width; Le = beam half length; Lb =
beam span length between column centrelines; hc = column section depth; wc = column
section width; He = effective height of column between two vertical consecutive
inflection points; hj = joint horizontal section depth; and wj = joint horizontal section
The lateral load – drift capacity relationship of the first storey exterior column has been
calculated based on the analytical model proposed recently by Wibowo et al. (2014)
and Wilson et al. (2015). The peak shear strength, under an axial load ratio of 0.1, is
110 kN, which is higher than the 500-year ER (70 kN) levels. This indicates that the
column will respond within the pre-peak range with drift demand less than 1.0%, for
the range of seismic actions being considered in this study, whilst the ultimate drift
capacity of the column is over 5.0%. It will be shown in Section 6 that tensile crack
will likely form at the joint (when the tensile stress is being exceeded, which is assumed
as un-repairable damage and is defined as joint failure in this study, although it does
not necessarily lead to collapse) or plastic hinge will form at the beam before the
column reaches its peak shear capacity.
Based on the applied shear and axial forces, Vc and Nc (as shown in Figure 3), the shear
force diagrams of the beam-column joint subassembly for the non-retrofitted system
(NRS) and the single haunch retrofitted system (SHRS) are plotted in Figure 4. For
each case, the horizontal shear force at the mid-depth of the joint panel zone, Vjh, can
be expressed as a function of the applied shear force:
He Ln
Vjh−NRS = [ ( ) − 1] Vc
jb Le 2 2
He Ln 2b + hb − jb 3
Vjh−SHRS = [ ( −( ) βSHRS ) − 1] Vc
jb Le 2 2 tan α
where jb = internal lever arm of the beam section between tension and compression
side; Ln = net beam span length between column faces; b = vertical length of the haunch;
α = angle between the haunch and the beam; βSHRS = shear transferring factor at the
beam for SHRS (refer next section), and all other parameters have been specified
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
Figure 4: Shear force diagrams: (a) Non-Retrofitted System (NRS); and (b) Single
Haunch Retrofitting System (SHRS).
The value of the shear transferring factor, β, can be derived based on the deformation
compatibility theory at the haunch-beam and haunch-column connection points (Yu et
al., 2000; Pampanin et al., 2006). Zabihi et al. (2016) derived the formulation of β-
factor for SHRS by considering both beam and column deformations:
N1 + N2
βSHRS = tan α
D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 4
λ1 = Ib b⁄(Ic a)
λ2 = Le b⁄(He a)
in which, a = horizontal length of the haunch; I b = second moment of area of the beam
cross section; Ic = second moment of area of the column cross section; K h = haunch
axial stiffness; Ab = area of the beam cross section; Ac = area of the column cross
section, and all other parameters have been explained earlier.
The shear capacity of RC beam-column joint is mainly governed by its principal tensile
stress, pt (Priestley, 1997; Pampanin and Christopoulos, 2003), which is a function of
the joint shear stress, vjh, and the compressive stress due to column axial load, fa.
According to Mohr’s circle theory, the principal tensile stress, pt, at mid-depth of the
joint core can be calculated by:
pt = −(fa ⁄2) + √(fa ⁄2)2 + vjh 5
Amongst the possible un-repairable damage types or failure modes which may occur at
RC beam-column joint during an earthquake, joint shear failure and beam flexural
yielding were found to be the first two limits at this subassembly (A1). Therefore, the
joint shear and beam flexural yielding capacity-demand ratios are plotted in Figure 5
against the base shear force, VBase, and its corresponding column shear force, Vc,
whereas the column axial force, Nc, is assumed to be constant. Failure is assumed to
occur when the capacity-demand ratio is smaller than 1.0, and hence, the “failure”
threshold is defined at the point when the ratio equals 1.0. It is noted that three
inclinations (i.e. α = 45°, 23°, and 20°) of the haunch were considered, whilst the
lengths of haunches were made the same (i.e. same amount of materials) for a fair
Figure 5(a) shows that the non-retrofitted joint (NRS) fails at a base shear level of
188 kN due to the formation of undesirable shear hinge at the joint zone. By applying
a single diagonal haunch (SHRS) with 500 mm length and at an angle of 45 degrees to
the beam, formation of the shear hinge is shifted from 188 kN base shear level to
248 kN (Figure 5(b)). Although the retrofitted joint can resist against a stronger
earthquake with 32% higher base shear force, the joint will still fail at the joint zone
first which is considered undesirable from the perspective of capacity design principle.
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
Figure 5: Joint shear and beam flexural yielding capacity-demand ratio at the
exterior joint (A1) against the values of base shear force and column shear force:
(a) NRS, (b) SHRS (α=45°); (c) SHRS (α=23°); and (d) SHRS (α=20°). Notes:
Design ULS and 500-year indicate the shear demands at design ultimate limit state
(ULS) and 500-year return period elastic response levels.
When the single diagonal haunch with the same length is oriented at a smaller angle,
23 degrees, joint shear hinging and beam plastic hinging occur simultaneously at a
higher base shear level of 319 kN (Figure 5(c)). This level can be defined as the
balanced scenario, whilst further angle reduction results in favourable yielding
mechanism, i.e. beam flexure yielding, as well as a slightly higher capacity
enhancement (Figure 5(d)). In other words, in order to achieve both benefits of single
haunch retrofitting (i.e. enhancing the seismic resistance and changing the failure
mechanism) at this particular beam-column joint subassembly, the angle between
haunch and beam has to be smaller than 23 degrees. The key results are summarised in
Table 3.
retrofitting system (Section 4), and the shear capacity at the joint (Section 5) have been
presented. The angle between the haunch and the beam has been varied in order to
achieve an optimal design. It was found that an angle of less than 23 degrees is required
in order to enhance the earthquake resistance and to change the failure mechanism at
the beam-column joint subassembly (Section 6). Further comparison with the use of
double haunch elements can be found in Zabihi et al. (2016).
The authors acknowledge the financial supports from the Bushfire and Natural Hazards
CRC. Valuable discussions with Scott Menegon (PhD candidate at Swinburne
University of Technology) and Nelson Lam (A/Professor at the University of
Melbourne) are gratefully acknowledged.
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In: Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures
and Materials, Perth, Australia, December 2016.