Department of Political Science: M.A. III Semester, Academic Session 2020-2021 Open Elective
Department of Political Science: M.A. III Semester, Academic Session 2020-2021 Open Elective
Department of Political Science: M.A. III Semester, Academic Session 2020-2021 Open Elective
Basic Readings
1. O.P. Gauba, An Introduction to Political Theory,Macmillan (latest edition)
2. Andrew Heywood, Political Theory,Palgrave (latest edition)
3. Andrew Heywood, Political Ideologies,Palgrave (latest edition)
4. Will Kymlicka, Contemporary Political Philosophy, OUP (latest edition)
5. P.M. Bakshi, The Constitution of India, Universal Law Pub. (latest edition)
6. D.D. Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India,Lexis Nexis (latest edition)