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APR - 03224 (To be filled by the Candidate)

Time Allowed : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 20 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 100
Instructions for the Candidates
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2. This paper consists of 100 objective type questions. Each question
will carry two marks. All questions of Paper II will be compulsory. 2.
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APR - 03224/II—B

APR - 03224/II—B

Paper II

Time Allowed : 120 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 200

Note : This Paper contains Hundred (100) multiple choice questions. Each question
carrying Two (2) marks. Attempt All questions.

1. What should the researcher 4. Which of the following ages does

primarily do for formulating a
Pope belong to ?
research problem ?
(A) Romantic Age
(A) Review the relevant literature
(B) Consult with research guide (B) Restoration Age

(C) Discuss with experts (C) Neo-classical Age

(D) Discuss with co-researcher (D) Caroline Age
2. Nirad Chaudhari’s The Auto- 5. Vowels of English are produced
biography of Unknown Indian is with .................. .
dedicated to his ................... .
(A) Complete closure
(A) Memory of the British Empire
in India (B) Close approximation
(B) Contribution to the freedom (C) Open approximation
struggle (D) Complete oral closure
(C) Intellectual and moral life
6. Eugene O’Neill’s play on the
(D) Stay in England psychology of colonialism and
3. Who is the first American dramatist imperialism is .................... .
to ever receive the Nobel Prize ?
(A) Desire Under the Elms
(A) Tennessee Williams
(B) The Room
(B) Eugene O’Neill
(C) Edward Albee (C) Emperor Jones
(D) Arthur Miller (D) The Father

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7. The concept of Negative Capability 10. Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the

is said to have been coined Earth is about ................... .
by .................... . (A) Postcolonialism
(A) P.B. Shelley (B) Postmodernism
(B) John Keats (C) New Historicism
(C) William Wordsworth (D) Queer Theory
(D) S.T. Coleridge 11. What is the main object of
8. Mahatma Gandhi set to the task fundamental research ?
of making himself an English
(A) To solve social problems
Gentleman in .................. .
(B) To solve educational problems
(A) London
(C) To solve commercial problems
(B) America
(D) To advance the frontiers of
(C) South Africa
(D) Bengal
12. Who wrote The Jungle Book ?
9. Scholastic, familial, religious,
(A) Salman Rushdie
publishing and distribution,
cultural, information and news etc. (B) Rudyard Kipling
and their various associated (C) Raja Rao
institutions comprise, in
(D) Khushwant Singh
Althusserian theory
is ................. . 13. Salman Rushdie’s novel, Shame is
written on ................... .
(A) The Independent Social
Formations (A) The racial issues in England

(B) The Repressive State (B) The racial issues in America

Apparatus (C) The political situation in
(C) The Ideological State Pakistan
Apparatus (D) The rise of Christianity in the
(D) The Natural Progression world

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14. Who, among the following poets, 18. A self-willed girl who attended
wrote, ‘When Lilacs Last in the London and Cambridge Universities
Dooryard Bloom’d ? for three years and came without
(A) Henry David Thoreau degree and later became a famous
poet ?
(B) Walt Whitman
(A) Miss S. Chatopadeya
(C) Dylan Thomas
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(D) Ralph Waldo Emerson
(C) Cornelia Sorabji
15. A wh-question in English is spoken
with a .................. . (D) Toru Dutta
19. Which of the following texts is
(A) Falling tone
mentioned by Edward Said in
(B) Rising tone Culture and Imperialism (1994) as
(C) Falling-rising tone a “prototypical modern-realist novel
..... and certainly not accidentally it
(D) Rising-falling tone
is about a European who creates a
16. Who is the author of Theatre of the fiefdom for himself on a distant non-
Hindus ? European island” ?
(A) H.H. Wilson (A) Robinson Crusoe
(B) G.H. Wells (B) Treasure Island
(C) Aniah Gowda (C) Gulliver’s Travels
(D) A.B. Keith (D) Heart of Darkness
17. Myth criticism is associated 20. Green studies is another name
with ................. . for ................... .
(A) Northrop Frye (A) Eco Criticism
(B) John Crowe Ransom (B) Postcolonial Criticism

(C) Michel Foucault (C) Cultural Studies

(D) Dr. Samuel Johnson (D) Feminist Criticism

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Direction (Q. Nos. 21 to 24) : colonel. An incipient mutiny is laid

at his door and he is cashiered; the
Read the passage and answer
intervention of Rose, who is devoted
the questions given below it :
to him, saves him from prison. But
Waverley A novel by Sir Walter
injustice leads him to join the other
Scott, published anonymously in
side; he is encouraged by Flora and
1814. Scott had worked on the book
well received by the Young
intermittently since 1805.
Pretender. At the Battle of
Edward Waverley, the hero, has Prestonpans the Jacobite forces are
been brought up partly by his uncle, routed; but Waverley saves the life
Sir Edward Digby, who has Jacobite of Colonel Talbot, a family friend,
sympathies. When Edward receives who secures a pardon for him. The
his commission in the army and other Jacobite prisoners are severely
joins his regiment in Scotland, he dealt with and Fergus Mac-Ivor is
visits Digby’s friend Bradwardine, convicted of high treason. Waverley,
another Jacobite, and is attracted to meanwhile, is rejected by the
Rose, Bradwardine’s gentle beautiful Flora, who enters a
daughter. Waverley’s romantic convent when Fergus is executed;
disposition leads him to visit the eventually he marries Rose.
Highlands and seek out a Waverley was enormously popular:
freebooting character. Donald Bean four editions were printed and sold
Lean, and there he meets Fergus in the first year of publication alone.
Mac-Ivor and his beautiful sister Its success turned Scott’s career
Flora, both ardent Jacobites and decisively from poetry to fiction, and
active in the Stuart cause. His all his subsequent novels were
connection with the Jacobites gets described as being ‘by the author of
Waverley into trouble with his Waverley’.
APR - 03224/II—B

21. What makes Waverley visit the 24. The meaning of the word anonymous
is ................. .
Highland ?
(A) Known origin
(A) His uncle’s order
(B) Family name
(B) His romantic disposition
(C) Unanimous
(C) An incipient mutiny (D) Unknown origin

(D) Battle of Prestonpans 25. What is the main motif for

research ?
22. Who saves Waverley from going to
(A) Desire to be of service of society
prison ?
(B) Refinement of techniques of
(A) Sir Edward Digby research

(B) Bradwardine (C) Curiosity for unknown

(D) Study for more knowledge

(C) Rose
26. Salman Rushdie’s The Jaguar Smile
(D) Colonel Talbot is a ............... .

23. What did the success of the novel (A) Travelogue

Waverley do to Scott’s career ? (B) Essay

(A) He turned decisively from (C) Satire

Poetry to Fiction (D) Novel

27. V.S. Naipaul’s novel, The Mystic

(B) He turned from Fiction to
Masseur is set in .................. .
(A) Trinidad
(C) He turned into a Jacobite (B) Paris

(D) He turned into a Jacobite (C) Washington

Sympathizer (D) Mumbai

7 [P.T.O.
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28. Which of the following poems was 31. Liberal Humanism sees the
individual as .............. .
not written by John Donne ?
(A) A postponement of the
(A) The Good-Morrow humanist ideal

(B) The Extasie (B) An effect of omnipresent power

(C) The Definition of Love (C) Unified and self-determining

(D) The category individual is

(D) A Hymn to Christ
rejected altogether
29. From the following list, select the 32. Who wrote Literature and Dogma ?
author, who commented critically on (A) Matthew Arnold
the limitations of Indian scholarship
(B) William Hazlitt
on classical drama of India ?
(C) Lord Tennyson
(A) Wilson S.H. (D) Alexander Pope

(B) Max Muller 33. Who is the author of the book India
Recalled ?
(C) Henry H. Wells
(A) Sri Aurobindo
(D) M.H. Abrams (B) Rabindranath Tagore

30. The number of cardinal vowels, as (C) Cornelia Sorabaji

devised by Daniel Jones, is ........... . (D) Sarojini Naidu

34. Edward Said talks about ............. .

(A) Six
(A) Orientalism
(B) Eight
(B) Modernism
(C) Five
(C) New Historicism
(D) Seven (D) Historicism

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35. The word sing-song is an example 38. Critically analysing realism, which

of ............... . of the following terms suggests not

simply that texts come to a literal
(A) Acronym
close but that their formal design or
(B) Reduplication narrative movement constructs a

(C) Blending position for the reader that reinforces

a dominant view of the world ?
(D) Compounding
(A) Closure
36. In which play did the French
(B) Code
dramatist Jean Anouilh modernize
(C) Cognitive Mapping
the Greak myth ?
(D) Competence
(A) O’Edipus at Colonous
39. Spenser’s Epithalamion is :
(B) The Mourning Becomes Electra
(A) An elegy
(C) Antigone
(B) A narrative poem
(D) Trojen Women
(C) A wedding hymn
37. Studying a text without taking into
(D) A sonnet
account any outside influence is one
40. R.K. Narayan’s first novel, Swami
of the main features of ................ .
and Friends was published in ......... .
(A) New Historicism
(A) 1930
(B) Marxist Criticism
(B) 1932
(C) Phenomenological Criticism (C) 1935

(D) Formalistic Criticism (D) 1938

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41. Cornelia Sorabaji and Sarojini 44. In John Dryden’s “Essay on

Naidu were prominent poets in Dramatic Poesy”, who represents
public life associated with ............. . Dryden ?

(A) Women’s causes and politics (A) Lisideius

during British rule (B) Eugenius
(B) Freedom and politics during (C) Neander
British rule
(D) Crites
(C) Family cause politics during
45. “My Mind, My Soul grow longer
British rule
than all space.
(D) Personal causes and politics
Time Founders in that vastness glad
during British
and nude”.
42. Adopt, Adapt and Adept are phases
These poetry lines are written
in .................. . by ................. .
(A) Postcolonialism (A) Rabindranath Tagore
(B) Modernism (B) Bankim Chunder Chaterjee
(C) New Historicism (C) Sri Aurobindo
(D) Culture studies (D) Sarojini Naidu
43. Who wrote the biography, The Great 46. In which among the following, the
Indian Way : A Life of Mahatma author is replaced by reader as the
Gandhi ? central agency in criticism ?
(A) Mulk Raj Anand (A) Deconstruction

(B) Raja Rao (B) Applied Linguistics

(C) Nirad Chaudhari (C) Poststructuralism

(D) R.K. Narayan (D) Structuralism

APR - 03224/II—B

47. Select from the list the title of the 50. Which of the following words is an
book by Edward Said which example of blending ?

discusses the relationship between (A) Smog

imperial culture and development of (B) Telephone

novel. (C) Immoral

(A) The Rise of Novel (D) Wonderful

(B) Fiction and Form 51. A minimal distinctive unit in the

sound system of a language is
(C) Novel and Culture called ................... .
(D) Culture and Imperialism (A) Allophone
48. In which city was James Joyce’s (B) Free Morpheme
novel, Ulysses published on 2nd (C) Phoneme
February 1922 ?
(D) Bound Morpheme
(A) London 52. T.S. Eliot’s first play was ............. .

(B) New York (A) Murder in the Cathedral

(C) Paris (B) Family Reunion

(C) The Cocktail Party

(D) Munich
(D) Sweeney Agonistes
49. Milton’s Paradise Regained is a
sequel of : 53. The conjunction neither—nor is an
example of ................... .
(A) Samson Agonistes
(A) Syntactic negation
(B) Lycidas
(B) Morphological negation
(C) Paradise Lost (C) Discourse negation

(D) Aeropagitica (D) Textual negation

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54. The term ‘foregrounding’ is associated 57. Who succeeded Wordsworth as the
with .............. . Poet Laureate ?
(A) Marxist School (A) Robert Browning
(B) The Prague School (B) Alfred Lord Tennyson
(C) Reader-Response School (C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Feminist School
(D) Elizabeth Barret Browning
55. Which foreign publishing house first 58. The theorist who discusses about
published Tagore’s translation of
‘actual reader’ and ‘implied reader’
Gitanjali ?
is ................. .
(A) Penguin Random
(A) Roman Ingarden
(B) Harper Collins
(B) Martin Heidegger
(C) Oxford University Press
(C) Woolfgang Iser
(D) Macmillain London
(D) Walter Benjamin
56. The words, “an architect by
59. Jacques Derrida draws attention to
profession, he gave to his novels a
the necessity of borrowing one’s
design that was architectural,
concepts from the text of a heritage
employing each circumstance in the
which is more or less coherent or
narrative to one accumulated effect”
speak volumes of the craftsmanship ruined. He argues that therefore

of ................... . every discourse is ................. .

(A) Thomas Hardy (A) Play

(B) William Thackeray (B) Logocentric

(C) George Orwell (C) Bricoleur

(D) James Joyce (D) Postmodern

APR - 03224/II—B

60. Who, among the following poets, 63. The Japanese film version of

wrote the poem entitled ‘To Brooklyn Macbeth done by Akira Kurosava
was titled as ................ .
Bridge’ ?
(A) Throne of Blood
(A) Hart Crane
(B) Rave Macbeth
(B) Sylvia Plath
(C) Joe Macbeth
(C) Dylan Thomas
(D) Shakespeare Retold Macbeth
(D) E.E. Cummings 64. In the sentence, The man who won

61. Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein the Nobel Prize is an economist,

the underlined linguistic unit is
is an example of ................ .
a/an .............. .
(A) Historical novel
(A) Adverb Clause
(B) Gothic novel
(B) Relative Clause
(C) Picaresque novel
(C) Noun Clause

(D) Epistolary novel (D) Principal Clause

62. Sir David Lyndsay’s Satyre of the 65. Who said that the modern western

Thrie Estatis is called ............... . world is the grip of so-called

Discourses ?
(A) Miracle Play
(A) Gary Gutting
(B) Mystery Play
(B) Foucault Michel
(C) An Interlude
(C) Jung Carl
(D) Morality Play (D) Lacan Jacques

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66. Frederic Jameson’s view that third 69. In which of the following novels does
world texts are necessarily national the character of Lovelace appear ?
allegories has been critiqued by
(A) Pamela
Aijaz Ahmad primarily by which of
the following arguments ? (B) Clarrissa

(A) The non-viability of a homo- (C) The History of Sir Charles

genous notion of the ‘Third Garrison
(D) The History of Mrs. Beaumont
(B) The concept of allegory is alien
70. J. M. Synge is known for Paganism
to third world literatures.
in his much discussed play ........... .
(C) Nationalism is a western concept.
(A) The Riders to the Sea
(D) Most third world texts are either
religious or melodramatic. (B) Man and the Superman

67. Longinus’ On the Sublime is written (C) The Family Reunion

in ................. . (D) The Wild Duck
(A) Essay form 71. Who attributes his novelistic
(B) Diary form negotiations of tradition and

(C) Epistolary form modernity to ‘the double burden on

the shoulders, the Alps of European
(D) Dialogue form
tradition and the Himalayan of my
68. Appeals to the Christian Public is
Indian past’ ?
written by ................. .

(A) Joshu Marshman (A) G. R. Desai

(B) Raja Rammohan Roy (B) Raja Rao

(C) Rama Kant Dubey (C) Mulkraj Anand

(D) Brajmohan Majumdar (D) Aubrey Menon

APR - 03224/II—B

72. The ‘touchstone method’ was 75. “Beauties in vain their pretty eyes
introduced into literary criticism may roll :

by ................... . Charms strike the sight, but merit

wins the soul”
(A) Matthew Arnold
In which Canto of ‘The Rape of the
(B) Cardinal Newman
Lock’, do the above lines appear ?
(C) Walter Pater (A) Canto V

(D) John Ruskin (B) Canto III

73. In Foucauldian understanding, (C) Canto IV

power is ................. . (D) Canto I

(A) Centred upon the political body 76. Which was not the early English
history play in the following list ?
of the sovereign
(A) The Famous Victories of Henry
(B) A state apparatus
the Fifth
(C) A productive network that runs
(B) The Chronicle History of King
through the whole social body Lear

(D) A negative instance whose (C) Ralph Roister Doister

function is repression (D) King Henry III

74. Richard Hoggart is associated 77. Louise Montrose’s essay “Shaping

with ................... . Fantasies” is a fine example
for .................... .
(A) Dadaism
(A) New Historicism
(B) Modernism
(B) Psychoanalysis
(C) Gender Studies (C) Phenomenology
(D) Cultural Studies (D) Close Reading

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78. Influenced by Saussure, in under- 81. Which of the following explains

standing language as a system exploratory research ?
of structured difference, langue (A) The causes of a political
signifies ................. . phenomenon
(A) Specific utterances that (B) The causes of a social and
individuals deploy in everyday
economic phenomenon
(C) The causes of an educational
(B) The natural properties of speech
(C) The imperial languages
(D) The causes of a cultural
(D) The formal rules and conventions phenomenon
that organize language
82. Who employed a technique ‘a
79. Philip Sidney’s ‘Astrophel and Stella’ poetical prose’ in his work,
was written in the year : Confessions of an English Opium-
(A) 1598 Eater ?

(B) 1591 (A) Charles Lamb

(C) 1579 (B) Sir Philip Sidney

(D) 1595 (C) Sydney Smith

80. In which year was Tobias Smollett’s (D) Thomas de Quincy

novel, The Adventures of Roderick 83. Who has penned the novel, A Few
Random first published ? Green Leaves ?
(A) 1744 (A) Kate Pullinger
(B) 1746 (B) Mario Puzo
(C) 1748 (C) Barbara Pym
(D) 1750 (D) Alan Plater
APR - 03224/II—B

84. When did Arun Kolatkar publish his 88. In 1954, the first foreigner to be
masterpiece ‘Jejuri’ ?
accepted as an Indian citizen
(A) 1974
was .................... .
(B) 1964
(A) J.G. Fazer
(C) 1976
(B) Verrier Elwin
(D) 1980

85. In the phrase a cup of milk, the (C) H.W. Garrod

relation between cup and milk
(D) F.W. Green
is ................... .
89. Raymond Williams’ Culture and
(A) Paradigmatic
Society, 1780-1950, catalogues five
(B) Lucid
key words that bear witness to a
(C) Syntagmatic
general change in ways of thinking
(D) Cogent
of life, the social, political and
86. Which of the following plays is economic institutions and their
labelled as a domestic tragedy ?
relations to learning, education and
(A) The Dragon of Wentley
the arts. These are ................. .
(B) George Barnwell
(A) Land, Enlightenment,
(C) Cato
Feudalism, Merit, Culture
(D) The Duchess of Malfi
(B) Capital, Base, Superstructure,
87. Structuralist criticism is influenced
by the ideas of .................. . State, Culture

(A) Karl Marx (C) Nature, Reform, Religion,

(B) Sigmund Freud Regulation, Culture

(C) T.S. Eliot (D) Industry, Democracy, Class,

(D) Ferdinand de Saussure Art, Culture

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90. The terms Simulation and 93. Exploratory studies are appropriate
Simulacra are associated with for some persistent phenomenon
................ .
like ................... .
(A) Fredrick Jameson
(A) Sickness of an industry
(B) Jean Francois Lyotard
(B) Sickness of social institution
(C) Jean Baudrillard

(D) M.H. Abrams (C) Sickness of cultural institution

91. All sounds of English are articulated (D) Sickness of political institution
with ................. .
94. Jonathan Swift’s The Battle of Books
(A) Pulmonic ingressive air stream
is a/an .................. .
(A) Essay
(B) Pulmonic egressive air stream
mechanism (B) Novel

(C) Glottal airstream mechanism (C) Satire

(D) Palatal airstream mechanism
(D) Drama
92. In which year did the British
95. For the deconstructionists, meaning
Parliament introduce the Drama
Reform Bill in order to strengthen results from :
the native tradition of the British
(A) The interplay of words not used
Drama ?
(B) The interplay of words used
(A) 1800

(B) 1832 (C) The free play of words used

(C) 1854 (D) The interplay of words used and

(D) 1920 not used

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96. Jawaharlal Nehru’s Glimpses of 98. P.M. Nityananadan’s novel, Long,

World History was written serially Long Day is ................ .

in the forms of letters to ............... .

(A) An epistolary novel

(A) his grandson Rajeev Gandhi

(B) A detective novel

(B) his sister Vijayalaxmi Pandit

(C) A gothic novel

(C) his daughter Indira

(D) A campus novel

(D) his father Motilal Nehru 99. Who is the narrator in Browning’s

97. Caste hierarchy and gender poem ‘My Last Duchess’ ?

hierarchy are the organising (A) The King of Spain

principles of the brahmanical social
(B) The Prince of Wales
order and are closely interconnected.
(C) The Duke of Ferrara
The conceptualised term for

exploring this relationship as used (D) The Earl of Rochester

by feminist historians like Uma 100. “A woman is not born, but made” is

Chakravarti is ................. . said by ................ .

(A) Intersectionality (A) Shulamith Firestone

(B) Brahmanical Patriarchy (B) Sandra Gilbert

(C) Structured Sexuality (C) Simone de Beauvoir

(D) Organised Reproduction (D) Luce Irigaray

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