Analysis and Reduction of The Effect of Corona On Transmission Line System

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When an alternating potential difference is applied across two conductor,

whose spacing is large in comparison with their diameter then the atmosphere Air
surrounding the conductors is subjected to electrostatic stresses at low voltage
there is no change in the condition of atmosphere Air around the conductor,
However, when the potential difference is gradually increases a stage arrived
when a faint luminous glow of violet color appear together with a hissing noise,
these phenomenon is called visual corona and is accompanied by the production
of ozone which is ready detected because or it characteristic odor. [1]. The glow
is due to the fact that the atmosphere Air around the conductor becomes
conducting due to loss of energy which increases very rapidly once the visual
critical voltage is Exceed the power loss due to corona is heavily depends upon
weather condition during humid and moist climate corona loss is much increased
the energy loss accompanied by the phenomenon called the corona. A violet glow
is observed around the conductor it also produced ozone which can be readily
detected by it characteristic odour. When in an insulation system, the voltage
gradient (voltage stress) exceeds a critical voltage, the air molecules surrounding
the high voltage transmission line conductors become ionized (transient gaseous
ionization) resulting in partial discharges. Corona loss occurs if the line to line
voltage exceeds the corona threshold. The conductive region is not high enough
to cause electrical breakdown or arcing to any nearby objects [2]. Corona can
occur within voids of an insulator, at the conductor or at the insulator interface.
Rough surfaces are more liable to corona because the unevenness of the surface
decreases the value of the breakdown voltage. It can be detected due to its visible
light in form of purple glow consisting of micro arcs and its sound can be heard
through its hissing and cracking sound [3]. The smelling of the presence of ozone
production is noticed during corona activity [4]. The effects of corona are
cumulative and permanent and the failure can occur without warning. In
insulation system, corona discharges result in voltage transients. The effects of
corona associated with the operation of high voltage transmission lines include
radio interference, audible noise, gaseous effluents (Ozone and Nitrogen oxide)
and shock potential. Conductor voltage, diameter and shape, dusts, water drops,
and surface irregularities such as scratches are factors that affect the
performance and conductor’s electrical surface gradients. The energy loss due to
corona is transformed into sound, radio noise, chemical reactions of the air
components and heat [5]. Corona reduces the reliability of insulation system
thereby degrading insulation and causes system failure due to dielectric
breakdown. The study becomes necessary because of the prevailing negative
effect of corona parameters on the power loss of high voltage transmission lines.
The power loss under fair weather conditions and under stormy weather
conditions when investigated analyzed and simulated using MATLAB programs
gives the results, which help us to take necessary measures to minimize the
power loss under fair and stormy weather conditions. High quality insulated and
good service design underground high transmission cables can help to eliminate
the loss due to corona effect The advantage of corona is that the sound generated
during corona activity can be used to build high accuracy audio speakers and also
it has no mass to be moved to create the sound so that transient response is
improved. The controlled corona discharge can be used for filtrations and


In transmission line corona system has become one of the major problem that
causes power failure in our society and needed to be under consideration there
phenomenon called corona, this occur when the voltage between conductor of an
over head line Exceed the disruptive critical value a hissing noise is accompanied
by a violet glow appear. The physical state of the atmosphere as well as by the
condition of the line the corona is affected by the following factor.


· Atmospheric factor

· Size of Conductor factor

· Spacing between conductor factors

· Line voltage factor


So many power failures we are experiencing now a day is caused by corona

loss. This research will study the two vital methods that are used in the
calculation of corona and power loss. The two methods are

· W.F. Peek’s method

· Peterson’s method
According to peek’s method the power loss due to corona under fair weather
condition can be determined. And Peterson method which as to do with stormy
weather condition the disruptive critical voltage (dcv) is taken as 0.8 time that of
the fair weather value.


Transmission lines System carry electric energy from one point to another in
an electric power system. They can carry alternating current or direct current
or a system can be a combination of both. Also, electric current can be carried
by either overhead or underground lines.
Due to corona across the conductor, the sheath of air surrounding the
conductor becomes conductive which rises the conductor diameter virtually.
This virtual increase in the conductor diameter reduces the maximum
potential gradient or maximum electrostatic stress. Thus, the probability of
flash-over is reduced.


This phenomenon occurs when the electrostatic field across the transmission line
system conductors produces the condition of potential gradient. The air gets
ionized when the potential gradient at the conductor surface reaches the value of
30kV/cm at normal pressure and temperature.

In transmission lines system, conductors are surrounded by the air. Air acts as a
dielectric medium. When the electric field intensity is less than 30kV/cm, the
induced current between the conductor is not sufficient to ionize the air.
However, when the voltage of air surrounding the conductor exceeds the value of
30kV/cm, the charging current starts to flow through the air, that is air has been
ionized. The ionized air act as a virtual conductor, producing a hissing sound with
a luminous violet glow.


The corona discharges observed at the surface of a conductor are due to the
formation of electron avalanches which occur when the intensity of the electric
field at the conductor surface exceeds a certain critical value. There are always a
few free electrons in the air as a result of radioactive materials in the earth’s crust
and bombardment of the earth from other space. As the conductors become
energized on each half cycle of the AC voltage wave, the electrons in the air near
its surface are accelerated by the electrostatic field. The electrons having an
inherent negative charge are accelerated towards the conduction on its positive
half cycle and away from the conduction on it negative, half cycle. Corona is
formed when the voltages of a conductor passes the disruptive critical voltage
and disappear when the voltage descends through the same value. This occurs on
each conductor in every half cycle and developed a pulsating frequency.


The physical state of the atmosphere and the conditions of the transmission line
affects the phenomenon of corona. The factors which affect the corona loss in the
overhead transmission line are given as follows −

 Atmosphere – Since the corona loss is formed due to the ionization of the
surrounding air of the conductors. Therefore, the physical state of the
atmosphere affects the corona loss. In the stormy weather, the number of
ions is more than the normal and hence the corona occurs at very low
voltage as compared to the fair weather.
 Line Voltage – The corona loss is greatly affected by the line voltage. If the
line voltage is low, then there is no change in the condition of the air
surrounding the conductors and hence no corona occurs. Although, if the
line voltage has a very value such that there is the electrostatic stresses
developed at the conductor surface making the surrounding air conducting,
then corona effect takes place.
 Spacing between Conductors – If the spacing between the conductors is
made very large as compared to their diameters, then there may not be any
corona discharge. It is because the large space between the conductors
decreases the electrostatic stresses at the conductor which helps in
avoiding the corona formation.
 Size of the Conductor – The corona loss is also affected by the shape and
size of the conductors. The rough and uneven surface will give rise more
corona loss since the unevenness of the surface of the conductor reduces
the value of breakdown voltage. Therefore, a stranded conductor has
irregular surface and hence gives rise to more corona effect than a solid

The presence of corona can reduce the reliability of a system by degrading

insulation, over a long period of time. These effects of corona are cumulative and
permanent and failure can occur without warming. The causes of corona are:
· Light · Ultraviolet radiation

· Sound (hissing or cracking) as caused by explosion gas expansion

· Ozone

· Nitric and various other acid

· Salt, sometime seen as white powder deposit


· The sound generation effect of corona can be utilized to build accuracy audio

· The major advantage is that there is zero mass that need to be moved to create
the sound so that transient is improved.



In practice, it has been observed that the corona effect occurs at a line voltage of
33 kV or above. Therefore, careful design of the overhead transmission lines
should be made to avoid the corona loss at 33 kV or higher voltages, otherwise
highly ionized air may cause flashover in the line insulators or between the line
conductors, causing considerable damage to the equipment.

The methods used for reducing the corona effect / corona loss / corona discharge
are given as follows −

 By Increasing Conductor Size – The corona effect in the overhead

transmission lines can be reduced by increasing the conductor size. By
increasing the conductor size, the line voltage at which corona takes place
is increased and hence the corona loss is greatly reduced. Therefore, this is
one of the reasons that the aluminium-conductor-steel-reinforced (ACSR)
conductors which have large area cross-section are used in overhead
transmission lines.
 By Increasing the Spacing between Conductors – The large spacing
between the conductors reduces the electrostatic stresses developed at the
conductors, thus avoiding the corona formation. Therefore, by increasing
the spacing between the conductors, the line voltage at which corona
occurs is raised and thus the corona effect can be reduced. However, the
spacing between the conductors cannot be increased too much otherwise
the cost of supporting structure becomes very high, which is uneconomical .


In the case of parallel wires it is found that visual corona does not begin at the
voltage Vdo at which the disruptive gradient of air goes is reached. But at a higher
voltage Vuo called the visual critical voltage. The visual critical voltage is defined as
the minimum phase to neutral voltage which glow and appears all along the line
conductor thus, when corona begins the potential gradient g v at the conductor
surface is higher than the disruptive gradient go. According to Peek’s which states
that the disruptive critical voltage must be so exceeded.

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