Activity Book 3
Activity Book 3
Activity Book 3
Activity Book
Volume 3
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Help the dog fetch his ball! The solution can be found at the end of this book.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Word Search
The solution can be found at the end of this book.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Crossword Puzzle
Identify each item and fill in the crossword puzzle grid with the name. Use the
word bank if you get stuck. Answers are at the end of this book.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Mad Lib
One player acts as the “reader” and asks the other players, who haven’t seen the
story , to fill in the blanks with adjectives, nouns, exclamations, places and more.
These words are inserted into the blanks and then the story is read aloud to hilarious
results. There are no winners or losers, only laughter!
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Cooking with Kids Recipe
Fruit & Donut Kabobs
What you will need:
• Skewers
• Donut holes
• Your favorite fruits
How to make:
• One at a time, poke the skewer through the
donut holes and fruit.
• Arrange until the skewer is full, leaving
1-inch on each end.
• Suggestion: Have melted chocolate or
whipped cream for dipping.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Homemade Playdough
This craft will provide days worth of
entertainment. Kids can be proud they made
their own playdough!
How to make:
• Mix flour , salt, & cream of tartar in a
medium cooking pot.
• Add water , vegetable oil, vanilla extract/
essential oil, and food coloring (if using).
• Stir constantly over medium heat 3 to 5
• When the mixture forms a ball in the pot,
• When cool enough to touch, knead until
• Let cool.
• Mold, play and create!
• Put in a plastic bag and refrigerate to store
for later use.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Classifying Crayons
This activity is new way to have fun with crayons
before or after you color .
How to play:
• Ask your kids how many different ways
they can sort their crayons! Challenge them
to find five different ways to sort their
• Examples:
• Divide the crayons by color group -
reds, oranges, yellows, blues, greens,
• Divide the crayons into dark and light
• Divide the crayons into with paper
and without paper ,
• Divide the crayons into long and
• Remind them that when they classify or
sort, they should look for similarities and
differences in shape, size, color , texture,
weight, and other shared characteristics.
• Suggestion: This activity can also be done
with buttons, coins, marbles, books and
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Recycled Crayons
Recycle your old unusable crayons into little
pieces of art you can use again!
How to make:
• Preheat oven to 300 degrees F .
• Remove paper wrappers from crayons.
• Break crayons into small pieces.
• Place crayon pieces in the muffin pan, filling
each at least half full.
• Bake for 15-20 minutes or until wax has
completely melted.
• Remove pan from oven and allow to cool
completely .
• Once crayons have fully cooled, flip pan
over and firmly tap each circle. If some of
the crayons don’t pop out easily , just place
the pan in the freezer for 10-15 minutes
then try again.
• Admire your results, grab some paper and
give each color a go.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Indoor Bowling
Create a simple bowling alley in your house and
have fun. This game is ideal to build hand-eye
coordination in children.
How to play:
• Peel the wrappers off of the bottles.
• Paint the bottles and allow them to dry .
• Use the tape to create a bowling lane.
• Arrange the bottles at the end of the lane.
You may arrange them like bowling pins or
stack them on top of each other to form a
• Have the child roll or throw the ball to
knock the bottles down.
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Inventive Minds
This STEM activity brings out the creativity and
ingenuity in your child’s mind.
How to play:
• Ask your children to make a list of chores
they don’t like to do.
• Have them select one chore from their list
and tell them invent a machine to do that
• What’s the name of the invention?
• What is needed to build it?
• How does it work?
• Have your children draw a picture of their
Leaf Catcher
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Pitching Pennies
This coin toss game will help in building your
child’s hand-eye coordination and can teach
them the value of a penny!
How to play:
• Place the cup/plate on a chair or a table in
front of the children.
• Give each child 5 coins each.
• You can ask the child to take a few steps
away from the cup in accordance with his
• Have the child toss the coins, one at a time,
into the cup.
• The person with the most coins in the cup
• Suggestion: Teach the coins while playing.
Ask questions like “Who is on that coin?” or
“How much is that coin worth?”
• Suggestion: You can use marbles or ping
pong balls in place of pennies to play this
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Answer Sheet
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Word Search
Answer Sheet
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |
Crossword Puzzle
Answer Sheet
Village of Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department | (847) 438-5500 |