MERN Stack Interview Questions (2024)

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02/08/2024, 11:42 MERN Stack Interview Questions (2024)

MERN Stack MERN Interview Questions MERN Projects MERN Stack Developer ReactJS React Interview Ques

MERN Stack Interview Questions

Last Updated : 01 Aug, 2024
MERN Stack is one of the most well-known stacks used in web development.
Each of these technologies is essential to the development of web applications,
and together they form an end-to-end framework that developers can work
within. MERN Stack comprises 4 technologies namely: MongoDB, Express,
React, and Node.js.

It is designed to make the development process smoother and easier. Many job
roles demand individuals to be fluent in MERN Stack. It is used by top IT
companies such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Dropbox, and Netflix.
So, to get into these companies, you need to complete these Top MERN
interview questions which can make you seem like an expert in front of the

In this Top MERN Interview Questions article we’ll discuss Frequently asked
interview questions of MERN that you should prepare for the interviews. These
questions will be helpful in clearing the interviews specially for the full stack
development role.

MERN Stack Interview Questions and Answers 1/24
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1. Who is a Mern Stack Developer?

A MERN Stack Developer is a skilled programmer who specializes in building

web applications using four key technologies: MongoDB, Express, React, and
Node.js. These technologies work together to create both the front-end (what
the user sees and interacts with) and back-end (the server-side logic that
powers the application) of a website.

2. List the abbreviation of MERN

MERN in abbreviated form is:


3. What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library for creating user interfaces (UIs) of web
applications. It helps developers build reusable components, which are like
building blocks for creating complex UIs. ReactJS is known for its efficiency and
uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to render components quickly. It
operates on the client side, meaning it runs in the web browser, and uses JSX,
an extension of JavaScript, to define UI components.

4. Explain the MVC architecture?

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is a way of organizing code for

web applications. It separates the application into three parts: the Model, the
View, and the Controller. Each part has a specific job to do. The Model is
responsible for storing and managing data. It represents the data in a way that
is easy for the application to understand.

5. Explain the building blocks of React?

The five main building blocks of React are: 2/24
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Components: These are reusable blocks of code that return HTML.

JSX: It stands for JavaScript and XML and allows to write HTML in React.
Props and State: props are like function parameters and State is similar to
Context: This allows data to be passed through components as props in a
Virtual DOM: It is a lightweight copy of actual DOM which makes DOM
manipulation easier.

6. What Is Replication In MongoDB?

Replication in MongoDB involves creating multiple copies of data across

different servers, known as replica sets. This process enhances read capacity
by allowing clients to distribute read operations across these replica sets.
Storing data copies across various data centers improves data localization and
availability for distributed applications. Additionally, maintaining surplus copies
serves specific purposes such as backup, reporting, and disaster recovery.

7. What in React are Higher-Order Components (HOC)?

A higher-order component (HOC) is a function that takes a component as input

and generates another component. Essentially, it stems from the compositional
structure of React. These components are termed “pure” because they can
adopt any dynamically provided child component without replicating or
altering the behavior of the input components.

HOC may be utilised in the following usage cases:

Reuse of code, reasoning, and bootstrap abstraction

Represent Highjacking
State manipulation and abstraction
Props manipulation

8. What is Reconciliation in React JS?

React assesses the necessity for a real DOM update when there’s a change in a
component’s props or state. This evaluation involves comparing the newly 3/24
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returned element with the one previously displayed. If they are not equal,
React proceeds to update the DOM. This process is referred to as reconciliation.

9. What is Sharding in MongoDB?

Sharding is a method for distributing data across multiple machines to facilitate

data sharing. MongoDB utilizes sharding to support installations with
extensive data sets and demanding performance requirements. This enables
MongoDB to achieve horizontal scalability. At the collection level, MongoDB
distributes data across the shards in the cluster.

10. What distinguishes a class component from a functional component?

Class Components Functional Components

ES6 class syntax is used in class-based

Comparing functional components to
components. It may employ lifecycle
class-based functions, they are easier.

Functional Components primarily

Components of a class extend React
concentrate on the application’s user
interface (UI), not on its behaviour.

To access the properties and methods

that you specify inside the class These are really render functions in the
components in this section, you must class component, to be more accurate.
use the keyword.

11. What is the purpose of MongoDB?

MongoDB serves as a document-oriented database manager specifically

crafted for the storage of substantial data volumes. It stores data in a binary
JSON format and incorporates the concepts of collections and documents.
Being a cross-platform, NoSQL database, MongoDB is distinguished by its high 4/24
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performance, scalability, and flexibility, enabling smooth querying and indexing


12. What is the purpose of ExpressJS?

ExpressJS is a web application framework meticulously crafted to facilitate the

development and hosting of Node.js projects. Under the MIT license, it stands
as an open-source framework. ExpressJS adeptly orchestrates the interaction
between the front-end and the database, ensuring a secure and seamless data

13. What are the data types in MongoDB?

MongoDB accommodates an extensive array of data types as values within its

documents. In MongoDB, documents bear a resemblance to JavaScript objects,
and they adhere to the key/value-pair structure inherent in JSON. Beyond the
fundamental key/value concept of JSON, MongoDB introduces support for
various additional data types. The prevalent data types in MongoDB include:

Regular expression
Embedded document
Object ID
Binary Data

14. What is REPL In Node JS?

REPL, short for “Read Eval Print Loop,” is a straightforward program designed
to receive commands, assess them, and display the outcomes. Its purpose is to
establish an environment akin to a Unix/Linux shell or a Windows console,
allowing users to input commands and queries while receiving corresponding
outputs. The functions performed by REPL include: 5/24
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READ – This reads the input provided by the user, parses it into JavaScript
data structure, and stores it in the memory.
EVAL – This executes the data structure.
PRINT – This prints the outcome generated after evaluating the command.
LOOP – This loops the above command until the user presses Ctrl+C twice.

15. What is meant by “Callback” in Node JS?

A callback serves as the asynchronous counterpart to a function. Node.js

extensively utilizes callbacks, invoking them upon the conclusion or completion
of a specific task. For example, consider a function tailored for file reading; it
initiates the file reading process and promptly relinquishes control to the
execution environment, enabling the execution of subsequent instructions.

16. What are pure components in MERN Stack?

In the MERN stack, pure components can be viewed as standard components,

differing primarily in their engagement with the shouldComponentUpdate
method. Pure components are primarily tasked with conducting a comparison
of props and state whenever there is a change in either props or state.

17. How does Node JS handle Child Threads?

Node.js, in its most basic state, operates as a single-threaded process.

Developers lack access to child threads or thread management techniques.
Although certain operations, like asynchronous I/O, prompt the creation of child
threads, these activities occur in the background without disrupting the main
event loop or executing any JavaScript code for the application.

18. What are some features of MongoDB?

Indexing: It offers support for generic secondary indexes and delivers

distinctive capabilities for unique, compound, geospatial, and full-text
Aggregation: It furnishes an aggregation framework founded on the
concept of data processing pipelines. 6/24
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Special collection and index types: It includes support for time-to-live

(TTL) collections, allowing data that should expire at a specific time to be
managed effectively.
File storage: It offers a user-friendly protocol for storing extensive files and
their corresponding metadata.
Sharding: Sharding involves the segmentation of data across multiple

19. What is prop drilling?

When developing a React application, a deeply nested component often needs

to consume data provided by another component much higher in the hierarchy.
The simplest approach is to pass a prop from one component to the next,
traversing the hierarchy from the source component to the deeply nested one.
This process is referred to as prop drilling.

20. How do you manage packages in your node.js project?

The management of dependencies can be handled by various package

installers along with their corresponding configuration files. Among them, npm
and yarn are commonly utilized. Both these tools offer comprehensive
JavaScript libraries, incorporating advanced features for controlling
environment-specific configurations. To ensure consistency in library versions
across a project, package.json and package-lock.json are employed. This
practice helps avoid compatibility issues when transitioning the application to
different environments.

21. What is JSX in React JS?

A syntactic extension to JavaScript, provides access to the full capability of

JavaScript. React components are constructed using JSX, where any JavaScript
expression can be incorporated by enclosing it in curly braces. After
compilation, JSX expressions are transformed into standard JavaScript objects.
Consequently, JSX can be assigned to variables, used as arguments, returned
from functions, and employed within if statements and for loops. 7/24
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22: How to handle routing in Express JS?

Express.js manages routing through the use of the `express.Router()` method.

This method yields an instance of a router, enabling the definition of routes for
the application. Below is an illustration of how to define a basic route using this


const express = require('express')

const router = express.Router()

router.get('/', (req, res) => {

res.send('Hello, World!')

module.exports = router

23. What is the virtual DOM in React?

The virtual DOM serves as a JavaScript representation of the real DOM

(Document Object Model) employed by React to enhance rendering
performance. When a modification occurs in the virtual DOM, React conducts a
comparison between the new and old virtual DOMs. Subsequently, only the
altered parts are updated, contributing to a faster and more efficient rendering


//A simple example of updating the virtual DOM in React:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

function handleClick() {
setCount(count + 1);

return (
<div> 8/24
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<p>You clicked {count} times.</p>
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click me!</button>

24: What is middleware in Node.js and how is it used?

In Node.js, middleware is a function that takes in the request and response

objects, as well as the next middleware function in the application’s request-
response cycle. It can be employed to alter the request or response objects, as
well as to execute various tasks such as logging, authentication, and error


//Here's an example of a middleware function that logs the request method

and URL:

function logMiddleware(req, res, next) {

console.log(`[${req.method}] ${req.url}`);


25. What is RESTful API?

A RESTful API is an architectural style for constructing web APIs. It utilizes

HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to execute CRUD (create,
read, update, delete) operations on resources, identifying these resources
through URLs. A key characteristic of a RESTful API is its statelessness,
signifying that each request carries all the essential information for its

26. Explain the event loop in Node JS. 9/24
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The event loop in JavaScript facilitates asynchronous programming. In JS, all

operations occur on a single thread, yet by employing clever data structures,
we can simulate the effect of multithreading. The Event Loop manages
asynchronous tasks by queuing and listening to events.

27. What are node JS streams?

Streams in Node.js are instances of EventEmitter designed for handling

streaming data. They prove particularly useful in managing and manipulating
large files, such as videos or mp3s, over the network. Streams employ buffers
as temporary storage. There are primarily four main types of streams:

Writable: Streams to which data can be written, exemplified by

Readable: Streams from which data can be read, as illustrated by
Duplex: Streams that are both Readable and Writable, exemplified by
Transform: Duplex streams, capable of modifying or transforming data as it
is both written and read, such as `zlib.createDeflate()`.

28. What are Node JS buffers?

Buffers, in a general sense, are temporary memory utilized by streams to retain

data until it is consumed. Unlike JavaScript’s Uint8Array, buffers introduce
additional use cases and are primarily employed to represent a fixed-length
sequence of bytes. Buffers support legacy encodings such as ASCII, utf-8, etc.
They are allocated as fixed (non-resizable) memory outside the V8 engine.

29. Why use Express.js over Node.js?

In backend development, Node.js is commonly paired with Express.js for

improved ease and scalability. While Vanilla JavaScript suffices for front-end
coding, larger web apps benefit from React or Angular. A full app with just
Node.js can lead to complex code, so combining Node.js with Express.js 10/24
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leverages speed and simplicity, creating scalable web APIs. This synergy is
seen in popular stacks like MEAN and MERN.

30. What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database written in C++ language. It

uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
It provides easy scalability and is a cross-platform, document-oriented
MongoDB works on the concept of Collection and Document.
It combines the ability to scale out with features such as secondary indexes,
range queries, sorting, aggregations, and geospatial indexes.
MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side
Public License (SSPL).

31. What is a Collection in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, a collection is a set of documents. If a document is akin to a row

in a relational database, then a collection can be likened to a table. Documents
within a collection can possess varying “shapes,” meaning collections have
dynamic schemas.

32. Explain the term “Indexing” in MongoDB.

In MongoDB, indexes play a crucial role in optimizing query resolution.

Essentially, an index stores a compact portion of the dataset in a format
conducive to efficient traversal. It retains the values of a specific field or set of
fields, organized based on the specified field values within the index.

33. What are forms in React?

React employs forms to enable users to interact with web applications.

Using forms, users can interact with the application and enter the required
information whenever needed. The form contains certain elements, such as
text fields, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc 11/24
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Forms are used for many different tasks such as user authentication,
searching, filtering, indexing, etc

34. Explain the lifecycle methods of components.

getInitialState(): This is executed before the creation of the component.

componentDidMount(): This is executed when the component gets
rendered and placed on the DOM.
shouldComponentUpdate(): This is invoked when a component determines
changes to the DOM and returns a “true” or “false” value based on certain
componentDidUpdate(): Is invoked immediately after rendering takes place.
componentWillUnmount(): Is invoked immediately before a component is
destroyed and unmounted permanently.

35. What is Redux?

Redux is an open-source, JavaScript library used to manage the application

state. React uses Redux to build the user interface. It is a predictable state
container for JavaScript applications and is used for the entire application’s
state management.

36. What are the components of Redux?

Store: Holds the state of the application.

Action: The source information for the store.
Reducer: Specifies how the application’s state changes in response to
actions sent to the store.

37. What is React Router?

React Router is a routing library built on top of React, which is used to create
routes in a React application. This is one of the most frequently asked to react
interview questions.

38. Why do we need to React Router? 12/24
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It maintains consistent structure and behavior and is used to develop single-

page web applications.
Enables multiple views in a single application by defining multiple routes in
the React application.

39: What is the difference between ShadowDOM and VirtualDOM?

ShadowDOM is a web standard that provides a way to encapsulate HTML and

CSS code, making it isolated from the rest of the page. It allows developers to
create custom HTML elements with their own styles and behavior.

On the other hand, VirtualDOM is a lightweight representation of the actual

DOM in memory. It is used in React to optimize rendering performance by
reducing the number of DOM manipulations.

40: Is Node.js entirely single-threaded?

No, Node.js is not entirely single-threaded. It uses an event-driven, non-

blocking I/O model that allows multiple operations to be processed
simultaneously. However, the execution of JavaScript code is single-threaded.

41. What do you mean by Temporal Dead Zone in ES6?

Before the introduction of ES6, variable declarations were limited to the use of
var. ES6 brought two new ways to declare variables: let and const. Both let
and const declarations are confined to block scope, meaning they can only be
accessed within the curly braces {} that surround them.

In contrast, var does not have such limitations. Unlike var, which can be
accessed before its declaration, attempting to access let or const variables
before they are initialized with a value will result in an error. This restriction is
known as the Temporal Dead Zone, which is the period from the beginning of
the execution of a block where let or const variables are declared until they are
initialized. If there is an attempt to access these variables during this zone,
JavaScript will throw a reference error.

Example: Below both `let` and `const` variables are within the Temporal Dead
Zone (TDZ) from the commencement of their enclosing scope to the point at 13/24
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which they are officially declared.

console.log(varNumber); // undefined
console.log(letNumber); // Throws the reference error letNumber is not
var varNumber = 9;
let letNumber = 1;

42. How to Connect Node.js to a MongoDB Database?

MongoDB is a NoSQL database used to store large amounts of data without

any traditional relational database table. Instead of rows & columns, MongoDB
used collections & documents to store data. A collections consist of a set of
documents & a document consists of key-value pairs which are the basic unit of
data in MongoDB.

Let’s see how we can connect nodejs with MongoDB:


const express = require("express");

const ejs = require("ejs");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");

mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/newCollection", {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true

const contactSchema = {
email: String,
query: String,

const Contact = mongoose.model("Contact", contactSchema);

const app = express();

app.set("view engine", "ejs");

extended: true

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

app.get("/contact", function(req, res){ 14/24
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});"/contact", function (req, res) {

const contact = new Contact({
query: req.body.query,
}); (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {

app.listen(3000, function(){
console.log("App is running on Port 3000");

43. How to connect Node.js with React.js?

Connecting Node JS and React JS is an important part of developing full-stack

web application, where React is used for frontend and Node for backend

Example: This example shows basic program for backend server.


const express = require("express");

const app = express();"/post", (req, res) => {

console.log("Connected to React");

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080;

app.listen(PORT, console.log(`Server started on port ${PORT}`));

Example: This example shows basic program for frontend.

JavaScript 15/24
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// Filename - App.js

import logo from "./logo.svg";

import "./App.css";

function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">

<p>A simple React app.....</p>

<a className="App-link"
rel="noopener noreferrer">
Learn React
<form action="../../post"
<button type="submit">

export default App;

Output: 16/24
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00:00 00:05

44. Can you elaborate on the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline?

The MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline serves as a framework for data processing

and transformation within MongoDB. It involves a series of sequential stages,
facilitating operations like filtering, projection, grouping, and sorting on
documents. Each stage in the pipeline processes the data and forwards the
results to the subsequent stage, culminating in the generation of the final

45. How can you use the like operator to query MongoDB?

In MongoDB, you can implement a functionality similar to the “like” operator by

employing regular expressions with the `$regex` operator in the `$match`
pipeline stage of an aggregation query. For instance, the subsequent query
identifies documents in which the “name” field commences with “Nick”:

{ $match: { name: { $regex: /^Nick/ } } }

46. Name a few techniques to optimize React app performance.

Some techniques to optimize React app performance include:

Memorization: Enhance performance by memoizing functions and

components, preventing unnecessary re-renders.
Virtualization: Leverage libraries such as `react-virtualized` for optimized
rendering of extensive lists or grids. 17/24
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Code Splitting: Divide your code into smaller segments and load them
selectively based on necessity.
Lazy Loading: Employ React’s `lazy()` and `Suspense` to load components
Optimize Renders: Use shouldComponentUpdate, PureComponent, or
React.memo to prevent unnecessary renders.
Minimize Re-renders: Utilize `shouldComponentUpdate`, `PureComponent`,
or `React.memo` to minimize unnecessary renders.
Avoid Unnecessary State Updates: Exercise caution with `setState` to
minimize unnecessary re-renders.
Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Optimize initial load times by rendering
components on the server side.

47. What is the purpose of the module.exports?

In Node.js, a module consolidates cohesive code into a singular unit that can be
parsed by consolidating relevant functions within a single file. Exporting a
module involves defining and exporting functions, allowing them to be
imported into other files using the required keyword.

48. Can you explain CORS?

CORS, which stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, is a mechanism based

on HTTP headers. It facilitates the ability of a web application hosted at one
origin (domain) to request access to resources from a server located at a
different origin. In essence, CORS is a browser-based system that permits
controlled access for scripts running on a client’s browser to interact with and
retrieve resources from origins or domains beyond their own.

49. What is DOM diffing?

When elements are rendered twice, the Virtual DOM initiates a comparison
process to identify the components that have undergone changes. It identifies
and focuses on the altered components on the page, excluding those that
remain unchanged. This approach minimizes DOM modifications resulting from
user interactions and enhances browser performance by optimizing DOM 18/24
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manipulation. The primary objective is to execute functions swiftly and


50. What are the benefits of using JSX in React?

JSX offers several benefits:

It ensures speed by optimizing the compilation process into vanilla

JSX is inherently type-safe, promoting well-structured code and enabling
early error detection during compilation.
It consistently simplifies and accelerates template writing, especially for
those familiar with HTML syntax.

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