Spectroscopic Study of Late-Type Emission-Line Stars Using The Data From LAMOST DR6
Spectroscopic Study of Late-Type Emission-Line Stars Using The Data From LAMOST DR6
Spectroscopic Study of Late-Type Emission-Line Stars Using The Data From LAMOST DR6
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(LATEX: AA_final.tex; printed on October 24, 2024; 0:39) Astrophysics
Abstract Low-mass emission-line stars belong to various evolutionary stages, from pre-
main-sequence young stars to evolved stars. In this work, we present a catalog of late-
type (F0 to M9) emission-line stars from the LAMOST Data Release 6. Using the scipy
package, we created a Python code that finds the emission peak at Hα in all late-type stel-
lar spectra. A dataset of 38,152 late-type emission-line stars was obtained after a rigorous
examination of the photometric quality flags and the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectra.
Adopting well-known photometric and spectroscopic methods, we classified our sample
into 438 infrared excess sources, 4,669 post-main-sequence candidates, 9,718 Fe/Ge/Ke
sources, and 23,264 dMe sources. From a cross-match with known databases, we found
that 29,222 sources, comprising 65 IR excess sources, 7,899 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, 17,533 dMe
stars, and 3,725 PtMS candidates, are new detections. We measured the equivalent width
of the major emission lines observed in the spectra of our sample of emission-line stars.
Furthermore, the trend observed in the line strengths of major emission lines over the
entire late-type spectral range is analyzed. We further classified the sample into 4 groups
based on the presence of Hydrogen and Calcium emission lines. This work presents a
large dataset of late-type emission-line stars, which can be used to study active phenom-
ena in late-type stars.
The emission of Hα is frequently observed in active pre- and post-main-sequence stars, as well as in
binary stars. The investigation of stars exhibiting Hα emission holds considerable physical significance.
Historically, the study of these stars commenced in the early 1940s where Merrill & Burwell (1933)
published their work on spectroscopic observations of Hα emission stars in the northern Milky Way,
which sparked interest in emission-line stars (ELS). Following this, Bidelman (1954) made a catalog
of stars later than spectral type B, which showed emission in Hα and Ca II H & K. Wray (1966)
and Henize (1976) conducted research on Hα emission stars in the southern Milky Way, which further
2 Edwin et al.
helped in expanding our understanding of ELS. In the 1980s, multiple surveys such as MacConnell
(1981), Stephenson (1986), and Wiramihardja et al. (1989) extensively studied ELS in different parts of
our galaxy. In subsequent years, ELS were also surveyed and identified beyond our galaxy, notably from
the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC; Bohannan 1987) and Small Magellanic Clouds (SMC; Meyssonnier
& Azzopardi 1993; Le Coarer et al. 2005; Martayan et al. 2010).
The advent of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS;York et al. (2000)) has contributed to the field of
stellar spectroscopy and improved the understanding of various active phenomena in stars. Also, Isaac
Newton Telescope (INT) Photometric H-α Survey (IPHAS; Drew et al. (2005)), a program that used
broad-bands r and i, and narrow-band Hα filters, studied the northern plane of our galaxy. One of the
specific goals of this survey program was to study the YSOs in our galaxy (Barentsen et al. 2014).
The Gaia-ESO survey (Traven et al. 2015), which studied the spectra of a number of active ELS also
improved the list of ELS. These build a great foundation for the upcoming studies and surveys on ELS in
our galaxy. Furthermore, RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE;Steinmetz 2002), an all-sky spectroscopic
survey to measure stellar parameters like radial velocity, metallicity, and abundance ratios of 50 million
stars in our galaxy contributed much to the understanding of ELS research.
The study of ELS in the low-mass regime is critical due to the occurrence of a diverse range of active
phenomena in these sources. Late-type emission-line stars (LELS) are low-mass (< 3 M⊙ ) emission-
line stars (ELS) belonging to spectral types F0–M9. LELS can be broadly classified into infrared excess
sources, Fe/Ge/Ke/dMe (main-sequence) stars, and post-main-sequence (PtMS) candidates. Classical T
Tauri stars (CTTS) are young stellar objects (YSO) that undergo accretion, with Hα emission originat-
ing primarily from the accretion columns and the circumstellar disk (Kurosawa et al. 2005). These stars
exhibit significant infrared excess. In main-sequence Ge/Ke/dMe stars, the Hα emission occurs from
the chromosphere of the star, which is usually attributed to the large-scale magnetic fields observed in
low-mass stars (Hall 2008). In PtMS F- and G-type stars, Hα originates from the expanding outer shell
and ejected material (Kogure & Leung 2010). In stars like Mira variables, the origin of the emission
lines is due to the pulsations leading to the generation of shock waves, which results in intense emis-
sion lines in their spectra (Wood 1979; Gillet et al. 1983; Kogure & Leung 2010). Hence, the primary
objective of this work is to classify LELS into distinct evolutionary stages.
The major emission lines observed in the optical spectra of late-type stars include Ca II H & K,
Hα, and the Ca II triplet (CaIRT). Most of these lines are often linked with chromospheric activity in
low mass stars (Cincunegui et al. 2007; Smith 2011). Other factors that influence the strength and profile
shape of the emission lines are due to stellar rotation, age of the star, wind, and magnetic field. Multiple
photometric (Radick et al. 1983; Herbst & Miller 1989; Lockwood et al. 2007) and spectroscopic (Gizis
et al. 2002; López-Santiago et al. 2010; Suárez Mascareño et al. 2015) studies provided us with good
insights on different groups of LELS in our galaxy. Notably, utilizing SDSS spectra, West et al. (2004)
studied the magnetic properties of cool stars, where they used emission in Hα as the primary indi-
cator of activity. Also, RAVE studies on 38,000 chromospherically active solar-type stars in the solar
neighborhood was carried out by Žerjal et al. (2017).
Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) has provided a huge spec-
tral database for the scientific community, containing more than 10 million low-resolution spectra of
stars, galaxies, and QSOs. There are several works that have used the LAMOST database to study dif-
ferent types of LELS, such as Mira variables (Yao et al. 2017), M dwarfs (Yi et al. 2014; Guo et al. 2015;
Chang et al. 2017) and M-giants (Liu et al. 2014; Zhong et al. 2015; Li et al. 2019). The present study
complements the work of Shridharan et al. (2021), where they created a catalog of early-type ELS using
the spectra available in LAMOST data archive. We queried the entire LAMOST spectral database for
sources classified as F, G, K, and M spectral types and identified the spectra showing the Hα emission
line. We then classify our sample into Fe/Ge/Ke/dMe stars, PtMS candidates, and YSOs on the basis of
their photometric and spectroscopic features. It improves the existing sample of LELS, in turn opening
the gateway for studying interesting low-mass sources of our galaxy and improving our understanding
on the chromospheric, rotational, magnetic, and all other kinds of activity in these sources.
In this work, we catalog 38,152 LELS into their various categories and study its spectral characteris-
tics. In Section 2, we describe the data collection method utilized for our work. In Section 3, we provide
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 3
a brief description on different classes of LELS and the classification criteria utilized in classifying our
sample. In Section 4, the results of this work that contain different types of LELS were separated, and
their properties and characteristics were described.
LAMOST is a reflecting Schmidt telescope (Zhao et al. 2012), observing a field of view (FoV) of 20
deg 2 (Sun et al. 2021) in the sky. By July 2018, LAMOST had released its sixth data release (DR6),
observing 9,911,337 low-resolution spectrum (LRS). They were subdivided into four categories, namely
“STAR", “GALAXY", “QUASAR", and “unknown" spectra. Among the 4 categories, over 90% of the
LRS belong to the “STAR" category. A typical LRS contains calibrated wavelength on the x-axis and
flux on the y-axis, with a wavelength range of 3690 Å - 9100 Å and a resolution of 1800 at 5500 Å
(Zhao et al. 2012; Yan et al. 2022). The survey spans over a declination range of = -10◦ to +90◦ (Deng
et al. 2012).
For the present work, we have restricted the analysis to a sample of F, G, K, and M spectral types.
Hence, we queried for these stars in the LAMOST DR6 (LDR6) catalog and obtained more than 1.7
million star spectra belonging to F type, ∼ 2.9 million G-type spectra, ∼ 1 million K-type spectra, and ∼
0.55 million M-type spectra. The general catalog of LDR6 contains 37 columns worth of data including
the stars’ positions, error estimates, identifiers, and magnitudes in u, g, r, i, and z bands, redshift, etc (Wu
et al. 2014). The LRS A, F, G, K type star catalog has, along with the general catalog data, information
on effective temperature (Tef f ), surface gravity (log(g)), metallicity [Fe/H], heliocentric radial velocity
(rv), and its corresponding errors. These parameters are estimated by the LAMOST parameter pipeline
(LASP) (Wu et al. 2014). The LRS M-type star catalog has estimated the parameters mentioned in
the previous catalog using the cross-correlation method. Furthermore, the catalog provides additional
information, which includes Hα equivalent width (EW) and the line indices (TiO, CaH, CaOH, Na)
estimated using the HAMMER software (Liu et al. 2014).
Initially, 8,613,834 F-, G-, K-, and M-type spectra labeled as ”STAR” were queried from the LDR6
and the spectra were continuum normalized using laspec package 2 (Zhang et al. 2020). Using
the scipy.signal.find peaks3 parameter, a Python routine was developed to inspect for the
presence of Hα emission in the sample (Shridharan et al. 2021). The parameter “width” was utilized to
avoid false emission sources, only the sources with width greater than 3 sampling points were considered
as detection. This avoided narrow peaks caused by instrumental noise or defects. If the spectra does not
show Hα in emission, they are removed from further analysis. As a result, we obtained 80,860 spectra
with the Hα emission line within 3 Å of 6563 Å. Only stars having signal-to-noise ratio in r band
(SNRr ) greater than 10 are further considered for the study, and the rest are eliminated, leaving us with
a sample of 58,508 LELS spectra. We further separated the sources having LELS spectra with SNR(x)=-
9999 (where x represents u, g, r, i, and z bands). Those spectra were considered “BAD spectra" upon
visual check and removed from this study, which left us with a sample of 56,291 spectra belonging
to 48,657 unique sources. Furthermore, we utilized line_index function of laspec package to
estimate the equivalent width of major emission lines for all the sources in our study.
1 www.lamost.org/dr6
2 https://github.com/hypergravity/laspec
3 https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.find_peaks.html
4 Edwin et al.
In order to characterise the identified Hα source, we obtain photometric values from various optical/IR
all-sky surveys such as Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) (Skrutskie et al. 2006), Gaia (Prusti
et al. 2016; Vallenari et al. 2023), and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) (Cutri et al. 2012).
To avoid contamination from multiple sources, we used a search radius of 3′′ and selected the closest
sources to the observed coordinates. Crossmatching with 2MASS and using a quality cut of ‘AAA’
reduced the sample size to 45,376. This sample was then crossmatched with the Gaia DR3 to obtain
astrometry and optical photometry, which further reduced the sample to 45,268. The sample further
reduced to 44,520 sources on crossmatching with WISE catalog. Of this, we considered only 43,329
LELS with distance value available from Bailer-Jones et al. (2021). The line-of-sight extinction values
for our sample were obtained using the probabilistic Galactic dustmaps model, Bayestar 2019 (Green
In this section, we provide an overview of LELS along with its literature and the classification criteria
employed in segregating them to different classes.
IR excess sources are characterized by the presence of circumstellar disks or envelopes composed of
dust and gas. These structures absorb stellar radiation and subsequently emit it at longer wavelengths, re-
sulting in an excess of infrared radiation in their spectral energy distribution (SED). Accretion disks are
commonly found around young stellar objects, such as protostars, T Tauri stars, and Herbig Ae/Be stars
(Groenewegen 2012; Hartmann et al. 2016; Brittain et al. 2023). Some evolved stars, including those
classified as asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and red giants, also exhibit IR excess (Groenewegen
2012). The accretion disk and mass loss are the major reasons for the formation of emission lines in
these objects (Muzerolle et al. 1998a).
PtMS stars, ranging in spectral types from F0 to M9, represent stars that have transitioned beyond
their main-sequence phase, generally classified into red giants(RGBs), horizontal branch stars (HBs),
and asymptotic giant branch stars (AGBs), based on their evolutionary phase. Activity in these sources is
due to phenomena such as stellar winds, mass ejections, and pulsations. One of the well-studied groups
of PtMS is the Mira variables, where activity happens in the form of long, periodic pulsations (Wood
1979; Yao et al. 2017). In stars such as RGBs and K supergiants, variability in Hα has been observed,
which has been directly correlated with the mass loss (Vasu Mallik 1982; Cacciari & Freeman 1983).
dMe stars exhibit significant magnetic field due to the presence of convective outer layers and rapid
rotation (Hall 2008). The magnetic fields are generated by dynamo processes, where the convective
material is moved within the star’s convective zone, which amplifies the magnetic field. These will lead
to star spots, flares, and prominences in low-mass sources. Metallic lines such as Fe, Ca, and Na, which
are sensitive to magnetic field, can be utilized to study magnetic field effects such as Zeeman splitting
and Stokes broadening (Morin 2012). Higher resolution spectra of these sources will help accurately
study the effect of magnetic field in these sources. Red dwarf emission stars (dMe stars) exhibit emission
in Hα and/or Ca II H & K, both of which serve as indicators of chromospheric activity. dMe stars were
classified into weak dMe stars (0.1 Å ≤ EW(Hα) ≤ 0.5 Å) and strong dMe stars (EW(Hα) < 0 Å)
(Kogure & Leung 2010). Furthermore, Joy & Abt (1974) classified dMe stars from dMs photometrically,
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 5
creating a statistics of the frequency of occurrence of emission in Hα across different classes of M stars
for the 426 M-type stars they observed. A spectroscopic investigation of the chromospheric activities
on dMe stars were conducted (Cram 1989; Robinson et al. 1990), whereby the intensity and excess
emission in a few of the observed emission lines are modeled (Young et al. 1989). Studies on activity
indices of dMe stars along with its relationship with age was also carried out (Vaughan & Preston 1980;
Pace et al. 2009). There is a special class of dMe stars known as flare stars or UV Ceti type stars, which
show emission in Hα, Ca II H & K, and in some cases, He and Na in emission during their quiescent
state. Most of these lines get enhanced during flare state (Eason et al. 1992). Flares in M dwarfs are
explosive events that occur as a result of magnetic reconnection in the atmosphere. A sample of 49 M
dwarfs were studied for different spectra observed over a period of time using SDSS (Hilton et al. 2010).
Further, 49 more flaring M dwarfs were detected using GALEX data by Welsh et al. (2007). The Far-UV
activity of the M-dwarfs was studied by France et al. (2018). Flares in 480 M dwarfs were identified,
and Martínez et al. (2020) have created a catalog. The LAMOST survey offers supplementary spectral
information for M-type stars. This information comprises the equivalent widths and errors of Hα as
well as the spectral indices of other molecular bands, including CaH and TiO5 . The line strengths of
TiO versus CaH are used as a popular method in the separation of late-type giants from dwarfs (Mould
& Wallis 1977; Zhong et al. 2015; Yi et al. 2019). The CaH molecular band acts as an indicator of
surface gravity, whereas TiO acts as a temperature indicator.
Fe/Ge/Ke sources are F-, G-, and K-type main-sequence stars or dwarfs showing a considerable
amount of chromospheric activity leading to the formation of the emission of lines such as Hα and
Ca II H & K. In the Sun, non-radiative heating is closely linked to the magnetic field, which drives chro-
mospheric activities such as sunspots and flares, ultimately resulting in the emission of Ca II (Robinson
et al. 1990). Young stars such as weak-lined T Tauri stars will also be included in this group due to the
absence of IR excess (Gras-Velázquez & Ray 2005; Padgett et al. 2006).
In this section, we have elaborated the classification criteria employed for the separation of LAMOST
LELS into different categories.
We made use of the 2MASS-WISE color-color diagram (CCDm) for separating young stars showing
IR excess. Generally, YSOs are classified into Class I, Class II and Class III sources based on the con-
tinuum slope in the IR region of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the star (Lada 1987). Class
I sources are protostellar candidates that are deeply embedded in the molecular clouds, and Class II
sources are classified as T Tauri stars that have almost dispersed its envelope, but still have an accre-
tion disk around it (Andre et al. 1993). Class III sources are evolved YSOs where disk dissipation is
underway. Koenig & Leisawitz (2014) introduced the criteria to classify the YSOs into various classes
using 2MASS-WISE CCD. In Figure 1a, we have reproduced the YSO classification using the criteria
mentioned in Koenig & Leisawitz (2014) and is listed below.
For Class II sources,
H − Ks > 0
H − Ks > −1.76 ∗ (W1 − W2 ) + 0.9
H − Ks < (0.55/0.16) ∗ (W1 − W2 ) − 0.85
W1 ≤ 13
6 Edwin et al.
Fig. 1: (a) The 2MASS-WISE CCDm for the selection of young IR-excess candidates from LAMOST
DR6 is displayed in the left panel. The blue dots represent the entire sample of LELS, and the red
dots represent IR-excess sources. The dotted and solid lines represent the selection region for Class
I and Class II sources defined in Koenig & Leisawitz (2014). The blue dots in the Class II region
represent stars with spectral types ‘gM’. (b) Gaia CMD for the selection of LAMOST PtMS candidates is
displayed in the right panel. The red dots in the plot represent 7,618 LAMOST LELS, whose selection is
mentioned in Section 3.2.2. The black crosses represent PtMS candidates segregated using the log(g) and
the spectral type (SpT) cuts. The blue dotted line represents the region dominated by PtMS candidates.
Given that the primary focus of this section is to segregate young sources, we utilized the LAMOST
spectral type classification. Consequently, stars identified as giant-M-type (“gM") by LAMOST were
removed from the sample. This step effectively reduces the contamination of evolved stars in our dataset.
After applying this additional criteria, we segregated a sample of 438 IR excess sources.
3.2.2 Identifying PtMS ELS candidates based on log(g) and CMD estimates
To segregate PtMS sources from our sample, we employed a series of three systematic steps, drawing
upon the remaining sample of 42,891 sources. As a first step, we separated PtMS candidates using the
available surface gravity (log(g)) value from LAMOST. We segregated sources based on the criterion
that the value of log(g) exceeded three times its associated error (σ). Specifically, we applied the com-
monly used threshold of log(g) ≤ 3.5, which is typically employed to distinguish between giants and
dwarfs (Batalha et al. 2010; Singh et al. 2019). Applying the above criteria to the remaining sample, we
classified 2,293 sources as PtMS candidates.
In addition, for M-type stars, the LAMOST pipeline classified its spectral types as dwarf M (dM)-
type stars and giant M (gM)-type stars. In our remaining sample, 49 more sources belong to the gM
type, which makes the new sample 2,342 PtMS candidates.
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 7
Fig. 2: The number distribution plot of the LAMOST spectral types versus Gaia spectral types of our
sample of LELS.
For the 7,618 sources lacking LAMOST log(g) values, color-magnitude diagram (CMD) was em-
ployed to identify PtMS candidates within that sample. Ruiz-Dern et al. (2018) used Gaia-2MASS CMD
to segregate Red Giant candidates in their sample. The availability of a larger sample and the presence
of other predefined cuts to distinguish PtMS sources helped us retool the CMD cut to separate PtMS
sources in our sample. For this purpose, we utilized Gaia CMD.
The criteria we defined to segregate our data is mentioned below:
MG < 4.35
GBP − GRP > 1
MG < 3.875(GBP − GRP ) − 1.3
The Gaia CMD of the LAMOST PtMS candidates is shown in Figure 1b. Applying the above
mentioned criteria of magnitudes and colors we included an additional number of 2,327 sources to our
sample. Combining all three samples obtained using the above criteria, we obtained a final sample of
4,669 PtMS candidates.
From the rest of the sample (38,222 sources), sources exhibiting [NII] and [SII] in emission are separated
and categorized as “forbidden-line sources", totaling 5,177 sources. These stars will be further discussed
in Shridharan et al. (under prep.). The remaining sample was classified into Fe/Ge/Ke stars and dMe stars
based on their spectral types provided by LDR6. Since the LAMOST spectral type has been used as a
classification scheme, validation of the spectral type for LELS sources is necessary. Hence, we plotted a
comparison of the LAMOST spectral type with the Gaia spectral type of our sources, as shown in Figure
2. The Gaia spectral types are estimated using General Stellar Parametriser (GSP) modules (Vallenari
et al. 2023). The figure shows that other than G-type stars, all the other spectral types provided by
LAMOST are fairly accurate.
Furthermore, the reason behind the separation of dMe stars from other LELS is the presence of
intense molecular bands in M-type stars. None of these stars show IR excess. Hence, this sample contains
a mix of potential class III sources, Active main-sequence LELS, and different types of variable stars.
8 Edwin et al.
Shows emission in no
6563 Å (80,860)
SNR quality cuts (48,657) Rejected
Selection method
adopted from Koenig yes
Sources with IR excess - (438)
& Leisawitz (2014) for
class I and II sources
Further studies on young stars in this class are conducted by Nidhi et al. (2023). Figure 3 shows the
flowchart of the entire classification scheme.
In this section, we discuss the distribution of LELS in the Galaxy and the classification based on the
major spectral features.
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 9
Fig. 4: Histogram of LELS from LDR6. The spectra type is marked on the diagram along with different
classes of LELS. The counts of stars belonging to each spectral type are represented in log scale.
Summarizing the classified sample, we have a dataset of 438 IR excess sources spanning across F6-M7
spectral types, 4,669 PtMS sources across F0-M9 spectral types, 9,781 Fe/Ge/Ke sources, and 23,264
dMe sources. This summary is tabulated in table 1. Furthermore, the distribution of LELS over the entire
late-type spectral range is represented in Figure 4. From our sample of 38,152 LELS, we observed that
the number of ELS increases between the spectral range of K5 to M5. When comparing with the total
number of observed sources in LAMOST, this increase in number of ELS is very significant. This
shows a direct correlation of higher activity in well-developed chromospheres. The number of stars
steeply decreases after M6. The ELS that are observed after M5 are predominantly PtMS candidates.
We conducted a crossmatch with SIMBAD to identify sources previously studied in the literature. This
analysis revealed that 8,643 sources had already been documented, resulting in a newly detected sample
of 29,509 LELS. A detailed description of the known sample of each class of LELS will be provided in
section 4.6.
Employing the methodology mentioned in Section 3.2, we have compiled a sample of 38,152 LAMOST
LELS. We have obtained the distances from Bailer-Jones et al. (2021). Figure 5 shows the galactocentric
distribution of LELS present in our sample, where (-8000pc, 0pc) of (X,Y) represents the position of the
sun. Around 81% (30,145) of 38,152 LAMOST LELS are at a distance less than 1 kpc. Among them,
22,862 are dMe stars, which constitute over 98% of the entire dMe sample spread over all the distances.
More than 77% (6,628) of the 9,781 Fe/Ge/Ke stars are observed within 1 kpc, and another 18% (1,555)
of them are observed between 1 and 2 kpc. In the case of IR excess sources, 320 out of 438 of these
10 Edwin et al.
Fig. 5: A Galactocentric distribution of LELS sources from LAMOST DR6. This coordinate system
places center of our galaxy as the origin and (XGC , YGC , and ZGC ) as the Cartesian coordinates.
The Galactocentric XGC (in kpc) vs Galactocentric YGC (in kpc) is plotted in the upper panel and
Galactocentric XGC (in kpc) vs Galactocentric ZGC (in kpc) is plotted in the lower panel. Majority of
the sources are observed in the anti-center direction. The LAMOST dMe stars (blue), PtMS candidates
(green), Fe/Ge/Ke stars (orange), and IR excess sources (red) candidates are represented in this plot.
The asterisk in all the plots shows the position of sun. The dotted line on the upper panel represents the
galactic rings, representing distances of 10 kpc and 15 kpc from the galactic center. The dotted line on
the lower panel represents galactic disk (ZGC = 0) plane.
sources are observed within a distance of 1 kpc. The major contrast is observed in the case of PtMS
candidates. Only 7% (335) of 4,669 PtMS candidates are observed at a distance within 1 kpc. Over 72%
(3,343) is observed between 1 and 5 kpc. Similar to the spatial distribution observed in Shridharan et al.
(2021), the majority of LELS data is also distributed along the galactic anti-center direction.
We utilized photometric data provided by 2MASS and Gaia to further study the distribution of our
LELS dataset. Figure 6 shows the kernel density estimate (KDE) photometric distribution of our LELS
sample. It also helps us to validate the classification schemes utilized for our sample. CMD of our LELS
sources are represented in the left panel of figure 6. The zero-age-main-sequence (ZAMS) line has also
been shown in figure. The IR excess sources distribution (represented in red) is located in the region
above the ZAMS line, whereas Fe/Ge/Ke sources (represented in yellow) and dMe sources (represented
in blue) are over-plotted on the ZAMS line. The PtMS sources (represented in green) highlight the
sub-giant, AGB, and RGB regions of the HR diagram (Eyer et al. 2019).
The CCDm of the LELS is shown in the right panel of Figure 6. We used the same color scheme for
the CCDm as described for the CMD. It has been observed that majority of the IR excess sources are
located around the T-Tauri locus (Meyer et al. 1997), as shown in the figure. We also noticed that the
PtMS sources from our sample are clustered around the ‘giant locus’ (Carpenter 2001). The rest of the
sample is clustered around the main sequence line. These distributions bring novelty to our classification
scheme and bring validity to our sample.
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 11
Fig. 6: The KDE distribution of Gaia CMD (left) and 2MASS CCDm (right) of LAMOST LELS. The
extinction correction of all the magnitudes has been done using the Bayester dust map (Green 2018).
Both the plots represents dMe stars (blue distribution), Fe/Ge/Ke sources (yellow distribution), PtMS
candidates (green distribution), and IR excess sources (red distribution). Also, ZAMS line (black dotted
line), main-sequence loci (blue dotted line), Giants line (orange dotted line), and TTS locus (red dotted
line) are also shown (Carpenter 2001).
In this section, we mention the major emission lines observed in late-type stars. The major features
include Balmer lines, metallic lines like Ca II H&K, CaIRT, M g, and N a doublet, and molecular
bands such as T iO and V O for stars of spectral types later than K5. Figure 7 shows the representative
spectrum of a sample IR excess source.
As we discussed in the previous sections, all the LAMOST LELS star spectra show Hα in emission.
The strength of this line is indicative of the circumstellar activity of the star or the stellar system. Other
Balmer lines like Hβ, Hγ, and Hδ are also observed in a number of the LELS. The statistics of these
observations, along with the line strength measurements are studied.
Other major emission lines observed include the Ca II H and K lines, which are observed either in
emission or absorption. These lines, along with Balmer lines, are presented in the literature as chromo-
spheric activity tracers. Another significant ionized calcium line observed in LELS is the CaIRT (λ8498,
8542, 8662 Å). Except for a number of IR excess sources, very few stars show triplet emission in their
Given their late-type classification, it is common to observe metallic lines in the spectra of these
stars. The main metallic lines include N a I doublets at 5890, 5896 Å, N a I (λ 8183, 8195 Å), M g I
(λ 5184 Å), K I (λ 7665, 7701 Å), F e I (λ 4383, 5270 Å), Ca I (λ 4226 Å), etc. These lines are often
observed in absorption. A few other metallic lines like F e II (λ 5018, 5168 Å), F e I (λ 4063, 5162
Å), forbidden line of [O I] (λ 6300 Å) are also observed in emission. Figure 8 displays representative
spectra from the Fe, Ge, Ke, and dMe classes.
The major molecular bands observed in late-type stars include T iO (band heads at λ 4760, 5160,
7050, and 7580 Å), which are prime indicators of the temperature of a star. These bands dominate the
spectra of late-K to M-type stars. Other major molecular bands observed include V O (band heads at λ
7010, 7383 Å) and CaH (band heads at λ 6400, 6800 Å).
12 Edwin et al.
Fig. 7: Visualization of the representative spectrum of a LAMOST T Tauri star. The Balmer lines are
represented in blue, Ca II lines in red, [OI] in green, and HeI lines in orange. Furthermore, TiO bands
are highlighted in blue. The spectra belong to the star IQ Tau, a T Tauri star of spectral type M2.
Fig. 8: The representative spectra of a sample LAMOST Fe/Ge/Ke/Me candidate. The Balmer lines are
represented in blue, the Ca II H & K lines are represented in red, and NaI doublet in green. The spectral
types of each of these individual spectra are also represented.
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 13
The emission line profile of our sources shows various types of line features. The intensity of emis-
sion varies depending on the level of activity in these sources. The mass column density of the chromo-
spheres and temperature structures inside the chromosphere will significantly affect the line profiles and
line intensity of low mass sources (Houdebine et al. 1995). The literature shows that most of the profiles
can be attributed to the inclination angle, stellar rotation, or chromospheric activity of these sources.
Furthermore, strong asymmetry in emission profiles have been observed in red giants and LPVs (Gillet
1988). Given the large sample size of nearly 40,000 LELS, classifying the line profile of each source
presents a significant challenge and falls outside the scope of this catalog. This detailed classification
will be reserved for future studies, where individual groups of LELS will be analyzed in greater depth
(Anusha et al. 2021; Nidhi et al. 2023).
In our work, we have estimated the equivalent width of major lines like Balmer lines (Hα, Hβ,
Hγ, and Hδ), Ca II H & K, and CaIRT using the line_index module of the laspec package
using an automated Python routine. This module gives us the values of equivalent width and equivalent
width error for all the respective lines. Within our study, a value for the emission-line equivalent width
is deemed legitimate only if the matching equivalent width value is three times the projected error (σ)
supplied by laspec (EW > 3σ).
Hα in emission is one of the major indicators of activity in low-mass stars. In sources with IR excess,
predominantly in young stars, the emission arises from the magnetospheric columns (Hartmann et al.
1994), giving rise to very intense emission lines. From the literature, a significant correlation between
stellar rotation and magnetic activity has been observed in low mass stars. Studies that have compared
star rotation to activity characteristics have found that the relationship is valid for sources that are fully
or partially convective (Delfosse et al. 1998; Reiners et al. 2012). Rotation rates will also play a major
factor. A clear association has also been found between stellar rotation and EW(Hα) (Newton et al.
Figure 9 represents the histogram of equivalent width of Hα in various classes of LELS. The bin
size for the histogram is calculated using Freedman-Draconis rule (FDR) for each sample. For those
with bin sizes estimated to be too small using FDR method, the bin sizes were provided manually. This
is the rule followed throughout this work for histogram distributions.
Figure 9a represents the histogram distribution in the Hα strength (EW(Hα)) for IR excess sources.
Observations indicate that IR excess sources exhibit the most intense Balmer emissions compared to
other classes. It has a median value of -19 Å, as the strength is primarily due to disk accretion, as
mentioned earlier. Figure 9b shows the emission histogram distribution for PtMS sources, and it shows
a median value of -4 Å. The strength of the line is minimum for dMe candidates (fig 9d) with a median
value of -3.2 Å. The models of Hα emission in TTS suggest that the emission strength can vary due
to rotation, turbulence, and non-axisymmetric accretion in these sources (Kurosawa et al. 2005; Wilson
et al. 2022). Stellar winds are also one of the causes, which account for the increased line strength in
CTTS (Lima et al. 2010). In the case of main-sequence late-type stars, the presence of Hα emission is
attributed to chromospheric and coronal activity. In solar-type sources, all active phenomena are directly
correlated with the presence of intense magnetic fields generated by a dynamo mechanism (Charbonneau
A total of 27,642 LELS show emission in Hβ. It includes 341 IR excess sources, 2,779 PtMS
candidates, 3,703 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, and 20,819 dMe candidates. Over 86% of IR excess sources and more
than 85% of dMe candidates show emission in Hβ. Only 35% of PtMS candidates and 50% of Fe/Ge/Ke
candidates show Hβ emission. The strength of emission ranges from -0.84 to -100 Å, with a median
value of -2 Å.
14 Edwin et al.
Fig. 9: The figure represents the histogram of equivalent widths of Hα of various classes of LELS. The
histogram contains IR excess sources, PtMS candidates, Fe/Ge/Ke stars, and dMe candidates.
Ca II emission lines are observed in late-type stars, both in the bluer and redder ends of the spectra.
We observed Ca II H & K lines at wavelengths 3968 Å and 3933 Å, respectively and the CaIRT are
observed at wavelengths 8498, 8542, and 8662 Å. Mould & Wallis (1977) studied these emission lines
and their dependencies with luminosity and precisions on other physical attributes in these objects.
From our sample, it has been observed that 4,887 LELS show emission in Ca II H, among which
164 (37%) are IR excess sources, 141 (3%) are PtMS candidates, 722 (8%) are Fe/Ge/Ke stars, and
3,860 (17%) are dMe stars. The presence of emission/absorption contribution from the HI line in Ca II
H suggests the necessity of distinguishing between the contributions of both for subsequent analyses.
This separation is crucial for future investigations.
6,215 LELS show emission in Ca II K, with equivalent width values in the range -2.5 to - 55 Å.
Around 39% of IR excess sources (170), more than 18% of dMe stars (4,315), over 3% of PtMS sources
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 15
Fig. 10: The distribution of equivalent widths of major emission lines over the entire range of late spec-
tral type of LAMOST LELS is shown in the figure. Fe/Ge/Ke/dMe sources, PtMS candidates, and IR
excess sources are shown in the plot.
(155), and close to 18% of Fe/Ge/Ke sources (1,575) show emission in the Ca II K line. This emission
line is prominently observed in M-type stars, i.e., stars having effective temperatures of Tef f < 4000K.
This holds in the cases of young IR excess sources as well. Figure 10 shows the histogram distribution
of EW (Ca II K) of various classes of LELS.
From the estimation of line parameters, it has been observed that the CaIRT in emission is seen
rarely in main-sequence late-type stars. 893 stars show emission in the Ca II 8498 Å. More than 50%
of the IR excess sources (212), 505 dMe stars, and 86 PtMS candidates show emission in Ca II 8498
Å. The range of emission of Ca II 8498 is from -0.4 to -17 Å. The other two lines of the CaIRT show
a similar equivalent width distribution. Ca II 8542 emission is seen in 310 stars, of which 176 are IR
excess sources, 62 are dMe stars, and 37 are PtMS candidates. Ca II 8498 Å emission line, over 40%
of IR excess sources show emission in this line, with equivalent widths ranging from -0.4 to -58 Å. 323
stars show emission in the Ca II 8662 Å emission. 178 IR excess sources and 50 PtMS candidates show
16 Edwin et al.
emission in Ca II 8662 Å. 232 of the 38,152 LELS show emission in all lines of the CaIRT. 166 IR
excess sources, 12 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, 28 dMe stars, and 26 PtMS candidates show emissions in all three
The majority of the stars that show emission in these sets are IR excess sources. This confirms that
the presence of CaIRT emission indicates the youth of these objects as well. Most of the IR excess
sources belong to the class of T Tauri stars and the stellar properties and mass accretion rates of these
stars are studied in Nidhi et al. (2023).
Paschen lines were also seen in the emission of some LELS. The equivalent widths of P12, P14, and
P17 are calculated initially since these lines do not overlap with the Ca II triplet. 916 LELS showed
emissions in P12. The emission is seen in the range of -0.2 to -1.25. The line is mostly seen in Fe/Ge/Ke
stars, as 422 of them show emission in P12, which includes 16 IR excess sources, 180 PtMS candidates,
and 253 dMe stars show emission. The P14 line is seen in emission in 641 LELS. 242 Fe/Ge/Ke stars,
236 dMe stars, 98 PtMS candidates, and 12 IR excess sources show emissions ranging from -0.2 to -1.4.
1762 stars show emissions in the P17 line. 948 dMe stars, 597 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, 210 PtMS candidates,
and 17 IR excess sources show P17 emission. Paschen emission is not common in IR excess sources,
whereas Ca II triplet is seen more often.
Figure 11a shows the variation of the Hα equivalent width with respect to the spectral type for IR
excess sources, PtMS candidates, and Fe/Ge/Ke/dMe stars. Also, Hβ shows a similar distribution over
the late-type spectral range in emission as that of Hα, as shown in Figure 11b. The strength of emission
from these sources peaks towards the later K- to M-type sources. Studying this allows for a deeper
understanding of the emission trends across the spectral range and facilitates the comparison of the
presence or absence of various emission lines. This, in turn, aids in elucidating the emission mechanisms
in these sources.
Ca II K is one of the most active chromospheric indicators (Hall 2008). Figure 11c shows the emis-
sion strength of Ca II K over various spectral types. The notable thing is the presence of emission of
Ca II K in LELS sources of spectral types later than K5. This is because of the presence of chromo-
spheric activity in those sources. Among the stars in the spectral range F6-K4, less than 1% of them
show emission in Ca II K, while more than 40 % of sources later than K4 shows emission. This sug-
gests the presence of active chromospheres and coronae in sources with spectral types later than K5
(Young & Koniges 1977; Hall 2008).
The SIMBAD cross-match of these objects provided us with a sample of 373 stars from a total of 438 IR
excess sources. Of the 373 known stars, 317 belong to four main classes. They are TTau*/TTau candi-
dates, YSOs/YSO candidates, Orion V*, and Em* classes. Also, the classes “Star" and V* contribute to
24 more candidates. These contribute to 94% of the known sample. Our sample has 65 newly detected
IR excess sources.
The evolved stars are separated from other classes based on the method mentioned in Section 3.2.2.
It provided us with a sample of 4,669 PtMS candidates. The SIMBAD crossmatch has provided us
with a known sample of 944 stars. From that cross-matched sample, we observe that 160 stars be-
long to different PtMS star classes, which are asymptotic-giant branch stars (AGB*), horizontal branch
stars (HB*)/HB* candidates, Mira variables/Mira candidates, red-giant branch stars (RGB*)/RGB can-
didates, red super-giants, and post-AGB*. Also, there are 88 Long Period Variable Stars (LPV*)/LP*
candidates. 81 of the known samples belong to binary classes like eclipsing binary stars (EB*) or EB*
candidates, symbiotic stars (Sym*), spectroscopic binaries (SB*), and RS Canum Venaticorum (RS
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 17
Fig. 11: The distribution of equivalent widths of major emission lines over the entire range of late spec-
tral type of LAMOST LELS is shown in the figure. Fe/Ge/Ke/dMe sources(blue), PtMS candidates
(green), and IR excess sources (red) are shown in the plot.
CVn). Variable star classes like pulsating variables (Pul V*), eruptive variables (Eruptive*), variable
stars (V*), ELS (Em*), Orion variables (Orion V*), BY Draconis variables (BY Dra), and pulsating
variables (Pul V*) contribute to 150 more known stars. 115 stars are classified as YSOs as well. The
presence of YSOs in this sample is evident from their location in the HR diagram and the lack of IR
excess. These might be candidates of Weak-line T-Tauri stars, which show an absence of IR excess and
weak Hα emission (Alcalá et al. 1993). Also, 293 stars were represented in the ‘Star’ class, and 14
were represented as low-mass stars (low-mass*). A couple of stars belong to groups such as cepheids
and far-infrared (FIR) sources, which sums up the known sample of PtMS stars. We have a sample of
3,725 new detections, which doesnt have any information on SIMBAD.
A SIMBAD cross-match of the dMe stars revealed that 5,731 are previously detected stars, while
17,533 sources are new detections. Of the known sample, 1,490 are categorized as ‘star/**’ in SIMBAD.
1,032 were mentioned as stars with higher proper motion (PM*). 1083 stars belong to various variable
star groups like V*, Em*, Orion V*, and Eruptive*. 301 belong to binary groups such as EB*, SB*, and
RSCVns. This group also has 1,322 YSO/YSO candidates. Other classes such as Pec*, mid-infrared
(MIR), near-infrared (NIR), and radio sources also have a couple of stars each in every group.
From our sample of 9,781 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, 1,595 are Fe-type, 1,154 are Ge-type, and 7,210 are Ke-
type. After the SIMBAD crossmatch of this sample, 1,882 stars are determined as the known sample.
18 Edwin et al.
Fig. 12: The KDE distribution of equivalent widths of emission lines from Group A (left) and group B
(right). Hα is represented in blue, Ca II K in orange and Ca II 8542 Å in green. The corresponding
dotted lines represents most number of stars showing same equivalent width.
Like other classifications, most of our known sample belongs to some variable star classes like Orion
V*, V*, Em* (ELS), Eruptive*, PulsV*, and RotV*, which contribute to 484 stars. 531 of them are just
represented as “stars", which can be converted to ELS after our LAMOST spectroscopic results. 281 are
classified as young stars belonging to classes YSO/YSO candidates and Ttau*/Ttau* candidates. 315
of them are classified into binary star groups like EB*/EB* candidates and SB*. We have a sample of
7,899 Fe/Ge/Ke sources as new detections. Our sample of Fe/Ge/Ke stars can be suitable candidates for
further variability study to enrich the understanding of various active phenomena in these sources.
As mentioned in the previous sections, Hα, Ca II H & K, and Ca IRT are the most commonly observed
emission lines in LELS. The presence or the absence of more than one of these emission lines will be of
great physical significance. Hence, for our sample, we devised a classification scheme of LELS based
on presence or absence of three major emission lines, namely Hα, Ca II K (as a representative of Ca II
H & K), and Ca II λ 8542 Å(the representative line from the Ca II triplet). Since we are using the entire
range of spectra for this study, we had to consider some initial assumptions in terms of SNR at various
spectral regions, especially in the u band. After visual inspection of the spectra, SNRu > 0.8 was given
as the selection criteria for this study.
– Group A comprises stars displaying emission in Hα, Ca II K, and Ca IRT, totaling 142 stars. Intense
emission lines are observed in this group, with a median Hα equivalent width of -41 Å. More than
71% (101) of stars in this group belong to IR excess sources, 13.4% (19) belong to PtMS candidates,
and 14% (20) belong to dMe sources. It was also noticed by Muzerolle et al. (1998b) that HeI
emission is also observed in these sources. We have observed that 93 sources show emission in
HeI λ 5876 Å in these sources. It is confirmed by the presence of weaker HeI λλ 6678, 7605 Å
emission lines. Moreover, the literature crossmatch revealed 66 stars classified as YSO/TTau stars
and 47 categorized as Em*/OrionV* stars, indicating majority of the sources belong to disk-like
systems. This confirms the presence of young and active sources within this group. Figure 12a
shows the KDE equivalent width distribution of Hα, Ca II K, and Ca IRT emission lines. This set
Spectroscopic study of LDR6 LELS 19
is significant due to its implication on the line origin of emission of all three lines, indicating disk
– Stars that show emission in Hα and Ca II K are classified as Group B. This group contains 5,898
stars, which include 66 IR excess sources, 133 PtMS candidates, 1,548 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, and 4,151
dMe stars. A noteworthy observation is that only 10 stars, spanning all classes, have a spectral type
less than K4. Also, we observed that 94% (5,542) of sources exhibit a greater emission strength of
Ca II K compared to Hα. Among the 2469 known stars within this group, 63% (1,552) are classified
under various variable star categories, including eruptive variables (Eruptive*), Orion variables, BY
Draconis variables, etc., indicating majority of sources showing rotation coupled with starspots and
other chromospheric activities. Figure 12b shows the KDE distribution of the above mentioned lines.
The strength of lines implicate that the lines originate primarily from the chromospheres in these
sources. The strength difference in both these emission lines as mentioned above, also indicates the
same scenario.
– Group C contains stars that shows emission in Hα and CaIRT in emission. 25 stars belong to this
group. It has been observed that the majority of the sample, along with the CaIRT, show Paschen
lines in emission. Of the 25 stars, 9 are associated with IR excess sources, 8 with Fe/Ge/Ke sources,
2 with PtMS sources, and 6 with dMe sources. Since the number of sources in group C is quite low,
it suggests the probability of both Hα and Ca IRT being in emission is minimal.
– Group D contains stars that shows emission in Hα alone. We have a sample of 3,785 stars in this
group. It contains 49 IR excess sources, 1,164 PtMS candidates, 2,057 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, and 515 dMe
stars. A SIMBAD crossmatch of the known sample identified 1,534 sources already studied in the
literature. This group includes post-main-sequence (PtMS) stars such as AGB*, RGB*, and Mira
variables, as well as other variable star categories like Em*, V*, and OrionV*. This diversity indi-
cates a wide range of activity among these sources, including mass loss, rotation, and chromospheric
To conclude, majority of sources in Groups A belong to the IR excess sources class. The line
strength of major emission lines is also very intense for those sources. In Group B, the emission is
predominantly due to chromospheric activity, suggested by the presence of a large number of sources
belonging to Fe/Ge/Ke/dMe sources. It is also interesting to note the lack of sources earlier than K4 in
this group, suggesting intense chromospheric activity in sources later than K4.
The catalog of LAMOST LELS containing 38,152 sources, which include 438 infrared excess sources,
4,669 post-main-sequence candidates, 9,718 Fe/Ge/Ke sources, and 23,264 dMe sources. We further
classified 9850 sources into four groups based on the presence or absence of Balmer and Ca emission
lines, as shown in section 4.7. The sources are named with a common prefix of LM-LEMC (Low-Mass
LAMOST EMmision-lne Catalog) followed by the index. we have sources ranging from LM-LEMC_1
to LM-LEMC_38152. A sample table is shown in Table A.1. The data include the LAMOST design ID,
positions, our classification and grouping. The catalog developed for our LELS sample will be made
available online. The online table will include the photometric values and the estimated line equivalent
In this study, we present the spectroscopic information of 38,152 LELS, identified from the LAMOST
DR6 data release. Acquiring F0-M9 “STAR" data from LAMOST DR6, we utilized a custom Python
routine developed with the scipy.signal.find peaks parameter to isolate spectra containing
Hα emission. As the next step, we separated the ELS into various sub-classes such as PtMS candidates,
IR excess sources, Fe/Ge/Ke stars, and dMe stars. We employed photometric and spectroscopic methods
to do the same.
20 Edwin et al.
We have obtained one of the largest homogeneous datasets of LELS in this study. After the SIMBAD
cross-match, a sample of 29,222 was found to be new detections. This includes 65 IR excess sources,
7,899 Fe/Ge/Ke stars, 17,533 dMe stars, and 3,725 PtMS candidates. The spatial distribution of our data
suggested that the stars observed are in the anti-center direction, which is similar to what we observe in
the early-type ELS work done by Shridharan et al. (2021). Also, over 89% of the stars observed were
within 1 kpc. It has also been observed that PtMS star candidates are observed at much longer distances
due to their size and high luminosity.
We also discussed the spectral features observed in various late-type stars, encompassing both ab-
sorption and emission lines. Studying the major spectral lines observed in a star helps us understand the
chemical composition, active phenomena, and the physical properties of a star. For late-type stars, the
major emission features observed in our sample are noted. Furthermore, the line strength of the major
emission lines, which include Balmer lines, ionized Ca lines, Pa lines, etc., and its distribution over
various spectral types were analyzed. The statistics revealed that we observe intense emission lines in
young stars due to their youth and intense disk activity in these sources. We observed strong metallic
absorption lines in the spectra of F-, G-, and K-type ELS. Further, we have classified the stars into 4
groups based on the presence or absence of 3 major emission lines, namely Hα, Ca II K, and and Ca II
8662 Å. More deeper studies in this direction will help us to understand the line formation scenarios in
low-mass stars.
The distribution of stars over various spectral types is also discussed in this work. Even though the
classifications are made for various groups of LELS, further studies on various groups are required for
a better understanding of the various properties of these objects.
We express our gratitude to the reviewer for their valuable comments and suggestions, which have
greatly enhanced the quality of this manuscript. We would like to thank the Center for Research,
CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India for providing the necessary support. B.M. is
grateful to the Centre for Research, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore for the research
grant (Seed Money project) to carry out the present project (SMSS-2335). This work has made use of
data products from the Guo Shoujing Telescope (the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic
Telescope, LAMOST), and data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https:
//www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium
(DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the
DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular, the institutions participating in the Gaia
Multilateral Agreement. We thank the SIMBAD database and the online VizieR library service for help-
ing us with the literature survey and obtaining relevant data.
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