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Name- úhivam Kouahik

Class - CSE-HC
Rol no- 023965027 22
uyi ohat are the laity them
difrent typea of aignals.characdoisi
be dassified based on vario,
Arsi ionala can
d- Continous time aignalp : Desined for ewey ingtant of
tme and are also encoLon au analog ignal dinrde
2 Disaete tBme aignal: Definedu'ony at
irnstarts oftime. heir amplitude cohtnuow,kut they
are disrte in me. uncentainity in the
Haye no
3. Deteuministie signay: irutart of time ad fave
ampltude and phat
requar ande ale or
patexnike iHe orsquate avg
alnot their
Hawe uncextainity. mathematical
4 Random signalaannot
ccusence ad be epresented by
6e círcit.
equatorA , such as thermal 'noise in aselectric
s Periodic Signala: Repeat themaevey at reguwar
intervale t time
Apeiodie signals: Do not repeat at refular interva
6 not exhibit any periodiit ove time.
and are they do (an take any value
Analog signals: Thepe oigmala
otthina contiruou range
8 Digtal Sienala: These aignals have disuete _levely
often reprented ly binavý digits (o and n)
9g. UridirecHonal aionala: Thepe oinal propagaBe
in one direction ony
Bidirechona) aignalp:Ihepe algnala anise fom
1o- random
om procene).
F(S) and hence nd
Caug Prouve f(o) 2($+)
fro) for fs 5
cfoentiatin propety of 2T
As By time
dx(t)st dt - Sf(S) - x(0)

daltesttt + x(o)
Sf)J dt
s ’ of botthdide
Taking imie S
im Sf() =lim rdalt)
e t + x(ot)
dt eJolt +x(o)
ot x(ot)
[zlo) im $f(s)
Cobcul ction
F(s) > Sx 2(s+I)

im sf) lim S X 2s(t)

limsFs) 2s°(! t)
Ain s F(s) =
im sf) = 2 (4 ) 2.
Sm sF(s) 22
transform. FAnd the z- rangfom of
Auus he zz- ransform is a mathematical tool wed in
disrete-time sional procesing to an alyze and
rangfom osrte sienals.sls thedulete- tine
Counter part of the laplace tansform. ohich is used
for continouAme sighal het-tranvtorm
dicrete-time x [n] u given by the ea"
n= - o

shee, zz ü a complex vaúcble

The witstep funchon,denoted au an],a defined ou
To find the z-traaform of the uitAtep finction ,oe
auibstitute uln] ndo the transform e
U(z) = no

Now,thçg Sum sa geometric ig:


3erieA r
the fomala for thepeun on nfiuite geometic
U(z) =
hu the z-trongfom he nit dtep funcion ub]a

Out Cay Syntheaize the follouwing igna


2 2

(5) And the laplace transform of Kr)

e) Solve the
x+ 3z' x o, x(0)= 2 ,
( K

) f) Kr(t) - Kr (t-1) + Kr t-2)

Lohee kK ua
a alope and slope -9y


C9 (t) - &r (t)- Qult-) - ult-8)

( the laplace tranform the unit atep fnchon
hion ult)
u s,huy the oplace tranaform wilbe
%, Lohere K) is the' witatep function
at time t o .

oe AstfAnd he charadistig eg by aubstitutig
X= ert o the en:
rt3r+ 2 O
(t+)lrtI) =0
So, r= - 2 , r
The generalAou is then,
xlt) C,e + Cet
Nou ue wse the particular solution initial cond;r
(ot) =-3
from o)=2: from x(o+) = 3
2- C + C -3= -2C -G
Solving thepe equations aimultaneeouly
ohoue puting thege values ,the poti ta sputiar

find the coeffidert of exponential fowier seriu

ys to) given blous
of the

(b) Define LTI systen and dËscus st properties.

As (a) To find the coefficlert of the exponertial
sesdes for tHhogiven waveform, uoe need to compute
he folleoit htega
Chtse) e

Loheve T i peiod of the oaweform

" fus is the çiuet weform
" n uthe harmoric
LOo - nu he fundamertal frequoney.
Lets denote the întervala: Line
.ntenal 4 o<t 1 dtratgynt
honzontal ine at level A
. inteval 2
" intewal 3: 2 < t<4L, A3 aastaiahtline
inteal 4: 4 e
letx calcul ate n for n=O,tl,12 -.
for n 0;
'O.edt t A-e'dt+ o.et. (A) edt

for no
(o.,jnotdt A t

A -4n jnuo
Cn -trjnénjnuo
Caleulode a for gpeejf vadues

n= -2
A An UTI (Linear Time Jnvariard )aytem å a fundam ental
Concept in aignal procesing and cotrol theory'
tere are ts key propeties '
ia inear t ifsatisfes
) Lineanty- The syptemmeaningHat the
popbthom priiple , inptt acy)
procuces output y) and input x,tt)a cndprodu ces
output g(t) the he for any constants a ay (t) by.le).
input a,(t) +bx,tt prkbuces eutput
2) ime Invariance- The dyutemdignal stime- invarlant
ffa time shift in he in plt resuts in the
he butuional. Math
Some ime hiftin correponoi to input t)
if yt) i theotput corresponshuy ohe input lt-r)
hen the output
tiné dela
3) Homo qeneity- Jts aApecial Caje of
Loherehe syotem datiafiea theproperes
Loherehe and ,e) procutes
additvity- f z,(t) prouces ylt)
Ben ai lé) produce ayl3.
An I yten oconsidened atable f bounded
y) Stabily- outauta . Mathem aticialty?
inputa prodlue bowtd împlies that lyl <C or al
( () < M forandallNt ae frite
t conaanta.
t, ohere M
Convoluetion-The Otaut of
5) Tme- Invariantto an put x(t) ca be obtained
by convolwmg the input agnal oith the
Pkikulpe reporge hlt). * Mahematicalby
denote con1
x() * ht) ,ohere

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