Sabat 2023
Sabat 2023
Sabat 2023
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IEMN, University of Lille, Cité Scientifique, 59650, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
UMET, University of Lille, Cité Scientifique, 59650, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Dynamics and Acoustics Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens, Heroon Polytechniou 9, Athens,
Zografou 15780, Greece
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
We study both numerically and experimentally an acoustic metasurface based on coupled Helmholtz resonators to obtain broadband
low-frequency spectral responses for acoustic insulation. A hierarchical approach is proposed, starting from single and coupled Helmholtz
subwavelength size, and due to their economic viability, simplicity of modes, notably in the shape of a Fano resonance, we will place this
fabrication, and sensitivity to their geometric parameters. HRs have metasurface on a rigid plexiglass membrane. The paper is orga-
more generally been used for the demonstration of several functionali- nized as follows. The general model, based on ping-pong balls
ties like focalization of sound,20–22 anomalous reflection,23,24 refrac- acting as Helmholtz resonators, is presented in Sec. II, including
tion,25,26 and insulation of sound.27–29 useful descriptions of the numerical method and the experimental
However, one principal issue remains the narrowband setups. Section III is dedicated to the results and discussions, in
response of this type of structure and the difficult question of cov- which a hierarchy is adopted, starting from single and coupled
ering a large frequency spectrum, keeping a simple geometric Helmholtz resonators to a fully coupled periodic metasurface.
arrangement of the metasurface. In their study, Jiménez et al.30 Numerical results obtained on a single Helmholtz resonator with
demonstrated numerically, theoretically, and experimentally a one and two apertures are demonstrated experimentally.
broadband and asymmetric sound absorber based on an array of Subsequently, the system is expanded to investigate two coupled
Helmholtz resonators (HRs) with graded dimensions. Another way resonators with two apertures, as well as nine coupled resonators
to widen the frequency response is to introduce the coupling mech- with four apertures. Having exploited the behavior of a finite
anism between the resonators of the metasurface. Krynkin et al.31 system, we proceed to a periodic structure arranged in a square
developed analytically and validated experimentally a periodic array lattice deposited on a plexiglass board.
of scatterers based on a concentric arrangement of an outer N-slit
cylinder and an inner cylinder. The authors predict and demon-
strate the existence of bandgap resulting from the resonances of the II. METHODS
individual composite scatterers, below the Bragg scattering fre- Numerical simulations are performed using a finite element
quency. Romero-Garcia et al.32 highlighted the feasibility of achiev- analysis (COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6), based on the coupling of two
ing perfect absorption by critical coupling conditions in a physics modules, namely, pressure acoustics and solid mechanics.
metamaterial based on different numbers of HR ports. In their The first one, based on the Helmholtz equations solver, is used to
experimental study, Li et al.33 studied an acoustic metasurface com- define the propagation in the surrounding air, and the second one
posed of iterated pairs of rigidly coupled resonators. This configu- describes the solid part of the resonators. The validity of the
ration resulted in a remarkable phase opposition leading to numerical calculation applied to the HR geometry has been dis-
near-perfect absorption of incoming energy which effectively sup- cussed in our previous paper.36 Figure 1 shows a 3D representation
pressed sound reflection. Romero-Garcia et al.34 used this arrange- and its upper hemisphere of the ping-pong ball of thickness e and
ment to analytically and experimentally create complete sound radius R, connected to the outside air by an opening of radius r.
pressure level (SPL) 91 dB. The geometrical parameters, defined in two resonant frequencies are shifted to, respectively, 350 and
Fig. 1, are taken equal to R = 2 cm, e = 0.5 mm, and r = 1 mm. The 516 Hz, with a decrease in their quality factors (solid lines). This
acoustic wave is launched in front to the hole with a frequency phenomenon arises from the dissipation of the acoustic energy at
sweep ranging from 200 to 600 Hz. The amplitude of the wave is the opening by viscous interaction at the solid–fluid interface.
recorded inside the ping-pong ball and reported as output data. The experimental results shown in Fig. 6(b) represent the fil-
Figure 6(a) shows the calculated frequency spectrum of the SPL for tered frequency spectrum of the SPL recorded inside the ball with a
a ball with one and two openings without taking losses into microphone surrounded by an adhesive to prevent sound leakage
account (red and blue dashed lines). One can see the occurrence of into the air [Fig. 6(c)]. For each system, a resonance peak appears
a resonant frequency peak at, respectively, 380 and 545 Hz. When at, respectively, 350 and 515 Hz, in good agreement with the
introducing the losses, using the thermoviscous acoustic model, the numerical results obtained when considering the damping.
FIG. 4. (a) Ball drilling process using a drilling machine, and (b) a wooden cube for the simplification of the drilling process, with (c) the end result 4 cm ping-pong ball of
1 mm drilled hole.
FIG. 5. (a) Photo of the reverberation box (up) and schematic representation (down), positioning the loudspeaker, the metasurface, and the inside (Mic1) and outside
(Mic0) microphones. (b) Photo of the setup from the top with the foam, the metasurface, and the outside microphone (Mic1). (c) Arrays of (10 × 9) ping-pong balls drilled
with one hole (sample 1), and five holes (sample 2) of radius 2 mm.
FIG. 6. (a) Calculated frequency spectrum of the SPL for a single ping-pong ball pierced with one (red line) and two (blue line) openings of radius 1 mm, without (dashed
lines) and with (solid lines) consideration of thermoviscous losses. (b) Experimental results for a ping-pong ball with one and two openings (red and blue solid lines,
respectively). (c) Picture of the “microphone and ball” setup.
FIG. 7. (a) Calculated frequency spectrum of the SPL for two ping-pong balls with two openings coupled together, without (dashed lines) and with (solid lines) consider-
ation of thermoviscous losses. The black (respectively red) color corresponds to the signal recorded inside the first (respectively second) ball. (b) Experimental measure-
ment for the coupled balls with a detection inside the first (black) and the second ball (red) based on (c) the “microphones and coupled balls” setup.
FIG. 8. Experimental time evolution of the detected sound signal for the coupled ping-pong balls with double openings, recorded inside the first (up) and second (bottom)
ball, at the frequency of the first (left) and second (right) resonant peak.
FIG. 9. (a) Eigenmodes calculation of the nine-ball connected resonator. Numerical (b) and experimental (c) SPL recorded inside the central ball of a lossless (dashed
lines) and lossy (solid line) system.
preserved by the insertion of thermoviscous losses, showing never- In order to confirm the existence of the two peaks, a time
theless lower amplitude in addition to lower quality factors. The recording of the signal, p(t) inside each ball is reported in Fig. 8,
difference in amplitude between the two signals recorded inside the coming from the extraction of the chirp signal over 10 ms, at the
first and the second ball comes from the asymmetry of the system frequencies of the two peaks. One can clearly see that, at the low-
with respect to the incoming wave, which first reaches the left ball. frequency peak (370 Hz), the signals are in phase while at the
Experimentally, two ping-pong balls with two openings are higher frequency one (560 Hz), the two signals are in phase oppo-
glued together and placed in a face-to-face position, as shown in site. It means that the first resonance is symmetric while the second
Fig. 7(c). The system is then excited from the left by a chirp signal one is antisymmetric with respect to the plane between the
where the frequency increases linearly as a function of time. To get two balls.
FIG. 10. Calculated frequency spectrum of the transmitted SPL through a metasurface made (a) of one-hole (blue, black) and five-hole (red, green) balls of radius 1 (blue,
red) and 2 mm (black, green). The calculation is performed without (dashed line) and with the thermoviscous losses (solid line). (b) Transmission spectrum through the
five-hole metasurface, changing the lattice parameter a from 4.5 to 7 cm then 9 cm.
calculation of the system and found, as expected, nine modes eigenmodes (i), (v), and (ix) for which the pressure in the
shown in Fig. 9(a). We found three sets of modes, namely, two central ball is different from zero. Moreover, among all the
dipolar modes degenerated two times [(ii), (iii) and (vii), (viii)], modes, only the totally symmetric ones (i), (v), and (ix) are com-
two others which change sign under a π/2 rotation [(iv) and (vi)], patible with the symmetry of a normal acoustic excitation. As
and finally three modes totally symmetric [(i), (v), and (ix)]. before, when the thermoviscous losses are taken into consider-
The resonance properties of the nine-ball resonator struc- ation, the three peaks are shifted toward the low frequencies
ture have been tested both numerically and experimentally with a decrease in amplitude. The experimental demonstration
under the excitation of an acoustic plane wave launched in the was carried out by gluing nine balls together, positioning the
direction of propagation x. For the sake of experimental facili- microphone in the middle of the central resonator. The experi-
ties, the pressure has been detected in the central ball, as shown mental data, presented in Fig. 9(c), capture the three peaks
in the inset of Fig. 9(c). Figure 9(b) presents the numerical cal- obtained in the numerical calculation with a good agreement.
culation of the SPL, considering the lossless (dashed lines) and We then considered a periodic array of balls drilled with one
the lossy (solid line) system. Three peaks appear in the fre- or five openings of 1 or 2 mm, forming an infinite metasurface in
quency spectrum, which can easily be associated with the the (y, z) plane.
FIG. 11. (a) Calculated transmitted SPL for a metasurface of one-hole balls alone (black line) then deposited on a plexiglass stiff board (red lines). The calculation is per-
formed without (dashed line) and with the thermoviscous losses (solid line). (b) Representation of the real part of the pressure field at the frequencies of dips A and B,
and peak C. The radius of the hole is 2 mm and the incident wave is sent normally to the plexiglass plate with a sound pressure level SPL = 91 dB. [(c) and (d)] Same as
(a) and (b) for a metasurface constituted of five-hole drilled balls.
We first studied the case of a set of ping-pong balls drilled have proceeded to the calculation of the pressure field at the corre-
once with a 1 mm hole and arranged according to a square lattice. sponding frequencies [Fig. 11(c)]. One found that dip A corre-
As described in Sec. II and shown in Fig. 5(a), the acoustic plane sponds to the resonance of the ping-pong ball with a high pressure
wave is launched from the bottom, face to the plexiglass board. inside the ball in a phase opposition with the incident wave and a
Each opening is, thus, oriented face to the outgoing air medium. low transmission of the field after the metasurface. Dip B and peak
The transmitted pressure is then recorded with the help of a detec- C come from a mode localized in the air gap between the ball and
tor located 12.5 cm after the metasurface, as depicted in Fig. 2. the plexiglass board where the pressure is mostly confined. When
Figure 10(a) reports the evolution of the calculated SPL where the the vibration of the mode is in phase opposite to the incoming
blue lines correspond to the 1 mm hole case carried out with (solid wave, the transmission becomes zero and dip B occurs. Inversely,
line) and without (dotted line) the thermoviscous losses. when the vibration is in phase with the incoming wave, the signal
The resonance appears clearly as a narrow dip around 400 Hz, is transmitted, leading to peak C. This asymmetric feature is known
which widens considerably and almost disappears when the thermo- as a Fano-like resonance.41–43 A resonance similar to the one at the
viscous losses are considered. When enlarging the hole radius to origin of the asymmetric peak has also been observed by
2 mm, the dip becomes slightly deeper and larger, shifting to higher Lagarrigue et al. considering a 2D model of a split ring resonator
frequencies (black lines). These effects are enhanced when adding four embedded in a porous matrix (see Fig. 4 in Ref. 44). The authors
openings, making the connection between the ping-pong balls in the y have shown that energy can be trapped between the inclusions and
and z plane (red and green curves). To understand the origin of the a rigid backing.
broadening, Fig. 10(b) compares the transmission spectrum of a meta- Figure 11(c) presents the case of five-hole ping-pong balls
surface consisting of five-hole balls by changing the lattice parameter. metasurface coupled to the plexiglass board. The Fano-like reso-
As we can see, changing the lattice parameter from 9 to 4.5 cm widens nant peak (B–C) is still present at almost the same frequencies as
subsequently the bandgap while the resonant frequency is almost before, while dip A now appears at higher frequencies due to the
unchanged. This result demonstrates that the widening of the stop larger number of holes. A consequence of this shift is then that
band comes from the coupling between the ping-pong balls. now dip A appears in between dip B and peak C. Figure 11(d)
To perform the experience, it has been necessary to deposit shows the corresponding field maps at the frequencies of A, B, and
the ping-pong balls on a stiff plexiglass board of thickness 3 mm, C where the pressure field is localized both in the air gap between
covering the reverberation box [see Fig. 5(b)]. For this reason, we the resonator and the ball, and inside the resonator. This result
investigated numerically the configuration of the metasurface comes from the presence of the two modes in the same frequency
coupled to the plexiglass board (Fig. 11). In what follows, the ping- range.
FIG. 12. Experimental transmitted SPL spectrum recorded at 12.5 cm after the ping-pong ball metasurface deposited on the plexiglass stiff board, when the balls are
drilled with (a) one and (b) five holes (red curves), compared to the plexiglass board alone (black line).
This result is part of a project that has received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program INSPIRE under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Grant
Agreement No. 813424.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
FIG. 13. Calculated frequency spectrum of the transmitted SPL for a metasur- R. Sabat: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal); Formal
face of five-hole balls deposited on a plexiglass stiff board without thermovis- analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal);
cous losses with a surface of contact Sc of (a) 10 (black line) and 28 mm2 (red
line). The radius of the hole is 2 mm and the incident wave is sent normally to
Software (equal); Validation (equal); Writing – original draft
the plexiglass plate with a sound pressure level SPL = 91 dB. (equal). E. Cochin: Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal);
Writing – review & editing (equal). M. Kalderon: Methodology
(equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). G. Lévêque:
Conceptualization (equal); Software (equal); Supervision (equal);
plexiglass board which, in addition, is not fully regular in the Writing – review & editing (equal). I. Antoniadis: Writing –
experimental sample. Indeed, as seen in the numerical calculation review & editing (equal). B. Djafari-Rouhani: Conceptualization
of Fig. 13, changing the contact surface from 10 to 28 mm2 shifts (equal); Supervision (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
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