Global New Light of Myanmar 24 Oct 24 GNLM

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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. XI, No. 191, 7 th Waning of Thadingyut 1386 ME Thursday, 24 October 2024

State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the award-presentation ceremony of the 25th Anniversary Myanmar Traditional Cultural
Performing Arts Competition yesterday.

Salient points from the speech

delivered by the Senior General
Citizens urged to guard against
foreign cultural influence
in awarding of the Performing
Arts Competition

1. National culture, national spirit, and

value systems are very important fac- National culture, national spirit, and value system
tors in the independent development
of a region. are crucial factors in the independent development
of a region.
2. All citizens need to be aware of pen-
etrating alien cultures through a na-
tional outlook.

enior General Min Aung Hlaing noted that the participa- Performing Arts Competition at the Myanmar International Con-
3. The participation of new generation
tion of new generation youths with keen performance in vention Centre II (MICC II) in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
youths with keen performances in songs and music created by ancient musicians are the Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General underlined
songs and music created by ancient best scenes to uplift national prestige and integrity. holding the Performing Arts Competition in order to keep the
musicians are the best scenes to up- Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Min- capability and value of Myanmar’s culture and fine arts in the
lift national prestige and integrity. ister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said so at the awards soul of new generation youths and to help uplift national integrity
ceremony of the 25th Anniversary Myanmar Traditional Cultural as much as possible. SEE PAGE 3


Myanmar Areca
Connecting on and Russian nut

the Universal navy ships

head to naval
Dance of Words exercise
in Myeik
PAGE 8-9
24 OCTOBER 2024

Citizens yet to be counted in
Nationwide Census to be reassessed
• The 2024 Nationwide Census activities were conducted from 1 to 15 October.
• The people who have not completed census processes due to various reasons can contact the relevant ward and village census committees and township
census committees to collect census data again.
• Individuals can also contact 067 431062, 067 431359, 067 431067,067 431339. — Central Census Commission

Police and Officials Urged to Prioritize Public Welfare and

Safety Without Burdening Citizens
MEMBERS of the Myanmar Police Force and administrative officials must prioritize public welfare while ensuring the safety of the people without imposing burdens.
(Excerpt from the speech delivered by Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the meeting hall of the Eastern Command Headquarters on 3 September 2024)

Cyclonic Storm
Myanmar and Russian navy ships
“DANA” News, No 8, 2024 head to naval exercise areas
23 October 2024 (19:00) MST Today

Cyclonic Storm
According to the observations at (17:30)hrs MST today, the Cy-
clonic Storm over Eastcentral Bay of Bengal has moved northwest-
wards and it is centred at about 325 nautical miles westwards of
Gwa(Myanmar), 295 nautical miles south-southeast of Sagar
Island West Bengal (India). The central pressure of Cyclonic
Storm is 998 hPa and maximum wind speed near the center is
40-45 miles per hour.
It does not intend to move towards Myanmar coasts at the
present stage and therefore the Cyclonic Storm is coded as
yellow stage.
It is likely to continute to move northwestwards and may
further intensify into a Severe Cyclonic Storm over Northwest
Bay of Bengal around 24-10-2024 and cross North Odisha and
West Bengal Coasts between Puri and Sagar Island close to
Dhamara(India) early morning of 25-10-2024.
Due to the Cyclonic Storm, rain or thundershowers are likely
to be fairly widespresd to widespread in Nay Pyi Taw, Sagaing,
Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady Regions and Myanmar and Russian naval officers seen before departing for Maritime Security Exercise yesterday.
Kachin, Northern Shan, Chin, Rakhine States with likelihood
of regionally and isolated heavyfalls and strong winds from tonight THE opening ceremony of the second Myan- naval exercise left Myanmar from Thilawa Port
up to 24 October 2024. mar-Russia joint security naval exercise was held yesterday morning.
Frequently squalls with rough to very rough seas will be at Thiri Maha Zeya Kyaw Htin Hall of the Naval During the visit, they visited famous sites in
experienced in Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coasts. Surface Training Command on 22 October. Yangon, joined in friendly sports competitions,
wind speed in squalls may reach (50-55) mph and wave height It was attended by senior officials of Tatmad- studied naval vessels of two countries, hosted
will be about (11-15) feet Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coasts. aw (Navy) and the Russian Navy, the Russian dinner events and conducted harbour phase
Advisory military attaché to Myanmar and invitees. They all exercises.
People should be aware of the natural disasters such as the posed for documentary photos after the ceremony. The Russian navy ships headed to naval
heavy rainfall with strong wind, thunder, lightnings, hails, flash The four navy ships from the Russian Pacific exercise operating areas together with vessels
floods and landslides in the hilly areas and near small rivers and Fleet arriving in Myanmar for the second joint of Tatmadaw (Navy). — MNA/KTZH
inland water transport and domestic flight. — Department of
Meteorology and Hydrology

Announcement of public holiday on Deepavali

DUE to the celebration of Deepavali, Friday, 1st Waxing of Tazaungmone 1386 ME (1 November
09 251022355,
2024) has been declared a public holiday across the Republic of the Union of Myanmar for all
offices and under the provisions of Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act. The State
with us/ Hotline 09 255597511 Administration Council has made this announcement under Order No 175/2024.
24 OCTOBER 2024

Residents Urged to Prioritize Public Safety Amid Armed Terrorist Threats
ARMED terrorists have been launching attacks by using residential homes and administrative buildings in towns and villages as cover, where they have forcibly
settled. They aim to shield themselves from Tatmadaw counterattacks while also persuading temporarily displaced persons to return to their native areas and
recruiting new members. That enables terrorists to use civilians as human shields. Tatmadaw is committed to safeguarding the sovereignty of the State and will
respond to these threats based on intelligence and prevailing conditions. Therefore, residents in areas where terrorists have taken control must prioritize their
safety and protect themselves from being exploited by these groups.

(Excerpt from guidance given by Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing
to Shan State cabinet members and state-level departmental officials on 3 September 2024)

He also noted that national
culture, national spirit and value
Citizens urged to guard against
foreign cultural influence
system are crucial factors for
the independent development
of a region.
The Senior General ex-
pressed his satisfaction with
excellent performance in My- ion ministers, the Nay Pyi Taw
anmar’s marionette and drama Council Chairman and senior
contests. Tatmadaw officers from the Of-
He said that all citizens need fice of the Commander-in-Chief
to be aware of penetrating al- also awarded winners in the
ien cultures through a national dancing, song-composing and
outlook. music contests, respectively.
The Senior General high- After the awarding cere-
lighted that efforts must be made mony, Ma Eaindray Myint Mo
to foster Myanmar’s culture and from Yangon Region in the basic
fine arts and to encounter these education (aged 15-20) song-com-
dangers and penetrations effec- posing contest sang the song
tively. “Lasting Strength of Youth”,
The Senior General urged all and Maung Hein Htet Paing
maestroes and new generation from Bago Region who won the
artistes to protect the future of gold medal in the music contest
the State and nationals through (Donmin) in the basic education
the strength of fine arts in order (aged 15-20) contest performed
to stand tall on the correct way the song “Shwe Min Gan”.
to serve the national interests. The wife of the Senior Gen-
The Senior General present- eral presented medals and cer-
ed honorary awards to ethnic tificates of honour to first, second
SAC Vice-Chair Deputy PM Vice-Senior General Soe Win presents an honorary awards to the ethnic traditional
traditional dance troupes from cultural troupe yesterday. and third prize-winning troupes
Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, in the marionette troupe contest
Rakhine and Shan states, where- sic song) female amateur (first and basic education level (aged won the gold medal in the old/ and the outstanding puppeteers,
as the wife of the Senior Gener- grade) contest. 15-20) and (aged 10-15) female modern song basic education song performers, supporting
al gave honorary awards to folk SAC Joint Secretary General contests. (aged 10-15) contest, sang the musicians and scriptwriters, re-
cultural troupes from Sagaing, Ye Win Oo gave medals and cer- Council members award- song “Flourishing of Myanmar spectively.
Taninthayi, Bago, Magway, Man- tificates of honour to first, second ed winners in the old/modern music”. The Senior General pre-
dalay, Yangon and Ayeyawady and third prize winners in the song amateur (first and second Council members and their sented medals and certificates
regions, respectively. Maha Gita song male amateur grades), higher education, basic wives presented medals and cer- of honour to the first, second and
The Rakhine ethnic tradi- (first grade) and amateur (sec- education (aged 15-20) and (aged tificates of honour to the win- third prize-winning troupes in the
tional music band played the ond grade) contests and council 10-15) male contests and wives of ners in the dancing female and Maha Zanaka drama contest and
song with the title “Rakhine mu- members, winners in the Maha the council members, winners in male amateur (first and second outstanding performers, duet
sic in a variety of instruments”. Gita song male higher education the female contests. grades), higher education and dancers, scriptwriters, director
SAC Vice-Chairman Depu- level and basic education level The council members and basic education (aged 15-20) and and supporting musicians, re-
ty Prime Minister Vice-Senior (aged 15-20) and (aged 10-15) their wives gave medals and (aged 10-15) contests. spectively.
General Soe Win presented hon- contests. certificates of honour to winners Maung Hein Lin Marn The Performing Arts Com-
orary prizes to ethnic traditional The wife of the Joint Secre- in the amateur (second grade) Thway from Ayeyawady Region, petition was participated in by
cultural troupes from states and tary and wives of the SAC mem- and higher education female and who was the youngest contestant 2,584 contending artists under
his wife Daw Than Than Nwe, bers handed medals and certif- male prestige and integrity uplift- in the basic education (aged 10- the assessment of 180 maestros
medals and certificates of honour icates of honour to the winners ing song contests. 15) dancing contest, performed who served the duties of mem-
to first, second and third prize in the Maha Gita female amateur Ma Thoon Wady Htut, repre- dances. bers of the panel of judges. —
winners in the Maha Gita (clas- (second grade), higher education senting Mandalay Region, who Union-level dignitaries, Un- MNA/TTA
24 OCTOBER 2024

for the song-composing contest
and U Aung Kein for music con-
test, judge maestros Sithu Daw
Htar, ethnic traditional band
master Deputy Permanent Sec-
retary U Hlaing Win Maung of
the Ministry of Religious Affairs
and Culture, eldest competi-
tor U Tin Ohn from the singing
contest amateur (first grade)
contest, youngest contestant
Maung Hein Lin Marn Thway
of the dancing contest basic ed-
ucation (aged 10-15) contest,
Chairman of Myanmar Theat-
rical Association (Central) U
Po Chit for contribution to the
drama contest and officials from
regions and states.
Sithu Daw Htar spoke
words of thanks.
The Senior General, his
wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, and the
attendees joined for dinner to-
SAC Chair Premier Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla attend the honorary dinner yesterday. Also present at the dinner
were SAC Vice-Chairman Dep-

Maestros urged to pass fine arts

uty Prime Minister Vice-Senior
General Soe Win and his wife
Daw Than Than Nwe, the sec-

heritage to new-generation artistes.”

retary and his wife, the joint
secretary and his wife, coun-
cil members and their wives,
union-level dignitaries, union

nly when national cul- honour in conjunction with the of national integrity through tros for their contribution of rel- ministers and their wives, the
ture strengthens in dinner in honour of artistes of fine arts to preserve national evant professions to respective chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw
all aspects will prop- the 25th Anniversary Myanmar culture for the entire people, events of the Performing Arts Council, senior Tatmadaw of-
er forms of foreign cultures Traditional Cultural Performing including the new generation Competition. ficers from the Office of the
aligned with the national cul- Arts Competition at the Myan- of youths. The Senior General pre- Commander-in-Chief and their
ture of Myanmar be applied for mar International Convention He urged maestros to hand sented certificates of honour wives, and officials.
the nation, said Chairman of the Centre II (MICC II) in Nay Pyi the heritage of fine arts to new to Chairperson Daw Thin Thin After the dinner, the Senior
State Administration Council Taw yesterday evening. generation artistes while pre- Myat for the song contest panel General presented the flower
Prime Minister Senior General The Senior General spoke serving fine traditions and good of judges, Chair U Aung Tin Win basket to the artistes who per-
Min Aung Hlaing at the cere- on the occasion that it is neces- practices of ancient artistes. for the dancing contest panel of formed songs during the dinner.
mony to present certificates of sary to stimulate the flourishing He acknowledged all maes- judges, Chair U Maung Maung — MNA/TTA

MIFER Union Minister receives UNFPA

Humanitarian Response Division Director
UNION Minister for Investment and For- lating to UNFPA’s ongoing Humanitarian
eign Economic Relations Dr Kan Zaw Assistance programme and future work
received the delegation led by Ms Shoko plans to be carried out in Myanmar.
Yasuda Arakaki, Director, Humanitarian Officials from the Ministry of Invest-
Response Division, UNFPA in Geneva, at ment and Foreign Economic Relations, as
the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Eco- well as representatives from the UNFPA
nomic Relations, Nay Pyi Taw, yesterday. Myanmar office, were also present at the UNFPA Humanitarian Response Division Director Ms Shoko Yasuda Arakaki calls on
They cordially discussed matters re- meeting. — MIFER Union Minister Dr Kan Zaw yesterday.


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24 OCTOBER 2024

Myanmar aims for 30% forest

BIODIVERSITY conservation to the storm initiated in the Bay
faces challenges due to inten- of Bengal and the South China
sifying climate change effects. Sea, the areas with weak con-
Meanwhile, Myanmar has tar-
geted establishing 30 per cent
of the country’s total area with
reserve, 10% protected land servation can encounter land-
slides and flooding. Myanmar
needs to keep conserving the
reserve forests and 10 per cent forests like Htamathi Wildlife
of protected land area. It is also Sanctuary,” said U Aung Khine
working hard in environmental Soe, director of the Environ-
conservation activities with oth- mental Conservation Depart-
er countries. ment.
The survival of biodiversi- Myanmar hosts eight ASE-
ty is related to the abundance AN Heritage Sites, including
of forests, and global warming Khakaborazi National Park,
causes damage to ice moun- Natmataung National Park,
tains and forests, resulting in Htamathi Wildlife Sanctuary,
the disappearance of inhabit- Alaungtaw Kathapha National
ants of biodiversity. Therefore, a Park, Mainmahla Island Wildlife
total of 196 countries, including Sanctuary, Lampi Marine Na-
Myanmar, conduct environmen- tional Park, Inlay Lake Wildlife
tal conservations. Sanctuary, and Indawgyi Lake
“Myanmar is working with Wildlife Sanctuary. — Nyein
the relevant countries for en- Thu (MNA)/KTZH
vironmental conservation. It
needs global cooperation to
Myanmar land contributing
succeed. The country aims to
to global environmental
grab 30 per cent of forest cover- conservation. PHOTOS: KANU
age and 10 per cent of protected
land area. Fine environmen-
tal conservation can reduce ASEAN countries, and we are
natural disasters, and so we also working with Korea to de-
conduct forest plantation and velop the Khakaborazi Nation-
environmental conservation al Park. The glaciers melt due
yearly. The country possesses to high temperatures, and the
ice-capped mountains among evaporation causes storms. Due The forest in Myanmar. Waterfowl seen in Myanmar's ASEAN Heritage Site.

Fake overseas worker cards warned Deputy Ministers meet

UNFPA Humanitarian
BROKERS have cheated Myanmar ernment has already clarified it. But
migrant workers on overseas worker they don't know how to do it, so brokers Response Division
identification cards (OWIC), labour ask them for K800,000 or K1 million by
affairs activists told The Global New saying they would help seek OWIC.
Light of Myanmar (GNLM). People think it is real, but the card
The Ministry of Labour has of- is fake," said a labour affair activist. DEPUTY Minister for Foreign Affairs U Lwin
ficially made public information on Some people were denied going Oo met with Ms Shoko Yasuda (Arakaki), Di-
how to apply for OWIC; however, bro- abroad as their OWICs were identified rector of the Humanitarian Response Division
kers have taken advantage of people as counterfeit at the airport. An online advertisement on OWIC of the United Nations Population Fund (UN-
who are weak in acquiring informed "Housemaids who try to go abroad FPA) in Geneva, at the Ministry of Foreign
knowledge. unofficially are often cheated. So I abroad officially. If not, fake documents Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
"For example, they don't know would like to suggest they follow the may be verified," he added. — Htet Oo They discussed ongoing collaboration between
where they can apply OWIC. The gov- government's rules and try to go Maung/ZS the Myanmar government and UNFPA, as well
as future joint projects.
Additionally, Deputy Minister for Social
Mandalay places major orders for Ywangan's tea Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement U Soe Kyi
met Ms Shoko Yasuda (Arakaki), Director of
leaves the Humanitarian Response Division of the
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in
TEA leaves produced from Ywangan even at sources. The price has been crease in the following months, like Geneva, at the ministry’s guest room yester-
Township have received orders mostly pretty good this month. The major- October. day. The discussion centred around potential
from Mandalay Region. ity of orders have been placed from "There is no likelihood that tea leaf collaboration on a work plan between the
The supply of wet tea leaves has Mandalay and Yangon, but Mandalay price will fall in the coming months Ministry and UNFPA, with a focus on ongoing
been short, as tea leaf season will end is the biggest buyer and has many because the supply has been short efforts to assist vulnerable households, par-
soon. However, the trade has been fine, dealers, too," said a tea leaf farmer now. This year, tea leaf season began in ticularly women and young girls, in flood-affect-
and the price has been high, too. from Ywangan Township. March and will end in November. The ed regions through the ministry’s psychosocial
"Tea leaves have been in short Over the previous six months, sale in the last six months is equivalent support teams. Both sides exchanged views
supply now because its season is go- Ywangan's tea leaves sales have been to this month's sale; the price just dif- openly on humanitarian aid and future coop-
ing to end. The supply has been low fine, and prices will continue to in- fers," he said. — Thit Taw/ZS eration. — MNA/KZL
24 OCTOBER 2024

Bagan’s stone powder Buddha
images receive orders from
Yangon, Taunggyi, and Mandalay
BUDDHA statues carved with They are not as strong as sales of Buddha images,
stone powder from Bagan are stone statues. I have been statues, images of venerable
being bought and ordered in this business for about 15 Sayadaws, and water-offer-
from Taunggyi and Mandalay, years. There are also other ings of cups and lamps are
including Yangon, according sellers. We get orders from continuously selling well. —
to market sources. Mandalay, Taunggyi, Yangon Thit Taw/ZN
Although they are not as and others. We carve and
strong as stone statues, there mould stone powders in dif-
is interest in them, and peo- ferent sizes,” said the Thana-
ple are buying stone-powder ka Pan religious goods store. This photo displays
images. In February of this year, Buddha images carved
“Some people are in- according to religious goods with stone powder
terested in worshipping the stores, stone-powder stat- from Bagan.
pagoda statue moulded with ues sold well in the market.
stone powder and plaster. Among the spiritual goods,

Film stars donate K25M in supplies Miss Universe Myanmar

to flood victims Mandalay showcases 1980s vintage dress
THET San Anderson, who de- ated this Myanmar outfit with
homes were destroyed. In re- parted from Myanmar to Thai- a vintage 1980s style. I love the
sponse to a request for help land on 22 October to represent dress. I want to give my best
from the Sayadaw of the Shwe Myanmar in the Miss Universe performance and walk the run-
San Nwe monastery, we pro- 2024 competition, which will be way with confidence. I’ve also
vided donations to support the held in Mexico, was reported to practised Myanmar traditional
families affected by the disas- have worn a Myanmar women’s dances. I will do my utmost to
ter. These included rice, oil, dress from the 1980s at the air- represent Myanmar in this in-
medicine, salt, soap, curry pow- port. ternational competition. Miss
der, fish sauce, tea, mock meat, The 73rd Miss Universe com- Universe has been my greatest
dried noodles, clothing, school petition will take place on 16 No- dream since childhood, and I will
supplies, blankets, snacks, ba- vember, featuring contestants give my all,” said Thet San An-
sic necessities, sanitary pads, from over 40 countries. derson, Miss Universe Myanmar
and kitchen items like plates, “Designer Ko Nyein Ko cre- 2024. — ASH/TKO
spoons, and cups, along with
clean water bottles, shoes, and
This photo shows celebrities providing donations to flood-impacted other essentials. The total val-
people. ue of the donations is estimated
ACADEMY Award-winning impacted by the disaster. The at around 25 million kyats," said
actor Khant Sithu, along with relief supplies included rice, oil, Khant Sithu.
fellow artistes, donated essen- and other foodstuffs. Addition- Khant Sithu, artistes, and The beauty
pageant Thet
tial food supplies such as rice ally, it was reported that offer- other generous donors also
San Anderson
and oil to residents affected by ings and monetary donations visited the flood-stricken com- in the style
flooding in Singaing Township, were made to the Shwe San munity in Loikaw Township, of 1980s
Mandalay Region, on 22 Oc- Nwe Monastic School in Man- Kayah State, on 4 October. Myanmar
tober. dalay, along with contributions There, they supported 500 peo- Lady at
The donations were dis- of various essential items. Yangon
ple with donations of rice, oil,
tributed to 330 families in Wun- "Due to the flooding in food supplies, and monetary Airport.
patate village who had been Wunpatate village, over 330 aid. — ASH/TMT

Thukha Dagon Housing to allocate over 70 buildings via 3rd drawing

MORE than 70 buildings in the Thukha according to the Department of Urban The housing estate provides apart- K67,000 for first-floor apartments,
Dagon public rental housing estate, lo- and Housing Development under the ments for individuals facing housing dif- K60,000 for second-floor apartments,
cated in Dagon Myothit (South) Town- Ministry of Construction. Previously, ficulties, retired government employees, K55,000 for third-floor apartments, and
ship, Yangon Region, will be allocated 73 buildings were allocated in the first and those still in government service. K46,000 for fourth-floor apartments. —
for the third time by means of a drawing, round of drawing and 50 in the second. The monthly rental rates are ASH/MKKS
24 OCTOBER 2024

CBM injects US$7.5M, 150M Thai baht into private sector on 22 Oct
THE Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) CBM injected $6 million and 200 mil- 10.2 million baht into the financial market CBM’s notification on 15 March, it has
sold over US$7.5 million and about 150 lion baht on 15 October, $730,000 on 11 on 2 October. been joining hands with law enforcement
million Thai baht to those engaged in the October, $12.4 million and 38.7 million baht CBM also sold over $76 million, 86 agencies to combat and prosecute those
private sector on 22 October, again after on 10 October, 660,000 yuan on 9 October million baht and 4.8 million yuan in Sep- who attempt to manipulate the currency
the sales of $2.2 million and 1.5 million and over 10 million baht on 7 October into tember. Moreover, CBM sold over $190 market under the existing laws. CBM al-
yuan on 21 October. the private sector. million, 19 million yuan and 79 million lowed authorized dealers (private banks)
CBM announced it would sell $35 CBM also pumped $13.1 million and baht in August. to operate online foreign exchange trad-
million for those engaged in the fuel oil 288,000 yuan on 4 October, $780,000, 1.2 CBM aims to curb the instability in ing freely as per the market rate depend-
and edible oil sectors as per its notification million yuan and one million baht on 3 the foreign exchange market and the ing on supply and demand, starting from
dated 20 October. October and over 1.2 million yuan and devaluation of currency. According to 5 December 2023. — NN/KK

Areca nut market thriving YGEA warns of security

in Myeik District
measures for gold shops
THE soft areca nut market is areca nuts rather than dried
flourishing in the Myeik Dis- ones.
trict and Taninthayi Region. Myanmar’s areca nut mar-
Bustling trade activity of soft ket has become widespread.
areca nut raises the prices, the There is competitive pricing
Department of Consumer Affairs in the market. Conical-shaped
(Taninthayi) stated. nuts, rather than round ones, are
The areca nut from Myeik mostly traded. After baking the
District is distributed to other soft areca nuts with heat, they
regions and states, especially are exported to China.
Yangon and Mandalay regions. Areca palm business thrives
China’s strong demand pushed well in moist soil, yet soaking
up the sales. wet with overwatering is bad
China prefers soft and moist for them. They are commonly
areca nuts rather than dried found in Ayeyawady, Bago, and
ones. As it can save production Taninthayi regions, as well as the
costs, the farm owners are keen Mon, Kayin, Kachin, and Rakh-
on selling soft, green and moist ine states. — KK

Gold ornaments are displayed for sales at one gold outlet in Yangon.

YANGON Region Gold Entrepreneurs Asso- comprehensive in-vehicle surveillance for ve-
ciation (YEA) alerted gold shops in Yangon hicles that will transport gold and cash. YGEA
Region to enhance security measures on 22 also expressed appreciation for the cooperation
October 2024. of the gold shops in protecting against robbery.
The warning includes the installation of YGEA issued warnings after the six armed
CCTV at the gold shops, home vicinity, and car robbers stole three boxes loaded with five visses
parking, as well as the installation of alarm of gold en route to home from a gold shop in
This file photo shows a worker cleaning the dried betel nuts. bells, GPS, and front and cabin dashcams for Hlaing Township on 21 October. — NN/KK

India imports 400,000 tonnes of Myanmar black gram in H1

INDIA steadily imports Myanmar’s black pared to the previous year. It is forecast Mozambique, Tanzania and Myanmar.
gram (urad), and the import volume that rainfed crops might result in high India’s pulses import grew to 73 per cent
reached over 400,000 tonnes in the first yields. They import pulses to meet grow- in H1 this FY. The pulses import is worth
half of the current financial year 2024-2025 ing domestic consumption. Additionally, US$2.187 billion, surging from 1.265 billion
beginning 1 April, Rahul Chauhan from India’s low output of pigeon peas (tur) in the year-ago period, according to news
iGrain India said. raised demand, causing a shortage in the released by India’s Ministry of Commerce
“India continuously brings in My- market. Therefore, Chauhan said India’s and Industry. Yet, India’s lentil import de-
anmar’s black gram. The volume rose pigeon pea import is likely to be 609,000 creased on high yield, and so did peas,
to 408,000 tonnes in the first six months tonnes in the April-September period to commodity depots guessed.
(April-September) this FY from 240,000 meet increasing demand, up from 274,000 An increase in India’s pulses import
recorded last year. During the Khariff pe- tonnes recorded last year. will create market potential for Myanmar’s
riod (autumn reap season), India’s black India primarily imports pigeon peas A vendor shows black grams at the pulses traders, an economic attache in
gram acres remarkably declined com- from countries in East Africa, such as market. PHOTO XINHUA Kolkata pointed out. — NN/KK
24 OCTOBER 2024

Enhance the role of

information and public
opinion By AUGUSTIN

N today’s knowledge-driven age, access to information is cru- NOWING idioms is useful in everyday conversation to sound “Call it a day” “Burnt by the fire” This allows it to assess its size and strength to determine if it
cial for individuals to navigate societal challenges and make more fluent and natural, as they can convey complex ideas Meaning: To finish working for the day or to conclude an activity. Meaning: To suffer negative consequences due to one’s actions can engage in a competition. Similarly, a person who wishes to break
informed decisions. Without a robust understanding of available briefly and add a layer of cultural richness to your language, Example: It was a long day, so let’s call it a day. or involvement. away from their superior is metaphorically said to be comparing
resources and processes, individuals may struggle to execute their making interactions more engaging and relatable. Example: He was burnt by the fire when he tried to help them their own footprints with those of their superiors.
responsibilities effectively and avoid mistakes. This highlights the ပတ်ထမ်းတွေ့ with their problems. The idiom “to compare hoof marks” originates from a scenario
necessity for governments and national bodies to take the lead in / paat htam twae/ “Too close for comfort” where a smaller buffalo weighs the risk of confronting a more pow-
mobilizing public opinion and disseminating information. ပတ်စာခွာ ဖျာသိမ်း    • တစ်စတ ုံ စ်ခသေ
ု ာ အကျ ိုးကို မျှောမ
် န
ှ ်း၍ ညောင်ရေပက
ွဲ ို နွှရ
ဲ ာမှ ပတ်မကြီး ဝင် Meaning: To be entangled in a situation that feels risky or un- erful opponent.
National governments worldwide must prioritize establishing / pá sa khwa hpja thein:/ ထမ်းရသကဲသ့ ို့ အကျ ိုးတစ်စတ
ုံ စ်ရာ ရမည်ဟု မျှောမ
် န
ှ ်း၍ ပါဝင်ဆောင်ရက
ွ ် comfortable. This scenario highlights a universal theme of self-assessment
and strengthening institutions dedicated to enhancing public • to the very end. ခါမှ ထင်သလို ဖြစ်မလာဘဲ အဆိုးနှင့် ကြုံရသည်။ Example: Their arguments got too close for comfort, and I had and caution when challenging authority or attempting to elevate
awareness and engagement. By mobilizing public opinion, they can • to complete a task thoroughly. to leave the room. one’s status. Individuals often find themselves evaluating their
empower societies and regions, facilitating long-term development • to fully accomplish a task. To Undergo a Queer Punishment of Shouldering a Big Drum “Stepping on toes” skills, resources, or status against those of others before making
initiatives. This includes incorporating information-rich content • ပြီးဆုံးသည်အထိ ဆောင်ရွက်သည်။ In a fable, a clever judge commanded both the plaintiff and the Meaning: To interfere in someone else’s affairs or enter their significant decisions.
into educational curricula for young people, reshaping mindsets • မြန်မာ့ဇာတ်ပွအ
ဲ ဆုံးတွင် ဗုမ
ံ ျားကို ချ ိန်ညရ
ှိ ာတွင် အသုံးပြုသော ပတ်စာကို accused in a defamation case to go around with a large drum hung territory. This notion of self-evaluation can apply to various contexts, such
to foster critical thinking, and promoting new perspectives among ခွာထုတ်ရ… ပရိသတ်သုံးတဲ့ ဖျာတွေကိုလည်း လိပ်ရ…. from a long pole, which they had to shoulder together. Inside the Example: I didn’t want to step on any toes, but I felt the need to as workplace dynamics, personal relationships, or social hierarchies,
adults to cultivate a more informed society. • အလှူအိမ်မှာ ပတ်စာခွာဖျာသိမ်း လုပ်နေ၍ အိမ်သို့ ဒေါ်ကြီး ပြန်မရောက် drum was a man instructed to eavesdrop on their conversation. intervene. where one must be mindful of their position before challenging or
World Development Information Day, celebrated on 24 Octo- သေးပါ။ Thus, to suffer for one’s intervention in a matter, despite having “Biting off more than you can chew” leaving a situation that entails higher authority or greater experience.
ber, serves as a key platform good intentions, is referred to as “undergoing a queer punishment Meaning: To take on too much responsibility or involvement.
for raising awareness about To Detach the Paste from the Drum and to Roll Up the Mat of shouldering a big drum.” Example: He bit off more than he could chew by trying to resolve USAGES:
In order to improve information development issues and en- At the conclusion of a Myanmar theatrical performance, it is This idiom conveys the irony of becoming entangled in a situation everyone’s problems. “Know your place”
technology, it is necessary to hancing international col- necessary to detach the paste used for tuning the drums and to roll despite intending to provide help or resolution. The fable illustrates “A double-edged sword” Definition: Recognize your role within a hierarchy or social
reform educational institutions laboration to address these up the mats used by the audience. how even good intentions can lead to unintended consequences. Meaning: An action that can yield both positive and negative context.
challenges. Established by the Therefore, to finish a task completely is referred to as “detaching The image of shouldering a cumbersome drum emphasizes the consequences. Example: It’s important to remember to know your place in the
that initiate the lives of children
United Nations General As- the paste from the drum and rolling up the mats.” burden one bears as a result of meddling or intervening in conflicts Example: His good intentions were a double-edged sword, company before critiquing the manager.
so that they can enjoy the sembly in 1972, this day coin- This Myanmar idiom embodies the importance of completion that may not directly involve them. creating more complications. “Don’t bite off more than you can chew”
development of modern cides with United Nations Day, and closure in any endeavour. When a theatrical performance con- This serves as a warning against overstepping boundaries; the “Playing with fire” Definition: Avoid taking on a task that exceeds your capabilities.
society. As such, it is necessary commemorating the adoption cludes, it is symbolic of wrapping up the event and signifies that all act of eavesdropping and holding the drum becomes a cumbersome, Meaning: To engage in risky or dangerous behaviour that may Example: She wanted to tackle the whole project by herself,
of the International Develop- tasks related to it have been finalized. shared punishment, illustrating that good intentions do not always lead to trouble. but her friend cautioned her not to bite off more than
to turn out human resources
ment Strategy for the Second This action reflects a broader life lesson about the significance lead to positive outcomes. Example: Trying to mediate their argument felt like playing with she could chew.
with higher skills in information United Nations Development of seeing things through to the end. Whether in work, relationships, Ultimately, it captures the idea that sometimes, it’s better to fire. “Cut your coat according to your cloth”
technology and deploy them Decade in 1970. The Assembly or personal projects, completion ensures that nothing lingers or remain uninvolved rather than bear the unnecessary weight of Definition: Live within your means and act according to your
to improve society, relying on recognized that improving the remains unresolved. others’ issues. ခွာရာတိုင်း resources.
dissemination of information The metaphor invokes an imagery of tidiness and re- / hkwar rar tine / Example: He dreams of driving luxury cars, but he should cut
correct information and public
and mobilizing public opinion sponsibility, suggesting that once a commitment is ful- USAGES: • To compare hoof marks his coat according to his cloth and opt for something
opinion on a daily basis. If so, — particularly among youth filled, one should take the necessary steps to tidy up and “Caught in the crossfire” • To analyze hoof prints more budget-friendly.
the country, combined with — could significantly enhance move on to the next chapter. Thus, it underscores the val- Meaning: To become involved in a conflict between two other • To examine hoof impressions “Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house”
relevant societies, will achieve awareness of developmental ue of closure and the need to complete what has been started. parties. Definition: Refrain from criticizing others if you’re susceptible
challenges and stimulate in- Example: She didn’t mean to take sides; she just got caught in When a small buffalo intends to confront a giant buffalo, it exam- to similar faults.
greater process and success in
ternational cooperation. USAGES: the crossfire. ines its own hoof marks in comparison to those of the larger animal. Example: He has no right to complain about her actions; after
applying it to the people. For countries like Myan- “Close the book” all, don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house.
mar and others around the Meaning: To end or finish a discussion or activity. “Go back to the drawing board”
globe, improving information technology infrastructure is vital. By Example: After a long meeting, we decided to close the book on Definition: Restart a project because the current approach
fostering a culture of informed discourse and active public engage- the project. has not worked.
ment, nations can implement essential projects that benefit both “Bring it to a close” Example: After receiving critical feedback on her proposal,
the state and its citizens. The positive effects of such initiatives can Meaning: To conclude something decisively. she realized it was time to go back to the drawing
lead to enhanced socioeconomic conditions, creating opportunities Example: It’s time to bring this discussion to a close. board.
for individuals to thrive. “Tie up loose ends” “Face the music”
The role of information and public opinion in contemporary Meaning: To complete any remaining tasks. Definition: Confront the consequences of your actions.
society cannot be overstated. Governments must actively work to Example: Before going on vacation, I need to tie up all loose Example: After sneaking out last night, he had to face the music
harness these elements, transforming them into powerful tools ends at work. when his parents discovered the truth.
for development and societal advancement. By prioritizing the “Put a finishing touch on it” “Don’t put the cart before the horse”
dissemination of information and promoting active public partici- Meaning: To add the last detail or improvement. Definition: Avoid mixing up priorities or doing things in the
pation, countries can ensure a more informed populace, ultimately Example: I just need to put a finishing touch on my painting wrong order.
driving progress and improving the quality of life for all citizens. before I show it. Example: We should finalize a business plan before seeking
In order to improve information technology, it is necessary to “Wrap it up” funding; let’s not put the cart before the horse.
reform educational institutions that initiate the lives of children so Meaning: To finish or conclude something. “Call it a day”
that they can enjoy the development of modern society. As such, Example: Let’s wrap it up before we run out of time. Meaning: To conclude your work or activity for the day.
it is necessary to turn out human resources with higher skills in “Cross the T’s and dot the I’s” Example: It’s been a long day, so let’s call it a day.
information technology and deploy them to improve society, relying Meaning: To finish with attention to detail.
on correct information and public opinion on a daily basis. If so, Example: Before submitting the report, make sure to cross the ပတ်စာခွာ ဖျာသိမ်း    ပတ်ထမ်းတွေ့ ခွာရာတိုင်း
the country, combined with relevant societies, will achieve greater T’s and dot the I’s. / pá sa khwa hpja thein:/ / paat htam twae/ / hkwar rar tine /
process and success in applying it to the people.
24 OCTOBER 2024

Illegal trade crackdown seizes goods worth over K475M
action was carried out in line
with Customs procedures.
The joint on-duty teams
captured 21 barrels of illegal
petroleum and two barrels of
diesel (worth about K5.962 mil-
lion) in Pathein District, two
kinds of foodstuffs worth K2.89
million in Ngaputaw Township,
an unregistered Honda Airwave
(estimated value of K9 million)
in Hinthada Township and ille-
gal teak weighing 0.479 tonne
and illegal timbers weighing
6.92 tonnes worth K382,744 in
Myanaung and Pathein Dis-
Illegal personal goods, industrial materials and vehicles being confiscated in Shan State. tricts. The action was taken
under the Petroleum and Petro-
EFFORTS to combat illegal tonnes valued at K1.124 million Muse Township, and a Mitsubi- carrying two kinds of consumer leum Products Law, the Excise
trade, overseen by the Illegal in Lewe, Ottara and Pyinmana shi Fuso truck (estimated value goods and two kinds of food- Law, the Export-Import Law
Trade Eradication Steering Districts. The action was taken of K50 million) carrying 13 kinds stuffs worth K6.06 million with- and the Forest Law.
Committee, are being carried under the Forest Law and Cus- of industrial materials and ten out official documents at the Overall, on 21 and 22 Oc-
out effectively following the law. toms procedures. kinds of consumer goods worth Nyaungkhashay x-ray station, tober, 33 arrests were made,
On 21 and 22 October, the Similarly, the combined K57.569 million without official two vehicles (estimated value leading to the seizure of ille-
combined on-duty teams cap- teams conducted inspections documents in Hopong Town- of K63 million) carrying seven gal items worth approximately
tured industrial materials worth and seized an Isuzu box truck ship. The action was conducted types of foodstuffs and two kinds K475 million. The Illegal Trade
K61.184 million without official (worth approximately K15 mil- as per Customs procedures. of industrial materials valued Eradication Steering Commit-
documents from a container at lion) carrying four kinds of in- Furthermore, a combined at K14.055 million without offi- tee has reported that unlawful
the Asia World Port Terminal dustrial materials and consumer team supervised by the Tanin- cial documents at the Myitnge trade poses a significant obsta-
container checkpoint, industrial goods valued at K24.462 million thayi, Bago and Mandalay Re- checkpoint and a Mitsubishi cle to the country’s economic
materials valued at K56.729 mil- without official documents at gion Illegal Trade Eradication Fuso truck (estimated value of development and significantly
lion without official documents the Thanlwin Bridge (Tayoth- Task Forces confiscated an un- K17 million) carrying ten kinds impacts the socioeconomic sec-
at the Yangon International Air- la side) combined checkpoint, registered Honda Insight (es- of industrial materials worth tor. Consequently, the commit-
port (Import Desk), and illegal five types of smuggled jewellery timated value of K9 million) in K39.976 million without official tee has stated its commitment
teak weighing 1.366 tonnes and worth about 1.71 million near Myeik Township, two vehicles documents at the Singaing toll- to intensifying efforts against
illegal timbers weighing 1.284 the Sinphyu border crossing in (estimated value of K40 million) gate in Singaing Township. The illicit trading. — MNA/MKKS

Myanmar film ‘If My Lover Were a Counter-argument to false information

Flower’ to screen at Philippines film Media accuses security forces of
festival in Nov abducting 50, killing 22 in Butalin
‘CHIT Thu Tha Pan Ta Pwint Phyit Khe MALICIOUS media outlets
Hlyin’ (If My Lover Were a Flower), a My- intentionally spread false
anmar film, has been selected to screen at information, claiming that,
the QCinema International Film Festival security forces detained 50
to be held in the Philippines in November. people as hostages and killed
Academy Sai Sai Kham Leng, Academy 22 civilians in Butalin town-
Wut Hmon Shwe Yi, Academy Min Oo, Min ship of Sagaing Region.
Thu, Academy Khin Zarchi Kyaw, Academy According to the securi-
Khin Mo Mo Aye and many other actors and ty officer, security measures
actresses starred in the movie. Featuring were taken as usual to curb
many natural beautiful scenes of Shan State, the entry of insurgents and
the film attracted many supportive fans. terror attacks in Butalin This screenshot validates fake news.
The movie has been selected to be Township, Sagaing Region.
shown as a Special Screening at the QCin- There was no abduction and murder cases. PDF terrorists brutally
ema International Film Festival in the Phil- murdered six innocent people in Sipa Village, Butalin Township, and
ippines to be held from 8 to 17 November, the State-run media already announced that news on 21 October.
said Director Kaung Zan. Subversive media outlets intentionally spread fake news to
During the screening of the film, it re- This image shows the names of the films selected mislead the people about security forces, to cover terror attacks
ceived many positive reactions from the to be screened at the Philippines Film Festival, their of terrorists, to instil fear among the public and to jeopardize the
audience. — Htet Oo Maung/ZN directors, and their countries. State’s stability. — MNA/KTZH
24 OCTOBER 2024


‘Serious business’: influencer

degree launches in Ireland
Course director Irene McCormick, a former television producer,
noted that the initiative stemmed from a successful summer
crash course called “Digital Hustle”, which attracted 350
applicants for just 30 spots.

Ruari Black is one of only a few remaining craftsmen in Edinburgh who IT’S a job that didn’t exist until
makes bagpipes by hand. PHOTO: AFP recently but becoming an influ-
encer is an ever more popular
career path among Gen-Z youth

‘One of the last’: in the modern era of social me-


handmade bagpipes a
Now a first-of-its-kind
course at an Irish university is
teaching wannabe influencers
dying art in Scotland how to convert online presence
and content on platforms such
as Instagram, TikTok and You-
THE Highland bagpipe is an inte- Edinburgh, crafting the iconic Tube into revenue streams.
gral part of Scottish culture and instrument by hand at Kilberry. “Influencing is something
history, famous for its distinctive, The intricate process in- that’s catching fire,” course di-
powerful sound that even accom- volves nine stages, taking about rector Irene McCormick told
panied troops as they landed in AFP at South East Technolog- South East Technological University (SETU) in Carlow, eastern
a week to complete each set of
Ireland is running a course in the subject. PHOTO: AFP
northern France on D-Day. Highland bagpipes. Black em- ical University (SETU) in Car-
But the wind instrument is phasizes the distinct sound and low, an hour’s drive southwest
slowly growing silent as demand character of handmade pipes, from the capital Dublin. four-year bachelor’s degree in pus buzzes with students en-
dwindles and machine-made bag- appealing to both experienced The idea grew out of a sum- “Content Creation and Social gaging in social media during
pipes replace traditionally craft- musicians and beginners. mer crash course “Digital Hus- Media” after recognizing strong breaks, reflecting their digital
ed ones, consigning their use to Despite bagpipes’ long histo- tle” launched by McCormick demand. immersion. Many participants
largely ceremonial occasions. ry in Scotland, many producers that was taught by TikTokers Accredited after two years aim to enhance their skills in
Just off Edinburgh’s historic have shifted to machine-made in- and attracted 350 applicants for of development, the course online audience engagement,
Royal Mile, which sweeps down struments, which lack the unique 30 places. McCormick, a former welcomed its first cohort of 15 as self-learning alone isn’t suffi-
from the city’s imposing castle qualities of artisan creations. television producer, launched a students last month. The cam- cient for career growth. — AFP
to the Palace of Holyroodhouse, With a current wait time of
is a faded storefront sign for ar- two years for a custom-made set,
tisan bagpipe maker Kilberry Black notes that customers val-
Ruari Black is among the
ue the craftsmanship and sound
associated with traditional meth-
Toxicology tests show Liam Payne
last artisan bagpipe makers in ods. — AFP
had ‘multiple’ drugs in system
POP star Liam Payne had when he fell to his death from Monday.
UN group questions France multiple drugs including
crack cocaine and meth-
a hotel balcony in Argentina,
according to initial toxicology
The British singer and
former One Direction mem-
over racial profiling amphetamine in his system reports cited by US media on ber died last week at the age
of 31, after plunging from a
third-floor hotel room in Bue-
A United Nations group on Tues- mittee’s vice-president, said nos Aires.
day raised the issue of racial pro- during a regular examination of ABC News and TMZ said
filing by French police during France that the body had been a cocktail of drugs called
identity checks. informed that “people of colour “pink cocaine” — containing
The UN’s committee respon- are subject to identity checks by methamphetamine, ketamine
sible for verifying the application police approximately 20 times and MDMA — had been found
of the International Covenant on more often than other citizens”. during a partial autopsy, citing
Civil and Political Rights said it The French delegation at anonymous sources familiar
“continues to receive disturbing the meeting responded that with the preliminary tests.
information about systemic rac- the codes governing France’s Crack cocaine and ben-
ism and the persistence of racial security forces “explicitly” ban zodiazepine were also listed.
and ethnic profiling, and about discriminatory identity checks, An “improvised alumi-
the inadequacy of complaints and that the security forces all num pipe to ingest drugs”
handling procedures”. receive training on this issue. Fans have paid tribute to British singer Liam Payne in front of the was also found in the room,
Yvonne Donders, the com- — AFP hotel where he died in Buenos Aires. PHOTO: AFP ABC reported. — AFP
24 OCTOBER 2024


IMF maintains 2024 global growth forecast at

3.2% warns of geopolitical tensions
Increased volatility in financial markets has raised concerns about
hidden vulnerabilities, particularly following a turbulent summer.
THE International Monetary significant shifts in trade and trade, investment and the free
Fund (IMF) on Tuesday main- fiscal policy,” the report said. flow of ideas. “This could affect
tained its global growth fore- “Moreover, the return of long-term growth, threaten the
cast in 2024 at 3.2 per cent, financial market volatility over resilience of supply chains, and
consistent with its projection the summer has stirred old fears create difficult trade-offs for
in July, according to its newly about hidden vulnerabilities. central banks,” it said.
released World Economic Out- This has heightened anxiety In response to a question
look (WEO). over the appropriate monetary from Xinhua, IMF Chief Econo-
The level of uncertainty sur- policy stance — especially in mist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas
rounding the global economic countries where inflation is per- said at a press conference that
outlook is high, the report noted. sistent and signs of slowdown rising geopolitical tensions are
“Newly elected govern- are emerging,” it further said. “something that we are very
ments (about half of the world The report also noted that concerned about”, noting that IMF Chief Economist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (2nd L) speaks at a
population has gone or will go to a further intensification of ge- there are two dimensions of the press conference in Washington, DC, the United States, on 22 October
the polls in 2024) could introduce opolitical rifts could weigh on impact. — Xinhua 2024. PHOTO: HU YOUSONG/XINHUA

Cambodia’s trade with RCEP countries Bangladesh’s garment

rises to over US$25 bln in first 9 months export to Europe falls 3.53%
in January-August
WHILE retaining its second extortion casting a shadow over
place in garment exports to the normal business operations, ac-
European Union (EU) market, cording to the report.
Bangladesh saw the apparel The situation was exacer-
shipments dropped 3.53 per bated by spells of labour unrest
cent from January to August to in industrial belts of the South
US$12.90 billion due in large part Asian country since September,
to domestic political turmoil and which led to production losses
labour unrest, local media report worth $400 million, showed data
said Wednesday, citing Eurostat from the Bangladesh Garment
data. Manufacturers and Exporters
High inflationary pressures Association.
on the European economy also The impact from months of
A lorry drives out of the Hong Leng Huor Dry Port on the western suburb of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on had an impact, The Daily Star turmoil on business operations
13 January 2022. PHOTO: PHEARUM/XINHUA/FILE newspaper reported. included work order cancella-
Bangladesh’s garment tions and postponement of fac-
CAMBODIA’S trade with Re- The kingdom’s trade vol- The country exported exporters have been mired in tory visits by representatives of
gional Comprehensive Eco- ume with the fellow RCEP products worth $6.76 billion to crises in past months, with po- international clothing retailers
nomic Partnership (RCEP) members accounted for 61.6 the RCEP countries, up 16.3 litical and economic uncertainty and brands, according to the
countries hit US$25.54 billion per cent of its total trade vol- per cent, while it recorded the as well as incidents of arson and report. — Xinhua
in the first nine months of 2024, ume during the period, said import of goods worth $18.78
up 17.1 per cent over the same the report from the General billion from the RCEP coun-
period last year, a report said Department of Customs and tries, up 17.3 per cent, the re-
on Tuesday. Excise. port added. — Xinhua

Argentine govt replaces national tax agency

ARGENTINA’S government As of Monday, the Federal ture, said Manuel Adorni, the
on Monday announced the re- Administration of Public Rev- presidential spokesperson, at
placement of the country’s tax enues, better known as AFIP, a press conference. “This will
agency with the Tax Collection will cease to exist, and the mean a budgetary savings of
and Customs Control Agen- Tax Collection and Customs around 6.4 billion pesos a year This decline is attributed to domestic political turmoil, labour
cy as part of belt-tightening Control Agency will be cre- (about US$ 6.5 million),” he unrest, and high inflation in Europe, which have negatively affected
measures. ated with a simplified struc- said. — Xinhua demand. PHOTO: AFP/FILE
24 OCTOBER 2024


Starbucks Volvo Cars cuts sales forecast

preliminary results
show declining sales
on market headwinds
US coffee giant Starbucks August of Laxman Nar-
Volvo anticipates minimal growth in the fourth quarter.
on Tuesday released pre- asimhan, who had held
liminary results showing the post of CEO for only SWEDEN’S Volvo Cars The carmaker said
that sales are continuing 16 months. Preliminary on Wednesday drastical- its sales rose by three per
to fall, as the new CEO quarterly results showed ly cut its sales forecast cent to 172,849 cars in the
vowed a strategic over- that sales had fallen 3.2 for the year, saying car third quarter.
haul to turn the company per cent year-on-year to markets in China, Europe Revenue for the quar-
around. $9.1 billion. The company and the United States are ter came in at 92.8 billion
“Our fourth quar- reported preliminary ad- “increasingly under pres- kronor, just beating the
ter performance makes justed earnings per share sure”. 92 billion kronor report-
it clear that we need to of 80 cents. Full quarterly The Chinese-owned ed for the same period a
fundamentally change results are due to be pub- automaker reported a net year earlier.
our strategy so we can get lished on 30 October. profit of 4.4 billion kronor Operating income
back to growth and that’s The company said ($416 million) for the third meanwhile rose to 5.8
exactly what we are doing such results were driv- quarter, up from 3.2 billion billion kronor, up from 4.5
with our ‘Back to Star- en by “softness in North kronor for the same period billion kronor for the third
bucks’ plan,” CEO Brian America’s revenues in in 2023. quarter of 2023.
Niccol said in a statement. the quarter,” specifically a However, Volvo Cars “The car market in
“I believe that our prob- six per cent decline in US said it expected to see Volvo Cars said it expects to see minimal sales growth in the our main regions of China,
fourth quarter. PHOTO: AFP
lems are very fixable and comparable store sales, minimal growth in the Europe and the US is in-
that we have significant driven by a 10 per cent fourth quarter. year sales growth of 7–8 an said in the company’s creasingly under pressure
strengths to build on,” he decline in comparable “As a result of this, per cent instead of 12–15 third quarter earnings which affects demand,”
added. transactions — but par- we now anticipate full- per cent,” CEO Jim Row- report. Rowan said. — AFP
Niccol took over the tially offset by a four per
chain last month, after cent increase in average
the abrupt departure in transactions. — AFP
Libya’s livestock devastated by
foot-and-mouth disease outbreak
ON Najmeddine Tantoun’s duction, which plummeted has led to significant eco- nations could have miti-
farm near Misrata, Libya, from 70,000 litres to just nomic strain, causing meat gated the crisis
silence reigns where once 20,000 daily. Farmers in and dairy prices to soar. Libya’s ongoing strug-
dairy machines buzzed, as Misrata report losses of Salem al-Badri, head gles post-2011 uprising
an outbreak of foot-and- up to 70 per cent of their of the local cattle farm- complicate efforts, leaving
mouth disease has devas- cattle, with many now ers’ committee, criticized farmers to grapple with
tated livestock. resorting to slaughter to the government for inad- the fallout of both politi-
Starbucks is an American multinational coffee company
and coffeehouse chain, renowned for its specialty coffee Tantoun has lost near- control the epidemic. equate preventive meas- cal instability and the dev-
drinks, including espresso, lattes, and cold brews. ly half of his 742 cows, se- The delayed vaccine ures and slow action, astating disease affecting
PHOTO: AFP/FILE verely impacting dairy pro- response from authorities stating that timely vacci- their livelihoods. — AFP

Bengaluru to host Indian

Travel Expo 2024

BENGALURU is gearing up to host the Indian Travel Expo Consignees of cargo carried on M.V MSC Consignees of cargo carried on M.V CAPE
2024 from 25-27 November at the Manpho Convention FORTUNE VOY.NO. (SB441A) are hereby notified FELTON VOY.NO. (918N) are hereby notified that the
Centre, marking a significant event for the travel and that the vessel will be arriving on 24-10-2024 and cargo vessel will be arriving on 24-10-2024 and cargo will be
will be discharged into the premises of AWPT where it discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie
tourism industry. Organized by Way 2 Media Network
will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
Private Limited and co-organized by the Asian Arab Trade to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Chamber of Commerce, this expo aims to connect leaders, Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
innovators, and stakeholders globally. to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
Following the success of the Asian Travel Expo, the declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
Indian Travel Expo promises to offer a platform for pro-
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
fessionals to explore emerging opportunities. the Claims Day. the Claims Day.
Highlights include panel discussions on industry Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185
trends, networking sessions, a focus on sustainable tour- Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department
ism, and the Indian Travel Awards 2024. Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority
Supported by various associations and strategic part- Agent For: Agent For:
nerships, the expo is set to facilitate collaboration and idea M/S MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S.A (ONE) OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS LINE
exchange among participants. — ANI
24 OCTOBER 2024


Orban criticizes EU pressure, defends

Hungary’s sovereignty
HUNGARIAN Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivered a defiant
speech in Budapest on Wednesday, marking the 68th anniversary
of the 1956 revolution by emphasizing Hungary’s determination
to defend its national sovereignty against growing pressure from
the European Union (EU).
Addressing thousands of supporters, Orban likened the cur-
rent struggle against EU interference to Hungary’s historic fight for
freedom, while also criticizing Europe’s role in the ongoing Ukraine
conflict and warning of the potential dangers of further escalation.
“Brussels’s pressure on our country and government grows
stronger day by day,” Orban warned, highlighting what he described
as increasing efforts by the EU to undermine Hungary’s national
government.— Xinhua
The initiative, proposed by Thailand, aims to enhance cross-border travel among six Southeast Asian
countries. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

Cambodia to mull over Gates funds Harris

Thailand-proposed joint with $50 million
donation: Report
tourism initiative reported, citing three sources.
While Gates hasn’t public-
Cambodia is considering Thailand’s “Six Countries, One ly endorsed Harris, his sizable
Destination” initiative, aimed at boosting cross-border travel donation was made to Future
Forward, a “dark money” group
and tourism among six Southeast Asian nations. backing her campaign. The
funds were intended to remain
CAMBODIA is expected to mull capital Phnom Penh on Monday, ic channel, said the statement. anonymous, the report said.
over the Thailand-proposed said a Cambodian Ministry of According to the state- “Mr Gates’s donation went
“Six Countries, One Destina- Tourism’s statement issued on ment, the minister has not yet Bill Gates is an American specifically to Future Forward’s
billionaire, software developer,
tion” initiative, which aims to Wednesday. confirmed Cambodia’s support and philanthropist, best known nonprofit arm, Future Forward
facilitate the cross-border travel During the meeting, Huot for the initiative, as reported by as the co-founder of Microsoft USA Action, which as a 501(c)
among six regional countries. Hak informed the Thai side that some media outlets. Corporation. PHOTO: AFP/FILE (4) ‘dark money’ organization
Dusit Manapan, an advis- he took note of the “Six Coun- The Thailand-proposed does not disclose its donors, ac-
er to Thai Foreign Minister tries, One Destination” initiative initiative aims to enhance eco- US billionaire Bill Gates has cording to the people briefed. So
Maris Sangiampongsa, raised and requested the Thai side to nomic and tourism cooperation quietly donated $50 million to a any contribution by Mr Gates
the proposal during a courtesy provide comprehensive concept between Thailand, Cambodia, nonprofit supporting Vice-Pres- will never appear on any public
meeting with Cambodian Min- note and related documents of Laos, Brunei, Malaysia and Vi- ident Kamala Harris’s presiden- filing,” the media clarified. —
ister of Tourism Huot Hak in the this initiative through diplomat- etnam. — Xinhua tial run, The New York Times SPUTNIK

Venezuela inks cooperation

agreement with BRICS TV
VENEZUELA’S Minister of of Venezuela to be part of TV ty of our landscapes, the richness
Communication and Informa- BRICS, which broadcasts news of our culture ... will be able to be
tion Freddy Nanez has signed a from members of the BRICS bloc seen, will be able to be heard,
memorandum of cooperation be- and their partners. will be able to be understood,”
tween state-owned Venezuelan “The excitement we feel said Nanez.
Television (VTV), Caracas-based is the excitement of being in a There can be no economic
news network Telesur and TV place where we are going to be and political integration “if there
BRICS, VTV announced Tuesday useful,” said the minister, adding is no cultural integration first,”
in the Russian city of Kazan. that another Venezuelan chan- he noted. “The great TV BRICS
In statements to VTV, Nan- nel, VIVE TV, will soon be part family” has only one purpose, he
This agreement reflects Venezuela’s desire to strengthen ties with ez said signing the agreement of the cooperation agreement. added, “to make international
BRICS nations and promote its perspectives on global issues through the was a “big step” that allows the Through TV BRICS, “the communication democratic.” —
platform provided by BRICS TV. PHOTO: BRICS TV two channels that broadcast out true face of Venezuela, the beau- Xinhua
24 OCTOBER 2024

FIFA president Myanmar rowing team departs for
confirms at Dragon Boat World Cup
least 9 African
teams for 2026
THE Myanmar rowing team, led by Myan-
mar Rowing Federation Chairman U Thaung
Htike Min, departed yesterday morning from
World Cup Yangon International Airport to compete in
the 2024 ICF Dragon Boat World Cup and the
2024 ICF Dragon Boat World Championships.
FIFA President Gianni Infantino on Tues- These events will be held from 24 October to
day confirmed that at least nine African 3 November in Yichang, China, and Puerto
teams will compete in the 2026 World Cup Princesa, the Philippines.
that will take place in the United States, Officials from the Department of Sports
Mexico and Canada. and Physical Education, along with represent-
Infantino made the remarks when atives from the Myanmar Rowing Federation,
the 46th Confederation of African Foot- bid farewell to the team at the airport. The
ball (CAF) Ordinary General Assembly team includes Chairman U Thaung Htike
opened on Tuesday in Addis Ababa, the Min as the head of the delegation, Secretary
capital of Ethiopia, bringing together lead- U Thet Lwin, Coach U Phone Myint Tayza,
ers and delegates of member associations and ten athletes, totalling 13 members. — The Myanmar rowing team poses for the group photo at the Yangon International
from across Africa. Arkar Lin/KZL Airport yesterday.
"In World Cup 2026, there will be nine

Myanmar team departs for Myanmar U-17

Lancang-Mekong Sepak team suffers heavy
Takraw competition defeat in AFC Cup
THE Myanmar national Sepak October. Officials from the Myanmar
Takraw team departed on 22 October Sepak Takraw Federation saw off the IN the opening match of Group I at the
for Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Auton- team at Yangon International Airport. 2025 AFC U-17 Cup Qualifiers, held in
omous Region, People’s Republic Teams from Myanmar, China, Vietnam on 23 October, the Myanmar
of China, to participate in the Lan- Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Viet- team faced a crushing defeat against
cang-Mekong Sepak Takraw Compe- nam will compete in the tournament. Yemen, losing 1-6.
Lionel Messi holds the trophy after
tition, which will be held from 23 to 27 — Arkar Linn/KZL Myanmar struggled throughout the
Argentina beat France on penalties in last
year's World Cup final in Doha. match, unable to compete with Yemen.
PHOTO: AFP/FILE Just before halftime, Myanmar was re-
duced to 10 men after Bhone Myat Thu
or ten African countries (and regions) was sent off with a red card, which led to
participating in the World Cup," said In- further difficulties in the second half. Yem-
fantino, noting that the increase is to be en capitalized on this advantage, scoring
made in line with FIFA's expanded World two goals in the first half and four more
Cup format. in the second. Myanmar’s only goal came
Infantino urged African countries to in the 70th minute, scored by Thura Min
further invest in and unleash the potential Than.
of the continent's young football players. Myanmar is placed in the same Group
"I encourage all of you to continue as Yemen, Vietnam, and Kyrgyzstan. The
investing in youth football because those The Myanmar national Sepak Takraw team is seen before departing for China. team will face host Vietnam in their sec-
kids, those girls and boys, will be the stars ond group match on 25 October. — Ko
of tomorrow," he said. Nyi Lay/KZL
The president said FIFA is also con- Real Madrid pay injury price
sidering increasing the number of African
teams participating in the FIFA Women's for Champions League win
World Cup to six.
He also noted that Morocco is set to REAL MADRID have suffered a double injury blow in their preparations for Satur-
host the FIFA World Cup in 2030, which day's 'Clasico' at home to FC Barcelona in La Liga. Carlo Ancelotti's side produced
would make the country the second-ever an amazing second half comeback on Tuesday night to go from 2-0 down at home
African nation to host the World Cup. to Borussia Dortmund, to win 5-2, with Vinicius Jr scoring a hat-trick.
While addressing the opening session However, the win has come at a price with the club confirming on Wednesday
of the Assembly, Ethiopian President Taye that goalkeeper, Thibaut Courtois has suffered an injury in his left abductor muscle.
Atske Selassie appealed to the CAF to Although the club report on their official website that Courtois' injury is "pending
endorse Ethiopia's bid to host the 2029 evolution," the fact he suffered a similar injury that sidelined him for two weeks
Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON 2029) tour- before the last international break, implies he will not be fit for Saturday, with Andriy Myanmar and Yemen teams are in action
nament. — Xinhua Lunin stepping into the team. — Xinhua during the game. PHOTO: MFF

Cambodia to mull over
Thailand-proposed joint
tourism initiative

Xi advocates high quality development

of greater BRICS cooperation
C At the 16th BRICS Summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged member
HINESE President Xi Jinping
on Wednesday called on BRICS
countries to work for high qual- nations to unite for high-quality development and expand their cooperation.
ity development of greater BRICS co-
In a speech addressing the 16 th
BRICS Summit, Xi said the ongoing
BRICS summit has decided to invite a
number of nations to become partner
countries. He hailed the decision as
another important development in the
course of BRICS development.
Xi called on BRICS members to
build the multilateral mechanism into a
major venue of solidarity and coopera-
tion for the Global South and a vanguard
force for global governance reform.
He called on the BRICS members
to build BRICS for peace and act as
guardians of common security, urg-
ing the BRICS countries to uphold the
three principles of no expansion of the
battlefield, no escalation of fighting and
no provocation by any party, to work for
Chinese President Xi Jinping
de-escalation of the Ukraine crisis as
emphasized the need for BRICS to
soon as possible. champion peace, innovation, and
Xi called on the BRICS members to sustainability while leading reforms in
build BRICS for innovation and act as global governance to elevate the voices
pioneers for high-quality development. of the Global South. PHOTO: SPUTNIK
— Xinhua

Rich nations must pay more to tackle STRATEGIC DETERRENCE

climate change, G24 says DPRK top leader

inspects strategic
The G24 comprises a variety of emerging market
RICHER countries must put more
money on the table to support the
missile bases
and developing nations. world’s developing and emerging
market economies tackle climate and THE top leader of the Democratic People’s
development challenges, or risk undo- Republic of Korea (DPRK) has inspect-
ing recent progress, the G24 group of ed strategic missile bases, calling for the
nations said Tuesday. country’s strategic missile force to keep
“The global community is falling counteraction posture in response to the
short of attaining climate and devel- ever-increasing threat by the United States,
opment goals, and in providing the state media reported on Wednesday.
commensurate financial support to Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the
developing countries towards achiev- Workers’ Party of Korea and president of
ing them,” the G24 group announced the State Affairs of the DPRK, examined
in a statement. the readiness for action of strategic de-
The G24, which includes a wide terrence directly connected with the state
range of emerging market and devel- security, including the functions and ca-
oping economies including Argentina, pabilities of missile-launching facilities in
Ghana, Nigeria, and the Philippines, the missile bases and the strategic missile
met at the Annual Meetings of the combat duty, the official Korean Central
In Brazil, the escalating impacts of climate change have led to an increase in natural
disasters, threatening both biodiversity and the livelihoods of vulnerable communities. International Monetary Fund and the News Agency (KCNA) reported, without
An aerial view shows the flooded tarmac of Salgado Filho International Airport in the World Bank in Washington this week. specifying the exact date of the inspection
city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, on 20 May 2024. PHOTO: AFP — AFP tour. — Xinhua

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