Sex Education

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Sex Education

You might hear the term “abstinence education” thrown around when people
refer to this program. However, purposely failing to provide information or flat-out
refusing to educate students about the topic does not constitute “education”.
Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of our humanity one that is worthy of dignity and
respect. Consistent quality sexuality education is critical for a young person’s
development because it provides the information they need to waked informed and
autonomous decisions about their body and their lives. Denying a young person
sexuality education for what ever reason- is a violation of their human rights.

If this sex education be implemented this will responds with the awareness of
everybody. Many young people receive confusing and conflicting information
about relationships and sex as they make the transition from childhood to
adulthood. Empowering youth in today’s generation they should earn and apply the
decision making when it comes to relationship and sexuality. However, early
pregnancies, gender-based violence and gender inequality are still controversy,
why? It’s because of lack of sufficient knowledge, even higher case of HIV that is
very alarming in our country somehow risky for our health. Social media has
changed the perspective of the youth in today’s generation, more often than not,
some of our fellow peers have had sexual intercourse or are sexually active agree
that having sex education in our lives will not only improve our learnings thus, it
will be adapt in the future also be a guidance and preparation. There are a lot of
youth who needs to be enlightened when it comes to sex education for them to be
able to understood and practice safe sex. Safe sex is a sexual contact that does not
involve the exchange of semen, vaginal fluids or blood between partners, if used
correctly of condoms and birth control can dramatically reduce the risk of most
sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. For this reason,
opponents argue with regards the implementation of sex education in k-12 program
to our generation today thus, it may affect to some people who are not in favor
with this matter and others won’t take this seriously. Morality is still preserved in
our community some of their claim conclude that teenager might still get
confusions in temptations probably they will still cross in line even though sex
education will be taught in classes. Legalizing sex education in the Philippines
remain controversy, whether it should be implemented or no. Some of the religious
group argue over its appropriateness.
Lastly, Sex education should be implemented so that issues won’t get too far
this will responds with the awareness of everybody, failing to provide information
will no longer flat-out or refusing to educate student. Because quality sex
education could bring about world peace.

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