Unit - 1 - Engineering Mechanics - Ans Key

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Algebraic sum of the moments of the

COMPETITIVE EXAMS forces, to the right (or) left of the beam
section is known as
(a) Bending moment
(b) Shear force
1. In a cantilever with uniformly (c) Uniformly distributed load
distributed load, the variation of a (d) Point load
bending moment is according to
7. Neutral axis in a beam, passes through
(a) Linear Law (b) Parabolic Law
(c) Cubic Law (d) Horizontal Law
(a) Major axis (b) Centre of area
2. In which of the following beams, the
(c) Minor axis (d) Principal axis
supports are not situated at the ends
(a) Cantilever beam 8. The limiting value of stress developed
(b) Simply supported beam in a material such that the deformation
(c) Overhanging beam caused by external load totally disappears
(d) Fixed beam on removal of that load is called
(a) Modulus of elasticity
3. The value of shear force at A for a
(b) Ultimate stress
simply supported beam AB of span 10 m
(c) Elastic limit
with point load 25kN at centre of span is
(d) Yield point stress
(a) 25kN (b) 50kN
(c) 12.5kN (d) 2.5Kn 9. A cantilever is a beam whose
(a) one end is fixed and other end free
4. A perfect frame should satisfy the
(b) both ends are fixed
(c) both ends are simply supported
(a) 𝑚=2𝑗−3 (b) 𝑚=2𝑗−4
(d) one end is fixed and other end simply
(c) 𝑚=3𝑗−2 (d) 𝑚=3𝑗−3
5. The property of certain materials of
10. The point through which the whole
returning back completely to its original
weight of the body may be assumed to act
shape and size, after the removal of
is defined as
external forces, then it is said to be
(a) Centroid (b) Centre of gravity
(a) Perfectly Plastic (b) Perfectly Elastic
(c) Moment of inertia (d) Point of area
(c) Partially Plastic (d) Partially Elastic
11. The point of contraflexure is a point 17. Polar modulus ‘Zp’ of a shaft is equal
where to Where, J = Polar moment of Inertia. R =
Radius of the shaft.
(a) Shear force changes sign
(a) 𝑍𝑝=𝐽/𝑅 (b) 𝑍𝑝=𝐽×𝑅
(b) Bending moment changes sign
(c) 𝑍𝑝=𝐽+𝑅 (d) 𝑍𝑝=𝐽−𝑅
(c) Shear force is maximum
(d) Bending moment is maximum 18. A frame in which the number of
members is less than (2j - 3) is known as
12. Robert Hooke discovered
(a) Redundant frame (b) Deficient frame
experimentally that within elastic limit
(c) Perfect frame (d) Pin jointed frame
(a) Stress = Strain (b) Stress x Strain = 1
(c) Stress ≠ Strain (d) Stress ∝ Strain 19. _____________ strain is the deformation
of the bar per unit length in the direction
13. When Shear Force at a point is zero,
of force.
then bending moment at that point will be
(a) Volumetric (b) Lateral
(a) Zero (b) Minimum
(c) Shear (d) Linear
(c) Maximum (d) Infinity
20. A composite section, contains 4
14. The number of reaction components
different materials. The stresses in all the
possible at a hinged end for a general
different materials will be
loading is
(a) Zero
(a) 1 (b) 0
(b) Different
(c) 2 (d) 3
(c) Equal
15. If there is a uniformly distributed load (d) In the ratio of their areas
on a cantilever beam, the shear force
21. The positions of centroids (𝑥̅, 𝑦̅) of
diagram shows
(a) Inclined straight line
(b) Horizontal straight line (a) d/2, d/3 (b) d/3, d/3
(c) Parabolic curve (c) d/2, d/2 (d) d/4, d/4
(d) Cubic law
22. Which of the following is the statically
16. The stress induced in a rectangular determinate beam?
beam below Neutral axis is (a) over hanging beam (b) fixed beam
(a) Torsion (b) Tensile (c) continuous beam (d) propped cantilever
(c) Shear (d) Bending
23. _____ stress is the normal force per (c) 4𝑅2/3𝜋 (d) 4𝑅/3𝜋2
area that causes an object to increase in
29. Section Modulus (Z) is given by
(a) Tensile stress (b) Compressive stress
(a) 𝑍=𝑦̅/𝐼 (b) 𝑍=𝜎𝑦̅
(c) Shear stress (d) Vertical stress
(c) 𝑍=𝐸/𝑅 (d) 𝑍=𝐼/𝑦̅
24. Moment of Inertia of a circular section
30. Moment of inertia of a circular
about an axis perpendicular to the section
section about XX axis is
(a) 𝜋𝑑4/32 (b) 𝜋𝑑4/64
(a) 𝜋𝑑3/16 (b) 𝜋𝑑3/32 (c) 𝜋𝑑4/16 (d) 𝜋𝑑4/36
(c) 𝜋𝑑4/32 (d) 𝜋𝑑4/64
31. Force in the member AC (FAC) of the
25. The section modulus of hollow joint of a pin jointed frame shown below is
rectangular section is equal to
(a) 𝐵𝐷3−𝑏𝑑3/6𝐷 (b) 𝐵3𝐷−𝑏3𝑑/12𝐷
(c) 𝐵𝐷2−𝑏𝑑2/6𝐷 (d) 𝐵3𝐷−𝑏3𝑑/4𝐷

26. The value of bending moment for a

cantilever beam of span ‘l’ metre carrying
point load ‘W’ kN at free end is
(a) 𝑊𝑙/8kNm (b) 𝑊𝑙/2kNm
(c) 𝑊𝑙 kNm (d) 𝑊𝑙/4kNm
(a) 10 kN (Compression)
27. Moment of Inertia about horizontal (b) 10 kN (Tension)
centroidal axis, XX for a rectangular plate (c) 5 kN (Tension)
of breadth 120 mm and depth 20 mm is (d) 0 kN
equal to
32. The relation between E (Modulus of
(a) 𝐼𝑋𝑋=8×104 mm4
elasticity), K (Bulk Modulus of elasticity)
(b) 𝐼𝑋𝑋=120×104 mm4
and C (Modulus of rigidity) is given by
(c) 𝐼𝑋𝑋=20×104 mm4
(a) 𝐸=9𝐾𝐶/3𝐾+𝐶 (b) 𝐸=6𝐾𝐶/𝐾+3𝐶
(d) 𝐼𝑋𝑋=24×104 mm4
(c) 𝐸=3𝐾+𝐶/6𝐾𝐶 (d) 𝐸=3𝐾𝐶/3𝐾+𝐶
28. The centroid of Semi circle having
33. The value of maximum bending
radius R is
moment for a simply supported beam of
(a) 4𝑅/3𝜋 (b) 4𝜋/3𝑅
span ‘l’ carry a concentrated load ‘W’ at a
distance ‘a’ from A and a distance ‘b’ from 39. A beam extending beyond the
B is supports is called
(a) 𝑊𝑎𝑏/𝑙 (b) 𝑊𝑎2𝑏/𝑙 (a) simply supported beam
(c) 𝑊𝑎𝑏2/𝑙 (d) 𝑊𝑎𝑏/𝑙2 (b) fixed beam
(c) overhanging beam
34. Elongation of the elastic bar shown
(d) cantilever beam
below, having value of AE = 8.4 x 107 N is
40. The shear force of a cantilever beam
equal to
of length l carrying a uniformly
distributed load of w per unit length is
............... at the free end.
(a) zero (b) wl / 4
(a) Δ = 0.179 mm (b) Δ = 0.595 mm (c) wl / 2 (d) wl
(c) Δ = 0.508 mm (d) Δ = 0.304 mm 41. The maximum bending moment of a
simply supported beam of span l and
35. A shaft revolving at r.p.m. transmits
carrying a point load W at the centre of
torque (T) in kNm. The power developed is
beam, is
(a) 2π𝑁𝑇 𝑘𝑊 (b) 2π𝑁𝑇/30𝑘𝑊
(a) Wl / 4 (b) Wl / 2
(c) 2𝜋𝑁𝑇/60 𝑘𝑊 (d) 2𝜋𝑁𝑇/120𝑘𝑊
(c) Wl (d) Wl2 / 4
36. If l and δl are the length and change
42. The bending moment diagram for a
in length respectively, the strain is equal
simply supported beam carrying a
uniformly distributed load of w per unit
(a) 𝛿𝑙/𝑙 (b) 𝑙𝛿/𝑙
length, will be
(c) 𝑙×𝛿𝑙 (d) 𝑙2×𝛿𝑙
(a) a horizontal line (b) a vertical line
37. The Poisson’s ratio for steel varies
(c) an inclined line (d) a parabolic curve
43. The bending equation is
(a) 0.23 to 0.27 (b) 0.25 to 0.33
(c) 0.31 to 0.34 (d) 0.32 to 0.42
38. Shear modulus is the ratio of
(a) linear stress to linear strain
(b) linear stress to lateral strain 44. The torsional rigidity of a shaft is
(c) volumetric strain to linear strain given by
(d) shear stress to shear strain (a) T / J (b) T / σ
(c) T / r (d) T / G
45. Which of the following is the correct 50. Torsional stiffness (T/q) of a
torsion equation? cylindrical rod of length l, polar modulus
J, Young's modulus E and modulus of
rigidity C, is given by
(a) 3EJ/l (b) 4EJ/l
(c) CJ/l (d) CJ
46. The section modulus of a rectangular
section about an axis through its C.G., is
47. The section modulus of a circular Admission contact - 8610379165
section about an axis through its C.G., is

48. The torque transmitted by a solid

shaft of diameter (D) is

49. When a shaft of diameter D is

subjected to a twisting moment (T) and a
bending moment (M), then the maximum
normal stress is given by

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