Apr 03224 B
Apr 03224 B
Apr 03224 B
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APR - 03224/II—B
APR - 03224/II—B
Paper II
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APR - 03224/II—B
14. Who, among the following poets, 18. A self-willed girl who attended
wrote, ‘When Lilacs Last in the London and Cambridge Universities
Dooryard Bloom’d ? for three years and came without
(A) Henry David Thoreau degree and later became a famous
poet ?
(B) Walt Whitman
(A) Miss S. Chatopadeya
(C) Dylan Thomas
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(D) Ralph Waldo Emerson
(C) Cornelia Sorabji
15. A wh-question in English is spoken
with a .................. . (D) Toru Dutta
19. Which of the following texts is
(A) Falling tone
mentioned by Edward Said in
(B) Rising tone Culture and Imperialism (1994) as
(C) Falling-rising tone a “prototypical modern-realist novel
..... and certainly not accidentally it
(D) Rising-falling tone
is about a European who creates a
16. Who is the author of Theatre of the fiefdom for himself on a distant non-
Hindus ? European island” ?
(A) H.H. Wilson (A) Robinson Crusoe
(B) G.H. Wells (B) Treasure Island
(C) Aniah Gowda (C) Gulliver’s Travels
(D) A.B. Keith (D) Heart of Darkness
17. Myth criticism is associated 20. Green studies is another name
with ................. . for ................... .
(A) Northrop Frye (A) Eco Criticism
(B) John Crowe Ransom (B) Postcolonial Criticism
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21. What makes Waverley visit the 24. The meaning of the word anonymous
is ................. .
Highland ?
(A) Known origin
(A) His uncle’s order
(B) Family name
(B) His romantic disposition
(C) Unanimous
(C) An incipient mutiny (D) Unknown origin
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28. Which of the following poems was 31. Liberal Humanism sees the
individual as .............. .
not written by John Donne ?
(A) A postponement of the
(A) The Good-Morrow humanist ideal
(B) Max Muller 33. Who is the author of the book India
Recalled ?
(C) Henry H. Wells
(A) Sri Aurobindo
(D) M.H. Abrams (B) Rabindranath Tagore
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35. The word sing-song is an example 38. Critically analysing realism, which
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47. Select from the list the title of the 50. Which of the following words is an
book by Edward Said which example of blending ?
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54. The term ‘foregrounding’ is associated 57. Who succeeded Wordsworth as the
with .............. . Poet Laureate ?
(A) Marxist School (A) Robert Browning
(B) The Prague School (B) Alfred Lord Tennyson
(C) Reader-Response School (C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Feminist School
(D) Elizabeth Barret Browning
55. Which foreign publishing house first 58. The theorist who discusses about
published Tagore’s translation of
‘actual reader’ and ‘implied reader’
Gitanjali ?
is ................. .
(A) Penguin Random
(A) Roman Ingarden
(B) Harper Collins
(B) Martin Heidegger
(C) Oxford University Press
(C) Woolfgang Iser
(D) Macmillain London
(D) Walter Benjamin
56. The words, “an architect by
59. Jacques Derrida draws attention to
profession, he gave to his novels a
the necessity of borrowing one’s
design that was architectural,
concepts from the text of a heritage
employing each circumstance in the
which is more or less coherent or
narrative to one accumulated effect”
speak volumes of the craftsmanship ruined. He argues that therefore
APR - 03224/II—B
60. Who, among the following poets, 63. The Japanese film version of
wrote the poem entitled ‘To Brooklyn Macbeth done by Akira Kurosava
was titled as ................ .
Bridge’ ?
(A) Throne of Blood
(A) Hart Crane
(B) Rave Macbeth
(B) Sylvia Plath
(C) Joe Macbeth
(C) Dylan Thomas
(D) Shakespeare Retold Macbeth
(D) E.E. Cummings 64. In the sentence, The man who won
62. Sir David Lyndsay’s Satyre of the 65. Who said that the modern western
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66. Frederic Jameson’s view that third 69. In which of the following novels does
world texts are necessarily national the character of Lovelace appear ?
allegories has been critiqued by
(A) Pamela
Aijaz Ahmad primarily by which of
the following arguments ? (B) Clarrissa
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72. The ‘touchstone method’ was 75. “Beauties in vain their pretty eyes
introduced into literary criticism may roll :
(A) Centred upon the political body 76. Which was not the early English
history play in the following list ?
of the sovereign
(A) The Famous Victories of Henry
(B) A state apparatus
the Fifth
(C) A productive network that runs
(B) The Chronicle History of King
through the whole social body Lear
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84. When did Arun Kolatkar publish his 88. In 1954, the first foreigner to be
masterpiece ‘Jejuri’ ?
accepted as an Indian citizen
(A) 1974
was .................... .
(B) 1964
(A) J.G. Fazer
(C) 1976
(B) Verrier Elwin
(D) 1980
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90. The terms Simulation and 93. Exploratory studies are appropriate
Simulacra are associated with for some persistent phenomenon
................ .
like ................... .
(A) Fredrick Jameson
(A) Sickness of an industry
(B) Jean Francois Lyotard
(B) Sickness of social institution
(C) Jean Baudrillard
91. All sounds of English are articulated (D) Sickness of political institution
with ................. .
94. Jonathan Swift’s The Battle of Books
(A) Pulmonic ingressive air stream
is a/an .................. .
(A) Essay
(B) Pulmonic egressive air stream
mechanism (B) Novel
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(D) his father Motilal Nehru 99. Who is the narrator in Browning’s
by feminist historians like Uma 100. “A woman is not born, but made” is
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