EFSMA Recomendaciones
EFSMA Recomendaciones
EFSMA Recomendaciones
WHAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE PPE? significance for soccer players and rugby or American
The PPE is a medical and legal document developed football to evaluate the risk of cerebral harms.
following a standardised periodic evaluation performed The musculoskeletal manual screening combines both
by SEM doctors. It is a complex assessment of the health history and physical examination, to be informed about
status, growth and development process and perfor- previous injuries in asymptomatic athletes. The clinician
mance level. The SEM doctor assumes responsibility for can detect more than 90% of significant musculoskel-
signing off the PPE, stating that the person can practise etal injuries. The physical screening examination is 51%
a sports activity with the maximal intensity and duration sensitive and 97% specific. So the physician can obtain
for himself without any contraindications and participate whether the player has had either a previous injury or
in competitions at the levels indicated. Other important even signs or symptoms of injury (eg, pain or tenderness;
objectives of PPE are to identify factors that may affect asymmetric muscle bulk, strength or range of motion;
performance and factors that increase the risk of future or any obvious deformity). This can be detected during
illness and ensure an appropriate medical treatment the examination or history, the relevant elements of a
following antidoping regulation.18 At the same time, PPE site-specific examination should be performed.19 It is
has a great contribution to the scientific management of essential to identify current or past injuries and possible
sports activity to maintain the well-being and health of sequelae to determine the athlete’s possible risk factors
the athletes. in the future and preventative programmes may be
The PPE should entail the following diagnostic compo- recommended.20
nents: Cardiac complications comprise rhythm and cardiac
►► Health status. structural abnormalities and inborn diseases such as
►► Anthropometry. Marfan-syndrome (see above). A comprehensive medical
►► Functional and exercise capacity. history, a proper clinical examination alongside a resting
ECG can detect occult or congenital diseases that may be
Health status life-threatening or disabling.
Health assessment is based on family medical history, ECG interpretation requires excellent education in and
personal medical history, training history, training infor- knowledge of the physiological adaptations of athlete’s
mation and medical complaints: symptoms and signs. heart and in deep knowledge of the abnormalities
Standardised history and clinical examination with suggestive of a disorder. Current international criteria for
digital or ‘e-documentation’ are recommended, storing ECG interpretation expanded the legitimacy and validity
or paper documentation should be implicit avoided. of the results: the rate of false- positive and negative
Establishing the objective health status by physical discoveries declining significantly.3 International sports
examination includes the evaluation of dermatological medicine and cardiology societies endorsed the interna-
conditions, lymph nodes, musculoskeletal system, respi- tional criteria for ECG interpretation in athletes.21
ratory system, cardiovascular system and resting ECG The digitalised ECG recordings with software support
with 12 leads digital recording and software supported. based on the international criteria are highly sensitive
Abdominal, neurological, ophthalmological and ENT and specific, increasing ECG interpretation’s validity. The
examinations, blood and biochemical tests, urine European Association of Preventive Cardiology recently
samples should also be assessed. Important goals of PPE released a position paper concerning the preparticipa-
are early detection and prevention of severe complica- tion cardiovascular evaluation in athletes21 and several
tions during sports activities in both leisure time and consensus papers with recommendations for participa-
competitive sports.2–5 tion in competitive and leisure time sports in athletes
The athlete’s history forms have been listed above.1 with cardiac diseases.5 22 23
The needed information consists of the year when the While interpreting the ECG, physicians should look
athlete started with sports, current type of sports, and out for any rhythm or conduction abnormalities, QRS
results he obtained in competitions, and types of training morphology, abnormal axis deviation, alteration of the
the athlete performs. It is also important to hear the repolarisation and atrial enlargement. The international
athlete’s goals in sports to provide optimal opportunities criteria are very helpful when it comes to deciding which
and recommendations for achieving peak performance. alteration of the ECG is training-related and does not
Further, particular, monitoring training effects of poten- require further investigation.
tial difficulties, injuries or overtraining should be asked For the athletes with cardiac abnormalities on the ECG,
for in order to get medical counselling or advice. a multidisciplinary team (cardiology, arrhythmology,
The physical examination of PPE is very important and cardiac surgery) is more than helpful to decide the most
it should be performed with a particular focus on cardio- appropriate case management.
vascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, neurological, Echocardiography allows the physician to sensitively
ophthalmological and otolaryngology screening. A thor- and specifically distinguish adaptive from maladap-
ough neurological assessment is necessary if the athlete tive remodelling. Admittedly, structural changes can
has a history of concussion, seizure disorder, cervical be missed on the ECG but can be diagnosed precisely
spine stenosis or spinal cord injury. This is of special through two- dimensional echocardiography including
Anthropometric indices assess the somatic biotype with training and personality traits). Mental health status is
predominantly genetic determination (stature, propor- vital to discover any obstacles to achieving performance.
tions of segments, diameters). Indices that change under SEM doctors alongside with sport psychologists can help
the influence of environmental factors (bodyweight), athletes develop a range of self-management skills that
through their large variations, change the appearance they can use to manage psychological distress.
of the somatic biotype and therefore can only be inter- In competitive athletes, especially top- athletes, PPE
preted by correlation with body composition. From the without cardio-pulmonary exercise test (CPET) is incom-
point of view of the somatic biotype, we have three cate- plete. Baseline evaluations can miss important signs and
gories of sports: symptoms, which only occur during specific exercise (such
►► Sports in which the somatic biotype is essential as fatigue, functional or non- functional over-reaching
for obtaining performance: basketball, volleyball, and overtraining syndrome or arrhythmias). Managing
athletics, rowing, artistic gymnastics, extreme catego- the issues as mentioned above is very important, and a
ries in weightlifting sports. specialised and educated physician must monitor the
►► Sports in which the somatic biotype is important: interventions required. CPET is the golden standard to
handball, fencing, weightlifting, skiing, swimming, monitor the integrative response for exercise capacity,
rhythmic gymnastics. indirect lactate threshold determination, quantification
►► Sports in which the somatic biotype does not matter: of training management and evaluation via spiroergom-
bowling, shooting, chess. etry the cardio-respiratory fitness.
Physicians can also focus on movement quality. This The evaluation by CPET allows a complex evalua-
involves identification and rating functional compen- tion of exercise capacity through measurement of gas
sations, asymmetries, impairments or efficiency of exchange, pulmonary ventilation response, in addi-
movement control through transitional or dynamic tion to blood pressure and heart rate measurement,
movement. Examination of the postural alignments of and exercise ECG (see table 1). This comprehen-
the athletes creates specific compensative or preventive sive method provides an amount of information with
training information to increase athletic performance regard to energy expenditure and the to many meta-
and prevent sports injuries.29 bolic processes.
Body composition is the main fitness component for The growing volume of evidence supports the use of
reaching an optimal body shape for the respective type
CPET in the PPE of athletes and diagnosis of possible
of sport. The body composition assessment is used as a
cardiovascular or pulmonary impairments in the presence
performance or selection criterion, so technique accu-
of early pathological fatigue and exercise intolerance. It
racy and reliability are of extreme importance. The body
can provide a baseline physical performance assessment
fat varies with age and sex, and the desired body fat of
before the initiation of a training regimen. It can help
athletes can vary depending on the kind of sport, training
establish the intensity of training, assess the performance
level and energy intake. Moreover, the somatic determi-
capacity and evaluate recovery. CPET is a vital tool in
nants should be correlated with the nutritional status of
SEM to determine which athletes may be presenting a
the athlete to achieve a proper energy intake.
pathology, diagnose latent cardiopulmonary diseases and
In the process of talent selection and orientation, the
assess fitness and endurance before or after specific exer-
anthropometric measurements and abilities of the athlete
are also important factors for performance estimation. cise regimens.
Further, evaluation of exercise capacity is an important
Functional and exercise capacity goal for reaching optimal performance in sports. It allows
The next component of PPE is evaluating functional and analysis of athletes' adaptation to the specific effort,
exercise capacity according to the predominant type of establishing the existing limits, the individual specific
effort of the sports discipline investigated. This includes target heart rates and unveiling how the athletes can
neuromuscular evaluation (determination of muscle push their boundaries. The information following these
fibre strength and driving speed, EMG, EEG and Sport tests is of great interest to support the work of coaches to
Concussion Assessment Tool in contact sports), psycho- achieve maximal performance at the desired time and
logical examination (testing aptitude, adaptation to preventing overtraining syndrome.
As a result, after these evaluations, the athletes receive could be easily overcome by creating more continuous
oral or written recommendations related to their health education programmes on this topic.
status, anthropometric measurements, exercise capacity,
nutrition, recovery, medication. The athlete needs infor- FUTURE DIRECTIONS
mation, if additional investigations are required to clearly Nowadays, many healthcare policies focus on decreasing
establish a correct diagnosis or correct certain parame- the cost of patient hospitalisation for non-communicable
ters outside the physiological limits. diseases. Therefore, it is imperative that healthcare
After the results of the PPE are analysed, athletes will providers involved in Sport and Exercise Medicine work
likely get one of the following conclusions: towards creating a standard of care for athletes of all
►► Medically eligible for sports performance without levels, a standardised digital PPE at among European countries.
restriction. In addition, there needs to be a focus on PPE educational
Medically eligible with recommendation for further programmes to have well trained medical personnel and
evaluation or treatment. create a well-informed community of athletes. With a
►► Not medically eligible for sport performance. complete screening programme, the standardised PPE
In elite athletes, it is implicit recommended to discuss would promote sports-related and health-related fitness,
the result of the PPE with the athlete and, while bearing improve training efficacy, and provide insight into how
in mind the need to respect privacy, with the team staff athletes are responding to stresses occurred during and
(team doctor, coach, athletic trainer). The team in charge outside of training and competition. Other benefits of
of the athlete needs to create an individualised training using PPE include gathering scientific explanations
plan to achieve performance and anticipate barriers and for changes in performance or injury risk, enhancing
problems arising along the way. Efforts should be made coaches’ confidence when manipulating training loads,
to have more medical personnel trained to perform and improving athlete–coach–SEM physician relation-
a comprehensive PPE (ECG included) and formulate ship.
policies to enforce PPE as a key requirement for sports
participation. In this way, engaging and receiving input CONCLUSION
from all stakeholders involved in sports is mandatory. SEM plays an increasingly important role in supporting
athletic performance. By developing preventive strategies
POSSIBLE BARRIERS IN IMPLEMENTATION OF PPE IN EUROPE such as the PPE, we can identify potential health issues
Preparticipation clinical screening and examination at the earliest possible stage and take action accordingly.
before exercise and competition represents one of the The screening of athletes through a standardised digital
scopes of SEM. However, taking into consideration that PPE can be also beneficial for the selection process and
SEM is a multidisciplinary specialty there are countries a better understanding of the impact of long-term phys-
within Europe where SEM does not stand as medical ical activity on athletes. Furthermore, a standardised PPE
specialty, but as an additional competence. As a result, helps the scientific community work closer together in
athletes’ screening programmes may differ due to a lack the interest of the athletes.
of common specific training for SEM professionals. An easy-to-use electronic PPE with a centralised data-
The main rationale for EFSMA working group was to base allows for international reporting and tracking,
create a uniform PPE for all EFSMA sports medicine with integrated research questions that can provide an
associations. The multidisciplinary approach of the SEM overview of athletes’ health correlated with their perfor-
team is to coordinate and planning of the athlete’s health. mance.31
Nevertheless, all the decision-makers at the national and Once it is established as a European, comprehensive
European level should be involved in the process of and standardised tool for assessing athletes’ readiness to
implementing the EFSMA recommended PPE. There is play, it could also be used for conducting research and
a need to work alongside local health authorities and to creating policies for athletes’ preparticipation. There-
liaise with both public and private sector so as to put into fore, it would be a major step towards improving athletes’
practice the PPE among all European countries. health and performance in the medium and long term
Training in ECG interpretation in athletes as well and a significant contribution to the field.
as special ECG devices with programme dedicated to
athletes, are mandatory for correct ECG interpretation. Author affiliations
European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations, Lausanne, Switzerland
Even cardiologists have imperfect expertise in interpre- 2
Sports Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucuresti,
tation of athlete’s ECG. Appropriate use of standardised Romania
criteria of physiological adaptation in bioelectrical func- 3
Collaborating Centre of Sports Medicine, University of Brighton, Eastbourne, UK
tion of athlete’s heart and knowledge about abnormal 4
Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Centre, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia
ECG findings in this group of people (requiring further Union Cycliste Internationale, Aigle, Switzerland
Practice for Cardiology, Sports Medicine, Remscheid, Germany
evaluation) are the basis of PPE.7 14 30 Therefore, training 7
Austrian Institute of Sports Medicine, Vienna, Austria
both SEM physicians and cardiologists in athletes’ ECG 8
Sports Medicine Unit, University of Rome Foro Italico, Rome, Italy
interpretations could represent a challenge for including 9
Italian Sports Medicine Federation, Rome, Italy
ECG screening in PPE as recommended by EFSMA. This 10
Sports Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland