Session 3 - Manufacturing Processes and Practices

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Session 03 :

Conventional Machining

ME3203 Manufacturing Processes and Practices

Dr. Krishan Wickramasinghe

PhD (Tokyo, Japan), MEng (Moratuwa, SL), BSc Eng (Ruhuna, SL)

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing

❑ Importance of machining

1. Variety of work materials.

2. Variety of part shapes and geometric features.
3. Dimensional accuracy.
4. Good surface finishes.

❑ Disadvantages associated with machining

1. Wasteful of material
2. Time consuming

❑ Basic Machining Operations

 Turning  Milling  Drilling

 Sawing  Grinding  Broaching

❑ Basic Machining Operations

 Shaping or Planing

❑ Independent variables in machining

1. Tool material and it`s condition

2. Too1 shape, surface finish, and sharpness
3. Work piece material, condition, and temp.
4. Cutting conditions, such as speed, depth of cut and feed
5. Cutting fluid
6. Quality of machine tool, such as stiffness
7. Damping

❑ Dependent variables in machining

1. Type of chip
2. Force and energy dissipated in the cutting process
3. Temp. Rise in the work piece, the chip, and the tool
4. Wear and failure of the tool
5. Surface finish

❑ Discontinuous chip

▪ When relatively brittle materials (e.g., cast irons)

are machined at low cutting speeds.

▪ This tends to impart an irregular texture to the

machined surface.

▪ High tool–chip friction and large feed and depth

of cut promote the formation of this chip type.

❑ Continuous chip
▪ When ductile work materials are cut at high speeds and
relatively small feeds and depths.

▪ A good surface finish typically results when this chip

type is formed.

▪ A sharp cutting edge on the tool and low tool–chip

friction encourage the formation of continuous chips. 07
❑ Continuous chip with built-up edge

▪ When machining ductile materials at low-to medium cutting speeds.

▪ Friction between tool and chip tends to cause portions of the work material to
adhere to the rake face of the tool near the cutting edge. This formation is called a
built-up edge (BUE).

❑ Mechanics of Chip Formation

Orthogonal cutting
▪ Cutting edge is perpendicular to the motion
direction of the tool
▪ Chip slides directly in the orthogonal plane
(directly up the tool surface)

Oblique Cutting

❑ Mechanics of Chip Formation

❑ Mechanics of Chip Formation

Chip thickness ratio

❑ Force Relationships and the Merchant Equation

▪ Relation of orthogonal cutting forces are developed by a scientist

named “Merchant”.


• The tool is perfectly sharp and there is no contact along the clearance face.
• The shear surface is plane extending upward from the cutting edge.
• The cutting edge is a straight line, extending perpendicular to the direction of
• No side flow of chip (uncut chip width = chip width).
• The depth of cut is constant.
• Cutting speed is continuous and constant.
• The cutting produces continuous chip without built up edge.

❑ Force Relationships and the Merchant Equation

▪ Resultant R0 must be equal in magnitude,

opposite in direction, and collinear with
the resultant R.

❑ Force Relationships and the Merchant Equation

▪ None of the four force components F, N, Fs, and Fn can be directly measured
in a machining operation.

▪ However, it is possible for the cutting tool to be instrumented using a force

measuring device called a dynamometer.

▪ So that two additional force components acting against the tool can be directly
measured: Fc - Cutting force , Ft - Thrust force

❑ Experimental setup to measure cutting forces and temperature

Tool modification for WTI temp. measurement

Cutting forces and cutting temperature were

monitored and recorded in real time.
❑ Simulation setup to analysis cutting temperature

Dry, Stress distribution

Modified Johnson–Cook equation
𝜀ሶ 𝑇
𝜎 = 𝐴 + 𝐵 𝑒𝑥𝑝 −𝑐𝜀 1 + 𝐶𝑙𝑛
𝜀0ሶ 𝑇𝑟

❑ Tool Wear and Failure

▪ Fracture failure

This mode of failure occurs when the cutting force at the tool point becomes
excessive, causing it to fail suddenly by brittle fracture.

▪ Temperature failure.

This failure occurs when the cutting temperature is too high for the tool material,
causing the material at the tool point to soften, which leads to plastic deformation
and loss of the sharp edge.

▪ Gradual wear.

Gradual wearing of the cutting-edge causes' loss of tool shape, reduction in cutting
efficiency, an acceleration of wearing as the tool becomes heavily worn, and
finally tool failure in a manner similar to a temperature failure.

❑ Tool Wear and Failure

Tool may fail due to any of the following reasons.

1) Temperature Failure

▪ Plastic deformation of the cutting edge due to

high temperature

▪ Cracking at the cutting edge due to thermal


▪ Typical temperature distribution

the cutting zone. Note the steep
temperature gradients within the
tool and the chip.
❑ Tool Wear and Failure

Rupture of tool point

▪ Due to mechanical shock or thermal fatigue
▪ Small fragments on the cutting edge: micro chipping

▪ Relatively large fragments: gross chipping or fracture

▪ High positive rake angle or too brittle of tool

❑ Tool Wear and Failure

The mechanisms that cause wear at the tool–chip and tool–work interfaces in

▪ Abrasion
▪ Adhesion
▪ Diffusion
▪ Chemical reactions
▪ Plastic deformation

❑ Taylor Tool Life Equation

▪ The discovery of this relationship around 1900 is credited to F.W. Taylor.

▪ It can be expressed in equation form and is called the Taylor tool life equation:

❑ Tool Life And The Taylor Tool Life Equation

❑ Tool Materials

The three modes of tool failure allow us to identify three important properties
required in a tool material,

▪ Toughness

To avoid fracture failure, the tool material must possess high toughness.

▪ Hot hardness

Hot hardness is the ability of a material to retain its hardness at high temperatures.

▪ Wear resistance

Hardness is the single most important property needed to resist abrasive wear.


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