1. That the Petitioner hereby seeking benign indulgence of this court for
discharge from the present criminal proceedings whereby the petitioner has
been kept under Column No. 12 vide supplementary charge sheet filed
before the Ld. Court of M.M. (South), Saket at Delhi, under section 173 of
Code of Criminal Procedure in FIR No. 458 of 2021, registered with P.S.:
Neb Sarai, Delhi Police for the offences punishable u/s 304-B, 498-A and
406 IPC read with section 34 IPC. It is submitted that Ld. Court of JMFC-
03, South, (Saket) vide order dated 06.07.2024 took the cognizance of
offence under section 304-B/ 498-A r/w section 34 of IPC and summoned
the petitioner vide order dated 06.07.2024, and committed the present case
vide order dated 28.08.2024 to Sessions Court, (South) Saket Delhi.
5. That even the CDR, produced by the Investigating Officer (IO) shows
that there were three incoming calls from deceased to petitioner during 11th
May, 2021 to 12th June, 2021 and five outgoing calls from petitioner to the
deceased during 29th May, 2021 to 14th June, 2021. These were the
courtesy calls made during the initial days of marriage and no call was
exchanged after 14th June, 2021. Incident took place on 19th October,
2021. During this period of more than four months there was no
interaction/conversation at all between the petitioner and the deceased.
(i) FIR: As may be seen, in the main contents of the FIR dated 22.10.2021,
there are around 634 words and there is nothing against the petitioner, not a
single word/allegation has been made but all of sudden and out of nowhere
petitioner’s name gets parachuted at the end stating
“…….अतः श्रीमान सेआग्रह
है कि उपरोक्त तथ्यों को संज्ञान में लेते हुए
……….. SH. Alok Kumar के
विरुद्ध एफ आई आर दर्ज कर उचित क़ानूनी
कार्यवाही की जायेI”
(ii) Statement of the complainant under 161: By the time case progresses,
while lodging his statement dated 20.02.2022 under 161, the complainant
forgets the name of the petitioner. This can be understood. The famous
quote of Mark Twain, explains this - “If you tell the truth, you
don’t have to remember anything.”
8. That there are two allegations against the petitioner which are:
“……अब तक की तफ्तीश से व
corroborative CDR से alleged Alok Sinha .... के खिलाफ कोई
substantial evidence फाइल पर नहींआयाहै।..... गवाहों के
बयानात से भी alleged Alok Sinha....के खिलाफ कोई allegation
फिलहाल prove नहीं हो पाया है। ... alleged Alok Sinha ......
को कोर्ट से anticipatory bail मिल चुकी है जिनको चालान
हजा के खाना न. १२में रखा गया है…।
22. No allegation or incidence has been cited by any of the family members
of the deceased ofharassment or cruelty of a nature that would drive a
woman to commit suicide or cause bodily harm.
23. It is not only a unnatural death within seven years of marriage that is
required to be established,what is additionally required to be established
and which was been lost sight of by the Trial Court, isthat soon before the
death the deceased was subjected to cruelty or harassment and cruelty
asdefined under Section 498A should be of such a nature as is likely to
drive a woman to commitsuicide or cause grave injury.
24. The allegations made by the family of the deceased against the
petitioners do not show that thedeceased was subjected to cruelty of such a
nature so as to qualify as an offence under Section.
26. In view of the above, the impugned order on charge dated 08.09.2015
and the consequentcharge framed against the petitioners cannot be
sustained and accordingly the same is quashed. Theconsequence to the
same is that the petitioners are discharged of the offence under
Sections304B/498A/34 IPC.”
11. That in the Mirza Iqbal @ Golu vs the State of Uttar Pradesh, in para
11, Hon’ble Supreme Court had referred to GeetaMehrotra and
Anr. Vs State of Uttar Pradesh and Anr, wherein it was observed that -
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