Англ. для психологів (+)

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English for Psychologists


Вступ ............................................................................................. 4
Unit 1. What is Psychology? ............................................................ 5
Unit 2. The Growth of Psychology................................................... 8
Unit 3. Perspectives and Research Methods of Psychology ........... 16
Unit 4. Sports and Health Psychology ............................................ 21
Unit 5. Industrial and Organizational Psychology ............................ 28
Unit 6. Social Psychology ............................................................. 33
Unit 7. Positive Psychology ........................................................... 39
Unit 8. The Human Brain and Its Functions ................................... 45
Unit 9. The Sense Organs. The Sense of Hearing .......................... 50
Unit 10. The Senses of Smell and Taste ......................................... 53
Unit 11. The Senses of Sight and Touch ......................................... 57
Unit 12. Memory ........................................................................... 63
Unit 13. Emotions .......................................................................... 69
Unit 14. Addictions ........................................................................ 74
Unit 15. Fears ............................................................................... 82
Unit 16. Abnormal Behavior .......................................................... 92
Unit 17. Psychological Disorders ................................................. 100
Glossary ...................................................................................... 105
Українсько-англійський словник ................................................ 118
Література ................................................................................. 126



Пропонований навчальний посібник призначений для

студентів-психологів, які вивчають англійську мову професій-
ного спрямування. Мета посібника – сформувати у студентів
навички говоріння, читання, письма та перекладу, сприяти
опануванню професійної англійської мови як системи та роз-
ширенню знань студентів з фаху на базі автентичних англо-
мовних текстів. Посібник складається з 17 розділів, українсько-
англійського словника найуживаніших виразів і психологіч-
них термінів, а також англійського глосарія психологічних
термінів. Розділи посібника містять навчальний матеріал
за програмою дисципліни. Кожний розділ містить базовий
текст, лексичний коментар та активний вокабулярій, ком-
плекс лексичних і комунікативних вправ на засвоєння ново-
го матеріалу та розвиток навичок усного мовлення. Комуні-
кативні вправи передбачають завдання рольового та диску-
сійного характеру та спонукають до діалогічного мовлення
з аргументуванням точки зору. Навчальний матеріал посібника
рекомендований для аудиторного та самостійного опрацю-
вання, а також широкому колу осіб, які цікавляться питання-
ми психології.

English for Psychologists


1. Read and translate the key words.

1. psychology
2. scientific
3. to study
4. mental
5. behavior
6. environment
7. pattern
8. human being
9. thought
10. feeling
11. action
12. mind
13. dream
14. desire
15. mental illness
16. research
17. psychologist
18. personality
19. habit
20. insight

2. Read and translate the text. Use a dictionary.

What Is Psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and
behaviour. Psychologists observe and record how people and other
animals relate to one another and to the environment. They look for

patterns that will help them understand and predict behaviour, and
they use scientific methods to test their ideas. Through such studies,
psychologists have learned much that can help people fulfill their
potential as human beings and increase understanding between
individuals, groups, nations, and cultures.
Psychology is a broad field that explores a variety of questions
about thoughts, feelings, and actions. Psychologists ask such
questions as: “How do we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? What
enables us to learn, think, and remember, and why do we forget?
What activities distinguish human beings from other animals? What
abilities are we born with, and which must we learn? How much
does the mind affect the body, and how does the body affect the
mind? For example, can we change our heart rate or temperature
just by thinking about doing so? What can our dreams tell us about
our needs, wishes, and desires? Why do we like the people we
like? What is mental illness?”
The research findings of psychologists have greatly increased
our understanding of why people behave as they do. For example,
psychologists have discovered much about how personality develops
and how to promote healthy development. They have some
knowledge of how to help people change bad habits and how to
help students learn. They understand some of the conditions that
can make workers more productive. A great deal remains to be
discovered. Nevertheless, insights provided by psychology can help
people function better as individuals, friends, family members, and

3. Answer the questions orally.

• What is psychology?
• What do psychologists do?
• What does psychology explore?
• What kind of questions do psychologists ask?
English for Psychologists

• Why do we need psychological research?

• How can psychology help us?

4. Find the synonyms to the given words.

1. concept a) think
2. suggest b) primary
3. principal c) definite
4. threat d) goal
5. view e) focus
6. believe f) opinion
7. explore g) propose
8. emphasis h) investigate
9. purpose i) danger
10. explicit j) idea

5. Combine the words in column A with those in B to make

word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own.
1. cast a) to the conclusion
2. become b) forth
3. place c) evident
4. trace d) a light
5. pay/give e) emphasis on
6. have f) in the context of
7. come g) an interest in
8. set h) attention to
9. take i) place
10. arise j) back

6. Discuss with your classmates the following questions:

• Why do you want to become a professional psychologist?
• What is your favorite topic in psychology?
• When do you think a person should consult a psychologist?


1. Read and translate the key words.

1. adulthood
2. to affect
3. anxiety
4. attempt
5. attitude
6. to assess
7. behavior
8. capability
9. to conduct
10. conscious
11. damage
12. to differ
13. disabled
14. discipline
15. disorder
16. diverse
17. flexible
18. to flourish
19. to identify
20. to influence smb/to have an influence on smb
21. to investigate
22. life span
23. morale
24. observable
25. perception
26. to prevent
27. research
28. sensation
English for Psychologists

29. to untangle
30. various
31. violence
32. vision

2. Read and translate the text. Use a dictionary.

The Growth of Psychology

It has been more than a hundred years since psychology broke
away from philosophy and physiology to emerge as a separate
discipline. In the past century this young and fertile area of study has
undergone a series of expansions in subject matter as well as in
research methods. During this period even the basic nature of
psychology has been at issue: Is it the study of conscious experience?
The study of unconscious processes? The study of individual
differences, or of observable behavior? As we will discover when
we examine a few of these basic ideas, these differences of opinion
have contributed to the tremendous growth of psychology.
Psychology as the Study of Conscious Experience
Psychology had its formal beginnings in Leipzig, Germany, where
Wilhelm Wundt founded the first psychological laboratory in 1879.
Wundt is considered the first psychologist. He stringently limited the
subject to the study of conscious experience. Wundt believed that
all our conscious experiences are merely intricate combinations of
elemental sensations – that is, intellectual towers made of sensory
building blocks. Wundt attempted to use introspection to find the
basic sensations. He also tried to discover the principles by which
those sensations combine to become conscious experience.
Psychology as the Study of Unconscious Processes
For Sigmund Freud conscious experiences were only the tip of
the iceberg. Beneath the surface, he believed, lay primitive biological
urges that seek expression but are in conflict with the requirements

of society and morality. According to Freud, these unconscious

motivations and conflicts are powerful influences on our conscious
thoughts and actions; they thus are responsible for much human
Psychology Today
Psychology’s roots can be traced back to ancient Greece and
to speculations about the nature of sensation, perception, reason,
emotion, dreams, and memory. Developments in many countries over
many years have contributed to the modern science of psychology,
which now flourishes around the world: in Germany, where Wundt
established his laboratory; in England, where Galton worked; in
Russia, where Pavlov discovered the conditioned reflex; in Japan,
where the discipline is still relatively new; and in numerous other
countries. Psychology has gained wide public acceptance in the
United States. While American psychology still dominates the world
scene, several other countries have proportionately as many
psychologists as the United States. These countries include Spain,
Finland, Israel, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark.
Fields of Specialization
Experimental psychology investigates basic behavioural
processes that are shared by various species. Experimental
psychologists have sought answers to such questions as: What is the
basis for love between mother and baby? Can animal reason? What
is the role of the brain in memory? How do visual experiences during
infancy affect later vision? They are also interested in how species
are interrelated and in the significance of certain behavior.
Researchers in the fields of physiological psychology or
neuropsychology attempt to untangle the connections between the
nervous and endocrine systems and behavior. There has been a recent
explosion of interest in the way that the brain works. The researchers
in this area, which is called neuroscience, investigate the workings
of sensory systems, the effects of brain damage on behavior, and

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